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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7997052 No.7997052 [Reply] [Original]

Can I put weed on my pizza and make it a pizza that will get me high pretty good

>> No.7997057

Yes. In Cambodia, it's called Happy Pizza. The cannabinoids will bind with the fats in the cheese, making them bio-available. You can add some olive oil, too; it will only help.

>> No.7997058

No. You're not allowed to do that.

>> No.7997065



>> No.7997069

5 minutes before a homemade pizza looks done, add in grinded bud over the top and then layer cheese on it. set temperature to 325 F and finish it for the last 5 minutes.

>> No.7997071


>> No.7997090

Best bet would be to make weed oil and mix it on the dough

>> No.7997092


>> No.7997095

I don't have any weed though or a grinder is there something I could use instead of weeb

>> No.7997098

A weed oil garlic dipping sauce sounds pretty D E N K to me

>> No.7997103


>> No.7997187

>eat weed pizza
>get high
>crave some pizza
>realize you already ate the pizza

>> No.7997190

of course
but you should make pesto pizza because the grassy flavor meshes well with that

>> No.7997196

This is actually a great idea, since the increased oil content in pesto compared to tomato sauce will increase cannabinoid absorption.

>> No.7997271


>> No.7997280

This isn't bad advice
Decarb your weed then pressure cook it in olive oil
Use the olive oil as normal on the pizza
I'm not so keen on weed but I'll do this two or three times a year and it's a nice way to explore a different feeling on a lazy Saturday

>> No.7997438

Don't think this would work, or at least not very effective.

If you want to eat weed you have to decarb it in the oven first, put it in on lowest setting for half an hour until it's slightly brown, then you can put that on pizza

>> No.7997467

You filthy junkie addict

>> No.7997895


>> No.7997917
File: 155 KB, 1080x1222, PicsArt_08-17-04.29.56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this you?

>> No.7997936

Guys im trying stop smoking plz stop

>> No.7997940

putting ground up weed on food is disgusting. extract the THC into olive oil then mix with pesto.

>> No.7999424

Fried weed stinks and will make your food taste awful. Talk about acquired taste...

>> No.7999622


>> No.7999643


I got a happy pizza when I visited Cambodia, but don't remember exactly how they did it. There definitely wasn't just bud sprinkled right on top, or if there was it was ground really fine.

One of the waiters sold me a fat joint in the middle of eating that turned out to be straight oregano, but it was only like 50 cents, and the pizza got me to a pretty good place so I didn't really care. Went and got a foot massage afterwards; wasn't anywhere as good as Thailand. Still regret not buying a happy pizza t-shirt.

>> No.8000430

I was on Koh Samui and went into a bar in a remote Alleyway. I just wanted a beer and the owner asked if I wanted to smoke up with him. He produced a fat joint and lit up. So we smoked that joint I remember it was fairly strong and not too shabby. So it was just us 2 when suddenly a military Cop pulled up and walked Straight and Ernest to us up. I had visions of rotting in a Thai jail when the owner tossed him a 5kg Bundle of weed. He Cop sniffed it and drive off.

The Thai was grinning from one ear to the other. Later that evening I went and got a foot and cock rub at a Massage place and came back for one more beer and weed. For the longest time it was just us 2 in the bar when suddenly a lot of Locals came in 10-15 men and women. So we were drinking and getting high all together. I was the only white person there. Even later at 4 or so 3 frenchmen came and started a fight with one or the Locals so they got all jumped by the Rest and besten to a pulp

Thais are crazy man. I go back every year just to hang out with my friend.

>> No.8000491

The happy chemicals in the buds can be "activated" to THC Delta 9 at 240F/115C, and extracted into non polar solvents like fat, cheese, or butter. However, the plant parts themselves taste like ass. Just buy premade edibles, you won't extract it as efficiently yourself.

>> No.8000688

grind up some weed and snort it while you eat the pizza. it will lend a spicy green note to the flavor of the sauce and you'll benefit from a strong onset of THC through the capillaries in your nose as well as being able to reply to this post with weed are bad or your mom will die in her sleep.

>> No.8000699

>it's a cu/ck/s don't know about cannabutter or the process that goes into making edibles episode

You can't just sprinkle bud onto something and eat it. But yes, look up the process for making cannabutter, or look up edible/cannabis recipes.

>> No.8000702

It's called decarbing and It's THCA. Not just THC.

>> No.8000706


>> No.8000729

Sounds legit, that whole country is run by the Russian mob.

>> No.8000811

Is the weedban on 4chan lifted with Colorado?

You need fats to dissolve the resins. I'd use butter, dissolve the stuff in it on low heat, filter out any fibers, and put it in the dough. Any grease you put on top will drip off.

>> No.8000837

Weed is illegal in Japan

>> No.8000857

Naked thighs and alcohol are illegal in Saudi Arabia, what's your point?

>> No.8000864

Just wanted to get a reference to Japan in. This is 4Chan after all.

>> No.8000866

Oregano and paprika is pretty good

>> No.8000926

This is a Japanese website

>> No.8000933

LMAO DUDE if you put weed on a pizza it would give you super munchies but you would have no pizza left!

lol weed is the best1

>> No.8000939

No, it's an American website that was bought by a Japanese person.

Under your logic, my Dodge would become a Canadian car if I sold it to my neighbor from Canada.

>> No.8000944
File: 56 KB, 200x200, 201719_1371226938748_full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but it's a website dedicated to Japanese stuff. This board should only be about Japanese food or food featured in anime.

>> No.8000945

>owned by the japanese
>most servers are not in america
>most posters are not american

>> No.8000952

4Chan is hosted on servers in the USA.

>> No.8000953

Don't you have some women to harass on Twitter in the name of Donald Trump, you fucking disgusting nerd?

>> No.8000957

Prove it.

>> No.8000959


>> No.8000964


>> No.8000965

That's the most recent information. Unless you can prove it's changed, that's the truth.

>> No.8000969

Sorry, but things were completely different back then. Old management and ownership, old staff, old userbase.

>> No.8000975

That's not how proof works. Unless you can come up with some kind written information that says the 4chan servers were moved from California to some location outside of the USA, that claim is just conjecture, and this blog post: https://www.4chan.org/news?all#106 is the most recent information we have to go off of.

I'm not sure you really "get" how proving things works.

>> No.8000977

prove it

>> No.8000983

That is how proof works. We're talking about today, you're giving proof for a time when the cause of our disagreement didn't even exist yet.

>> No.8000985

All prior documented information is to be assumed true until newer, conflicting information is brought forth.

You argue illogically, as a woman does.

>> No.8000995

Not when the situation we're talking about didn't even exist back then. Nobody is disagreeing 4chan used to be american years ago, so there's no point in you trying to prove that.

>> No.8000999

Just tracert the servers you stupid faggots.
Bloody hell.

>> No.8001004


Phone people don't know what that is.

>> No.8001006

You don't understand at all, anon, baka desu

>> No.8001015
File: 69 KB, 744x800, 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to https://www.iplocation.net/
>type in 4chan.org
>get the results in pic related
>see that 4chan is in America

>> No.8001020

That's not all the servers though.

>> No.8001031

The primary server that 4Chan is hosted on is in West Allis, Wisconsin. There are no authorised mirrors.
Faggots, all of you.

>> No.8001032
File: 97 KB, 580x953, channychanchan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are

>> No.8001034

>WIfag tries desperately to make Wisconsin seem relevant once again
[citation needed]

>> No.8001040
File: 5 KB, 251x201, belmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that the IP address begins with 104 should give a bit of a clue, Genius.

>> No.8001046
File: 330 KB, 1280x800, WI_Loc_Search_997766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your citation, dipshit.

>> No.8001052

>a random unidentified IP is in wisconsin
Wow, that's interesting.

>> No.8001056
File: 9 KB, 520x111, ping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that ip address leads to nothing. here's what you get when you ping the site

>> No.8001057 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 265x300, 094905_laff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>random unidentified IP
That happens to belong to 4Chan.org.
BTFO, dipshit.

>> No.8001060

inb4 "i was only pretending to be retarded"

>> No.8001061

Oh look, another thread ruined by a dumb weeb.

>> No.8001063

Prove it.

>> No.8001074

what's the icon in your task bar to the right of the skype one? the purple/orange/blue thing?

>> No.8001075

What do you expect? It's a thread about weed, and weebs have such terrible social skills (mostly due to autism) that they wouldn't be able to find bud in an Afghan whorehouse. He's just jealous that people were talking about something he's far too socially retarded to ever experience himself.

>> No.8001078
File: 8 KB, 54x47, candy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8001079

>[Z] on a weebsite ruined by weebs

>> No.8001080

Joke's on you, kid, my mom makes joints for me :^)

>> No.8001084

>a thread in a weeb community ruined by weebs
More like purified.

>> No.8001090

plz respond

>> No.8001092

decarbing isn't necessary. it's just stonerscience.

>> No.8001093



>> No.8001098

>decarbing isn't necessary.

No, it's not. But if you don't decarb then you're basically throwing away free THC. You end up with a much more potent edible when decarbing.

>>it's just stonerscience.
You failed chem class, didn't you?

>> No.8001106


>> No.8001119

Which year of Chemistry? In my sophomore year Chemistry class, I got A's, but I did only get a B one semester in AP Chemistry, and only a 3 on the test, so it's not my strongest subject. Still, I know enough about it to know that the weed will decarb in the oil as you're making it.

>> No.8001120


is weed discussion in violation of global rule 1 ?
>You will not upload, post, discuss, request, or link to anything that violates local or United States law.

>> No.8001123

Does nobody really know what this image is?

>> No.8001129

>weed will decarb in the oil as you're making it.

So why do you consider "Decarbing" to be stoner-science if you understand how the process occurs?

>> No.8001138

Because I like to be dismissive.

>> No.8001158
File: 360 KB, 1280x800, get answer and delete.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this icon?

>> No.8001161

That's how this dumb discussion got started, someone noted that weed is legal in parts of the USA.

>> No.8001162

Freedom of speech, fuckboy

>> No.8001167

No such thing on a privately owned website

>> No.8001168

Thanx. Now that I know my (You)s are working can I get an answer to this >>8001158 please?

>> No.8001172

It's the stylized asshole of a homosexual man. You don't want to know what the program is used for even after I told you that.

>> No.8001180

t.armchair lawyer

>> No.8001184

>You don't want to know
Yes I do. Can you tell me please?

>> No.8001188

He's right, though. Freedom of speech only pertains to governments. Private corporations, organizations, and institutions can choose not to publish anything, for any reason they want.

>> No.8001194

Here I am trying to convince your Grandparents that you're not gay and then you go and post this.
Dam Son, it's your inheritance as well.

>> No.8001195

4chan dot organization

Please respond

>> No.8001201

No, but I'll arrange it so you find out in the near future.

>> No.8001213

It's Epic Browser.
It's pretty good

>> No.8001215

>4chan dot organization
Are you fucking retarded? You understand that I'm saying 4chan has the right to censor anything they want, right? If you're trying to disprove something I said, you did the opposite. If you were agreeing with me, you've added absolutely nothing to the conversation. I hope nobody fucking tells you what that icon means, because you have brain damage.

>> No.8001223
File: 6 KB, 204x204, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8001225

you pressed a lot of keys to inflate your own ego. well done.

>> No.8001226


>most posters are not american

There are still far more American posters than posters from any other single country. If you made a pie chart it would look like a predominantly American site.

>> No.8001231
File: 24 KB, 371x73, epicB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8001238

Doesn't change the fact that you're either a retard who can't follow a conversation, or a retard who adds nothing to a conversation.

>> No.8001241

>anon proves it
>goalpost status: shifted
4chan is an American website hosted by American servers but owned by a Japanese man. I don't know why you're getting so autistic over this.

>> No.8001242
File: 178 KB, 600x480, ChO_I3rWMAAfeBJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story checks out.



>> No.8001247

oh goody. more words! what are you adding right now?

>> No.8001248


>> No.8001253

>oh goody!

>> No.8001256

You're a liar anon.

>> No.8001258

Why did you want to know so bad?

>> No.8001262


>a retard who adds nothing to a conversation


>> No.8001264

In what world do you live that bioavailable isn't a common word? Did you not get a degree in a STEM field?

>> No.8001269

>redditor is outed, tries to deflect

>> No.8001273

I didn't recognise it and thought it might be something that I could find useful. I was just annoyed at being ignored because I didn't think it was a difficult or revealing question.

Some people seem to just use this place as a way of inflating their own lack of self esteem and have no interest in actually assisting those who need assistance.


>> No.8001275

>implying this shower of shit is better than reddit.
Shame, anon. You ought to know better.

>> No.8001291

10/10 bait, you got me good

>> No.8001304

4chan is a stateless website used for predominantly Japanese media hosted by American servers owned by a Japanese man and visited by a distinctly International audience

>> No.8001321

>stateless website
started by an American, hosted in America, server time is in an American time zone.
>used for predominantly Japanese media
maybe back in 2003, but as far back as 2006 this place was rapidly shifting away from a focus on anime. if this is an anime website, why does the video games board get way more traffic than the anime board?
>visited by a distinctly international audience
Every international poster is a complete moron with no grasp of the English language.
"How this is done?" instead of "How is this done?", "spending time on New York City" instead of "spending time in New York City", etc.

>> No.8001325

>Every international poster is a complete moron with no grasp of the English language.
>"How this is done?" instead of "How is this done?", "spending time on New York City" instead of "spending time in New York City", etc.
Americans mostly.

>> No.8001337

>why are you hating on me?
The way to spot a foreign retard (or a nigger) everytime.
Never fails.

>> No.8001340

More like disgusting shitskins or lazy French fucks.

>> No.8001347

>started by an American, hosted in America, server time is in an American time zone.
The first is irrelevant, and the time zone thing is a natural result of the servers being there. Nothing strange about that, it's still 1 point for American and 4 for notAmerican.

>maybe back in 2003, but as far back as 2006 this place was rapidly shifting away from a focus on anime. if this is an anime website, why does the video games board get way more traffic than the anime board?
Same reason all the video game threads get constant spam of anime in them I guess.

>Every international poster is a complete moron with no grasp of the English language.
Irrelevant to the issue. You can't into logic very well, can you.

Also completely wrong besides that, most international posters are fluent. Go look at the non-meme discussion on the few boards that have flags if you don't believe me.

>> No.8001354

I spend enough time /pol/ and /int/ to know you're wrong.

>> No.8001357

I spend enough time there to know I'm right.

>> No.8001360

It seems we're at an impasse.

>> No.8001368

That would be a shame, except we're at one over something irrelevant to the issue so it actually doesn't matter :^)

>> No.8001375

Yes it does.

>> No.8001383

You pick the dumbest things to get mad about, anon. Now try to guess how many languages I knew before I started learning English.

>> No.8001386

>u mad bro?
kek, you're getting desperate, Muhammed.

>> No.8001512

You're the one who said it. Don't blame me, I gave you the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.8001514

Fuck it.
Name a time and location.
I'm willing to travel.

>> No.8001542

When did I say that?

>> No.8001552


>> No.8001567

I think you're confused. That post says "Yes it does," not "I'm angry."

>> No.8001583

Something logically irrelevant to an issue can only matter to you on an emotional level when discussing said issue.

>> No.8001693

Or I could just be shitposting.

>> No.8001695

this is why i don't touch weed.

you people are fucked in the head.

>> No.8001728

Same thing.

>> No.8001769

I'm sure it has nothing to do with your lack of social skills preventing you from finding a dealer.

>> No.8002266


from what i know you don't want to eat weed and large meals because it inhibits the absorption of the thc into your system.

>> No.8002279


It doesn't inhibit anything, it just takes longer to take effect.

>> No.8003897

I smoke all the time and the tech illiteracy in this thread probably bothers me worse than it does you