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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7997537 No.7997537 [Reply] [Original]

Non-americans of /ck/ what kind of food do you get from the 'American' section if anything at all?

>> No.7997602

nothing, since I only buy fresh products... and I make my own ketchup from scratch..

>> No.7997612

you can't catch lightning in a bottle twice anon

We all shared a moment in that thread. But we need to let go.

>> No.7997618

I try do buy local as much as I can but when it comes to sauces americans have some good ones.

>> No.7997714

You already made this thread recently?

Dang it, I don't come on /ck/ too often

>> No.7997954

reese's cups
huy fong sriracha(yes its very hard to find here)

>Want to try
Skippy pb,compare it to the Dutch brands
Pop tarts
Twinkies(I know theyre bad though)

>Regularly buy
Louisiana red

>> No.7998044

Everyone should try a twinkie

They're not bad, probably bad for you but they taste good

>> No.7998057

>be OP
>omg my thread got replies XDD
>better make another one ;3

>> No.7998060
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weird cans of sodas

>> No.7998066

You already made that post here


I've only made this post once

>> No.7998077

only american product i ever got from my local store is maple syrup

>> No.7998342

Well most things in an Australian supermarket are actually American or American owned! Thats why i prefer to go to a farmers market for most of my stuff, then various foreign shops for my other stuff.

>> No.7998368

What the fuck, no they don't. I'm an obese American and I eat a lot of shit, but Twinkies taste like air and regret.

>> No.7998374

What kind of money is this and what's the exchange rate with the dollar? How many cans do you get for that much?

>> No.7998386

12 swedish crowns is about $1.40 for those cans

A regular can of coke is about 8 sek

>> No.7998421

I think you mean 8 kek.

>> No.7998466

Skippy is pretty lame PB. I'd opt for Jif if possible, although none will be as good as freshly made "natural" PB. Didn't expect the Dutch to have their own brands of PB.

>> No.7998488


Poptarts are god tier lad, try them out of the box or hot (in toaster) or chill em in the freezer for 15 minutes.

>> No.7998489

The most American thing that I would want if I were living in a foreign land would be Sweet Baby Ray's bbq sauce desu.

>> No.7998733

>katchup from scratch
Hipster faggot

>> No.7999155

Skippy pb is gross shit they make for 7 yearolds. Don't bother. Pop tarts and twinkies will make you feel like you're dying but are pretty good.

>> No.7999187

not from any "american section but there was this "American Flavored Coffee" with full on american flag and this picture of a king of some sort, never drank it but i thought it was funny

>> No.8000368

peanut butter cups

>> No.8000394

i really like peanut butter m&ms
i don't buy them often though

>> No.8000400

do americans actually believe that the rest of the world has a special 'american' section in their local supermarkets?

lel. that's pretty sad to be desu.

>> No.8000477

Different types of hot sauces and marinades mostly. You guys know how to prepare meat.

Also: mapple syrup.

>> No.8000480

It has been a thing for a few years.

t. Finland

That's how we got beef jerky, I believe. First in the american section in some places and now everywhere.

>> No.8000490

Not seen this over here.
I doubt it would catch on.

>> No.8000500

Twinkies taste like chemicals I don't know any other way to describe it. Most other heavily processed foods taste the same way. It's funny I used to like some of this crap when I was a kid but it's foul to me now.

>> No.8000503

loads of big supermarkets have aisles for foreign products, such american products

what kind of shithole do you live in?

>> No.8000509


you can't see the difference?

>> No.8000513

My mum got a twinkie as a novelty from her work because they make some e-numbers for it and it tasted... bizarre. Like, it had that awful fake cream flavour, really sweet and it was salty somehow? Worse than any other supermarket caje I've had... I wasn't expecting the salt. American bread is weirdly sweet too.

>> No.8000526


The Jack Links beef jerky is pretty good, haven't tried anything else as I don't have much of a sweet tooth and most of it looks sweet.

Tried the Hershey stuff that people get so autistic about, just tasted like chocolate. Don't see the issue with it, but don't see why you would buy it over the normal offerings either.

>> No.8000528

Every American confectionary I have tried has been sub-par and extremely disappointing

Except peanut butter cups, those are nice

>> No.8000550

>huy fong sriracha
It's not just in the American section for convenience sake, Huy Fong is an American company that uses American ingredients and sells primarily to American consumers.

>> No.8000563

I get the Snyders pieces sometimes (except the cheese one) but that's it.

I'm considering buying a Hershey bar as a joke gift for someone who likes to bore everyone by talking about how American chocolate is bad.

>> No.8000572

International sections are divided into smaller sections like a library. Jewish foods are usually grouped with other Jewish foods, Mexican foods with other Mexican foods, Asian foods with other Asian foods, etc. It's not unreasonable to assume that many markets have a cluster of indentifiably American products which you could call an American section. Even if that selection is half a shelf long with just poptarts and peanutbutter that would still qualify as a 'section'.

>> No.8000574

Up until they started selling them like normal chips, Doritos.

>> No.8000581

They're not made to be good, they're made to appease massive groups of braindead fatties. Never seen a healthy person in this country buy any of it, sorry for it's existence.

>> No.8000610

I was born in the US and spent my summers there, but I grew up and live in France. So I'll sometimes get a soda, mostly Dr Pepper, and maple syrup, if it's sometimes cheaper than the local options. Or I might buy something I haven't seen in the stores here before and I want to show my friends but I haven't previously had the chance to bring some back from a trip to the US.

PB is growing in Europe.

>> No.8000611

After the USA we are supposedly the 2nd biggest consumer of pb(per person ofc)

Everyone knows the brand "Calve" here.

>Pop tarts and twinkies will make you feel like you're dying but are pretty good.

Oh yeh forgot about sodas
Of course we've had USA brand sodas,but now also tried the newly imported ones

>Big red
Sucks shit
>Hawaiian punch
Sucks shit
>Mtn Dew
Sucks shit,but boy did I feel meme-ish while drinking it,even bought doritos for that occasion
>A&W rootbeer
Bretty damn good,we dont got no rootbeer here it was a nice new experience.
Everyone else says it tastes like medicine or soap somehow...

>> No.8000628

skippy is shit, jif is better, and calve is good, just less sweet than either. you can get skippy at makro and a number of tokos though if you really want to try it.
pop tarts are dry as fuck kid food, but if you can find the brown sugar cinnamon ones they aren't bad.

>> No.8000631

fuck most of that shelf, but the hanson's is goat soda

>> No.8000653

I've bought cherry and vanilla coke. I also once bought a drink called "Bob Marley's Mellow Mood". Once bought some American chocolate but it tasted awful, and what I have heard from other Europeans American chocolate is pretty bad.

They replaced the America self in my local store with a Russia self.

>> No.8000721

I try various things. Twinkies have been on my list since Ghostbusters and they are an abomination. Reicies Peanutbutter Cups are nice. Grape Drink is meh. 3 Musketeers is just a Milkyway and the Milkyway is just a Mars bar.

Those Snyders pretzel pieces are like swallowing gods spunk.

>> No.8000722

>talking shit about Big Red

I'll fuckin' fight you, matey.

>> No.8000743

Is this why jerky is so expensive here? Finn's started importing all of it?

>> No.8000761

It's expensive here too. Like 5€ for an itty bitty bag. it's good though.

I'm saying that the jerky has migrated off from the "Yankee aisle" and next to beer aisle, along with salt sticks, mini salamis and things like that.

>> No.8000869

Non-third world countries have international sections containing products from around the globe.

>> No.8000891

Just how fucking stupid are you?

>> No.8000917

Some snack, but no real cooking ingredients.

>> No.8000934
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Poptarts, Lucky Charms, Reeces Cups, Butterfinger
I've tried these all probably once each, they were all super sweet, delicious

>Want to try
Twinkies, Marshmallow Fluff, more Reeces shit and more sugar cereals

Yeah I'm a big faggot that likes sweets

>> No.8000978

>International sections are divided into smaller sections like a library.

>Jewish foods are usually grouped with other Jewish foods, Mexican foods with other Mexican foods, Asian foods with other Asian foods, etc.
I'm in Australia and I've never seen a special Jewish or Mexican section. Or an American section for that matter.
I see Mediteranean, Middle Eastern, Indian, and a few different Asians (Vietnamese, Mongolian, etc). all in the International isle. Granted, I very rarely walk down that isle but I'm sure I've never seen anything like an American section.

Things that you might consider as American like peanut butter and such are just in the regular designated isles. Nothing stands out as being specifically American, and anything that might would be made locally. Like peanut butter. There's no reason to import peanut butter from as far as away as America.
There's salsa dip in the snacks isle but it's not labeled as Mexican food.


>> No.8001190

I mean austraila is more in line with us food wise, as we eat similar shit. An american section is probably more common in Continental Europe, rather than in the Anglosphere

>> No.8002786

Do you hate America or something?

>> No.8004714

But its soooo bland and sugary

>> No.8004722

>what kind of food do you get from the 'American' section if anything at all?
There isn't one.

>> No.8004723 [DELETED] 

Wanna get naked and wrestle it out?

>> No.8004730

Yeah, fair enough.

>> No.8004737

>bland and sugary
does not compute.

also, i kind of miss pulling your strings on /n/.
what i think you need is two all beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese picked onions and a flat bar road bike.

>> No.8004742

What shithole do you live in?

Most UK supermarkets contain an American section.

>> No.8004783
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I made the mistake of buying one of these once. I figured that since i like cheese sauces and stuff, this would be pretty much up my alley.

Nope. False assumption.

It was disgusting. I ate as much as i could, but failed to finish it.

>> No.8004800
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>> No.8004808
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That jamaican ginger beer/ale is the only product I would like in here. Otherwise I stay away from the US section.

>> No.8004826

I wouldn't regularly buy anything, but I do love White Fudge Flipz and have bought them occasionally (once or twice a year)

I'm not ashamed to admit that I've bought Kraft Macaroni & Cheese before as well. It might not taste like real mac & cheese should, but that's the point, it has it's own unique taste that's just delicious.

>> No.8004837

>what do you get

>> No.8004839

Who wouldn't for processed foods - bloody corn syrup in everything

>> No.8005156

>american section
Never heard of such a thing.

>> No.8005201

As an american I'm really surprised by the lack of peanut butter in other countries

>> No.8005219

It's your meme, just like baseball and handegg.

>> No.8005242


Jerky, rather dried dehydrated meats in general, are pretty expensive due to the time factor and quantity of meat required to produce something that is to become less than 50% of original weight.

>> No.8005251

>quantity of meat required to produce something that is to become less than 50% of original weight.

This. Meat is more than 70% water. Thus it takes several pounds of meat to make only one pound of jerky.

...and I'm sure that it's getting a hefty markup for being a specialty imported food too

>> No.8005261


>> No.8005271

American sports, anon. Nobody else plays them for the most part. That's why they're your memes, while the rest of the world doesn't care. Except for basketball.

>> No.8005285


American here. I've never even heard of "handegg".

>> No.8005295

You're in denial. Maybe google will help you.

>> No.8005300

Don't worry, it's just another non american inferiority complex

>> No.8005334

When I lived in Germany I brought some german friends on base to go to the commissary and the only thing they wanted was peanut butter, oreos and turkey. We went to taco bell afterwards and they had no idea what any of the food was so I had to order for them.

>> No.8005349

>huy fong sriracha
everybody says it's overrated, but I have to keep it in my fridge because it goes well with so much stuff
but apparently the SEA brands are less spicy and more flavorful

also tobasco has several varieties and the chipotle smoked one is GOAT

>> No.8005353

>grapefruit soda

sounds good

>> No.8005871

That's not true at all you idiot. You are truely an idiot

Coles and Woolworths are ASX listed companies and Aldi is German

The only thing I buy out of the american sections is root beer

>> No.8005960

Peanut butter and maple syrup (there is no dedicated Canadian shelf).

>> No.8006142

I still don't know why they fill up the American section with candy, drinks, and pop.

>> No.8006145

I still don't understand why an "american section" exists in the first place. Where do you even live?

>> No.8006151

Probably not in America? I don't live in Asia, and my grocery store has an Asian section.

>> No.8006158

Pancake mix for when I'm too high to actually make some, DrPepper to mix with shitty whiskey.

>> No.8006170

On that note, what kind of "international" sections do non-Americans have in their supermarkets?

In New England we generally have Asian, Mexican, and UK/Irish, or UK/European. Sometimes an "Italian" section will also be labeled near the international section, but it's mostly American food used in Italian American food, not international imports.

>> No.8006180

I live in europe and my grocery store doesn't have any continent or country sections.

>> No.8006189

That's unfortunate. Maybe you should file a complaint.

>> No.8006191

Why is it unfortunate?

>> No.8006198

It varies by what ethnicities you have around you and where those ethnicities are willing and able to shop.

I live in a highly multiethnic area.
Two of the four chain supermarkets here have nice ethnic sections (the other two have Old El Paso taco kits and Maruchan ramen in their 'international' section, no joke).
Of the good two, one carries a lot of Caribbean, Maghrebi, West African and Indonesian goods along with Mexican stuff. The other carries Turkish, Israeli/Palestinian, 'Jewish' (though it's all Ashkenazi and all American) and Mexican stuff.
The Walmart quite a ways away carries a number of Indian/Pakistani imports as well as Indonesian things.
Another chain supermarket just 15 minutes away has an ENORMOUS Polish section and a smaller one catering specifically to Haitians.

No supermarket here carries anything Western European, which gives me quite the sad.

Despite having a huge Southeast Asian population, SEAs other than Indonesians don't shop at chain supermarkets here for some reason, so they don't carry anything for them.

>> No.8006239

>poptarts are godtier
I imported a 16-pack of chocolate chip ones.
It tasted of cheap nutella, slightly sour pastry and cheap.

>> No.8006272

From the regular section, mainly pop tarts and those fudge covered white pretzel things

If my friend is importing for his shop n offering me at cost I get Oreo creme brownies (grossly sickening but man I love em) peanut butter m&ms and mint oreos

>> No.8006273

You miss out on the foods of other cultures.

>> No.8006292

More like the cheap junk ingredients from around the world, like peanut butter.

>> No.8006296

This, Hansen's soda is great, if you can find it I'd recommend giving it a try.

>> No.8006301

Peanut butter is amazing

>> No.8006307
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What was that story about the fox and the peanut butter..

>> No.8006308

tabasco chocolate is ok for something to nibble on intermittently

the jalapeno pretzel pieces i like to save for those 7/10 getting pretty high sessions

>> No.8006311

I thought they were 3 blonde girls :3

>> No.8006319

I'm sure some American will come along and tell me it's actually the worst brand of it, but I find Skippy's far superior to and "British" peanut butter, which I always find is chalky and tasteless. So I don't mind paying the extra couple pounds on that.

>> No.8006321

I really wish root beer was more common here. I love the stuff but I can only get it once in a while.

>> No.8006326

I know that one. The fox bought peanut butter a few times but every time it was this strange fatty salty shit that couldn't really be used for anything and once it even had these annoying chinks in it. So the fox decided not to bother with it anymore, there's plenty of other ways to get calories.

>> No.8006349

You said you didn't have any import aisles.

>> No.8006365

I don't.

>> No.8006367

Texan here to let you know that marshmallow fluff is amazing. Especially on a cold winter night with a big mug of hot chocolate.

>> No.8006382

Euro here.
Fluff is WAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to sweet for my tastes, but I can see the appeal if you like very, very sweet things.
While I've never had it, I hear peanut butter and fluff sandwiches are popular among USican children.

And before anyone starts talking shit about Ameribros eating candy for lunch, remember that we do it, too. The fuck you think Nutella is?

>> No.8006398

>I hear peanut butter and fluff sandwiches are popular among USican children.
Maybe in the 1970's are somewhere in the midwest.
Here in Florida we only use marshmallow fluff as raccoon bait, and anyone found mixing peanut butter with anything that isn't grape jelly is executed on the spot.

>> No.8006419

A&W root beer because we've don't have root beer here and it's amazing

>> No.8006429

>I hear peanut butter and fluff sandwiches are popular among USican children.
Well you've heard wrong.

>> No.8006606

American, I only get skippy

>> No.8006782

>no birch beer
>no maple syrup
>no Glory/Margaret Holmes canned southern foods
>no pickled watermelon rinds
>no apple butter
>no baked beans
>no turkey gizzards in brine
>no canned green peanuts
>no Mexican food
>no canned Alaskan salmon
>no beef jerky
>no canned chili

>> No.8006929

Yes? What did i say that was idiotic, im talking about products, not shops. Yes theyre asx but all their stock (item) is American.

I dont have America but i try to avoid it for the most part. We're all living in America anyway.

>> No.8006976
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>What shithole doesn't have a shrine to America in every supermarket?

>> No.8006987

>baked beans

Everyone is supposed to know by now that the only good baked beans on earth are Heinz beans from England

>> No.8006990

I think Branston's are good too. And Bush's.

>> No.8006996

>Everyone is supposed to know by now that the only good baked beans on earth are Heinz beans from England
Err. They're not even the same at all, completely different things entirely.

>> No.8007011

American here. I'd kill for a russian shelf.
Do they have kvass or that drink that tastes like cola with the pine cones on the label? Or those rolled up things that look like thin waffles with boiled condensed milk in the middle.

>> No.8007395

thats some shitty bootleg mac and cheese, try kraft mac and cheese

>> No.8007462

any chance you're dutch and know where to get it here?

>> No.8007483

>walk past american isle
>look at a few of the products
>they are all just different ratios of HFCS, transfat and artificial flavouring

Truly disgusting. How you people live like this is beyond me.

>> No.8007496

the american section in a non-american grocery store is only a very small sample of the offerings at any american grocery store. of course they don't stock meat/dairy/fruit/veg, etc. the shit you see is a handful of junk foods that the non-american store thought their community might buy, not what most americans actually eat on a daily basis.

>> No.8007535

>the shit you see is a handful of junk foods that the non-american store thought their community might buy
Incorrect. Those items are on the shelf because the corporations that make those products paid that supermarket company to put those items on the shelf, hoping that their product will catch on in a new overseas market.
Source: I know things.

>> No.8007564

you may be correct on that point, but reason for what is on the shelves aside, it is still not the kind of shit that most americans eat on a daily basis.

>> No.8007587

Peanutbutter , Mac 'n Cheese , a random assortment of things that shouldn't be BBQ flavoured, but are, and cheeseburger flavoured crisps.

>> No.8007607

Just Hershey's Cookies and Cream candy bar and mustard pretzel bites. I don't really care much for american food, and american chocolate is terrible.

>> No.8007608

I have never seen a supermarket aisle dedicated to American products in France.

I've seen it for Asian products and some more exotic stuff, but never for anything American.

>> No.8007621

Honestly it is all pretty garbage

I've actually tried most of the things Americans get riled up about us not having the right versions of.

Like that blue-jar peanut butter and the marshmallow fluff most recently

>> No.8007658
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While on holiday in India I got sick of eating curry all the time so I asked a local resident where I could get some American food and he was kind enough to give me pricise directions to the nearest designated street.

>> No.8007675

In France, we can get Skippy peanut butter, some dressings/sauces (never tried before), Tabasco (not even in the American section actually), and that's all I can remember, I prefer spending my time in real food aisles.

>> No.8007677

You can find American sections in some Monoprix if I remember well

>> No.8007678

I ordered twinkies once out of curiosity. Me and all my friends were literally fucking shocked how horrible they tasted. We just couldn't understand it.

>> No.8007718

PROTIP for eurobros: Peanut butter is great to put on mousetraps to catch mice. It lasts longer and is cheaper than cheese, but mice still love it.

>> No.8007724

Haha good one my friend

>> No.8007728

I've had mice lick the traps clean of all the peanut butter without getting caught.

>> No.8007730

Snyders Pretzel pieces Onion and Mustard are the best things on there and maybe canned Pumpkin as it is non existent here.

I think I like Twinkies but why people overlook jam and cream sponge roll is beyond me considering it's cheap as shit and is a fresher/ higher quality Twinkie

>> No.8007744

maple syrup
peanut butter

thats all

>> No.8007944

Can confirm, this is how I caught the little fucker gnawing all my kitchen cabinets

>> No.8008088

They do
t. swiss

I get hot sauce and barbecue sauce mainly. I was a transfer student in Austin for a while so I got hooked on all of the good barbecue stuff there. I get canned tuna from the same isle but idk where it's from, but it's either Russia or the US.

>> No.8008181


They do here. Also Russian, for some reason.

t. Amsterdam

>> No.8008512

I mean here in the netherlands we have mexican, italian, indian and other asian sections. the american section is really the only actual import section, but it's pretty rare in areas that aren't primarily populated by students or extremely large supermarkets

>> No.8008519

yea but you frogs are pretty extreme xenos

>> No.8008855

Nah,I was just browsing /g/ once and someone started a thread,offering to crack tripscodes,I gave great whites and bam,it got his within a few minutes.

>mfw this thread was the first to be archived but I bumpied it

>> No.8008902

nah, they have them here, but not a lot of students, and our biggest shop is a not large vomar.

>> No.8008972

Twinkies are a meme dating back to WWII in America. Nobody really thinks they taste that great.

>> No.8009040

Get a dr. Pepper and a cherry coke.

>> No.8009253

It's expensive as fuck here in America too. I love jerky, but I rarely buy it because of that. Hell, when I'm on a job and people have it, it's still expensive as all get out. Five bucks for a small zip lock baggie. And they used fucking deer meat that they killed themselves.

>grape jelly
Fucking poorfag. Strawberry, blackberry, or gtfo.

>> No.8009286

Pop tarts are like 6 bucks where i live

>> No.8010128
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Get these. They are much higher quality. Unfortunately, they are only kept frozen.

>> No.8010199
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>American section

You can't escape yuro's

>> No.8010291

You are not wrong about fluff and peanut butter shit is good super sweet but good.

It's just like doing PB+Banana and PB+Pickle

>> No.8010295

>I hear peanut butter and fluff sandwiches are popular among USican children.

This is the first time I've ever heard about this

>> No.8010308

Pretty sure that maple syrup is Canadian, matey.

>> No.8010316

Not really. Maple syrup is a general North American thing. First harvested by natives in what became both the US and Canada.

>> No.8010320

Reese's snack mix
Peanut Butter M&Ms
Diet Dr. Pepper

Been on a real peanut butter kick as of late.

>> No.8010612


Really? I used to have this all the time before my brother was born (peanut allergy). Almost as bad as jelly, I'd say. I know it's junk food but I'd love to eat one again sometime.

>> No.8010641

>dismissing anything I don't understand

>> No.8010685
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Fuck the haters, it's awesome on a parma.

>> No.8011399

>I'm so deep you don't understand me

>> No.8011485

story checks out

>> No.8011510

Refried beans and jerky.

>> No.8011517

No they don't, I have been in dozens of British supermarkets and there is no such thing as an 'American section'.

>> No.8011660

since when does chicken parmesan come with fries?

>> No.8012277
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Drink Moxie

>> No.8012285


Root Beer.

Ive been trying to get the courage to try and eat a twinky, its just... every time i see them they look like squidgy cholesterol packs.

>> No.8012292

I was surprised that they had cream of wheat and not grits
grits are the goat hot cereal breakfast option

>> No.8012298

Moxie is shit

>> No.8012318

I tried hot pockets and loved them
>not a fatass, I swear

>> No.8012705
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M O X I EEEEEeeeeee...

>> No.8012751


>on the american shelf of foreign grocery stores

You don't travel much, do you?

You can barely find Moxie in the US outside of NE (unless you live in a hipster area), let alone in other countries.

>> No.8013086

On the internet my friend you can order many wonderful and terrifying things.

>> No.8013097

can confirm
I live in NE
moxie is unheard of besides plastic bottles
no one knows what that means anymore fur fucks sake

>> No.8013104

most Christmas Tree Shops carry it in their nostalgic/novelty soda section, so it's much more accessible than you think. At least within the US

>> No.8013137

I've never seen one in my life except in one specialty store at the Annapolis Mall. I think it was like $4 per 12 oz glass bottle.

>> No.8013144

I've never seen an "american section".

>> No.8013938

The frosted cinnamon sugar, cookies and cream, and limited edition gingerbread ones that come out around Christmas are really good, especially when warm. Unless it's something that's supposed to fruit flavored most of it is questionable.

>> No.8013994

The only section that I've seen to be dedicated to any country in America is the Mexican section.

>> No.8014008

Crystal's is much, much better. Hell, Texas Pete's better.

>> No.8014015

Rootbeer is similar to what medicine tastes like in some parts of the world, notably japan. Which is weird as fuck because I've never had rootbeer flavored medicine in america, it's usually something like cherry.

>> No.8015016

whats it like being sweedish? What do you think of america?

Do you want to be my gf? Even if you're a guy thats okay you can still be my gf.

>> No.8015024

>>Big red
>Sucks shit

Fuck you.

Agreed that Hawaiin Punch sucks though. Mountain Dew is good. Root Beer is nothing special but I can see how you liked it.

Lucky Charms is a solid cereal and butterfinger is a unique candy. Reeces, twinkie, marshmallow fluff is boring or not good to me.

>> No.8015033


>> No.8015044
File: 12 KB, 358x177, map_usa_regions_358.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mexican foods with other Mexican foods,
Check your privilege please. Mexican foods are grouped with other Hispanic/ Latin foods, not all South and central Americans are Mexican.

>. Nothing stands out as being specifically American,

Thats because people are dumb and thats every country. If you look in any countries section of your countries food its probably greatly reduced and commercialized. A real American food isle would include:

Lousiana Creole/ Cajun food
American southern BBQ (which can't really have an aisle anyways because its mostly things like fresh corn, potato salad, 12 hour smoked ribs etc)
>California cuisine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_cuisine
>New England cuisine
>The traditional things that everyone eats like Hamburgers, hotdogs, texmex tacos, spaghetti, regional things like lobster rolls, philadelphia cheesesteak sandwhiches, and the incorporated things which are commonly eaten as takeout like chinese food, burritos, delivery pizza.

The things you would find in an isle are just the commercialized junk food desu and not actual meals.

>> No.8015049

The fuck are you doing on /ck/. Go suck siegs dick or something..... But do you still live by the water?

>> No.8015061

I really liked it when I tried it.

>> No.8015073


>> No.8015149

I'm American can I join this thread too please?

>> No.8015156

None of the supermarkets here have any region-specific aisles, all products are put into aisles according to what they are, not where they were made.

>> No.8015177

I have eaten nerds. m&ms, and I think I have had the purple Goober.

>> No.8015192

They're a bit weird sometimes.
Like, the pic related is from Tesco where you can get shit fairly reasonably priced.

But like, Pop Tarts are readily available in all cereal aisles anyway often for much cheaper and have been for fucking years.

Reeces Pieces and Hershey's are now produced in Europe anyway so we can get them super cheap and almost anywhere.

And more and more American import shops are popping up.

American stuff is interesting cause generally speaking, British and European confection is just better. But there's certainly lots of interesting American favourites. Lots of peanut butter stuff and things like candy corn are pretty unique and nice to have.

>> No.8015201

we broke up

>> No.8015204

this man is an imposter. >>8015201

u can't trust him!

>> No.8015208


>> No.8015220

>>But like, Pop Tarts are readily available in all cereal aisles anyway often for much cheaper and have been for fucking years.

That same kind of thing happens in the US. For example, in my local supermarket I can find Colman's mustard in the "English" import section...but it's also found in the normal mustard section. The same is true for various other foods as well.

>>British and European confection is just better
I agree. As am American I'm puzzled that you would even want most of those products I see in "American Sections".

Then again, I wonder if you feel the same way about the "Brit Section" that we have?

>> No.8015240

I'd say a big majority in the American sections haven't had too much thought put into them. Maybe it's just stuff that the stores can most easily get their hands on.

Fluff, rootbeer, twinkies, Reeces Pieces, Pop Tarts, Taffy, Hersheys and MIke & Ikes are all fairly popular or at least a novelty in some cases.

The rest is just sort of there for some reason.

>> No.8015249

What sort of things do you usually find in Brit sections?

>> No.8015252

The thinks I can recall of the top of my head:
Sarson's vinegar, Colman's mustard, Branston pickle, HP sauce, Major Grey chutney
Lucozade, Irn Bru, Robinson's squash, Ribena
Various biscuits (walker's), Rowntree candy, weetabix. Bird's custard mix. Paxo stuffing. Clotted cream, Lemon curd.

...and probably a bunch more than I'm forgetting.

>> No.8015261


...a few things I forgot:
Heinz beans in the teal-blue can. A few kinds of tea like Tetley & PG tips (though we also have the same brands in our normal tea section). "Indian" products--usually Patak's, Sharwood, or both. Bisto. Various Cadbury's biscuits/candy. Marmite. Bovril (if one is lucky).

>> No.8015263

My nearest super market in Amsterdam has 1 'international' aisle. It had mostly Asian products (Japanese, Indian, Korean, but mainly Indonesian). There's also Mexican, Caribbean and Middle Eastern food. And then there's like 3 types of soda and some marshmallows from the US.

>> No.8015269
File: 36 KB, 380x420, gfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remember brother bringing a pack of these from Vegas when i was a kid and liking them
>order some from amazon
>literally taste like saltine crackers

are cheezits better?

>> No.8015985

Fucking Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. I could eat one after every meal for dessert

>> No.8016170

>yuropoor here
skippy pb
arizona stuff
ben n jerry's (just once though)

i am lookin forward to try fucking reese's

>> No.8016283

Reeses stuff. Snapple is nice occasionally.

>> No.8016402

It's pretty shit to be honest I live in nowhere so not much happens

America seems cool better gun laws and lower taxes but I don't think I would make as much money with my simple job

>> No.8016602

I eat a lot of mexican and puerto rican inspired food, genrally a lot of fish and dishes with rice, corn, beans, and chilli-lime flavours.

>> No.8017763

cheez-its are GOAT, cheese nips are shit.

>> No.8017891

why would there be an "american" section? isn't american food the standard?

>> No.8017893

We don't have an american section but peanut butter is advertised as "american recipe"

>> No.8017903

Out here in SoCal, there's naturally a large Mexican aisle/section in every store. More than just taco shells and sauce of course. It's where you get your masa and such.

Usually there's a fair sized pan-Asian section as well, with a mix of Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, and Thai noodles, sauces, and ingredients. In my experience, most Asians go to Asian grocers for the good stuff, though.

Indian's the next most common, and in my area we've also got a sizeable British expat population, so there tends to be British brands as well.

And the Jewish foods are usually all located on one rack of shelves that gets bigger around Passover.

The produce aisle tends to have special section for Mexican (tomatillos, nopalitos, peppers, etc.) and Asian (lemongrass, bok choy, eggplant varieties) ingredients.

>> No.8019794

I buy pancake mix and maple syrup. These are all normal items in Canada and so there is no American section.

>> No.8019804 [DELETED] 

I live in Korea and the American section has the best tinned tomatoes for some reason :/ other than that nothing :/

>> No.8020138

i live in london, i've only ever seen a section in a supermarket for a specific country once, and it was a small jamaican section. i don't even think it was labeled as such, had a few drinks from there but that was pretty much it
usually all the foods from foreign countries are mixed in with the rest, it's not really questioned

my mum visited the us a while ago and brought back some sweets, to this day they are some of the nastiest shit i have ever tasted. milk duds i think? she brought them some really cheap belgian chocolate from tesco and they all shat themselves apparently

>> No.8021256

How old are you? Are we dating now?

>> No.8021267

So cal here too. Where I live theres a bunch of asian stores a few miles away, a bunch of mexican stores a few miles away the other direction. Then the standard stores that are everywhere like Ralphs and Albertsons, then the more expensive american stores like Whole Foods and Trader Joes, then the wholesale big mega stores like Costco and Sams. The Indian, Jewish, even a small dutch store and other nationalities spotted around randomly. What county are you in?

>> No.8021279

Access to rice noodles would be a fucking blessing to me. Two stores, a gas station and 1,000 people is simply not survivable. I need to move.

>> No.8021329

>Ginger beer
Wew lad, I'd actually rather drink piss, I've had ginger beer once in my life and boy I thought it was fucking awful, but maybe it's not a big thing in America.

>> No.8021336

seriously I don't know how cheese nips are still a thing, they are just so shitty compared to Cheez-its even the fucking whale crackers are better than Cheese nibs

>> No.8021339

We don't have much of an American section here, but so far I've had mac&cheese and A&W Root beer and cream soda. Good stuff.

Where do you shop ? AH here.

>> No.8021364

Green tabasco cheez its are fucking dank my friend. Great stuff.

>> No.8021394

you are homosex.

>> No.8021411

pappys cajun seasoning
emerils chicken rub
dr pepper

>> No.8021429

Skip the entire top shelf.
A&W is classic.
Hawaiian Punch is too sweet unless you're a child. Add water.
Vanilla Coke is a must.
Dr Pepper and Dr Pepper Cherry are mandatory.
Canada Dry isn't half bad.

Kill yourself.

Spicy Cheez Its are fantastic. Cheese NIPS will make you vomit.

>> No.8021441

I'm a non-American of /ck/, so this thread is for me!
All the supermarkets where I live have huge American sections.
I buy too many things from the US section to list.

t. Euro living in USica

>> No.8021479

there is no "American" section at shops in here

>> No.8021490

Be my gf please.

>> No.8021495

Okay. (o:

>> No.8021532

Okay cool. So were dating now.

Do you like stuff?

I like stuff.

>> No.8021547

Oh Em Gee! I LOVE stuff! We have SO much in common!

>> No.8021562

Cool cool. *sits on your lap and gives you a kiss* am i flirting right? Im new to this.

So do you have a kik?

>> No.8021567

Sorry, we're broken up now because I'm not a lesbian.

>> No.8021573

I am a guy. I was just being funny.

What city or state are you in?

>> No.8022637

bumping for a reason

>> No.8022640

I think we have an American section here in order to give tourists somewhere to shart and feel at home.

>> No.8022811


>> No.8022826

Mostly bought sodas like root beer and vanilla/cherry coke. Tried some candies, but didn't like any of them very much. Used to buy sriracha there before it became common in regular food sections.

>> No.8022901

Okay well this is good because I just broke up with my other gf apparently.

How are you sweetie? What did you eat today?

>> No.8023019

I don't. And I won't until we finally get out of the EU and I can get hold of proper mountain dew again.
The EU fucking banned HFCS AND caffeine in anything with fruit juice in.

>> No.8023032 [DELETED] 
File: 191 KB, 1600x1600, el-yucateco-black-label-reserve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just picked up a bottle of this shit and holy fucking shit it is amazing, it's so smoky it tastes almost like chipotle.

What are your favorite hot sauces? I need some more variety.

>> No.8023043

Nothing, I can get better beef jerky from the chinese store.

>> No.8023113

so far i've found everything made in the us to be subpar

>> No.8023118

The only good thing I see in that pic are the jalapeno pretzels.

>> No.8023146

Sorry, not into transguys either. I'm strictly dickly.

>> No.8023884

Surprise, surprise, I have one f those dickly things. And yes I was born with it.

How old are you? What country are you visiting/ moved from?

>> No.8024727

I give up btw. I have no time for some roastie that takes half a day to respond because shes too busy messaging Chad, Brad, Jamal, Hunglo, Jose and Ahemed. Next time dont waste a persons time if you want them to think youre a nice person you roastie.

>> No.8024811

Is max the best burger chain in Sweden? I miss going there when visiting family in Sweden

>> No.8024833

Lower left is alien to me, but the rest of that is god tier.

>> No.8024844

>you can buy individual cans of vanilla coke in yurup

Fuck. I get a craving for those about once a month and they only come in 12 packs here.

>> No.8024848

I've heard stories of Americans shipping peanut butter to poor countries as aid on account of it being high calorie and nutrient dense, but the natives rejecting it because they didn't know what the fuck to do with it.

>> No.8024990

You Europeans should learn to make your own jerky. Its way better than our processes bagged shit.

>> No.8025143

whats wrong with vanilla coke

>> No.8026731

No shops here have an american section, but I do see several of the things on your pic on the shelves.

I guess I buy the odd can of soda now and then, always have a bottle of maple syrup in the cupboard, but that's about it. I've nothing against american plastic, I just prefer local stuff if available.

>> No.8026837

are birthday cake oreos good to non-americans? they've had them all over my city in the american confectionery section, kinda want to try but i always find most of this overly-weird american shit repulsive

>> No.8026848

He's probably from Poland, you blockheads.

>> No.8026864


They're not even good to us Americans.

>> No.8026927

>used to have a cajun restaurant in town that sold moxie
>was like 8 years old a the time
>always got moxie
>thought it tasted like shit but there was something about the flavor before it got to the aftertaste that was godly and just made me keep ordering it
I really want to try moxie again

>> No.8027241
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>> No.8027514

>I am so dumb, ridicule is the only resort I have.

>> No.8028677

Germany has them
Also Russian, Mexican, Japanese, and a bunch of other countries

>> No.8029232

Peanutbutter marshmellow fluff and maple syrup on white bread preferably is best.

>> No.8029264

what i learned today was that peanut butter and maple syrup are american things

>> No.8029503

Because you got chocolate chip like a pleb

>> No.8029511

Not that anon but they're all disgusting. Hot fudge sundae is awful, blueberry is tolerable, strawberry just tastes like a nutrigrain bar, smores and confetti cupcake are way too sickly... I keep trying to give new flavours a chance because they sound so nice but I'm just left feeling disappointed.

>> No.8029518

>'American' section
hahaha is that really a thing?
I'm American and I think that's absolutely ridiculous.

>> No.8029526

>maple syrup
Canada would be more accurate.

>> No.8029557

i think its absolutely ridiculous that you havent thought for a second that people overseas might to try American snacks. Why is that such a shock to you?

>> No.8029572

the aisle in my old market (krautland) is blasted with the old red, white and blue, enough to give you an aneurism.

>> No.8029591

where do you find pappy's?

>> No.8029679

Would not recommend fucking Reese's, chocolate and peanut-butter all over your dick.

>> No.8029688

We are not importing much american jerky. Most of our jerky comes from Estonia and tastes like salt and bad spices.

>> No.8030746

>it's a "shitposting thread doesn't get deleted despite being up 9 days" episode

>> No.8030849

American here.
All the items in that picture and the only thing of them I buy is peanut butter. That's rare too, considering I only use it to cook or for oatmeal. Rest of that is geared for 'muricans, who need their daily corn syrup.

>> No.8030866

>Canada Dry

>> No.8030901

Canada Dry is owned by a company in Texas. It's a brand name, it has nothing to do with Canada.

>> No.8030905
File: 13 KB, 300x250, Then+we+ll+keep+going+until+the+land+is+empty+_045ada9648058536390d740ae59f9961[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8030907
File: 491 KB, 1773x1773, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8030941

It's a meme you dip

>> No.8030942

>mixing Peanut Butter with anything other than Jelly is a sin
Are you joking? Peanut Butter goes great with: Bananas, Chocolate , and honey.

>> No.8030985

I had a Thai roommate years ago who used to eat peanut butter and sweetened condensed milk sandwiches.

>> No.8031019

I feel like if you walk away from that sandwich for even a minute the condensed milk would soak into the bread.

>> No.8031032

Didn't seem to, but I'm not sure as I've never had one.

Toast white bread.
PB on one slice.
Squirt SCM on the other and spread it with the PB knife in a thin layer.
Combine slices, spread sides one on the other.
Consume sandwich.
Repeat if/as necessary.

I'm sure it'd be quite nice with coffee, now that I think of it.

>> No.8031035

since someone decided to do it right.

>> No.8031041

cheezits are great. They have that baked cheese taste.

>> No.8031046


How do they package condensed milk where you live? It's in cans here.

>> No.8031084

Even as a feature or a flex section that is the most retarded set up I've ever seen. I would tear the entire thing apart and redo it. Holy shit I need to get out of retail

>> No.8031094

hot sauce, soda and sweets

>> No.8031105

>That's how we got beef jerky, I believe.
>Being this much of an underage

We've been making this shit from elk for like ages you dumbfuck

>> No.8031120

>The fuck you think Nutella is?
For occasional treat, you fucking lardo?

>> No.8031125

>all imported from old country
l a f f o

oh man, we have our markets for that shit

>> No.8031149

Occasional is pretty vague.

>> No.8031234
File: 607 KB, 937x385, California Farms Sweetened Condensed Milk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sold in cans, in squeeze bottles and in tubes, like toothpaste tubes. Pic related is the brand I buy, but there are many, many others.

>> No.8031253

>The two most artificial and sugary ones are the ones he likes the most

top kek

Brown sugar and cinnamon by the way

>> No.8031263

Chile here, if the supermarket is upscale enough it may have an "International" section, actually a mostly German section with some other Euro and American stuff in. Arizona is common enough to not be in the International section, Dr. Pepper and A&W are uncommon and a few places carry San Pellegrino.

>> No.8031517

this. brown sugar and cinnamon or go home, son.