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File: 137 KB, 453x278, chorizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8004676 No.8004676 [Reply] [Original]

this stuff sucks.

i formed some into patties and fried them along side some eggs. the patties feel apart into a soft mush and left a huge pool of grease.

i thought i'd be firm like breakfast sausage.

how should i use the rest of my chorizo?

>> No.8004692

>Mexican chorizo, not Spanish chorizo

Tee hee

>> No.8004693


i'm just gonna throw the rest away.

i can't think any use for a tube of this strange 90% fat, 7% salt, and 3% meat product.

>> No.8004697

Isn't that the brand that's mostly lymph nodes?

>> No.8004699

Get Johnsonville ground Chorizo, that's more like sausage.

>> No.8004700

Yeah sorry to say but the one you got is mostly filler and stuff not so good to eat.

>> No.8004706

You crumble it and fry it, then add beaten eggs and scam me it in, or refritos. You don't make patties out of it.

>> No.8004715
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White guy here

If you want the muy authentico (very authentic) experience, cook the chorizo until it's browned, drain the grease, and then add it to scrambled eggs (hway voes Rev Weltos) refried beans (free whole A's Referee toes), or home fries (Poppa's Free Tuss Day Esteel Odeh Kossa)

Pic related: my whiteness

>> No.8004733

you're an idiot, you're supposed to fry it then add the eggs

>> No.8004756

just buy the swagerty pre formed frozen patties

>> No.8004759

>hway voes

Just... wow...

>> No.8004764
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Me fui a la mierda

>> No.8004770

throw it away, its literally not fit for your dog, Mexican chorizo is a solid reason to build the wall

>> No.8004796


Chorizo is delicious. Even Soyrizo is good.

>> No.8004825

It's supposed to fall apart retard. Unless you grill the whole thing like a sausage which tastes fucking great. I usually just brown some in a pan then scramble some eggs in it. But I'd suggest getting it fresh from the butcher not that packaged shit

>> No.8004855

>Mexican "chorizo"

Just buy Spanish stuff, i can understand Argentinean or Chilean Chorizos but anything from a tropical country will be shit.

>> No.8004880

>tries to make patties with chorizo (audible kek)
>obviously doesn't know how to make chorizo

Hurr durr chorizo sucks

>> No.8004894

I dont know shit about mexican chorizo but im white trash amd i know ultra low cuts of pork are more savor enhancers than meat. Fry up the chorizo and add it to beans, boiled cabbage or other veggies. I bet it would be awesome in a potato hash ot the base of a mole sauce. Dont think of it as food but as lard with meat pieces in it. Lookup soul food recipes that use pork/bacon and substitute it

>> No.8004900

Oh shit thank you for the laugh

>> No.8004918

Texan here :


>> No.8004924

Squeeze it into a cast iron or uncoated stainless if you have one, let it cook until brown as fuck, even some blackening, then scrape it all up with a metal spatula. Mix it with rice and beans, cilantro and fresh diced onion, pop a fried egg and some queso fresco on top and eat with arepas. Following that, fucking kill yourself.

>> No.8004942

that stuff that comes in a tube has these weird little chewy bits in it, like the same texture as cartilage...i guess its the ground up lymph nodes.

>> No.8005006

I actually prefer using Soyrizo cause it has less fat. It's not identical obviously but it's still good.

>> No.8005027

Hahaha pinche gringo cagado

>hway voes

>> No.8005045

Chile Relleno Casserole
6 poblano peppers
Tomato Sauce;
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 cup chopped yellow onion
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 (14 ounce) can tomato sauce
1/8 teaspoon cumin
2 tablespoons chopped cilantro
1/8 teaspoon cayenne
1/4 teaspoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon oregano
Chorizo Mixture;
1 pound chorizo
1 1/2 cup shredded montery jack
Egg Mixture;
6 eggs
7 ounces diced green chilies
3 tablespoons white flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
salt and black pepper, to taste
3/4 cup shredded cheddar
Preheat broiler. Lay poblano peppers on a broiling pan and cook a few minutes on each side, until they are blistering and black. Place in a covered bowl and let cool for 15 minutes. Peel and remove seeds.
Preheat oven to 325F.
Heat olive oil in a saute pan. Add the onion and cook until soft. Add the garlic and cook for 1 minute, then add the tomatoes, a pinch of salt, cumin, cilantro, cayenne, paprika and oregano. Simmer for 15 minutes and then turn off heat.
In a skillet, crumble and cook the chorizo. Once browned, turn heat off and add the montery jack cheese. Mix well to combine.
In a bowl, whisk the eggs thoroughly with the flour, baking powder, salt, pepper, and green chilies.
Pour tomato sauce into the bottom of a square baking dish. Place 3 flattened chiles down and spread chorizo mixture over. Top with the rest of the chiles and then pour egg mixture over. Sprinkle with cheddar.
Bake for 40 minutes.

>> No.8005048
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This thread made me want eggs and chorizo. Went to the butcher and got some spicy goodness

>> No.8005078

Soyrizo is fucking amazing, 10/10 over this Mexican garbage food
butchers chorizo is not this

in what FUCKING universe is this relleno? nothing is rellanos, literally the word

>> No.8005114

>eats meatless chorizo
>doesn't recognize the real thing

Yeah go be a vegetarian somewhere else homo

>> No.8006129

looks like a 70 year old's turd

>> No.8006176

>huge pool of grease

You're supposed to drain it, pendejo.

>> No.8006194

>based on absolutely nothing, i thought this thing was going to be a certain way, but it turned out to be completely different
>therefore this thing sucks

I bet you write a lot of online reviews and give online ratings, don't you, OP?

>> No.8006485

In Spain there are too kinds of chorizo: cured and fresh.

The cured variety is left for about a month maybe to ferment and dry. It has a firm and drier texture, and usually presents fungus in the exterior, a normal result of the curing process. It lasts for a long time, and is mostly consumed as is, just with bread. This variety is the most common in Spain, and the most appreciated by far, and there are hundreds of varieties. It is very rarely cooked, since the cooking process dries it even more, making it crumbly and too salty.

The one which is used for cooking is the fresh variety, which is basically the same as the cured one, but with a much shorter curing time, if any at all. This one is not much more than raw meat so it does not last very long, and has a texture similar to a butchers sausage. This is the variety which is used for dishes like "huevos con chorizo", "fabada" and "cocido". Depending on the dish, the chorizo grease contents, and the consumer liking, the grease is drained or not. It is not as valued as the cured chorizo, since it is an addition to the main dish ingredient.

>> No.8006489

make a breakfast burrito with it.

>> No.8006765

Yes. El mexicano, cacique, and carmelitas are shit tier chorizo. Its all water grease and scraps of pork. The best chorizo ive had in the US was made by a lady that sold it out of a hair salon. Second place was a place in Santa ana that only sells chorizo. Great chorizo uses pork butt and maybe some picnic.

>> No.8006778

Yeah man lymph nodes and salivary glands are primo shit

>> No.8006781

I found that comparing the amount of fat ass a percent of weight is a pretty good indicator of quality. The leaner ones almost always taste better.

Also soyriso is actually not bad, and I'm not even a vegetarian.

>> No.8006837
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>> No.8006848
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me in Spanish, you little Mexican bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class with a Bachelor of Arts in English, I've won numerous spelling bee competitions and have written over 300 confirmed best-sellers. I am trained in mass-media speaking techniques and I'm the best editor for the entire USA Today. You are nothing to me but just another sideways talking spic. I'll argue you the fuck out in God's English the likes of which has never been seen before in America, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with Spanish shit talking to me over the Internet? Think again, wetback. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Immigration officers across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the deportation, you chili choking pepper popper. The deportation that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your taco truck. You’re fucking deported, fence-hopper. I can speak anywhere, anytime, and I can debate you with over seven million words, and that’s just in English. Not only am I extensively trained in advanced English speaking, but I have access to the entire thesaurus of the United States Library of Congress and I will use it to its full extent to argue your miserable ass off the face of the country, you dirty pool digger. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tortillas. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn anchor baby. I will shit America all over you and you will drown in my freedom. You’re fucking excommunicated, Sanchez.

>> No.8007349
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>> No.8007352

>he bought a mexican product
>surprised it's underwhelming low quality trash