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7967914 No.7967914 [Reply] [Original]

How are you guys holding up? Anything you need to get off your chest?

>> No.7967930

I've finally cut drinking when i wake up and go to work, successfully just drink at night and get wasted on days off. I always feel tired as shit plus sous chef quit so i have to do 2x the amount of work i used to, going on two weeks no days off

>> No.7967937
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by drinking im talking 6-12 beers wasted at like a full bottle of Evan

>> No.7967943

Hey, it's a start. I found that when I went from just getting wasted every night to drinking during the day is when my life really went to shit

>> No.7967945

So my entire family has a history of alcohol and drug abuse. How do i not become a degenerate drunk like most of my kin?

>> No.7967965

Alcoholism is in my family as well, and it sucks to say it, but really the only way is to just be completely sober, never start. I have some family who saw what alcohol did to my family and they've always refused to even have a beer and they're fine. Others are raging alcoholics

>> No.7967975

I'm 1 month sober. I know that's not very long, but it's the longest I've been sober in probably 5 years at least. After the first week it gets easier, but damn do I still wanna just go get wasted. It's hard to keep having to remind myself why it's better not to

>> No.7968016

stay strong buttface

im pushing 10 months sober. i told myself id quit for a year and then try to be responsible with it. i doubt thats gonna happen though, i think i might just have to be done for good.

>> No.7968030

I'm not exactly an alchoholic but I have a binge drinking problem. Two weeks ago I completely flew off the handle and was drunk for 3 days straight, had a 2 day hangover where I did nothing but lay in bed. Could barely even keep water down. I did that two weekends in a row so I think I need to take a break, been two weeks now and I'll probably do two more. Will my tolerance ever come back? I've quit for like 3 months before but was still able to drink as much as I did before that 3 months when I started again

>> No.7968034

Did you try fucking off?

>> No.7968040

nice, keep it up. I want to get back to the point where I'm ok drinking socially, just having a few beers with friends and calling it a night, but I know deep down I'll probably never be able to do that. It sucks I live in Wisconsin though, where pretty much every single social event is based around drinking. I get looked at like some freak if I say "nah I'm not drinking"

>> No.7968043

>tfw in an abusive relationship
>tfw can't decide if better off having drunken freedom with controlling bf or living with family but have to hide drinking for obvious reasons.

>I want to fucking kill l myself all the time

>> No.7968058

It sounds like you give both parties their way. I wonder if that includes staying alive. You shouldn't end your life.

>> No.7968069

Every time you feel like a drink remember how good it feels waking up in the morning without feeling like someone has put a tomahawk through the side of your face

>> No.7968074

>I want to get back to the point where I'm ok drinking socially, just having a few beers with friends and calling it a night, but I know deep down I'll probably never be able to do that
yep, me too. i know if i buy a 6 pack and open one then im gonna drink the whole thing and then go get more. but maybe things can be different.

>> No.7968091

How long have you been in the relationship?
How abusive is it?
What's wrong with living with family?

>> No.7968104

Hey guys.. I have a problem with binge drinking. I can go about a week sober. Then I'll be drunk on vodka for 2-5 months straight. Then I'll want to quit, and go through withdrawals. The problem is.. this is a cycle for me, and the withdrawals get worse every time. The first time it was just rapid heartbeat, panic attacks, and bad dreams... with my most recent episode of withdrawal it has escalated to visual and auditory hallucinations, extreme paranoia, extrememe depression, extreme anxiety, insomnia (sleeping for 3 minutes at a time) , profuse sweating, jumping at the slightest sound, intense full body shakes, blah blah blah. It goes on and on. What is this? The "kindling effect?" Anyways.. I've stopped again because I know it will only get worse and worse. I really don't want to get DTs, although im sure I'm nowhere near that level

>> No.7968107

Many times, but it's not a permanent solution.

>> No.7968108

Exactly, I've started working out at 6am before I go to work now too, so getting drunk the night before would ruin my workout which helps me not drink

>> No.7968119

Blacked out again. Woke up on the couch with the heater blaring. I made burritos last night but can't remember what time. I think Frasier was on tv so probably about 1:30 am.

>> No.7968132

I'm no doctor but I noticed the same thing after drinking a long time, I got to the point where even one night of moderate drinking would bring about big withdrawals. I'd feel like my nervous system was totally shot. Your withdrawals are boardering on DT's though man, if you do that again seriously detox in a hospital. When hallucinations start that's when you know shit is getting bad

>> No.7968147

>Start feeling a lot of anxiety.
>Drink at bars because I can't stand being alone and want to be around people.
>Get sad at bar thinking about things that have gone wrong and people I miss.
>Go home and drink by myself.
>Fall asleep.

I need a meaningful relationship to snap me out of this.

>> No.7968264

you need to straighten your shit up, anon. people will never make you happy it up to you to take that step to be the person people want to be around. i've notice people that befriend those in a weak state are rarely trustworthy.

>> No.7968269

>I need a meaningful relationship to snap me out of this.
That's a shit attitude. Your improvement must be internal or nothing will change.

>> No.7968280

Agreed. I always told myself I'd quit drinking so much if I found a girl or made some better friends. Took me a while to realize that I wasn't deserving of either of those unless I got my shit together

>> No.7968281

If you desire a relationship, then it's on you to make yourself a suitable partner.

On the other hand, you could go 100% solo and cut off all family and friends, and work paycheck to paycheck for fast internet and sweet 4k media.

There's pros and cons to both positions

>> No.7968368


binge drinking is insanely dangerous. a lot more people die from it than you probably know.

>> No.7968448

5 years ago I probably had a dozen drinks a month. Starting about a year ago, my consumption has just skyrocketed for some reason. My alcohol tolerance seems to be pretty insane, I drink about 10oz (.3l) of 80 proof rum per night, get decently buzzed and wake up feeling fine for work the next day. I have to drink like half a handle (30 oz, .9l) to feel really messed up, which I virtually never do. My problems with this is that I'm buying about 4 handles a month so it's a little pricy, but worse is I've gained like 15 pounds (6' 200lbs now) the past year and it's exclusively because of this. I need to figure out a way to cut back and lower my tolerance again. I'm good about not getting plastered when I start to feel it so if I could feel it sooner I'd drink less. Something I've recently started trying was to always have a tall glass of water along with the mixed drink, and only get refills when both are empty. It helps but I drink close to 3-4 gallons of fluids a day so it doesn't work super well.

>> No.7968722
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So about this time a year ago I was in my third month of complete sobriety. By fall I was ready to commit to school in a meaningful way for the first time since high school.

I decided to get on a CS/EE track and refused to take remedial math classes that I probably needed.

Anyways, sixth months sober TO THE DAY, I decided that my life was absolute shit, I was lonely and although sobriety had brought my life a type of stability, I felt completely isolated socially, and totally frustrated academically.
That day after I bombed another math quiz, I went to the store, bought a pack of smokes, bought a fifth of vodka and two large gatorades and ended my sobriety in a vacant parking lot at a park nearby my (read: my parent's) house.

So, fast forward almost a year, I'm in a high level calculus class, my gpa for the last 3 quarters has become acceptable, and up until about a month ago my drinking was more or less under control.
It has now gotten to the point where I am drunk almost constantly on my days off, which makes my hangovers bleed into the work week, which in turn is fucking up my grades(at least in math) to the point where I may have to actually retake this class.
All in all, I'm considering rehab during the break but idk if it's for me, and frankly I'd rather just do it myself.
Oh well.

>> No.7968727

I've given up drinking. It's been fucking hard to do but I feel so much better already.
First day in and I'd kill for a beer.

>> No.7968728
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>Wake up
>"Today's the day I'm gonna stop drinking!"
>Go to work
>Pick up a tall beer and a bottle of wine on the way home.
Existence is suffering.

>> No.7968736


>Wake up at 1pm
>"I'm never drinking again"
>9 pm
>"I hope this fifth will last me two days" (it won't)

>> No.7968742

Are you me? Or one of my co-workers?

>> No.7968746
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I'm just another dude who is fucking up, man.

>> No.7968751


fuck this is too real......

>> No.7968755

I want to try rum

What's some rum that I will find at my local supermarket for less than a million shekels?

How terrible is Captian Morgan?
There's a pirate on the bottle

>> No.7968756

>be on the line
>bourbon and ciggs all day when I get home

fuck. fuck everything.

>> No.7968757

>There's a pirate on the bottle
The instant sign of quality.

>> No.7968759
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Try some LSD. It could help.

I like sailor jerry's.

I make a fucking premium drink with it too.

>2 or 3 shots of high proof rum
>Dole pineapple juice
>Lime Perrier

fucking try it and tell me its not the best.
I like SJ because it has a nice vanilla taste in it that I don't find in other rums.

I find that if you just become a pirate, every alcohol can be quality.

>> No.7968760

I agree

It's why I only buy the tequila that has a sombrero as the bottle cap on the rare occasions that I buy tequila

w2c LSD? Do I ask the weedman?

>> No.7968766

You can ask but it might be bullshit. If you live in a major metro and go to college or know people who do then it shouldn't be too hard.

There's always the dark web..

But yeah, I had a revelatory time on LSD, I fucked it up taking shrooms shortly after but if I had stayed away from the peer pressure, I probably could've been put on a really productive, semi-long term timeline.

>> No.7968771
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>> No.7969111

>Implying there's anything wrong with my life besides my loneliness.
I'm in fine shape, have hobbies, make good money, and work a good job.

At some point you need intimacy to complete you. Otherwise you're just bitter.

>> No.7969129
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I've worked 10 days in a row these past 2 weeks and gotten drunk every night to cope with boredom
question is what is a good tasty beer to get drunk off while on my days off
pic related

>> No.7969148
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>> No.7969152

Actually I'm polytox but I quitted everything but weed and alcohol a year ago, with some relapses,
Now I build up a shitty routine of drinking a beer after work everyday and like 8-10 from thursdays to saturdays.
It's better than my routine some years ago, but what fucks me up is that I get more miserable. I'm in a relationship and get more and more easily jealous for shit that's only in my mind.
Also I can't stand my drinking buddys anymore, who were my anchor through really bad times.
I get more and more antisocial and I'm afraid I'll fuck up everything positive I have left in my life.

>> No.7969158

finish work, go drinking, 4 beers in decide to buy speed. Snort speed, stay up all night listening to techno, finish 2 grams. Go to work at 10 am still awake and wired as shit. Finish rest of speed, start coming down around the dinner rush, buy more speed, finish shift, go drinking, rinse and repeat. Do fri/sat/sun all 14 hour shifts without any sleep. Somehow I manage to hide all this from my girlfriend.
2 weeks sober now, 22 years old and ruined alcohol and drugs for myself forever.

>> No.7969163

Hi al/ck/oholics
I thought that this would be good place to ask about good beer.
My only experience with beer was drinking horrible store brand beer and now i want to give beer another chance.
I like generally bitter drinks so what kind of beer would be good to try?
Please don't recommend small specific brands because i live in Finland and availability here is horrendous.

>> No.7969248

Sounds like you would enjoy a more hoppy beer. Pale ales generally fit the bill; some better brewers also include the IBU (international bitterness units I think) value on the label - the higher the better.
Generally, just try offerings from smaller breweries, if you have any local ones do tours since there will usually be tasting opportunities.

>> No.7969276

Thank you, I hope my local shop has at least some pale ales, its sad that local drink culture is abysmal and state has monopoly on alcohol.

>> No.7969281

I forgot to add, I'm a train driver.

>> No.7969301

>14 hour days as a train driver.
In the US we're only allowed to work 12 hour days by law.

>> No.7969310
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I don't think I'm a full on alcoholic, but I'm fairly sure I've got some kind of drinking problem.

I've never had any kind of withdrawal symptoms, but I have a near constant compulsion to be at a bar.

I hate my life and everything about myself, but when I go to the bar and get trashed, I can surround myself with normies and pretend everything is ok.

My entire life is learning and drunkenly telling shitty jokes in an effort to make these people that I don't care about think I'm funny.

I'm very hungover at work right now and feel terribly guilty for spending so much money last night.

>> No.7969317

>I'm a train driver.
Well it's not like you're going to drunkenly swerve into a group of pedestrians

>> No.7969319

Assuming you have a penis the inner /pol/ack in me would say "take responsibility faggot" but if your partner is being controlling to the point where he isn't okay with you simply hanging out with friends, especially if its guy friends because it means he's a weak and insecure fuck (which would apply to vice versa with controlling gf), then break it off immediately.
And when its over you can bake yourself some brownies and return to /comfy/ mode because relationships and dating in 2016 is the most garbage thing in existance.

>> No.7969326

Try El Dorado 5 year old.

>> No.7969334

Been off the bottle for 2 weeks now (after drinking a bottle of vodka a day for months, and bottles of wine before that started). Doing great, actually, my mind is working faster and better, and I'm exercising every day, but I'm having anxiety about keeping off the bottle later this month. My SO is going on a 4 day business trip across the country, and I don't do well alone. If I had friends to hang out with and keep me busy, it might be different, but 4 days alone.....this isn't going to be pretty, and I'm really worried about it.

>> No.7969336

im in loooooovve with a stripper

>> No.7969427

I've got a minor aclcohol problem. I just think any problems I have are entirely intentional. Gone a full year before without touching it (after some of my worst alcoholic years) because I had goals I was striving towards and a positive social network. If you are not trying to accomplish something may as well just drink and be degenerate though.

>> No.7969526

Boss man called at 6 this morning, said no work today. Been drinking ever since.

>> No.7969573

Why are these threads always a bunch people bragging about how they are sober? You sad sacks should fuck off to your own thread and let the rest of us talk about how much of drunks we are. If you're sober all these threads are going to do is make you think about drinking.

Last night after i worked all day, rode my spin bike for 45 minutes, then mowed my grass in the sweltering heat i put a six pack in the freezer until it was forming ice crystals, then i pounded that sweet nectar down. So satisfying. There's nothing better than ice cold beer after long hot day.

>> No.7969598

I just had pancreatitis almost a month ago. Doctors said I could never drink again. I'm 24. I really miss it. Its hard to be around friends that do drink and you don't. But I'm starting to get used to it.

>> No.7969736

I've been drinking once to twice a week for about 5 years.
I stopped drinking for about two months, but now I am back at it. I drink more frequently, but in smaller doses. Sometimes I'll just have two shots a day.

Alcohol has lost all it appeal. It's gross. It never makes me feel good. It's just a stupid habit I come back to out of boredom. It never seems to interfere with my life though.

>> No.7969856


Get a new game or something, or since you are on here how about trying out some new cooking related stuff? That should keep you busy for a while.

>> No.7969892


>> No.7969896

Not an alchie, but this didn't deserve it's own thread

I've got a bottle of limoncello, the cream kind. Is that supposed to be a full drink, or is it meant to be consumed as a shot?

>> No.7969952

>work out in the evening instead of the morning lately
>can't drink before working out
>am now drinking probably 50% less than i used to
>sucks to cook dinner without a beer to sip on though

>> No.7970512

1-2 times a week is moderate and completely normal. I think at least. Unless you get super wasted and embarrass yourself and your friends twice every week.

>> No.7970526
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As a shot, just out of freezer.

>> No.7970556

For me it's the opposite. I can find something semi productive to do like exercise, cooking, mowing the lawn, cleaning my guns, or whatever. But when I'm with my brother or friends, I always have a beer in my hands.

I don't really know how to break the habit without going full antisocial.

>> No.7970782

I almost lost my job so had to cut back.

Only doing light evening drinking with raging Fridays and Saturdays.

Sunday I just have to bite the bullet, been skipping some weeknights to make it easier too.

>> No.7971057

some medication for you folks to google

my doctor put me on a beta-blocker called Metoprolol

reduces anxiety, reduces desire to consume alcohol. i dont know how it does it, but it does. also lowers blood pressure. also cheap.

its like being a different person when i take it. when i stop, i really get the cravings again.

>> No.7971063
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Six months is awesome Anon. You've proven you can do it, so make that decision whether you want to do it again, every time you're tempted. But I know how hard it is, and I'm in no position to judge.

My record for sobriety is six weeks. Haven't had a cigarette since early March though, so I can comfortably say I've quit smoking now. Don't even want one that bad, even when I think about it. I miss cigars though.

The booze is harder to kick permanently. Every night is long and restless, and a constant struggle to resist getting a drink. Tonight included. Haven't drank since Sunday. I don't drink every day, but when I do it usually spirals out of control and I'll drink constantly until I pass out (sometimes takes days), and feel so sick afterward that it takes days to recover. Money, health, self-esteem, and the state of my flat all take a big hit during those benders. Lately I've been able to restrict it to a few beers before bed, but it's a dangerous game.

The way I get through it is two-fold: First, I redefine myself as a non-drinker. Do I want to get drunk? Nope, non-drinkers don't want drunkenness, they want the grown-up benefits that come with sobriety. I keep telling myself that every time the craving forces a tough decision.

Second, I practice Neuro-linguistic Programming. Mental exercises that reduce unwanted feelings like cravings, phobias and so on. Self-hypnosis works as well, though it takes longer to get into. The NLP stuff is pretty instant though. Give it a go:


I have a great NLP technique that's not on that site if you (or anyone) wants it.

>> No.7971098

>its like being a different person when i take it.
I don't like the idea of that. I do like the idea of something to reduce my anxiety that isn't alcohol, though.

If you don't mind me asking, what kind of anxiety did you have that your doctor prescribed it for you?

>> No.7971107

general feeling of unease. always on edge

>> No.7971109

Shouldn't you loser babies be posting this garbage and fishing for sympathy in /r9k/ or some other pussy channel?

>> No.7971110

and btw doc prescribed it for high blood pressure due to alcohol, as well as its effect on reducing cravings. not for anxiety.

>> No.7971130

>If you're sober all these threads are going to do is make you think about drinking

Actually, reading about how alcohol has ruined everyones lives in these threads helps me stay sober

>> No.7971156

+1 upvoted and gilded

>> No.7971161

Ha. My doc tried putting me on Metoprolol, and I had a horrible allergic reaction to it. Never again. I take clonazapam to cope with not drinking, but sometimes it's not enough, since it's a low dose (1 mg), so I supplement with Benedryl and chamomile tea.

>> No.7971227

>Anything you need to get off your chest?

>feel like im losing my mind lately, slowly encroaching "trapped behind my eyes" feeling making everything almost panic worthy, this has never happened before but now it doesnt leave
>extreme ocd that i cant control, made worst by the severe lack of sleep ive been getting because of work.
>friends think im bullshitting when i try to ask for help
>their idea of an intervention is reminding me of every flaw thats driven me to drink: i need assurance that everything ISNT shit, not that it is
>losing ability to trust gf about intimacy after a stupid long stretch of "we'll have sex soon i promise" with it never happening
>work is mundane and i feel incredibly misplaced
>the only thing that fixes any of this is getting so hammered i cant move

>> No.7971241

That 2.0 is delicious. I generally like hefeweizens. Franzikaner is good. But usually I go to the local brewery and fill up a growler.

>> No.7971262

where do you work...i could probably be a shefffff

>> No.7971299

>I have a great NLP technique that's not on that site if you (or anyone) wants it.

>> No.7971305

I can confirm everything that anon said is true. My doc did the same gave me metoprolol and it literally helps all symptoms it seems. It even stops my shaking hands.

>> No.7971417

Recently have inflammation in the ankles and wrists. Looks like high levels of Uric Acid, symptoms of onset gout. Shit sucks.

Couldn't walk too good the other day.

>> No.7971429

6 days sober. Girl friend of 2 years just left me because of my drunken ways.

Not looking like she's coming back. But still talks to me so maybe there's hope.

I have a decent job and friends but things seem bleak right now.

>> No.7971437

box wine

i will kill him when i find him

>> No.7971446
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Sorry for the wait, I didn't post it because I didn't know if anyone was interested, then I went out for a bit. Here, I'll greentext it:

>get comfy and close your eyes
>think of the time when you were most affected by the craving/phobia/anger/whatever
>visualise being in an empty cinema, front row, centre
>on the screen and coming out of the speakers is that scene you thought of, being affected by the problem emotion
>make the image slowly shrink and distort and make the colours fade
>make the sound fade and distort
>make the whole scene disappear until it's just a white dot on the screen and some faint hissing
>dot disappears and you're left in dark silence
>the lights come up in the cinema and you get up and walk out

As the scene is diminishing, so should the problematic feeling diminish. As this is happening, you can anchor the effect of this exercise by making a simple hand gesture like the "ok" sign (pic related). After repeating the exercise a number of times, performing that gesture as you feel the effect, the effect should become anchored to that gesture in such a way that you can actually trigger the effect without closing your eyes. Just perform the gesture and you will feel that effect automatically.

Hope this helps you guys as much as it's helped me.

>> No.7971460

>not an alchie

Then fuck off retard

>> No.7971485
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amen to jealousy and anti-social

I really hate anxiety the most

>> No.7971492


>> No.7971541

I enjoy drinking beers and certain alcoholic drinks.

My first taste of wine however was emptying an enitre bottle of red wine (I'm a small guy) and had the worst hangover of my life. Any of you guys have tips on entry-level red wine bottles to pick up?

>> No.7971543
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I don't think I'm a true al/ck/, but I do love to drink.
The start of the last year welcomed me with a huge panic attack. I had to quit on the very last semester of school and had to take another year. It has gotten bad enough that I had to quit the part time job since tutoring isn't good for anxiety, I rarely go out at all, even for groceries. Even talking to my closest two friends gives me crippling anxiety. Alcohol really helps me in this regard, and I know it isn't what I should be doing, but fuck taking pills. Good news is that I graduated this year with honors, didn't go to the graduation, and decided to have one bottle of wine to not waste myself entirely when I want to drink. Baby steps.

>> No.7971547

>awful hangover
That's typical

>> No.7971565


I forgot to mention that has since then made me loathe the taste of red wine. I would however like to begin drinking it again, mostly a glass or two accompanied by food.

>> No.7971787

What's your price range? You probably have to spend at lease $10 to get a decent bottle of wine.

>> No.7971873

I probably would have been better off starting the one medication I'm on now 3 years ago instead of becoming an alcoholic. But back then, there was no way I could have known, it was probably going to end up the same eventually.

>> No.7971912

I've never had a serious drinking problem, so whatdoIknow etc., but it seems pretty logical not to want to get trashed because a relatively short period of "warmth" and euphoria aren't worth hangovers, broken property, binge eating and calories from alcohol, embarrassment, etc. etc.

That is, that's why I don't get trashed. Pretty simple decision. If the positive effects were much greater, or at least offset the negatives much more, then it'd be a different call.

But hating or disliking "regular life" probably has more to do with it. If you aren't going to be enjoying yourself even if you are sober, I can see why you'd want to have substance-induced happiness or numbness at the expense of hangovers/other bad effects, since you wouldn't feel great even absent the hangover.

>> No.7972298

I do the exact same thing. It's like I don't even try to resist.

>> No.7972309

Captain Morgan's isn't actually a rum. It's a blended composite made to taste like rum. I don't mind it though.

Baron Samedi, Kraken or Sailor Jerry imo.

>> No.7972500

Just smoke a little weed.

>> No.7972552

The people I supervise are fucking children.
The people who supervise me are fucking man-children who don't know any other way to communicate besides shouting and berating.
And they wonder why I drink.

>> No.7973866


Have another vodka and chill out brah

>> No.7973909

That's great and all, but if someone has an allergic reaction to it, they couldn't take it even if they wanted to.

>> No.7973941

Time to start taking anti-inflammatories, anon. (and stop drinking).

My SO and I both stopped drinking because we were alchies, and were gettting high levels of inflammation, basically what you've described. Swelling, joint pain, trouble walking...
Stopped drinking (tapered down over a week, then stopped completely) while taking
>Liver Detoxifier and Regenerator (3 times a day, one pill with every meal)
>Inflamma-Less (supplement - kind of expensive, but so worth it, you can feel the difference after one day)
>Ibuprofen (2-3 twice a day, or more times if really needed)

That was only 3 week ago, and our inflammation is mostly gone now, except for the usual age-related inflammation. And I'll continue to keep taking said supplements as long as it keeps me feeling better.

>> No.7974026

Maybe it's ''normal'' in some places, but it's definitely not normal.
I used to get hammered twice a week. I didn't simply get a few drinks and go to bed, I'd be completely wasted and puke everywhere.
My hands would shake for days.

Now it's a lot better. I usually get fairly tipsy when I drink.

>> No.7974447

Doing great actually. I was sober for 4 months and was surprised to find out i'm going to have a baby so I haven't had any desire at all to drink. This might have just saved my life.

>> No.7974530

Whatever works for you. Glad something does.

>> No.7974554

I know of people who stopped drinking when they had a kid. It seems to really do that for some people. Best wishes.

>> No.7974589


Ty anon.

>> No.7974608


Sorry for late reply. Anything around or below 40~ bucks would be good for a start I think

>> No.7974784

Hi my names anon and im not sure if im a alchy, drinking 7-10 beers a night and smoking nearly a pack of cigarettes, 6ft weighing in abt 260lbs, 30 yr old, how fucked am I if I don't stop ?

>> No.7974798

Not bad in my eyes, you just need a better hobby cuz youre bored

>> No.7974805

It's really hard to not drink when I can get some decent wine for about $5 a bottle, or great beer for about $1/pint.

On a scale of 1 to liver failure, how bad would a bottle of wine/day be?

>> No.7974811

I'm drinking 65% low wines tonight with a diet 7up chaser.

>> No.7974813


Bottle of wine is nothing, bored housewives drink that.

>> No.7974821

>65% low wines
I have no idea what you mean by this.

>> No.7974832


That's why you're not a true alcoholic. Be thankful.

>> No.7974840


Low Wines is the first distillation of a detuned column still or pot still run flat out. It smears heads and tails into the entire distillate. No cuts barring the methanol cut at the start of the run.

>> No.7974841

Nah. I'm on that h2o this week

>> No.7974855

That sounds unpleasant.

Why not just shoot everclear and call it a day?

>> No.7974872


Well, A handle of 65% alcohol costs 75 cents. Basically I'm just lazy and because the second distillation would taste better than any boutique vodka on the market.

>> No.7974910

>decent job

I'm not trying to shit on other anons, but you seem like you're in a much better position than most of us, even the sober ones. In fact, you could view your whole situation positively.

And it's easy for someone else to say, but in a way, your gf doesn't matter. i.e., you don't need her or anyone else to be happy, and finding other women isn't rocket science. But if you get your shit together, you might get back together with her anyway (but try your best not to worry about whether you get back with her. You'll feel better. Easy for someone else to say--but like I said, your happiness doesn't depend on her opinion of you, and there are other women). This all could be for the best.

>> No.7974920


This is a smart assessment. The original poster might be suffering from some chemical imbalances caused by booze. That shit would make a lottery winner look negatively on their life. He needs to reserve judgement until he's dried out or accept that his perspective is skewed at this time.

>> No.7974947

Who /fattyliver/ here?

>> No.7974965

right here bud

>> No.7975023

Its not painful but discomforting? Does that sound right?They say it only takes 2 weeks off the sauce for it to go back to normal.. way too long

>> No.7975039
File: 28 KB, 371x600, mccormick-vodka-1750ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna try and go tonight without getting a bottle. Wish me luck cu/ck/s

>> No.7975057

>McCormick vodka
Is this on part with skol?

>> No.7975071

It's a lot better and only a couple dollars more and I've made decent martinis with it. It's on par with vodkas that cost nearly twice as much.

>> No.7975103

So don't ask me
Hank, why do you drink?
Hank, why do you roll smoke?
Why must you live out
The songs that you wrote?

If I'm down in a honky tonk
Some old slicks trying to give my friction
I say leave me alone I'm singin' all night long
It's a family tradition

>> No.7975113

You have no idea how many times I've heard that song in the background at drunken family reunions, bars, the county fair, and everywhere else where you could get drunk, when I was growing up.

>> No.7975121

Needed this thread tonight. Can I vent co/ck/s?

Philly phag here, so picked up a 12 pack of Yeungling on my way home from work because >cheap.

>> No.7975242


>> No.7975246

What does it feel like? Sometimes my lateral muscles feel strained, but then I remind myself that this only has happened since I moved to a desk job and have horrible posture of leaning to one side.

>> No.7975317

I'm a WAfag so like half of these are local producers.
Dumas station, Oberon, Delille, Tsillan, and longshadows all make great reds. Château st Michelle makes good whites and a lot can be had for half your budget.

I like Red Diamond and 14 Hands the sub $20 category. Rex Goliath is the only sub $10 red I'll drink. Fritz's is a killer Riesling for under $15 if you can find it.

>> No.7975323

Try any sorority party in the south.

>> No.7975617

Just such severe anger at myself and isolation. It doesn't seem to affect my drinking either way, because happy and not isolated I drink the same amount. Sometimes I wonder if it is alcohol that is unpredictable or if it's me.

>> No.7975622

get out of the relationship, your family loves you more than he does. And you love them more than you love him.

>> No.7975626

literally lying to yourself.

>> No.7975712

I want to leave my wife. I dont get hard with her anymore. I met another woman, an actual woman and I fell hard for her. We fuck up to four times a day. I sstarted drinking more because I don't know what to do. I just click so well with this new woman but it's only been a month with her. I think I may be just comfortable with my wife?

Fuck I'm drunk.

>> No.7975724


you're a terrible person. i hope she leaves your ass and makes up your mind for you since you don't have the balls to end it yourself.

>> No.7975725

Chin up, anon, you're just a terrible husband and human being. Especially if you have children.

>> No.7975735


man leaves woman for another woman
other woman leaves man

Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.7975740
File: 1.81 MB, 230x250, wtf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ I never thought about this.

>> No.7975743

You fucking cucker

>> No.7975749


man in bad marriage, man divorce, man still a good father if he has kids, man work hard and all round trying to make it in life, man parts with woman on best terms possible,

man gets new better wife

all other situations end in fire and pain

>> No.7975750

Cucks everywhere,

atleast >>7975712 gets laid by who he wants.

>> No.7975753


getting dumped isn't getting cucked you fucking aspie

>> No.7975754

>don't care had sex lol

go back to /b/

>> No.7975760


some people actually appreciate a healthy, loving, monogamous relationship.

>> No.7975764

Sometimes they don't always workout?

>> No.7975767

Especially when you sabotage it yourself by disregarding your vows for side pussy.

What kind of argument are you trying to make?

>> No.7975769


yeah, if that's the case do the right thing. tell the other person the truth. let them know you're not happy anymore instead of stringing them along.

>> No.7975770

stop talking shit. that kansas city swill is nothing. they make a whiskey and tequila too.

>> No.7976450

>Implying I am.
You don't know me or my life. Why is it entirely unseemly for somebody who is successful to be lonely and turn to alcohol?

>> No.7976499

5 hours till the liquor board opens
good night /ck/

>> No.7976527
File: 83 KB, 525x350, 1461051206211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>break my one month long sobriety streak with a very satisfying bottle of rum and some shitty beers to go
>feel like shit in the morning
>so depressed that I don't do anything for a few days
>takes several days of doing nothing and depression for me to realize that it was just a dream
I don't even know how to feel about this. I'm starting to wonder if it actually was a dream, or if I'm just going mad.
send help.

>> No.7976690

>Drank a bottle of Wild Turkey last night
>Got 5 hours sleep
>Worked a 11 hour shift still drunk for the first few hours, hungover as fuck the next and almost passing out in the last hour

Home now and I thought I would buy another bottle but I just don't have it in me tonight. Feel exhausted.

>> No.7976701

Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight

>> No.7977978

is her name Candi?

>> No.7979800

>buy 10 pack of Stella 330ml cans
>resolve to drink 2 a day to avoid bender
>drink 3 first night
>drink remaining 7 second night
>wake up with half empty bottle of whiskey and headache
Every damn time.

>> No.7979839

>work in old folks home
>"manage" housekeeping laundry
>been doing it for like 9 months now, seems like every time I get to know someone they drop dead

It's not an excuse for drinking, since I did it before, but every single fucking time I try to change my life in a "positive" way I end up fucking myself over worse. I don't drink during the day, but jesus those yuenglings afterwards go down so fucking easy.

I don't really ever feel like I deserve anything anymore, but after you watch a guy you got to know and listened to pet sounds and queen and abbey road and thought he was doing great, he's improving in therapy, he's almost able to walk again and he's lifting weights on his own and then you find him dead 30 seconds after he asked you for a cup of coffee; man you really feel like you deserve a beer, or a fucking bullet to the face to just get rid of it all.

Happy friday, drank too much again, hungover saturday, that much closer to monday

>> No.7979854

Yeah that shit literally never works.

>> No.7979927

Damn, anon.

>> No.7979933

No shit fuckface

>> No.7979957

this provided a hearty kek

thanks <3

>> No.7980027

Im drinking old crow out of a jam jar, sold my glasses for bourbon money.

>suicide seems pretty good right now

>> No.7980363

it keeps happening
Should I see a doctor or something?
pls respond

>> No.7980366

Fuck off back there, loser.

>> No.7980943

That's abnormal, you should see a doctor. It sounds like you're having a break with reality

>> No.7980949

have you tried looking for a support group? It realy does help to talk about this sort of this sort of thing

>> No.7980955

My negro

>Happy friday, drank too much again, hungover saturday, that much closer to monday

Let me tell you I knowwwww this feel

Sorry for your losses though baby

We mustn't take life so seriously

>> No.7980977

You wouldn't need to hide your drinking if you left cunt bf, from your family.. . Cause you would prolly drink less by leaving him.

Tl/Dr leave him and be sober.

>> No.7981079

>between 22 and 25 drink heavily
>like a liter of rum or other hard liquor per week, usually over the course of 2 or 3 days
>sober when I need to be, drunk when I don't
>hangovers start to take longer to recover from, a few days compared to one
>doctor recommends AA but I say no, I'll do it myself
>sobriety lasts a couple months before usual habits kick in
>doctor recommends AA again, same deal
>recently drop it down to 375/2 weeks, don't know how long it will last
how fucked am I? he said my liver was leaking shit into my blood but stopped after the first time, i'll be seeing him again in september but i'm constantly worrying that i'm already too far gone. felt chest tightness and slight difficulty breathing the past week but i think that's the heat.

>> No.7981088

literally just fucked the life out of my best friends girlfriend. im literally dying from the guilt and feeling of betrayal. weve been best friends for the past 18 years and i fucked up. im so fucking low and its eating at me.

>> No.7981377

>literally just fucked the life out of my best friends girlfriend
better lay low for awhile
>im literally dying
nevermind, call an ambulance

>> No.7981678

This is kinda my problem too. I'll go toe the bar and have a few beers, then come home and justify drinking whiskey because "hurr durr I already consumed the calories and had a bit of alcohol, might as well use that to propel me to a serious drunk state". Idiot. Just moved to a new city and state, I don't know anyone, haven't found work yet and my financial situation is getting worse by the day, yet I'll still buy booze like a dipshit because "I'll get my shit together after this weekend or after tomorrow's hangover".

Really pathetic where I am in my life, but I still can't seem to kick it. I had a few beers last night and then only had 2 whiskeys before I stopped for the night, so I guess that's progress. When I'm bored I drink, and I've been really bored lately which is entirely my own fucking fault because I'm just being an apathetic wastrel.

Fuck, what the hell am I doing with my life?

>> No.7981720


fuck this goddamn end of the world existential hangover anxiety GOD DAMN IT BE GONE

>> No.7981732

I started drinking more after I finally quit my meth habit. Every night I drink whiskey until I pass out on my couch, every night for last 5-6 months. The hangovers aren't bad though, and I always make sure to drink plenty of water while I'm imbibing. A nice breakfast and a bowl of weed in the morning and I'm right as rain. No problems at work, my social life is shit but that isn't anything new. I will say that I now find it almost impossible to fully concentrate on a movie or a novel unless I'm drinking.

Am I an alcoholic? I have no idea

>> No.7981786

Yea man it's rough. I get super super anxious and depressed about super minor stuff and then to escape I either just drink again or end up lying in bed all day thinking bad thoughts. So dangerous.

>> No.7981921

>drink every night until I pass out
>every night for 5-6 months
>am I an alcoholic?

do you really need to ask that question?

>> No.7981958

fair point, I guess I just don't feel like an alcoholic. When I think of "alcoholism" I think of people who drink all day

>> No.7981966

There's plenty of different types of alcoholics, but the main defining trait is dependence, whether that's mental or physical. Since you drink every night, would it be difficult for you to not drink for a week? a month?

>> No.7981988

>Since you drink every night, would it be difficult for you to not drink for a week? a month?
Extremely difficult. There are nights I tell myself I'm not going to drink and every time I end up drinking anyway. Yeah, I'm definitely an alcoholic

>> No.7982031

Am I am alcoholic? I drink fairly often, probably 5 days a week. I rarely get drunk, maybe once a month if that. I do drink a fair amount, maybe a half of a bottle of wine or several pints of beer. My goal is to enjoy myself, get a buzz. I honestly dislike getting wasted but I find it helps me deal with the stresses of my life. I can and do go for 24-48 hours without alcohol during the week. Some of those days I crave a drink and others not. I have gone for weeks and months without booze, before, so I know it's not a physical addiction. But I'm questioning if there's a mental one. Thanks.

>> No.7982052

Getting drunk/buzzed doesn't matter mate.

Here's the test: just stop drinking. If you can do that for an extended period without really thinking about it or it affecting your mood/life in a noticeable manner, then congrats, you're not an alcoholic.

>> No.7982062

Sounds like you have some sort of mental addiction when you have a hard time abstaining without having cravings. But honestly, who cares whether you fall under a certain definition of an alcoholic, just ask yourself if your drinking is affecting anything in your life, whether that's work, health, family, relationships, etc. If it is, then you probably have a problem

>> No.7982132 [DELETED] 

I rather prefer dying drunk than live a full life sober. Life is short anyway, be happy and do what you want. Be nice with people and don't hurt them, everything will be fine even if you are alcoholic and drunk everytime.

>> No.7983381

Day drinking lads. It seems so harmless for a while but it truly is the stuff that ruins lives. Try to keep it for the night when your work is done. I learned the hard way, I'm telling you.

>> No.7983403

>knowing the difference between day and night
Fucking amateur.

>> No.7983525

I haven't any fucking time to drink. I almost let a bottle of red wine go bad last week, which has never happened to me, ever. Work, university, home study, sleeping and hobbies (other than drinking) take up all my time. I like drinking but I just don't get around doing it often anymore.

If your goal is to actually stop drinking or to drink less, find shit to do and it will be automatically, unless you're really deep into it

>> No.7983710
File: 89 KB, 1000x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to open my souvenir from Warsaw.

>> No.7983753
File: 1.44 MB, 2160x2160, 20160814_020318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink a 6 pack of this a week.. OP stop being a pussy faggot my liver will destroy you tbqhfaggot.

>> No.7984249

Thanks for the advice, amigos. I think if this keeps happening, i might commit myself for a little while.

>> No.7984265

>15 units over 2 days
Don't come here just to make us feel bad...

>> No.7984270

Come back to this thread when you're six pack a day, friendo

>> No.7984282

I told myself I wouldn't drink because I'm concerned the effect it has on my brain. Last night I had some beers, I wanted more so I went to a bar. Now I feel shitty and my head hurts.

>> No.7984284

mix with milk and you have a goat drink on your hands

>> No.7984673

...a six pack a week

>> No.7984691

did okay last night

2 heinekens at my work dinner from 5:30 to 6:30

then went home, chilled, basically sobered up

started getting anxiety and boredom etc, had 4.5 beers from around 9:00 to 11:30

not hungover now and think i can stay off it completely today

>> No.7984785

This is the right answer unless you're totally gone and way deep into the bottle.

My biggest problem is that I just moved to a new state and city and don't know anyone so my excuse is to go to the bar to meet some people (which I have). But then I go snag a handle on the way home and drink 1/3 or 1/2 of that after the bar since I already have a buzz and want to keep it going.

Once I start working again it just won't be feasible for me to drink as frequently since I can't stand working drunk or on a hangover. God I Iegit think today could be my last day of drinking for a week or 2. Gonna sack up, catch my last drunk until next weekend, and while I'm hangin out drinking tonight I'm going to throw out like 30 resumes and then I won't be able to risk being drunk or hungover next week in case of spur of the moment interviews or anything.

I used to do beer, it just doesn't sound like a lot when y'all talk about 5-6 beers a night or something. A handle of liquor is 60 oz. or so. Drink 1/3-1/2 of that and you're looking at 15-20 beers worth of alcohol, and thats after some drinks at the bar already. Maybe my tolerance is just higher than most people's.

5-6 beers a night just seems like a chill night after work for a lot of people, but I could be wrong and I'm sure there are big cultural differences when it comes to that.

>> No.7984868

I'm the only alcoholic I know who has been formally diagnosed with Aspergers.

>> No.7984947

the only time I daydrink is when it's a special occasion or I'm seeing a movie at a theater that serves alcohol.

If I'm at home I feel weird drinking any earlier than 7pm

>> No.7985292
File: 2.96 MB, 350x349, 1426871632699.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heading back to the rehab clinic right now after a weekend at home. One more month to go,
6 months clean. Feeling better than ever.

>> No.7985437

quitter pussy

>> No.7985489

Got wrecked last night after two months without drinking. I both feel like shit and really want to crack open a cold one. Hopefully I can last at least 3 months this time.

>> No.7985575

Bro I live in WI too. I've thought about giving it up completely but the drinking culture is so pervasive her. I wouldn't define myself as an alcohol but I definitely have a drinking problem. I used to get drunk 2-4 nights a week or go on 2 day benders but lately it's gotten better. Like 1-3 nights and no benders...the temptation is always there though.

>> No.7985664
File: 64 KB, 600x1200, 625355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this stuff good?

>> No.7985693


don't let the guilt drive you to drink more

we're all gonna have relapses like that, you're still good to go

2 months clean plus one relapse is fucking great in my book

>> No.7986369

Sorry for the late reply and thanks for the support.

>> No.7986394

I want to stop driking every night, I know it's self-destructive, but I don't know how to stop. Every night I feel extremely restless and figedity w/out bourbon. I want that to end. Can I fix this w/out chrcking myself in?

>> No.7986446
File: 12 KB, 275x183, 1470534812743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Friday night
>drink 3 bottles of hard ginger beer (8 standard drinks each) and a six pack of full strength beer
>stay up drunk all night until 9am the next day so i can buy a bottle of cheap vodka
>drink it within an hour and pass out for 18 hours

I've been doing shit like this since I was 15. How do I stop lads? When i try to drop drinking i usually start binging MDMA as a replacement

>> No.7986448


how much bourbon are we talking

be honest no bullshit, my good fellow alky

>> No.7986450

Buy other stuff instead.

>> No.7986459

>I want to stop driking every night, I know it's self-destructive, but I don't know how to stop. Every night I feel extremely restless and figedity w/out bourbon. I want that to end. Can I fix this w/out chrcking myself in?
This book ^ states that you really don't get rid of one habit unless you replace it with another. Find another activity for this time you wish to self-medicate your nerves. It might be you don't go home right away, walk the mall and windowshop, play racquetball, check out sunset and listen to live music, wash your car in the driveway, do laundry, swim laps, yardwork.
Is your job physical? Then do something nonphysical, soaking in a hot tub with music, talk radio, comedy album, or a paperback. Stop weekly for a manicure and pedi at the cheap asian joint. Maybe you need a true hobby to tinker with, like home improvement projects, upgrading your car or something you care about. Whatever you're doing now, just replace it.

If the attempts to fix the problem don't resolve, then see a doctor for something underlying that you're using alcohol to treat. I don't see the point of going through some kind of rehab, though there's no harm in going to AA to see what can happen to you. The tools are sound. But, maybe you just have ADD, ya know?

>> No.7986461

Like what? I'm not very materialistic and barely have interest in the possessions I have.

>> No.7986484


post pic of bottle with 8 standard drinks in it...can't believe there are beer bottles that big

wine maybe

not beer

>> No.7986504

>tfw crispin cider

This is some tasty fucking stuff.

>> No.7986539

I drink a fifth a day of whiskey every night, no job, no friends, borrowing booze money from family who keep me drunk to avoid facing the reality. Each week that passes makes me think that they just want me dead to get on with their lives.

Been drinking a fifth a day for 4 years now.

>> No.7986573


All i can find about it online

>> No.7986615
File: 269 KB, 525x414, jar_jar_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking did it. Finished the last few shots of my handle yesterday morning, passed out, woke up and went the rest of the day and night without getting more. I had minor to moderate withdrawal symptoms but woke up this morning feeling alright. I have a massive urge however to go out for a liquor run but all I need to do is last a couple hours till the shops close.

>> No.7986630

This is breddy much me only I drink vodka to save money and my family doesn't think I'm an alcohol anymore.

>> No.7986727

it's sunday night! taking tomorrow off for good reasons so I guess i'll have a few more hot toddies!

sup senpai?

>> No.7986730


wow i take it back. beer in a giant plastic bottle.

now that you mention it when i was in the UK i was surprised by the 2-liter plastic alcoholic cider bottles

learn something new every day

>> No.7986737


how are the morning withdrawals bro

>> No.7987975

>alcohol thread on /ck/
>it's basically an AA thread
This really should be on /adv/

>> No.7988239

Has anyone else noticed their hair is really dry and doesn't have much bounce to it after years and years of heavy drinking?

I guess I can chock it up to dehydration and nutrient deficiency for so long. When you pull your head out of your ass and realize what this shit has done to your once attractive appearance, it really makes you wonder when the fuck it all went so wrong and when you stopped noticing or caring.

Hello, newfriend.

>> No.7988718

>being so autistic as to caring about where a thread should be

Leave it, hide it, don't think about it.

>> No.7988749

>Make /a/ thread on /g/
>Make /ck/ thread on /v/
>Make /adv/ thread on /ck/
>Totally fine

>> No.7988779
File: 47 KB, 2560x1600, 1275878475365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stopped drinking about 500ml/whiskey/day
since about a 2 weeks ago.

HOLY SHIT am I bored. I now know why people do gay shit like go hiking on a Saturday afternoon, or paint their bedroom. How do people live entire lives sober?

>> No.7988783

you need to literally lurkmore

>> No.7989119

>>Make /a/ thread on /g/

>> No.7989133

I indulge in chinese cartoons, non animated chinese cartoons, a few novels here and there, vidya, and academic shit.

>> No.7989145

If people make threads starting "akarin best girl" on /g/ they eventually get purged. It's one thing if you use an anime image in the OP, another if you make a thread about anime.

>> No.7989155

Oh, I don't mind anime at all. The problem is that threads do slip by. Akarin gets taken care of easily, but others do not.

>> No.7989179
File: 3.53 MB, 5312x2988, 20160815_130444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other anon open their beers like me
>never going back

>> No.7989333

Holy god damn you are the worst possible type of person

Also these threads are a tradition have some respect

>> No.7989446

Do you know what else is a tradition?
Circumcision. (in america)
Doesn't mean it should be a thing.

>> No.7989487

Wow looks like I just got really BTFO

>> No.7989562

Instead of sarcasm, why don't you bring something useful to the conversation?

>> No.7989691

I have pretty good self control throughout the week, but Friday night through Sunday just become a complete haze of nonstop beers.

How can I cut this out? Especially if I'm with friends who are drinking the entire time?

Now it's Monday, and I'm sneaking off from work to the bathroom to deal with this massive post-binge anxiety.


>> No.7989712

I just went through that same anxiety after drinking nearly all day, every day for over a week. Had at least 4 or 5 panic attacks on Friday and then was absolutely physically and mentally drained on Saturday. It was hell.

The worst part is I've been through it many times, yet I still continue to do it. Although I'm on day 4 of being sober after drinking basically everyday and trying desperately not to think about going to buy more booze. Friday was just too much for me. Still trying to recover.

Fuck me.

>> No.7989761
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Is this stuff any good? Worth the extra?

>> No.7989771

Absolutely. The rye is also really good, as is the single barrel

>> No.7989775

Did you know alcohol is one of the only drugs that can kill you if you get too addicted and quit?


>> No.7989777

Protip: stop drinking you fucking idiot.

>> No.7989799


Thanks, will pick up a bottle. Feel like something a bit different and have some spare cash floating around for a change

>> No.7989811

mein polacke

>> No.7990036

WHOA why didn't I think of that? Holy shit you changed my life.

Get out of here, you clueless retard.

>> No.7990072

Went to the bar last night to get fucked up.
Came back and put on F for Fake in the living room and ended up passing out in front of my mom before it was over.

>> No.7990078

>like a liter of rum or other hard liquor per week, usually over the course of 2 or 3 days

>> No.7990088

And to add to this I've been sneaking out at night for pints of vodka like a pathetic degenerate, stealing their bottles of wine at every opportunity, spent the entire day in bed today and have been filling my nights with mostly chan and vidya. Pretty much not making it over here at all boys. Trying to devise a way to get drunk tonight but I might just have to not out of the fact of how much effort I'd have to put into it.

>> No.7990152

Cap's good. You'll probably like it

>> No.7990611

They have lives, anon. I'm a geologist so I love my beer, like all good geologists should, but I also have to do my job, keep up on current information, write reports, and do vigorous field work. The beer and company of my coworkers/friends a few nights a week is pure enjoyment time. A little self indulgence. So are the cigars I'll enjoy when the weather is right. I used to slam beers and get shit faced all the time while in college and hated myself for it.

Still, I drink most days. It's a lifestyle choice.

But really, invest yourself in a career you love, find people who share your interests, and things like painting your bedroom, cleaning the house, yard work, vegetable gardens, cooking etc will be rewarding, good uses of your time. Then you reward yourself with alcohol that you can derive pure pleasure from.

>> No.7990649

Dude don't steal. Why do you need to be obliterated? Find the source. If you're bored and feel shitty and think the booze will help. It won't long term. You need to accept that reality. Start exercising. That will actually make you feel good. Wipe yourself out on a bike or with weights. You'll feel much better abs have a kind of high.

>> No.7990675

I can't even imagine how any of what you said would be a good life. Do i just not have the normie primordial instincts?

>> No.7990702

I've been drinking heavily for like 8 years now. It's just in my blood. I've checked myself in before and have gone to a shitton of meetings and was back on it in less than a month. I believe you about exercise, I just don't want to do it. I pretty much don't like the idea of committing to anything anymore, even people. I'm a 26 virgin and I know that I've fucked myself, but drinking is just better than not drinking for me. I don't feel the need to slam like most of a fifth in a day like I used to. But when I'm stone cold I just always want at least some beer or wine around. At least I'm at a point now where I'm not physically addicted, but still.

>> No.7990718

Oh and to clarify I'm taking the wine from my parents' stronghold that has like 100s of bottles in there, I'm not stealing from stores.

>> No.7990732

>thinks that makes it better
Uh, no.

>> No.7990740

I didn't say that.

>> No.7990767

No I don't know what he's talking about either.

Don't drink. Do yard work. You'll feel great.


>> No.7990833

I haven't drank in 4 days. Not by choice.
Just bored, nothing to do.

>> No.7990842

Try the other life. Exercise is something you have to commit to, and you will get addicted to it like you did alcohol. I've been swapping weed, alcohol, and exercise my entire life and the only thing that actually made my life better was getting addicted to weight lifting and bicycling. I get angry and temperamental when I can't work out these days. I need the release in order to relax. The few sprains and broken bones are a much better trade for the 100s of dollars is blow on booze. Now I still enjoy a drink, but I can't let myself have too much or I don't get to have other, just as rewarding, experiences.

There are things that feel better than getting drunk. You just have to find them and commit to them. Learn that you love them (aka learn to love them). Commit to working out at least 30 minutes every day. Push yourself as hard as you can. It might suck at first but suddenly that feeling you get when you're physically exhausting yourself becomes a state of bliss and meditation.

I'm not making this shit up. I'd go through a handle in less than a week plus a six pack every two days and now I just enjoy a couple drinks every night and I can also enjoy food without getting fat. I finally don't fucking hate myself constantly.

>> No.7990853

>Me a few months ago
>Buy half gram of amp sulphate not that paste bullshit because Canada
>Start drinking
>Lets do some speed
>Don't sleep
>Repeat for five weekends


>Drink on Friday and feel tired and shittty on Saturday
>Have to have energy because party or clubbing that day
>Do speed or coke to get through it
>Don't sleep

Yeah fuck that shit I can't do stims without benzos it's not worth it. I don't fuck with speed anymore and Coke is too expensive but I'll do it when offered. Back to good ole MDMA/MDA I guess

>> No.7990858

Eventually, after a while, it feels very rewarding. There's an obvious, visible improvement to your surroundings that you achieved through a tiny bit of effort. It feels nice to work up a sweat and get some vitamin D. You can even get fresh, incredibly tasty produce from it, if you want.

Afterwards I like to enjoy a strong beer of some sort and a cigar while I read a book and admire my work. I do have ADD so multitasking always helps me calm down.

When I was just drinking constantly and wasting all my time on the Internet for years I fucking hated myself. I'd get into low moods where I'd think of all the bad shit that happened in my life from getting raped to my best friend dying over spring break to my fat body to everything else that I could think of as bad. Now that I actively do shit and allow myself to feel accomplished and reward myself with my vices instead of live for them that I finally feel good about myself.

It fuggin werks.

>> No.7990859

does anyone else love someone that doesn't love you back?

>> No.7990875
File: 39 KB, 400x300, beer_carlsberg_special_brew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do alcohols die if they suddenly go cold turkey?

>> No.7990877

Oh yeah. It's been a little over 9 years. It's gotten easier, but I still think about her almost every day.

>> No.7990880

That looks like an excellent way to get fat. You got a fetish for that or something?

>> No.7990881

they can, alcohol withdrawls are existing and awful

>> No.7990890

Spent about 6 years drinking everyday. Probably 6-8 beers which was manageable. Then went nuts for 1 year graduating to whiskey. This got pretty bad because I was sleeping in hours late to work. No idea how I didn't get fired.

Decided to make a change and have gotten slightly better. Drink 2-3 days a week now, but will go through a handle in 2 days still. I do fine during the week because I have an analyst job so my brain needs to work first thing in the morning. Once I hit the weekend though all bets are off and I am back to drinking.

Sucks I found this equilibrium that works where I do well at work, but I am a shut in on the weekends because too hungover to do anything all day.

>> No.7990891

Yup. She's still a bitch, but I love her in spite of it.

It's what drove me to drinking, and my job is what kept me.

>> No.7990904

salty mouth, think i'm going to vomit

can I fix this Al/ck/oholics

>> No.7990933

Sober bros, what methods do you use to cope with cravings?

I'm on week 6 and feel really good physically, I got back to working out hard every day. But mentally, I still keep getting the urge to go buy a 6 pack. Telling myself I'm just gonna do it this one time, or only drink on occasion or only on the weekends. But I know if I get started again I'll be back to my old ways in no time

>> No.7990962

You've already figured out your own problem. Drinking is just not worth it. Until you have a life style that demands that you don't slip into old habits just don't do it. You're already doing great. Just keep doing what you're doing.

Maybe wear a rubber band and snap it every time you get a serious craving. Or think of what you would lose if you went back to the old habit. Helped me lose 100 pounds back in the day.

>> No.7991276

I'm back. Just walked about 45 minutes in the rain for a 4 dollar bottle of wine and can of roast beef hash.

>> No.7991378
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I love to drink beer and be on the internet

>> No.7991384

I'm going to seriously make an effort to stop drinking if Trump becomes president in three months

>> No.7991385

In truth, I've walked through hard snowstorms for booze. Rain too, thunderstorms etc. Sometimes it's worth it, not even just to satisfy a compulsion. It feels like you EARNED it.

>> No.7991400

Why can't you just realize you're addicted and need x amount of booze in y amount of time and buy it beforehand?

I buy about $100 worth of liquor and it lasts me a month

>> No.7991428

The truth is, I don't always drink as much from one day to the next. There are days off here and there so there's that. Sometimes I just do it on a whim from boredom.

>> No.7991434

Borderline alcholi/ck/ here, not drinking tonight.

I've been drinking every other night or so, I need to slow down. Trying to get back to once a week. Once I get to the every couple of weeks phase it ain't so bad.

>> No.7991436

How do I order drinks at bars properly? I've been going to a bar these past couple weekends and always feel like I come across as awkward.

>> No.7991457

Where I live a shitty bottled beer is like $6

A jack n coke, mostly coke, is about $12 or more

When I'm desperate enough to visit a bar I bring a flask full of whiskey, drink it in the parking lot of the bar, and enter the bar shitfaced

The place is usually packed so I can usually grab a unfinished drink and pretend I bought it


>There are people out there who spend $6-8 for a shitty bottled beer in new York bars and don't finish it

Post your justification for getting ass raped in bars below

My early and mid 20s of throwing cash at bartenders are over

>> No.7991494
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>tfw working as many days as possible because on my days off i just get bored and drink all day
havent needed a hobby and gf as much as i do now
losing a metric fuck ton of weight so that might help with the gf but no idea about a hobby. nothing has appealed to me for years since i quit music.
case in point my shift got cancelled this afternoon so i'm sipping on a bottle of whiskey at 2pm though to be fair i've been working out and cleaning my house for 4 hours.
anyone ever been into archery?

>> No.7991502

>havent needed a hobby and gf as much as i do now
Ever watch My Little Pony? It can solve both your problems

>> No.7991507

Been drinking to the point of remembering nothing the next morning for the last 6-7 years. I usually drink spirits because they're cheap where I live. I just feel like shit around 5-6pm, probably because of dependency, and am unable to imagine enjoying the evening unless I buy alcohol. It's weird because I know how to enjoy myself without alcohol perfectly well, but it's as though I get a moment of clarity where normal sober life is dismal and pathetic as fuck and I need to get drunk ASAP to avoid it.

>> No.7991514

no lmao MLP sucks xDDD

>> No.7991518

Kek. Good luck! Since Bernie Sanders dropped out I killed myself.

>> No.7991525

I'm the guy who made this post

Does anyone else think bar owners have jacked up the price of their drinks well beyond inflation in the past decade or two?

It's like visiting a bar is as dumb as buying cigarettes retail

>> No.7991549

Again I'll reply to my own post

If you visit a bar only once a week to get hammered, and are addicted to cigarettes, you better be making some serious fucking cash

If you see a pretty lady in the bar, buy her a drink, she smiles and makes small talk with you for 5 minutes before walking away

>Thanks cuck!

>> No.7992774

Go to bars with good drink specials.
>Local bar has happy hour 3-6 on weekdays with 2 for 1 all drinks.
>Domestic drafts are $3
>Most shots are about the same price.
Happy hour for me, since I'm a regular, is really like noon to 6 though.