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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7942243 No.7942243 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I will never travel around Mexico and try its delicious regional cuisines because of how shit the country is currently


>> No.7942262

believe me. it all tastes like shit for the most part. go to a border state and eat ceviche by the coast.

>> No.7942268

>believe you
I think I will take the best chef in the worlds opinion over yours

>> No.7942572

You can still travel around Mexico and nothing would happen to you, don't believe the memes that your head will get chopped off

>> No.7942602

I'm planning on traveling to DF and Puebla this December just to eat delicious things there.

>> No.7942621

I know who you are already and I have a question, can you tell the difference between whether Mexican places in NYC or in general are run by people from Mexico City vs Puebla? Or is it all blended to an extent?

>> No.7942639

You know your mom's apron isn't actually a legitimate best cheff in the world recognition no matter if it's written in golden letters and she makes good tendies

>> No.7942645

Most mexicans just eat TexMex now, since they realized it is superior

>> No.7942646

texmex shill at it again

>> No.7942650


>> No.7942830

Rene from noma said Mexican food is best . Get cucked

>> No.7942831

Anthony Bourdain also speaks very highly of it

>> No.7942843
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fear-gripped cruise contiki package tourist detected, I'm glad to have my little zocalos and mercados delightfully gringo-free so I can have an autentico cultural experiencia

enjoy your inauthentic chicken breast chipotle tacos at the strip mall back home while I'm eating the finest tlayudas de lengua this side of zihuatenejo, cagaleche

I bet you don't even know the difference between a gusano and an habañero, you soccer mom

do you even real travel?

>> No.7942873

Just get Mexican friends to show you around. Only stupid fucks that go there and get involved with drug shit are in danger.

As a matter of fact there are companies in Mexico that specialize in gastronomic tours where you go visit old Indian ladies and learn to cook, or courses in Pre-Hispanic cuisine. There are many ways to enjoy Mexican gastronomy, don't believe the shit you see on TV about the cartels. Unless you're some kind of drug lord/thug then you have nothing to worry about.

>> No.7942876

Is this some new ricos fideos? Me gusta, I'm going to save it.

>> No.7942900

yeah exactly, it's very unlikely anything bad would happen

Tons of white Americans and Europeans go to Mexico and have a great time

>> No.7942947

por que es everything se llama "ricos fideos" en estas dias? la generacion de twitter es totalmente illiterate, yo no understand como se function si no se pueden imaginarse that a person puede tener his own pensamientos sin copying fideos desde una pantalla electronica de dibujos chinos

>> No.7943198


>> No.7943351

DF and Puebla are sister cities from what I understand, and the street/lowbrow food is a lot of the same stuff between the two. DF is more cosmopolitan, so you'll see more international influences: Indian, Chinese and Lebanese influences are more associated with their food. But the popular stuff from there seems to end up in Puebla, so while the Pueblan torta joint might not have quipe the still offer tacos arabes.

tl;dr In Brooklyn they're practically the same at street level.

>> No.7943380

Makes sense, they're pretty close to each other

I would wager that a majority of the Mexican restaurants in NYC are owned by people from DF, or at least a decent chunk

One of the places I go to, I think the owner is from Mexico City but the cooks are from Puebla

>> No.7943395

i am mexican, and what?

>> No.7943418

is it common for young Mexican women to be good cooks?

>> No.7943448

If they come from a small pueblo, then they will most likely be good cooks. It's a bit iffy from women that come from major cities.

>> No.7943458

let's a random 18-35 year old chick from Mexico City

>> No.7943476

They'll probably know how to make standard simple stuff. Like a torta (sandwich) or eggs.

>> No.7943504

But no mole poblano?

>> No.7943683

Lol puebla is nowhere close to being Mexico City when it comes to food . They might have similarities but the food in Mexico City is much more varied

>> No.7944644

mole poblano isn't hard, sperg

>> No.7944923

No they dont, because cooking for 99.9% of women comes in the form of a fucking chore, as in, even if you are 12 and have older brothers you get to cook for them.
So no, theres no passion theres no uuuhhhhh i love combining textures and colors and whatever.
And for the most part women will repeat an already successfull recipe.
And if they come from a mud village is worse.
Because the males are fucking pieces of shit.

>> No.7944952

>the food in Mexico City is much more varied
That's pretty much what I said. Mexico City is much more cosmopolitan, with a wider set of influences. The food of Puebla is similar, but less cosmopolitan.

>> No.7944956

Have non-involved tourists ever been killed by the cartels?

>> No.7945027

Maybe. but it is rare. Most of places to eat good Mexican food is cartel free outside of Michoacan

>> No.7945049

American living in Mexico for the past year

Its safe as fuck. Stop being a little bitch and come here for literally the best overall culinary variety in the world.

>> No.7945062
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>> No.7945063

/ck/ approved places to eat in Mexico :
Baja California
Mexico City

>> No.7945140
File: 62 KB, 720x960, islalife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes a number of tourists have been killed in mex. google is your friend. theres fb groups for this, i belong to 2 because my wife and i own properties in mex. they post cartel occurrences almost daily. just keeping your nose clean isnt a guarantee against ladrones.
theres even been people killed in their resort hotel rooms so caution is needed. most of mex is dirty so robbery is commonplace but the food is okay.

>> No.7945162

>the food is okay

>It could be, should be, one of the most exciting cuisines on the planet. If we paid attention.


>> No.7945181
File: 1.42 MB, 3072x2044, mole negro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why not?

Go there man, try a fried iguana served with its own eggs. It will never be cheaper than it is now.

>> No.7945210

Good thing ladrones (thieves basically niggers) never commit crimes against tourists here in America...
Stupid people like you and your fear-mongering blogs/groups are the reason people are so afraid. If you're constantly looking and getting that kind of new then of course you're going to have some kind of warped perception of the place. I've been going there for years to some of the most "dangerous" places in Mexico and I can tell you from experience of actually being there that the idiots who get caught up in that stuff were up to something shady. There's also the matter of people doing dumb things like flaunting their money in ghetto areas. Then they wonder why shit happens to them.

>> No.7945216

I know a white American woman in her 50s and Mexico City is her favorite place in the world

>> No.7945230

5 are langostinos m8 and they look goat, I wouldn't try the other balnd shit, source i'm mexican and we eat that here

are you a poor white guy? if so then you have literally zero reasons to fear being here

>> No.7946139

i dont know what your fucking talking about rambling on like some idiot. we've owned our homes there for over 20 years. how long have you lived there? the groups are there for a reason, so that locals are aware of their neighbors. they post local crimes, laborers, restaurants, money exchange everything that has to do with being an expat in mexico. shut the fuck up with your bullshit you sound like youre 12 not knowing about the happening of the areas you live in and own is the biggest mistake one could make living abroad.

>> No.7946668

Visit San Diego. Mexicans from all different regions live there, so you can find regional foods/restaurants pretty easily

>> No.7946747

accepting someone else's opinion without verifying it is the definition cuck

>> No.7946805
File: 455 KB, 2280x1438, 20160803_190322~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Al pastor, bistec, and tilapia tacos I got from a taco truck in Brooklyn

They were delicious

>> No.7946955

>vacation to mexico
>gf is vegan
>try desperately to find places she can eat
>try desperately to not blatantly eat steak and shit in front of her to avoid the silent judgement
>still fail a few times
at least she didn't say anything but those eyes still said it all. Ah well. I'll go back sometime on my own maybe and be a little more adventurous

>> No.7946960

I think in Mexico City there are a lot of vegetarian options, vegan I'm not too sure about