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File: 19 KB, 200x300, 200px-Fernetbranca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8005071 No.8005071 [Reply] [Original]

What's the worst alcohol that exists and why does it taste like acetone and diesel

>> No.8005146

For me it's tequila.

I'd choose absolute rocket fuel absinthe or vodka before tequila. I don't care what brand it is, if it's considered premium or not, you can take your shitty agave liquor and ram it right up your culo

>> No.8005162

In some remote Polynesian tribes you're not considered a man until you've drank an entire bottle of Fernet.

>> No.8005165

Get some taste. Fernet is amazing.

>> No.8005174


I find tequila delightfully sloppy in that a good one is easy to drink lots of. A go to cocktail on a hot day is don julio tequila, soda, and lemon on the rocks. I call it a Degenerate and Soda.

>> No.8005643


I got my first hangover from downing 26 oz of it at fourteen, and now it just smells to me like hangover.

>> No.8005647

Agree, that thing is garbage

>> No.8005655

I have a friend that drinks nothing but Fernet when he goes out to drink. He claims it helps cure hangovers.

>> No.8005680


I'm sure there is something worse out there, but Stroh is horrible.

>> No.8005681

Listerine is worst


>> No.8005701

Gin. All kinds.

>> No.8005702

fernet isn't bad. you can drink it in the morning no problem
also good after you've drank a lot and need something to help you not puke
also good for digestion

learn to drink it mate, it'll grow on you i promise

>> No.8005704


Absolutely. I mean, it's aggressive, but super delicious.

An aside, anybody else here in the industry? Where I am, it's basically a bartender's shot. Only people who ever order fernet branca are other bartenders and Italian tourists

>> No.8005716

I'm with you m8. I can't even hold it down if it's in shot form. Like 5-10 minutes after I shoot any kind of tequila I'm feeding it to the toilet, without fail. I think it's the aftertaste that gets me.

Love you grandpa

>> No.8005722

>can't even hold it down

not even if you prep the tequibull with salt and finish him off with a lime wedge?

>> No.8005730

Cheap vodka is the worse to me. Probably because i tried to drink it like water as a teen, and then spent the next 2 hours bent over the toilet.

>> No.8005732
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At $1.50 a bottle in the PI, it's the only reddening qualoty

>> No.8005762

>Where I am, it's basically a bartender's shot. Only people who ever order fernet branca are other bartenders and Italian tourists

You in SoCal? I get asked if im industry almost every time i order fernet here

>> No.8005764

branca with coke. 50% 50% with ice. thank me later.

>> No.8005775

Fernet is objectively terrible but I drink it sometimes for fun and to see how pleb my bartender is.

>> No.8005781

here (Argentina) we drink it with coke. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fernet

>> No.8005782

At that price you might as well just distill it

>> No.8005858

you shouldn't have to do all of that just to keep liquor down

>> No.8005963

nigga u cray

>> No.8005968

This is true. Cheap ones have higher content of methaol and long chained alcohols. Those alcohols ruin flavor in seconds

>> No.8005987
File: 48 KB, 381x412, buckfast-tonic-wine-devon-uk-10218502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is so sweet yet it somehow burns going down, its also the only time i have ever passed out

>> No.8006013

sure, no, but it kills the aftertaste. my friend had real tequila problems, he would just throw up two seconds after drinking it. i had to teach him the old breathe in, lick salt, drink shot, suck lime, breathe out routine so we could drink tequila together.

>> No.8006400
File: 252 KB, 983x1013, 1423869887490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pick one, faggot. this is the GOAT argie drink, it's actually made only in Italy and here.

60% coca cola (or grapefruit soda, we have paso de los toros here) + 40% fernet + Ice and you can easily drink a bottle of that shit and still feel no hangover the day after

>> No.8006430
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>> No.8006432

Is this the one the Scottish drink before beating their wives?

>> No.8006467

Man, I never order fernet when I'm out. I feel like they're gonna ask me if I'm in the industry and then it'll be awkward when I have to say no... my friend just got me into it... :(

>> No.8006469

it's more for beating one another

>> No.8006473

I do more like 70/30 with cola, or 50/50 with ginger beer, or sometimes as bitters in some kind of strange Manhattan. Does that make me pleb?

>> No.8006482
File: 96 KB, 960x1280, cq5dam.web.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alberta Premium whiskey. I figured "hey, it's the cheapest whiskey here, I'm sure it tastes just as good/bad as any other whiskey" but boy was I wrong.

>> No.8006571

That shit's actually pretty good, did you accidentally mix it with paint thinner or something?

>> No.8006915

Are you serious? No, it tasted like absolute shit to me. My whiskey snob gf hated it as well as everyone I shared it with.

Maybe we tried different products? I'm talking specifically the product in my pic.

>> No.8006943

Fernet with coca-cola is fucking god-tier, but maybe it's just because I'm an argiefag

>> No.8006956

your whiskey snob "gf" is a fucking retard then because its been voted best whiskey by the whiskey bible.

My guess you and that retard you put your dick in are faggot canadian hipsters that automatically love anything that's got "craft" in front of the name or comes from a non-white country.

lmao, whiskey snob gf. I can smell her armpits from here

>> No.8006980

Fucking lol, get over yourself you overcompensating fucking loser. Her favourite whiskey is "writer's tears". I guess my favourite is wisers.

>> No.8007328

>implying buckfast drinkers have wives

>> No.8007374


If your Scottish accent and your wife are both results of your schizophrenic delusions and drug induced brain damage while you gibber incoherently under a bridge

>> No.8008028

What part of Buenos Aires you from lads?

>> No.8009294

I love you silly argentinians
Do you like campari as well? How do you drink it?

>> No.8009477

The only problem with Branca is even their basic offering is too minty. Other fernets/amaros are way oversugarred, Ill have to get some czech fernet when I get home.

>> No.8009689


Fuck you I love gin

>> No.8009703

Canadian Whiskey, all of it.

>> No.8009722

Why is it so popular in the industry? Bartenders have offered me a shot of fernet when I tell them I work at a bar. I only drink that shit when my tum tum hurts.

>> No.8009769

Not an argie but I like my campari with a bit of freshly squeezed orange juice and tonic water with ice. Nice, refreshing drink.

>> No.8009777
File: 1.41 MB, 3264x1836, DABESTDABESTDABEST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fucking amateurs

>> No.8009818

Canada doesn't make whiskey.
They make whisky.

>> No.8009825

then theres this faggot

>> No.8009838

>phone poster calling the kettle black

>> No.8009858

haha, ok dude

>> No.8009859

but im not

>> No.8011330

Fuck grappa.
Fuck chacha.

>> No.8011429
File: 70 KB, 640x272, carmen cru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read that Argentina drink it with Cola, always wanted to try it.

I first heard of Fernet Branca from this french comic.

>> No.8011444

Fucking Cuervo Especial.

>> No.8011503
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It doesn't, it tastes of anise and wet cigarette butts.

>> No.8011506

The first time I had Fernet was in Argentina with coke. I thought it was fucking gross.

Now I think it's pretty good stuff. I'll still drink it every now and then. It grows on you.

>> No.8011523

I've been Bartending for 10 years, 5 of those in High-End cocktailing. And %95 of people who order shots of Campari, Fernet, or Chartreuse are industry, the other 5% are people who learned it from their industry friends.

It's a dick move to tell another bartender that you're a bartender as it seems like you're scrounging for a hookup, so it seems like the signal these days is buy a shot of the aforementioned and offer the bartender one.

I will say that Lazzaroni Fernet and Fernet Angelico are both awesome too.

>> No.8011738
File: 51 KB, 480x480, gammel-dansk[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Really hard to swallow.

>> No.8011793

Why are you drinking acetone?

>> No.8011808

It seems really douchey to try to secretly signal your bartender that you're industry. I have had bartenders offer me fernets when they find out though. I don't get it at all, to be honest. I think it's a bartender meme, and as BOH, I find it endearingly stupid and enjoy playing along.

>> No.8011825

You also realize most of us actually like the stuff? We're not shooting it to be part of the secret club, it's legit tasty especially to a palate that is burnt on most everything at this point. After this long making cocktails, my sense of Bitterness is hugely out of whack compared to a non-bartender.

>> No.8011831

Nah, it is good. I take a shot when my stomach's upset, and have it with coke when I'm off work. Our bartenders also serve it as a drop shot with redbull, and it ain't bad.

>> No.8011857

>Fernet in Redbull

they deserve nothing less than a firing squad at dawn.

>> No.8011862

I live in a shit town full of douche bags. You can't have a bar that doesn't serve redbull drop shots.

>> No.8011874

...my condolences.

No bar of any kind of reputation in my city will carry Red Bull or etc. We would rather disappoint the drop shot crown than have their money.

>> No.8011925

Southern Comfort for me.

>> No.8011972
File: 319 KB, 1200x1600, 20130831_211744988_iOS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stuff is pretty awful.

>> No.8012450

The bubbles look like a skull. How fitting!

>> No.8012461


>> No.8013073

>The name 'Tonic Wine' does not imply health giving or medicinal properties

>> No.8013101
File: 220 KB, 1728x2304, Penninger_Baerwurz_0-7_Liter_1601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stuff right here, Bärwurz / Spignel / Baldmoney schnapps was probably the hardest taste I've ever had to get out of my mouth, ever.

Got drunk off of this with a friend who brought it along; it's barely drinkable (especially warm) and the taste lingers in your mouth for half a day.

>> No.8013106

ayy lmao

>> No.8013114
File: 64 KB, 605x1000, t9744216pr_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will not drink even if it's free.

>> No.8013117

More like Bärwurm amirite?

>> No.8013141

I don't think I follow..

>> No.8013155

I've always been intrigued by this, I think an anon recommended this some moons ago.
Do you not like cinnamon liquor or is it just rancid stuff?

>> No.8013179

Fireball is just shit. Take some cough syrup, pour too much cinnamon in it, then mix that in the cheapest alcohol you can find. You've just replicated Fireball.

>> No.8013189

Will avoid.

>> No.8013207


Pick up some cheap-ish bourbon (like Evan Williams black label), mix in a few shots of simple syrup and a couple cinnamon sticks, let that steep for a week, and you've got an infinitely better fireball for cheaper

>> No.8013355

Straight hobo wine.

>> No.8013378

It literally has antifreeze in it.

>> No.8013481

After pouring it gets really crunchy under the cap because any of it that remains of the lip dries into sugar crystals.

>> No.8013535
File: 45 KB, 675x900, 7c44551753f2b459c74232f551055b5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "Brick" aka Wild Irish Rose.

>> No.8013545

That's 'literally' wrong, doofus.
It's got propylene glycol in it which is used in anti-freeze, but also ice cream, salad dressings, and other processed food shit.

You got spun by the Zionist media, my dude.
Wake up.

>> No.8013590

She sounds like a try hard

>> No.8013627
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>> No.8013633
File: 38 KB, 280x400, gammel-dansk-115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I vote for this thing called Gammeldansk, you might not have heard about it if you're American.

It's perfect if you're an alcoholic and want to pace yourself so that you only drink when you're really desperate. It's the only time in my life where I've almost had problem emptying a bottle but I managed after a few months.

>> No.8013752


>> No.8014706

Totally an argieFAG

>> No.8014726

i think it tastes great, if u want something truly disqusting try bäska droppar

>> No.8014732

>Can't drink good Gammel dansk

>> No.8014745


Beaujolais Villages

>> No.8014749


its becuase it was sold in italian american neighborhoods during prohibition becuase it was legaly classified as mediciene.

>> No.8014755

oh man I've heard about this shit

>> No.8014833

Pretty similar to Fernet Branca desu

Both are ok.

>> No.8014837

Bäska droppar is better imo. Goes well with kräftskiva although admittedly I've always drunk it in moderation and never bought an own bottle.

>> No.8015022
File: 215 KB, 425x425, Austria_Stroh_Rum_80_Copyright_2010_Kettle_Corn[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80% Stroh rum


>> No.8015023

that shit is only good for cooking/baking with.
tastes like shit if you drink it straight

>> No.8015040

>someone made fun of my hambeast on 4chan that may or may not exist
>I better defend her honor like the good little cuck beta orbiter I am


>> No.8015058

All these are fucking disgusting. I can't drink anything that tastes like licorice/anise, reminds me of when I was a child and had high fever & cough, I had to drink this god awful medicine that tastes like the mentioned liquor

>> No.8015071


I've drank the 57 straight, it's not so bad if you imagine cookie dough while you sip it

>> No.8015096

100 posts and no ouzo.

Literally the worst tasting substance in the universe.

>> No.8015134


but I like black liquorice

>> No.8015214

People like to shoot it but as soon as I take a shot my mouth gushes water and prepares for vomit.

The taste is just pure AIDS.

>> No.8015256
File: 215 KB, 600x795, Kulafu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything you guys posted is still god tier against this

>> No.8015422

but branca menta is even better than normal fernet branca

>> No.8015485

Have a beer as a chaser. 5/5 breddy gud

>> No.8015510
File: 117 KB, 1120x840, everclearbooze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty decent when mixed with sweet ass juice but the 99% stuff is hellish as a shot.

>> No.8015540
File: 50 KB, 286x410, zara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't like fernet
>bäska droppar
christ guys...

Anyway I have drouble with white wine actually, especially if it's really acidic. Doesn't mean I can't drink it. But I wouldn't call it the worst.

The worst kinds for me are those EXTEMELY cheap "vodkas" that you get from immigrants and such. Pic related. And even then you will find people who enjoy it. I knew a girl which would ONLY drink this when she was partying. Everyone thought she was insane.

>> No.8015571

i used to drink half a bottle every weekend when i was around 18 years old with energy or orange juice. No rergets

>> No.8015584

Reminds me of uni

>> No.8015589

Big in Northern Ireland as well

>> No.8015593

i didnt know hands could form opinions

>> No.8015598

the bottle itself is probably worth more than what's inside of it

>> No.8015657

Probably Vietnamese animal liquor made out of fermented snakes and shit.

I can get Tequila with some worm or or otherwise flavorless shock addition but no fucking way you are going to tell me rotting animal matter makes for good alcohol.

>> No.8015672
File: 44 KB, 800x800, amaretto-venice-434837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Amaretto taste like poison to me. You can get similar flavor notes in a cocktail from Kirsch which tastes a million times better.

I can't even stomach the smell of Amaretto and I love almonds.

>> No.8015696
File: 183 KB, 1181x1531, 873150ipernod_40i_1l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try some Pernod, I think it might be a cure for you. 1:1 with water and it's a treat.

>> No.8015762

Stay mad, virgin. Did I mention I have a bigger dick than you? 7 inches long by 6.5 inches in circumference. I'd steal your girlfriend and make her cum buckets while you cook us dinner, you beta fucking cuckold

>> No.8015797

nobody cares, stop feeding.

>> No.8015809

I snorted a shot of it as a bet once and it felt like I was having a spicy seizure for like 3 hours

>> No.8015900

i order malort all the time. it's a pretty aggressive bitter taste but it's not awful. it doesn't make me gag like some other shots do

>> No.8016198
File: 943 KB, 2322x4128, n7cnGt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this crap.. Could I turn this into a fireball since I'm not sure I can drink it without going blind

>> No.8016204
File: 164 KB, 375x500, 877509064_7d955ab8b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got you senpai

>> No.8016265


almost palatable with grapefruit juice

would never willingly order it though

>> No.8016305

>tfw when you will never roam the streets and throw excessive amounts of empty buckfast bottles at your grimy lad friends while roaming Glasgow alleyways at 2am.

>> No.8016331

It's like fermented shit with a handful of Red Hots.

>> No.8016333

Great for mixing

Bad for neat shots

>> No.8016367

Argie reporting in. Atleast in the south of the country we use to drink campari with orange juice or alone. Same with fernet, we like to drink it with coke.

>> No.8017307

Dry sweet vermouth

>> No.8019040
File: 124 KB, 556x556, nonono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alcohol already burns your mouth, why would you want more burning?

>> No.8019167


Ferber Branca is basically a herbal remedy for indigestion, it tastes like medicine on purpose.

That makes it a bit of an acquired taste.

>> No.8019224


>> No.8019329
File: 26 KB, 250x344, underberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have much against Gammel Dansk, or Fernet. It's hard hitting and has a strong taste but it doesn't make me want to vomit unless I have more than two in a row.
Underberg is revolting though, especially because you can't get it out of the small bottles quickly, so your entire mouth gets painted in the substance before you can swallow.
And you can smell it in a burp the morning after.

>> No.8019333

>Alcohol already burns your mouth
Are you fifteen? Stop gulping your booze and stop buying it cheap.

>> No.8019341

And just how the fuck do you know what diesel tastes like?

>> No.8019345

brought back bad memories of oktoberfest last year...... a hangover on that stuff is the worst!

>> No.8019468

The worst alcohol is screen wash.

It tastes awful, it's always an off-putting shade of purple or green, and it smells of ethanol and soap.
And it's basically dilute ethanol with soap in.
Cheap as fuck, though.

>> No.8019480

Sympathy for mouthwash drinkers has now been established in my mind.
Where did you go wrong dude? Doesn't anyone at the store question why you clean your computer so much like they do with duster huffers?

>> No.8019529


might as well drink airplane fuel