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8009563 No.8009563 [Reply] [Original]

Is it impolite to order dressing on the side?

How about single removals or substitutions?

>> No.8009565

Yes, and yes. Both extremely common.

>> No.8009566

It's impolite to order a dish in any way other than how it's presented on the menu. If it comes with dressing on top, you deal with it.

>> No.8009576


>If it comes with dressing on top

If it comes with dressing on top you should go somewhere else. Either they toss it for you of serve it on the side; just drizzling it on top like in the OP pic is a sign of a backwards ass shit hole of a "restaurant" that doesn't know shit about what they're doing.

>> No.8009579

>chef works hard creating a set with specific vision in mind for the flavors and textures etc.
>Hurr durr can you change this and this and thiss hurr durr durr
Why go to a restaurant to create your own recipe? Just eat what the chef intended for you to eat, or get something else you fucking clod.
Only time dressing on side is acceptable is for to go dining tb.h

>> No.8009584



>> No.8009585
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My assumption is that the "dressing" step of the salad is relatively simple; that it really isn't too much of a convenience to put it on the side rather than toss the salad with it. Oftentimes they drench it very badly, which is a pity when they use good greens.

>> No.8009606


>chef works hard creating a set with specific vision in mind for the flavors and textures etc

You've never worked in a restaurant.

>> No.8009608


Clearly neither have you, faggot. And McDonalds doesn't count.

>> No.8009640

I don't anymore.
Back when I did though, my chef would spend every business day from 8am to 9pm doing prep work for dinner service and testing specials in the prep kitchen downstairs. He and the sous would go through like 3 of those legal pad notebook things every month sketching plates and taking flavor notes.
He very clearly wanted each dish he was designing to go in a specific direction that he had come up with in his mind.

>> No.8009649

>chef worked so hard to make this salad a perfect and excise eating experience and it's rude to try and make minor alterations


>cooks are lazy and chef is an arrogant prick

far more likely

how about you do what you want and stop caring about whether or not a bunch of food industry losers think you're rude

>> No.8009654


Nice comeback, but I've probably made 10,000 salads at 3 different mid to high range restaurants, and can assure you that the chef isn't putting too much thought into the fucking salads, as long as they look nice, are consistent, and the produce is kept fresh.

>> No.8009660


Cool story, salad cuck

>> No.8009665


It's called knowing and working the entire line.

>> No.8009672


Lol, ok

>> No.8009673

>chef works so hard

heres i know your full of shit. The line people, preppers work hard, the chef doesnt.

>never order anything different

so people should die if they have allergies to one thing in a dish

kill yourself

>> No.8009681


> see a dish has something I'm allergic to
> order a different dish

Wow, that's fucking impossible to do.

>> No.8009687


Are you trying to pretend you were just trolling the whole time now that you've been called out for not knowing shit about what you're talking about? It's an anonymous image board, you can just stop replying.

>> No.8009697
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>> No.8009719

It depends on how politely you ask.

Whether or not they accommodate depends on the mood of the server and how well they get along with the pantry cook (and how busy they are).

>> No.8009918

It's not impolite unless you really take the piss with it or try to add value to your meal. Spitting in food is a meme.

>> No.8009921
File: 178 KB, 352x395, 1369249814038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i ask to sub for sauteed spinach instead of veg medley whenever i can

hate on, fag-o's

>> No.8009932

It does depend on the type of place though. If the menu is obviously meticulously constructed then the acceptable limit is far more narrow.

>> No.8010214

Why is it always the servers that seem to get ass mad over this but I rarely see chef's bitching? I've worked both and I could literally not care any less than I currently do. Let people enjoy it how they like, as long as they're not asking for a custom fucking dish.

>> No.8010234

You literally could not care less because you're an alcoholic who only cares about how chemically numbed you can get after your shift.

t. Freud.

>> No.8010241

Not every restaurant is like that. Many are staffed by tired, mediocre cooks that just want to get by; and the customers are more than happy to eat the uninspired food those cooks put out. 2 of the 3 restaurants I've worked in didn't even have a chef, just a BOH manager with the menu written mostly if not entirely by the owner. These are not restaurants looking to delight your palette with culinary marvels through rigorously thought-out dishes; they are looking to make familiar food that will appeal to as many people as possible.
How the fuck is it impolite to request dressing on the side, anyway? How is that not standard outside of tossed salads like a Caesar? This is the HOSPITALITY industry, and if you get offended by someone's use of salad dressing then you should find a different job.

>> No.8010248

I dont drink or smoke bro. It has no negative impact on me, i don't care. if they wanna eat it a specific way due to personal taste good for them.

>> No.8010270

If only I didn't know the pinnacle of chemically-induced contentment. I both pity and envy you...

>> No.8010528

I gladly pay an extra buck or two for some subs (fruit instead of potatoes, etc.)

>> No.8010539

>good greens
Is this a white people thing? Should I be some sort of green connoisseur to patrician up.