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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7937692 No.7937692 [Reply] [Original]

I'm getting pretty sick of this crap.

>> No.7937704

the labeling of gluten free products upsets you?

>> No.7937709

When it's on fruit it does

>> No.7937712

Not op.

Gluten free shit triggers me like a little girl being told Christmas is canceled. If you are gluten free then fuck your faggot ass face.

You know for a fact you had that shit for at least the first quarter of your life and you were fine.


>> No.7937750

You know, there are a few people out there who get very ill if they eat gluten.

It doesn't excuse lazy, stupid people who think "gluten free" will make them healthy, but people with Celiac disease deserve to know.

>> No.7937762


It's on fucking EVERYTHING now though. Why not include it in the fucking ingredients list? If I have celiac's, I should already know what foods to avoid for the most part.

I don't a bottle of water to be labeled gluten free ffs

>> No.7937790

Stop bitching about it.

>> No.7937797

We agree on celiac disease as does the medical community. You don't have it, therefore you can eat gluten.

>> No.7937845

I used to get annoyed by gluten free labels
Not very annoyed, but a little bit
It's so common though I've gotten used to it
Also I know two people (which is statistically improbable) who are diagnosed celiacs, so I can see why it would be useful
Now I get annoyed by people bitching about "gluten free" like it's some HUGE imposition on their quality of life
Get over it, you fucking sperg

>> No.7937864

Fuck off tumblr

>> No.7938082

My wife has celiac disease and in a not-so-completely-hilarious twist of fate, the gluten free fad has made it MORE difficult for her to stay that way, mostly because of the misinformation among the public. We've had to seriously cut back on eating in restaurants because a lot of servers and chefs don't really know what ingredients have wheat in them

Like tons of people don't realize reusing oil that cooked something that had gluten in it can trigger a response. Or that soy sauce has wheat in it. Or not properly cleaning a pan. People who are "gluten intolerant" don't get a reaction from these trace amounts so they never complain to the chefs and as a consequence when I call a restaurant after my wife is shitting her brains out to complain they kind of fob us off as whiners. And don't get me started on this bullshit called "gluten conscious" food

And a bunch of those products that are "gluten free" are still processed in plants where gluten is present (like oats for instance) so it's always a gamble whereas 5 years ago even though the food tasted terrible at least there weren't any problems

But on the plus side it has forced us to learn to cook at home more

>> No.7939392

Blah blah blah, no one gives a fuck, faggot.

>> No.7939411
File: 43 KB, 499x281, 1408002804620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unhelpful contribution