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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7937034 No.7937034 [Reply] [Original]

>live at home at age of 24
>trying to eat burrito leftover from last night
>father literally orders me to eat it with a fork, I look at him like he's crazy I can eat my food how I want especially a hand food like a burrito, he ORDERS me to eat with a fork

Life cannot get lower than this, /ck/.

>> No.7937042
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>father literally orders me to eat it with a fork, I look at him like he's crazy I can eat my food how I want especially a hand food like a burrito, he ORDERS me to eat with a fork

Land of the free, everyone.

>> No.7937047

this is the land of the free. my father just hates me living here (understandably, i hate him too) and he's basically trying to do things to force me to leave

>> No.7937075

move out

>> No.7937097

Sounds to me like you'd be doing the both of you a favor by moving out

>> No.7937159

yeah definitely. we dont like each other.

>> No.7937165

I'd rather be a homeless

>> No.7937170

nice blog faggot
suck it up and move out

>> No.7937188

have you tried getting a job

>> No.7937194

umm i don't think your 18 kid...if you are grow some balls....your dad is not always right

>> No.7937894

>>live at home at age of 24

>> No.7937904

>live at home at age of 24

embarassing. if I were your dad I'd try and break and humiliate you too

>> No.7938059

haha oh shit

>> No.7938070

Then move out faggot

>> No.7938071

>Land of the free to mooch off of my parents until the day they die.
Get a job and move out you fucking loser.

>> No.7938427

I'm glad my parents are cool and basically let me do whatever I want. I don't even have to help with chores or anything. 33 btw.

>> No.7938454
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>> No.7938465

I would legit rather live on the street than go back to living in my mom's house.

>> No.7938471

>he ORDERS me to eat with a fork

basically a power move to tell you to stop leeching off him and move the fuck out.

>> No.7938477

>>live at home at age of 24
It sure can't get any lower.

>> No.7938482
File: 15 KB, 480x360, chicken sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.7938484

The only way you could possibly justify living at home at 24 is if youre in a masters program or you are disabled.

>> No.7938488

>move out at 14 because of reasons
>24 now
>most people i know still live with their parents
>totally depended on everything in their lives
>can't cook
>can't clean

I guess having a miserable childhood actually turned out to be a blessing.

>> No.7938561

it seems to be the new norm these days.

a generation of adult children

i'm so glad i don't have kids

but if i do have them, you bet your ass i'd make sure they learned some goddamn responsibility so that they don't become a burden on my well into their 20s.

that is all

oh ya

OP, move the fuck out

>> No.7938577

yeah that's pretty cool of them teaching you the values to live a successful and fulfilling life

>> No.7938582

>a generation of adult children
24 is pretty old to still be living with parents but it's not because of 'muh societal collapse, chilrens these days so spoiled' its because there's a shitty fucking jobs market and living at home saves a lot of money
quit doomsaying, you sound like a bitter old man

>> No.7938590

living at home because it saves you money is acting pretty spoiled

>> No.7938598

imagine if people actually did live at home until 24 lmfao I know OP is a troll post but what if people really were sad enough to do that

>> No.7938601

Staying at home to save money, because jobs don't pay enough to afford rent.

>> No.7938607

>implying I don't work 40 hours a week
I'm just saving lots of cash atm m80.

>> No.7938612

lol i have a friend that drives a truck for coca cola for a living and he gets by just fine.

You're just spoiled and your parents are subsidizing your lifestyle because they know you'll go Adam Lanza on them if they try to kick your ass out.

>> No.7938614

I mean, if you count "having enough money for food" as being "spoiled," sure

>> No.7938620

Just because your thread vaguely mentions food, does not mean it has anything to do with this board.

Take your gay blog issues somewhere else.

>> No.7938624

Truck drivers have a very strong union, it's a good job. I'm jealous.

>> No.7938684

Why don't you make like a tree and fucking move out?

>> No.7938703

>le job market sucks
>muh savings

Do your research and go where the jobs are. Who the fuck wants to look back on such a shit life in your 20s?

>man, I remember back when I was still jerking my dad and sucking my mom's tits for a place to stay. My 20s were rough.

Grow the fuck up, please.

>> No.7938713

>implying I'm OP
I'm not even in his situation, but because I'm not a faggot whose only arguments are
>muh muh
I can sympathize with his position. Plus, I have enough brains to know that his situation is getting more and more common because yeah, le job market does suck.

>> No.7938718


I work at a God damn PAINT STORE and make enough to pay rent, bills, buy food AND have some left over to do something fun once or twice a month or save. Don't be so greedy, stupid and lazy.

>> No.7938723


>muh job market
>muh savings

bullshit. if you're hungry you'll figure something out real fucking quick. the problem is you're being coddled from the real world. I went homeless for 3 months when I was 22 and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I hated my parents for not letting me come live with them when I hit hard times but I thank them now. They knew I was smart enough to figure it out and gave me the dignity to solve my own problems instead of just bailing me out every time.

>> No.7938727



>> No.7938730

Are you me?

>> No.7938734

It's great that you got better at living after being homeless, but to suggest that being homeless is necessary to know how to manage one's problems is plainly absurd. Depending on where you live, being homeless could be easy as living in a park and evading rangers or it could involve you risking a shiv every time you get something to eat because some other homeless wants to steal it.

Saying "I was homeless once, I was fine, only fucking pussies are scared of it" is like saying "I was shot once, I was fine, only fucking pussies are scared of getting shot."

>> No.7938740

An Hero before it gets any worse.

>> No.7938744


then you have even more of a reason to get your shit together than I did. you should be afraid of being homeless. it fucking sucked and I'm never going to let it happen again

>> No.7938745

I like what I do, but the pay is shit, so I live at home for free. I've lived on my own before barely scraping by, and it fucking sucked. I'm just going to stay with my folks for a couple more years until I have enough money saved up to live comfortably while still not earning much. It beats working 3 jobs to make ends meet like some of my co-workers do.

>> No.7938748

>I was "homeless" in a suburban white area on the west coast where I bummed money and food off beach goers

Wow, so gritty and hard. I bet you had a laptop and leeched wifi from Starbucks too faggot.

>> No.7938750


don't you ever want to get laid? that should be motivation enough to get your own place.

>> No.7938753

Where do you live?

>> No.7938756


try texas in the middle of the summer with a car with no ac. My tears and sweat were indistinguishable.

>> No.7938758

So, what, you have to BE homeless to know that it sucks?

Look, just because you're thick enough that you had to spend time sleeping under newspapers to know that sleeping under newspapers fucking sucks doesn't mean everyone else is.
I mean, c'mon, usually people WANT to live on their own, let's be real here. It's not a question of what people are "coddled" into doing, it's just unfortunate reality. Saying they just gotta HARDEN UP, PUSSY is pretty much useless except for posturing.

>> No.7938766


your great grandparents survived the great depression and you can't afford to split rent in a shitty apartment somewhere and wait tables? that's fucking pathetic.

>> No.7938767

I shot up heroin for the first time the day after I lost my virginity, so sex isn't the greatest thing ever for me like it is most people. Getting laid isn't on my list of priorities, but I'm sure if I really wanted to bang some skank I could.
why does that matter?

>> No.7938770

So I have an idea of how much cost of living is so I can judge you further

>> No.7938772

Rent around here is about $500 to rent a room. I make 10 dollars an hour.

>> No.7938780

I have a job, I just have sympathy for OP and people in OP's situation because a lot of the time shit just happens. >Great Depression
It's funny that you'd bring that up, because back then the SAME THING HAPPENED. Young people lived on their own less, and families lived together to save money. So where exactly did you get the idea that "surviving the Great Depression" and "living with your family" are mutually exclusive, when history shows that the exact opposite is true, that living with your family is an effective way to save money in difficult financial situations?

>> No.7938798

What state, though?

>> No.7938802

So less than third of your wages would go towards housing. Just move out already.

>> No.7938908

I'm 23 year old and living at home over the summer between years at grad school and I feel like a fucking loser staying at my parents' house. I honestly don't know how people can do this year round. Not to mention I get sick of my family after the first 30 days.

>> No.7940019

>this thread is still alive

Oh by the way guys, I live in the Bay Area, if that makes any difference

Yeah, when I was in college I would rarely come home or even call really.

>> No.7940296

I live in eastern canada. Rent here is easily 500+$ for a room. Usually it comes with a bunch of strings attached like people eating your food, using/stealing your stuff. After taxes (highest in north america here) you end up with somewhere between 1500 and 2000 a month. I had my own place for a bit, which was 900$ a month (not including food, cable, gas, insurance, phone,internet). I found it easier to just live at home...

>> No.7940314

his house his rules

>> No.7940361


>> No.7940363

>live at home at age of 24

Found your problem

>> No.7940385

Just put CP on his computer and blackmail him. Guaranteed mooching for life. The Feds do it all the time.

>> No.7940388

i dont mooch i pay them rent

>> No.7940395

Baka. Why the fuck are you paying your parents for the privilege of eating a burrito with a fork.

>> No.7940404


Some others have pointed it out, but this isn't about your eating manners. He either wants you to move out, or is disappointed in the direction of your life. He is picking on you for these small things because he is frustrated but has a hard time articulating his feelings of how much of a disappointment you are. Not trying to be mean, just the reality of the situation.

Parents, and especially fathers, do this a lot. They like to use small situations as "metaphors" for your behavior in general. When they're mad at you about something small like this, it's actually anger and disappointment that's been building up for months.

>> No.7940413

Oh I'm a complete loser, there's no "metaphor" for it, and he tells me he wants me out. He was a disappointment as a father as well