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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 273 KB, 768x511, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7965230 No.7965230 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly is it about American cheeses (not American Cheese, I mean cheese made and eaten in the US) that everyone hates so much?

I get most cheeses here are lower quality and not traditionally made, but some of y'all will refuse to even call it cheese. Not every cheese we regularly eat is artificial cheese product like American. What is the fundamental problem with it?

>> No.7965234

It's like everything else you make... cheap and all about the profit, not the product.
We don't even use HFCS where I hail from...

>> No.7965239


>le hfcs meme

>> No.7965244

>cheap and all about the profit
Name one thing sold on the market that isn't about profit.

Protip: there isn't one. Fucking retard.

>> No.7965250

A friend of mine used to sell acid at concerts just for the price it cost him to make it because he just wanted people to have a good time

I should try it sometime

I'm not really into drugs, i've tried pot like, once

>> No.7965258

>some of y'all
stop this

>> No.7965265

It's my dialect, shit lord. Lots of languages use a second person plural pronoun but it fell out of use in English, ain't nothing wrong with using "y'all".

>> No.7965268

Apple computers/iPhones.

>> No.7965270


>> No.7965274


>> No.7965280

>has no real/legitimate rebuttal so plays the 'implication' card

>> No.7965393

Have you tried cheese outside of the US? Or have you always been in your ivory tower?

>> No.7965404

You guys also have the worst bread on the planet. It's fucking forage grain flour and enhancers for rising that dead low-protein mess. It's so bad, your "bread is useless and even harmful" sperging actually makes perfect sense.

>> No.7965408


>> No.7965413

Your friend didn't actually make acid or he would be giving it out for pennies a dose.

>> No.7965419

the problem isn't about profit, it's about low quality industrialized mass production

>> No.7965430

You is the singular and plural form for the second person pronoun in English.

>> No.7965455

A lot of companies bulk their cheeses out with cellulose, (wood pulp). Best to avoid those made by Kellogs, KFC, Dole Foods, Kraft, McDonalds, Nestle, Pepsi, Pizza Hut, sara Lee, Sonic, Taco Bell & Wendy's. Instead try a tasty cheese that actual has some fucking cow or goat milk in it.

>> No.7965458
File: 33 KB, 513x449, 1470562365659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bread here in Italy isn't exactly good for you either

If you wanna be /fit/ drop bread

>> No.7965500



>> No.7966449

That's hippie nonsense. Your friend is a goddamn retarded commie faggot.

>> No.7966458

Bibles are about a profit, just not a direct one.
Bibles are a free sample. Religiously curious people are the customers.

>> No.7966466

>What is the fundamental problem with it?

You already know the answer, OP:
> most cheeses here are lower quality

As for "refusing to even call it cheese"--that's simple. It's low enough quality that it isn't worthy of the word. Refusing to call it "Cheese" is another way of saying "it sucks".

>> No.7966497
File: 212 KB, 684x835, humboldt_fog_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some very decent cheeses made by Americans. Unfortunately, people mostly know very mild cheeses we produce as opposed to the more interesting stuff.

>pic related
>eat the rind

>> No.7966511
File: 191 KB, 383x576, wholesale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, if you mean supermarket bread, sure. But we have very good bakers that make bread from very good grain, if you look on the local level.

>> No.7966520

That is pretentious as fuck. You're a sad human being.

>> No.7966538


It's not remotely pretentious. I'm not making that statement to show off or look cool (how is that even possible given that this is an anonymous forum and nobody has any idea who I am)

I'm making the statement because it's my honest opinion, not because it makes me appear any different to my peers.

And yes, it clearly is a generalization. We do have some fantastic cheese here in the US. But most of it is crap, plain and simple.

>> No.7966559

>I get most cheeses here are lower quality and not traditionally made
Only shitty bottom shelf cheeses.

When someone says "American cheese" all Euros can think of is Kraft American Cheese singles (which might as well be plant fiber for all its taste and nutrition)

>> No.7966566


I would say that at least 95% of cheese made in the US qualifies as "lower quality". Probably a lot more than that, actually.

>> No.7966567
File: 131 KB, 1024x1024, Harbison - Jasper Hill Farms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. I think if you go to most actual farms/cheesemakers in the US, you'll find that most are very acceptable.

>> No.7966570


Yeah. But those are a tiny tiny tiny minority compared to the crap you find at the supermarket. Are those good? You bet. But they're such a small % of the American cheese industry that the generalization of "American cheese sucks" is perfectly valid.

Of course there are standout exceptions. But they're rare.

>> No.7966574
File: 4 KB, 180x90, flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When someone says "American cheese" all Euros can think of is Kraft American Cheese singles
I don't. I think of all the stuff that independent producers in states such as Wisconsin and Vermont make.
And then I laugh, because all cheese made in the USA is objectively, fucking shit.

>> No.7966575

>But those are a tiny tiny tiny minority compared to the crap you find at the supermarket
Not if you live in Wisconsin :^)

>> No.7966579

Ebin, simply ebin

>it's made in the US therefore it's shit
Could you be any more stereotypical, Eurotrash?

>> No.7966582


It doesn't matter where you live. Even if Wisconsin had 100% perfect cheese that's a tiny drop in the bucket compared to nationwide consumption.

I get that you might have a better selection in your supermarkets than other states do, but that doesn't say anything at all about the relative quality of cheese production in the nation as a whole.

>> No.7966583

Canadian actually but nice try, beetus-boy!

>> No.7966585
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a leaf

>> No.7966587

>Canadians think their shit is higher quality
Maybe a smudge, but it's practically the same crap.

>> No.7966588
File: 5 KB, 500x300, 1439645418825.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they just love the tidbit about how American cheese is not technically cheese, as it contains no rennet, so it is instead a "pasteurized milk product" or "cheese product"

basically just like any other reddit fact that pretentious people get to rub in other people's faces

>> No.7966590
File: 2.93 MB, 1200x1350, SAFEWAY VS WHOLE FOODS CHEESE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't necessarily say that they are a small minority by total count, but most supermarkets stock a handful of the biggest farms and producers. So, I don't think it's fair to say "oh, America has nothing to contribute when it comes to cheese" but I think it is fair to say a large amount of normie Americans haven't had much contact with good cheese.

>poor people living in cities
>cheap suburban soccer moms
>trailer trash

>> No.7966595

This. Basically it's coffee audiophile-tier pedantics

>> No.7966597
File: 74 KB, 500x333, 854966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is bait, but I really hope you change your mind and try some well-regarded cheeses sometime. You're just missing out.

>> No.7966603

>but most supermarkets stock a handful of the biggest farms and producers.

That they do. And those aren't very good cheeses. Are the better than kraft singles? Sure. But that's not saying much.

>> I think it is fair to say a large amount of normie Americans haven't had much contact with good cheese.

I agree. And it's pretty fucking hard for someone to find good cheese here, given that we can't even import cheese made with unpasteurized milk.

Pay careful attention next time you're buying cheese here in the US. You see all those "imported from France" or "imported from Italy" signs? Now read the fine print on the package. You will see "pasteurized milk". The gimmick is that yes, those cheeses are imported, but they're a special "made for the US market" version, not the genuine article.

>> No.7966604

>try some well-regarded cheeses sometime
Oh, I do anon.
Don't you worry.

>> No.7966616

>Americans can't cheese meme
Amish people exist, you know.

>> No.7966625
File: 41 KB, 500x500, Tillamook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is /ck/'s opinion on Tillamook? I just got some recently for some burgers. I was surprised how quickly they go bad after you open the package. I don't know anything about cheeses so I've always just used the Kraft Singles.

>> No.7966635

it's better than kraft, basically on the same level as the best wisconsin cheese, which isn't saying much really. perfectly fine for melting over a burger, but I wouldn't serve it for dessert after a nice meal

>> No.7966639
File: 2.98 MB, 260x148, 1288794689356.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got through the introduction.

>> No.7966688


We know. We've already pointed out that there are rare exceptions to the rule. What does that have to do with the fact that the overwhelming majority of the cheese here is in fact crap?


>> No.7966708

Are they pasteurized as well?

>> No.7966709
File: 44 KB, 480x487, 1445815161252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pasteur was a Frenchman.

>> No.7966711

>aged over 60 days
>60 days
In American terms that's almost an antique!

>> No.7966713

No Shit, Louis.

>> No.7966719

>not enjoying GRILLED DRY CHEESE from glorious nicaragua
fuckig plebs all of you murricans

>> No.7966810

Was that an an abortion pill?

>> No.7967309
File: 12 KB, 546x353, 15020_UPS_Transit_Map.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that if you do not live within the yellow portion of this map, your cheese will be shit.

>> No.7967336

It usually is a lower product. As for why people refuse to call it cheese, it is because they're pretentious cunts.

>> No.7967345

Euro living in USistan here.

The only thing I dislike about American-made cheese is that the good stuff is just as expensive (and sometimes even more so) than the cheese they're aping at and the bad stuff is, as the adjective states clearly, bad.

Why should I pay $9/lb for a good American-made Cheddar-alike when just-as-good real Cheddar costs $8/lb?

>> No.7967351

>$1 difference
Yuropoors everyone.

>> No.7967360

Wisconsin is the land of processed cheese product, if you live in the yellow area, your cheese will be even more shit

>> No.7967365

Our wine is like that too. The only good American wine is stupidly expensive. I'll buy it occasionally just to feel like I'm "supporting America" but for the most part I'll just buy imported stuff.

It's kind of irritating but Americans are accustomed to dirt cheap unless splurging in which case we go overboard. There is no middle ground.

>> No.7967366

Then buy the better stuff. That's how capitalism works. People that buy "American made" because it's American made are fools.

>> No.7967372

You can't get brick cheese for $2.50/8oz brick?
Or deli cheese for $5 a pound?
You probably made the wrong choice when you decided to live in Washington DC.
Do you pay for your grocery bags also? Shit.

>> No.7967373

Why should I pay a dollar more for the American one when the proper one is a dollar less, both are sold at the same USican store right next to each other, and the US-made cheese is not better than the import cheese?
I'd happily pay more for something better but not for something of equal or lesser quality.

>> No.7967374

Show me on the doll where Aaron Rodgers touched you

>> No.7967376

They hate Kraft singles and aren't aware there's hundreds of decent other cheeses to go to.
That's it really, is it that surprising?
Source: American who has eaten cheese in foreign places that talk big about cheese.

>> No.7967380

I had to Google that
>muh team franchise sports
Hallmarks of an irrelevant place, the post

>> No.7967381

>I had to Google that

>> No.7967388

cheese used to requires milk to be of a certain standard in order to be processed into cheese

american cheese uses the milk that is unsuitable for anything except being turned into american cheese

other countries do this too now, but usa started it

>> No.7967391

Why the fuck should I know who that is? Just because we both speak English does not mean I look, talk, eat, drink, live, think, or feel just like you, and that doesn't actually make me a troll, insane, or a member of al Qaeda either.

>> No.7967397

Wouldn't know. Despite being from a country renowned for its wine, I'm a beer guy. I like both American beers and beers from the EU and Switzerland about equally.

I can get the $5/lb cheese but its quality isn't very good. I'll admit, I do get it from time to time when there's a special. I recently got some for $2/lb, believe it or not. Otherwise, I'll shell out the extra dosh for the better product.

I'll buy whichever gives the best quality for the fairest price. I had an "Amish gorgonzola" a few months back that was $16/lb. It was pretty good. The import gorgonzola is $18/lb and better quality, so I buy that. I have no qualms about buying American-made if the quality and price are good. For example, I buy American-made Edam at $8/lb rather than the $11/lb import because it really is just as good.

>> No.7967401

If you're American you'd know who that is. I'm not even a football fan and I know who that is. He's a minor celebrity.

>> No.7967407
File: 62 KB, 235x176, mature[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /ck/ think of my standard cheese?

Also some anons were talking about bread earlier, let's all just confirm that American supermarket bread is the real travesty. It's oddly *sweet* and spongy.

>> No.7967411

The great thing about America is that, being located in the center of the world, we don't have to worry about domestic goods. We can just import them from the countries that do them the best anyways, so why bother? On cheese in particular, I mainly stick to cheddar since it's cheap, but I always get the extra sharp kind because mild is for babies.

>> No.7967420

>if you don't eat junk food, obsess over televised franchise sports, and drive a coal rolling pickup truck every day you're a member of al Qaeda
Better call the CIA, I just ate food I cooked that I bought at the farmers market, I don't own a television, microwave, or cage, and somehow I got a hold of this US passport in my very own name.

Hope they can call in the drone strike on my position before the rift in the space-time continuum gets any worse

>> No.7967431

Nah, man, he was driving along I-94 to Madison to go protest the EEEEEVIL Scott Walker and Paul Ryan on July 1 and saw a fireworks stand that triggered his PTSD.

>> No.7967434
File: 121 KB, 408x408, 1354938265391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curb your autism, lad

>> No.7967437


>> No.7967440

Maybe if I put it this way:
He's the guy currently banging Olivia Munn.

>> No.7967443

I think you confused your anonymous shitposting anti-WIDF interlocutors, I'm the one who memes about combination fireworks and porn stores. The yellow cheese guy up there, I've never met in my life

>> No.7967449

I know that name, but surely it doesn't help narrow it down much, isn't she basically just famous for being hot? Like a Kardashian, except for the actually being attractive part?

>> No.7967458

She was on Attack of the Show on G4, if you remember that channel. It's probably the main reason people remember her name.

>> No.7967462
File: 97 KB, 1024x480, 2004-mre-review-no19-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dont know shit till youve eaten a cheese ration

>> No.7967473

I'm American and I have no idea who that is.

>> No.7967483

He probably forgot that not every American is a sports nerd.

>> No.7967487

Do you have nothing between artisan shit at $10 a pop and 'american cheese' made from wallpaper paste and cement $0.5 per kilo? All american food seems like this.

>> No.7967491

>sports nerd
Ugh, is that the new term? Terrible

>> No.7967492

The name is familiar, but I don't know who that is.

>> No.7967507

We leave mediocrity to the europeans.

>> No.7967516

Wait, is that considered expensive? The local stuff at my farmers market is like $28/lb

>> No.7967526

Those are called /sp/ergs.

>> No.7967559
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>> No.7967573

If you don't watch sports you're probably an autistic shut in betamax

>> No.7967589
File: 256 KB, 1600x1066, IMG_4139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive seen some shit

>> No.7967592

You got that right, faglord. Now go slap your buddies ass and call it "sportsmanship".

>> No.7967593

MRE time?


>> No.7967618

It's only gay if more than two fingers slip in

>> No.7967650

Oregonian here, love Tillamook,especially extra sharp cheddar. Been to the factory at least 50 times

>> No.7967657

>been to the factory at least 50 times

>> No.7967677

Guess he really likes cheese.

>> No.7967691


>> No.7967698

50 would be kind of low then.

>> No.7967699

What an interesting and reasonable response. Not only have I never heard something like this from countless other anons but it is so eloquently worded, too. And funny. Definitely worth typing that out and hitting "post"

>> No.7967711

Why is cheddar orange in America? Is it just dye, sort of like Red Leicester, or is it the synthetic "American cheese" that I've heard such terrible stories about? I can never find a straight answer on this.

>> No.7967725

Cheddar isn't American Cheese, which comes in slices. I'm not really sure why cheddar is usually orange here, but packaging usually specifies non-orange cheddar as "White Cheddar".

>> No.7967731


>> No.7967749

i think originally cheddar cheese was orange, and they just dye it now for tradition.

>> No.7967762

Any country that is responsible for kraft "cheese product" slices and the normalization of dry grated mozarella deserves to be laughed up for its cheese.

>> No.7967779

What country do you live in?

>> No.7967788

One with decent cheese

>> No.7967789


>> No.7967791

>pasteurization kills all the flavor

>> No.7967797

>dodging the question
Poo in the loo confirmed

Haha ebin

>> No.7967809

Prove it. What country?

>> No.7967815

> why won't you answer my unnecessary question!? Doesn't matter! I'll still make the ad hominem I wanted!

>> No.7967817


>> No.7967824

I would say that's true for the entire world, and the US would have a better quality on average than most places in the world.

Cheese, like beer, is given a horrible rep in the US because of American "cheese" and Budweiser.

The reality is that we really do have some of the best cheeses and beers in the entire world, and our best products are produced and consumed locally based on regional specialties.

>> No.7967830
File: 142 KB, 511x564, hYMIItH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curb your autism, lad

>make a claim
>don't back it up
What were you expecting, really? For all we know you live in England and you're just making shit up.

>> No.7967843

>fucking rekt

>> No.7967846

blown the absolute fuck out

>> No.7967852

>come on! let me talk about how shit your country is instead of the OP topic!

>> No.7967853

Whichever country he named, you would have nothing but feeble, immature memes such as this to attempt to insult it with.

>> No.7967855

>ywn wreck someone this badly

>> No.7967859

That was for this one:

>> No.7967860

holy shit

>> No.7967866

top kek get bent fagget

>> No.7967871


>> No.7967880


>> No.7967885

Stop samefagging.

>> No.7967886

has to be the weakest samefagging I have ever witnessed on /ck/

>> No.7967889

my sides

>> No.7967892

get a screencap quick you absolutely destroyed his dumb american ass

>> No.7967899

>being this assblasted that your cheese is shit

>> No.7967902

get bent

>> No.7967903

I am not American and their cheese is indeed shit, but you managed to be far, far more pathetic than even this guy

>> No.7967904

>being this salty

>> No.7967908

You think if you samefag enough you will manage to convince yourself not to commit suicide?

>> No.7967910

stay rekt faggets

>I am not American
Sure you aren't. I believe you.

>> No.7967916

not a samefag you just got badly blown the fuck out

>> No.7967923

Delet thread quick before europe wakes up

>> No.7967924


>> No.7967939

Who the fuck do you think is doing samefagging? Aussies don't care this much about cheese.

>> No.7967947
File: 30 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US Govt makes the best cheese

>> No.7967959

It's american prime time though

>> No.7967974

>9:34PM east coast
>American prime time
You're 2 hours early

>> No.7968001

I'd say prime time is between 7 and 10pm so it fits perfectly.

>> No.7968010

aussies care about cheese
love a good coon cheese

>> No.7968061

There was a period where the yellower the cheddar was the more it was prized so they started dying it with anatto. Now they just keep it orange because it's been done for so long. It's to the point that I'm sure a lot of people find un-dyed cheddar far less appetizing (sort of how people think orange cheddar looks unappetizing)

>> No.7968082

Mfw I live in the absolute shithole of Green Bay, Wisconsin. The company Bel Gioso is big around here, that's what the people willing to adventure a bit will eat. Everybody else around here still just throw Kraft and Velveeta on their shit and call it good. For being the literal city of cheese heads, we no Jack shit about cheese.

That being said I know people who are into homemade cheesemaking, they and their friends stuff is pretty good. The rest of americucks don't know how much better raw, whole milk is.

For those who don't know but want to guess, why is cheese colored yellow? Seriously, I want you to give it your best shot.

>> No.7968128

Milk. Please find a grocery store that sells it for a profit.

>> No.7968175

This is honestly pretty true. Most of the people i consider too far gone on the autism spectrum all say they think sports are dumb

>> No.7968339

Maybe all autistics don't like sports, but not all people who don't like sports are autistic. I don't care either way; I don't watch them, but I don't care if other people do. I can sit in a bar with sports on and chat with anybody that sits down.

>> No.7968565

>it's a nobody can take productive criticism episode

>> No.7969481

Holy shit, Rainman. This is your saddest display yet. I'm actually sad right now.

>> No.7969506


>> No.7969691
File: 504 KB, 1080x1357, tmp_18578-Screenshot_2016-08-10-17-20-27-862142378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7969893

Wonderbread is one of the worst atrocities humanity has brought upon the earth.

>> No.7969922

Lol! All but the softest cheeses (and I mean they might as well be yogurt at this point) have a shelf life of longer than 5 days. Nice try.

>> No.7969928

Because the American made one advertised better.

>> No.7969935

There are good American vineyards popping up in a lot of random places these days that are somewhere in the middle, but unfortunately you aren't likely to find the wine anywhere except at the vineyard so you have to live nearby.

I live less than an hour from some nice ones and it's awesome to go out to them on a nice day, chill outside with a bottle of wine with some friends.

>> No.7969950

Yes. What most Americans think is mozzarella cheese is a horrific bastardization of actual delicious fresh whole milk mozzarella.

>> No.7970187
File: 89 KB, 600x721, It aint easy bein cheesy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those bite marks

>> No.7970191

>joins the military
>expects a life above minimum quality
What's wrong with you? Shut up and do what you're told, loser.

>> No.7970242

The bag of Cheez Its on the back of the wheelchair always kills me.

>> No.7970269

This board used to be pretty nice and full of interesting stuff, now it's just a bunch of shitposting in an obvious, OBVIOUS, bait thread

>> No.7970278

>File name
Every time...

>> No.7970594


Vermont has really good cave-aged cheddar you faglord. It tastes exactly like the Irish stuff.

>> No.7970606

>tripling the price because the parts are in an aluminum case with a graphic stamped on the side
>not about profit

>> No.7970630
File: 641 KB, 256x271, 1465509100904.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Calf and Kid cheese shop in Seattle closed

Why even go to Seattle anymore?

>> No.7970637

>literal diarrhea piped into a bag

>> No.7970647

this was all me

>> No.7970652

You're a dumb fuck. What a sad human being.

>> No.7970703

No, Mr. Shekelstein, I won't be intimidated or shamed into paying more money for an identical or nearly-so product just so you can line your yarmulke with Jewgolds.
A dollar here. Fifty cents there. From a hundred million people, every day. That adds up. And I say "no." No more.

>> No.7970737

MRE cheese isn't that bad. You have to knead it before you open it, though, to mix those liquids back into the solid parts.

The great thing about it is that it's "fortified" to block you up so after 2 or 3 days of eating it, you just stop defecating all together.

>> No.7970741

>shooping this desperately

>> No.7970747

>grocery stores
>producing milk from cows

>> No.7970759

this. you're a fucking idiot and no amount of mental gymnastics is going to see your way out of it. the market is for making a profit one way or another you fucking idiots

>> No.7970766

there's so much oil in that, bp is already filming an apology commercial

>> No.7970774

That stuff isn't so bad. Just put the hot sauce in it and you'll be fine. Besides, it'll keep you alive. It's very nutritious and calorie dense.

>> No.7970778


>> No.7970793
File: 63 KB, 500x414, the-moar-you-know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dear autists: when people bitch about companies obsessed with "profit" they're not suggesting that those companies should give away their product for free. allow me to explain.

what these people are usually implying is that they know best what the company's long term strategy should be, usually with the implication that temporary cost-cutting measures are going to be bad in the long run as all the old value-conscious customers are driven away and the company acquires a base of shitty poor customers who only care about price and not value. at that point, the reasoning goes, the company name is sullied and there's no way to claw your way back to respectability. see: mcdonalds, bryer's ice cream, etc

in recent years the favorite meme has been "these executives only care about short term share performance so they can get their bonuses and move on to the next company to rape and then the raped company goes bankrupt because there was no long term strategy, executive compensation should be based on longer term share performance instead of comparing adjacent quarters muh golden parachutes"

not the guy who bitched about "profit", just a little lesson in internet arguments about "they don't make it like they used to" bitch fests. this may or may not be a legitimate argument, but the argument is different from what you interpreted it as. if you want to have an interesting argument, you should focus on the essence of the complaint and not go off on a tangent about free markets. everyone understands that the purpose of a company is to make money, you don't need to explain that.

>> No.7971252

I remember one time when I was especially poor I got ahold of an entire crate of MRE cheese packets and spent a couple months eating it with whatever bread I could get ahold of. Looking back it might've been better just starving to death, because I still don't shit as well as I used to.

>> No.7971270


"American Cheese" refers to any processed cheese product.

These can be made in various ways, ranging from cheese powder and oil, to real, high quality cheeses that have been emulsified in milk in some fashion.

The whole point of processed cheese is that it melts consistently and smooth. It is, essentially, a slice of refrigerated cheese sauce.

Processed cheese has a bad reputation. On several occasions I've made my own processed cheese blends for hot sandwiches. My go-to blend is 2:2:1 smoked gouda, sharp cheddar, and swiss. All you need is a bit of milk and an emulsifier like sodium citrate (citric acid salt).

>> No.7971298

main diff is euros use raw milk

>> No.7971321

>tfw I made the error of buying american swiss cheese since I had a carving and it was the cheapest
Literally no taste, I regret everything and will have to buy something better next time since I still crave it.

>> No.7972601

Certain cows on certain diets resulted in orange cheeses. In a combination of standardization and deception, dairies began dying their other cheeses orange since it was seen as a mark of quality. People became accustomed to certain cheeses being orange and tradition carried that to this day.

>> No.7973132

>being proud of your standards being shit low

Americans are funny people.

>> No.7974203

>europoor reading comprehension
Why on earth do our coasts idolize you morons?

>> No.7974224
File: 16 KB, 450x349, Louis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When people think of American cheese they generally think of Kraft Singles.
I think of the big picture, there are independent producers in states such as Wisconsin, Vermont and dare I say California all putting literal blood, sweat and tears into trying to produce great tasting, high quality, artisan cheese.
These guys work hard and put a lot of passion into their products.
And then i laugh at the futility of it because all cheese produced in the USA is objectively, fucking shit.

>> No.7974845

It's just yurofaggot meme shit, like the cardboard houses thing

>> No.7974873

It really just comes out of ignorance. Europoors can't see past their borders on account of the never ending brown hordes stampeding through them.

>> No.7974938
File: 1.16 MB, 400x225, Oh wait you're serious!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aplleshill detected

>> No.7975619

its ok

>> No.7975629

>What exactly is it about American cheeses (not American Cheese, I mean cheese made and eaten in the US) that everyone hates so much?
People hate being seen as normal. The majority of people think that they're exceptional in some way or another. Having "fancy" tastes is one of the ways that they try to create this exceptionalism.

All while denying themselves the god-tier grilled cheese that uses american on white bread.

>> No.7976031

Tillamook is mediocre but a fine "every-day" cheese.

Not something I'd serve to guests with any pride, though.

>> No.7976051

I'm in minneapolis right now, which I think is the yellow tumor sticking into minnesota. pretty much all I've seen is the same kraft and sargento shit they had in virginia. what is the "good stuff" I'm supposed to be looking for?

>> No.7976054



>> No.7976055

Vermont is better than Wisconsin, California is better than Wisconsin, hell, even New York is better than Wisconsin.

>> No.7976062

Swiss cheese is American by nature. There is no "Swiss cheese" outside of America. It's effectively an American invention.

>> No.7976617

Look for something from California, the PNW, or the northeast
Surdyks should have some of that, Minneapolis isn't as uncultured as you might expect for a city in the midwest. They have some coastal stuff if you know where to look

>> No.7976634

Apple watches cost 60 to make and sell for a lot more

>> No.7976725


>> No.7976783

The crap at the supermarket is processed shit
If you buy actual cheese at a farmer's market or buy top shelf shit
Or go to a farm it's good

>> No.7976785

I drive a porsche and kraft singles are awesome

>> No.7976811

If you live in a decent area than supermarkets have real cheese sections with a good selection of cheese. They aren't anywhere near the milk and eggs and if you see the word Kraft you're in the wrong spot.

>> No.7976820

So basically you gave us two reasons why you have pleb taste

>> No.7977084

>hurt coastie feelings

>> No.7977088

Go west towards a tiny town called Bongards.

>> No.7977168

>mres gave my asshole ptsd

>> No.7977555

Euros don't know the difference between American cheese and pasteurized processed cheese product

>> No.7977749

Cheese-snobs think that cheese needs to contain huge chucks of blue mold, be filled with maggots, smell like day old piss, or contain 60% rind to be "good cheese."

Because Europe has seniority when it comes to cheese invention and production, they have more clout for setting that standard.

America create it's cheese standard hundreds, or even thousands of years later, and therefor produced more mild, consistent, and even cheeses. Somehow these lacks of flaws are considered inferior to lumps of curds that were literally left out to rot accidentally.

>> No.7977754

t. Wisconsin Internet Defense Force

>> No.7977763
File: 57 KB, 760x524, 90827c42-8c2c-42e6-8d15-ddf30ab409ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to attach pic, here is some of that top quality maggot cheese for reference. Only 100$ a pound.

>> No.7977770

>Somehow these lacks of flaws

It's not "somehow" anon. The reason is really simple: it just doesn't taste as good.

I don't want mild. I don't give a shit about "consistent" or "even". I want it to taste good. And for the most part, the American stuff doesn't.

Sure there are some exceptions (I'm looking at you, Humbolt Fog). But for the most part? It's cheap and bland. Just like our factory-farmed chickens.

>> No.7977773

Its always about profit, the issue with america (not exclusively doe) is that price/quantity>quality for a lot more costumers than in other countries.

>> No.7977792
File: 38 KB, 500x500, WCDF-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, like a cheese which is described as having the taste of "moist hay and wilting flowers" or a cheese who's smell is literally described as "whiff of the tail" meaning it literally smells like an animals shity ass.

Yes, very appetizing.

>"Is it necessary for me to drink my own urine? No, but I do it anyway because it's sterile and I like the taste."

>> No.7977800

All the brie here says to keep it refrigerated on the package. Stick it to the man and leave it out to ripen.

>> No.7978350

t. Islamic State of Coastal America

>> No.7978948

>Not something I'd serve to guests with any pride, though.
Why pride yourself in something that you simply bought and served?

>> No.7978957

STEM major, by any chance?

Obviously he is not taking credit for MANUFACTURING the cheese, but typically, when you entertain guests, to some extent your dignity (i.e. your pride) is at stake and it would be fair to say that if you have any pride, you want to be a good host and serve them good food, good drink, and make them feel comfortable and entertained

>> No.7978970

This. I've had "rustic" "farmyard" cheese which were definitely smelling of pig-shit

>> No.7979969

I never buy the plastic. wrapped Kraft shit. I always buy sliced cheese from the deli of my Publix. Is that real cheese or is it just a step up from the plastic shit?