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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 307 KB, 1200x1029, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7931468 No.7931468 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't /ck/ like bacon?
It's delicious.

>> No.7931471

That bacon looks awful.

>> No.7931472


Nice hovis best of both there m8

Patrician bread

>> No.7931557

i agree, op. ham is way better than bacon. and that's some tasty lookin' ham ya gots there.

>> No.7931563

fatty, dry and tasteless.

>> No.7931590

i like bacon by itself, but i hate it when people add it to everything. i dont need it on a sandwhich.

and nobody cooks bacon perfectly. its either rock hard or too soggy. never a nice medium of fat juicy crunch

>> No.7931607

Why is english bacon so much worse than American bacon?
I mean English bacon tastes ok, but compared to the real stuff its just not worthwhile

>> No.7931620

b/c it's hαm, fαm
they hαd shαriα so long, they forgot whαt reαl bαcon is αnd get αll cured pork confused now
it's sαd, reαlly

>> No.7931631

can you not be racist please? It’s against the rules

>> No.7931636

>post makes no mention of race
>"ewe arr bee yin ray cyst!!!"

>> No.7931639

cancer of the anus

>> No.7931640
File: 19 KB, 474x317, blt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with the garden tomatoes coming in, nothing better than a BLT

prove me wrong

>> No.7931642

Due to your islamophobic comment, I have reported you to 4chan admin and also called the police. /ck/ is no place for such vitriolic hate speech.

>> No.7931645
File: 85 KB, 645x430, szalonna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bacon is awful. Speck is far better.

>> No.7931654

>not eating the gay sandwich, lgbtq


Do it. Do it now.

>> No.7931661

Ham is a leg cut you blithering Mong.

>> No.7931667
File: 21 KB, 220x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't eat bacon
>can eat ham
You're not very bright are you, anon?

>> No.7931684

>past tense and present perfect are the same thing because grammar is hard

>> No.7931690

> Start thread on delicious bacon
> mulsims & shitskin lovers crap all over thread

This is why we can't have nice things with Muslims

>> No.7931699

reddit is thattaway

>> No.7931889

no surprise its canadian bacon

>> No.7932320

>It's an American shitposts for no reason post

>> No.7932402

because it looks and tastes like menstrual lining

>> No.7932432


It may be called that elsewhere, however here in Canada we call it back bacon, or pea meal bacon...

>> No.7932440

>here in Canada we call it back bacon

Here in the rest of the not-America we call it back bacon.

It is literally only Americans who call fat strips bacon, and they have the balls to try and act superior about it.

>> No.7932469
File: 1.26 MB, 978x921, bacon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like fake bacon.

>> No.7932470

Yes, Canada uses the correct name. Only clappyfats try and change names that have existed long before that colony was a thing and act like everyone else is wrong.

The sheer arrogance of it.

>> No.7932475

So what compells you burgerblobs to act this way?

>> No.7932480

They really are cunts.

>> No.7932602

How/ why are you typing with alpha instead of "a"

>> No.7932638

Fucking thought I was the only one who noticed it lmao

>> No.7932662

because why the fuck not, senpai?

>> No.7932687

Are you that out of touch, anon? It's the LGBTQIA+ now

>> No.7932709

And that's meant to mean...?

>> No.7932731

only the british could take a nice cut of pork like the loin and turn it into flavorless leather, and to add insult to injury they call it "bacon'

>> No.7932738

IA is Intersex, Asexual, if I'm up to date with this week's SJW micro-pigeon holing.

>> No.7932745

Only the Americans could take strips of fat, turn it into dry strips of fat, and to add insult to injury they call it "bacon'

>> No.7932772

In terms of the fucking sandwich, moron.

>> No.7932787

>why can't you interpret my vague questions properly, moron

>> No.7932788

sounds right

>> No.7932797

The conversation was about a sandwich, not about deviants, unfortunates and don't-touch-me-sex-is-grosses.

>> No.7932819
File: 18 KB, 225x265, 42-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/'s just furious and triggered about foods normies like

>> No.7932821

what are you a fucking jew?

>> No.7932826

That's a nice picture of ham you have there.

What is this about bacon, though?

>> No.7932992

As the only current superpower, I think we're allowed to do whatever.

>> No.7933004

I searched bacon, and the only other pictures that came up were strips of pork fat.

>> No.7933009


Your etymology is incorrect. Much like accents and many terms, the US kept the original meaning, while the UK and Commonwealth changed it.

Bacon was replaced by back bacon during the industrial revolution, as it was far cheaper. The US by that time had already solidified on the term bacon for pork belly, and didn't follow.

>> No.7933017

there is no real practical use for it, its good in burgers, salads and soups only

>> No.7933054

Actual linguist here. For one, that's not etymology.
For another, etymologically speaking, it stands to reason that back bacon is the original and belly bacon the newcomer for the simple fact that the word 'bacon' is an etymological sibling to the word 'back,' both descended directly from Saxon.

>> No.7933058

Americans are just insufferable.

>> No.7933064

I want to know where you morons get this shit, it's so widespread that you have to be taught this nonsense in school.

>> No.7933070

Epic shitposting kid.

>> No.7933491

Don't be a dildo guy

>> No.7933522

I never did enjoy bacon. Don't understand why it is so overrated.

>> No.7933528

as they should be

>> No.7933549

I think bacon is different in Australia. Possibly similar to Canadian bacon. It's nice to have on occasion.

>> No.7934001

Tripped me out too.

>> No.7934007

you're all fucking idiots

>> No.7934537

Strange, have you checked your brain recently?

Seems like you have some strong mental damage.

>> No.7934539
File: 209 KB, 258x298, confused europeon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are literal non-humans who use words incorrectly on /ck/

>> No.7935014

syndereN LUL

>> No.7935030

>i know how to use the etymology dictionary on the internet

>> No.7935067

Incorrect. We're Americunts

>> No.7935222

now you're just hitting the keyboard

>> No.7935239

China would like a word.

>> No.7935261

>Bacon was replaced by back bacon during the industrial revolution, as it was far cheaper.

Now just stop and think about this for, I don't know, 3 seconds.

Back bacon is from the loin. It has actual meat on it, and loin is a good cut on a pig.

American bacon is from the belly. It is largely fat, and belly is not a good cut.

Now; which of those two do you think is actually cheaper?

>> No.7935266

If he's a linguist then yeah I expect he would know how to use an etymology dictionary.

>> No.7935353
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>> No.7935481

I do, it's just too expensive for what it is

>> No.7936309


>> No.7936345

Don't be a cunt, an impossible task for an American.

>> No.7936400
File: 135 KB, 800x500, 1363386746430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7937696

It's funny because the opposite is true, you can't go a single thread without obsessing over us, as this thread proves.

Ameriblobs truly are the saddest excuse for human beings around.

>> No.7937697 [DELETED] 

>not including P
You're pretty much Hitler at this point.

>> No.7937851

Clever and delicious-sounding. I like it a lot

>> No.7937865


>> No.7937870

Americans think that the internet is an American phenomenon and they're the center of the world and anyone who isn't from their country of 350,000,000 is ignorant or trolling them. They might do it semi-ironically, but they seem to shitpost like crazy about "X food is ACTUALLY called this," because regional variations confuse them.

>> No.7937881

That sounds horrific. Try again. The aubergine can stay, though.

>> No.7937896

But it starts with I!

How about?
>Iceburg lettuce

>> No.7937971

Nice dog treats.

>> No.7938125

I suspect that adding IA+ throws off the delicate balance of the LGBTQ and needs to fuck right off and form its own sandwich.
I was against letting the Q in, but sure as God wears sandals, I won't stand for the IA+ to creep me by. Never.

>> No.7938437


>> No.7939361

Americans post the most on this site, this is a fact

>> No.7939377

Well that's another thread ruined by Americans.

>> No.7939816

>Why is english bacon so much worse than American bacon?
It's just a completely different cure (salt instead of maple) and you prefer what you're used to, you lame-ass faggot.

>> No.7939879
File: 34 KB, 700x466, schinken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EU native here.
I prefer American bacon.
British bacon is cured differently, uses a different cut of pork, is smoked differently (if it's even smoked at all, which it often isn't) and tastes of ham.

And before you say "you tried American bacon first, that's why you like it more!!!" that is not at all the case. I had Brit bacon first and thought "oh, this is nice, thinly sliced, pan-fried ham, but nothing too new or special; I've tasted this taste a kajillion times before." It tastes exactly like pic related.

When I tried USican bacon for the first time, it was an entirely new flavour altogether and I enjoyed it more.

Pic related is ham (though Brits will freak the fuck out and say "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! HAM IS MADE FROM THE LEG ONLY!!!") made from the same cut as British bacon is, though without the thin end with the belly bit on it.

>> No.7941308

Are you fucking kidding me

Do people unironically think strips of shitty fat with barely 50% meat is actually good bacon?

>> No.7941337

don't know why everyone's getting so upset. in england we have streaky bacon and back bacon. they're both bacon. streaky is the cut amerifats are used to. back is the cut canadians are used to. now stop being such dicks about everything.

>> No.7941369

Not every wants salt-flavored, energy-poor leather for breakfast.

>> No.7941413

Try pancetta if you haven't already.
I found after trying it that I like it much better than bacon, only issue is it's expensive where I live.
It's worth it for carbonara and such though.

>> No.7942045

>what is streaky bacon

>> No.7942049

>now stop being such dicks about everything.

Have you forgotten where you are, exactly????

>> No.7942663

Even British streaky bacon tastes of ham because it's
>cured... [and] smoked differently (if it's even smoked at all, which it often isn't)

Streaky bacon != USican bacon. They look alike but are processed differently, yielding different flavours altogether.

>> No.7944195
File: 36 KB, 640x480, hungarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't how authentic this stuff is but I love slicing it thin and eating all by itself.

>> No.7944198
File: 45 KB, 450x450, jowlbacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And can we get back bacon? There is just too many different kinds to fight over it.

>> No.7944201
File: 47 KB, 640x396, chinesebacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7944207

Im a mean fucking animal and will fry up a pig dick all day everyday if I choose.

>> No.7944209

this shit is good


>> No.7944225

what cut and breed of dog is that?

>> No.7944254

it's available as smoked and non-smoked. take me through the differences in the curing process, it sounds interesting.

>> No.7944278

What does this stuff actually taste like?

>> No.7944344

cut: diced
breed: delicious

>> No.7944523

It's cute when you clappyfats pretendd to be something else but you're so sheltered to the rest of the world you still speak like an American and think that's how we speak.

>> No.7944525

Americans only care about shoving more fat down their throats.

>> No.7944531

>Pork is leather

Americans everyone.

>> No.7944549

I love how one cut of meat tastes of a completely different one, but please do continue with your shitposting.

>> No.7944580

Just like your average American

>> No.7944828
File: 45 KB, 600x700, keep-calm-and-love-bacon-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much autism over bacon.

>> No.7944842


>> No.7945813

>doesn't keep doing it

>> No.7945839

Summertime, and the livin' is easy...

>> No.7945915

because thats not bacon OP

>> No.7945967

it's sliced off the back of your mom

>> No.7946166

It's just the same old shitposts from you burgers.

>> No.7946176

>all of the people in all of the twenty-eight nations of the eu speak in the exact same manner as i do, always
Sounds like you're the one who is sheltered, Anon. (^:

>> No.7946199

Because Reddit loves bacon and the faggots here are more concerned with being the contrarian "cool kids" than eating food that tastes good.

It's kind of ironic, given how much /ck/ hates hipsters.

>> No.7946250

that probaly applies to most "why does 4chan hate "x"?" questions really.

gotta get them internet popluarity points for the anoonymous image board after all

>> No.7946640

Hovis is bestvis m8

>> No.7946655



>> No.7947862
File: 39 KB, 447x335, Oh you!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts ham
>calls it bacon
>someone points it out
>somehow, that guy's the shitposter

>> No.7947910
File: 677 KB, 1513x1530, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7947922

in australia we get the canadian bacon + american bacon in 1 huge piece

i call it australian bacon

and i dont like it cos my mum never cooks it enough wtf who the fuck likes bacon with the texture of ham? fat doesnt even melt away or crisp up its just shit

who the fuck thinks bacon needs to be tender really

im tired of these fucking idiots that think every single sort of meat should be judged on its "tenmderness". entire meal is complete shit but as long as the meat is "tender".......


>> No.7947937

Because you said that you prefer the bit with the crisped fat rather than the hammy bit, you're gonna get called an American because clearly no one but Americans could prefer the bit with the crisped fat rather than the hammy bit. It's just not possible that out of the 4.3 billion people on earth who eat pork and aren't American, any one of them would prefer the bit with the crisped fat rather than the hammy bit. None. It simply never happens. It's one of Newtons laws. Equal but opposite reaction. Tends to stay in motion. No one but Americans could possibly ever prefer the bit with the crisped fat rather than the hammy bit.

>> No.7947951

Don't you fat fucks ever get bored of your shitposting?

>> No.7947956

I speak English, that is all that matters. What third world tribals do is worthy of nothing but pity.

>> No.7947957

I know you think you are being cute, but it's just sad. This is why you are rightfully hated.

>> No.7947962

Are you quite well? What does that even have to do with the post your replying to?

>> No.7947963

>Samefagging this badly to try and pretend you aren't American

Now THIS is sad.

>> No.7947966

See? Straight on cue.

>> No.7947967

You clearly don't speak English and are just some turd worlder, it's pretty easy to understand if you did speak English.

>> No.7947971

>Straight on cue

Who the fuck even says that?

>> No.7947972

>you're αn αmericαn!!!
>you're not αn αmericαn!!!
Which is it, fαm?

>> No.7947975

I'm Australian and you're full of shit. You are either a yank cunt or some sort of wog.

>> No.7947977

Just how bad is your reading comprehension?

>> No.7947983

Hello, Tyrone!

>> No.7947987

yea nah. you're either not australian, or you're underage and your mum is a terrible cook.

or both.

>> No.7947990

Clearly better than yours, fampai.

>> No.7947999

You are just posting nonsensical gibberish at this point. Grow up.

>> No.7948003

How is it nonsensical, famalam?

>> No.7948007

It's so cute when yank twats pretend to be from other countries and still use yankisms.

I hope it's just one yank samefagging, it would be so sad if it's several of them.

>> No.7948008

It's the Jews

>> No.7948009

Here's the last (you) your shitposting will wing out of me. You have a lot of growing up to do kid.

>> No.7948010

>Americans eat beef hotdogs because real pork ones would offend their jews

>> No.7948011

So you're unable to show how it's nonsensical?

>> No.7948015

I'm surprised you fell for it for this long, yuropoor.

Amerigod bacon>yuromuslim ham

>> No.7948017

Like I said, you have a lot of growing up to do.

>> No.7948022

I only eat pork ones though

>> No.7948026

You're the one that fell for me pretending to be a yuroscum. I feel dirty even thinking about being a yuro.

>> No.7948031


>> No.7948033

I don't see any bacon in that pic

>> No.7948034

I've wondered about that: why do USicans eat beef hot dogs when they're both more expensive and absolute shit compared to pork or mixed meat ones?
I moved to the US permanently about 14 years ago, tried a hot dog from a cart and was immediately disgusted by its lack of pork. Went to the market on the first floor of my building and found only two brands listing pork as an ingredient, neither of which was pork only or pok and veal, as back home, but pork, chicken and turkey. Not bad, but still not as good as pork/pork-and-veal.

Doing some research, it turns out that there are two reasons for Americans using beef in hot dogs:

1) many of the first immigrants to the US came from nations where beef was in short supply, highly valued and with prices reflecting this and, upon entry to the US, wanted to use the supply of cheaply available beef in things.

2) Jewish demand for kosher, non-pork products. American manufacturers, some Jewish and others not, were more than willing to meet that need.

Now that pork-and-veal hot dogs are easily available just about everywhere in the US (at Aldi), I buy and eat those because they're delicious.

>> No.7948036

Fuck off tumblr

>> No.7948039

I'm an American and have never had a beef hot dog

>> No.7948045

Lucky you. They're awful, but the rest of your countrymen like them more. For me, it goes

pork > pork and veal >>>>>> mixed meat (chicken, pork and turkey) >> chicken > turkey >>>>>> beef >>>>>> veggie

>> No.7948047

Go and eat your ham, I'll enjoy some real American bacon.

>> No.7948050
File: 11 KB, 480x360, cashback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't a beef hotdog a sausage?

>> No.7948051

All hot dogs are sausages.

>> No.7948054


>> No.7948055


>> No.7948056

It's 100% true.

>> No.7948057

I expected an Ameretard to say this.

Why is the American understanding of what sausages are so utterly warped?

>> No.7948059

nobody cares what you think because you're clearly deranged.

he answered my question and i'm satisfied. get help.

>> No.7948060

Ameriblobs really need to stop talking about food related matters, it's embarrassing.

>> No.7948061

thx, btw. you're probably right.

>> No.7948067

It's a moot point since you can't get a real hotdog in the USA.

>> No.7948075

or bacon

>> No.7948076

You stupid motherfucker.

>> No.7948079

Or cheese, wine, sausages, beer and chocolate.

>> No.7948895

stop fucking calling back bacon "canadian bacon" please

canadian bacon is peameal

>> No.7948916
File: 2.91 MB, 1888x957, australian bacon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no i prefer AUSTRALIAN BACON COOKED WELL DONE god damn maybe i didnt get it across in my first post


ur a god damn retard if you only eat the streaky shit or the bacon thats basically fried ham sliced thin

my mum just a bad cook desu dad

>> No.7949150

Bump because the newest posts are fucking shit.

>> No.7949162
File: 21 KB, 265x300, 094905_laff2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Types Australian bacon into Google.
>First hit is Australian bacon.
Wonders never cease to amaze do they, Retard?

>> No.7949422

You still don't realise what gives you away as a clappyfat.

>> No.7950485

the fact i dont like paying for ham thats sold as bacon?

>> No.7950634

Just give up, you yank cunt.

>> No.7950656

im no yank u dumb shit

>> No.7950676

Stop replying he's just lusting for (You)s because he's lonely

>> No.7950974

like dick

and im a connoisseur of dick. its something that tastes good only in the heat of the moment and breakfast is never that heat