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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7961952 No.7961952 [Reply] [Original]

/ck/ what is the best method to boil a steak? I and my whole family have cooked the majority of steaks this way for my whole life. I had some boiled ribeye with my girl last night and she said it was bland. I also eat grilled steak and I know it's a different taste but I would hardly call it bland. Is there something I could do to make it better like add some spices to the boil etc?

>> No.7961956

Try some salt, Brown sugar and garlic in the water.
How long are you boiling it for?
What temps?

>> No.7961957

Best way is from a cold start
Salt and pepper the steak
Put in a cold pan with some lemon slices
Fill with cold water enough to cover the steaks
Medium high heat
Just when it starts to simmer, cover the pan and remove from heat
Allow to steep for 45 minutes
Drain, slice, and serve immediately

>> No.7961968

Couldnt really tell you how long or hot, I just kind of eye it. Guess I need a more uniform system if I wish to improve. I only recently started to enjoy cooking and havent really tried to do anything special with steak, I just grew up eating it this way.


Thanks both of you though. I will try these and see how it turns out.

>> No.7962003


This is all bait, right?

>> No.7962005

>not boiling your steak
God, americans are pathetic

>> No.7962056

Not the OP, but it's funny to see how soberly /ck/ addresses this post as opposed to Reddit's butthurt rage towards a similar question.

And people call 4chan the asshole of the internet...

>> No.7962059

Might as well call it meat stew if your boiling it.

>> No.7962063

Hard boil it in milk. Serve it with jelly beans.

>> No.7962083


Boiled beef and carrots,
Boiled beef and carrots,
That's the stuff for your "Derby Kell",
Makes you fit and keeps you well.
Don't live like vegetarians
On food they give to parrots,
Blow out your kite, from Morn 'til night,
On boiled beef and carrots.

>> No.7962086

the trick is to boil it in only butter at a very high heat.

>> No.7962091


Steak would probably be pretty edible if you gently poached it in a decent cooking liquor, and that's sort of almost what sous vide is, just with a lot more control. Boiling it will fuck it right up though, internal temp needs to stay below 60C.

>> No.7962210

make a Bouillon ( broth, herbs, Bouquet garnie, carrots, celery, etc) and softly simmer around 80-90°c ( not boil!) your steak, sirloin, etc in...
and you can eat the vegetable too...
it's a classical recipe...

>> No.7962221

This thread has been destroyed yet again by wanabe chef fags with their "modern" ideas.
Stick with what you know OP, these clowns will destroy your recipes while sneakily laughing to themselves.

>> No.7962284

Why is that steak abnormally red?

>> No.7962289

It's probably some USDA choice CAFO crap that got gassed with carbon monoxide to make it more aesthetically appealing to the lower middle class plebs who consider the purchase of an $11 walmart steak to be the greatest achievement in life

>> No.7962365

This is the only correct answer you absolute plebians.

>fuck these wop captchas

>> No.7962383

You need to boil it in milk. This is kinda like how they soak certain organs in milk (liver for example) to remove some of the sharp taste.

>> No.7962386

If you want boiled beef there are cuts that are WAY better and way cheaper than steak. Generally get the stuff with bone on it and let it simmer with veggies and herbs in some wine or dark beer for 2-3 hours. Its godly. I see no reason to boil steaks.

>> No.7962834
File: 55 KB, 734x367, boeuf-a-la-ficelle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"boeuf a la ficelle"

poached beef sirloin

>> No.7963885
File: 40 KB, 343x553, sirloin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7963914

Do some sort of court bouillon.
Start with cold water, add fresh thyme and rosemary and less than half a glass of wine vinegar.
Let it boil until it gets light brownish on the outside. The inside will be almost raw.
If you want you can finish it in a hot pan to sear the outside. 30 seconds per side would be enough as you don't want to dry it too much.

>> No.7963935


Not sure if you're trolling. In case you aren't, don't boil your fucking steak. Grill it or pan sear it.

>> No.7963985

Also when you boil milk it speeds up the fermentation process which helps make the steak more tender. It's kind of like marinating a steak in yogurt, absolute God tier.

>> No.7964156

This! Complement any (optional) rustic seasoning (garlic, pepper) with lingonberry jam or cherry jelly. Classy af.

>> No.7964167

I usually poke a hole in it and masturbate with it before I boil it. It loosens the juices.

>> No.7964631

And I was hoping for at least one sous vide ITT

>> No.7964638

Maybe osso buco

>> No.7965012

boiled steak will always be bland and lack that meat flavour. Best thing to do is griddle your steak

>> No.7965024

I have thoguht this thread was a troll thread until I read the responses.......is boiling steak really a thing?

>> No.7965032


Yes. Typical british destruction of good food


>> No.7965054

That link has nothing about British people boiling up ribeye like OP, just other cuts.

>> No.7965073

*Removes monocle and winks countenancing*

>> No.7966618

When the Japs do it it's the height of fine dining.

But this is a weeabo forum, though.

>> No.7966724

the fuck is up with all the periods

>> No.7966736


>> No.7966750

Hello, newfag.

>> No.7966754

>not sous vide everything

>> No.7966773

Boiling steak like a retard
Gotta be a bait thread
Also I'm not American

>> No.7966802
File: 150 KB, 2120x2440, murrika 345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Typical Americans. Calling bait just because people don't like frying their steak in 5lbs of butter. I mocked your stupid way of pronouncing words.

>> No.7966825

Technically this is a forum though.

>> No.7966860


>> No.7966900

Can I boil it in ketchup?

It's like a marinade, right?

>> No.7966933

All memes and 'zza aside, /ck/ is easily the most civil board

>> No.7966954

He's doing his best to sound condescending.

>> No.7966963
File: 20 KB, 350x452, 1359836036480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you do this?

>> No.7967466
File: 64 KB, 400x400, 40820987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not knowing what a forum is

>> No.7967499


I don't think I've ever seen that word outside of IRL before.