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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8012477 No.8012477 [Reply] [Original]

Last one hit limit. What are you drinking? Anything you need to get off your chest?

>> No.8012480


fuck off

>> No.8012481

i had a flat last week.

>> No.8012509

I'm off alcohol until my doctor says otherwise. Caffeine too. It's hell. I might take up weed. I deal in human misery for a living. I'm a social worker at a welfare office. I used to drink a steady stream of craft beer and various cocktails to decompress after work. Try to forget about the mountain of paperwork I didn't even put a dent in and that waits for me upon my return. Try to forget about the young mother with a sickly kid staying at a homeless shelter. Try to forget about the seven siblings trapped in gang land, all of them with faces like they'd seen too much. Try to forget about the rosy cheeked, happy little toddler with the sweet, soft voice beat to death by her father...

Anyway, Bombay Sapphire and tonic was my usual go to. How about you guys?

>> No.8012519

I'm at a family gathering for dinner and everyone is just drinking and socializing, and I know I need to stay sober because bad things happen when I get back on alcohol binges, but I'm sitting here sober and pissed off that everyone else is able to drink normally and I'm incapable of having a few beers with friends and then calling it quits. Because I know if I start I'll drink until I pass out

>> No.8012521

have been drinking an average of 4 500ml beers (5%) a night for the last month. does this count as alcoholism or am i okay

>> No.8012529

I used to drink whiskey all the time and thus I slowly dissolved my social circle. I'm only thankful that I still have people who didn't disown me outright. Then I switched to vodka and really became a full blown practicing drunk who quit his job. Checked myself into a place after 8 years of drinking, emerged a lighter drinker but still an essentially friendless neet virgin living at his parents house. I'm 26. Will try to find work again at the beginning of the month. The sad part is I generally just feel like I have way less to worry about without seeing people, and I'm way less depressed than I used to be since I went full anti-social. Probably will have some wine tonight.

>> No.8012532

By my calculations, that's 3.38 fluid ounces of pure ethanol. Would you drink a little over five and a half shots of 80 proof vodka in a sitting?

>> No.8012536

You just need to watch your shit and try to keep it at a certain comfortable level instead of getting shitfaced every night. If you start to experience increased anxiety or other symptoms that you instinctually feel like only having a few drinks can fix, you'd be starting to develop a problem.

>> No.8012538

i only drink beer (lame right?), this is the average over most weeks

>> No.8012543

I understand that you only drink beer. I was trying to get you to visualize just how much alcohol you're actually drinking.

>> No.8012675

I think it is easier to define alcoholism as dependence on alcohol rather than intake.

>> No.8012690

Just bought my first bottle of absinthe. I'm excited to try it.

>> No.8012712

What are some good liqueurs, al/ck/?

I've had many of the good orange liqueurs, Benedictine, Drambuie, St-Germain, amaretto, Aperol, Chambord, maybe a few others.

What's Chartreuse like? What else would you recommend to try. I'd be interested in mixers and stuff you can just take a few sips of by itself.

>> No.8012739

What's something decent and cheap that will go well with a Thai dinner.

I'm thinking of just buying some Evan Williams but I want /ck/'s opinion.

>> No.8012813
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I'm having this tonight and I'm having doubts about having applied to Marine officer candidate school.

I've already done my time in the Navy, why did I feel like I needed to go back?

>> No.8012842

That's how it really is defined 2bh. It's not how much you drink, it's how drinking affects you, what you do while you're drunk, and the problems it causes in your life if it does that defines alcoholism. As well as psychological and physical dependence etc.

>> No.8012860

It's pretty cool. I like it alright but haven't had any in years. Hope you didn't fall for the hallucinations meme.
Grand Marnier is the only one I really know and have had. Despite drinking everything under the sun liqueurs just also were gross to me. I didn't even like them in a combination as their supposed to be used.
If you want to enjoy the drink with the food I would just drink some kind of indian beer with it or something, and then get shitfaced on liquor afterward if that's what you want to do.
Thank you for your service.

>> No.8012865

In the Netherlands there is an alcohol intake as alcoholism threshold

>> No.8012869

Interesting, I'm just an Amurican so I didn't know.

>> No.8012879

>What's something decent and cheap that will go well with a Thai dinner.
>If you want to enjoy the drink with the food I would just drink some kind of indian beer with it or something, and then get shitfaced on liquor afterward if that's what you want to do.
Depending what Thai dishes you're enjoying, some Tsingha, Asahi extra dry or some kind of crisp light pilsner is what I'd do. Alcohol kills some burn if you're ordering spicy. A creamy good iced coffee also can pair alright, so I guess you could try some kahlua and cream if you simply must drink something afterwards. Protip, buttermilk biscuit dough can be panfried like a thai donut, and it's something you can do with the sweetened condensed milk you have with your coffee.

>> No.8012913

Oh, of course I've had G Marnier. It's really good I think. gonna try the $150 G Marnier soon. looks awesome.

Okay, but there's a pretty high correlation between amount and adverse effects.

>> No.8012928

>Okay, but there's a pretty high correlation between amount and adverse effects.
Oh yeah I absolutely agree with you. But there have been people who are just rare genetic anomalies that can drink like absolute psychopaths and it doesn't ruin a single thing in their lives. Are those people dependent? Yeah probably, the just wouldn't fall under the medical definition I've been exposed to in a program, and that's not even to say that that's the be-all-end-all definition.

>> No.8012949

Has anyone actually tasted the Frank Sinatra Centennial Jack? I know it's a complete jewish ploy for costing $500, but I was just curious.

>> No.8012950

>Jack Daniel's

I trust every big brand of whisky EXCEPT Jack.

>> No.8012954

I know people talk shit about Jack but I used to drink it all the time. It was good enough for me. Personally I don't understand how someone would really come up to me and say that Jim Beam is a better mainstream whiskey.

>> No.8012959

Walker and Evan Williams are better mainstream whisky. Jim Beam is equally shit to Jack imo but it's the cheapest bourbon you can get. If you're willing to spend slightly more you can easily get Wild Turkey or something decent.

>> No.8012991

These Williams reviews are surprising me, I remember drinking it in college and always hating the shit out of it and would go back to Jack at the first opportunity. But then, I may not be a good judge of taste since every drink I've ever taken in my life I took it for the effect first and foremost. If I ever drink liquor now which I don't do everyday, it's Smirnoff or preferably Absolut.

>> No.8012996

I despise vodka so you got me there. People are starting to realize that even if Williams is trash, it at least tastes like whisky compared to Jack Daniels. They have also been upping the quality of their whiskys, I have no idea.

>> No.8013075

2 days sober. Had a hard time sleeping during the day. But it does feel good not waking up with a hangover before work.

>> No.8013143
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I'm getting my friend a housewarming gift. He likes rum, his favorite drink being Captain and Coke. I want to get him something a bit nicer than normal Captain but I don't know what. $30 is my ceiling.

Of this selection what do you think fits the bill?

>> No.8013158

This image reminds me of every single time I would stare at the all the types of liquor in the liquor aisle for 10 minutes and settle for cheap shit.

>> No.8013218

Chartreuse is sometimes called 'the second green fairy' and worth trying if you're already a fan of Absinthe. But beware it's (very) sweet so unless you're used to an unhealthy level of sugar already it could easily be too sweet for you to drink a lot of in one sitting.

>> No.8013235

Either Mount Gay Eclipse or El Dorado 12 would be good choices for spiced rum.

>> No.8013236

Drinking some OG Sin cider. Do to endless fuckups, illness, procrastination and two major swaps. I'm still nowhere near my degree after graduating 5 years ago, I was suppose to be the "smart kid" but turns out my highschool was just easy as shit.

I don't really know what I want out of life.

>> No.8013258

>decide to buy something top or near-top shelf for once
>instant regret

>> No.8013261

I've tried MG Eclipse before, it was...interesting. I thought it tasted more like a tequila than a spiced rum.

>> No.8013310

Get the Kirk & Sweeney.

Sipping rum quality and tastes great in a rum & coke.

Source: 750mL per day rum drinker.

>> No.8013341

I've smoked crack a few times while I've been on a heavy binge, pretty good desu.

>> No.8013352
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Thinking about trying this on the coming weekend. Never bought myself Tequila before, aside from shots at the bar. How do I make use of a full bottle?

>I've never made a Margarita

>> No.8013359

That's what one of my other friends suggested. I'll give it a shot. Thanks anon

>> No.8013360
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Also might as well update with my current drink. Having a few before bed.

>> No.8013367

Good luck with the coming workweek boys, thinking about trying to cut down this week.

>> No.8013408

Had a movie night with people, we drank a ton, decided that I could combine it with Zaleplon one more time. Big mistake; passed out, forgot nearly the whole night, pool of red vomit next to the floor where I slept

Could've died

Don't combine with anything

For serious

>> No.8013418
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Alcohol: Avoid. Very serious interactions can occur

>> No.8013428


yes i am goddamn tired of being hungover and anxious under the flourescent lights of my office all day, with co-workers barking random orders at me

the problem is that i am also always sick of coming home to a sober evening after dealing with work, hungover or not

im not drinking for awhile i think, once i start getting dependent on it for sleep is when things go bad fast, and im approaching that point again now having drank approx a bottle of wine a night for 2 weeks after 3 months sober

>> No.8013438
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5 days alcohol free bros

feelin great

>> No.8013443

I feel you dude, being hungover at work is the worst but getting drunk when I get home is the only thing I look forward too. If I could sleep without drinking I'd probably stop. But if I don't get drunk then I can't sleep and am all groggy and sleep deprived at work. Do I choose sleep deprived over hungover? Truly the drunkard's quandary

>> No.8013495

oh i read that before i took the first one

i'm just a retarded millennial who thinks he's invincible

>> No.8013514

I've been sober nearly two years and all I really want to do is get fucking loaded, put on yusef lateef, and feel really sad.

I gave up on wholesome fun and meaningful relationships along time ago and now I just that cozy sadness back. I've learned through sobriety that I really have nothing without alcohol and that trying to fill in those gaping wholes where alcohol used to be doesn't always work.

>> No.8013587

I posted in the last thread a few days ago, saying I was going to end my two-and-a-half months of sobriety and get drunk--but just that night. Then I would wait at least a couple weekends before doing it again, and from then on I'd drink every other weekend.

Turned into a bender and I missed work one day and was useless at work the next.

Back on the wagon, gradually getting over that queasiness, shame, and above all anxiety that always follows a bender. Back to meetings this week.

>> No.8013702

Mixing benzos or z drugs with alcohol is a really bad idea.

t. picked up burglary charges during a vodka and xanax blackout

>> No.8013707

>Mixing benzos or z drugs with alcohol is a really bad idea.
So is mixing coke and alcohol

t. ran over his own daughter

>> No.8013725

I've got a giant dent in my front fender from hitting the TD Bank sign in the parking lot because I wasn't paying attention and was smoking crack while parked(with my foot on the brake, not in park), then let my foot off the brake and rolled into the sign. That was a vodka and xanax night as well.

>> No.8013744

Well done, bro

>> No.8013756
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Pic related is what I am drinking.

To get off my chest. I am going back to university in September. I am a little nervous of fucking up honestly and I need to get straight A's to have good chances for med school. I am a hypocrite who ruined a girls engagement because I lost attraction to her and I started a new thing with a hotter engaged woman who is 11 years older than me. I am a massive scumbag with daddy issues, I have lost my faith in god and humanity, the only time I am happy is when I am drunk and have upbeat blues music playing. I often regret being born.

>> No.8013778

If you're THAT into liqueurs, try making some yourself. I've made a couple, the first with raspberries, a Remy Martin base, and sweetened with honey. It was delightful. The second one I made with dates with white rum as the base. It was very sweet, cloudy, and inconsistent, but not unpleasant.

>> No.8013790


This one is for you.

>> No.8013800

Kirk and Sweeney or maybe the twisted path ones, haven't had them and it looks like they atleast tried.

>> No.8013818


Thank you anon. What a coincidence. I was just listening to https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mbCrotH9hpI

Love Howling Wolf. Cheers

>> No.8013914

I'm trying to mature my tastebuds so I have questions. What's a good wine to start out with for a beginner? This information is probably irrelevant but if it helps any: I have a bit of sweet tooth, my favorite kind of grape juice is white grape juice, and seltzer/soda water is my favorite drink overall.

>> No.8013923

Forgot to add that, yeah, like most people who barely touch alcohol (technically speaking, yes I've tried wine before) it's mainly the 'burn' down the throat that's kept me from coming back to it. Do you just have it often enough until you get used to it and can ignore it or are their any actual 'strategies' for dealing or even preventing the burning-esque sensation when you drink wine?

>> No.8013925
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>> No.8013953

It doesn't have to be fancy. Just make it on the rocks. couple ounces of tequila, half ounce of Grand Marnier, juice from a key lime. Voila.

>> No.8013993
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Drinking this with some sam adams hopology, plus homebrew and homemade applewine.

Trying to limit myself to weekends but when the beer tastes so good it's hard.

Got a german pilsner fermenting currently, need to get another lager in the ferm chamber, maybe an oktoberfest, or a munich helles.

>> No.8013997

Not really an alcoholic, but st germaine is probably my favorite shit. Been on a budget recently so can't get that shit anymore.

Trying to find something cheap and high %. So far I've just been getting captain morgan. I can drink just about anything though.

Anyone know something cheaper?

>> No.8014003

I'm drinking low wines. No one should do that.

>> No.8014028

I want to die.
Will devoting a portion of my earnings to getting fucking wasted three times a week help with this?

>> No.8014041
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>Three times a week.

lol, kids.

>> No.8014049

Alcoholic here. Jameo is godly. No regrets. I can function socially, i don't get drunk before work, i have a gf. "Better than thou" basically. I gave up weed and other hard drugs in becoming a drunk. I think of it as a step up in life. If you can function and you are happy then drink away anons. That being said I'm 6 shots in. Cheers my brothers. For those destroying their lives with the sauce; focus. Focus on what you want. How do you want to be remembered? Do not let that be tainted by your dirty habits. Par example many great mathematicians were opiod addicts or many great novelists dabbbled in psychedelics. However they are remembered by their discoveries and not their habits. We're all human, you're not a bad person, do something great, i believe in you, just as i believe in me. Be drunk my people, be drunk and be merry. Goodnight from the east coast.

>> No.8014064

Not an al/ck/ie and never tried captain, but I liked the zacapa with coke, but feels like it's too much for just one bottle.

>> No.8014411

I have this exact problem

>> No.8014612

>3 years ago

>> No.8014621

>can't stop dreaming about liquor
>sober for almost two months now
I'm going to check myself in tomorrow, lads.
Wish me luck.

>> No.8014624
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>implying age has anything to do with vintage.
Compete and utter, fucking mong.

>> No.8014627

>my brand new honda civic is a vintage car
vtec kicked ur brain, yo.

>> No.8014635
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>millennial retards think vintage means old.
I'm guessing you're black as well?

>> No.8014637

Your Honda Civic is not a thing of qualit, hence not vintage.
Get a BMW you rice-burning fuck.

>> No.8014667

I love this post, and you too anon

>> No.8014677

>I'm guessing you're black as well?
ur mum thought so too until I took the blindfold off.

bmw haven't produced a quality car since the E36

But what's the story behind "vintage" and "3 years"? How does that work?

>> No.8014687

>But what's the story behind "vintage" and "3 years"? How does that work?
Disgregard that I looked at the pictures. >>8014635

>> No.8014709
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I'm 24, I have no job and I'm still living with my dad.
I need a drink badly but I have no money to afford buying alcohol on a regular basis. Would drink whiskey or ipa/porter beer all day otherwise.

>> No.8014727


Where are you from? I will hook you up

>> No.8015021

drink smaller sips and let it mix with your saliva. Drink less dry wine. Eat fat food like fat meat or cheese.

>> No.8015070

>gib me da gray predjur
>~haulin wooffff~
she looks drunk as fuck

>> No.8015074

That sounds relaxing actually

>> No.8015084

Drinking root beer.
Want to take a break for at least a week.

>> No.8015373


We all are

>> No.8015381

Drank a 12pk of bud light yesterday... It's so fucking gross buts cheap and does the trick. I got another 12 in my fridge, contemplating drinking it lol but my life sucks so I'll probably start around noon.

>> No.8015617

Where all my alcoholics at... Drinking by myself but Atleast if I talk to you guys I won't be so lonely

>> No.8015654

Hi. Started drinking at 7AM with a coffee and bailey's.

>> No.8015662

Nice... Does baileys even get you drunk though? If I. Drinking a bottle I grab patron or Hennessy but I'm pretty broke right now so I picked up a 12er of bud light for $5. I always buy alcohol at the corner store so the Sikh guy hooks me up.

>> No.8015691

Not really, it's more for the taste of cream in the coffee but with a bit of alcohol too. 17% so nothing too crazy.

>Patron or Henny
You have expensive tastes my friend. Have you considered midshelf or good bottomshelf replacements?

>> No.8015699

Nah not really because I like to drink it straight. The way I see it is to get drunk I can spend

>$20 on patron (like I said the Sikh guy hooks me up since I buy everyday)
>$20 on Hennessy (I'll be extra fucked up I usually down 3/4 or the whole bottle in a day)
>or $5 on a 12 pack

But $20 a day isn't bad. I bought a Buchanan 18 for $60 from him 2 days ago and finished it, woke up naked with zero recollection of the previous night lol

>> No.8015709

>Nah not really because I like to drink it straight.
So do I. You can probably get Korbel as a replacement for Henny and ElJim as a replacement for Patron for half the price while still being good neat.

>woke up naked with zero recollection of the previous night lol
As long as you don't have any weird scratches and a used condom stuck to you, you're probably good.

>> No.8015722

Hahaha my leg was fucked up and I broke a chili plant in my backyard so I'm guessing I fell back there while I was taking a piss or some shit. I like to drink in my backyard it's relaxing. You're right on the mid shelf drinks but like I said I can afford it (dad gave me a location of his business I hired some people and love off the profits) and $20 a day isn't too bad. I'll keep going down this road until my livers gone. I'm only 23 but I've been drinking since 16. I don't recommend it. :/

>> No.8015733

>Does baileys even get you drunk though?

It's about as strong as wine is, so OFC it could get you drunk. But, it's pretty expensive and is very rich and filling for something you drink just to get smashed.

>> No.8015737

Yea if you can afford it then by all means get the topshelf

>I'll keep going down this road until my livers gone. I'm only 23 but I've been drinking since 16
That might be sooner than you think.

>> No.8015748

Yeah I kno. We're all strangers here so I'll be honest, I couldn't care less. My life is meaningless. I've slept with over 20 girls but have never been in a relation ship (besides a little two week stunt in 8th grade) and I really don't want kids so... Whatever. I spend my money on alcohol food and cars. Cars make me really happy but it's my downfall too I buy old cars and fix hem up but I can't help but to drink while I do it (everygoddamnedfuckingday)

>> No.8015785

Drinking 8-10 500ml (1/8 gallon approx)beers of 5%alc every night.
Cheap shit too.0.45 cents a can

How severe is my al/ck/oholism?

>> No.8015786

Have you considered drinking replacement with racing? Like on a track.

>> No.8015788

problematic range

>> No.8015790
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What do you lads think of pic related?

>> No.8015792

Nah not really I like to take car of my cars not drive them like crazy. I have a 2011 Lexus gs300, 2016 accord sport, 2005 Dodge Ram srt10(viper engine), 1970 charger, 1969 camaro, 1960 camaro, 1970 gto as of now. Had many others but I sell for profit and that's my collection at the moment. I love cars but I love alcohol as well. It goes together with me for some reason.

>> No.8015799

Your getting there familia

>> No.8015802

Cheap stuff but after the 3rd or so shot it gets smoother. Not something I'd pick up. It's $8.97 plus tax where I live the peach one makes me gag from that fake ass smell

>> No.8015805

You can easily take care of your cars and still go to track days, you'll just need to change brakes more often and get tires for the track. It might give you something to look forward to instead of just drinking all the time, and will give you a nice rush too.

>> No.8015806
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Theres this bitch at the supermarket(the same one because I always go 5 mins before closing time)that always rolls her eyes when I buy my beerz

>> No.8015813

I get a rush from the cocaine lol having money is just making me kill myself faster. :/ the thing is I drink from morning to night they wouldn't let me race like that at the track and I just can't live with out it, I'm an alcoholic at 23 and it fucking sucks

>> No.8015816

While im not an alcoholic I do have a /tg/ evening every thursday and I feel bad when I load up a tray of beercans. Sounds annoying.

>> No.8015822

The fuck? I'd slap that bitch or be the biggest dick ever to her. She's probably a teen mom who can't have fun because she threw her life away

>> No.8015825

Try being such an alcoholic the store owner gives you a discount because you go every day.

>> No.8015832

You might as well pick up smoking and painkillers too, because from the sound of it you won't live past 40 my friend. Not to be a nag but you really do need other outlets.

>> No.8015834

I can try that without drinking the bottles I buy but I dont think I can explain why I would have 200 bottles in my hallway

>> No.8015841

Decision time, fellow al/ck/ies. Lift or drink? It's 3:30 in the afternoon.

>> No.8015842

Tried the painkillers when i got shot, didn't like them. Xanax is a different story. I smoke weed/cigs too I don't think I'll make it past 30 to be honest but like I said I have no kids no family I couldn't care less I do what makes me happy even if it's the worst shit I can do. Maybe I do it purposely.

>> No.8015844

Drink and come shitpost eith U.S. lifting is for gayboyz ashamed of there alcoholic bodys

>> No.8015851

>didn't like painkillers
Too mellow for you? Or did opiate rage rear it's ugly head?

You sound like quiet the self destructive man, man. Are you punishing yourself for something you did in the past? Something you regret?

>> No.8015860

I just don't care. No friends no family no girlfriend. I fill the void with one night stands, cars, drugs, alcohol. I got shit one night twice getting robbed so I take every day as a present (in the worst way possible) and nah painkillers made me feel weak. I prefer Xanax it makes me talkative and drowsy without the weakness idk why. Clonezapam too. I got shot so my doc gives me what I ask for I get Xanax/clonezepam/and promethazine with codeine (to sell) once a month. I get 16oz of codeine and sell it for 40 an ounce here in California sometimes more if it's my last bit but that's what I support my drug/alcohol habit with the business money goes to my cars.

>> No.8015874


I doubt its as bad as Beartrap. Might as well have bought a jar of honey and started sucking it down. It's decent to mix though I bet with hot tea.

>> No.8015888

i have enough ticks against me already, i cant afford to be an alcoholic too, though i'm kind of envious of those who can but honestly i'm too emotionally fragile for the whole ride. i have been close.

>> No.8015890

I gotcha. Codeine is meh anyway I'd rather sell it to Jamal so he can make purple drank. Oxycodone HCI is real good shit.

Honestly it just sounds like you're at a huge valley in your life, friend. A mariana trench of depression and subconcious suicidal tendencies. But I wish you the best of luck, have a drink on me.

>> No.8015892


What vodka brand do you like?

>> No.8015907

To be honest, no vodka but if I have too I'll take grey goose.. It's the smoothest I've tried thus far

>> No.8015913

>It's the smoothest I've tried thus far
Try Tito's. Cheaper than GG, and I thought it was smooth warm. Chilled it's like drinking water.

>> No.8015915

I appreciate it. And I agree I'm lost at the moment. Maybe I'll find a nice girl soon and settle down. But I feel like they just want money man cuz I've been down that road before and I feel used. Sucks

>> No.8015932

Yea it certainly does. You need to really scrutinize women.

Sure, she may have nice knockers and can suck a golfball through a garden hose. But do you see her as someone you would want to live and love with? That's the real question.

>> No.8015936

>Try out tequila, never been a fan before
>try a blanco
>it doesn't burn

How gone am I?

>> No.8015946


Try and find the cheapest women you can, that is also fulfilling to you. The more money you save, the more money you will have to support yourself with, and buy nice things like a stonking great bottle of scotch.

>> No.8015947

Hahahaha real shit man. Like I said I've been with over 20 girls at 23(after many failures) besides the 8 who I knew in high school, the rest have been pickups at the club or hookers(I'll be honest were all strangers) lol and I just can't see myself with any of these hoes

>> No.8015962

That's two bottles of wine, that's reasonably hardcore

>> No.8015964

the canned juice nectars that the dollar tree has are my go-to for cheap tequila. Guava and Mango are great.


>> No.8015974

Ehh wine doesn't get you drunk though maybe I'm just an alcoholic but I drank a bottle of red wine and felt nothing

>> No.8016058

Look for some old monk at other places tbfh

>> No.8016075


you were probably just drinking red grape juice my man

>> No.8016086


Morgen has a couple of higher-end brands, you could look up one of those and see if they have it.

Zaya is probably one of the nicest ones they got there though. Appleton is good too, as is a Bacardi 8 (shit when mixed though)

>> No.8016094
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Anyone ever try this? It is dirt cheap and at the few low your stores that even stick rye it's either this or top shelf.

>> No.8016097

Are you rob ford?

>> No.8016100


Canuck whisky, so probably overpriced for what its like still.
If you want a Rye, try Bulleit's Rye.

>> No.8016103
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In French soldier is soldat. Sol-dier (morte)

>> No.8016108

Lol I smashed the curb on a Xanax/Hennessy night and as soon as I heard the bang I swerved back into the road. Luckily it was just rim/tore damage. If I wouldn't have reacted I woulda crashed into some salon.

>> No.8016111


Liquers are always supposed to be mixed. Grand Mariner happens to be good on its own too, which is why its price tag reflects it.

>> No.8016113

Wtf? Your own daughter? Story please if I had kids and this was me I'd probably kill myself

>> No.8016128

I thought it was a Breaking Bad reference.

>> No.8016141


>Liquers are always supposed to be mixed.
[Citation Needed]

>> No.8016177
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Anyone have any advice for me please? Even if it's harsh. I have drank the whisky and vodka over the last 2 days and just bought the gin 20 minutes ago. I have a serious existential problem and I have mever been more miserable. Any oldfags can give advice please? I need it desperately.

>> No.8016189

It is relaxing in it's own way, but what I know deep down is that it's too bad that that's the only way I've ever found to mellow things out, and also that I know I'm giving up on the ideal of forming a real relationship beyond friendship. I seriously can't imagine it at this stage, but whatever I'll just keep going. When I was actually present within my friend group regularly I couldn't stop thinking that people had it out for me by being different than them and was constantly comparing myself to others, or comparing them to me, I don't really know which sometimes. However that was in my head and my alcoholism and social paranoia burned some bridges, but not all of them thankfully. Whether that means forever on the burned ones I don't know. Busting open a bottle of wine now.
Yeah I mentioned in my post that they are supposed to be mixed.

>> No.8016205 [DELETED] 


Yep, it's not that they're bad. They are a specialty concoction.

Want to drown yourself in some Grenadine?

>> No.8016212

I feel like I'm only a few years older than you so I don't really know what to say. Is your existential problem your ordeal with handling and deciding about your future or is it something deeper and psychological?

>> No.8016229

I have. Made orange liqueur a bunch of times, some with fresh ginger and cloves/allspice, which generally turned out great, and I've made berry liqueurs and peach/mango stuff. All pretty good. A bit tired of it though.

Using a brandy base I haven't done yet though. Always used Everclear. That sounds like a good idea--berries and brandy liqueur.

The sweetening part I wouldn't understand off hand though. With everclear, you just mix it with twice as much simple syrup, and that gets it to about 30% alc. But with brandy already at 40%, your simply syrup would need to by MUCH more sugary, right?

What was your berry brandy recipe exactly.

>> No.8016233

>1 bottle a day

Catch up fucko im suicidal and at 2 bottles of cheap shit daily catch the fuck up

>> No.8016243

I'm not telling you what to do, but are you interested in cutting down or stopping? I'm just chiming in because I don't want anyone to kill themselves around here.

>> No.8016247


Much deeper than that, much more psychological. I'm not sure how to to explain it. I was sexually abused by my brother when I was in my early teens, my family is fucked, I feel conflicted when it comes to the suffering of the world and my own issues. I can't handle reality anymore. Nothing in life has gone the way I planned. I need to get into medical school I have 2.5 weeks before my classes start and I feel so hopeless.

>> No.8016252


I will eventually at the rate I am going.

>> No.8016257

Not really. I'm the Hennessy/car guy a few
Posts up no reason to stop

>> No.8016269

I started commiserating with a friend that used meth.A LOT of meth. And I thought about what a hard drug it was.

>> No.8016279

lol. No matter how crazy you think you've been with drugs and alcohol, there's always someone who got into worse shit.

>> No.8016316

Well, one thing I know for sure is that if you really want to be able to perform that well in med school you're probably going to have to be more or less completely sober the entire time unless you're some kind of genius. You may want to investigate the option of detoxing somewhere, it wouldn't take you that many days and you would have a bunch of people looking out for you while you come off it, but would cost several grand if it's anything like I did. It majorly helped me psychologically but it won't cure a person of wanting to drink. I don't know what your money situation is and I'm not trying to be blase about it, just sharing a thought.

I spoke to a guy in one of my groups who only revealed for the very first time to anyone that he was molested as a child and he's nearly 60 years old. I think if that guy hadn't had found himself in some kind of therapy situation, he could have kept that bottled up for the rest of his life and I have no idea how it didn't drive him insane all
those years.

Personally when you said I feel conflicted when it comes to the suffering of the world and my own issues, I really identified with that because I had horrible issues with depression and found my thought patterns to be similar to those almost constantly. I do take one SSRI, but I'm extremely wary about jumping right on the medicine route for anyone because it affects people in really different ways.
Nothing in life went the way I planned, but then I never really had too much of a plan other than getting by in school and luckily I got a B.A. but I know that's not what it used to be.
I hope I'm not seeming like I'm trying to tell you what to do, pushing you into anything or being insistent. But I just think it's going to be really important for you to find a way to stay sober for a good long time, and not to be afraid to seek out some professional/medical help if you at all want to do so.

>> No.8016325

Do you average a fifth per day or is the whiskey/vodka/gin bender an intermittent thing?

>> No.8016326

Also I just wanted to add that I've intimated some of the most personal details of my life to groups of people in meetings, and years ago I could have imagined myself dead before ever doing something like that. But it made a difference to me to open up to people and actually see that even strangers can care, I mean after all they have a lot of the same experiences as other alcoholics. It's easy for them to understand.

>> No.8016350

>I'm not sure how to to explain it. I was sexually abused by my brother when I was in my early teens, my family is fucked, I feel conflicted when it comes to the suffering of the world and my own issues. I can't handle reality anymore. Nothing in life has gone the way I planned. I need to get into medical school I have 2.5 weeks before my classes start and I feel so hopeless.
You're simply self-medicating. Go get some diagnosis for what is wrong with you, from mild depression to a more serious psych disorder.

I don't think it's feasible to "get into medical school" if you aren't in olympics-training-mode healthy, body and spirit. Did you ever have therapy for the abuse? I think to bring it up you might need to go back or seek that out. Are you out from under your parents or depend on them? Can make you feel trapped.

No one should be comparing the world to their own issues. That's a cop out. You need to function, so you need to get your help and issues worked with. Go do some career testing/counseling at the campus offices, and see if this med school is for you. I don't see it as a career that at all mixes with alcoholism. Might try something like laboratory basic science stuff, or going towards engineering. Doctors don't have 9 to 5 unstressed jobs.

>> No.8016359


Thank you for this. I appreciate it. I wish the best for you in life.

>> No.8016363


Fifth/day undoubtedbly.

>> No.8016371


Honey is sweeter than simple syrup, so that helps.

>> No.8016372

No problem. I know there's some things I didn't include, but it would just take such an insanely long time. I really hope you can find something good for yourself, whatever it may be.

>> No.8016392


Arthur Schopenhauer

>> No.8016394

I also thought it was a Breaking Bad reference.

>> No.8016404

Sorry I only have a cursory knowledge of the guy and am not that well read so I don't really know what you mean by this.

>> No.8016411


Check out /lit/ my friend. You will understand.

>> No.8016427
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>> No.8016435

This seems pretty familiar to me. It's going to sound pleb as fuck to you for sure but True Detective season 1 got me to look at some of these ideas as well as Ligotti. If you read a lot I know I'd be a pleb baby bitch loser to you, but I've felt some of these feelings I'm reading about right now and will continue to look at more stuff.

>> No.8016439


True detective s1 was so damn good, but s2 was shit.

>> No.8016449

Holy shit, sad.

>> No.8016450

Welp boys did it again. Got drunk, slid on a medical glove , lubed it with vaseline, and fingered my asshole while masturbating with spit as lube. Took a hot shower to get rid of the sahame.

I'm not even gay it's just weird. It sounds like a great idea when im horny but after im done i get tepulsed. Fuck man

>> No.8016453

Dude I still liked S2 and I'm not even kidding. S1 was better in every way, but I liked 2 for what it was.
>Ray Velcoro solo party scene
Damn... I've literally done that exact same shit in my life just without the cocaine.

>> No.8016459

>i get repulsed
Well then just stop it already.

>> No.8016474

But it seems so jice whne im horny. Its like a sexual tickle. I wonder if id be into pegging...but i hate how it feels when im done. Stopped doin it a year ago because it started to give me roids when i got three fingers in there...back down to one.

I hate this

>> No.8016480

Well, if you've been drinking for a really long time it tends to kind of distort you in ways where you do/say things you never would have otherwise. For me it was just social problems, I never started watching weirder porn or started putting things in my ass or anything.

>> No.8016487


I watched them in succession which may have been part of the problem
and that I like the occult

>> No.8016490
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I suggest consulting your local priest.

You're obviously being taken over by Zozo in a vulnerable drunken state.

>> No.8016498

How dare she look down on an alcoholic.

>> No.8016512

maybe that makes sense

Here's a joke for ya

A priest and a rabbi are walkin down the stret. They see a kid walk out of cnady store.

The pierst says "hey you wanna screw that kid with me"

the rabbi says

"out of what?"

>> No.8016548


Grow up and stop drinking how about that you miserable twat?

>omg I need good grades
>omg muh love life

Grow up you bloody weakling

>> No.8016549

Good one, Anon.

Hope you can manage to get back to basics in masturbation and stop the business with the medical gloves.

>> No.8016553

Has anyone had a scotch ale before?
I picked a six pack of one up today, founders dirty bastard, and it's the oddest tasting shit I've ever had. Shit's sour.

>> No.8016567

Dude nice one, fuck the jews, I'm not kidding.

>> No.8016584

Look guys it's a fuckin retard. Are you a faggot too bro?
>muh willpower
>muh strength
Yeah it's easy to be a big strong man when you perform all your physical tasks and don't have the capacity to think about anything.

>> No.8016597

I stopped drinking a month ago. I feel fantastic

>> No.8016607

Well done. Hopefully it can stick and you can turn something over.

>> No.8016640

If u want philosophical pessimism Cioran is good.

>> No.8016642

I am a fucking alcoholic. this sucks such fat cock.

>> No.8016707

Tell that to someone who smokes. It's not that easy.

>> No.8016735

been drinking everyday for the last 6 years, only 6-8 beers a night, Friday was the last night I have had any beer or smokes, but I think im about to go get a 12pack.....my wife doesn't seem to give a fuck either way even tho I beg her to help me all the time im just a generally sad fat fucking bastard, god damn guys im 30yr old what the fucking fuck is wrong with me

>> No.8016742

I thought I didn't drink that much, but now every time I have a drink my throat gets super sore. Also my chest/throat feel stuffy all the time

>> No.8016778

20 years old and experiencing the most lonely summer of my life.

I've always liked drinking, but I've been having 2-3 glasses of whiskey each night. I've been spending a tonne of money on really nice stuff too which has been hurting my wallet a bit.

I don't think I'm an alcoholic, but an increasingly heavy drinker who misses having affection and the love of a woman in my life. Good thing I've got a supportive family but there's really only so much that can do for ya.

>Sir Edwards blended scotch on two rocks.

>> No.8016786

I can sort of relate anon (I think). Still debating myself whether I really want to go to med school or just want my father's love and respect from it. Haven't been able to drink properly in a month since a night where I overdid it and felt terrified that I'd have to go to the hospital to get my stomach pumped and my family will figure out I'm a trainwreck and not the always-perfect student they like to brag about.

>> No.8016795

>6-8 beers a night
>what the fucking fuck is wrong with me

You're a big, fat, blubbering, histrionic pussy. That's what's wrong with you. Even your woman is unconcerned.

If you don't like drinking, then stop. It's still well within your means to do so without much consequence.

>> No.8016810

>all these alcoholics complaining about how much they hate themselves
Jesus, I'm glad I never really enjoyed the taste or even the feeling that alcohol gives all that much. I mean it's pretty fun being drunk but you just feel like shit the next day. Weed is just a much better drug in every single way. No hangover, you don't act like a moron, it doesn't destroy your liver, and it's easy as fuck to stop smoking.

>> No.8016817

>it's easy as fuck to stop smoking

ok buddy

>> No.8016835

I'm talking about marijuana, not tobacco. I smoked multiple times a day for over a year and I just recently quit cold turkey without issue. The only problem is that it's a little tough to sleep and you don't have much of an appetite for maybe a week or so. After that, you're totally back to normal.

>> No.8016869
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I'm fucking desperate for a drink tonight. I just left an inpatient AND an outpatient program for chemical dependency because I drank from morning to bedtime for two straight weeks. I'm on medication now that makes me infinitely more depressed than I ever have been in my life. I cry all the time. I haven't left my couch in 4 days. I know my paycheck is coming in soon and I want to buy a fuckload of booze with it but I know my boyfriend and my roommate will just take it away from me. I'm going insane over here just being a sad sack all goddamn day long.

>> No.8016878


>> No.8016882
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>What are you drinking?
Ballast point IPA
>Anything you need to get off your chest?
Everything fucking sucks. This summer has taken a toll on my drinking. Life is boring, man.

>> No.8016883

>Are you a faggot too bro?

Yeah and I'd like to hit up your loose boy pussy too, faggot.

>it's easy to be a big strong man when you perform all your physical tasks and don't have the capacity to think about anything.

Typical wetbrain either/or fallacy.

>hurr either you're a pseudo-alcoholic pseudo-intellectual like me or you're a big dumb blue collar worker!

>> No.8016885

You won't be so angry if you give up the booze, anon. Just take a little toke and chill out.

>> No.8016892


same experience but 7 years older. the fucking jameson is expensive but its worth not drinking swill. dont take your family for granted its much harder when they dont exist

>> No.8016910
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Drinking straight Jameson.

What I want to get off my chest? I feel lonely.
Though I know there's no point in wallowing in it, I still feel as though my circle of friends is dwindling. I dunno. Perhaps I should talk to someone face to face about this. I hate being an overly dramatic bitch, as well. But I'm just trying to find ways to fill my life, I don't have anyone to care for, I might try and find myself someone to get in a relationship with, because I've been doing the whole one night stand business for about 2 years now, bagged around 10 men and girls altogether, and don't feel any satisfaction in it anymore.
I don't know how to put my feelings into words here, so I think I should find someone to talk to. Although I've done this before, what ends up happening is that the person doesn't really listen, they just wait until it's their turn to speak about their own problems, which I understand, but it doesn't help me.

Man, what a post, but writing it out makes me feel a bit better.

>> No.8016914

>dude man it's just so chill dude
>dude just chill out my chiller
>hey chillski it's a chill in the chill house with the weed
Sorry to get on your case but I've smoked weed like a hundred times trying to make it work for me. I can give you one negligent relaxing time and 99 existential nightmares but that's just me. I'm glad that you like it honestly. At least there's something for you.

>> No.8016916


>> No.8016917

>I still feel as though my circle of friends is dwindling.
Where have they gone? Do you always want to drink when you hang out with your friends?

>> No.8016921

Talking to someone face to face is always better than any other method that we have today, no matter what.

>> No.8016928

A little bit, it's just they have moved too far away and I'm not able to hang out with them as often, so whenever I meet with them, we tend to make a big deal of it and go on a night out(drinking). It's only a minor problem, but I've been feeling lonely for about two-three years, ever since we moved away for university, so you can probably guess my age from that.

I also agree

Thanks for responses.

>> No.8016934
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This reminds me. I want to make a bingo for these threads. Who has ideas?

>> No.8016941

r/trees is down the lebbit hall and to the left

>> No.8016942

Says the sad sack faggot crying about his "alcohol problem" on a food and cooking board, of all places.

Boo hoo daddy and mommy are disappointed and you have no friends. We're all so impressed, you are so cool and jaded.

>> No.8016953

op here I'll try to contribute some
>tfw no gf
>i can stop if i want to
>am i an alcoholic
>some other guy posts how much more they can drink
>suicidal bullshit
>acts of violence/crime
>self loathing
Rephrase these however you want as a start. I'm an alky and I understand some of the problems others will face by being so. I feel that these threads are a good thing and the only place on 4chan with it, but I'll humor you to add to your game. Do you drink all the time though?

>> No.8016957


I'm really sorry to hear that. It's definitely not for everyone.

Needs a "You just need willpower faggot" and a "How al/ck/oholic am I"

>> No.8016958

back to weedville

>> No.8016963

Yeah willpower faggots are a good one to add

>> No.8017010

Not even close to Alcoholism, but damn if it's not nice to have around. I'd probably drink more, if I wasn't currently cutting weight to try and make myself better. It probably won't work, but I will be damned if I dont try at least.

Probably a good place to ask this though, why the fuck is scotch so damn expensive?

>> No.8017013

Drink instead of eating and there you have it

>> No.8017028


I usually do a pretty good job of fasting. One meal a day+Coffee leaves a lot of wiggle room for liqour.

>> No.8017083
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Why are we so similar?

>> No.8017095


My rationalization, is that I can pig out and have some good food if I only eat one meal a day. Gives me something to look forward to.

Like the Stromboli with Meatball and onions I have planned for tomorrow

>> No.8017107

Listen you faggots. You anorexic little queersacks. You fuckin pieces of shit. If you don't want to gain weight, cut out the liquor before the food. Always eat. I'm a fuckin alcoholic and I drink everyday, just accept you will gain some weight if you want to drink heavily, or don't do it.

>> No.8017108

I know, right? For me it's like, why have three meals when I can have one massive feast every day? I get all my vitamins from supplements, so I'm not worried about that, otherwise I drink water or coffee, occasionally an energy drink and then fill the rest of my calories with either beer or spirits depending on how many calories I want to take in.

>> No.8017113


Dude, should I smoke weed then?

>> No.8017119


>> No.8017123


Then stuff my face with a twinkie?

>> No.8017138

Uhh... no. Just if you want to exercise and improve your body, eat your fit shit and work out, but it won't work if you want to drink. I want to drink, you want to not be skinnyfat/fat, I'm giving you a tip. I don't want to work out, but I'm telling you to not be an imbecile who wants to improve your body but still drink.

>> No.8017148


and I am asking you what alternatives can you suggest for stress?

>> No.8017156

This might be a fucking stupid question

but how do I know if I am alcolholic?
Does it works the same way with my terrible cigarette adiction? I can drink a whole fucking week and then go through months without drinking at all.

Right now, I'm drinking every weekend and a beer at the end of the day after college, until I get tipsy but not enough to causa a hangover the next day, just until I start feeling the drownsines and happiness that comes with it, I enjoy it. I sleep better, too.

Am I alcolholic? Or a potential one?

>> No.8017165

Can someone describe alcohol withdrawal to me? Not sure if I experienced it or not. Wasn't a hangover headache or any physical pain, I'm very familiar with those, but some weird mental anguish I can't really describe in which every second sober hurt my soul to exist.

>go through months without drinking at all
You're probably OK then. If you can't stop for psychological or physiological reasons, then you've got a problem.
Go nuts. You won't really be able to after this.

>> No.8017171

Anybody vaped alcohol before?

I heard it's more like a whippet high, very short. I was admittedly hoping for a more respectable alternative to butt-chugging.

>> No.8017173

As an alcoholic booze is the thing that I use, so no I can't tell you to smoke weed or drink mayan dirt water or anything else. They say that regular strenuous exercise can help with depression anyway, and alcohol can likely do the opposite and compound it in many people. Just work out and eat right to achieve the goal you stated. I don't have the same goals but I know if you want yours you won't succeed by continuing to drink a lot. See a psychiatrist if you have to but don't if you can subside without it.

>> No.8017200

Does anybody else have motivational problems after a satisfying buzz?

I only feel truly content after completely wrecking myself, sleeping it off, and spending the next day and partway into the afternoon still buzzed. Never had a hangover, even drinking past blackouts. Just bliss.

Problem is I don't even feel like so much as masturbating afterwards. Nothing. I don't feel like doing any hobbies, or work, or even eating. Not in the manner that I'm depressed. Quite the opposite, like I'm napping under a tree in the summer breeze and don't want to get up.

Or is this the definition of having a drinking problem?

>> No.8017204


Haha, only three years.
But yeah, the only thing I feel is the crave, the thought "I could use a beer or two after this day", but I think it is more related to hunger rather than the alcohol itself, most of the time I eat something and it fades.

I think I am ok... A friend of mine left me quite alarmed saying that I drink too much. But she is also the kind of friend that has the habit to drop by your apartment 8PM at night.

>> No.8017232

Been feeling strong urges lately so I'm giving it 7 days from the last time I drank. Hours are going by really slow and I could just say fuck it and start again any minute now, but I'm trying to stay busy. Why is being sober such shit? Why can't I enjoy anything without being drunk?

>> No.8017237

Rum and coke. My brother and i got into a strech of arguments throughout my life. he has always thought himself better than me. even though he didnt graduate college and im still struggleing my way through it. whenever ive called him on his bullshit, hes gotten in my face and hoped for me to provoke a ffight. I have no clue how to fight, ive never fought nyone in my life. After he got his DUI and totaled his car, i allowed my father to give him a new vehicle that was origionally promised to me. I was being nice, i didnt need it and he did. My father then promised me another handme down used car that i could have since my brother took the last one. I then got into my first car accident and totaled my car, was actually my fault, my eye sight is slowly failing. My brother took the insurance money from the wreck of 3600 and instead of pocketing it, made a deal with my father behind my back. I have been fairly angry about this since i had no means of transporting myself anywhere anymore, couldnt even drive myslef to college or my part time job. I accused him of being a backstabbing shitheel. and when confronted he hid behind a plethora of excuses and definitions. I slapped him upside the head. he slapped me back and punched me in the face, also he was druck during all of this an i had just returned from the car reck trial. I socked him back in the gut, he continued to tackle me and beat my face in over 2 dozen times. He had me pinned and i was beginning to pass out so i called for help. My mother desended on the situation pulling my brother off of me and berating me for starting an argument. I didnt even get a good blow in. I pulled a knife from a kitchen drawer to make sure that my brother understood exactly how i was feelling. My mother screamed in panic. I threw down the knife and walked out of the house. My mother then called the police, my brother fled the house while calling me a fucking faggot and drove off.

>> No.8017245

Newbie to drinking here:
Is it cheaper to buy liquor from brick and mortar stores, or order online?
There's a Total Wine and Beer near me, and I think they've got better prices than anything I can find.

>> No.8017259

The police arrived and my mother told them about the knife pulling. my face at the time was a bloody mess, but since they had no one else besides me there and my mothers statment, i was arrested on the spot. I was charged with 3rd degree aggrivated assault and 3rd degree teroristic threats. Im looking at 10 to 15 years in prison if thing dont work out for me. My case was origionally going to be in supirior court, but was lessened to municipal after my family commited character suidicide through letters to my lawyer. After all of this my brother is dead to me. I was told I had to move to florida, that i had no place in New Jersey, That i would only be a problem. so now im trying to rebuild my life as best i can. though i now drink every night just to take the edge off.

>> No.8017276

I wish I could make a super synthesis drug out of weed and alcohol.

Weed makes me calm (but it made me existentially afraid for the first 7 years I tried it, lol) and it gives me insights into what I need to change in my life.

Booze makes me brash, courageous, clear in my weaknesses, and hopeful for future changes (only if I drink a sane amount, not a shit load).

If only I could drink weed but still have the life-affirming aspects of an alcohol buzz.

>> No.8017311


i know the feeling of being depressed
and I am often that way, but I dont think I have depression. Just.. terribly critical. I love praise, but I can't accept it most times because I dont trust that it's true. Same reason why I can't go fuck some bimbo (even if I could), it wouldn't satisfy what I need.

Among other things like moms in the hospital, family has money issues, living like shit etc. Normal run of the mill problems.

so I work out, and then drink a little to get buzzed every now and then then when the crying in bed at night asking why I am such a sack of shit starts I drink until i fall over in bed asleep finally.

>> No.8017369

>They say that regular strenuous exercise can help with depression

It does.

It's only that depression hinders you from building the habits that can heal you.

Depression makes taking that first jog a hellish battle. Depression makes trying to lift weights a potentially embarrassing debacle.

But do it, and over time, and you will see the benefits.

There's no way admiring your panting and sweating body rippling with endorphins and adventurously wayfaring thoughts can't have a positive impact on your mood throughout the day.

>> No.8017380
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This is the reason you dont smoke weed, it turns you into self entitled cunts

>> No.8017392


Lifting weights is easy. You go, lift things and then next time you go you lift heavier weights.

But when you go and can't lift heavier weights, and keep falling behind? Saps all motivation to go completely. Thats what I have fallen into. One of the regular's at the uni gym that powerlifts said "Hey man, looks like you lost some weight that's good" which I have, but I haven't been able to hit 2pl8 squat and its eating me up inside where I am borderline injuring myself trying so hard to get it. I have fallen so far behind on it, that I have given up on it now. Goal is just to lose weight until I hit 180lbs@6'2. About 25-27lbs left to go.

>> No.8017406

I'm on my 18th Miller Lite Tonight. It will be my last.

About to eat some oven baked chicken legs and some deli sliced swiss cheese

I'm not as fat as you think I would be, but I ain't getting pussy either. No regrets.

>> No.8017423

You have it then. I never felt anything in my soul but an intense psychological and existential panic that only drinking will cure. Please seek help and talk to someone before it gets worse. I wish I had done it sooner than I did. Withdrawal can be worse than this but you expressed signs of it.

>> No.8017794

Is there a convenient way to get the smell of booze off of your breath?

>> No.8017800
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>Do you drink all the time though?
I am, according to some pamphlet I read at the college health center, an "at-risk" drinker. So I'm not as far gone as some stuff I've seen here at all.

I just want to make something silly that can be reposted whenever a weed guy shows up or some other typical crap happens. If it'll really rankle you that much I'll hold off though.

>> No.8017937

Time. Nothing else works no matter how much you brush your teeth or mouth wash you use.

>i only drink the good stuff, like patron and jack daniels, but i don't have any money
>i work in a kitchen/job that doesn't respect me or my time
>that drink doesn't get me drunk
>my ex is with another guy now
>my family is shit
>i'm in a relationship but my SO is ok with my drinking/any other kind of codependency
>i'm struggling in school but i won't stop drinking
Some of these are scathing or meant as a joke while others are things I wish I could have done differently.

>> No.8017952

>I'm Australian before faggots who don't know about time zones chime in

Last drink was 3am Sunday night/Monday morning.
Didn't drink last night.
Now it's Tuesday night and I have the day off tomorrow.
Really, really want to drink but trying to quit. Just ate a massive plate of Chinese takeout leftovers. Feel pretty full but not at the point of uncomfortable so I drinking seems appealing. Only 7pm. It's gonna be a long fucking night.

>> No.8017984

Chocolate works best for me.

>> No.8017991

If you're quitting you might be likely to gain some weight by eating instead of drinking. When I've come off before I wasn't sure why but I craved salty foods way more than I normally do. Manzanilla olives, pickles, pretzels - all that shit seemed to keep my urges down. Salty meals like chinese could help too.

If you really wanted to quit too you would be looking to get rid of some of the drink from your house.

>> No.8018000

>fell for the "adopt a dog itll be loyal and greatful to you for saving it" maymay
>racked up some bills in just 2 months
>wont stfu at night
i should have just bought a barrel of jack daniels. its all-night whining keeps me awake all night. i just keep reliving the moment where it all went wrong. i just want to sleep and forget my troubles

>> No.8018010

so when are you going to take out a loan, buy fake papers and flee to mexico to live as ronaldo juarez, the middle class spaniard who works as a translator

>> No.8018059

>If you really wanted to quit too you would be looking to get rid of some of the drink from your house.

There's nothing in the house to drink. I would have to go out and buy some. 2 hours until the Bottle-Os close.

>> No.8018069

I really wish 0.4 bottles would be more common. Fuck paying 40€ for something I might not even like.

>> No.8018075

In the words of Lee Priest: "I love eating so much, I just increase the cardio." So maybe allow yourself a drink but work that much harder.
Regarding the price of scotch, shit is insane, last december I bought a LeFrog 10 for 31€, now they go for 42...

>> No.8018159
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>A priest and a rabbi are walkin down the stret. They see a kid walk out of cnady store.
>The pierst says "hey you wanna screw that kid with me"
>the rabbi says
>"out of what?"
kek good one

>> No.8018914

If I don't hold myself back, I'll drink half a bottle of whiskey in a day.

Maybe that isn't extreme, but it's only increasing.

>> No.8019119
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>> No.8019159

Get him Mount Gay and hope he gets the hint

>> No.8019170

>mount me, I'm gay

>> No.8019228

In the last 8 years the longest I've gone without drinking is 2 weeks, and during that time after a few days I experienced really bad headaches. I normally never get headaches. Has anyone else had this experience?

>> No.8019386

>post with 6+ replies
That doesn't sound very specific to al/ck/ohol threads.

>Why don't you just stop drinking?
>Society hates you, you should kill yourself
>You're a faggot I drink way more than you. Just yesterday I drank 10 litres of vodka and I wasn't even drunk
>sjhity gyus i fcku agian i dank ad no im wespled fuk (I suck at imitating drunken typing)

>> No.8019401

Am I the only one that doesn't drunk type? When I'm drunk as fuck it makes me focus more on what I'm writing and I'll go over it a couple times to make sure there's no errors idk why kek

>> No.8019422

I proof-read myself too, drunk or not. It has it's downsides, people assume I'm sober when reading the shits I post on their FB during daytime.

>> No.8019576
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How's this?

>> No.8019581

it's shit

>> No.8019601
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>when you look at a handle of vodka and wonder if it will be enough

>> No.8020395

While I'm happy to see most of my stuff in there, the off-centre free card triggers me too.

The ones we can remove according to me :
4+ post string of offtopic argument
Why don't you just stop? (Often in the same post as weed.)
Something about doctor's orders
Someone who isn't old enough (because rest of the world have different laws)

>> No.8020544

My name is dan, i'm 24, and i'm an al/ck/oholic

My dad died when I was 17, left me the family farm that I had to wrestle away from my harpy of a stepmother. Dropped out of college at 21 during my senior year because "muh gf broke up with me ;_;" and other reasons.

Grandfather died when I was 21. If you've ever watched futurama, when fry says "I haven't had a vacation since when I was twenty one through twenty four".

I'm now 24. I live in an apartment paid for by the sales of my dads property that was in the family for 200 years. I spend most of my days smoking cigs and drinking, heavily.

I'm 6' and maybe 130 pounds. Estimate about 60-100% of my calories come from alcohol on a daily basis. Wake up with a cig, two beers, then another cig, two more bears, then by 2pm I may get hungry for something simple.

Have a car, have fucked girls off tinder in my apartment, but other than that, I live in absolute solitude.

My mom brings food sometimes, maybe once every two months or so. Other than that, I subsist on american spirits, beer, vodka, and unironic hotpockets

Sometimes I feel like an animal thats in a lab thats in some comfortable rut where they have no logical reason to leave. The only times I feel that my lifestyle is wrong is when i'm hungover, anxious, and haven't showered for a week and a half.

Ate my first meal since sunday today

>> No.8020719


absolutely make sure you take a multivitamin and a super B vitamin supplement, with that low of a food intake you are at risk for alcoholic thiamin deficiency and warner-kersikoff encephalopathy

>> No.8020805

>thinking a reclusive, unwashed drunk is going to bother with vitamin supplements

You really are thick, aren't you?

>> No.8020833

How do I order a cheap martini at a bar?

>> No.8020857

"May I have a martini?"
If you want cheap, drink at home

>> No.8020892

Literally no one orders a martini like that, anon.

>> No.8020893

Dress up in a tuxedo, put your elbow on the bar, and while not looking at the waitress tell her shaken, not stirred.

Proceed to drink your martini then go home and masturbate to hentai

>> No.8020898


plz no bully just trying to help

>> No.8020985

I started taking a vitamin when i realized how low my food intake had gotten.

>> No.8020998
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I disguise my dependency on alcohol as being an adventurous guy who likes tasting new beers.

Tonights pull. I hear the German one is really good from /ck/, the other one is a meme beer but it might taste good.

>> No.8021008
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I take a daily regimen of vitamins. Multi, B Complex, Milk Thistle, Fish Oil, and maybe St John's Wort in the morning.

Magnesium Taurate, more Fish Oil, and perhaps (depending on how much I drank) another B Complex.

At night, ZMA, maybe one more fish oil, and if I didn't drink, then .5-1mg of melatonin.

With other drugs like opiates or cocaine, I like to take 5-htp and L-tyrosine for serotonin and dopamine, respectively.

Also, tudca on the rare days I don't drink to help repair my liver.

If anyone has anything else to add, let me know.

>> No.8021040

Did taking all that shit really make a difference in your daily life?

>> No.8021060

This. My order usually goes "Martini please. Gin. Wet. Hold the olive. Stirred." And then I watch them and make sure they don't dump the vermouth out of habit.

>> No.8021077

Keeps my general health in more check, and helps prevents my lows being so low after excess imbibing. It won't help with things like gout or reactive hypoglycemia that comes with boozing hard, though. More neuro-health than preventing the gestalt.

At the bare minimum, I'd recommend a multi, b complex, and fish oil.

>> No.8021093

>I speak bluntly, in utterances of 3 words or less.
> *tips fedora*
How's life on the spectrum?

>> No.8021104

One thing I really enjoy about these threads is the lack of green text. You guys can actually post full on stories like normal people.
Kind of refreshing to see on 4chan these days.

>> No.8021109

Fucking awful. You people have a god damn super power and you take it for granted. I have spent a lifetime memorizing social cues, body language, facial expression, ethnic differences in all of the above, just to function day to die. It's exhausting. Your natural ability to read emotion and intent from other people without any conscious effort, that shit is black fucking magic to me.

>> No.8021124

>day to day
I swear to god that wasn't a Freudian slip.

>> No.8021419
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I got rid of the post ones and the ones I see least often

>> No.8022677

40 days sober here anons. You can do it too.

>> No.8022689

No money so I'm on day 2 of no alcohol. Hold me guys ;-;

Anyone in SoCal wanna have some drinks? I'll cook for you or something

>> No.8022699

Decided to drop weed for a little while since I can't work on ANYTHING while high. A good buzz from booze doesn't hurt, though, so I have one or two beers while I do homework.

I've been strapped for cash lately so I've been killing what's left of a twelver my buddy left in my fridge after he left for Delaware.

>> No.8023679

Busting wine now. Pretty much realized today after a year of deliberation I'm like never going to see anyone I used to hang out with ever again except for maybe like 1 person once a year. Starting to lose sleep again.

>> No.8023698

I can and have but I've stopped wanting to.

>> No.8023709

not today, but where at

>> No.8023714

Officer route in the military is definitely worth it my friend. Or at least more worth it than enlisted especially when the benefits pay off after 20 years. Currently a 2LT in the Army

>> No.8023725


>> No.8024530

I decided to do a few days sober at the exact same time I get a huge sinus infection that's killing me. Haven't slept 1 second in 48 hours now and I feel like I might die. I hallucinated a bit, but I'm going to drink the 1 beer in my fridge and see if that helps. I'm not normally the tapering type but I need to sleep.

>> No.8024930
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i felt like shit all day and 3 min after tequila, i feel better

why is this shit considered a party girl liquor and not an alcoholic's liquor. it doesn;t make me crazy and it's better for when i'm feeling down than gin

>> No.8024936

bourbon cutted with water, after having some wine

>> No.8024938

>I'm not normally the tapering type
That's one of the dumbest thing's I've read from an alcoholic. Human physiology cannot be trumped by will.

The good news? Detox takes a week max.
That is, unless you're the long-lost type that is less than a few years from drinking himself to death anyway...

>> No.8024944

Tell me about it, tequila gets such an unnecessarily bad rep. It's the only liquor that's never given me a hangover.

>> No.8025041

I've always felt like:
Vodka: neutral drunk
Whiskey: energetic feel good drunk/ aggressive if too much
Tequila: crazy weird drunk, just not uh, not really desirable but fine
Gin: The old fashioned drunk. A little weird.

>> No.8025153

>never get black out
>just take 6 shots every night after closing the kitchen 5 nights a week
>have no urge to drink on the weekends

Who /spurred to alcoholism by their shitty job/ here?

>> No.8025226
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16 days sober

>> No.8025390

It's perfect. Thanks.

Ethanol: makes people drunk.
Water and aromatics: makes people think X make them Y because it's typically drunk in Z context (in parties with adult friends/student parties/home alone/[other context that has an influence on your state of mind])

Unless you are drinking "real" absinthe, ex-USSR moonshine, or pot infused booze, ethanol should be the only psychoactive molecule.

>I'm on gin right now, was on pot in previous posts. I'm not sure if I prefer being a drunken asshole or a high idiot.

>> No.8025741

I was miserable before I was a drunk. I'd be just as miserable if I got sober, except I wouldn't have anything to numb it. Tell me why I shouldn't just ride this out.

>> No.8025775

It will eventually stop working, and the sense of dread will be intense and inescapable. You won't be able to eat, your sleep will be shit, you won't be your old self. You'll wake up and carry yourself with your ataxic gait to drink, and depending on your level of perseverance, eventually you will realize you don't actually want to die this way.

With esophageal varices that could have you projectile vomiting blood through your mouth, nose and eyes & choking to death.

With abdominal ascites, 2 gallons of fluid built up in the abdominal cavity, having to go to the hospital routinely to get drained.

Weeks in hospital with a bout of pancreatitis, being unable to eat solid foods, in excruciating pain.

Yellow skin and eyes, looking like a cadaver, slow death from cirrhosis, ammonia poisons your body and your cognitive faculties cease to function and you need to be changed and need a football helmet for laying in bed.

>> No.8025852

What percentage of chronic alcoholics actually end up like this?

Not trying to downplay the risks of prolonged severe alcohol abuse, but there are obviously a lot of people who are alcoholics into old age with no apparent drink-related health issues.

>> No.8026112

>6 shots only

Pick one. I have 8 shots for breakfast

>> No.8026738

I was 42 days sober and have a 3 hour layover at an airport. Nothing to do but drink. On the plus side, my tolerance pretty much disappeared. I'm 3 IPAs deep at the bar only and feeling pretty great

>> No.8026934

>4 beers

fucking amateurs