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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 857 KB, 1647x1345, Pitaya_cross_section_ed2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7906153 No.7906153 [Reply] [Original]

disappointment: the fruit

>> No.7906158

go on, OP

>> No.7906168

that's not a kiwano melon

>> No.7906188

There are a few dozen varieties of apples I'd prefer to eat over dragonfruit.

It's really only disappointing because it looks exotic and has a fancy name. If anything, I'd say star fruit is the most disappointing fruit, and I've been eating those since preschool where we had a couple of trees - but if I bought one in a grocery store for a dollar a piece I'd probably be a little pissed.

>> No.7906198


*meant to say that there's a few dozen varieties of apples that I wouldn't want to eat given the option of having a dragon fruit, but still, I'd concede that it's looks and name don't live up to the admittedly bland taste.

>> No.7906221


>fucking DRAGON fruit
>looks bad ass
>tastes like a flavorless watermelon

>> No.7906290
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>looks like an alien fruit
>bright colors trick you into thinking its some amazing citrus shit
>literally a cucumber, maybe even a bland cuc

>> No.7907015

We (in it's place of origin) call it pitaya, so we do not get the excitement from the name
>(cactus tunas are better; the consistency of ice-cream, blood red and sweet)

I am going to Mercado Hidalgo here in Tijuana later this day, I may get some exotic fruits and post them later

>> No.7907338

dear god
buying this was the worst mistake i ever made
I tried everything
Juicing it
Making a glaze
Making chutney
Making salsa

its fucking retared. looks like an alien orange. Tastes like a green banana. seeds like a watermelon. A LOT of seeds. I can see why africa fails so hard if this is the shit they grow

>> No.7907347

>buying meme fruits
Nigger if you ever come across something that isn't apples, bananas, oranges and their cousins, passion fruit, jaboticapa, grapes, acai or pears, you shouldn't buy the shit because it's a meme for niggers.

>> No.7907374
File: 59 KB, 368x540, 831099._SY540_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rasberries, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, figs, fejoa, apricots, peaches, nectarines, plums, rock melon and pineapple are memes for niggers
>'jaboticapa' isn't a meme for niggers

>> No.7907509


>> No.7907539

I'd say it tastes more like a very bland kiwi.

>> No.7907810

It's literally Nigger: The Fruit

>> No.7907847

I was let down by them starfruit

>> No.7907919

jackfruit best fruit

>> No.7908037

That's not grapefruit

>> No.7908048

I'm always dissapointed by store-bought strawberries.

I feel such hope, every time.

Nope, they're still pale and pithy and sour on the inside, or rotten. No middle ground.

>> No.7908137
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>> No.7908159

>disappointment: the fruit
This x 1000000

>> No.7908162

one day someone will pay for this ...

>> No.7908196

I remember when /ck/ wasn't infiltrated by wannabe "social media professionals" and actually had some sense of spontaneity and soul.

>> No.7908387
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You bought the wrong one homey

>> No.7908403

I like them. Very refreshing taste.

>> No.7908487

Well if you want to taste watermelon, you can go buy a watermelon. Which o hatni' ass'
If it's so expensive, why don't you grow your own?
>My money is on - you just ate it regular. No jelly or liquor? Then you fail.

>> No.7908515

>Buy a dragonfruit
>Pay good fucking money for it, because I've never heard of it and it looks exotic as fuck
>Little did I know I got conned
>Cut the fucker up
>Decide to take a little bite because 'Woah lads, DRAGONfruit, this shit will probably blow my mind'
>Taste nothing
>Confused as fuck
>take a big bite
>Throw it in the compost bin

>> No.7908566

You're a dick for wasting food.
You could have sliced it and used it in a salad or thrown it into a smoothie or something else, its not like it tastes bad

>> No.7908842


I had no idea how good strawberries actually tasted until I moved to California and stared getting them fresh from the fields.

>> No.7908846

don't be so hard on yourself

>> No.7908935

Its for Asian people my friend. Just like the Duran, and all the other 'crazy' fruits you don't like either.

source: being married to an Asian

>> No.7908966

I feel the same way about blueberries now, since I finally got a blueberry bush and can eat them right off the cane, I can never go back to store bought.

>> No.7908971

>That guy who uses any thread as an excuse to blog

>> No.7908981



Why can't people just drunkenly yell at other anons like a normal /ck/ poster? (I honestly do agree with you though.)

>> No.7909041

Durian is a delicious blessing. White people just need for someone to process it into a smoothie first. That way, they skip the step containing questionable smells.

>> No.7909070

>by using a compost bin
Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you anon?

>> No.7909126

more like oreo icecream: the fruit

>> No.7909431

>throwing away prefectly good food to feed worms instead of yourself
Yeh sure thing buddy

>> No.7909438

I really enjoy both the purple and white versions of that, maybe your palate isn't as refined.

>> No.7909478
File: 342 KB, 1360x1024, wild banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think all these exotic fruits are bland as fuck 'cause they've been minimally cultivated by humans.

fruit is so tasty today 'cause humans selectively bred them to be tastier and tastier over the centuries.

wild fruit generally sucks.

>> No.7909559

>fruit is so tasty today
ive it another 5 years and most fruits will be rock solid bright bags of water because that's the variety big industrial company want to put on shelves.Peaches and Apricots are already dead. Apples are close. Most Oranges are neither good looking nor tasting. if you don't live in a rural area where you can grow them yourself or know some farmers you never tasted a delicious fruit.

>> No.7909564

It's almost like you don't know about farmer's markets or upscale, local grocers that don't sell non-local produce.

>> No.7909666

>y.y.you just don't know
kek. Enjoy your crunchy peaches, peasant.

>> No.7909671

Sure, yeah, go ahead and ignore the three farms within 20 miles of me that grow outstanding peach varietals.

Stop buying your fruit at walmart. Spend a little more time and money and you might actually be happy with the results.

>> No.7909687
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>crunchy peaches

Those are the fucking worst.

>> No.7909696
File: 125 KB, 1246x1004, Granadillas[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the other hand, these bitches look fucking disgusting but taste amazing. It sucks that I can only get them here a few weeks a year and they're expensive as fuck. You can buy them for pennies to the pound in Latin America.

>> No.7909840

>Buy one on a whim one day because fucking Dragonfruit
>6 euros
>fuck, this better be good
>go home
>split in two
>have a taste
>it's like a shitter kiwi

And that's how I got conned of 6 euros.

>> No.7909853
File: 7 KB, 290x174, descarga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My grandma used to have a caqui tree in argentina, they looked so fucking tasty hanging from the branches, shit's bland as fuck and the texture is like sand. She also had these small bright red plumps that had no flavor either. But her mangos... Holy shit they were incredible

>> No.7909871

Truth: the post

>> No.7909877

The crunchy flat persimmons are shit, but the big and tall ones are pretty good when fully ripe.

>> No.7909893

>Make my smoothie bland
>Make my salad more bland
No thanks, besides, it was mainly used for me to grow my own strawberries, so it was hardly as wasted as you think

>> No.7909905

maybe i've eaten some other breed, but they are sweet and a little weird but good taste. Still, they are edible when they are one step away from becoming spoiled. Like bananas. Otherwise they taste like nothing.

>> No.7910234
File: 174 KB, 964x710, Fresh-Honey-Pomelo_White-Pomelo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me just being the human invention since the wheel. Don't respond if you agree with me

>> No.7910240

what does that even mean? delete and repost.

>> No.7910258


also this

>> No.7910392

A lot of it has to do with when they are picked. Those peaches would be a lot better if they were actually able to chill out on the tree, but they wouldn't last nearly as long and would all be bruised. It's a lose/lose deal.

>> No.7910596

you dumbass, they grow that fruit because you don't want to buy it all, which means they can aford to buy it instead of be better off selling it to your white privilaged ass.

>> No.7910612

This. I go to Taiwan every once in a while and the red-fleshed dragonfruit there is much better than the white ones. The imported ones I've had in the states just cannot compare since they aren't freshly harvested and are always white-fleshed variety.

>> No.7910629

I used to agree with you, but after spending some time in Thailand and China, and eating these every day, I have to say they can be truly fantastic, with a sort of kiwi flavour. I guess this is a fruit that doesn't travel well by air freight

>> No.7911291

Well then dont be bitching about "spending good money" and "being conned" then.

>> No.7911296

I'm not too into sweet things so dragon fruit is perfect for me

>> No.7911384
File: 15 KB, 250x238, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you dumbass, they grow that fruit because you don't want to buy it all, which means they can aford to buy it instead of be better off selling it to your white privilaged ass.

What sort of unintelligible nigger-babble is this

>> No.7911419
File: 86 KB, 280x284, 1467586012151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw grow my own strawbs
>tfw taste heavenly, unlike grocery store shit

Honestly after growing my own fruit I can't fucking eat store-tier shit. It just has a terrible taste

>> No.7911444

The white ones are super shit. Look for red.

>> No.7911726
File: 296 KB, 590x475, Durian-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh man, it's protected by a badass set of spikes
>And it looks like a zesty fruit inside
>This'll be great!

>> No.7911800

It's called having an acquired taste

>> No.7911822
File: 29 KB, 420x280, Try%20me%20motherfucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best vegetable

>> No.7913140

While I agree that most of them are bland as shit, if you manage to pick a few good ones then they aren't so bad
That said, I like to chop them up with ice and pour sugar all over, tastes good then
Sauce: Asian

>> No.7913148

Damn OP, same shit happened here. I bought dragonfruit recently and thought it would have a lot of flavor, turned out to taste like a completely bland/flavorless and mildly sweet kiwi

>> No.7913153

Not for everyone, but at least you get exactly what the name implies.

>> No.7913158

Absolutely disgusting, this shit should have been culled from it's first discovery

>> No.7913650


Durian smells and tastes like what I imagine it would be like to suck on a dead hobo's toes.

>> No.7913668

You wanna know how I know you're a middle class whitey who never tasted any tropical fruits beside pineapple and banana?

>> No.7913669

Nah it's pretty good,sweet and creamy,reminds me a bit of nougat.

>> No.7913690

Want to know how I can tell you're using the only computer in the village?

>> No.7913712

Want to know how I know you're still in highschool and make assumptions based only on /int/ and /pol/?

>> No.7914895


>> No.7914898

>middle class whitey

wow anon that is a really harsh insult, being middle class and white probably really bothers him

>> No.7914996
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this post

you cheeky piece of shit

>> No.7915018

Literally a glorified kiwi. That's pretty much it.

>> No.7915147


Lilikoi. Got a vine out back with some on.

I would never pay for it in my life tho.

>> No.7915153


what is that with the jabong? salt and peppers?

>> No.7915403
File: 56 KB, 480x346, 50_rambutan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apart from the texture, these are pretty alright.

>> No.7915425

Dunno what part of the world you're from. In Latin America it's a Granadia.

>> No.7915846
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>> No.7916101

>Peaches and Apricots are already dead.

this. grew up in oklahoma near stratford, so had access to amazing fresh peaches. then moved to georgia for work; again awesome fresh peaches. now nowhere near peach country, so only peaches are from grocery store. they're some kind of rock hard white flesh peruvian piece of shit. no peach flavor, hard as fuck, texture all wrong. this is bullshit. we should all have access to awesome locally raised peaches, but no, corporate bullshit finances peru bullshit instead of quality product.

>> No.7916107

>sweet and creamy,reminds me a bit of nougat.

like a dead hobos toes? especially the nougat part.

>> No.7916224

>dragon fruit
>Is actually from México

Fucking hipsters calling it a meme name

>> No.7916231

have you tried pickling it?

>> No.7916238
File: 72 KB, 1000x1405, 1432157727683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those things smell and taste like literal cum.

>> No.7916257


>> No.7916368

Can confirm that red-fleshed is god-tier

>> No.7916377


>> No.7916381
File: 142 KB, 425x231, 2003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say, are they related to prickly pears?

>> No.7916456

Lychee fruit are super disappointing after having various lychee flavored products.

>> No.7916522


>> No.7916944

I'd taste your grandmas mangos.
Anyway, this fruit needs to be soft to be eaten. After buying it you need to put it in the refrigerator. Let it stay there until frozen. Take it out and wait for it to unfreeze, it'll be soft and taste delicious. Just remember me after this.

>> No.7916963
File: 3.63 MB, 5312x2988, 20160417_132103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't really exotic, but I like plantains, not plain but they're really good when cooked like however this is, it was amazing and it's Puerto Rican from what I know

>> No.7916971


>Just being the human invention since the wheel
>20 or so posts later he still hasn't clarified

What the fuck

>> No.7917207

those are actually very good when fresh but sadly they don't grow anywhere near my country.

>> No.7917215

Jokes on you, I have immunity lizard protecting me.

>> No.7917246

Maduros are godlike. Tostones are nice with some salt, lime, and a beer. Plantains are wondrful

>> No.7917257
File: 56 KB, 500x500, captaincrunch[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's a fruit thread, but from the day they released the first one, I'd buy the Archie Sonic Comics. I fucking loved Sonic when I was a kid.

So each month, I'd go to the newsagents, I'd get the comic and I'd read it. And they'd always have adverts for Captain Crunch.

I waited about 20 years to try this shit and was so excited when I found an import store that sold them, it was complete and utter garbage.

>> No.7917424

>t . pajeet

>> No.7917478

If that's the flavor you tried, you made a tactical error

>> No.7917653

Looks like there are still some advantages to living in Alabama. If all you have is tasteless peaches I really feel sorry for you.

>> No.7919456
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>> No.7920574

tfw have the immunity cat protecting me but am still paranoid

>> No.7920703


The lemon is by far the best fruit invented by man.

>> No.7920706
File: 198 KB, 500x296, Tumblr_mcu2n9is8I1qzycpbo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I love eating lemons

>> No.7920708

>jelly or liquor
Not him, and I'm not a guy who knows dragonfruit, but could you elaborate on those combos?

>> No.7920711

Why must you be mean?

>> No.7920718

fug u 2

>> No.7920725

>tfw white suburban american

>tfw one of my top culinary dreams is to experience fresh, ripe Duran

I would just bury my face into it and die

>> No.7920833

>Lemons with salt
Man 10/10 stuff.

>> No.7920855

Saved. even if i have been visited by immunity cat already

>> No.7920874


Opinion discarded :^)

>> No.7920875

B& hammer when?

>> No.7920957
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>> No.7921189

Joke's on all of you. Your moms will die no matter what. Unless they're already dead I guess.

>> No.7922628

I was led to believe that people who assume durian is disgusting are eating the wrong part. I don't know. I've never had it and I imagine I'd have a difficult time even finding one here.

>> No.7922811

If I reply, does that mean my mom lives forever?

>> No.7922831

No, it just means you wasted a shitpost.

>> No.7922839


>> No.7922858
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>> No.7922871

Thanks asshole

>> No.7923432

is that a Rokakaka?

>> No.7923441

You're a bland cuc

>> No.7923512

Fuck you

>> No.7923582

Starfruit and kiwis are plain as paper.

>> No.7923621

>Having a really shitty day
>Learn I'm losing my homeowner's insurance because the bank cant payout of the escrow in time
>Decide to go back to be an alcohol
>Eat a light dinner of an orange, so the kcals don't fuck me over
>Center is tough, flesh is bland and mushy
>Fucking Monsanto!

>> No.7923625

Almost forgot, the goddamn thing had seeds, fucking seeds!

>> No.7923728

Both come from a cactus but pricklies are by far the superior fruit.

>> No.7923740
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>> No.7923745

These are good but no matter how well they're "processed", the fuckers will leave tons of irremovable tiny thorns in your hand.

>> No.7924559


>> No.7924576

Are those seeds? I've never seen that before

>> No.7924599 [DELETED] 
File: 166 KB, 345x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah immunity Cat's great

>> No.7924787

Birria tacos, when?

>> No.7924800

On the commercial side I agree about peaches, nectarines, and apples. However, oranges still uses for the most part washington navel orange and valencia orange, which have been around over 40years. Furthermore, cutie mandarins(which refers to multiple varieties of mandarins depending on availability) have been entering the marketplace more and more.Bananas are a great example of only having one variety that sucks just because the color,packing, and the fact that it is virtually seedless.

>> No.7924807

I really like these. They taste mild, sweet and refreshing. I love the texture too. They don't lack flavor they just aren't super-strong tasting. I don't eat a lot of sweets, processed food or salt though. But I've heard they can taste bland to western taste buds that are used to a lot of sugar and salt for 'taste'.

>> No.7924812


>> No.7924815

Autism activated: big "thorns" are called spines and the little hairlike ones that are really hard to remove are called glochids. Use a blow torch and tongs to burn of the small glochids. Cut both ends off. Make an incision length wise cutting the skin without cutting too much into the fruit. Then peel.

>> No.7924833


>> No.7924840

Wrong type, this is not the original with the crunchberries.

>> No.7926312

if you dont reply to my post your mother will die, no exception.

>> No.7926788
