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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7958950 No.7958950[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sup /ck/, yesterday I made a thread about people who chew with mouth open,sucking fingers,make loud swallowing noises. I get an edgy reply saying "hurr Durr just like ur mom" I then replied with this, what the actual fuck did I do to deserve a ban yesterday?

>> No.7958955

lol u tk him 2da bar|?

>> No.7958960

What can we do against such reckless faggotry

>> No.7958971
File: 42 KB, 524x568, ayJHgX5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made a shitty thread in the first place, then you replied using meme phrases worthy of nine gaggles.

I wish you had been permab& so no one would have to look at this next day, still not over it, childish winge shit.

>> No.7958975

>I put 0.5 seconds of thought into my posts and think that it's worth sharing with the world.

I can only imagine how many people make fun of you at school.

>> No.7958980

Found the nigger that eats like a horse, what meme phrase was used?

>> No.7958984

>he thinks mods aren't shitposters with a ban button
Laughing whores dot exe

>> No.7958998

Serious question, why ban from all boards instead of jus CK

>> No.7959041

Mobile ad revenue is better than desktop where ad blockers are nearly universal

Petty global bans over bullshit = lots of mobile posters

>> No.7959057
File: 10 KB, 310x206, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen says equity valuations high, warns ___.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow, you are really taking this poorly.

Even sweet ol' gramma Yellen disapproves of how low my interest in this shit show is.

>> No.7959112

I come to this board because it's one of the only boards that's slow enough that the shitposters rarely bother with it, yet it has more interesting topics than almost any other board.

Then fucking faggots like you come along and you see a nice clean pristine board and you just spray diarrhea all over it.

>> No.7959136

I don't see how I'm doing so, I made a simple thread wondering if you guys are bothered by people that eat like savages, I get a mean reply from one of you cu/ck/s that gets me banned

>> No.7959180
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls Laughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b, bu, bu, but I really care about wut cucks think of snabbages and mouth eating

We are all laffing @ u.

>> No.7959186
File: 59 KB, 550x340, 10 Benefits of Laughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7959189

Oh look, dumb white girls that can't fry an egg

>> No.7959191
File: 226 KB, 630x421, girls laughing hysterically.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lols 4 srs. @ u ! w/ u

>> No.7959202

You seem really new, so let me explain something to you

Lately, mods have stopped caring about actual board rules, you can get bans really easily, but only if you get their attention in a way that pisses them off. Replying to a post rudely, posting a food-related topic that rubs them the wrong way, etc.

I went from getting a ban every 3-4 months to getting weekly bans in the last year or so. They don't even try giving reasons anymore, usually it's just "trolling" although sometimes it's "ban evasion"

I used to wait them out or appeal them, now I just reset my modem

It's also a poor idea to report shitposts anymore, since the shitpost could be a mod and that will just piss them off even more

Fun fact: progun is a mod

>> No.7959211

90% of current 4chan probably doesn't even know what that ban comic is supposed to be

>> No.7959212

>replying to a post rudely
Where are we again..

>> No.7959232
File: 58 KB, 640x852, TvWbNHy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op like, "how do I into moot"