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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7981862 No.7981862 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck do you season a cast iron pan?

I'm buying a new cast iron pan today and I have no idea what the best method for seasoning it is. Everyone says something different. Some people say use vegetable oil, some say lard, some say flaxseed oil, one fucking retard said use linseed oil from the hardware store.

Then what temperature do you bake it at and for how long? 325? 350? 375? 400? 500? An hour? Two?

Do you wash with soap first if it's a new pan or is that only for old pans?

What the fuck am I doing?

>> No.7981873

if it's lodge brand then it's already seasoned. Just use it and it'll keep getting better.

>> No.7981879

just use it.

cast iron is such a fucking meme just do whatever with the fucking thing because nobody should be cooking eggs on it anyway

>> No.7981886

I opened your image and shat myself when it became a whole new pan.

>> No.7981892

Are you high?

>> No.7981894


but srsly, just clean it, use whatever oil or lard you have available (there are differences between the different oils, but they don't make as big of a difference as people claim).

Bake at 375ish for at least an hour (couple of hours can't hurt) and upside down so oil doesn't pool in the curve, then let it cool in the oven to room temp.

Also, there's the seriouseats way which you can't go wrong with: http://www.seriouseats.com/2010/06/how-to-buy-season-clean-maintain-cast-iron-pans.html

>> No.7981901
File: 132 KB, 601x400, Dirty-Sheet-pan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes you fucking clean it with soap. Have you ever had a baking sheet that just wouldn't come clean no matter how hard you scrubbed with soap and water? Yeah, that's seasoning. Shit won't come off easily.

>> No.7981904

No and not even drunk but the compression was spot on.

>> No.7981944

Just cook some bacon in it or lard

>> No.7981963

Dont use soap. Fat soluble compounds in soap will permeate the seasoning and your food will taste like burnt soap.

The fact that you haven't figured this out means you have a shit tier palate.

>> No.7981975

Some of us know how to actually rinse things.

>> No.7981992
File: 169 KB, 443x450, 1447662000653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a preseasoned lodge here.

After each time I season it, the bottom starts getting brown patches on it after a few uses. Can't tell if the it's rusting or if it's just burnt food.

>> No.7982003

If soap permeates your seasoning, it's not seasoned.

>> No.7982008

It's food, well could be rust too depending on how you care for it.

Seasoning isn't a one and done thing. It's a pretty long process to get a seasoned pan to the glorious cast iron level that so many people talk about -- we're talking on the scale of months or years.

>> No.7982056

First off, don't buy cast iron from a store. Go to a local auction and buy it there.

Secondly, cook a fuck-ton of bacon in your pan.

>> No.7982114

>I am bad at maintaining my cookware, so others must be as well
Seriously, if you've done it correctly your eggs should neither stick to, nor be blackened by the pan.

>> No.7982116
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls Laughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt know what seasoning is

>> No.7982125

fuck off and kill yourself autismo

>> No.7982310

>polymerized fat holds on to soap.

just stop.

>> No.7982694

Why would you want to season the pan instead of the food?
Is this a new /jack/ meme or something?

>> No.7982699


>> No.7983072

I use a hand cranked rotary buffer that I made myself using pocket watch parts, starting the sequence with guanaco fiber wheels charged with 100 micron monocrystalline diamond, followed by 50 micron, 25 micron, 10 micron, 5 micron, 1 micron, 0.5 micron, and 0.25 micron. I then send it to my child labor factory in Bangladesh where small children tirelessly (because they're forced to drink bottles of imported Thai red bull day and night) hand polish the surface 24 hours a day with their bare fingertips which are first coated with 100,000 grit cubic boron nitride and then using custom child-sized buffing gloves made of vicuña fiber. The pan is then flown under armed guard to my facility in Singapore where it spend the next 18 months in a 55 khz ultrasonic bath using a cleaning fluid so delicate and rare that if I typed the name it would cause 4chan to crash instantly and possibly bring down a large portion of the internet, so I won't say any more on that. After this I use lard made of obese 4channers who went to Japan to teach English but were slaughtered moments before they lost their virginity to busty Nigerian assassins paid by me to lie in wait on the streets of Akihabara waiting under the guise of street prostitution for these very same NEETS to show up. The virgin neckbeard lard is then rendered carefully using Mauviel Muh Heritage pans over a low bintochan fire, filtered through an aeropress, and finally infused with the finest herbs and himalayan pink salt in a Sous Vide Supreme under the supervision of Nathan Myhrvold himself, poured over Nigella McStranglewoman's pendulous breasts, and carefully painted onto the perfectly smooth surface of the pan before being baked in an oversize custom Easy Bake oven for three hours at 375. This process is repeated over 100 times before I would dare fry even the shittiest grocery store egg on it, let alone the more delicious and, needless to say, extremely rare and costly eggs that I eat as a matter of routine.

>> No.7983095

I'm both impressed and pitying that you took the time necessary to write all that up when nobody, including me, is going to be fucked to read it past the first sentence, let alone find any of it funny.

>> No.7984509

i read the first 6 words then stopped