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7948554 No.7948554 [Reply] [Original]

Ramen improvement thread?
Suggest ingredients to add to ramen noodles to make a tasty dish.

>> No.7948569
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>> No.7948578

I suggest you stop eating this garbage

>> No.7948582

The idea is to take the garbage and make it not garbage

>> No.7948586

Try buying better ramen.

After that I just add an egg (a minute before taking it off the heat) and some green onions (right before eating).

Spam and/or krab if you want to make it extra trashy.

>> No.7948647
File: 51 KB, 500x500, Saporo Ichiban.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

start by buying a better quality ramen?

>> No.7948658

Korean ramyun brands are typically pretty good

>> No.7948712
File: 60 KB, 500x452, bestramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is legitimately the best instant ramen I've ever had. There is nothing that even comes close to it.

Do yourself a favor and buy some now. It's fucking amazing.


>> No.7948792

If you're really povert, you could save the broth and add some oatmeal to it.

>> No.7948804


the only way to do that is to make it from scratch

>> No.7948814


>> No.7948827

Am I the only one who gets physically repulsed by any kind of instant ramen?
I haven't even ever eaten that much of it, but the smell alone makes me gag. Anyone else?

>> No.7948847

Found the non white beta Cuck

>> No.7948861

>Suggest ingredients to add to ramen noodles to make a tasty dish.

Bok choi
Green onions

That's about it.

>> No.7948908

>Ramen improvement thread?
I got this senpai.

This shit is crazy and revolutionary:
Cook your ramen in chicken broth, not water. 100% 100% 100%

>> No.7948939

I add tons of vegetables to my ramen. Broccoli, cabbage, onion, carrot.

Tofu and sometimes egg as well.

>Try Buying better ramen
Also this. Non-fried noodle a best.

>> No.7948950

>buy cheap shit food
>buy more stuff to make it not shit

why not just not buy the shit food and actually learn to cook you fucking imbecile

>> No.7949027

>Suggest ingredients to add to ramen noodles

salty coins and warm milk

>> No.7949077
File: 16 KB, 300x300, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7949638

What does "original" taste like?

>> No.7949673

Shin Ramyun, out of the packet with nothing added. My favourite. But if I want a bit extra, I add pre-cooked roast chicken pieces to it.

Making your own?
300ml water
Some stock, chicken works nicely (cubes or make your own)
Drizzle of sesame oil
Drizzle of soy sauce
Bit of chopped garlic
Bit of chopped ginger (I personally don't use ginger because it's too sweet for me)
You can add a bit of sake or mirin too if you want
Stir them in a pan while heating them
Optional: later sieve the liquid to remove the chunks of garlic and ginger

Boil the noodles in separate water for 3 minutes
Remove from water
Rinse in a sink to remove stickiness
Put them in a bowl
Pour the liquid in the bowl on top
Add your other ingredients

Optional ingredients;
Spring onions
Boiled eggs
Naruto (if you can get it)

>> No.7949833

Msg and soy sauce. Pretty tasty. Wife's son is addicted.

>> No.7949851

tried some ramen the other day
was literally just noodles + whatever spice pack came with
i think it was spicy flavor
was way too spicy and the noodles were pretty much tasteless
am i supposed to add something to it or just try other brand/flavor

>> No.7949923

>wife's son
Son from a previous marriage or have you been cucked?

>> No.7949926

A trash bag goes perfect around some ramen.

>> No.7949935

make fried ramen. add some broccoli florets, carrots, onion, mushroom, zucchini, sambal oelek, meat if you want.