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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7975862 No.7975862 [Reply] [Original]

Pineapple on pizza, yes or no

>> No.7975866

Ananas goes on pizza

>> No.7975868


>> No.7975872

Haven't had it since the fourth grade. Curious to try it again but not committed enough to buy a full za and no joint in my town sells it by the slice

>> No.7975878

Only if slightly dried or presssed to squeeze all the excess juice out and shredded/super thinly sliced, while being paired with a savory or salty topping. I dont mind the flavor, i just hate the massive chunks, their texture, and the soggy dough around each pineapple bit.

>> No.7975906

with pepperoni and jalapeno yes

>> No.7975908

I was going to say no to pineapple on pizza in general but that is the one exception

>> No.7975926


It's like adding orange slices to spaghetti

>> No.7975932

Yup. I keep the chunks small and wring out excess moisture with a paper towel. Add deli ham and red onions, good to go.

>> No.7975958

I think we're onto something here

>> No.7975964

no. it's awful. don't know why it's so popular. shit tier

>> No.7975971


how about mushrooms though?

>> No.7975979

I like it. Pineapple, pepperoni, and jalapeño, is the business. Sweet, salty, and spicy.

>> No.7975982

Pineapple on pizza is fine. I don't get all the hate. It's actually kind of wonderful with jalapenos.

>> No.7975984

Of course senpai

>> No.7975987

How has the yearbook picture not been posted yet?

>> No.7975990

>reposting old content

>> No.7975997

>>reposting old content
>reposting old content

>> No.7976000

>Pairing fruit with foods that are mostly made up of another fruit

>> No.7976065
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>> No.7976072

No, I'm not really a big fan of pineapple in general.

Second best pizza topping after Italian sausage.

>> No.7976076

I like it, yes.

>> No.7978147

idk why but i love pineapple pizza.

>> No.7978175


When it's just ham and ananas, it's heavenly.

If you put anything else on, not so much.

>> No.7978203
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It's like adding fruit to ham.

>> No.7978259


>> No.7978303
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>> No.7978308 [DELETED] 
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>sugar on sugar

>> No.7978367

except it's nothing that at all

>> No.7978374

Sweet jesus someone with some sense.

>> No.7978380

if you sub bbq or teriyaki sauce for the tomato then by all means senpai

>> No.7978387
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>> No.7978404
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then you can take your pineapple and shove it

>> No.7978442

I don't like pineapple on pizza, bub

>> No.7978454

I add lemon to my tomato sauce.

Now what?

>> No.7978461

lemon juice in sauce isn't the same as a fucking hunk of orange added to pasta

read first before you comment

>> No.7978478
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I didn't say put it on a pizza, i said put it up your ass you silly billy

>> No.7978496

For pineapple pizza I usually go light on the sauce and get whatever pork topping the pizza joint has to go with pineapple.

>> No.7978506
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>> No.7978539


>> No.7978625

Only when paired with ham.

>> No.7978961

By all that is good and holy, no.

>> No.7978978


>> No.7979320 [DELETED] 
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i once ordered a pizza with Pineapple, Anchovies, Feta, and Black Olives on it

it was delicious

>> No.7979337

>Americans think that shit is a Pizza

fuck off

>> No.7979354

Ham and Pineapple are a good combo, don't think it would go with anything else though.

>> No.7979360

is /ck/ the most American obsessed board? people can't one thread without crying about the states.

>> No.7979368

That actually sounds like it would be good, I'm going to have to try it now.

I might be pleasantly surprised like I was with pineapple on pizza.

>> No.7979369

Ham and Pineapple is a good combo

A lot of people

>> No.7979377

Those pesky Hawaiians and their dirt cooked fruit ham.

>> No.7979427

Pineapple AND Jalepenos

am Canadian

>> No.7979451


Yes ananas belongs on pizza

>> No.7979469

it has to be fresh pineapple and jalapenos, otherwise it's garbage. corn syrup and vinegar have no place on pizza

>Second best pizza topping after Italian sausage.
why not both?

>> No.7979535
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pineapples plus jalapeños is godly

>> No.7979574

Nothing wrong with the occasional Hawaiian. Being anal about it one way or another is retarded but if you're ordering a bunch for a party or something its a good one to pick up.

>> No.7979579

hawaiian is best pizza

>> No.7979633

i would get thin slice pepperoni and put vegemite on the bottom when it was day old

moral of story: if it tastes good who cares

>> No.7979636

I had fried octopus last night. You have to be really quiet when you eat it.
Otherwise, it emits a cloud of black smoke and falls on the floor.

>> No.7979645

Pineapples, jalapenos and pepperoni is GOAT

>> No.7979649

>pepperoni and put vegemite on the bottom when it was day old
>moral of story: if it tastes good who cares

don't take your morals from criminals with shit taste, kiddos

>> No.7979659

enjoy not enjoying food because of "insert reason unrelated to if it actually tastes nice"

>> No.7979772

people who don't like pineapple on pizza can't enjoy the finer things in life

>> No.7979923


Adding lemon doesn't make the sauce a little too acidic? What do you do to offset it or do you just like it that way?

>> No.7979931

>being so autistic that you put pineapple on pizza

>> No.7979934

Depends on the other toppings

>> No.7980058

Absolutely not. Anyone who does is a degenerate.

>> No.7980063
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>> No.7980078

Yes if combination or thin crusted

>> No.7980151

thin crust with ham
pretty fuckin good

>> No.7980846

I have never seen such food:/

>> No.7980860

I would have no problem eating it, if I got it for free. I would never order myself, something tells me it ain't right.

>> No.7981292
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The original Pineapple Pizza was created by former Nazis in 50s Germany in a last attempt to assimilate American culture with the help of processed cheese, toast bread and crappy ham.

>> No.7981301

fuck no. thats fucking disgusting.

>> No.7981550

Of course. I love Hawaiian pizza

>> No.7981566



>> No.7982576


>> No.7982579

Really, it's personal preference.

But it's never that easy for you, is it, /ck/?

>> No.7982604


welcome to /ck/ all, king of content

>> No.7982628

Perhaps not delicious but it works fine

Anyone who says it doesn't is just a picky eater

>> No.7983048


>> No.7983627
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Leaves REPRESENT! pineapple goes on pizza or treason!
http //www villagevoice.com/restaurants/do-hawaiians-eat-hawaiian-pizza-plus-a-little-history-6556091
trekbro here.

>> No.7983640

Yes, especially with BBQ base, roasted chicken, and bacon.

Fight me.

>> No.7983734
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feaf fail... =d
trekbro here.

>> No.7983748
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Well either way amerifags.. Canada invented pineapple on 'za so BTFO. Pine on 'za is canadian, so disliking it is racist! Also, remember that liking Canadian 'Pine-Za' is cultural appropriation. Racists.
trekbro out.

>> No.7983749

ok, im doing this

>> No.7983751

Ananas? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tH3wvdT1DiE

>> No.7983754
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