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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 275 KB, 717x716, wp_ss_20160807_0002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7960722 No.7960722 [Reply] [Original]


Should I get one of these? I know Alton says no unitaskers, but I feel like this could make my life more complete. I mean... Ballistic grade cords...

>> No.7960793

Haven't watched the video, but I'm gonna guess it's some device to beat eggs to uniform yellow while still in their own shells so that you can make hardboiled yellow eggs, have I got that right?
If so, just go to any craft store, buy a yard of fabric, sew two ends together to make it into a sleeve shape. Alternately, you can just use an old, long-sleeved T-shirt.
Put a rubber band tightly around the middle of the sleeve.
Next, put an egg in the sleeve and another rubber band tightly on the egg's opposite end.
Twirl the sleeve up, like when winding up a towel to whip someone with it, and straighten it out to have the egg, and sleeve, go spinning.
Do this a few times, then remove and boil as normal.

That should yield a yellow boiled egg when it's all said and done.

>> No.7960806

I was hoping someone would post an alternative... I'll give this a shot.

>> No.7960821

>Haven't watched the video


>> No.7960828

I dont think this'll work as well. Rubber bands and sleeves aren't going to force the egg to spin the same way, and its going to take much longer to get eggs in and out.

Anyone ever try an egg cooked like this? Is it good?

>> No.7960831

I did it d the good old fashioned 'spin it in a sock' method and it's a lot of work for a weird textured egg.

>> No.7960860

It was just simple reasoning: subject is golden goose, picture is yellow eggs, so it's reasonable to make the leap that this is a thread about hardboiled yellow/scrambled eggs.

Again, didn't watch the video so I don't know what they do in it, but the texture of a boiled egg done this way is a tad odd, but I enjoy the result of the sleeve method. I wouldn't assume any device to be able to beat the RPMs (which by the way, is 1000 or more) achieved by this method other than having them go continuously rather than the stop-and-go of the sleeve method.

Yeah, it's hard to explain. Kinda spongy, but firm.

>> No.7960940

There are YouTube videos for the sleeve method, but here is one that recreates the golden goose with a tennis ball and string.


I'd do any of these outside, since catastrophic failure coil be really messy.

I'm going to use one of these methods to test whether I like eggs cooked like this before investing my not so hard earned 20 buck.

>> No.7960950

that much sriracha


>> No.7960956

I thought it was ketchup.

Lots of YouTube videos show the egg coming out green after boiling. I am guessing that is from over cooking and that the egg can come out hello if done correctly? Can anyone confirm?

>> No.7960958

This video scares me, I'm pretty sure this guy diddles kids.

>> No.7961024

>get drunk (Sunday night) fuck you, my family tried to get me to off myself
>Read this dumbass thread
>Somehow get inspired to make microwave scrambled eggs in instant grits

Wasn't bad

>> No.7961037

Off yourself

>> No.7961054

In a few, bb.

>> No.7961057
File: 12 KB, 236x354, 80e9bfa37575c82dd918b916fd76663b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just put an egg beater in my power drill and start and stop it a few times. Make sure you wrap the egg in somethinging soft.

>> No.7961094
File: 22 KB, 500x281, 1469739007508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and now for sriracha

>> No.7961217

Where does the egg go? In a beater? Did you mean a wire Wisk or something?

>> No.7961841

Or you could not shill your shitty product on /ck/ and use the original lifehack method which would cost you nothing.


>> No.7961848

Theres a video of a russian guy doing exactly that, I can't find it anymore, but the guy had some interesting videos.

>> No.7961850

I want the guy in the video to scramble my egg

>> No.7961894

looks like Chinese factories trying to repurpose sex toys

>> No.7962267

I'm not shilling. I just didn't know this method or product existed. I've posted YouTube bids of life hacks that I just found last night. It looks like the Japanese have an even better life hack where they use panty hose and twist ties. They stretch and you get a much faster spin. There is a YouTube vid of it but its all in Japanese so I had to find it by browsing related videos.

Oh. I found it again, here it Is. I dont know why they tape it...


>> No.7962511

How does this taste compared to a normal hard boiled egg? How similar to a scrambled egg is it?

>> No.7962644

Just about halfway between the two, but missing that delicious fattiness that comes from scrambling an egg in a pan with butter or oil.
Actually: it tastes kinda like a cross between East Asian steam eggs (less the saltiness) and those scrambled egg sheets used in many fast food chains, but somehow not bad.

>> No.7963246
File: 325 KB, 1448x1446, WP_20160808_16_13_05_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I made a tennis ball hack... I was able to use it twice to scramble eggs inside shell. Verified with flash light technique. Eggs boiling now.

The holes are tearing where the rope goes through the tennis ball. I just heard one of the eggs pop open while boiling. I think it is important to stop the heat before a boil starts.

I'm disappointed with the tennis ball falling apart ... I doubt I could scramble another 2 before the rope pulls through. However, this will get me a taste of what its like and ill be able to decide whether i wantv to buy the repurposed Asian sex toy gimmick or not.

Its more work than I though... I can't see doing this to a whole dozen.. Would be a pia.

>> No.7963314
File: 1.19 MB, 3072x1728, WP_20160808_16_31_03_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are in ice now. 1 popped one didn't.

>> No.7963320
File: 1.32 MB, 3072x1728, WP_20160808_16_36_25_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet yall faggots have never seen hardboiled eggs in crushed ice before. Now you have.

>> No.7963323

You need to put the eggs in cold water then bring it to a boil

>> No.7963372


I actually did do that believe it or not. First time I've ever had an egg pop. I think scrambled eggs must exert more pressure for so.e reason. Several online sources say to stop the heat just before boiling, so I think that is what I got wrong.

>> No.7963431
File: 344 KB, 1448x1446, WP_20160808_16_51_14_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok.. So.. The one that popped expanded a lot in the pot, and then contracted a ton when it hit cold water. I believe this is due to all the small air bubbles in the egg.

>> No.7963443
File: 555 KB, 1730x1728, WP_20160808_16_57_09_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both were a bitch to peel. The one on left is the one that popped.

My hunch on the shittiness of the peel is that scrambling in shell destroys the thin membrane around the whites that make a normal egg either difficult or easy to peel. I only noticed tho membrane intact in small spots. I would guess that these eggs would always be a bitch to peel, and that the perfectly smooth eggs in marketing material are either straight up lies (props) or just rare.

>> No.7963454
File: 1.23 MB, 3072x1728, WP_20160808_16_57_43_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, the one on the right popped. Both in previous and this pic. I still need to repeat kindergarden. That teacher was awful. Ms. Rose - picayune Mississippi '86 - fuck you.

>> No.7963460

Try adding a tsp of baking soda to the water next time, should make them easier to peel.

>> No.7963471
File: 1.32 MB, 3072x1728, WP_20160808_16_59_01_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As you can see there are thousands of tiny bubbles in the one that popped/cracked. This yields a sponge texture, and its very similar to a normal scrambled egg. The one that popped had a slight sulfur taste, like the taste of a very over cooked yolk in a hard boiled egg.. Like a yolk gone free from over cooking.

The non popped one had no such flavor. It had the texture of a dense egg white, but only slightly creamier. No real yolk taste at all, not spongy at all

>> No.7963474

Granted, I've only done it once and only with a half dozen eggs, leaving the other half dozen normal. I didn't have much a problem peeling them. Perhaps your eggs were too fresh and/or you didn't give them enough time to cool.

As I understand, older eggs are easier to peel than younger. I used eggs that were just shy of expiry, put them in a pan, covered them with cold water from the tap and allowed it to come to the boil.
Offed the heat, lidded the pan and let them sit ten minutes.
Ice bath.
Fridged overnight.
Peeled the next morning for fancy brunch with friends.
I don't remember them being any tougher to peel than the regular eggs.

>> No.7963478
File: 587 KB, 1730x1728, WP_20160808_16_59_17_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the end product... Is it worth buying an egg spinner... I dont think so. It was nice to try. I like the idea of not tossing the yolk in a hard boiled egg, because I never eat the yolk in a hard boiled egg.. But I don't think its worth the trouble.

>> No.7963494
File: 288 KB, 1453x1451, WP_20160808_17_01_09_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for more info.. This is a very small sample set I a. Working with so I wouldn't claim expertise. If what you claim is true, then the membrane has less to do with how an egg peels - or your membrane stayed intact during scrambling... Either way it is challenging my conceptual model of a hard boiled egg and I thank you for it.

These were brown, organic, and were about halfway to their expiration date. I too have noticed that old eggs peel better, I have made hundreds if not thousands of devilled eggs over the course of my life.

>> No.7963514


Why not just tie it down to the middle of your salad spinner?

>> No.7963516

>buying organic eggs
Oh you fancy, huh?

>> No.7963524

Wouldn't imagine a salad spinner to get RPMs high enough to scramble an egg like that. Maybe. I like that idea, though I'm not sure how I could affix an egg to the centre of a spinner like that.

>> No.7963536


>i bet nobody on the food and cooking board has used the standard method of moving eggs to an ice bath to stop the cooking process

The fuck are you on about.

>> No.7963543

>Anyone ever try an egg cooked like this? Is it good?
heard it taste like a hard boiled scarmbled egg.

>> No.7963577


That's called a joke. People with friends tell them amongst themselves in private, casual, social settings.

>> No.7963582

Its just like the whites of a hard boiled egg, but slightly creamier.

>> No.7964176

I used to play with a toy like this in elementary school

was fun af, I would use this just for that feeling again

>> No.7964269

Ah. From the same shitlords that made this ad:

>> No.7964284

just watch the video you fuckingggg fagggoottt

>> No.7964336

you can do the same thing with a sweater

>> No.7964367


>> No.7964417
File: 43 KB, 1175x1290, Standalone_1175X1290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like one of these.

>> No.7964479

Fucking japan doing it better.