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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.73 MB, 1152x864, coleslaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7977019 No.7977019 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7977026
File: 60 KB, 600x456, lima_beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7977036
File: 81 KB, 450x300, baked beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These were particularly bad. As soon as it hit my tongue my entire body would convulse and I would start to vomit. People thought I was allergic.

>> No.7977037

Coleslaw is delicious m8. How is it nightmare fuel?

>> No.7977049

Poorly raised children are picky about their food and think vegetables are icky.

>> No.7977052

I had to eat it every cookout in the summer as a kid made by some Southern lady. It tasted terrible. I guess it is a delicacy down there. Though to be fair most of the summer "salads" were terrible.

>> No.7977056

The problem wasn't the vegetables but the concoction that is coleslaw. It has such a sickly taste to it.

>> No.7977068

But that's wrong, faggot. 90% of coleslaw is fantastic, both creamy and vinegar-and-oily. I guess your fsmily just can't make good food.

>> No.7977079

The woman who made it wasn't family. I have no Southern heritage. Seems like confederate hick chow.

>> No.7977091
File: 39 KB, 640x425, boiled-cauliflower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7977093



although baked beans are trash

>> No.7977096

People from Oregon to New Jersey eat coleslaw. It's as American as mashed potatoes and corn on the cob.

>> No.7977104

It's also that middle class white mom's don't know how to prepare vegetables any way other than boiling them for way too long or pouring them out of a can.

They also think coleslaw is shredded cabbage completely saturated in mayonnaise.

>> No.7977137

Fourth of July foods...hot dog slop buns, hamburger sweat potato double deckers, mayo-sloshed veggies that are supposed to be cold, hot as fuck in the sun...

I'll....I'll just have some warm orange juice, thanks...
"Don't you want a turkey ham bologna thing?"
N-no thanks...

>> No.7977145
File: 150 KB, 500x753, 20091228-Cooking-831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coleslaw is far inferior to sauerkraut, especially the good crunchy kind.

>> No.7977147

OP's coleslaw looks fine though. Don't know what he's complaining about.

>> No.7977174

why don't you just bath in vinegar?

>> No.7977176

Something tells me that the coleslaw OP posted is not the same coleslaw OP had as a child.

Lower middle class white southern can confirm; it is very easy to make shitty coleslaw if you don't know what you're doing.

>> No.7977181
File: 204 KB, 1280x960, 1445908865296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember eating school burgers, lifting the bun and seeing this

>> No.7977183

LOL. Not the Russian kind.

>> No.7977191
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, 1280x720-ts8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7977208

Middle school food. Thing gets a lot better in high school.

>> No.7977209

due to cooking method (proteins in liquid rising to top and then being cooked) harmless but looks disgusting, not necessarily quality of meat. looks fucking awful though

>> No.7977210

> Lifted the bun
Noobie mistake.

That said I can confirm there are school burgers that look like that.

>> No.7977230
File: 131 KB, 650x433, Carrot-Raisin-Salad-3-650x433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking carrot and raisin salad from Luby's. Pawpaw used to make me get it and eat every bit of that shit. Oh and he would rip the skin off my fried chicken that I got there because he thought it would give me acne, I was like 7.

>> No.7977239
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>> No.7977241
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>> No.7977267

... The fuck am I looking at?

>> No.7977273

I'm from NY. We only ate coleslaw because of this woman. No one else I knew ate it.

>> No.7977283
File: 36 KB, 550x372, Caraway-oil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7977288

You never had coleslaw on a deli sandwich?
Are you from upstate? Never reply to my posts again if you are. Upstate New York is all trash and cowfuckers.

>> No.7977306
File: 115 KB, 800x600, ham-sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7977325

I've only had subway, quiznos, and 6 foot party subs from an Italian deli.

>> No.7977327

I dunno but it looks great

>> No.7977373

I fucking loved coleslaw as a child though.
The best was when mom would prepare it beforehand and let it sit in the fridge for a bit. That made the veggies softer for my small kid teeth.
But yeah dont see why kids wouldnt like the salad.

>> No.7977375

Is this some sort of sausage made from whole intestines? If so, you're right, that's terrible.

>> No.7977377

95% of existing soups

>> No.7977380

The only thing more disgusting than coleslaw is fruit salad.

>> No.7977463
File: 37 KB, 640x512, 41143-1-640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fruit salad of just cut up fruit is totally fine imo or some very light syrup (had a nice one recently of mint/habanero)

when you approach the creamy awful shit it becomes unbearable

>> No.7977470

The only fruit salad I've seen used mayo.

>> No.7977495

Or people just have different tastes. I love Curtido but hate Coleslaw.

>> No.7977496
File: 115 KB, 562x1000, o (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none like this?

>> No.7977503

Thanks for reminding me I don't live in Denver anymore and have nowhere to get a pupusa.

>> No.7977522


yes it's andouillette

>> No.7977528

Isn't that just cut up fruit?

>> No.7977529


yes, a fruit salad

>> No.7977532

Agreed this shit is awful
The smell, the texture
I've only enjoyed it once and that was because it was a topping on a sandwich that was God tier in every other way so I was able to ignore it's taste

>> No.7977543
File: 1.87 MB, 4000x3000, quinoa-fruit-salad-040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can put some dressing and green bits on it

>> No.7977544

Isn't a regular salad just cut up vegetables? Not all salads have dressings.

>> No.7977545

I don't recall anyone calling a bunch of cut up fruit a fruit salad, but fruit salad was rare.

>> No.7977549

Green onion was my cryptonite when i was a wee lad. Im asian and asian family like to put that shit in almost everything. Funny thing is now im older, i somehow find green onion taste pretty good.

>> No.7977556


where i'm from a fruit salad is in fact just cut up fruit, potentially macerated in orange juice or syrup from canned fruit

>> No.7977562

They do for Americans

>> No.7977565
File: 112 KB, 1920x1080, AMBROSIA SALAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7977566

Ewwww! Try mayo dawg. Also turkey sammich master race.

>> No.7977569

But the post you're replying to was written by an American.

>> No.7977579

I don't remember seeing anyone cut up a bunch of random fruit to put in a bowl before 2000 or 2004. Typically fruit was cut for a child and that was it unless it was a melon.

>> No.7977587

An entire world exists outside of your experiences.

>> No.7977588

She seems to be a good person but those breath she takes every mid-sentence is driving me nuts.

>> No.7977593


>I don't remember seeing anyone cut up a bunch of random fruit to put in a bowl before 2000 or 2004

what the fuck are you even talking about. you think fruit salad was invented in the year fucking 2000?

>> No.7977599

A lot of ridiculous stuff came out of the woodwork post 2000 like chia pet seeds as food.

>> No.7977603




>> No.7977612

Why go through the trouble though? Why not eat it whole like normal people?

>> No.7977619

Nothing wrong with eating fruit whole, but why limit yourself to just one type of preparation? That's boring when you can have fruit in so many other ways.

>> No.7977621

SimplySara is lovely, and I think it's a shame that she has such a problem with her eating and is gonna die early because of it.

>> No.7977629


normal people eat fruit salad. people have been eating fruit salad for literal millennia you plonker.

you cut it up so you can get a mixture of the fruits in each bite and scale it up to multiple portions and shit. i can't believe i have to explain this shit for you. are you an alien. are you a mythical creature

>> No.7977678

Can someone make an image macro of fruit as bait?

>> No.7977699

Why is there no 'save a fatty a day' campaign? Find the good fatties in your life, lock them in the basement until normie weight achieved, and then train them to live as normies. It's not a crime bcus good intentions :)

>> No.7977702


Sounds good. We can have it after kick-a-ginger day but before slap-a-vegan day.

>> No.7977719

you have autism

>> No.7977722

>liking mayonnaise soaked vegetables
>manchild confirmed

>> No.7977723

so true

>> No.7977726

that sounds fucking disgusting

>> No.7978059
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>> No.7978127
File: 2.11 MB, 3648x2736, dscf3344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7978230

way too much dressing but I would haave loved some

a nice hot bowl is a good memory

looks like some david cronenberg shit

>> No.7978240

But coleslaw taste pretty great with some mustard seasoning added for a bit of kick

>> No.7978252

you too? I thought I was the only one

>> No.7978260

cafeteria food in general is god-awful dog shit

>> No.7978280

What is that? Did someone pour jarred gravy on a sponge?

>> No.7978400

> creamy awful shit
You mean ambrosia salad?

That shit is bomb when made properly

>> No.7978426

I still don't like most coleslaw, it gets too sweet for me.

>> No.7978472

That looks fucking delicious

>> No.7978483

sucks about your chicken skin, and I've never been to a Luby's (or heard of one for that matter), but I actually dig Carrot and Raisin salads

>> No.7978492

Upstater here, we eat coleslaw just as often as any other American state

don't listen to that guy who acts like its a foreign dish to us

>> No.7978692

I hated coleslaw until I had good coleslaw.
Now I love coleslaw.

>> No.7978741
File: 697 KB, 1860x1433, headcheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not sure why this was a delicacy where I grew up, but it seemed like everyone made it around Xmas time.

Can't really say I don't like it as I would never let that in my mouth. It's really the gelatinous part that truly disgusts me..

>> No.7978753
File: 3.30 MB, 4640x3480, GL0509_chicken-parmigiana_s4x3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was little this to me was the archetype of what I categorized as "adult food"

From the mixture of so many different types of foods to the rich red of the sauce it was clearly not for children

>> No.7978758

I love that stuff

>> No.7978828

I loved chicken parmigiana as a kid.

>> No.7978847

Yeah this stuff looks disgusting but it's quite good on crackers. Really popular where I'm from, hogshead cheese in particular. Ours looks a lot more seasoned than that stuff though, cajun style.

>> No.7978868

my dad used to buy pimento loaf just because he knew that nobody else would eat it

also, he would make sandwiches with white bread, mayonnaise, and a single slice of american cheese.

>> No.7978879

Great on rye toast in the morning, lil smear of spicy mustard

>> No.7978880

ITT: manchildren attempt to justify their lack of taste, as in sense of and cultural.

>> No.7978953
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>> No.7978982

Your father lied to you anon. It was just because he wanted the chicken skin, all to himself.

>> No.7978999
File: 60 KB, 800x600, 398655134_297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mushy canned asparagus served with mayo
Wow, fuck you Mom.
Can't wait to throw your alkie ass in a fucking home.

It's just grease. Seriously.
I know it looks revolting but it's not artery walls or intestine or whatever the fuck people act like it is. Actual mystery meat is ground up finely enough that you can't tell what it used to be. It's a selling point.

>> No.7979003


>> No.7979021
File: 66 KB, 722x349, 1433804679927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>canned asparagus

>> No.7979023

Carpetbagger detected

>> No.7979032

moon pie

>> No.7979038

that's because most beans are shit and it's better to make your own

>> No.7979153


>i am an atrocious faggot.

that's cool.

you really should take it to wordpress though

>> No.7979422

You shut your whore mouth and keep it shut baked beans is the shiznit

>> No.7979433
File: 24 KB, 600x450, br1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watermelon with feta cheese and bread.fucking disgusting

>> No.7979444
File: 119 KB, 640x480, November7-Hazelnut-Brussels41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7979450

whenever they touched my tongue it instantly gave me a tingling sensation followed by my gag reflex kicking in something fierce. As an adult I can do refried beans but whole beans are still a no go. I still pick out all of the beans in a bowl of chili.

it seemed like my daycare served this at least once a week. I'd suck the juice and spit out the rest.

>> No.7979484

>I still pick out all of the beans in a bowl of chili
Raw, unfiltered autism

>> No.7979497


only because most people don't know how to cook brussel sprouts properly.

>> No.7979507

these kick started my bulimia as a child

>> No.7979513

>I don't remember seeing anyone cut up a bunch of random fruit to put in a bowl before 2000 or 2004
Yeah we had the prototypes ready for the turn of the century fruit expos but it took another few years (thank god for 9/11 otherwise it could have been decades) before the general public was ready for our breakthrough innovation of cutting up several fruit and putting them into a bowl

>> No.7979526

>come home from school
>its hamburger helper night
>its leftover hamburger helper reheated in the microwave

>> No.7979608
File: 121 KB, 493x335, medref_beetroot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7979631


>> No.7979662

It's common for people to eat watermelon with cheese and bread in Romania.

>> No.7979672

I liked all of these as a kid. Shame it was my parents that hated vegetables because I loved them.

still wont eat this shit

>> No.7979777

looks like a polycystic kidney

>> No.7979787
File: 174 KB, 500x375, Sloppy_Joe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never eat a sloppy joe again because of school.

>> No.7979796

It sounds like people in Romania are fucking retarded

>> No.7979808
File: 86 KB, 600x450, butteredtortilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone else ever eat this? Butter a tortilla and stick it in the microwave for a few seconds?

>> No.7979816
File: 222 KB, 450x253, ugly cry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found the poorfag

>> No.7979853
File: 2.20 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160812-224241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We ate this shit for for an entire summer. The best part about lasagne is there's always leftovers.
Breakfast lunch and dinner lasagne!
It has been fifth-teen years and I still can't eat it.

>> No.7979879

I love most vegetables so I think the only vegetable I've ever truly hated, and still do, is fennel. Fennel bulbs are way too fucking strong.

>> No.7979903

>carrots raisins cheese and mayonnaise
that sounds fucking delicious

>> No.7979964

I had a watermelon, red onion, and feta cheese salad once. It was pretty damn good. Can't say I've tried it with bread though.

>> No.7980138

I used to beg my mom for KFC coleslaw like chicken tendies

>> No.7980150

No, she was a reverse carpetbagger.

>> No.7980309


no it doesn't. are you a fucking cave dweller

>> No.7980336

Always been disgusting to me, but for some reason I find Lindström patties delicious (beef with a lot of beetroot and onion).

>> No.7980841
File: 756 KB, 768x869, canned-corn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who to this day gets triggered by tiny spherical objects together in a pile? It's like my brain associates the visual image with maggots or something.

I love corn on the cob, but fuck it whenever someone serves just the corn. I sometimes use pea pods in cooking and have no problem with the peas falling out, but put a pile of peas on my plate and I lose all appetite. Genuinely want to like beans, but I just can't bring myself to even try eating them.

How can people pour this shit on their plate and call it appetizing?

>> No.7980896

all I think when I look at it is "yum its corn"

>> No.7980988

muh nig

>> No.7981160

Poor and can't stay on topic. Is there anything worse?

>> No.7981169
File: 109 KB, 620x350, ENCHILADAS_5506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing I'm picky against.

Fuck enchiladas and fuck that nasty ass sauce people like to use in it.

>> No.7981246

What made colesl, especially the kfc kind spicy?

>> No.7981256

How is it possible to contain this much autism?

>> No.7981261

I appreciate you and your joke anon

god damnit dude

>> No.7981284

you have something wrong with you mate

>> No.7981337

i just couldnt deal with the texture. i loved coleslaw without the mayo because vegetals are good, but the weird heavy creaminess of mayo was just too offputting. still dont like it.

>> No.7981344
File: 23 KB, 300x300, 41okBaYeBVL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a family of poor ass honkies
>mom had to go to waitress job a few nights a week
>oh god, Dad has to "cook"
>Dad grew up REALLY poor and REALLY neglected
>like "go to friend's houses and eat a can of pie filling and steal another for later" poor and neglected
>also very angry all the time
>and surprise surprise does not like to cook and too poor for take out
>several boxes of pic related in pantry for these nights
>always fucks it up
>too much miracle whip, forgot to add nasty dehydrated vegetable packet until after mixing so they are just hard, sharp little shards of carrot and peas
>was a very sickly and small child, could never finish it
>was threatened and had to choke it all down
>to this day, get really distant and irritable if I see this or eat mayo/miracle whip pasta salad

Did Kraft give me PTSD? Can I sue?

>> No.7981347

You have tryptophobia.

>> No.7981366
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>> No.7981386

You're better off suing your dad.

>> No.7981431

>mfw I am a very very lax eater, have literally eaten anything put on my plate

>> No.7981441

Where is the quinoa?!

>> No.7981448

Can be pretty good quality canned corn... some brands

>> No.7981454

ambrosia with marshmallows is not good
the texture is awful.

>> No.7981457


Put it's drenched in mayo which makes it disgusting.

>> No.7981461
File: 701 KB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I vaguely remember vomiting at a baseball game because of these

>> No.7981527

In Bolivia

>> No.7981532

I know, right? All except for the chocolate milk, that looks delicious.

>> No.7981589

You really should give them another try. I've found that when it comes to foods I dislike because of past bad experiences, if I find a recipe and find good,quality ingredients and make them myself, I end up liking them.

>> No.7981865
File: 34 KB, 552x528, 12064386_10209193506780699_257929505_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disliking enchiladas

just how?

>> No.7981952

I'm repulsed by beans and always have been. As well as a lot of preparations of ground beef. The texture of the beef is hell to me unless it's in some kind of patty or as a filling.

I eternally despise anyone who puts ground meat in their gravy and the sight of refried beans or chilli makes me sick.

Other than that I'm not picky. I eat a lot of things most Americans wouldn't even consider touching.

>> No.7981957

any sort of cold salad with eggs
probably salisbury steak

>> No.7981969

Ham sandwiches, because i had to eat nothing but them while visiting someone for about an entire week

>> No.7981974

Not in my high school they didn't

>pizzas dripping puddles of grease
>ketchup not served in a pump, but an open bucket with a fucking ladle
>butter/jelly/basically everything was out in the open
>semisolid peas

I just said fuck it a day or two in and brought lunch every day of high school

>> No.7981980

I went to this high school and know the girl who took these pictures. Never thought I'd see that here.

Food wasn't that bad desu.

>> No.7981986

Are those garlic fries?
If they are, you're autistic.

>> No.7981991


Why can nobody cook these right? Fuck me, it's either Shoe Leather or Salmonella.

>> No.7981993

Look like truffle oil fries (I know you can't reliably tell what kind of oil was put on them, but that's the presentation I'm used to seeing them as). It also explains the reaction as truffle oil is shit.

>> No.7982000
File: 453 KB, 1430x1073, tasteless white filth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

School Chicken Nuggets were like eating fucking hockey pucks.

They never gave good sides either, it was always shitty, cold pasta salad or mushy green beans.

>> No.7982002

>mom for some reason decides to put corn in mashed potatos
>the texture of the two combined makes me gag and throw up

>> No.7982015

Cant find an image, but
>Awful, dry, mashed potatoes scooped with a massive fuck-off ice cream scoop
>Shitty, stringy turkey cubes sprinkled on top
>Covered in the most disgusting, foul-smelling gravy I've ever seen
Looked and smelled like vomit.
I fucking hated when it was "Turkey dinner" lunch day at school. Shit made me nauseous.

>> No.7982024

So for all the rightful hate cafeteria food gets, why did people eat it? Why didn't people just bring their own lunch?

>> No.7982069

Being dirt poor kind of prevents you from bringing your own food because there is no food to bring from home.

>> No.7982083

Murica is truly a shithole

>> No.7982086

A simple sandwich is cheaper to make than buying the school lunch. At least where I lived school lunches were $1.70. I can't imagine a sandwich made at home costing more than maybe 50 cents.

>> No.7982095
File: 119 KB, 316x232, IMG_201608226_053124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fucking horror.

>> No.7982102

These were the fucking best.
Are you a nigger?

>> No.7982118

Raw dough filled with unmelted cheese and dusted with raw flour. Yum.

>> No.7982124
File: 319 KB, 732x960, LasPalmas_EnchiladaSauce_Tomato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just how?

Every time I had enchiladas, it was cooked using this garbage.

I don't know what they put it in it, but it is some vile shit.

I have no problem at all with any of the other traditional ingredients.

>> No.7982137

Depending on where you live, the free school breakfast and lunch might be the only meals students had for the day

>> No.7982163
File: 95 KB, 640x480, 1438851818507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poor people only exist in America

>> No.7982170
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>> No.7982194

If that's how your cafeteria made them, yeah sounds bad

>> No.7982246

I hear other people had it much better. They were literally cold sticks of raw dough for me.

>> No.7982307

The fuck is wrong with slaw? Eat it as a side. Put it on a pulled pork sandwich and have a po'boy. Put on a hotdog and have a slawdog. Jesus, if hate slaw, don't come down South. We eat that shit with everything.

>> No.7982326

>Put it on a pulled pork sandwich and have a po'boy
The fuck? No.

>> No.7982343

There's more kinds of po'boys than just you louisaniggers

>> No.7982367

Because your backwater, retarded ass town of less than 4000 people have a shitty diner that calls coleslaw on a pulled pork sandwich a "po'boy" doesn't make it one.

>> No.7982380

This triggered my PTSD

>> No.7982386
File: 246 KB, 1280x853, Turkey_Twizzlers_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7982391

>Food Network calls it a po'boy
>numerous food critics and chefs call it a po'boy
>SC calls it a po'boy
>AL calls it a po'boy
>not a po'boy because some uppity cockfag on an Egyptian hieroglyphic website says so
It's a po'boy. Bonus points if it's made with remoulade slaw. There's no "correct" way to make a po'boy btw.

>> No.7982398

I did.

Also, when I was little I hated egg yolks unless it was served as deviled eggs, and my mom would make liver and onions... except she would coat them in flour then fry them at a low temp then stick them in a bowl with gravy... the texture was terrifying.

>> No.7982408

Do KFC bowls make you angry?

>> No.7982417

>>SC calls it a po'boy
>>AL calls it a po'boy
Neither of these locations call that a po'boy.

>> No.7982434

didnt you just love how tough the noodles would get?
the meat always had a weird ass smell too after being in the fridge.
when i grew up and saw that adults that live alone unironically enjoy cooking hamburger helper i couldnt believe it

>> No.7982444

My ex loved these things, particularly the bacon/ranch flavored ones.

Fucking vile.

>> No.7982452

Me and my brother would eat these raw with a pinch of salt, almost like you would a boiled egg. That and raw/pickled okra

>> No.7982480

It's strange, the texture of beans is offputting but I enjoy the flavor. Choking them down makes me sick, but I have found that refried black beans that are pureed to shit are the only ones I can enjoy. Even then I have to Dr. it up with some cheese/sour cream on bread.

As far as meat goes I've eaten tartar multiple times and don't have an issue with any type of meat.

>> No.7982524

>His mom made coleslaw with mayonnaise

No wonder you hate it, jahmed

>> No.7982546

its fucking fried chicken melted cheese and tomato sauce, that's like kid food 101 you mong.

>> No.7982570

cafeterias dude

>> No.7982595
File: 30 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exactly is this anon?

>> No.7982601

Turkey twizzlers - processed turkey meat formed into a spiral. Jamie OliveOil got them removed from school food in the UK

Potato crocquettes

Potato smiley faces

>> No.7982606

turkey dicks

>> No.7982669

To be fair, anyone who puts ground beef in their chili should be lined up and shot.

>> No.7982678

What if I add in ground beef, chuck steak, and one other cut of beef?

>> No.7982697

enchiladas are delicious when you have good sauce. Which is the rarest fucking thing ever.

>> No.7982703

The only people who like kraft products are people who have never been so poor that they had it as the majority of their diet. Kraft is trash.

>> No.7982706

Watties brand Baked Beans are my favourite food. So versatile, protein, iron, salt, sugar, everything you need

>> No.7982717
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Pretty sure you meant to say duck.

>> No.7982727

I mean, I GUESS, but why not just leave out the ground beef? What is it contributing?

>> No.7982747

that looks pretty wholesome desu

>> No.7982796
File: 19 KB, 300x300, 51nARXAxNvL._SY300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canned green beans are literally the worst. What is it with white people and green bean casserole?

>> No.7982803
File: 321 KB, 1134x849, pancakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom worked most days and this was all my dad knew how to make so we'd have them constantly. It took me years to start eating them again and it's still rare that I do.

>> No.7982819

Ground brisket in chili is pretty tasty.

>> No.7982835

Green bean casserole is amazing as long as you use fresh green beans and nothing canned.

>> No.7982844

Our prisoners here get better food than this school cafeteria horror show.

>> No.7982882

this. fuck enchiladas and most mexican food

>> No.7983098

oh god potato smiles GOD NO PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME GO BACK

>> No.7983106

why does every dad make pancakes? mothers just plain don't do it. like pancakes are a man's domain somehow.

>> No.7983126

Yes yes anon this is my Nightmare
I was always called fussy but Jesus the texture and flavour combo
I didn't eat butter again till I was about 30

And white bread and gam sandwiches can still make me heave

Are you British too?

>> No.7983148

Maybe your mother just didn't love you enough, my mom was banging out pancakes every Sunday.

>> No.7983177

Wut. Russian kind is just a shredded cabbage and salt in 10L enamel bucket topped with a smaller saucepan lid and a wild harvested rock. Really makes things stink.

>> No.7983364
File: 178 KB, 500x333, soup11[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

butternut squash soup. i fucking hate it and cant understand how anybody could like it

>> No.7983728
File: 1.43 MB, 3264x2448, Photo-Mar-18-6-56-05-PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poached egg with cheese sauce on white toast. The homemade cheese sauce wasn't so bad though not particularly good either, but the poached egg was god awful. It was literally just one huge, hard hockey puck of yolk. Absolutely disgusting. The toast and being drenched in cheese sauce couldn't save the dish. The grapefruit pairing was another horror story all to itself.

>> No.7983739

basically everything that wasn't a potato or mac n cheese
fucking irresponsible parents never even tried to get me to eat anything else until i was over 200lbs at 13 and i started eating better by myself

>> No.7983752

>Don't have any rules
>An act of rebellion is actually being decent on your own

That sounds like some good parenting right there.

>> No.7983755
File: 14 KB, 300x251, Peanut-Butter-Sandwich-on-White-Bread-300x251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>free lunch
>jelly is 50 cents

>> No.7983769
File: 69 KB, 990x552, patrick-bateman-american-psycho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cannot unsee

>> No.7983776

I had a buttered ham sandwich once when I was little

I genuinely think it gave me some sort of food PTSD because even today if I feel even the tiniest smidge of butter in a sandwich I wretch in disgust and start gagging.

>> No.7983778

I can't remember the last time I had a salisbury steak

I genuinely really like those

>> No.7983785
File: 95 KB, 338x500, 20130502-1303_jambon-kebab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7983791

>fucking chicken tendie Wednesday
Anon why are you so hateful?

>> No.7983792

i have high blood pressure now

>> No.7983801
File: 60 KB, 432x444, 1470984354259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude these are the shit. Blanched with honey

>> No.7983805
File: 28 KB, 375x375, 2_dececcorollover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have some kind of mild wheat allergy
>nothing serious at all, all that happens is my throat itches if I eat whole wheat stuff
>school decides to start a healthy eating program
>literally everything in the cafeteria that can be made whole wheat is now whole wheat
>nobody believes I have a wheat allergy and just thinks I'm being a picky little shit
>spend the rest of my school life with my throat on fire

fucking whole wheat pasta is the most disgusting thing on the planet by the way.

>> No.7983811

>school food has a protein quota
>pbjs fucking packed with peanut butter, like a 2:1 ratio of peanut putter to jelly

they were so bad

>> No.7983821

I used eat all of this and still would desu

>> No.7983837
File: 159 KB, 500x375, nutria01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh come on. Get somebody from good old NO in this thread. No shit, they would catch and butcher THESE motherfuckers and feed them to kids via school lunches.


>> No.7983861
File: 247 KB, 1254x688, kn_20ramsay_20eating_20pizza.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can't appreciate a good 'go 'za, eh?

>> No.7983874

And banging out the milk man every other day lmao

>> No.7983999

I did that but I used a frying pan on the stovetop instead. Some poor friends taught it to me when I was over at their house once.

>> No.7984002

No, but I do butter the outside of my quesadilla before cooking it.

>> No.7984008

My mom would heat up a can of vegetables every day with dinner. I hated them but was forced to eat them, so now I can't stand canned vegetables. I enjoy fresh ones though.

>> No.7984010

always liked beans

>> No.7984011

how can you eat a sandwich without butter? it's too dry

>> No.7984015

A ham and iceburg lettuce sandwich with butter is GOAT.

>> No.7984020

>mass of ungodly yellow weird shaped shit
>refuse to eat it
>pre-school makes me bring note home to parents four times for not eating macaroni and cheese

Murrica, where it's a sin to not eat processed amalgam cheese and overcooked noodles.

>> No.7984029

What state was this in?

>> No.7984038

How about some rye bread without any condiments? It is one of the greatest foods of all time

>> No.7984042


>> No.7984060

>hamburger sweat potato double deckers
the fuck is this

> mayo-sloshed veggies that are supposed to be cold
only describing coleslaw

>Don't you want a turkey ham bologna thing?
nothing like this exists.

so cheeseburgers and coleslaw?

>> No.7984086

My elementary school's pizza was awful, and it was coated in so much grease it used to slip out of my hands while I ate it and onto the floor occasionally

Also we used to get ground "beef" (if you could call it that) in these paper containers and it looked like someone took a runny wet shit in an unusually large fast food ketchup container. The smell alone made me sick. I brought a lunch or ate the vegetarian option whenever that little carton of filth reared its ugly head.

>> No.7984141

I agree. That sauce is weird.

Also, buffalo sauce has a terrible flavor.

>> No.7984254

>low-medium heat
>taco spice
>nice colour on both sides
>pizza slicer
So fucking yummy.

>> No.7984327
File: 74 KB, 520x354, tuna-salad-sandwich1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to ensure noone wants to sit next to your kid at lunchtime, the meal

bonus points for a boiled egg so overcooked the yolk is olive green and a bottle of mango juice that you didn't bother closing all the way before you put it in and spilled its contents all over everything

>> No.7984371
File: 647 KB, 500x669, 012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A turkey dinosaur, huh? OK, try to imagine yourself in the Cretaceous Period. You get your first look at this "turkey dinosaur" as you enter a clearing. He moves like a bird, lightly, bobbing his head. And you keep still because you think that maybe his visual acuity is based on movement like T-Rex - he'll lose you if you don't move. But no, not turkey dinosaur. You stare at him, and he just stares right back. And that's when the attack comes. Not from the front, but from the side...

>> No.7984559

Mayonaise or mustard would typically suffice

>> No.7984756

Puckin purray

>> No.7984842


>> No.7984890

>did Kraft give me PTSD?
No, your dad did.

>> No.7985443


>> No.7985450
File: 168 KB, 1600x1067, tater tot casserole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did we do to make you hate us this much, mom?

>> No.7985496

>mom makes mole and chicken
>uses left over mole sauce to make enchiladas
God tier shit

>> No.7985639

>cold, tasteless looking mac and cheese
>lukewarm Shrek-ass mushy peas
>overtly sweet canned peaches
>wilted, boiled to nonbeing carrots and broccoli
>ranch dressing to somehow mask the taste of disaster
>five chicken nuggets

Holy shit dude, what school did you attend? Auschwitz?

>> No.7985672
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>> No.7985676

those veggies are raw, are you ok dude

>> No.7985697
File: 223 KB, 500x385, bll-cosby-confused.png?w=700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds a lot better than Las Palmas.

Ever try suggesting a modification to someone's recipe though?

You either get a "I should try that" of the utmost sincerity, or you get a confused look as to why anyone would change a recipe.

>> No.7985707

really? it's just they look pretty colorless for me

>> No.7985758

Why would nature do this?

>> No.7985769

That's not what poached eggs are supposed to be

>> No.7985801

That's actually my favorite food ever, next to salmon.

>> No.7985813

And in Greece and Cyprus. We Cypriots eat it with halloumi, which I think is even better than with feta. It's GOAT and that poster's parents must have been real patricians.

>> No.7985823

I lol'd

>> No.7985838

that's just american food bleaching.

>> No.7985860
File: 9 KB, 377x288, tomato-yellow[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always hated raw tomato, it's just gross.

When I was 12 my mother called me into the kitchen and handed me a yellow slice of tomato. She urged me to eat it, assuring me that it was not actually tomato.
I took one bite and spit it out. To this day I still can no longer trust my own mother.

>> No.7985873


absolutely nothing simple about her eating habits

>> No.7985878
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>> No.7985896
File: 43 KB, 480x480, SIL_Buttermilk_Garelick480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7985916

This. My mother's was so abhorrent that I can't eat it to this day. It was bitter and had a horrible aftertaste; I remember eating toothpaste after she served it to me as a kid to get the taste out of my mouth.

>> No.7985929


>> No.7985932
File: 142 KB, 1600x1071, French Toast Casserole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom worked evenings so my dad was in charge of cooking more often than not, he made french toast casserole at least twice a week from the time I was old enough to eat solid foods until I finally moved out.

>> No.7986241

Anyone who claims they miss these needs to be lined up and shot.

>> No.7986308

that stuff is more expensive than real cheese, man
poor has nothing to do with it

>> No.7986355

Always hilarious when euros don't realize processed slices are nearly twice as much as real cheese. This guy isn't even lying.
>16 slices/12oz = $6.36 post tax
>1 brick real cheese/8oz = $2.65 post tax
>block of Velveeta/16oz = $5.50 post tax

>> No.7986362
File: 153 KB, 500x375, hog-maw-baked1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pon Haus, Lebanon bologna, and pic related formed the terrifying trifecta of my childhood.

>> No.7986376





>> No.7986502
File: 117 KB, 761x960, 1469036327407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that jimmy neutron episode

>> No.7986506


>> No.7986514

i love these separately but what the fuck is this

>> No.7987089
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>> No.7987493
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>> No.7987589
File: 131 KB, 517x260, McCormick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dad was a lazy cook.
THE lazy cook.
Of legend.

Ground beef brick, dumped into a pan
Fried until it turns grey up to the top
THEN breaks up the brick of meat
Dump in McCormick seasoning packet
Stir, and serve without ever draining
Only sour cream, beef, and tortillas available
No greens or tomatoes

Rubbery with weird granules. 2/10

Several packages of ground beef
Fried grey as solid brick again
Some canned sauce, packet seasoning
"sauce" is 85% ground beef
Simmer on low while passed out drunk
Forget noodles

OK but not enough tomato, 3/10

Dump bag of boneless chickenbreasts
Pass out drunk on couch
Add can of golden mushroom
Pass out drunk on couch
Dump in bag of tater tots
Pass out drunk on couch
Put in oven
Pass out drunk on couch

Actually really fucking good. 8/10. I still make this one. Just add salt&pepper.

Fuck McCormick seasoning packets though. These were 95% of my childhood meals.

Ironically, Grandma is a REALLY really REALLY good cook. He's just a lazy drunken fuck.

>> No.7987657

I've never tasted asparagus and I honestly wonder how does it taste and what's with the hate it gets.

>> No.7988177

Nobody ever forced me to eat anything as a child. You want to starve? Fine, starve. You don't like dinner? Make your own. No, candy does not count. My mother used to be a passable cook, but by the time I moved out she had gotten horrid. That's ok, because I learned how to cook in the meantime. Seeing all your horror stories I now love my parents.

Asparagus is fucking wonderful. Ever had bok choy? Tastes exactly the same despite being a totally different vegetable and often cheaper.

>> No.7988199
File: 318 KB, 1600x1200, Spiced pickled beetroot 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7988209
File: 33 KB, 768x512, img26512.768x512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


coleslaw and deli marinated food is what me and my mom always loved the most. But having a polish granma, I basically ate and loved what other kids in western Yurope found disgusting.
My nightmare food was uncooked chicory. Bitter, no taste but bitter, so much bitterness.

>> No.7988222

It's delicious. It can make your urine smell but who cares really?

>> No.7988226

can dirty foreigners please call it "beets" like normal people? "beet root" is redundant, like saying "shooty gun" or "aeroplane"
while you're at it, "cougarette" is not a vegetable but a horny 35 year old midget woman, and "capsicum" is never ok to use in a sentence unless you're pretending to be some ancient Romans exploring mesoamerica in an alternative history sci-fi
thanks in advance,
the united states of america

>> No.7988288


did you not read the fucking thread title

>> No.7988301


a lot of children hate too much moisture in food. unless it's from like a tomato sauce or some shit, or it's a pudding. the fucking greasiness of buttered ham sandwiches used to trigger me so hard to the point where i would go hungry every single time i had to stay at a grandparent's house or go on a trip with a friend's family.

>> No.7988314


i had a schoolfriend, brandon, who used to eat tuna sandwiches along with a carton of apple juice. he'd go back and forth between a bite of the tuna and a sip of the juice, cement mixing the two together into a foamy suspension of fish matter and translucent amber liquor, which he would roll from one side of his mouth to the other with each two open-mouthed chews, making a squelchy call and response between his two sets of molars.

one time i was standing opposite him, someone made a joke and he tripped forward over his satchel strap as we both laughed. a loamy bolus of brandon's surf n turf emulsion ejected from his braying mouth and entered mine. this was the last time we spoke as friends.

>> No.7988337
File: 114 KB, 640x480, filipino-misua-soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So bad i forgot the name of this dish ..

>> No.7988343

beets is meme for beeetus tho

>> No.7988346
File: 245 KB, 1600x1064, IMG_1254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone else do salami and nutella?

>> No.7988353

Since my childhood predated 2000 no. I didn't even hear of nutella until sometime after /ck/ was created.

>> No.7988362


so fucking sick of flyover americans thinking nutella is this new fad

>> No.7988367

It really is kid along with sriracha

>> No.7988375

That sounds more like working class / flyover.
Middle class is organic farm shares and whole foods.

>> No.7988380



you're a cunt and probably younger than i am

nutella has been around since the 60s

>> No.7988386

Thick cut slice of Polish rye toasted and spread with duck fat and sprinkled with caraway seeds is so fucking good.

>> No.7988401

No, you sick fuck

>> No.7988424

Sure kid whatever you say. I certainly didn't know of it and anyone I know didn't know of it prior to a few years ago.

>> No.7988428


>> No.7988438

This is the kind of post that keeps me coming back to this internet shitshack. You "people" are so delightfully insane.

>> No.7988443

> aeroplane
Did you mean airplane? And how is that redundant? There are plenty of other types of plane.

>> No.7988480

Flyover land, ladies and gents

>> No.7988492

I would eat slices of salami plain, or on white bread when I was little. I fucking love salami.

>> No.7988513

Nutella has been in the UK for as long as i can remember. in fact i remember having nutella on toast at my grandparents as a wee lad.

>> No.7988524

They only started advertising it in the US a few years ago and before that I had only heard of it on the internet. During no point in the 80's, 90's, and early 2000's did I hear mention of it or see it.

>> No.7988611


>> No.7988648

Y-You like it now right?
Don't make me knock you out.

>> No.7988688

>sriracha and nutella

People in old folks homes grew up in both. Just stop posting flyover.

>> No.7988731

The sriracha everyone knows in the US didn't exist until 1980 and nutella wasn't sold in America until 1983. Both of their national popularities didn't exist until well after 2000.

>> No.7988738

Looks like headcheese.

>> No.7989095

speak for yourself. my high school had shitty dominoes pizza, and daily hot lunches that tasted like they came out of a tv dinner.

meanwhile my middle school had a taco salad bar every Wednesday and Gumbo with a grilled cheese every Friday

>> No.7989259

Doesn't change that fact that Euros and Thais respectively have been eating it for as long as any of our grandparents have been alive.

>> No.7989283
File: 78 KB, 861x564, fe956f7e-5da8-49e3-8e62-20c11d46734a..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7989388

That's not what a fucking poboy is you fucking cunt yankie

>> No.7989394

seeing as they're a louisiana food I'd have to say your pulled pork and coleslaw sandwiches from Hickville, Nebraska aren't poboys

>> No.7989402

the food network is wrong then and so are you ya fucking dingbat

>> No.7989418

I was gonna reply with confusion to this, but then I looked at the white bread and realized that you're probably American and thus don't have butter, nor bread, nor ham, that's made for human consumption.

I'm sorry, anon