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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 161 KB, 640x480, beets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7945255 No.7945255 [Reply] [Original]

"I don't like beets"

>> No.7945264

>I only eat rare steaks

>> No.7945272

>I dont like tomatoes
>I'm a vegan. No, no health reasons.

>> No.7945276

>I eat everything
>except mushrooms, onions, garlic, pork, and vegetables

>> No.7945280

>I only drink black coffee

>> No.7945287

Yes we get it, you're a 16 year old girl who needs to validate your babby tastes.

>> No.7945289


>> No.7945293


to be fair, there is a point that refusing to eat any version of a food other than the one commonly regarded as most 'mature' is immature posturing/pickiness.

>> No.7945295


"Can I get the soup without meat? I'm a vegetarian"

>> No.7945315

Gluten allergy. Not celiac, not diagnosed

>> No.7945321

>uh, I just can't believe people wouldneat different toppings on a pizza to me

>> No.7945324


I can't help it I just have a strong dislike for sweet foods. I haven't had dessert in like ten years

>> No.7945336

I have a friend who I can't go out anywhere besides a diner cause she gets too scared of whatever ingridents are on it and goes "I've had a bad experience before I don't want it to happen again" and if pretty much triggered if you suggest she try something. we all invite her out to dinner to a sushi place or whatever and she asks the people so many in detail questi nah only to get a California roll with a side of fries.

>> No.7945341

That's called being a picky eater

>> No.7945346

>19 year old cousin wants to go to a nice Italian restaurant
>get there
>he flips out because no chicken tenders
>doesn't want anything else

>> No.7945350

I know a guy as bad as that. He orders a burger with nothing on it. NOTHING. If it arrives with so much as ketchup on it he sends it back.

>> No.7945355

>nice Italian restaurant
>flips out because no chicken tenders

Is your cousin an actual retard?

>> No.7945361

this. I have a stupid friend who always insists on goin somewhere fancy so she can "dress up" and then orders baby foods like Mac n cheese. she's also overweight due to her only eating meat and cheese and I suggest she maybe eat vegetables and she started fucking crying and saying that I think it's her fault and I think less of her. and her excuse was mainly "I don't like vegetables. I can't eat those" her dressing up consists on sjw tier polka dot dresses

>> No.7945364

also she doesn't drink water, insists it tastes bad no matter if it's bottled or even 4 dollar alkaline bottles of it. only drinks Pepsi and apple juice.

>> No.7945367

Just fucking kill her

>> No.7945369
File: 1.26 MB, 1500x1298, leverpostej1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This jumps to my mind every time someone claims to not like beets.
Fucking GOAT open sandwich.

>> No.7945393

another fact about my friend is if she eats something unpleasant. not anything rotting or old mind you, just something with a sauce she doesn't like she spits it out into a napkin. I fucking HATE people that do this. they act as if they've been poisoned. grow up and swallow your bite like a normal fucking adult. she's also had the nerve to suggest we leave the restaurant since there's nothing she likes. even though we tell her in advance and she can google a menu. or after we eat and she tears apart her food and eats nothing will ask if we can go to some fast food place cause she's staaaarving. is also 23 years old and can't drive

>> No.7945394
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i'm okay if you're a picky eater at home but please understand you're fucking intolerable to go out with or cater to and it makes people fucking exhausted

>> No.7945404

I like beets, but not pickled ones. They're better roasted or something

>> No.7945408

>"i don't drink coffee or beer, it tastes too bitter."

>> No.7945412

>"is this thing spicy? are you SURE it's not spicy?

>> No.7945441

>doesn't like leftovers
>says he doesn't like them because of the texture
>he says he knows how to cook
>asks how he cooks leftovers typically
>he microwaves them

Same story I got when asking about vegetables. This guy claims he wants to get /fit/ but still eats candy bars and fried foods. Sad.

>> No.7945503

Vegans and such aren't really an example of this since they usually don't mind the taste of meat.

>> No.7945509

Re-read the posts

>> No.7945706

tfw allergic to mushrooms, but most people think I'm being picky

>had a friend dice them up in the spaghetti sauce thinking I wouldn't notice the flavour, had to shit under her bathroom not even a half hour later, with mad cramps.

>another time my aunt didn't believe me and made me eat one, ended up shitting my pants, cause we couldn't get home quick enough.


>> No.7945719

yeah vegans aren't really picky eaters. they eat nastier shit than normal people. they just don't wanna eat animals, most kids think that way too. my son wouldn't eat any meat until he was 13. I don't see the problem with vegans, the protesting radical ones sure but you can't blame them for having a sense of compassion greater than yours.

>> No.7945726

vegans won't eat cheese or butter or anything with gelatin in it because of their OCD. it's pathetic

>> No.7945737

desu Muslims are worse when it comes to this. I forgot vegans didn't eat gelatin. I don't think there's anything wrong with vegans eating that way but if they're at someone's dinner or get invited somewhere I think they can take a little bit of butter and cheese. eating foods lowest on the food chain in ur own home is fine.

>> No.7945738

>Not eating honey
>Eliminating the only reason big business keeps bees around as thy only care about instant profit

>> No.7945739

But that's a matter of their ethics/beliefs, so it's not the same as fussy little fusspot with their little list of foods they think are gross. That's far more pathetic than standing by principles that are a little out of step with the mainstream. I'd rather eat at a vegan restaurant than go out to eat with a couple picky eaters.

>> No.7945744

"better than Muslims" is hardly an endorsement of anything

>> No.7945748

But when you're at a normal restaurant, the experience of eating with a vegan is exactly the same as that of eating with a picky eater.

>> No.7945749

What's wrong with Muslims? They have some of the bast food out there.

>> No.7945750

I know a few vegans irl, a couple and their friends and the husbands mother. they all eat honey? is not eating honey just a PETA thing? they say veganism is no eggs fairy or meat/fish, they're all older too and have been vegan since the 80s, is that a newer implement or something?

>> No.7945752

Unless he's hung like a horse you should consider dating other men

>> No.7945755
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>What's wrong with Muslims
Anon I...

>> No.7945759

Muslims won't eat certain foods or drink cause their sky rapist told them too, at least animal abuse and the slaughtering of animals tha actuall exists and is well

>> No.7945763
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In fairness to them, their food is pretty good, but I won't eat the halal meat. It's objectively inferior an the animal suffers.

>> No.7945770

Well, it comes from an animal and it has the purpose of feeding the bees, it would be like taking milk from a cow (but less gross). If a Vegan does not drink milk for the memest of reasons ("muh poor baby cows") then he should not be eating honey. If they do then they are vegans for vitu singling or only care about the cute animals and un ironically hate insects.

>> No.7945786

oh that's dumb, they're too old and rational to care about that. they did it for health in the 80s and now it's kind of ethical and ingrained in them. I think the annoying vegans are just the newer generations of sjws, who are inherently annoying so also make veganism annoying. when eating out with my vegans friends they just eat tons of fries and drinks if it's fast food, but most restaurants have enough variety.

>> No.7945792

Not quite. Because vegan is an established thing. A restaurant will either have vegan options or they won't. Increasingly many do. So you just choose a place with vegan options and the vegan ios taken care of.

The picky eater is capricious and unpredictable - you don't know what's on their little list of Things They Don't Eat, making them far more of a pain in the ass.

I actually prefer halal meat because where I live it's the freshest meat you can get. Most halal butchers slaughter it the day they sell it. Tough to beat that.

>> No.7945801

>eating meat a Muslim has touched

>> No.7945803

Mushrooms and onions are culinary vegetables.

>> No.7945811

>vanilla flavored water

>> No.7945816

Fuck yeah. Those fuckers generally know good food.

>> No.7945821

I lost 60 pounds not eating any grains and I continue to avoid them because I live in fear of gaining it back. When I was fat, it was easy to say, "None of that, thanks!", but now that I'm skinny, people hassle me to eat cake and pizza, so I have made up a very severe and abstract "allergy" to get people off my back and I don't care.

>> No.7945825
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>> No.7945841

I often hang out with two friends, one of which is a picky eater, the other one of which is a picky eater turned vegan.
The first one's diet consists of mostly cured meats, bread, potatoes and energy drinks. He won't eat any kind of noodles or pasta or rice. Thankfully he eats most vegetables.
The other one eats tons of lentils and rice, pasta, vegetables and chocolate. He'll sometimes "sin" and eat pizza with cheese or an egg. He sometimes leaves tomatoes or other mushy vegetables that he decided he doesn't like.

Finding something that we all can enjoy is hell.

>> No.7945845

Is it fresh, usually the biggest problem is the inferiority of it because of the chemicals the animal released when it suffered.

>> No.7945847

that's an eating disorder anon!! seek help. Find out a rough estimate of your calories to maintain and eat that ok? excluding whole food groups is bad for a person at a health weight.

>> No.7945857

Ha ha. Do you have any faith that the animals slaughtered in the typical American slaughterhouse suffer any less than a quick cut to the throat and a bleed out? I'd trust that a lot more than meat slaughtered god knows where and how long ago? I don't even buy supermarket meat anymore - the stuff is disgusting.

>> No.7945866

>Do you have any faith that the animals slaughtered in the typical American slaughterhouse suffer any less than a quick cut to the throat and a bleed out?
Yes, because we have laws that ensure that they do.

>> No.7945877

Right. Keep believing that. It's not like it isn't so disgusting that they had to pass laws making it illegal to film what goes on in slaughterhouses, is it? Oh wait, they did.

>> No.7945990


>he throws a tantrum if he sees me eating something that he doesn't like


My younger sister dated a guy when she and I both lived at home that would walk into OUR fucking house, and complain if we were cooking fish.

So of course whenever I knew monkey boy was coming over it was trout with a sea scallop appetizer.

Ruining your own life with your shit taste is bad enough, you're not going to ruin mine.

>> No.7945997


fuck off back to your containment board

>>>>>>> /pol/

Do you retards have to try and jack literally every thread?

Fuck, go stump for Trump, he's so far behind he could use the help even of pathetic autists like yourself.

>> No.7946000

Not a huge fan of beets either but they aight. Only think I tend to actually avoid are baked beans/pork n beans

but I have noticed some pretty shitty traits in people that are picky. generally speaking they seem to have the social/emotional development of a pre-teen and usually they are pretty self-destructive.

>> No.7946003

>Yes, because we have laws that ensure that they do.


Please go look up the rate of slaughterhouse inspection since the USDA budget got gutted in the 80s. I'll wait.

>> No.7946015

>Going for the atmosphere, not the food

>> No.7946019

you dont have to use /pol/ to hate muslims, you just have to use your brain.

>> No.7946020

I used to do that.

BK was the best place for it, McDonalds was the worst.

>plain burger please, nothing on it at all, just plain, thank you.
>no problem sir
>get burger and open it up to check it out
>a fucking gherkin slice

fuck McDonalds

>> No.7946169

I don't drink plain coffee or shit beer.

>> No.7946187

No they did that to keep PETA twats from defaming the industry.

Temple Grandin.

>> No.7946207

how can you possibly be allergic to ALL mushrooms? EVERY possible kind? what is it that every mushroom, among the thousands there are, have in common that you're allergic to?

>> No.7946221
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Potatoes are the only vegetable I eat. I don't eat any fruit.

>> No.7946223

what do you eat? are you fat or skelly?

>> No.7946225

>being a muzzie apologist

>> No.7946228

Dairy, meats, grains. I'm overweight, but not obese. I was a skelly until I moved out of my parents place though.

>> No.7946231
File: 1.46 MB, 4256x2832, the-dark-knight-rises-tom-hardy-bane-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this man has a gf
>I'm alone

I don't fucking understand.

>> No.7946262


PETA didn't exist when Reagan did that. Try again.

>> No.7946268


Everyone thinks they're a hero, that they're lovely, their downsides are quirks, etc.

Everyone also thinks the world is full of assholes.

Both these things cannot be true.

>> No.7946272

Anyone who isn't a misanthrope isn't paying attention to the world.
Anyone who isn't filled with self-loathing isn't layup attention to himself.

>> No.7946276

Paying*, obviously

>> No.7946277

>there are people who hate garlic

>> No.7946284

>I'm not picky teehee just NEVER put mustard on my sandwich.. oh god are those tomatoes? blech
>I'm really open minded as long as you don't say anything that goes against my worldview

I don't know how these people can live with themselves

>> No.7946297

Sorry, but muslims are the scum of the earth. Every board that isn't /pol/ already knows this anyways.

>> No.7946300

>ewwwww veggies are gross and for faggots lol

>> No.7946308
File: 50 KB, 640x454, 1368603808828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people lie about being allergic to something when they're really a picky eater
>mfw this makes life harder for people who are actually allergic
>mfw people with allergies to incredibly common food eat out anyway and put their life in the hands of some little shit stoner

>> No.7946326

>my friend

>> No.7946333

im all shes got

>> No.7946336

You fuck her at least?

>> No.7946433

Trust me, I hate muslims with a bloody passion, but this is a discussion on picky eaters. You have to go full autist and bring up why muslims are bad in every single discussion you have, sperglord.

>> No.7946436

If you say you don't like onions you are the king of all faggots and you wield a painstakingly hand-crafted scepter of nigger dicks.

>> No.7946438

>thread about food
>some dumbfuck who has probably never even been driven past a mosque in his mom's minivan starts ranting about the muzzies
thanks obama

>> No.7946442

this guy sounds like he has an actual mental disorder

>> No.7946443
File: 1.53 MB, 500x270, you-are-killing-me-robert-de-niro-taxi-driver.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ew, it's green.

>> No.7946455

God, you're funny. If actual footage of the workings of it are so damaging that isn't exactly defamation, now is it?

>> No.7946521

saying stuff like "CAFO meat is gross" gets you banned around these parts, it's like this board is run by Tyson Foods or something. it's ok to be an autistic sperg about chili, or beer, or certain other subjects, but god forbid you have standards when it comes to what kind of meat you'll eat. that's offtopic trolling.

>> No.7946578

>it's like this board is run by Tyson Foods
it's just fat people m8

they are addicted

>> No.7946605

Beer is less of a mental block, like most picky eating, and more of a physical reaction to its properties and flavour. Your body knows it's poison and it understandably triggers the gag reflex in people who haven't learned to tolerate it. I can stand a sweeter beer if I've got cigarettes handy but I won't opt for it over wine, cider, cocktails etc.

>> No.7946612

That's called being a "beegan". I'm not joking

>> No.7946633

This is real man. I want to have beers or bread or even a hamburger. But every time i do i end up sick for two days after.

Doctors are to expensive to go through the diagnosis process.

>> No.7946643

That's easy, you have AIDS. Good luck!

>> No.7946648

Gluten triggered AIDS sure thing man.

>> No.7946653

The first stage is denial.

>> No.7946658

>CAFO meat is gross
it is

>> No.7946676

I refuse to eat:

I won't refuse, but I generally try to avoid:

Am I considered a faggot?

>> No.7946681


Believe it or not, eating things you don't find tasty doesn't make you any more of a man. :^)

>> No.7946698

>saying stuff like "CAFO meat is gross" gets you banned
No, saying stuff like "the hair around the vegan mod's fat smelly pussy is gross" gets you banned

>> No.7946707


>> No.7946773

I hate onions, but I eat them anyways because apparently every motherfucking thing must have onion in it

>> No.7946790

I can understand disliking raw onions, just like I can understand disliking raw garlic, but it's such an important element of building complex flavor in almost any savory dish that you'd be a fool to dislike it cooked.

>> No.7946794

It's not fair to you if you care about her to watch her destroy herself. Make it clear that you wont fascilitate her eating habits because you are worried for her health

>> No.7946800

Not worth it, jettison

Or do >>7946794 which will make her go cry in a corner for a few hours, after which if you don't take it back she'll declare you dead to her, block you on Facebook and file a restraining order. Picky fat chicks are insane.

>> No.7946837

He's not really missing anything by cutting out grains. There's nothing there you can't get from meat, fish, and vegetables, which are all more nutritious with fewer calories.

That said, pizza and cake are delicious and even doing a low-carb pseudo-/fit/ diet I loaded up on them once a week.

>> No.7946847

I also don't care for cantaloupe. I enjoy cucumbers and melon dew is alright. Something about the taste of cantaloupe is just unpleasant to me though.

>> No.7946855

I used to hate onions and resent that they came by default on burgers and stuff, but then once I started cooking for myself I learned what they contributed to most foods. Now I occasionally just eat a whole raw onion like an apple. Not sure why it was such a huge reversal, but there you go. Maybe it's just the difference between a nice fresh onion and the lukewarm indeterminate-aged chopped onions you get at restaurants?

>> No.7946863
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I'm a plain and dry burger man myself. If it's some kind of artisan shit thinkin out of the box like pic related I'll give it a shot but the standard lettuce tomato onion pickles mayo/mustard/ketchup just doesn't appeal to me. I like the meat and the cheese as they are.

>> No.7946864

I'm a vegan. I just bring my own food. Or will order around something on the menu (i.e a salad)

>> No.7946865

yeah but it's a step in disordered eating if he can't even have a slice of cake at a birthday party or whatever. first it's grains and then meat or fruit until he becomes some nut job

>> No.7946902

The guy I was referring to didn't even get cheese. Just a plain hamburger with nothing on it. To me the only way that could work is if the beef is such high quality that it doesn't need anything other than salt to make it taste awesome in a sandwich. That's rarely if ever the case.

>> No.7946928

I like getting those real sweet burger buns with poppy seeds and then the burger juices dampen it up and I just splash worshchetsure or however u spell it sauce on it. it's good desu the sweet bun really does it.

>> No.7946977

>i end up sick for two days after
>Doctors are to expensive

wut is opportunity cost?

You realize in the 2 days you were sick you could have worked and made money?

>> No.7946979

>because apparently every motherfucking thing must have onion in it

Because that's the basis of western cuisine, whether garlic and onion or mirepoix?

Might as well yell that all asian food has ginger in it

>> No.7946994

That pic looks so delicious I want to eat my computer screen.

>> No.7946996

these type of people deserve to die off the earth

you ever have one of these types as relatives? fucking awful

>> No.7947019

the fuck is a steaming pile

>> No.7947028

my cousin was like that. he had muscular dystrophy so his parents let him eat and do whatever he wanted. at thanksgiving one year we recorded a video of him eating a grape for the first time when he was 10 years old. it was hilarious

he died when he was 14

>> No.7947035


People can live without grains and not develop eating disorders.

People can eat low-carb and not develop eating disorders.

>> No.7947053

that's not my fucking point. my point was he was afraid to eat pizza or cake on an occasion when he friends off him them for fear of gaining back the weight. if you equate eating one slice of cake to gaining back 60 pounds that's the beginning of disordered eating. fuck off ketofag

>> No.7947060

>that's the beginning of disordered eating

No, it's not. It's recognizing that you have a problem controlling your impulses, and that "a little cake now and then" winds up being "cake everyday" and fatass.

>> No.7947073

don't worry, m9
ketofags and paleofags will all die of heart attacks

makes me laugh when I think about it

>> No.7947144

I refuse to eat berries, watermelon, and other "fruity" fruits. The smell is absolutely repulsive, and the few ones I've tried were disgusting. I do eat apples, bananas, oranges, dates, and others, so it doesn't really negatively affect me. Am I a bad person?

>> No.7947148



>> No.7947206
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>> No.7947225

Maybe he's an undiagnosed supertaster? My friend said she knew one who absolutely could not stand the taste of plain water

>> No.7947234

When I was a little kid I thought I hated mostmberries. Then I grew up and realized the fact is 99.95% of berries within each species are terrible. It's so rare you get a REALLY good one

>> No.7947262

>raw onions
>the flesh of any green pepper

Really the only things that significantly bother me. Cooked onions are fine, and raw onions I can deal with if there is enough of other things.

I actually enjoy the taste of green peppers, for example if its fried in oil and then that oil is used to make whatever. The flesh touching my tongue is what really gets me.

>> No.7947462

I love raw onion, hate cooked onion. They get all hard and shit. When you try to take a small bite of an onion ring and drag the whole onion out of the batter, that is the fucking worst.

>> No.7947476

>I haven't had dessert in like ten years

The saddest man in the world...

>> No.7947554

>fucking with your glucose homeostasis when you just want caffeine

>> No.7947561

>don't eat green vegetables
>only eat animals with 2-4 legs
>don't like brown bread
just fuck my diet up

>> No.7947570
File: 1.93 MB, 245x246, 1452671805385.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to a restaurant with picky eaters
>order something with no substitutions or special requirements in about ten seconds
>one picky eater orders that same item, but spends two minutes giving a complicated series of special requests in a tone like the waiter is retarded
>both our dishes come out the way the picky eater wanted

>> No.7947575


my grandpa hasn't had desert in 15. diabetes sucks

>> No.7947585

this. onions are the best shit ever.

>> No.7947589

>pizza special comes with 2 toppings
>half of it is 0

next time
>all of it is with 2 toppings
>he gets to dig that shit out if he wants to eat.

>> No.7947622

>cooked onion gets hard
Anon, I'm afraid you've become retarted.
Cooking onion, even if you roast it, will cause it to become soft and nearly disintegrate like garlic.

>> No.7947623

The only thing, and I mean the only thing I sincerely won't eat is liver, kidney and foods with a very strong taste of blood.

I was forced to eat bloog sausage and blood crepes in kindergarten. I hated the taste so much I had a gag reflex and vomited on the table. I got punished for that and later forced to eat more of that putrid shit.

So anything with that iron-like taste is a no-no. And it is a shame. I'm sure I would have developed a taste for such things if given the chance to approach such foods on a slower pace. Before the episode, I loved liver pate, but afterwards I couldn't eat it anymore.

Now just the smell of those foods gives me a gag reflex.

From time to time I try to liver, but it almost always ends up in the trash bin. It makes me feel bad for wasting food, but I just can't force myself to like it. I feel like I'm ruled out from a whole category of culinary delights.

>> No.7947625

I'm sorry anon.
That same situation happened to me, but it was grape koolaid I was forced to drink.
I love blood sausage and other offal foods. They're amazing :^)
I sure do hate koolaid though.

>> No.7947630

Probably chitin.

>> No.7947652

Have I just been eating undercooked onions all my life? Is the problem with shitty fast food onion rings that they actually aren't cooked enough????


>> No.7947689

that reminds me of a friend, although he's not as bad a your friend. he always orders burgers with only lettuce and cheese, never anything else. he doesn't send them back if there's something else though.
to be fair, he just prefers his burgers that way so not a picky eater.

>> No.7947697

redbeets&goatcheese is a pretty god tier combo btw

>> No.7947712
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kek i also have a "fried like that"

>> No.7947718

i personally wouldn't eat halal meat if i didn't know more about how the animals were slaughtered. some muslims think that the animal has to be fully conscious when they cut the throat and drain the animal of blood. i eat meat but cruelty for crueltys sake isn't my cup of tea

>> No.7947722

Conditioned taste aversion occurs when an animal associates the taste of a certain food with symptoms caused by a toxic, spoiled, or poisonous substance. Generally, taste aversion is developed after ingestion of food that causes nausea, sickness, or vomiting.


>> No.7947730

Have you never actually cooked an onion?

>> No.7947756

>I don't eat pork, I'm jewish
Into the oven you go

>> No.7947776

Why is disliking a food considered picky?

>> No.7947813

to be fair, usually being picky has nothing to do with disliking.
i remember not eating a bunch of stuff when i was a kid because "i don't like it", even though i had never even tried it.
that's usually the case with picky eaters as well

>> No.7947855

Being a picky eater isn't hating a particular food. It's only liking really simple foods like cheese and fatty salted meat and sugar.

>> No.7947896


why? i don't think i misinterpreted them.

>> No.7947969


Once, my ex's grandparents took me and her to lunch at this slightly more upper class restaurant. I ordered a burger, and when it came to me, it had lettuce and tomato on it. I removed them from the burger, and the grandparents remarked on how the burger was significantly flatter. I shrugged and told them that I ordered a burger, not a salad.

I don't mind sauces on my burger, or even some veggies (onions and pickles are farily decent additions), but I do not understand the need to add in the fucking garden to the thing. If I'm ordering a burger, it's because I want something nice and meaty.

>> No.7947996

That's an interesting pizza.

>> No.7948029
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>want something nice and meaty

Heh heh hehyeaaahhhh ya doo!!! Whooo!!!

>> No.7948102

I'm not a big fan of anything with mint in it.

>mushrooms, onions, garlic, pork, and vegetables
Those ingredients would make a really good a stew, you know.

Yes. Thank god for meat pies.

>Finding something that we all can enjoy is hell.

Kids like that should be spanked, then thrown off cliff.

>> No.7948155

That not how that works.
You can pick off what you hate but you can never truly remove it.
That awful flavor becomes infused into the pizza on a molecular level during cooking YOU CAN NEVER TRULY GET IT OUT.

>> No.7948162

>Your body knows it's poison and it understandably triggers the gag reflex

citation needed

>> No.7948182

>i eat meat but cruelty for crueltys sake isn't my cup of tea
While I agree in principle I don't think that distinction actually exists today (at least in the US).

>> No.7948185

Is it defamation if what they're complaining about is actually brutal and disguising?

>> No.7948195

Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica

>> No.7948216

Vampires aren't people, anon.

>> No.7948312

You know I didn't like mushrooms until recently. I was in a restaurant and the dish I got came with really fresh oyster mushrooms. I'm slowly turning on to mushrooms now.

>> No.7948342

Still waiting for my picky ass mother to turn around on mushrooms. She didn't come around on eggplant until she was in her 50's.

That leads me to a theory my own experience has borne out: Many of the things picky eaters claim to hate are foods that require better than average cooking skill to make delicious, both in terms of technique and what flavors they're paired against. A poor cook is really not gonna fuck up ground beef, but you sure as fuck don't want them cooking you okra, eggplant, mushrooms, fava beans or even kale. Those foods require some knowledge and skill to make delicious. If you don't know anyone with that knowledge and skill you will just assume you hate those foods.

>> No.7948354

I love beets! Thought they can be bland if they aren't naturally sweet.

>> No.7948356

I don't know if mushrooms require that much skill, man. Just put them on a pan with butter and salt and they're good.

>> No.7948368

If that pan is hot you're good. A timid cook who cooks over low heat will end up just boiling them in their own juice, in which case they will be substantially less appetizing.

>> No.7948377

Wake the fuck up

>> No.7948388

Do you use ketchup? BBQ sauce?

>> No.7948393

Nasty HFCS bombs.

>> No.7948403


You don't make your own?

>> No.7948407

I'm not as bad as you in that I don't dislike sweet foods, but given the choice between sweet and savory I'll always pick savory. If I have the option of savory alone or savory and sweet together I'll go with just savory.

tl;dr I agree with you on ketchup and BBQ sauce.

>> No.7948432

Is she worth it? Do you value her as a friend? If you don't you shouldn't fake it.

>> No.7948434

"I don't like picky eaters"

>> No.7948487

cannibal detected

>> No.7948494


until the water evaporates and they brown. unless you specifically want to keep the moisture in them mushrooms are like the most forgiving things ever as a basis for sauces and stews and the like. i always start with them first and just cram the fuck out of the pan with them.

>> No.7948796


> I do not understand the need to add in the fucking garden to the thing

its cheap bullshit to make the burger look bigger than it should be.

>> No.7948822


no, it tastes good. if it didn't taste good there would not be a market for it.

>> No.7948834


> If I'm ordering a burger, it's because I want something nice and meaty.

then you might get a steak or ribs or meatloaf or some shit. people like to eat salad with their meat and a burger just puts all this shit together and it tastes good. your rationale for keeping it separate is childish and autismal.

>> No.7948844

It's there to trick your body thinking it's actually having something nutritious, so it will be craving more.

One burger without the greens: filling. With green: could eat five or more in one sitting.

>> No.7948859


>It's there to trick your body


>One burger without the greens: filling. With green: could eat five or more in one sitting.


it's just more palatable when there is balance and texture in your burger. it is pleb to want your food to be an oozing, greasy mass without contrast.

>> No.7948882

English is not my first language; was this pro or agains the greens in burger?

>> No.7948890



>> No.7948896

>tfw there are tons of different kind of foods that I hate
>tfw dad's favorite hobby is cooking
>tfw have to say you dont like something again which makes him feel bad
Its so terrible, why cant I just enjoy different kind of foods and made him happy enjoying his meals

>> No.7948900

because you're an asshole and a bad son

>> No.7948909

>I don't like crunchy onions
It's a texture thing, I think

>> No.7948969

>it is pleb to want your food to be an oozing, greasy mass without contrast

I dunno, it's also pretty pleb needing to have a kilogram of salad with one's food and shovelng it down with every forkful. At that point, specially of salad dressing is involved, it's just unnecessary calories.

>> No.7948984


>I dunno, it's also pretty pleb needing to have a kilogram of salad with one's food and shovelng it down with every forkful. At that point, specially of salad dressing is involved, it's just unnecessary calories.

ok i need to go lie down.

>> No.7948986

You know what not all vegetables, or even all lettuce, is salad, right?

>> No.7949038
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You do realize there are people like that. Think of the pic included, but the left side soaked in French dressing.

>> No.7949040


doesn't look like a burger to me anon.

>> No.7949126

Growing up I had a phase where I only ate white food.

>> No.7949197

I put fried onions on my burger instead of lettuce. you still get the crunch but it has more flavor.

>> No.7949220


I could bite into a raw onion like an apple. I fucking love onion.

>> No.7949235

These guys get it, arugula definitely belongs in a burger.

>> No.7949238

Extremely finely chopped raw onion is a legit condiment desu.

>> No.7949244

Call me picky, but the crunch is why I despise lettuce, and the branch part of most leafy vegetables.

>> No.7949246

I love onions but they don't like me

>> No.7949292
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>not ordering a burger on salad, fork-and-knife style

cmon son

>> No.7949310


i put both. lettuce has its own flavour

>> No.7949497

Hes not talking about westernized muslims

>> No.7949505

>"I don't eat fruits, of any king"
Unfortunately, that is me. It makes no sense either, I ate plenty of fruit as a toddler.

>> No.7949514
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>the glorious food that is leverpostej has made it onto /ck/
It better be warm.

>> No.7949525


>"I don't eat fruits, of any king"

for doing so would be as surrendering fealty. I will not stoop to wrap my lips around that organ obtained within the king's stocks; the boundaries of his castle; or even his lands. For I am a free man, and I would rather starve than offer any brutal monarch my dependence.

>> No.7949555

I sincerely hate picky eaters. That shit can be fixed. Keep eating something you don't like and you get used to it or start to enjoy it. Personally I'm trying to enjoy fish more, though I admittedly have a hard time with it. I get pretty salty about people who don't try to better themselves.

What could possibly be wrong with an inherently violent religion and aggressive religion? Muslims aren't even the issue directly, Islam is. Islam is literally indoctrination into being a nigger of the orient.

>> No.7949569

>What could possibly be wrong with an inherently violent religion and aggressive religion?

The thing is that these things all change with time. In the past Christianity was just as violent and aggressive, now not so much. Who's to say that either religion is going to maintain its current course?

Personally I don't side with any of them (I don't need an imaginary sky friend). But I think it's silly to point out one for being "violent" when human beings have committed untold atrocities in the name of just about any religion or nation.

>> No.7949579

I'd like to mention the crusades were against Islam. Also, we tamed our Christians, our Muslims are still savages who need to be tamed

>> No.7949580

>I get pretty salty about people who don't try to better themselves.
You may want to work on your racism, then.

>> No.7949646

I thought you posted this ironically and was really amused. I was slightly less amused when i realized it wasn't. That being said...
>racist against an ideology
Muslims are merely misled, not terribly their fault. The religion itself is flawed.

>> No.7949656

>religion itself is flawed
As for racism, I was referring to your use of
outside of /b/

>> No.7949661


calling islam inherently violent and oppressive is racist.

>> No.7949676

I actually laughed aloud

>> No.7949687

Oh, you must be new, welcome. Nigger is a state of mind, anyone can be a nigger.

>> No.7949695

Most monotheistic religions are inherently violent and oppressive, these qualities only held in check by being embedded in a prosperous secular society with a strong separation of church and state. Islam has not had that benefit and will need to go through a similar process before Muslims in the West cease to be an issue.

None of this has anything to do with race.

>> No.7949702

Mushrooms are a fungus

>> No.7949706

>I'd like to mention the crusades were against Islam.

Sure. That's one example of Christians v. Muslims. There's plenty of other examples of Christians vs. others. It's been a while since I studied this, but IIRC when Scandanavia was converted to Christianity, the standard tactic for dealing with someone unwilling to convert from Norse mythology to the Christian one was to ram a poisonous snake down the person's throat. Neither Christians or Muslims are unique in this regard. All religions (which I have studied, anyway) have committed acts of violence and barbarism against others.

>> No.7949713

Sure but Islam is actively an issue and Christianity is no longer an issue

>> No.7949731

Fungus that is both safe for human consumption and providing in nutrition.

>> No.7949735


if you're going to call violent ideas occurring within islam a specifically islamic issue, then the same is true of christianity.

>> No.7949743

And delicious

>> No.7949745


this. Not to mention the fact that either religion could change.

>> No.7949777

Sure but Islam is actively an issue and Christianity is no longer an issue

>> No.7949828

Holy fuck no one can be this stupid. Please look up the definition of both race and racism. You do not belong in political discussion.

>> No.7949859

You're missing the point entirely. This is some serious "we waz kangz" logic right here. The past does not nor SHOULD not apply to modern society.

>> No.7949862


calling islam inherently violent and oppressive involves a discriminatory and prejudicial judgement of race. i don't have a problem separating race from religion, but the people who come to the conclusion that islam is inherently violent and oppressive apparently do, because they conflate a number of factors and unite them by the simplest racial guideline they can find.

>> No.7949872


there are still violent ideas occurring within christianity, just as there are within islam. blaming it on the religion itself is severely misguided and probably means you have next to no real life experience with the muslim community.

>> No.7949876

The only one going to the conclusion that disliking Islams is racist here is you. Listen here, retard, I dont care if a Muslim is white, black, indian, asian, or native American; the IDEOLOGY of Islam is inherently sexist and violent. I assume you haven't read the Quran. Its a great read, I like the part in it the most that says that any non-Muslims should be smited.

>> No.7949882

I'm an athiest, I think Christianity and Islam are both retarded but Islam is significantly worse as a religion and an ideology. I think that cultural acceptance of men beating and killing women for wearing the wrong clothing is fucking barbaric. You need to read the stories about the ACTUAL sexual oppression against women and race in the Middle East and Muslim communities.

>> No.7949890


>the IDEOLOGY of Islam is inherently sexist and violent.

but that is incorrect, and when you forcefully declare it so, you contradict many muslims. i think this is at best a sign of naive gullibility and at worse a sign of outright racism.

>I assume you haven't read the Quran

don't fucking pretend you have read any more than what sam harris or whoever has told you to.

>> No.7949894


> I think Christianity and Islam are both retarded but Islam is significantly worse as a religion and an ideology.

and you are completely wrong. there are many worse islamic countries in terms of human rights abuses, that is true, but to infer that islam is the motivic force behind these problems is incredibly stupid.

>> No.7949905

You like to tar brush the word "racist" on whoever disagrees with you. Again, do you not know the definition of "racist"?

>> No.7949908

Don't fucking tiptoe around the question. Have you read the Quran??

>> No.7949911


>Again, do you not know the definition of "racist"?

yes, i know the definition of racist.

>You like to tar brush the word "racist" on whoever disagrees with you.

if you were to tell me you think anyone who uses a non-electric toothbrush is a moron, i wouldn't call you a racist. if you were to tell me anchovies are disgusting, i wouldn't call you a racist. when you tell me islam is inherently violent and oppressive, i call you a racist.

>> No.7949919


>Have you read the Quran??

yes. hardly as much or with as much help as i've read the bible, but i have read it in its entirety.

>> No.7949945

What race am I being racist against?

>> No.7949961

ugh excuse me you are a WHITE MALE you are racist against everything by definition

like, it's CURRENT YEAR already, grow up. islam is a religion of peace you bigotlord

>> No.7949963


portions of multiple races and nationalities. you treat the religion itself as a racial construct.

>> No.7949964
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>24 hours later
>/pol/ is still hard at work derailing the thread
Remember when there were mods, and they weren't complete shit? Yeah neither does anyone else.

>> No.7950021

Late to the thread but I have a friend that is most likely lactose intolerant but makes no effort whatsoever in removing it from his diet

Instead he likes to nuke everyone toilet with the nastiest shits ever.

>''But milk tastes so good, dude''

>> No.7950031

>this is probably legitimate for an sjw

>> No.7950050


Dont worry guyz they'll stop bombing us within a couple hundred years.

>> No.7950068

I don't like beets in a savory salad, or a oil and vinegar dressing. It just doesn't work for me. Too sweet, and clashes with vinegar.

I'll gladly accept borscht with a dollop of sour cream and some bread though.
I love borscht.

>> No.7950086

I'll eat the fuck out of onion, kale, carrot, beets, beans of any sort or anything else in this thread but fuck raw tomato. I've never eaten a sandwich that has tomato on it and gone "Gee I sure am glad this slimy glop is on here, it really does just tie together the whole meal"

However I like cooked tomato/tomato sauces, I even enjoy bruschetta and pico de gallo. But just a big ol' slice of tomato? Nah.

>> No.7950125


>> No.7950177

>beets clash with vinegar

>> No.7950186

i am exactly the same, I love it in any form other than raw.

>> No.7950206

My niggas, raw tomato is legitimately awful but cooked tomatoes change into something great

>> No.7950218

bet you people just eat shitty raw tomato with all the flavour bred out of it in return for mass producability

>> No.7950232


I work in a lab that uses ethanol for a lot of things, and so whenever I try to drink I can immediately smell/taste the ethanol in drinks. Makes me feel ill, like I'm intending to drink bleach and my body is like "wtf R u soon"

>> No.7950234

Nope, I grow heirlooms and a bunch of other stuff. Gardens are fun and rewarding. I get drunk and talk to my plants sometimes.

>> No.7950241

If so you really have to wonder why they are on a cooking board.

>> No.7950274

My only real experience with mushrooms prior to that had been my mother buying those rubbery button mushrooms in the supermarket that are already a few days old when they hit the shelves.

Don't get me wrong; she's a fantastic cook but just not for mushrooms.

>> No.7950291


>my niggas, i am a massive pussy also

>> No.7950846

Read the hadith and tell me Islam is peaceful.

>> No.7950868

>those rubbery button mushrooms in the supermarket
For many people they can be a challenge.

>> No.7950903

It's not. Being picky is whe you dislike an unreasonably large number of things. You know this.

>> No.7950954

One of the few thing im picky about is sweet things. I dont like BBQ because its usually just sugary garbage. I know ketchup, all sugar and brown sugar/molasses also all sugar.

>> No.7951248


i like sweetness but it has to be balanced. i also thoroughly dislike bbq sauce, but actual rubs are generally balanced, and the more vinegary sauces. american style baked beans are fucking retchworthy and i do not understand why they don't just cut the sugar.

>> No.7952549

>you can't blame them for having a sense of compassion greater than yours.

This is precisely what veganism boils down to. It's pure moralism and virtue-signaling. Believe it or not, there are many animals that are given good lives before slaughter. But if you think that the only chickens out there are raised by Tyson, I could see how you would arrive at the conclusion that not eating chickens = compassion for chickens. When compassion for chickens is more like quality of life, diet, clean slaughter. We breed them and were born onto this planet with a long history of animal husbandry.

The real morality is how we raise animals and the real activism is voting with your dollar, which is why a supply of free-range, antibiotic-free, hormone-free chicken has emerged.

>> No.7952562

>It's pure moralism and virtue-signaling

It's also simplification, in a way.
Many vegans realize that there are animals raised in excellent conditions...but that requires effort to seek those things out. It's simpler for they to say no, period, than it is to do research and be more selective.

>>why a supply of free-range, antibiotic-free, hormone-free chicken has emerged.

It's always existed. It's just that many people are now becoming more aware that they have options other than factory-farmed stuff at the local Wal-mart.

>> No.7952789

>i dont eat tomatoes or bananas
>unless they've been processed into something else like sauce or pudding

>> No.7952795

Sounds like she might be covering up for an eating disorder..
Potatoes doesn't count as a vegetable because of the amount of starch it contains.

>> No.7953819

Literally all you need is a blood test to determine whether you have a gluten problem or not. You can go to a blood testing facility, pay a small test fee and then know your results. No need for a doctor or a lengthy process.

>> No.7953831

I am happy to eat well-done steaks with A1, ketchup, and any other sauce i please

I would also NEVER order a proper steak more done than medium. I had a 50 dollar steak for the first time like 3 months ago and it changed me forever

>> No.7953877

Go rage against something else you fucking faggot. This is a real medical condition brought about by society's over-reliance on anti-biotics, not some millenial fad you're shaking your first at because you think it's awesome to be a cynical cunt


>> No.7953888

same here bruh, I eat half of a raw yellow onion with grilled trout all the time

>> No.7954050

I actually do the spit out into a napkin thing when I bite into a piece of gristle sometimes. Triggers my gag reflex for some reason if I keep trying to chew.

>> No.7954103

Youve been getting the wrong type of tomato. Try a beefsteak tomato. Ive found them to be more solid, less mushy.

>> No.7954117

I hate basil but love so many things with basil as an ingredient

I gag eating it

>> No.7954122

>I'm a vegan. No, no health reasons.
yeah this is kind of silly, although i eat meat but i still have to respect vegans who do it for moral reasons. acting like it's cool to slaughter an animal seems like an insecure guy trying to project manliness. like maddox.

at least when cultured meat is available in stores, there won't really be any good arguments for veganism left.

>> No.7954149
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>> No.7954150


I believe veganism is less moral than an omnivorous diet.

No vegan has ever been able to convince me otherwise.

>> No.7954169

explain why you believe that please

>> No.7954176


Animals that humans use for consumption have been domesticated to the point where they couldn't survive in the wild. Refusing to eat animal products prohibits these animals from a chance at living. Especially animals that aren't slaughtered for meat. If society stopped eating domesticated animal products en masse, it would result in the extinction or near-extinction of species.

Personally, I believe it's better to have lived a poor life with a violent ending than to never have lived at all. Furthermore, growing up on a dairy farm, I can attest that there are plenty of happy domesticated animals that are not treated poorly at all and experience a much happier life than your average wild animal would.

>> No.7954178
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I don't mind if people don't like certain foods, you can't force them to change there tastes. What pisses me off is when they just adamantly won't try any new foods.

>> No.7954209

i see what you mean. i'm sure some vegans have the mentality of full-blown peta extremist "kill all animals so they don't have to suffer".

i think most of them are mainly against CAFO farming, which is why i can understand being vegan for moral reasons.

i don't think the answer is everyone going vegan, or everyone eating 5 pounds of meat every day as a reaction to veganism.

when cultured meat becomes available in stores, if it's the same price or cheaper while having about the same quality, that would reduce the need for CAFO farming. but there would still be a need for smaller farms to keep healthy animals, either for meat demand of people who don't want cultured meat, or keeping a supply of animals for use in cultured meat.

i don't think CAFO animals have lives worth living. animals on smaller farms can be happier, and i definitely agree about them being happier than wild animals.

>> No.7954227

I literally hate all vegetables, all fruit except apples and bananas.

>> No.7954236


>> No.7954239

That doesn't exclude adding cream

>> No.7954257
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>people claim to have a gluten allergy
>turning those people away because we have an in-house bakery
>suddenly they're not so very allergic

if you had celiac's disease you would have keeled over the second you walked in you fad-dieting fuckjob.

>> No.7954285

feels good, huh

>> No.7954313

I don't like chocolate or bread made with whole wheat, or that awful bread peppered with an assortment of large waxy seeds. This is kinda ironic because my favorite bread is rye, preferably unmarbled (rye with whole wheat dough is the only time I can palate it) and dark. I don't know why I dislike chocolate, but I mainly only dislike unflavored chocolate bars, chocolate milk and chocolate icecream. If it's mixed with anything else I really enjoy it.

>> No.7954371

The current kind of meat farming causes the extinction of a hell of a lot more species than veganism ever could.

Also with this much cheap meat animal abuse is inevitable. The average meat eater provides demand for too much, too cheap meat so they are all responsible for animal abuse.

It's of course possible to eat less meat and only eat it from good sources but people who do that are rarer than vegans.

Veganism isn't the best choice but they're morally far superior to the average person.

>> No.7954388

It's not that easy to discipline yourself. His thing might be easier for him.

>> No.7954408

The vegan society doesn't consider honey as a vegan product.

>> No.7954417

The whole gluten free fad has actually brought a lot of decent options for people with coeliac disease when eating out or buying bread. Of course I still utterly dislike it when people are picky and try to pass it off as an allergy. That's just an unecessary nuisance.

>> No.7954432

A lot of the 'coeliacs' are people with IBS. For some reason it's more acceptable to say you're coeliac than to say you have a terrorist bowel

>> No.7954465

Get off the internet, mum. Soccer practice finished half an hour ago and you were supposed to pick me up!

>> No.7954522

Walk you lazy faggot. This is mama's special time.

>> No.7954790

Beets fucking suck dick, dude. How can you even stand that smell you get from them in the fridge.

>> No.7954805

Congrats you're a picky eater

>> No.7955132

I don't mind a bit of cantaloupe, but every fucking fruit salad i've ever bought always seems to go overboard with the stuff.

>> No.7955147

So if you can't blame the religion are you supposed to blame race?

>> No.7955159

they quite literally use islam to justify their barbaric behaviour, seeing as they follow islamic law in order to execute people.

>> No.7955165

This is basically why Islam is such a strong religion and Christianity is dying out.

>> No.7955176
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>I don't like lamb
>I'm not a big pasta fan
>I don't like chorizos/other spicy hotdogs

Fine, I don't like stuff either. But it's the declarative "not even gonna try it" tone that gets me with this guy.

>> No.7955181

If you don't have black coffee, no sugar, you don't like coffee. I'm not really understanding your argument. I always have my coffee "plain".

Conversely I have sugar and milk in my tea, because actually the taste of black tea I don't enjoy.

>> No.7955197

I love all tomatoes except grape tomatoes. Fuck them.

>> No.7955223


>> No.7955239

Unfortunately, a lot of products in restaurants or on shelves that tout themselves as gluten-free, are not actually gluten-free. Usually containing small amounts of the protein that can still harm people with Celiac disease, IBS, Crohn's, etc. A restaurant in my home town advertised some pasta dishes as gluten-free, when both the pasta and the sauce contained wheat-based ingredients. My aunt was diagnosed with Celiac 3 years ago after many stints in the hospital, and was sick for nearly a week after eating at the aforementioned restaurant. They went back after she felt better and demanded the ingredient list for the dish, and found that it wasn't gluten-free as advertised.

Of course there's products that may have small amounts of gluten due to cross-contamination, but even then, some people's conditions are so severe that they can be affected by even the smallest amount.

>> No.7955460

>people who won't eat food w/o being allergic to it
Are you not human??? It's FOOD, it goes inside you and is converted into energy, unless it's inedible due to being unsafe, like raw chicken, why not eat it? Or at least TRY it. I fucking hate people who won't even try something, ESPECIALLY something weird or exotic, how do they not enjoy the experience of trying food from a completely different culture or whatever? Eating something you've never had before in your life is fucking awesome

>> No.7955465

I preferred rare when I was 16, and I don't have a penis

>> No.7955468

You know, the one I just can't get behind is mushrooms. How do you dislike mushrooms?

>> No.7956624

>boy, I sure love the texture of rubber!

>> No.7956949

> at thanksgiving one year we recorded a video of him eating a grape for the first time when he was 10 years old. it was hilarious
> he died when he was 14

I don't know why but a wave of sadness just rushed over me.
I used to be a picky eater growing up. I only ever ate chicken and rice and could not stand to eat leftovers. It wasn't until college that I began to eat normal food for the first time. One of my friends made fun of me for a good two months for never having tried a strawberry before. Nowadays I eat just about anything, I still can't stand ketchup, but anything else I'm open to trying.

>> No.7956997

> I get drunk and talk to my plants sometimes.

is this a sign of alcoholism? I've been drinking alot lately and have also found myself doing this.

>> No.7957208
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>implying mud slimes aren't glorified cavemen
>defending them

Are you proud to be a cuck? Does it make you feel morally superior to 'accept' people who want to kill you?

>> No.7957222

I dislike bananas too. Love cantaloupe, but for me honeydew and cucumber are devoid of all taste, it's like eating plastic

>> No.7957700

>I am picky towards every food and will throw up anything I try
>won't try anything

My partner is like this. Meanwhile I can eat anything, he is extremely picky and eats junk food like big pizza slices everyday. I don't see how he can enjoy having taste buds like he does, for I would be fucking miserable. It's really hard to help him lose weight partly because of it.

>> No.7958872
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>make pineapple-coconut dip for coconut shrimp
>use a little sour cream to make it a more creamy, boost flavor etc.
>tastes delicious, everyone likes it. Ask brother if he tried it
>"oh no, I don't like sour cream haha"