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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 467 KB, 2822x1772, Bx1R4F3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8012104 No.8012104 [Reply] [Original]

What dish is illegal or taboo in your country that you want to try?

I think the Japanese can make any damn thing look appetizing. Even this marinated, raw horse meat.

>> No.8012108

12 year olds

>> No.8012112

Pretty sure horse isn't illegal anywhere. Tastes good too, so there's no real reason not to eat it.

>> No.8012116

In the US, it varies by state law. Most states ban it commercially, but in California, not only is it illegal to buy and sell, horse meat is a FELONY just to possess! Regardless of the law, there's no arguing it's taboo, probably ranking somewhere between cats and dolphins.

>> No.8012117

Is it not stringy like I've heard?

>> No.8012121

Most horse meat comes from old animals.

>> No.8012127

Korean dog stew.

I want to enjoy this dish before Western PETAism infects every country on Earth with their stupid shit culture.

>> No.8012135
File: 67 KB, 300x251, magdelen-restaurant-seal-sausage300[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd also like to try seal. This here is seal sausage from Quebec. While most people get all bottom befuddled about Canucks slaughtering cute wittle seals, ecologically speaking, they're the roaches of the sea up there.

>> No.8012144
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>> No.8012147

underrated post.

>> No.8012149

we can't eat medium rare burgers here in canada, I'd have to buy my own meat and get it ground. shit's fucking crazy expensive though.

>> No.8012153
File: 67 KB, 640x430, haggis_cover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Authentic haggis is banned by the USDA here in the states.

>> No.8012160
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I am Québécois and never tried it.

I have a new quest. I shall never rest nor enjoy life until I eat that sweet seal flesh.

>> No.8012167

Bugs. Not illegal, but very taboo.

>> No.8012174

unpasteurized cheese for poutine. But I don't want to swim through a lake to get there

>> No.8012182

>unpasteurized cheese for poutine. But I don't want to swim through a lake to get there

suddenly that Simpsons gag finally made sence, thanks

>> No.8012189


Note the restaurants named here. It's a rather old article, so I'd call first to see if they still have it.

>> No.8012194
File: 158 KB, 500x283, Smile Taiga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it just haggis with lungs in it?

>> No.8012204

gotta love washington state for being uncucked about cheese desu. So many awesome varieties of raw cheese and theyre all so delicious. Can buy raw milk here too. Breddy cool

>> No.8012219

Le cinquième pêché is closed ;_;

The poissonerie Fou des îles in Montréal seems to have some in stock, I will try to go there.

>> No.8012231

>Authentic haggis is banned by the USDA here in the states.
Lungs are sponges and can't be cleaned properly. They're full of slaughter juices and a lifetime of particulate matter both. You don't want to eat them. There's zero reason why you need "authentic" imported haggis and couldn't make it yourself. If you like mutton, and you like oatmeal in your sausage, by all means... But, other puddings are more tastily done and more livery when you do them yourself.

At this point, you should fear CJD and be avoiding offal kind of meats that aren't whole and served to you without a speck of brains, connective spinal tissue and other crap. So, any purchased haggis would stay on the ban list for that concern (by me).

>> No.8012237

This thread is going to be full of Americans saying food other than tendies and pre-packaged yellow rubber is disgusting.

>> No.8012240

Oh, no no! I wouldn't want haggis shipped here for me to try. I'd much prefer to go there and have some. Importing offal? Perish the thought!

>> No.8012271

According to the Koreans on /int/ dog tastes pretty bad, stale, gamey and greasy.

>> No.8012275

I can't even see what's the problem with that food

it's typical burger too have problems with type of food

>> No.8012289
File: 7 KB, 240x184, 1418847346508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The birds must be taken alive; once captured they are either blinded or kept in a lightless box for a month to gorge on millet, grapes, and figs, a technique apparently taken from the decadent cooks of Imperial Rome who called the birds beccafico, or "fig-pecker". When they've reached four times their normal size, they're drowned in a snifter of Armagnac.

>Cooking l'ortolan is simplicity itself. Simply pop them in a high oven for six to eight minutes and serve. The secret is entirely in the eating. First you cover your head with a traditional embroidered cloth. Then place the entire four-ounce bird into your mouth. Only its head should dangle out from between your lips. Bite off the head and discard. L'ortolan should be served immediately; it is meant to be so hot that you must rest it on your tongue while inhaling rapidly through your mouth. This cools the bird, but its real purpose is to force you to allow its ambrosial fat to cascade freely down your throat.

>When cool, begin to chew. It should take about 15 minutes to work your way through the breast and wings, the delicately crackling bones, and on to the inner organs. Devotees claim they can taste the bird's entire life as they chew in the darkness: the wheat of Morocco, the salt air of the Mediterranean, the lavender of Provence. The pea-sized lungs and heart, saturated with Armagnac from its drowning, are said to burst in a liqueur-scented flower on the diner's tongue.

>> No.8012294

As a burger, it was funny seeing it go the other way. I was working at Carls Jr. when we put Biscuits and Gravy on the menu. A middle aged Salvadoran woman needed gravy explained to her. In my half-assed spanglish, I told her "sausage y flour con grasa[fat]."
>"Ah, mantequilla[butter]?"
>"No, es manteca[lard]."
She thought it was the most disgusting thing she'd ever heard of.

>> No.8012301

You forgot to mention the purpose of the cloth; it's the best part of the story.

>> No.8012305
File: 3.60 MB, 3888x2592, Mute_swan_Vrhnika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off the queen let me eat swan burgers.

>> No.8012310

Would love to try some real sassafras tea.

Actually I'm pretty sure it's just illegal to sell (without altering), not grow. Maybe I should plant a few seeds next year.

>> No.8012322
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It doesn't bother me that this is a meal more so that this was a meal made by trial and error.

If this is the proper way to eat the little fuckers then I'm worried what the process was like before it was finished.

>> No.8012333

very funny but i can only agree that manteca isn't as good as mantequilla or margarina

>> No.8012334

What one?

>> No.8012349

>a technique apparently taken from the decadent cooks of Imperial Rome

from there you can imagine what you want

>> No.8012351

>implying biscuts and """gravy""" isnt a disgusting abomination that only you burgers love
I'm not surprised she was shocked, anon. I'm surprised you don't understand why. And why the flaming fuck do you culinary analphabets call sausage-stuffing-in-bechamel gravy? Gravy is something else. Something very else.

>> No.8012352

I think the same about double fermented foods like soy sauce. Like, they goofed up the first time by letting their soy beans go bad

>> No.8012358
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Let's think logically. The most obvious starting point is that they were simply roasted. Europeans, throughout there history, have roasted and eaten every bird they can get their hands on, no matter how small. Pic related. Roasted sparrow.

From there, someone trapping and roasting the things probably devised a way to get a little more meat out of them. As the post mentions, the ancient Romans blinded the poor little bastards which drives them to eat and eat without ceasing. Now you've got a fatty little morsel that probably tastes alright roasted without any other accoutrements.

Of course, from here, people probably tried all manner of sauces and marinades and rubs, some better than others. Marinading ones meat in liquor certainly isn't too unorthodox, at for whatever reason, Armagnac became the common favorite.

Now here's the real leap. Someone, at some point, must've thought it just wasn't Armagnac-y enough, and wondered how better to infuse the bird with liquor. But of course! Drown the little shit! His respiratory system will be soaked through with the wonderful stuff.

As to the common method of eating it whole, how else are you going to eat a little bird like that? Certainly you wouldn't want to bother with picking out all of the itty bitty bones. The cloth covering one's head, it is often explained, traps the wonderful aroma of this peculiar dish allowing you to savor it. Though some believe that a meal so decadent to eat and so cruel to make, it's necessary to hide one's face from god.

>> No.8012369

stuff like that happen to tarte tatin it was just a tarte au pomme but with a mistake they cooked it upside down

>> No.8012372

Please, tell us how it goes! :)

>> No.8012379

>The cloth covering one's head, it is often explained, traps the wonderful aroma of this peculiar dish allowing you to savor it. Though some believe that a meal so decadent to eat and so cruel to make, it's necessary to hide one's face from god.
You forgot the other theory that it's just there to hide the spitting of the bones.

>> No.8012381
File: 76 KB, 460x385, Barbecued-donkey[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After finishing a three-week road trip in Namibia we returned to the capital of Windhoek. After weeks of eating wild game meat like springbok, oryx and kudu we were in the mood for some good old-fashioned beef. We headed to Katutura, a former apartheid-era village, known for the Soweto market. There open-air barbecues, or braiis, serve grilled meat in a unique manner. Diners tell the grill master how much they want to spend and he takes his large knife to shove that amount of sizzling meat to one side of the grill. Then they pick the meat up with their hands and dip it in a box filled with salt, pepper and spices. Everyone uses the same box for this. The smell of the cooking meat was driving us wild so we quickly dove into the communal feast. We assumed the meat was beef but it looked and tasted different. Someone pointed us in the direction of the butcher’s booths. There we saw slabs of meat with a gray, furry skin; donkey meat they said. We had just eaten the traditional Namibian barbecue called kapana, which may or may not have been donkey. It’s probably better than we didn’t know that ahead of time but damn, it tasted good.

>> No.8012384

I thought there was a more colorful story involving prostitutes with that one.

How the fuck do you accidentally put a pie in upside down?! I'm going with the prostitute story when I find it.

>> No.8012388

if you've ever worked in a dairy or creamery, you'd know that raw milk is disgusting. I'll only drink pasteurized after what I've seen.

>> No.8012393

I heard of the mistake story.
I don't see how that's possible. Unless you have heavy hangover or something and place the apples in the pan before realising you didn't put the dough. Then decide to try just putting it on top and hope for the best.

I'm curious about the prostitute story. It's not pasta alla putanesca.

>> No.8012396

curious to read it

>> No.8012400
File: 53 KB, 496x368, 6883558_f496[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Raw pork dish from Germany.

Extremely taboo in the US.

>> No.8012404

Really raw or smoked?

>> No.8012410

Truly raw.

>> No.8012415

why is it taboo ?

>> No.8012416

I can never get my head around the fact that murricans can't eat Mettbrötchen.

>> No.8012417

How to avoid trichinosis?

>> No.8012423

There is a prevailing belief raw pork contains deadly bacteria and/or worms.

>> No.8012426

Because it's illegal to serve raw meat in the US due to what >>8012423 says.

>> No.8012427

ok is steak tartare taboo too ? i think horse tartare is but beef one ?

>> No.8012429

Gives me the trots

>> No.8012430
File: 534 KB, 1230x820, eating-whale-greenland-3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8012431

You can eat my ass anytime, faggot.

>> No.8012432

It's not only Americans, but America is the most developed world where it isn't eaten. It is a holdover from a time when meat was of lower quality and you could not risk eating it raw or even rare. I would still not try it with American pork.

Generally, the poorer countries will cook their meat well done or burned.

>> No.8012434

How to avoid being killed by a drunk driver?

>> No.8012437

>ok is steak tartare taboo too ?

Yes, but it is eaten by a few. No one eats raw pork. Not even German American families.

Eating horse is taboo across the board, cooked or uncooked.

>> No.8012441
File: 2.99 MB, 3264x2448, 2011france-039[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whale is high on my lists of meats to try if I ever get the chance. I've wanted some ever since I read the chapter about it in Moby Dick.

>> No.8012443

Not reallly.

Eating raw taboo

A lot of Americans find even eating raw fish weird.

>> No.8012445

In my experience it's like really stale old mutton with a hefty dose of day old fish.

>> No.8012446

>How to avoid trichinosis?
You can freeze meat at -20 F for 35 hours and it is considered trichinae free.

>> No.8012451

You worked at a garbage creamery. Proper raw milk is delicious.

>> No.8012453
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Shit tier pork does contain those.

And why reindeer isn't mentioned yet? Love the red nose.

>> No.8012458
File: 15 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does any culture in the world have a raw chicken dish? I could never do it. I've seen how those fuckers live.

>> No.8012459

A lot of americans have no problem with raw oysters though when oysters have a slightly bit more risk than fish since oysters are natural filters after all.

>> No.8012464
File: 72 KB, 736x490, a45ae60f9a041f49b8c24f1201f5d3a5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because deer, even of the rein variety, is pretty widely accepted.

>> No.8012466

Japs do sashimi of.. everything.

Like most meats intended to be served raw they are from select breeds, hand raised, butchered under very stringent conditions.

>> No.8012469
File: 784 KB, 2560x1707, cutruzzula-cu0626-chicken-main-tease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, chicken sashimi is quite common in Japan. I didn't try it when I was there though.

>> No.8012470

Personally i find the idea of buffet shellfish scary as fuck.

I'd eat raw anything before "dollar value" shrimp or oyster.

>> No.8012474

japs can eat anything as long it's raw or rotten

>> No.8012483

there once was a small gag about smuggeling cheese from the us into canada. i don't know wich episode.

>> No.8012484

I thought Americans and Brits freaked out when presented with reindeer.
Might be a stereotype.

>> No.8012485

Funny story about that. I married a black woman. They tend to fry the shit out of their food, and the thought of anything even approaching raw turns them off. Eating with my wife and her family at a crab shack, my teenage sister-in-law decided to be a little daring and split an order of oysters on the half shell with me. These were big ones as far as oysters go. She picked one up, looking very unsure. She looked over at me, slurping down oysters with relish. She put a little hot sauce on it (the black solution to eating anything suspect), and after another minute of psyching herself up, knocked it back. Her face was one of surprise and disgust. She gave this exasperated cry, much to the amusement of her family, and shouted out loud "I NEED BLACK PEOPLE FOOD!" She snatched a piece of fried catfish off her sister's plate and began nibbling it, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes.

>> No.8012492

God fucking damn! As I said in the original post, the Japs can make anything look good!... still wouldn't though.

Yeah, I can see that. What with the beloved holiday children's movie and everything.

>> No.8012494

You've no worry there, South Korea has a 15 year old or so television program revolving around animal stories that touches upon animal cruelty quite often.
Three years or so ago they covered a story about what was literally a mobile dog concentration camp that someone had illegally parked under an overpass for a few days.
A pickup truck with cargo area modified with large caged segments, part of it was puppy mill, part of it was for cramming dozens of dogs into, and part of it was for dead dogs that the live dogs would nibble at. Don't know how long it was parked there before the nearby residence took notice, took issue, and began notifying, but what the show's camera crew covered was about a day of people just squirt bottling water into dog maws hoping it'll help, a day of some police snooping around, and finally the owner of nonchalantly coming to retrieve the truck. End result, cops gave him a small fine, and one resident trying to save one of the cannibal dogs by angry cramming a few bills into the owner's face, after which guy and his dog concentration camp drove off into the sunset to presumably illegally park somewhere else.
15 years of stories, ranging from wholly improper zoos to "Who the fuck keeps a rooster in a city", from look at da cute puppy to negligent/abusive owners, from why does this dog look happy but sound angry to there's a goddamn deer in the sewer. 15 years and there hasn't been much in the way of animal rights improvement.

Also, Koreans evidently can't wrangle an animal for shit. Though maybe that's just the industry standard for people trying to capture an animal without randomly dosing it with drugs or injuring it.

>> No.8012495

horses are administered drugs that should best not be consumed by humans

>> No.8012499

did she like it though?

>> No.8012502

I'll eat all the ketamine I want, thank you.

>> No.8012513

Americans eat deer (venison) all the time. Squirrels are pretty common too.

>> No.8012514

what a shitty meme. when i go to my butcher in germany i know where the pigs are coming from and that he has to persist ongoing quality tests.

>> No.8012572
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The squirrel was brined, then rubbed w/SPOG and Plowboy's Yardbird. Smoked for 45 minutes on Stubbs and pecan chunks in the UDS.

>> No.8012585

Mostly because factory farming practices are so bad that we can't insure safety. I mean, back in the 90's Taco Bell stopped using green onions after the runoff from a factory style pig farm caused a salmonella outbreak in green onions. We at some point got so focused on cranking out massive amounts of cheap food, that we lost all sense of quality and safe practices.

>> No.8012590

It"s a working method for when you don't trust your local source and can't be arsed to take the plane to Berlin to try this shit out.

>> No.8012594

A country where you can fuck a horse but not eat it

>> No.8012600
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>> No.8012607

and here in the US, very few people go to an actual butcher. We buy meat out of cases in a grocery store. Even if we do go to a butcher, the meat is still factory raised and shipped in frozen. then thawed and butchered. In fact, butchers in the US are not allowed to slaughter an animal at all.

The only way around this is to find a small farm and buy and butcher the meat yourself. I have a buddy that raises American Guinea hogs that are kept in a free range area with fig trees. Best meat you'll ever have. But yeah. it's a pain in the ass to have to go and help with the slaughter/butchering.

>> No.8012611

Beastiality is still illegal in most states. But much like you Europoors, we can fuck someone wearing a horse costume as often as we want.

>> No.8012621

Maybe it varies per region but I believe in the US you can't sell meat commercially if you "DIY slaughter", it has to go to an approved facility

>> No.8012635

That's true. Thankfully the farm to plate movement has been revising many of those laws. The trick my guy uses to get around it, is that I actually buy the pig and am paying hi, to raise it til slaughter. The reason I have to be on-site for the slaughter is also to get around those laws. I am essentially an ultra small scale farmer processing my own animal.

>> No.8012657

Unless that person is 17 years and 364 days old

>> No.8012709

>But of course! Drown the little shit! His respiratory system will be soaked through with the wonderful stuff.
my fucking sides

>> No.8012733

Varies by state. Most have an age of consent of 16.

>> No.8012867

there are various explanations for its use, but I assume you mean to hide from god, which is pretty funny

>> No.8012868

>People get bottom befuddles about Canucks sluaghtering cute wittle seals

I thought people had problems with the clubbing not the act of killing in itself

>> No.8013003

>food is criminal
why is the government like this

>> No.8013008
File: 689 KB, 1079x713, KOBE BRYANT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

panda, without question. probably grilled and served with pineapple

>> No.8013096

I'd give anything to try whale. come to think of it I'd love to visit Greenland or Iceland just to try seal, horse, puffin and a shit ton of other things

>> No.8013193
File: 89 KB, 618x619, Pygmy Marmoset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These. Several on a skewer.

>> No.8013267

I would glad eat raw pork if the Japanese developed a specific breed of pig intended for raw meat dishes.

Unfortunately, Japan hasn't done so yet.

No Kobe Pork anytime soon.

>> No.8013491

Except for the case of horse meat, as mentioned here >>8012104.
They actually import retired racehorses/show horses, that are full of performance-enhancing drugs, antibiotics, painkillers, etc.

After being in the horse showing industry for a good decade, and knowing so many people in the racing industry, I'd stay as far away from horse meat as possible. I wouldn't want to ingest all of those residual drugs left in the muscle, even if it was well-cooked.

>> No.8013609

I like horses but I wouldn't mind trying the meat of one just to see how it tastes.

Wouldn't want to eat dog or cat because muh feels and muh cute.

The most controversial thing I've eaten is Foie gras and holy shit gimme the ducks and I'll coat my cock in corn and face-fuck them till they're fat myself. That was so rich and delicious, it was like meat in butter form.

Didn't understand the blinding or keeping in a dark cage but I understand now it's to make them eat more and think it's nighttime.
I gotta say it's marvelous how decadent and almost absurdly 'aristocratically evil' it is - drowning it in rich wine, the way of eating it whole and covering themselves in cloth to hide their shame before God (Course more to keep in the aromas and such or spitting bones).

Is it seriously chewing it for 15 minutes? That has to be off.


That's whale? I had heard bad things about it or Dolphin but that looks fantastic. More like beef than fish. Then againn ormally I always see it looking raw and jello-like.

Looks tasty.


I hate to be the stereotypical american given the aformentioned discussion of American aversion to raw food, but why the fuck are the Japanese so crazy about eating food raw? Clearly not all of their food is but it's well and beyond a simple rare exception like steak tartare or the pork raw thing mentioned for Germany. Obviously joking here but did they not discover how to fucking make fire for a few millennia later than everyone else?

>> No.8013621

What utter shit falls from your mouth.

>> No.8013651

>Obviously joking here but did they not discover how to fucking make fire for a few millennia later than everyone else?
That island is odd. We've always known this. Google the fisherman's wife.

>> No.8013687

The majority (around 60%) of horse meat in Japan comes from Canada. A great number (while maybe not a majority) of horses sent to slaughter houses in Canada are ex-show horses or ex-racehorses. The only drug that is banned from horse meat in Canada is phenylbutazone and horses who have been previously euthanized are not permitted for slaughter, however there is no other mention of testing for other drugs. Only an absolute idiot would believe that a busy meat-processing plant would individually test every single horse before and after slaughter.

If a show/race horse is deemed "useless" in the industry, they are usually put out for breeding, sale as pets or they end up in feedlot auctions. It's pretty rare that they go anywhere other than to the slaughterhouse though.



>> No.8013694

is there ANYTHING japs won't eat? what is the obsession with meat in japan?

>> No.8013763

Really? Canada? But Mongolia and China are like RIGHT THERE!

>> No.8013847

How would you prepare your 12 year old given the chance?

>> No.8013918

Shell tacos or any tex mex food

>> No.8013931

Its better non marinated i think, with ginger in between bites.

Why is horse meat illegal??

>> No.8013968

I know escargot isn't /ck/ meme tier but I find it utterly repulsive. Not sure if any personon this board have ever prepared live snails into escargot before...but it is repulsive.

I wonder if amerifats eat slugs? Of course they don't.

>> No.8013974

a deer in the sewers...in the sewers

>> No.8013977

Always wanted to try foie gras.

>> No.8013992

>SOMEONE: "ugh this tastes like ass"
>YOU: "Ass tastes way better than this. Trust me."

>> No.8014017


That's a lot of trans-dimensional omnipotent meat, how did you eat all of it?

>> No.8014270

Liver texture without liver taste. Very irony dark meat which benefits a lot with a sweet and an alkaline element on the side, such as a berry reduction and a yoghurt dip.

>> No.8014599

Brits eat venison pretty regularly, and we usually get stalls selling reindeer/alligator/kangaroo/ostrich burgers at Christmas markets.

>> No.8014643


What do you mean by "most" States exactly?

>> No.8014691

It's surprisingly legal in most states, because apparently nobody bothers writing a law about that.
A state banned sex with porcupines specifically, another banned sex with mammals (so snake fucking is OK but 2 humans is technically illegal), bestiality law in the US is a mess.
Pornography may be more regulated than the act.

>> No.8014693
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Based chinchulines

>> No.8014696
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>> No.8014711

Eggs are pretty gross before you cook them. So what?

>> No.8014722

Buy her some comics and lube her up while she's distracted I imagine...

>> No.8014723

An article from a local French newspaper about workhorse sold to Japan :

They are not raised for farm work but more to maintain a race/specie that would go extinct otherwise.
They are quarantined, that deals with the residual drugs thing.

>> No.8014738

I 'm a Canadian expat living in the USA. Il live in socal, an area that offers foods from all over the world in a ten mile radius of wherever I stand.

Yet I cannot get my hands on fucking cheese curds. Wtf?

>> No.8014742
File: 228 KB, 1160x629, 160114-donald-trump-2-ap-1160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Canadian expat

No syrup rustler is going to pull a fast one on me

>> No.8014746
File: 563 KB, 2048x1536, Surströmming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obligatory fermented herring.

The smell acts as a repellant of southern Swedes and foreigners. Cans are not allowed on airlines due to risk of explosion. Production in the EU is banned outside of Sweden due to high levels of dioxins and PCBs. Opening cans indoors has been the cause of evictions.

>> No.8014760

> between cats and dolphins

Really? I thought it was quite normal eating horsemeat, at least is Belgium, France and teh Netherlands. I do know it's taboo in Engeland.

Horsemeat is really good. If I could choose between a horse steak of beefsteak, I always would pick horse. And it's cheaper too

>> No.8014767
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>> No.8014769

>You read that in my voice

>> No.8014779
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That's delicious!

But the best are the "fresh" fermented herrings from the Netherlands

>> No.8014926

Kæstur hákarl

This stuff is supposed to be served with a shot of brennivín.

If you get past the smell, it's fucking delicious

>> No.8014928

Thats how it is. NYC fag here. you will be surprised with how much I have to look to find poutine or decent BBQ

>> No.8014931
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here's an image that I forgot to put on my post

been here for a fucking decade and I still forget the image

>> No.8014946

one real reason not to eat it is that horses aren't generally farmed for meat which means you are eating former pets that are pumped FULL of drugs.. especially in their later years shortly before they get auctioned off to the glue factories

>> No.8014980

The problem is that keeping horse illegal creates a black market. And black markets come with crime & all sorts of other shenanigans attached.

Do a little research. In 2005 a US law resulted in the closure of the last legally operated horse slaughterhouses. What happened afterward was sick:

First, you had people who couldn't afford to care for their unwanted pets or working horses, and as a result they simply abandoned their animals to starve to death whereas previously they had the slaughterhouse as an option for unwanted horses.

Second, you had demand for horsemeat that had no legal source. This resulted in criminals breaking into people's stables and barns, and killing their pet/race/working horses to supply this demand. Not only would that be horrible for the horse's owner, but it's also bad for the customer who ends up buying the meat since it was butchered in a dirty stable, not under sanitation regulations with FDA inspection.

>> No.8014983

Really? I know there was a scandal about horse meat here in Scandinavia but that was becasue it was labeled as something else.

I don't think eating horse is such a big deal here.

I don't think there should be, are horses not farm animals just like cows?

>> No.8014990

That is terrible, you can't enjoy steak tartare

>> No.8015002

>I don't think there should be, are horses not farm animals just like cows?

I agree, but in many parts of the world eating horse is taboo. Probably because horses were pets and working animals rather than being raised purely for meat. But yeah, I don't see why it's OK to kill and eat a pig or cow but it's not OK to slaughter a horse or dog. Hipocrisy.

As for the legality in the US, it's kind of a strange situation here. There is no law specifically prohibiting horse slaughter. However, some states have bans on it. There are also various laws regarding the transportation of horsemeat across state lines illegal, and about the FDA inspection process for the meat, that make it so onerous to operate a horse slaughterhouse that they have since all ceased functioning. It's a common legal tactic you see in many areas: if you can't convince someone to make it illegal outright instead you make it so complicated that nobody bothers to do it anymore.

>> No.8015011


I've had tartare in the US many times, as well as sashimi. Also had shab-shabu (sliced raw beef with a hot soup to dip in on the side) There is no nationwide ban regarding raw meats. Though, it could vary by state or local codes.

>> No.8015094

I don't think that's true. You can order bleu rare steak from most decent places and sushi is common as shit.

probably just can't do pork or beef

>> No.8015140

Holy shit that's pretentious.

>> No.8015162


Don't drink and ride in a tank?

>> No.8015380

>mfw live in england
>most exotic food i can get is jellied eels or some crocodile/emu from the butchers

so boring

emu's kinda nice though

>> No.8015430

Did eat horse sashimi in the JP, tasted a lot like beef (including texture) and was generally delicious.

I think they commonly use an overly-garlicky sauce for it, could mask some of the gaminess I guess...

>> No.8015445

r u poor m8?

>> No.8015461

Stay of that highway.
Word is it's not too safe.

>> No.8015532

I don't know, man. Meat is pretty good but they tend to take it overboard.

Mongolia and China don't have enough of a "disposable" population of horses to supply the demand in Japan.

This definitely was a problem in the US. There were quite a few thefts strictly for "blackmarket" horse meat consumption, but now all of the horses meant for slaughter are transported up to Canada, where American-owned companies run a good percentage of slaughter houses that process horses.

It's expensive to transport so many horses at once, but frankly, they don't care much about the condition the animals are in, so long as they arrive alive and can be dragged off the truck. It's much like cattle and pigs. This allows them to drive up the price a little to cover the transportation expenses, so it can be pretty lucrative when shipping meat internationally.

>> No.8015543

Fermented shark meat I guess? I love Icelandic cuisine. Got any more?

>> No.8015547

>what is the obsession with meat in japan?

What makes you think they have an obsession with meat? If anything it's the opposite. It's a far less common part of their diet than seafood or poultry....and that's probably because the eating of meat was literally forbidden from around 650 AD (I can't remember exactly) until the 1800's.

>> No.8015560

isn't jello made from horse bone marrow?
they allow that but nor horse meat?

>> No.8015579

Ive tried raw goat milk before
It was pretty good

>> No.8015583

I believe it's from cows actually.

>> No.8015586


Alberta has 100's of farms that breed horses for meat, some get loaded onto planes live then get flown to Japan for slaughter. The Japanese like quality stuff there's no way they'd pay for shitty ex-racehorse meat when there's free range quality horse meat available.

Ex show and race horses get sent to a rendering plant where they get boiled down and turned into animal feeds, pet food, cosmetic products, etc.

>> No.8015642

Health wise you might as well eat a stick of butter, but it tastes pretty good

>> No.8015648

>and that's probably because the eating of meat was literally forbidden from around 650 AD (I can't remember exactly) until the 1800's.

Can someone Redpill me in this claim

>> No.8015724

It can be made from any type of connective tissue. Commercial gelatin come from anything from cow and pig to chicken. Really depends on the country and the brand.
You can also make it from fish, but unless you buy a finished product it is very difficult to remove the fishy flavour from it.

>> No.8015732


>> No.8015768

Horse meat was quite common food before the end of ww2. Horses were widely used as method of transportation. So when a horse dies you gotta use the meat.

Nowadays horses are mor of a commodity than something we really eat. So naturally there is hardly any horse meat to buy. You have the one odd scandal where someone tried to sell you something as x but in truth it was horse meat

>> No.8015793

>Can someone Redpill me in this claim

The Wiki article on "history of Japanese cuisine" covers it pretty well.

The Japanese didn't eat much meat at all until the 1800's, at which point it was seen as a fancy European luxury, and the wealthy Japanese emulated it the same as they did with Western fashion, etc.

Eating meat wasn't mainstream until WWII when a combination of food shortages and even stronger Western influence forced the issue. Since then it's become a much bigger thing, but it still lags behind other protein sources.

>> No.8015810

In Hungary it's quite common as sausages, but I never heard or seen it used for anything else.

>> No.8015817

Bestiality laws are weird in the US. Some do not specify receiving penetrative sex from an animal as illegal or only specify certain animals. The language around bestiality laws are just sometimes not air tight enough.

>> No.8015823

I'm an Amerifat and I've eaten escargot, though I've never prepared it. I really liked and would definitely eat it again.

>> No.8015871
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>eating carnivores

Found the subhuman.

>> No.8015879

Horse meat being unsuitable for eating is a USA meme, I don't think it exists anywhere else.

Of course
>eating it raw
Go away.

>> No.8015880

>american dad
Damn faggot at least be original.

>> No.8015901

>I don't think it exists anywhere else.

Have you been asleep for a decade? There was a massive scandal about this in the EU a few years ago....

>> No.8015945

So true

>> No.8015976

go to london mate

>> No.8015987

I tried raw horse meat at a restaurant in Tokyo. It tasted, if I remember correctly, like a hybrid of sahimi salmon and rare beef. Besides the novelty, I started getting sick of it by the end.

>> No.8015989

>why the fuck are the Japanese so crazy about eating food raw
Philosophy about simplicity, "taste the meat not the heat", like our rarefags.

>> No.8015995

i never thought about this before. why is it bad?

>> No.8015997

I like goat, but to me it's more common. Most of my friends think that it's weird.

>> No.8016008

I like goat, but to me it's more common. Most of my friends think that it's weird.

Whale tastes best with seal oil from my experience. And the blubber makes for a decent ice cream...

>> No.8016009
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Not illegal, but I don't like to imagine someone eating such a beautiful creature.

>> No.8016069

>Dogs are carnivores
Vegans are truly morons

>> No.8016078
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I think one argument goes like pic related, toxines supposedly accumulate in animals that are higher up in the food chain.
If you're eating a chill fucker that just grazes weed, you're less suspect to this.

>> No.8016079

The higher up in the food chain the stronger the concentration of environmental poisons and heavy metals. This is why eagles started to die from heavy metals in the 90-00's even if their prey didn't

>> No.8016138

checkout some of the stuff on bio-magnification, DDT, and the effect it had on the falcon and eagle population in America

now think about how relevant that concept is for you, as a human being, at the very, very top of the food chain

>> No.8016148

Plus household chemicals, medicine, pesticided from food, antibiotics from farmed animals, smoking, alcohol, drugs and hell urban smog.

In event of a zombie outbreak we'd likely kill them.

>> No.8016171

>as a human being, at the very, very top of the food chain
That's... not how it works anon.
Eagles live on omivores and carnivores, which is why they were so deeply affected. Humans can not only choose non-polluted food sources but we can also check our bodies for heavy metals and other toxins.
We are only 'on top of the food chain' because we dominate other species, not because we exclusively live on the species who are runner ups..

>> No.8016199

Holy Chuck in Toronto will do a medium-rare burger if you ask. They actually cook all their burgers medium by default. They grind all their meat fresh in house, never had a problem eating there.

>> No.8016200

>kobe pork

might as well eat a cube of pure fat

>> No.8016225

>I think the Japanese can make any damn thing look appetizing
and taster even blander.

>> No.8016329

As a rule of thumb, carnivorous tend to give you worms and shit like that more than herbivorous.
But I guess it doesn't really count if you don't eat raw game in the wilds.

>> No.8016381


Like the other people have mentioned, toxins accumulate higher up the food chain. But that's only a minor part of it. Generally speaking, we (Humanity) don't eat carnivores because:
1) they require expensive feed, making them uneconomical to raise. OTOH herbivores can eat literal grass, as well as easily stored foods like grain, silage, etc.

2) They taste bad. Most carnivores use scent marking to define their territory, communicate with others, or both. These glands taint the meat and give it a very strong and unpleasant flavor. OTOH, most herbivores (read: prey) have evolved to minimize their smells.

>> No.8016395

And was it gud?

>> No.8016425
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yeah it was actually really good. cooked they re moe firm then i thought they'd be. like eating a testicle in garlic sauce

>> No.8016440

Quebec here, I eat horse more often than other type of meat because it's so cheap compared to other meat available. Also ate seal during a trip to the isles. I want to go to SE asia to try tiger wine and other protected animal shit.

>> No.8016458
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some people get really fucking queasy about blood sausage. they just don't know what they're missing out on (a good taste).

>> No.8016519

>they require expensive feed
>herbivores can eat literal grass
We are, as we speak, destroying millions of acres of rainforest for soy to fatten up the herbivors we eat.
At the same time we use billions of dollars on meat-based feed for our beloved pets.

>Carnivores taste bad
No. This is a myth. Sorry.
>Most carnivores use scent marking to define their territory, communicate with others, or both
Not related to them being carnivores. Species who keep territories need to mark them. Species who socialize and communicate with smells have scent glands.
This includes carnivores, omnivores and herbivores.
>These glands taint the meat and give it a very strong and unpleasant flavor
No. Again, myth. Unless scent glands are ripped open and the contents poured on the meat, the meat will not be affected by them.
>most herbivores (read: prey) have evolved to minimize their smells.
So has carnivores. Guess why.

>> No.8016620

Except you're an idiot and we can get everything in this thread. I have a bag of horse jerky on my kitchen counter and I had kangaroo meatballs last week.

Christ Lidl sells zebra and other unusual meat.

>> No.8016629

That scandal was about horse labeled as other meat you moron.

>> No.8016765

I want to try dog.
I've had horse, it's pretty bland. Tastes like crappy roast beef.

>> No.8016799

Am I the only person who wishes he was Kirby so he could eat anything and everything raw?

There is just something really satisfying when you eat raw food.

>> No.8016855

>We are, as we speak, destroying millions of acres of rainforest for soy to fatten up the herbivors we eat.
>At the same time we use billions of dollars on meat-based feed for our beloved pets.
What do carnivores eat? That's right herbivores. How many herbivores must they eat? That's right lots.
So we'd have to destroy even more rainforests if we ate more carnivores.
There, did your homework for you.

>> No.8016912

I had this once at a union meeting in Wisconsin. They seemed to be used to it.

>> No.8016944

Yeah, because clubbing is far less humane than what goes on to chickens and cows.

>> No.8016973

Did you just try and use the trophic pyramid as justification for anything?

Aside from the rainforests being culled for tofu; let's keep in mind the simple fact that humans can't digest most plant matter. It's far more efficient to eat some of the plants and feed the waste to animals who we will also consume. We're also overpopulated, but that's another issue.

>> No.8016976

would eat polar bear ribs if i had the chance

>> No.8017221

>So we'd have to destroy even more rainforests if we ate more carnivores.
We destroy more rainforest by keeping them as pets for a lifetime than just fattening them up to eat. It is hilarious to see vegans with cats and dogs as pets.

>> No.8017224

>decent BBQ
Is that hard to find? Scared of Harlem?

>> No.8017260
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>Mongolia and China don't have enough of a "disposable" population of horses to supply the demand in Japan.

I find that hard to believe. Logistically, in terms of both distance and production, there doesn't seem to be any good reason why the majority of their horse meat should come from Canada.

>> No.8017294
File: 70 KB, 600x400, 20100913-colombia-llanos-ternera-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pork-like in texture with a deeper, more robust, slightly gamey flavor, chiguiro makes some of the best barbecue in the word. The white meat picks up a nice smoke ring, while a salty-spicy aji adds freshness and kick—the Colombian equivalent of a pickle.

>> No.8017820

I thought that, too. Finally tried it at the best restaurant in my area and it wasn't anything special. The texture was offputtingly smooth. The dish was balanced out with some picked apple spheres, apple mousse, apple vinaigrette, and radiccio on the side. There was something else on the side I'm forgetting... Don't think i would have been able to eat it without the other stuff

>> No.8017846

your wording is bad. should have told her it was meat water, basically oil and flour flavored with beef stock

>> No.8017855
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>might as well eat a cube of pure fat

>> No.8017859

Senpai I'll eat anything except these niggas. Look how kawaii they are.

>> No.8017862

Not black or anything but I feel that this stems from the grandma meme as I'm Italian and it's the same shit for my family. The emphasis on post depression cooking and "thoroughly cooked" is a very common grandmother motif if you will and considering they are cornerstones in the black family setting it's not surprising.

>> No.8017865

original coca cola that has cocaine in it. cats too. not to be edgy or anything but maybe a piece of human

>> No.8017888

is an horse a athlete?

>> No.8017911

thats false. the works here in the GTA cooks their burgers med rare by default

>> No.8017926
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I wanna try proper haggis. I've eaten pig stomach before (we call it "hog maw") and it's amazing.

>> No.8017997


what did he mean by this?

>> No.8018011

looks good

>> No.8019259
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it IS good! I don't know if they make proper Blutwurst where you come from, but you should try it if you get the chance to. This and Liver Sausage are staples to my familiy and region, it's cheap and abundant.

My favorite kind is the smoked one. Most have ~10% of ox-tongue in it, which improves the texture; it can be a bit too jelly-like otherwise.

>> No.8019411

>might as well eat a cube of pure fat

in eastern europe that's a delicacy

there's like a bunch of varieties, including eating it practically raw

>> No.8019454

why do people shit on americans for deepfrying butter, when even the lowest of americans consider that crappy food you eat on seldom occasions?

>> No.8019475

it is very flavorful and delicious

americans consider it crappy food because they were told that saturated fat is bad and were fed a trans fat diet, which is now known to be horrible poison

>> No.8019497
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trust me, you would enjoy it

>> No.8019535

i ate cougar one time (roadkill claimed by the state and given to a wilderness survival school or something) and it didn't taste bad at all. like really greasy turkey.

>> No.8019604

>it is very flavorful and delicious
I'm sure aged lard is

>> No.8019636

wtf man
please continue

>> No.8019644

-someone who has never tried japanese food

>> No.8019705
File: 57 KB, 640x471, baby-oven-[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The babies must be taken alive; once captured they are either blinded or kept in a lightless box for a month to gorge on millet, grapes, and figs, a technique apparently taken from the decadent cooks of Imperial Rome who called the babies beccafico, or "fig-pecker". When they've reached four times their normal size, they're drowned in a cask of Armagnac.

>Cooking l'enfant is simplicity itself. Simply pop them in a high oven for six to eight minutes and serve. The secret is entirely in the eating. First you cover your head with a traditional embroidered cloth. Then place the entire 15 kilogram baby into your mouth. Only its head should dangle out from between your lips. Bite off the head and discard. L'enfant should be served immediately; it is meant to be so hot that you must rest it on your tongue while inhaling rapidly through your mouth. This cools the baby, but its real purpose is to force you to allow its ambrosial fat to cascade freely down your throat.

>When cool, begin to chew. It should take about 15 minutes to work your way through the breast and limbs, the delicately crackling bones, and on to the inner organs. Devotees claim they can taste the baby's entire life as they chew in the darkness: the wheat of Morocco, the salt air of the Mediterranean, the lavender of Provence. The tiny lungs and heart, saturated with Armagnac from its drowning, are said to burst in a liqueur-scented flower on the diner's tongue.

>> No.8020517

Chinese meat is shit and have poor health standards, if any.
We are talking about raw tartare.

How did the baby travel to Morocco and Provence?

>> No.8020868
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>> No.8021066

even raw, think slightly smoked or marinated bacon

>> No.8021358

So how often do you check your body for chemicals?

>> No.8021432
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I kek'd