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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 86 KB, 615x407, sad-man-and-rain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7991020 No.7991020[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no "educated" American female would cook for a man; that would be reaffirming harmful and antiquated gender roles and aiding the patriarchy.

>tfw these same females ridicule you because a "real man" is not interested in food and cooking.

>tfw no qt3.14 foreign wife to lovingly cook you the cherished poverty-foods of the old country.

Why even live, /ck/?

>> No.7991028

I don't know what you're talking about but my girlfriend is pretty right wing and conservative and cooks for me 6/7 days of the week. Invest in a non trashy girl from the south, theyre far and few between in portland so maybe I'm lucky.

>> No.7991043


why tho?

>> No.7991051

I'm not really that interested in a serious long term relationship. I do need regular female attention though to keep me happy. Tinder is a godsend for that.

Yes, I know that isn't healthy.

>> No.7991056

My wife is a doctor and she will still cook for me.

Maybe your problem is being a cuck?

>> No.7991069

you've probably already or are soon to come across with a girl that actually cares about you that loves you as much as a mother would and you'll probably ending up abandoning the relationship, quit being a slut.

>> No.7991079

>Love me

Wew lad

>> No.7991092

What's with all of 4chan and thinking women don't love them? Even if you're fat you can find a girl who loves you, anyone that thinks otherwise is probably 18 and shit posting on an image board. Wait until you're in your mid 20's and you'll realize most girls that arent party sluts or goths are desperate to fulfill their nurturing maternal instincts on you.

>> No.7991098
File: 199 KB, 811x1082, xY2xDxo_20160810_150105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-you think goths aren't good?

>> No.7991099

I'm 24 m8.

I'm also being overdramatic

>> No.7991110
File: 29 KB, 564x442, necklace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goth girls are immature sluts, any woman with an alternative fashion sense like pic related are stupid and tend to be feminists. Non-feminist and anti-feminist girls are GOAT.

>> No.7991116

do you think modern goths know fuck about anything? especially having a decent stable relationship?

>> No.7991120

>non-feminist and anti-feminist
You mean girls in flyover land who were bullied into disavowing concepts like universal suffrage in order to impress their reactionary luddite retard redneck friends?

Yeah no thanks, I'd rather a woman who doesn't get culturally intimidated by nice things.

>> No.7991127

Gr8 b8

>> No.7991128

I should have specified, third wave feminism.

>> No.7991130

Anyone who is like this is either a metropolitan cancer lump on society that is expecting to be restaurant fed or instantly gratified every meal, and should be binned.

I don't think people like this do exist, though the tinges of it are far more common in people than you would like.

>> No.7991138

Your missus will eventually leave you to travel the world and "find herself".

Females are not smart enough to live properly without the guidance of a male.

>> No.7991144

It pains me that posts like these exist out of /pol/

>> No.7991146

At least you quoted "educated".

I went to a liberal as fuck college, but one with actual smart people. Men and women still cook; you're just a loser.

>> No.7991147

>he thinks I've never traveled before
I've got dual citizenship, I've lived in four countries, and I've been to every continent on earth aside from Antarctica.

Seems to me I'm the one at risk of leaving. Not some chick who went to Paris once and thought it it was totes kawai.
>oh no! someone might travel!
Typical Fox News watching retard

>> No.7991151

What? I love cooking.

>> No.7991163

are you really okay with someone you love leaving you to fuck french guys "finding" herself. also traveling alone isnt safe if you were a good man you'd suggest she goes at least in a group or with you, if shes goes alone shes cheating on you.

>> No.7991173

I travel too, the point of the post was not the travelling m8.

It warms my soul to know that I caused you discomfort, soft cock.

>> No.7991174

>someone you love leaving you to fuck french guys "finding" herself
You still seem a little confused there, buddy. I'm the guy she fucks to "find herself". If we have problems, we have problems, but that's not going to be the problem.

>> No.7991183

you know i never used the term nu-male before, but holy shit you seem to be lining up with all the stereotypes. enjoy your vapid empty relationships with sluts.

>> No.7991188

That's not a nice thing to say about your ex, but then, she didn't have very nice things to say about you either :^)

Enjoy being bitter about people with culture stealing the girl

>> No.7991199

>Girl from the south

Pick one.

>> No.7991206

i dont understand.. why would a man marry a woman who didnt take care of him? thats their whole reason for being on this planet lmao, especially if you have kids, if she cant take care of you why are you wasting your time

>> No.7991208

>tfw these same females ridicule you because a "real man" is not interested in food and cooking.

kek wut. The greatest chefs historically have all been men.

>> No.7991220

You're an idiot

>> No.7991222
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It pains me that you think he's wrong.

>> No.7991224
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>> No.7991225

this is free range, grass-fed, unadulterated ideology

>> No.7991229

Nice irrefutable rebuttal. You go well with a redneck girl.

>> No.7991233

It'll be me when she gets a taste for big throbbing Aussie dick. Knowing about different cultures and having fine taste is never going to get a females hormones going like a tall and strong energetic man.

>> No.7991236

>he thinks love isnt a mutual bond where both parties take care of each other but women are l i t e r a l l y meant to nurture
nice fedora maymay, you stumped me!

>> No.7991240

theres some real good one, in texas if that counts as south. lotta secretly racist and soft spoken white girls, theyre a dying breed though.

>> No.7991241
File: 20 KB, 279x200, 5041240+_53a517f5f47704e77376511645cc158f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my girlfriend is pretty right wing and conservative

>> No.7991250

Oh shit somebody has a different view from yours, I hope the nightmares won't last too long you damned cuck

>> No.7991251
File: 33 KB, 600x255, 600px-Thing17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In Texas

>> No.7991255

A trillion times better than a liberal SJW

>> No.7991259

You dropped your fedora.

>> No.7991261
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>> No.7991263
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Yeah because the only options are some braindead tard from the south, and a purple haired man-hating hamplanet who thinks all sex is rape

>> No.7991264
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>implying there is anything wrong with this

>> No.7991266

IKR at least we practice personal hygiene & grooming and don't just bleed everywhere and let our body hair grow wild.

>> No.7991267


>> No.7991274

Listen here you chongus, I'm 23, 400 lbs but luckily I'm not a blob, I'm 5'10" and I'm unattractive as fuck, like, god decided he was putting my face on a cheese grater and call it a face bad

No woman would love me, not even my own parents like me. I'm all alone in this world and got no job and living on autism bux

Fuck my life

>> No.7991277

yeah because all conservatives are braindead tards. younger ones ive seen tend to be pro-choice and support and lgbt issues for the most part so theres your retarded social issues.

>> No.7991278

Pussy isn't worth putting up with someone that stuck up.

>> No.7991280

Back to r*ddit.

>> No.7991281

>she doesnt ruin her lungs by smoking and prefers not to drink
wow what a stuck up bitch!

>> No.7991283
File: 271 KB, 1920x1080, vomit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah sometimes I browse OKC for fucked up cities like Baghdad or San Pedro Sula, just for shits and giggles

Never thought of Houston but I should give it a look-see

>> No.7991284

>yea because all conservatives are braindead tards

But they are though

>> No.7991288
File: 172 KB, 500x500, vibora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear the anti-/pol/ faggots are worse than the actual /pol/tard crossposters

>> No.7991291


>> No.7991293

t. Tumblr

>> No.7991294

>pro-choice and support and lgbt issues
Yeah, we traditionally call those "liberals" outside of memesites like 4chan and reddit

But I realize /r/redpill/ has brainwashed you into thinking liberal is an insult

>> No.7991298

as compared to liberals? lol liberals are allowing twleve year olds to be gang raped in the name of tolerance

>> No.7991303

t. born in 1997 and learned about the world from /pol/

>> No.7991304

most liberal shit in mainstream media is pandering to muslims and minorities, maybe not in your country it isnt a big deal but in mine it is. liberals are scum.

>> No.7991308

>I realise you think "Liberal" is an insult
>Now, excuse me while I whine about this in a thread derailed by turning "Conservative" into an insult

>> No.7991310

if you're not from the US your opinion is irrelevant
enjoy your civil war or whatever it is you're being traumatized by
not my concern

>> No.7991313

fuck off united states

>> No.7991318
File: 880 KB, 1200x630, rs-trump-racist-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> turning "Conservative" into an insult
no turning needed, cleetus

>> No.7991320

>tfw these same females ridicule you because a "real man" is not interested in food and cooking
Most if not all women love a dude who can cook, your trippin OP.

>> No.7991321

enjoy your niggers going after your children

>> No.7991322
File: 345 KB, 584x741, laughingwhore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of memesites
isn't basically every wordpress site infested with ransomeware now?

>> No.7991326

Thanks for correcting the record™ on a fucking cooking board

>> No.7991334

I guess your grandparents and parents were free spirit revolutionaries who didn't believe in borders, shunned tradition and the nuclear family and favoured other cultures and ethnicities over their own.

You are just rebellious little shits who can't think for themselves.

>> No.7991335
File: 80 KB, 640x360, t1larg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going after
They can't even afford the drinks at my gastro-pub, how will they afford to summer with my children in nantucket?

>> No.7991337

literally what is wrong with a girl that wants illegals to be sent back and hates niggers with their antics. if shes educated and doesnt yell 'fuck niggers!!' in public, who cares?
>inb4 muh bigot!!

>> No.7991338

>Christian (and it's important)
>Has dogs as ersatz children (warning bells)
>MA in Art History
>doing yoga
>I'm really good at decorating for Christmas, playing with kids
>Favorite books include Black Beauty and Jane Austen's works
>Lets us know she likes a silent film
>Likes "mostly indie" music
>major sushi kick lately

Yeah she's cute but way too old for the "innocent girl who loves horses" routine. She's attractive, 26, religious, and absolutely dying to have kids, which means she has some serious personality issues because I'm sure plenty of guys have tried to get with her.

Probably still calls her father Daddy and calls him every morning before going to class. She's a fucking basket case, a 26 year old woman should not act like this. She's emotionally stunted.

This would be cute if she was a teen, but she's closer to 30. As my son's father Jermalkwon says, cunt be mothafuckin' loony tunes.

>> No.7991344

It has sources at the bottom from Swedish statistics.

And no, WordPress isn't malware, what the fuck

Speaking of memesites, memeposters meme the meme argument?

>> No.7991346

>horse chicks are fucked in the head
this man knows what's up

>> No.7991348
File: 25 KB, 236x460, reallymakesyouthink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah until they purposefully track you down in your affluent neighborhood, racist whitey.

>> No.7991350

how would I even get to the bottom without clicking through a bunch of scamware?

anyway I'm too drunk to keep posting, have fun arguing over women, guys

>> No.7991352

I'm glad your wife's son's father weighed in on the situation.

>> No.7991354

Install your admeme removal meme in your memebrowser, dipshit do you even browse the memenet

>> No.7991356

He insists on monitoring me when he gives me permission to use his cell phone.

>> No.7991359

an MA in art history isnt that bad, you usually get a job coordinating and planning shit for museums and art galleries

>> No.7991361


>> No.7991371

After all, it's Twenty SixMeem

>> No.7991376
File: 52 KB, 500x375, alien-cool-girl-grunge-Favim.com-1753542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you rather date this though? she probably has daddy issues as well like most sjws so think about that

>> No.7991380


I wouldn't date any girl u faggot

I'd put my dick to her tho

>> No.7991425
File: 42 KB, 620x384, MGTOW manual pg 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are they such whores now?;_;

>> No.7991433

What is with this alt-right/SJW dichotomy?

My wife is nothing like either one of these caricatures of the vocal minority. People who think this dichotomy exists need to spend more time socializing IRL and not basing opinions on what they read online.

>> No.7991666

I thought I was on /ck/...

>> No.7991727

This shit rattles me so hard. How is knowing how to cook "oppressive"? I suppose knowing basic financial math is also "patriarchal" if we're going by the "women helping their husbands/knowing basic life skills is oppressive" argument.

I swear to God, Western women are of such deplorable quality nowadays it's not even funny. If I can't find myself an Eastern European qt then fuck it.

>> No.7991735

How's HRT going, "lady"?

>> No.7991757

If girls like that exist, I truly pity them.

I've gotten my pole polished more than once in return for a good meal.

>> No.7991759

This thread fucking sucks.


>> No.7991761

>MA in Art History

Tep Kok

>> No.7991833

If you rely on women to 'take care of you' then you're essentially giving them power over you. You become dependant on them.
Then you have an argument, she spends the night at her mum's house, you suddenly have to fend for yourself, and you put the frozen tendies in the microwave because that's all you know how to do. Then you call her and apologize for getting upset because she fucked every black man in town.
Don't let that happen to you, anon.

>> No.7991933

no you're missing the point. men take care of women and are stable and fine on their own, vice versa. but women should 100% be nurturing and 'take care' of you, it's a sign of love and affection, and you know like she actually gives a fuck about you. and taking care is more than just physical things like cooking, it's emotional as well

>> No.7992020

>gf can't cook
>cook for her
>she comes in and cleans up as a i cook and does the less interesting tasks to help out

It's a decent arrangement.

>> No.7992035

I live in my country's capital city, so the contrast is visible in the news, political shows, posters on the streets and various rallies being held weekly. Everybody you meet is politically charged to one leaning or the other. Maybe folks just don't much care for politics in your town.

>> No.7992037
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>/ck/ - Food & Cooking

>> No.7992039

OP is on topic

>> No.7992051

>women should 100% be nurturing and 'take care' of you
What the fuck? Go marry your mother then, œdipus

>> No.7992053


You'll get yours eventually, the Jews who helped with deportation got put on the train last in WW2 as well.

>> No.7992055

I got married 2 months after graduation college. Been cooking and cleaning since.

>> No.7992063

Not far from the truth, my grandfather was in an NGO that operated without regard for borders and each of his kids married outside their race

You should be proud of your illiterate xenophobe grandfather though. He was obviously about 80 years ahead of his time. Or 30 in the case of grandfathers in your family

>> No.7992064

Get my what?

>> No.7992068


Section 8 supervoucher housing, paid for by a local property tax increase.

>> No.7992072

So am I Jewish, a scary black, or an oppressed white? Make up your mind, /pol/

>> No.7992087


There's no ID's here, don't take everything personal. I was merely replying to someone who thought being in a rich enough neighbourhood (ie. Nantucket) would help in the end.

These kinds of people let the middle class be fucked by section 8 while claiming the moral high ground, but as I said they'll get theirs. They'll be put on the train last.

>> No.7992091

Don't worry about me, anon. If you think there's going to be some genocide to get rid of the whites, I'll be fine. Worry about yourself.

>> No.7992098


It's not a genocide of murder, simply destruction of community and replacement.

>> No.7992100

Gas chambers and box cars is similar to having new neighbors?

>> No.7992123


No, but it accomplishes some of the same purposes.

Similar to how assimilation accomplishes the same thing as anti-Semitism. Which is why many Jews compare assimilation to the Holocaust, only for themselves of course but still.

Lots of ways to skin a cat and erase a race.

>> No.7992132

That's some nice persecution complex you've got there. Who is behind these "purposes" you describe?

>> No.7992139

My grandfather was an astronomer you silly darky

>> No.7992161


Hard to say, there's obviously a lot of true believers in multiculturalism and racial mixing as some kind of universal necessity. People like Obama, Frans Timmermans and Peter Sutherland for instance.

There's the fuzzy thinking liberal white guilt crowd.

There's a lot of Jews who to support as a form of self protection to not stand out as the only identifiable other in society and to remove the ability for native populations to unite against them. Even some Jews who see it as revenge for the Holocaust.

It's probably a combination of things. A perfect storm some of us like to call, white genocide.

>> No.7992198

It pains me that people like you exist and genuinely believe the views you hold are valid. It seriously hurts.

>> No.7992267

>being a scared retard is a race
Do white people really do this?

>> No.7992272

Cool, so yours took pictures of the sky while mine wiped out horrible diseases

>> No.7992276
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>females ridicule you because a "real man" is not interested in food and cooking

being able to cook is like one of the top 3 panty droppers of all time

>> No.7992310
File: 435 KB, 1024x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day of the rope when?

>> No.7992312

You're an idoit. Most women. I've met don't care either way. But I'm maine. You might just live in a shitty state.

>> No.7992333

You got some emotional problems.

>> No.7992356

>Fox News watching retard
Wew lad. Thats some 2004 shit posting

>> No.7992381

Because Fox News has gotten so much better lately and now all the smart people watch it

>> No.7992398

You sound like some kind of anti-semite with that post

>> No.7992402

I would assume people who spend enough time on the net to frequent 4chan also get their news from various internet sources rather than the TV.

>> No.7992413

>le millennials don't watch TV meme
Then why is it that this board is constantly flooded with TV garbage discussion?

>> No.7992527
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Since I decided to MGTOW my own way, I don't give a fuck what women like.

>> No.7992535

>not attempting to lose weight


>> No.7992632

Hulu,netflix, illegal stream sites.
Bittorrent, other sources.

>> No.7992646
File: 60 KB, 1022x862, why-haven't-mods-deleted-this-thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take this elsewhere friend

>> No.7992647

Do you want a wife or a live-in nurse? Your wife shouldn't replace your mother.

>> No.7992657

>>tfw no "educated" American female would cook for a man;

That's because modern american women can't cook worth shit.

I've dated 4 American women and all of them will literally burn toast and fuck up a boiled egg.

Find yourself an Asian or latnia if you want a woman who won't burn down the kitchen.

Millenial white girls are useless... except for ass n titties.

>> No.7992679

Do you literally have brain damage, the first type if girl you described doesn't exist let alone in combination with the second
more likely some girl who likes "traditional values" made fun of you amd in your retardation/misogyny you gojped her in with your strawman of le manhating feminists that refuse to cook for men (which also doesn't exist)

>> No.7992688

>manhating feminists that refuse to cook for men (which also doesn't exist)
err. my mum was one of those women who 'don't exist'.
pop your head out the bubble that you live in once in a while. you might see something!

>> No.7992701

>Yours studied planets while mine saved a bunch of niggers that we'll need to bear the burden for

Thanks a lot, pinko cocksucker

>> No.7992704

>I've dated 4 American women and all of them will literally burn toast and fuck up a boiled egg.
>Find yourself an Asian or latnia if you want a woman who won't burn down the kitchen.


Use self entitled white girl princesses as Jizz rags.

Marry an Asian woman who will love you and can cook.

>> No.7992712


Words of wisdom young friends. American women are good for fucking up the ass. They'll let you do crazy shit.

Find a good foreign woman if you want a good wife.

>> No.7992719
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>Race mixing

>> No.7992732

>tfw dating a petite girl from Texas
>she still has her accent, mock her every once in a while
>says she hates it but know it secretly turns her on hearing me with a Texas accent
>show up to parents house in full cowboy getup
>everyone is dressed normal and laughs at me in their stupid accent

Sex is great though

>> No.7992737

Where and how do I convince one to marry me and move half way across the globe?

>then she breaks your heart and takes your money and pride

Yea I'm just gonna cook for myself and maybe have guests every now and then to maintain appearances

>> No.7992739

That's only because people shit their pants afterwards anon

>> No.7992744


Latina women can all cook and most will let you do butt stuff.


>> No.7992747
File: 53 KB, 320x240, stripes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says she hates it but know it secretly turns her on

>> No.7992752

Why not?

>> No.7992753

>says she hates it but know it secretly turns her on
no means no, anon. when are men going to learn that rape is wrong?

>> No.7992757

you know cuddling, hugging, playing with your hair or even popping your pimples counts as nurturing? not the original guy but nurture means to cherish if not being used in the more common term like stipulating growth, and even then you could say your wife lead to your growth as a person, "honey bring me this and that and make some dinner, also I have a cold" if you're implying only nurses and moms take care of people that's wrong, any close couple of group of people take care of each other out of love and respect and concern for the general well being on one another.

>> No.7992761

oopZ, I meant to put a "not" before I but the other shit in quotes.

>> No.7992790

couldn't agree more. that and the fact that she can't live without sunflowers? lel wtf kind of grown woman would say something like that? a crazy one that's who.

>> No.7992796

yeah cause obviously that wasn't an overstatement to be cute and she'd kill herself if there were no more

>> No.7992805

You are a defeatist fuck. Get your ass up and go exercise. If you choose otherwise you deserve the sufferimg you're going through right now.

>> No.7992810

idk what you're talking about man. my gf cooks for me all the time and she's a geneticist (well, genetic counselor but y'know). it's only demeaning if you expect them to be a housewife

also stop giving so many fucks about having a girlfriend. you don't live to have one. go outside and pet a dog or something goddamn

>things I could never do without: my horse
consider if this is what you really want anon

>> No.7992826

youre a fucking fag if you thought that her posting that would be cute. she's a goddamn moron.

>> No.7992835

Only the weak need nurturing.

Maybe we have different definitions of what nurturing is but I believe only children and ill/injured adults need any sort of nurturing. It can be seen as a condescending act by an adult to be nurtured and looked upon as someone who can't fend for themselves.
Passing the salt over the table isn't what I would call 'nurturing' either.

>cuddling, hugging, playing with your hair or even popping your pimples counts as nurturing?
No. That's bonding.

I just think that the first anon is a manchild who is going to die a virgin unless he changes his attitude. I suspect he's a twentysomething neet living with his parents and looking for a replacement mother to take care of him. But other girls his age are looking for older men because the last thing they want is to be taking care of a manchild who needs nurturing. He needs to take control over his own life and be a fucking man. An adult man.
/said it

>> No.7992873

what a tough guy you are, whats wrong with cherishing? no like youre breast feeding off your wife, also cherish is in wedding vows isnt it? it was in my aunts at least but vows are customizable technically.

>> No.7992887

lol we've got a tough guy virgin with parent issues here, better hide your opinions boys

>> No.7992896

To cherish is not to nurture.

To nurture is not to cherish.

>> No.7992904

theyre synonyms for each other, so depending on where someone lives it can be used interchangeably.

>> No.7992907

I'll always cherish my dead boy but I can no longer nurture him.

Fight me on this and I'll kill you twice.

>> No.7992911

>be woman who enjoys being seen as human
>be feminist
>love to cook for my bf and make him feel loved
>have to read everytime I come here about how only antifeminist conservatives who think the place of women is serving men are worth dating because the cucks on this site go after edgy ~alternative~ tumblr girls, get rejected, and blame it on the fact that they were feminists
How about just go after normal girls? She doesn't have to hate herself to treat you right, she just needs some to have some humility/maturity which edgy attention whore alternative girls usually lack. It has nothing to do with feminism-in my experience antifem girls are just as edgy as tumblr libfems. It doesn't have to be one of the two extremes. Find a girl who knows how to make you feel loved;it doesn't depend on whether or not she enjoys having human rights.

>> No.7992924

>it doesn't have to be one of the two extremes
Yea good luck trying to sell that idea on this site
>normal girl
inb4 screaming frog

Come on, where do you think you are with all this talk of decency and common sense

>> No.7992932

cause third wave feminism is retarded any feminism for us women is dumb, unless you're advocating for womens right in africa or the middle east, why should i care. im a woman too and i dont see one could point for it, and third wave feminists seem to be pro islam which makes no sense to me. and saying you like classical feminism doesnt make any sense to me either considered all of those goals were accomplished.

>> No.7992940
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>5' 2"

>> No.7992942

us meaning united states

>> No.7992967

No matter what they may claim, women still like cooking for men.

>> No.7992972

back to /hillary/ fag

>> No.7992976
File: 48 KB, 400x400, quality life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when I'm a female with a master's degree, am married, and work from home so I can cook every day for my family and take care of them.

Fuck the haters and 3-4th wave feminazis. I do what I want. Being educated means being open to every idea of what makes you happy, not what someone else TELLS you should make you happy.

>> No.7992992

lol, shut the fuck up, slut. women should be seen(naked) and never heard. get back in the fucking kitchen.

>> No.7992996

this desu

>> No.7993002

I feel like the majority of women I've met don't cook. They don't know how, and they don't want to. Even my american grandmothers don't cook because they come from the microwave age. My mother doesn't cook because she's a runaway and spent her youth as a thug and in juvie. My english grandma doesn't cook because she's from the canned food and rations days and her husband who she literally cucked did all the cooking. Co-workers are vegies and vegans who only eat prepared foods, and everyone else is just lazy and had no one to learn from.

White America is essentially devoid of home food culture.

>> No.7993012

>how can women possibly think this
>Jeez western women are more awful than I thought
or how about NO ONE THINKS THIS IRL and OP is just a stupid cuck who blames women for his inability to find anyone who likes him enough to cook for him. Seriously NO ONE not even the incarnation of Dworkin herself thinks cooking is oppressive. Go talk to actual (western) women instead of forming a demonized idea of them based on the impossible accusations that bitter misogynists throw around because they need to blame women for everything.
Seriously, with the "patriarchy makes it degrading to be a woman, that's why men aren't allowed to do girly things" mantra of libfems taking so much shit, how can people seriously believe feminists laugh at men who cook? How could a feminist, who supposedly hates men so much, still think cooking is a woman's job? This just shows that OP and most men here dont thave the first clue about what feminism even means and just uses it as a word to mean "girls who won't date me". It's common sense that a feminist can't hold these conflicting thoughts. OP's post inherently acknowledges this. Yet somehow le evil wimmenz must ACTUALLY be this parody of a human described by OP rather than maybe a man was just wrong. Men are in such a scramble to hate women that it overrides logic. Throwing conflicting stereotypes on the same group is the first sign you don't see them as human. See: Jews.

>> No.7993024
File: 32 KB, 448x252, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need a nice cup of bleach for dinner.

>> No.7993029
File: 74 KB, 625x415, benderapplause.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much this.

>> No.7993030

>It's common sense that a feminist can't hold these conflicting thoughts.
The vast majority of people operate mainly on logical inconsistency and cognitive dissonance, and feminists are no exception.

>> No.7993034

go to any college campus that isnt in the south, all of them are libfems man.

>> No.7993039

Does your husband know you're using the computer?

>> No.7993041

It's always been like that though
Since women were allowed to go to college
Why do millennials think leftist values are a new invention?

>> No.7993045

because its just more in your face now due to the internet, if Salon mag can say 'muslims do not need to apologize for anything' and 'yes. all white people are guilty' its a sad world :( i care less about feminists and more about fucking islam and nigger antics but the feminists are so vocal about it and only allow for more 7 year olds to be raped.

>> No.7993048
File: 44 KB, 500x294, kronkbait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're barely trying.

>> No.7993050

Well, does he?

>> No.7993051

You don't even know how to use memes properly, you dumb cumdumpster.

>> No.7993055


I have a novel idea:

Fuck off, faggot.

>> No.7993058


>> No.7993064
File: 74 KB, 997x700, 1269954030730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry for you, that your life is so sad and angry, you have to insult anonymous women on the internet. You have my pity.

>> No.7993069

lol jesus christ youre embarassing, from one woman to another

>> No.7993070
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>> No.7993073

Women exist to serve men. What purpose are you serving here on 4chan?

>> No.7993074

It's not in my face though. You choose to expose yourself to this stuff so you can have something to feel angry about

This is why I'm not on Facebook, I signed up when it was basically just a face book but it turned into inanity

>> No.7993076
File: 90 KB, 639x693, 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, I'm sure you're a woman. Just stop, dude, you're pathetic.

>> No.7993077
File: 61 KB, 308x275, womanmastery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are seriously embarrassing yourself.
>master's degree

Dumb as a rock. Stick to getting fucked is my advice to you.

>> No.7993080
File: 13 KB, 261x221, 1264443128201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pissing you off, apparently.

>> No.7993082

Yes, didn't you read my post? Libfems are the opposite of what OP described. They find it oppressive when men are shamed for cooking. Trust me I am very well-versed in libfem-ery.

>> No.7993084
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Now you just seem sad, and possibly mentally impaired.

>> No.7993086

>she can't see the poster ids
>she can't tell the difference between different posters
hahahaha what a fucking newfag

>> No.7993088

>le evil 3rd wave scapegoat
what radical feminists actually dislike about 3rd wave libfems is that they spend more time assuring women it's empowering to do conventionally feminine things than actually advance ewomen's rights.
>le 3rd wave feminazis
this is a scapegoat for people who don't know anything about feminism to hate it on it in a socially acceptable form without sounding like Conservative hicks. "Oh I'm just talking about the extremists/crazies lol"
Go actually talk to a feminist or something before making your silly le sjws memes.

>> No.7993089

yeah youre wrong. im soon to be married and just ask any wife that actually really enjoys being with their husband, they looooove taking care of their husbands, at least i do, it makes them feel loved. not to say that someone is wiping their husbands ass everyday cause hes a child

>> No.7993092
File: 53 KB, 600x437, 3742227392_ebf88a80b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, you're really dimwitted, aren't you?
My point stands.

>> No.7993099

>implying I'm any sort of sjw
>implying I even care about today's feminists
>implying that anyone who's the least bit educated wouldn't know that real feminism is about equality for men and women alike.

>> No.7993103

>without sounding like conservative hicks
But anon, people who bitch about feminism being a bad thing end up sounding like that anyway
The only person I know who thinks feminism is bad is a 75 year old aunt who lives in a redneck town

>> No.7993112

>dignifying the "social justice is bad" meme
I wish millennials would stop this
Daily reminder that reactionary right wing bullshit is actively funded by the FSB

>> No.7993115

>implying I'm a millennial
Just stop, you have no idea what or who you're talking about. You're just ranting to rant, and it's stupid and useless.

>> No.7993118

a lot of women ive talked to actually believe there is a rape culture in the united states, as if were in fucking pakistan. and even then they all tend to ignore whos committing the majority of these rapes, ie black guys

>> No.7993119

Does it really matter who you are? As long as you're playing along with millennial memes, you're no better than they are

>> No.7993120

The united states is a big country with many subcultures, saying "there is no rape culture" is like ahmedinejad saying there are no gays in Iran

>> No.7993122

Nah, women know who's committing rapes in this country. Perhaps naive college girls don't get it, but adult women do. And, it is getting worse, whether you believe it or not.

>> No.7993124

Women love men who can cook.

Not like being pretentious just proficient. Helps me slang all the time

>> No.7993125

I don't play along with anyone else's beliefs. I hold my own, and my own alone. IDGAF what other people think.

>> No.7993127

>it is getting worse
You mean victims are more willing to come forward
That's a sign of progress although i assume millennials think progress, like social justice, is a bad thing

>> No.7993130

me and my gf cook together its fun :3

>> No.7993132

that and nigs wont stop raping

>> No.7993134

Did you reply the wrong post or something? I accused you of making memes about sjws bit that's about as close as I got to calling you an sjw or any of your other "implications". I so fail to see how your response is aall related that it just seems like either I was really unclear in my post or you actually did reply to the wrong one.
I'll try tp clarify. I accused you of not actually knowing what 3rd wave feminism is because you accuse it of doing the opposite of what it actually does (you should care if you're correct when throwing out wild accusations) and ranted about the trend of people throwing all of the negative stereotypes of feminism under the banner of "crazy 3rd wavers" as a way to distance themselves from these stereotypes in socially acceptable form without knowing the first thing about feminism or the 3rd wave. If you are the person who posted the penguin meme and meant yo reply to me, then Jsyk, it's 3rd wavers who are fighting the 2nd wave for it to not be seen as oppressive for women to adhere to feminine conventions. I'm not 3rd waver myself but your beef is not with them.

>> No.7993137

This thread reminds me of why I took a very long break from /ck/.

>> No.7993141

OP you're silly.

>> No.7993147

I like how you have to crop 2/3rds of Zoe's face to make her look attractive!

>> No.7993150

>looooove taking care of their husbands
only because you know he doesn't neeeeeed taking care of.
but that's just you being clucky and wanting to nurture a child.
no man should ever want to be nurtured so when the woman starts overnurturing their man it's a que for the man to recognise that she wants a baby. then when the baby arrives and she, and he, can both nurture the child in their own way together and the man take on the role of family protector. these traits are instinctive. primitive, perhaps, but hard wired into us.

and wanting to cook and do things for your equal partner isn't about nurturing. it's an act of showing that you care, as well as convenience in the modern world.

some of you people need to be more in touch with your emotions.
i should also point out that this is my perspective and i don't want to come across as telling people how to live their lives.
but fuck it. back in 10 hours

>> No.7993159

you know what, i dont agree with everything you said, but whenever i am 'overnurturing' which i guess would consist of holding him and doing stuff for him way more than i normally do he always tries to seed me. kek.

>> No.7993162
File: 458 KB, 1572x1008, 84609827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

married a qt Asian doctor. she can't cook. I got bored and moved to Europe where I microwave most of my food and surf 4chan. I'm an idiot

>> No.7993165

So in Summary of this Thread:

> white girls are good for fucking but are entitled obnoxious cunts and can't cook worth shit

> marry an Asian or Latnia if you want a loving wife with cooking skills

Not that difficult of a subject.

>> No.7993166

he fell for the asian meme xD

>> No.7993170

I wonder who could be behind this post.

>> No.7993174


Asian women make excellent waifus...

Unless you ordered yours from a catalogue and have an obvious gold digger.

>> No.7993175

confirmed as true. respect dubs

>> No.7993177

>I wonder who could be behind this post.

You can make all the white babies you want. does that make you feel better?

If you want a woman who will love you and take care of you? Asians are good for that.

>> No.7993180
File: 37 KB, 1280x720, MAKE YOUR OWN SANDWICH!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


triggered fat white cow detected lol

>> No.7993181
File: 27 KB, 400x336, When+in+reality+it+should+be+this+_6f147d77251f2d5fef226ea9df04b884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every 'latina' woman i know looks like this, is bc texas? ive maybe seen one cute latina girl living here. are you guys talking about spain?

>> No.7993186

but fat asian girls are goat

>> No.7993189

>gf makes DELICIOUS food and teaches me new stuff all the time
feels great desu
she's a vegan so the stuff she makes always tastes like nothing I ever tasted before, being raised on a fairly traditional and mundane European diet and junk food

>> No.7993193

I've never met a girl that criticized a guy for cooking. In fact I've only heard compliments.

Stop letting /pol/ scare you.

>> No.7993276

>Muh social justice

t. Cuckold

>> No.7993285

>a properly functioning society is for boomers
>racism is kewl, kill all the minorities! am I part of the Anonymous club yet? please validate me!
t.Average 4chan NEET

>> No.7993297

Can someone get these irritated women some dick? They've been hella starved.

>> No.7993317

I'm a 40 year old man, been married and divorced already
Have fun proving your bona fides to a figment of a CNN reporter's imagination, ca.2008

>> No.7993318
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>Properly functioning society

>> No.7993322
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I wonder why. Women don't like being married to spineless liberal nu males.

>> No.7993330


Raising your wife's son all those years and what do you get in return?

A Bernie t-shirt.

Sad times, my man.

>> No.7993342

How would you know what women want? You're too afraid to talk to them so you have to make bizarre theories based on internet research

>> No.7993344

She wanted kids, I didn't. It was the best for both of us.

>> No.7993359

>Too afraid to talk to them
>Which is why I've already fucked a dozen of them

Do you work in a movie theatre? You sure know how to project!

>> No.7993360

I like to cook anyways so I guess I'll just stay alone if such a thing is that important

>> No.7993365

>Huhuh huhuh I totally scored beavis!
Congrats, but your hand doesn't count

>> No.7993460

I don't really understand the problem with MGTOW fundamentally. it's just a bunch of guy who basically say "I don't fucjing owe you anything, you see me as the enemy then we don't have to interact, now get off my goddamn lawn"

I assume there's some of them that try to make it some cringeworthy activist movement though. I mean, look at GG. What a fucking shitshow.

>> No.7993529

>look at GG

What is GG?

>> No.7993546

I have dated a lot of people, most of whom are on the hard left to have no problem cooking for their partners. I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, OP.

>> No.7993547

Your wife's did

>> No.7993552

Wait a minute, did I just take the bait? Oh shit.

>> No.7993737

they must come to the /ck/itchen to warm up.

>> No.7993741

She cooks M W F
You cook T R Sat
Go out to eat on Sun

Any woman that agrees to this recognizes the importance of teamwork in a relationship and is acceptable. If she refuses and says she'll never cook for man even after you've offered to do the same just fucking shoot her.

>> No.7993752


Casual reminder that there are many major European cities where the majority of births are already Muslim and that at present rate of immigration, family reunification and fertility rates much of Western Europe will be Muslim within little more than a single generation (less than one in some countries).


What can your social justice do against this? Do you think the muslims will adopt social justice? Do you think social justice has the necessary tools to stop muslim supremacy? Do you want western culture AND social justice to just go quietly into the night for the sake of your ideological purity?

>> No.7993817
File: 61 KB, 600x600, toucans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're talking cooking and butt stuff. why are you so pretentious that you're above looks? and why would you care about anything else? the path to love is her cooking and butt stuff, not her chins

>> No.7993979

Triggered alt-right boy detected.

>> No.7993984

Clearly the solution to third world immigration is to abandon the advances made during the European enlightenment and adopt the style of the inquisition, circa 1500. The best way to show you're a superior culture is a rapid descent into barbarism.

>> No.7993985

Nothing to worry about, my friend.

Anyway, I don't really see what the issue is. Bitches are fucking nuts, are not a monolith, and most of them are retarded breeding tubs. Assume that interactions with them will be filled with conflict, and let individuals prove themselves to be pretty cool people that you can chill with / fug / love, etc., on a case-by-case basis.

And really, if they don't want to cook, don't make anything for them. At all. If they're so flap-pained about being INDEPENDENT, let them live entirely on starbucks or whatever white women eat now that they're liberated. But them being fiscally and culturally retarded isn't going to stop me from enjoying cooking.

>> No.7993997

>the path to love is her cooking and butt stuff, not her chins
I'm fucking keeping this, I'm writing this shit down. You should write a book.

>> No.7994002

I like your system
Makes sense, both parties need to know how to fend and care for themselves

>> No.7994007

Marry a quasi-recovered anorexic

>spent years obsessing over food and is now somewhat okay with eating it=probably good at cooking
>won't let you cook for her because unknown calories so 9/10 times guaranteed homecooked meal
>still retains a level of skinny/fitness which is attractive
>low self-esteem so will probably settle and not try to cuck you for chad

>> No.7994026


So ideological purity damn the consequences it is. I'm sure the kids around all the Rotherhams of the future will be glad you were able to maintain it.

>> No.7994047

You could just cook food yourself or hire someone to do so. I'd say that you could just go out and purchase some as well but you might be in flyover country.

>> No.7994114

I don't know what ideology you mean here. Islamist or Western secularist?

The point is, you've done a shit job at assimilation and now you're paying the price. You can either fix it the painful and slow way, and hang onto your moral high ground while suffering strife for the generation or two it takes to do it the nice way, or you can go full nazi, and then hope you have the guts to follow through all the way on where that leads you.

It's your country, you make the rules, choose your own adventure.

>> No.7994224


The ideology of Social Justice.

Western secularism is not inherently incompatible with a ban on Islam and closed borders. Islam is inherently non secular and open borders have little to do with secularism.

There can be no assimilation with a muslim population moving to outnumber you. Why would they assimilate when they will be the majority within a generation? That would be silly, makes more sense to just wait a bit.

>> No.7994278

What do you mean by "closing borders"?

Unless that means something different in your head than it means to normies, that's not a fix. You've already had these people legally living with you for generations. Rotherham wasn't from Syrian refugees. It was from Commonwealth immigrants.

Did you mean mass deportation, perhaps? Round em all up in the dead of night, put em in box cars, ship em to cargo ships, and drop them off in Cox's Bazar?

It's what I asked you before. You want to play nice, or not?

Be realistic, anon

>> No.7994312


No more family reunification for Muslims, no citizenship for refugees. Family reunification is an especially huge way in which Muslim communities maintain their backwardness. There would be much more assimilation without the continuing massive amount of immigration pulling them back.

As for Rotherham Muslims are uppity because they think they are winning. Humble them, let them know their position in society is the result of their inferiority and not discrimination. Let them know they won't be able to win by force or numbers and they will fall in line. This is what China does. Dhimmitude, it works.

I'd rather ban Islam outright, but humbling them would work too for the western European nations not totally fucked (ie. not France, Sweden or Germany).

>> No.7994361

>humble them
Specific proposal please
>China did this
If you are thinking of their techniques to pacify Tibet and Xingjiang, China also has an army of internet censors and doesn't flinch at violent reprisals that sweep up innocent people. They'll disappear people and open fire on demonstrations and kill hundreds.

This kind of thing is effective if your national identity doesn't believe itself to be above what people in the West currently would consider third world human rights abuses. People like their open internet. People like to demonstrate. It won't be a clean "us vs them"

>> No.7994442


No, I'm thinking about what they do to Uighurs.

No halal food slaughter/certification/advertising. No beards or veils on public transport. Force restaurants and shops to sell alcohol. etc etc.

> This kind of thing is effective if your national identity doesn't believe itself to be above what people in the West currently would consider third world human rights abuses.

Every Nice, Rotherhams and rape epidemic causes more Europeans to be a bit more nuanced about the supposed sanctity of "human rights".

>> No.7994545

Uighurs live in Xinjiang, anon

So what you're saying is you'd be ok giving radical censorship powers to the government in exchange for security. This means you post a meme, it disappears in minutes. You complain, you disappear.

Just confirming we're on the same page here

>> No.7994554

Basically marriage is a team, and your team is only as strong as it's weakest link.

>> No.7994601


Yet clearly none of the measures I enumerated were censorship.

Not even banning islam is censorship, you can still talk about islam all you want. You just can't call yourself a muslim or run organizations based on islamic rules.

>> No.7994743

Strong media and internet censorship are key parts of the Chinese pacification strategy in Xinjiang and Tibet, I assumed that's what you meant. Nobody, not Han Chinese nor Muslim Uighurs, is exempt. You can't even joke about eating bananas let alone debate security policy on the Chinese internet. This reduces the ease by which people might self-organize against state policy, but it's also unpalatable in the West

In any case banning the use of certain words or symbols to promote a product is censorship. It's a far milder kind and it's much more politically feasible than a Chinese style media lockdown, but you shouldn't pretend it's not censorship when it clearly is. The argument here should be about if it's an ok form of censorship, not whether it is or isn't

When your kind make jokes about the "day of the rope", and in the next sentence call for an end to "multiculturalism" what do you expect progressives to assume? That you mean no burqini-only beaches? Or that you mean revoking citizenship of a million people based on the actions of a handful? I understand what you mean now, but you can see why so many people are so quick to dismiss anti-immigrant rhetoric as a precursor to much stronger stuff

>> No.7994756

I'm an educated professional woman that cooks and does all the domestic chores. I like to do these things. My boyfriend takes care of things like fixing shit when it breaks. But I'm hispanic, so...

>> No.7995075


>> No.7995132

>tfw black gf

Loyal as fuck, juicy booty, and soul food for days

>> No.7995201
File: 375 KB, 250x205, dr. cox 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>No beards on public transport.
let me just take that off real quick

>> No.7995234

I just realized that the only girl I know who rides horses is an utter sexual repression headcase.

Are we on to something, lads?

>> No.7995242

>>tfw no "educated" American female would cook for a man; that would be reaffirming harmful and antiquated gender roles and aiding the patriarchy.
>>tfw these same females ridicule you because a "real man" is not interested in food and cooking.
>>tfw no qt3.14 foreign wife to lovingly cook you the cherished poverty-foods of the old country.

if you want to fuck someone who cooks for you, get a maid
literally the only people who cook for others are people who enjoy cooking/people who get paid to do so
the "educated" females don't cook for guys because they'd rather eat take out and because it's not like you'd cook for them

which is ironic because this is the cooking board, not the beta cuck board

>> No.7995253

>Did you mean mass deportation, perhaps? Round em all up in the dead of night, put em in box cars, ship em to cargo ships, and drop them off in Cox's Bazar?

Oh, look. The one good idea you've had all night.

>> No.7995264

I kind of agree with this.

Why is a guy who posts here under the guise of being "interested in food and cooking" looking for someone to cook for him in the first place? Is OP one of those obese betas who just look at facebook "food porn" videos while eating cheetos and cannot actually fry a fucking egg for themselves?

Just fucking cook, man. Many women in the real world are attracted by it anyway.

>> No.7995282

>wah wah wah if you don't let me force my archaic sky wizard laws on your society it's censorship!!
fuck off achmed, go blow yourself up

>> No.7995287
File: 64 KB, 280x396, MGTOW freeman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys can we all just agree that women a whores and getting married to one is pants on head retarded?

>> No.7995294

nothing is black and white, but youre also a woman and ive noticed through my gf that chicks have an extremely naive understanding of what it is like to deal with women as a man

>> No.7995320

Go to the mountains in NC.
Lots of qts hidden among the middle aged meth heads.
I found my mountain waifu in nursing school. We both work opposite schedules with Saturdays and sundays off, so we alternate cooking.
Plus mountain girls are pretty much bred for subservience towards men.

>> No.7995327
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>> No.7995338

Moderate lel