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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 496 KB, 1384x872, 20160802_093515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7941851 No.7941851 [Reply] [Original]

awww shit son, day off means time for some brisket. Anyone interested? Gonna take quite a while.

prime brisket, kosher salt, freshly memed black pepper and onion/garlic powder.

>> No.7941857

of course I'm interested

>> No.7941868
File: 600 KB, 1900x1037, 20160802_094730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turned out a little blurry, my bad.

trimmed and seasoned, time for the smoker.

>> No.7941875
File: 452 KB, 1076x1464, 20160802_095501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's what my fire is looking like, two splits of pecan wood burned down to coals to warm it up, then two more splits on the coals to maintain. I'll be adding two more splits about every 1.5hr to keep temps ~250F.

>> No.7941891
File: 336 KB, 1225x838, 20160802_095508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its' on! Not much else to do from here on but kick back, drink and add logs to the fire. Probably the best thing to do on a day off.

>> No.7941926
File: 392 KB, 1381x957, 20160802_102249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might as well pour yourself a whiskey in the meantime, because nothing goes together like liquor and a roaring fire.

>> No.7941969
File: 43 KB, 576x977, Screenshot_20160802-103002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

temps holding steady

>> No.7941976

Bbq hype train is real

>> No.7941981

> single barrel small batch

>> No.7941993

that doesn't make sense? A single barrel would be the smallest batch possible would it not?

>> No.7942005
File: 9 KB, 236x228, baac21858e2685dda175cbb6a9eba0ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you find wood logs compared to charcoal?
Is it harder to get stable temps?
Does it give more or less smoke flavour? Is it easy to control the level of smokiness?

>> No.7942010

It means its not blended, which is supposed to be better?
I can't stand whiskey due to a very bad experience when I was 14. I get sweaty mouth erry tim.

>> No.7942017


Clearly. But the point seems to be why mention both "single barrel" and "small batch". If it's a single barrel then the latter is implied already.

>> No.7942021
File: 689 KB, 2125x1196, 20160802_101512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kind of smoker is intended to use with wood logs, I built it myself. Charcoal wouldn't really give you any flavor as all of that stuff is burnt off in the manufacturing process, it would basically turn it into a giant oven with clean heat. The dirtier you burn your fire (less oxygen) the more smokey and acrid the flavor is. I like to burn a nearly clean fire, looking at the smoke stack you should just see heat vapor or at the most small wisps of blue smoke. That imo gives the best bbq.

P.S. add another log to the fire, don't be lazy

>> No.7942025
File: 284 KB, 630x1011, 20160802_110042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, while outside don't forget to enjoy the wildlife.

>> No.7942031

They put the whole batch into lots of barrels, and I guess each barrel will be a bit different so its more a special if you just get one from a single barrel instead of a mix of lots of different barrels.
Whiskey fags be mad about flavours n shit.

>> No.7942035

whats on the chair anon?

>> No.7942038

What the fuck is this? Your grill has Bluetooth?

>> No.7942039

propane torch

>> No.7942041

fuckin' noobs

>> No.7942042

ya iGrill probes, kind of a neat gadget not essential obviously, but it's kinda cool checking temps while playing vidya.

>> No.7942044

They are normally different things. Small batch is from a small batch of barrels and single barrel is from a single barrel

That doesnt make sense, then it would just be small batch

>> No.7942046

Oh. That's boring.
I thought it was some crazy bong you'd built using your engineering degree.

>> No.7942053

* then it would just be single barrel

>> No.7942060

lmao, that would be a good disguise right?

>> No.7942063

cool. i like it OP

>> No.7942068
File: 571 KB, 838x1145, 20160802_111028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pick some veggies to go with the brisket later tonight

>> No.7942070


Is "huh" a new meme? Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.7942075

yeah but they haven't mixed up different batches and put them in the same barrel.

>> No.7942093


>> No.7942109

u mean the one in pants dawg? ayyyy

>> No.7942118


>> No.7942216


>> No.7942218

are you retarded

>> No.7942230
File: 761 KB, 1886x946, 20160802_121930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3.5hrs in, starting to look pretty dank, probably got about ~5hrs left

>> No.7942349

I was just pretending to be

>> No.7942469
File: 657 KB, 2125x931, 20160802_133817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got to the desired color so I wrapped in butcher paper, home stretch!

>> No.7942474

add a log!

>> No.7942485
File: 238 KB, 628x1116, 20160802_111800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just did, also don't forget to preheat your next log on the firebox for faster ignition.

>> No.7942495

>kosher salt

nein danke

>> No.7942509

>smoke stack above the firebox
this was such a comfy thread before I noticed that.

What kind of wood are you using? I moved to an apartment and can't smoke anymore. Threads like these just make me sad now.

>> No.7942524

>he got a right sided brisket
Enjoy your tough meat. Next time get the left side brisket and you wont fuck up as much from the start.

>> No.7942532

Why didnt you dry brine it the night before, you lose less water that way.

>> No.7942546

its a reverse flow breh

>> No.7942549

>falling for that meme

>> No.7942555

>muscle usage making meat tougher is a meme
Good post.

>> No.7942576

it literally makes no difference when you break down the collagen at those temps, if anything that would make it better

>> No.7942583

lmao I've heard people saying that bullshit before, you're a retard anon

>> No.7942584

>unnecessarily being autistic
wew lad

>> No.7942619

Connective tissue grown doesnt increase with muscle use, it just gets stronger while the muscle itself gets tougher. So no, it wouldnt be helpful.

I mean what do bbq competition winners know compared to a poster on /ck/?

>> No.7942647

Interested to see the final results of this.

>> No.7942652

>competition winners
confirmed for shit-tier opinion.

It doesn't matter in the least. There are so many other factors that influence quality that the difference in left vs right would be negligible at worst. If someone reputable tells you it makes a difference then I promise you they're just fucking with you and think you're an idiot who also soaks wood overnight, use easy light charcoal, etc.

>> No.7942659

>It doesn't matter in the least.
>muscle use in no way impacts tenderness
>There are so many other factors that influence quality that the difference in left vs right would be negligible at worst
>That explains why tenderloins are so tough, must be all that use.
>If someone reputable tells you it makes a difference then I promise you they're just fucking with you
That explains why it is so common, everyone is fucking with everyone else and there is absolutely no reason to do so. Thanks for clearing that up random 4chan poster!

>> No.7942667


autism: the post

>> No.7942673
File: 68 KB, 633x758, 1464139115308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing different cuts
>everyone does it, it must be true
>being this salty
I'm sorry you've probably given this advice to someone in person and revealed your idiocy.

pic related

>> No.7942693

>comparing different cuts
Maybe if you werent a fuckwit you would understand why. The tenderloin is only used while a steer is having sex or giving birth, those are the only times that muscle group is used, if a cow or a steer uses the muscle group ones you can tell that in the tenderness of the meat.

So with that in mind, why would picking the left brisket over the right make a difference? Can you reason through this yourself or do you need step by step instructions?

>everyone does it, it must be true
>I know more than professionals, why wont someone believe me on this Mongolian throat singing forum!

You're the one who seems salty at the fact that basic biology seems to be beyond your grasp.

>> No.7942711

being cooked that long at that high of an internal temperature, no it does not matter in the slightest. You're being autistic and I think you know it.

>> No.7942716

>still comparing different cuts
do you also make sure to tell your butcher to only give you meat from the left side of the cow? If you took the time to read beyond the tears you could see no one's saying muscle usage doesn't affect tenderness. The myth is regarding the difference between the left and right side of a brisket having a discernable difference. If you want a "pro" source so bad, Aaron Franklin agrees in his book and says it's a joke.

he has to. No one can be that stupid.

>> No.7943001
File: 635 KB, 1594x897, 20160802_165443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brisket is off and resting, pics in a bit. While it's resting I threw a satchel of potatoes on the coals that had died down a bit.

>> No.7943033



motherfucker thats a pocket

>> No.7943042

my bad, pls no bully

>> No.7943043

money shot

>> No.7943162

Keep em coming brisket bro, I'm still tuning in

>> No.7943171
File: 293 KB, 633x758, 1444505789193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no comfy brisket smoking bf

>> No.7943181


>> No.7943240
File: 589 KB, 1509x774, 20160802_183413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turned out bretty good, one of my better ones. Really joocy m8.

>> No.7943244 [DELETED] 
File: 749 KB, 1400x787, 20160509_175047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7943264

>cook something for 8+ hours
>its still raw around the outside

you blew it OP

>> No.7943354

Give me the burnt ends and nobody gets hurt

>> No.7943361

london pls

>> No.7943566

yes master

>> No.7943577


>> No.7944868

Shit I want some BBQ.

>> No.7945305

I was looking into getting a smoker is it easier just to construct your own?

>> No.7945396

depends if you have the time/space/money to build your own. If you build your own you can make it exactly how you want it and for purposes that suit your needs. The cheap smokers arent that bad really. I would like to make a pizza oven, but I don't have the space : (

>> No.7945410
File: 62 KB, 655x491, S_DSC01359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This. Personally, I find them easy to build, but then again I know how to weld and I own all the tools required.

IMHO the best way to go is to use an old propane tank. These are readily available because the safety inspection only lasts so long, and once the inspection expires they are sold for scrap. They make a great smoker because the metal is so thick that it holds the heat stable so much better than thin sheet metal does.

Here's an in-progress photo of a smoker I built a few years ago. It's nowhere near done yet--still needs the firebox installed, door handles, the lips around the edges of the doors, counterweights, etc.

>> No.7945415
File: 130 KB, 800x600, DSC03773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's a pic a bit later in the construction process.

>> No.7945418
File: 142 KB, 800x600, DSC03774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Closeup of the firebox door. I built it so that you can lift it off the hinges to make it easy to clean out the firebox when needed.

>> No.7945422

Nice job man! That custom frame looks solid

how do you cut into the tank? I don't remember seeing any release valve on those, as you need to know there is nothing in the tank before you drill/cut into it.

>> No.7945429

Sweet engineering skills, brother.

>> No.7945433
File: 47 KB, 655x491, S_DSC01363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There was originally a riser pipe sticking out of the top of the tank. You can't see it in those pics because it was already cut off and the hole patched before those photos were taken. Pic related shows a smaller tank before any work was done to it.

I unscrewed the valve from the top of the tank, then I filled the tank completely with water and allowed it to drain out. Filling the tank with water makes 100% sure that any vapors were removed from the tank before cutting.

Once you do cut into the tank there can be some sticky residue on the inside. That comes not from the gas itself, but from the chemicals added to the gas so you can smell it if there is a leak. It's pretty nasty. But it's easily removed by building a fire in there and burning it out.

>> No.7945452

interesting. That is another question I have. I always see those oil drums used. I was told most bbqs/smokers are made from steel drums that contained products other than poison shit. Is that true? If you build a hot enough fire in those, it really cleans all the shit out? I could imagine one would get very sick if chemicals are leaching through.....

great work! Really cool. Wish I was able to do that. (live in the city, almost not enough space to keep my bike inside)

>> No.7945454

> Personally, I find them easy to build
>but then again I know how to weld and I own all the tools required.
> a smoker I built a few years ago. It's nowhere near done yet


>> No.7945457



>> No.7945458


Most of it is paranoia. The average "drum" probably contained something completely safe. It's always possible that an old drum might have once contained something toxic but it's far from being always true.

Building a hot fire absolutely will clean out the inside of a drum. Get the fire so hot that the metal is glowing red. Whatever was in there will have long since vaporized and/or burned.

However, drums make shitty smokers because the metal is so thin. It doesn't maintain a stable temperature very well. It's so thin and flimsy that doors, vents, etc, never fit quite right so you get a lot of air leaks. That makes it a lot harder to control the temperature. Also, they don't last long. They rust through quickly, especially where the fire is.

Thick metal is your friend (except when you have to move it!)

>> No.7945461

you idiot. It was nowhere near done in that pic.....

>> No.7945462


It wasn't done *in that specific photo*. It's been finished and in use less than a week after that photo was taken. All you had to do was scroll further down the page to see a photo of it useable.

>> No.7945464

That's some pretty weak bark desu

>> No.7945465

You should probably get back to your McChicken thread.....

>> No.7945473


I forgot to mention that it's also easier to work with thicker metal. With a drum it's very easy to accidentally burn through the metal while welding it. With something the thickness of a propane tank that's very hard to do, even if you suck at welding. A beginner welder can easily work with a propane tank--a drum is not so forgiving.

>> No.7945506

interesting. do you build these and sell them?

>> No.7945513
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Not as a full time job, but I did so on the side back when I was in college. I've made a couple more for friends since then.

Here's a smaller one that's in progress. This one was made from pipe & other scrap purchased at the junkyard rather than a propane tank.

>> No.7945533
File: 61 KB, 655x491, S_DSC01361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Another view of the smaller one. In the background you can see the big tank I used for the larger trailer-type smoker with the riser pipe still on it (before I started cutting it up).

>> No.7945574

Holy crap, OP's Bravery is Notiable. I think he's going for Corned beef style, this takes impossible amounts of Patience.

>> No.7945600
File: 66 KB, 672x434, 1455446446666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for some reason it looks like this smoker is begging me to give it some doggy style dick

I gotta get laid soon or I'm gonna end up fucking a television or something

>> No.7945673

This looks fun and tasty as fuck. I can't wait til I can afford a grill.

>> No.7945953

Looks pretty good anon how is the flavor?
Also do you eat it plain or with bbq sauce?
When i have had brisquet i have mine with Gates bbq sauce

>> No.7946163

I eat it plain it doesn't really need anything, but tonight I'm using leftovers for brisket tacos I'll post pics after dinner

>> No.7946175
File: 151 KB, 500x500, only my friend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what in the fuck

>> No.7946543

how do you make sure these aren't filled with led, toxins, or otherwise aren't safe to use for food?

>> No.7947363

godspeed you crazy faggot

>> No.7947372


wait what?

don't you want smoky flavor? Why are you advising a clean burning fire then

>> No.7947931

No to the poweders just salt n pepper. Bbq 12+hrs

>> No.7947934

Because 12hrs is to overpowering of smoke

>> No.7947946

Great rig!