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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7920498 No.7920498 [Reply] [Original]

what tastes did you acquire during your adulthood that you hated before, /ck/?
>mushrooms, avocados, pate, cottage cheese, mangos, seafood, oats

>> No.7920500


>> No.7920510

green beans and black coffee

>> No.7920511

Pickles and certain kinds of mustard in my early 20s.

Cucumbers most recently, at 30. They tasted like perfume or body lotion. Now I put them in everything. Shit's weird. Thought I read something somewhere that taste buds pretty much settle in early/mid 20s.

>> No.7920515


>> No.7920518

ass desu

>> No.7920519

salty milk and coins

>> No.7920520

Stop trying to steal my thunder faggot

>> No.7920526

The only thing I was picky about as a kid was spicy food.

My parents fed me liver, anchovies, always had me taste their wine or beer since I was in kindergarten.

The one thing I was picky about as a child was spicy foods, but I grew out of that long ago.

>> No.7920530

how bout i steal your vigininty fag ;)?

>> No.7920537

Sounds new and exciting

I'm down!

>> No.7920544 [DELETED] 

Every time I swore as a kid I got a mouth full of hot English mustard as punishment but now I really like the stuff.
Also when I did something really bad my dad would whip my arse with this belt but now I beg my gf to tie me up and use her belt to whip my cream if you know what I mean.

>> No.7920546

I don't eat anything excpet grilled cheese everyday

>> No.7920624

Fuckin loves those , op is a confirmed faggot

>> No.7920632

I hated prawn, squid, and other non-fish seafood growing up. It took a meal at a rather nice Italian cafe for me to realise that the seafood I'd tried as a kid was either not terribly fresh, overcooked or both.

>> No.7920636

Oh, and the same goes for liver and other organ meats - they'd be boiled to death and not terribly well-seasoned, so I hated them. I changed my mind when I encountered well-cooked offal as an adult.

>> No.7920642


this is unironically true for me

>> No.7920689

Those things are god tier with a piece of baguette

>> No.7920693

Black pudding
But still hate squash, bland fish and ossobuco

>> No.7920695

The feed your kids some meal enough times and they will like it meme pisses me off.
I had shit u absolutely hate more often than hotdogs and still hate it

>> No.7920741

pickles, mustard, all kinds of beans/lentils, brussel sprouts, pineapple on pizza, avocados

still don't like seafood, organ meats, doughnuts, canadian bacon, anything smoked or cooked on a grill with charcoal, baked beans, chicken salad, egg salad.

>> No.7920744

nigga are dose sum riga sprats?

Fug, I'm crazy for those things. I fry them in their own oil until their skin crisps up, then I dice them and throw them on top of salad.

For a heavy breakfast I cook them onto toast with egg, and munch on their creamy little heads.

Good shit, and good for you. Fuck whatever this thread is about tho

>> No.7920798

>Not liking the taste of cock when you where younger.

>> No.7920865


>> No.7920867

gouda cheese

>> No.7920916

I used to absolutely despise brussels sprouts as a kid, now I could eat a whole bucket without blinking.

I also wasn't a huge fan of tomatoes because of how watery they were, but learning to properly roast them makes me look forward to eating them now. I even enjoy them raw now.

>> No.7921122

most vegetables actually

>> No.7921126

Mushrooms and all kinds of melons

Feels good to not be a picky eater

>> No.7921158

Salad with salt, oil and vinegar on it. Used to insist it has to be completely fresh without anything on it.

Now I don't really care either way.

Also paprika. Used to love it as a little kid, but once I got to about 8 or so I hated it for about 15 years until I started liking it again.

>> No.7921473

riga sprats are the bomb and the smoky oil is great with some rye bread too

>> No.7921495

I never DISLIKED asparagus or green beans as a kid, but now I really like them. They used to be just "meh" for me.

>> No.7921525

Anchovies, oysters, mustard, onions, sprouts, cauliflower.

>> No.7921531

no one in the world could possibly like those disgusting fish.

im being trolled by this entire board. they fucking stink so god damn bad.

>> No.7921569

riga are one of the least "fishy" canned fish considering they taste like 95% smoke?

>> No.7921844

Sour cream and cream cheese

>> No.7921854

he was forced to have it as a kid.

Cottage cheese, pelmenis and crab sticks for me.

>> No.7921862

Raw onion, jerky, hot chillies, smoked fish and thiccness

>> No.7921896

sprat sandwich is alright desu

>> No.7921936


A meal is different from a kind of food. Most people I know whose parents raised them on shit like hamburger helper absolutely hate it. But that's completely different than exposing kids to tomatoes or onions or capers or olives at a young age. It's the kids who were raised on chicken nuggets who tend to grow up to be picky eaters, and people who ate all sorts of different foods as a kid tend to have a much better appreciation of different flavors, and honestly enjoy food more.

So yeah, it's not a meme, it's actually a proven fact.

>> No.7922000

red cabbage
pickled anything
black pepper in general
raw celery with peanut butter, I got over the stringy texture.
My love for spicy food came on at about 13, but I hated it before that.

>> No.7922049

The only good thing to come out of the Baltics, tbqh.

>> No.7923082

Those things are the fucking best. God bless potato Latvia

>> No.7923095

Im sure you share lots of delicious meals when you get together with your atheist friends to laugh at god and swamp fedoras but actually I got to eat a lot more than I wanted all the way from childhood to the point I could run away from it, there is a reason why nuggets and burguer are the norm instead of quinoa

>> No.7923109

>eggplant, cilantro, anchovies, olives
Poor girl

>> No.7923111

As a kid i would only eat white or bland wheat bread. Now i'm in love with Rye and Sourdough.

>> No.7923151

This, Love sprats now. There is a small eastern European delicacy store that helps my fix now that I moved home from Eastern Germany.

>> No.7923187

why is borscht so good?

>> No.7923300


Because you grew up in a poverty country and however bad your childhood may have been, simple childhood foods are always going to remind you of the good times of being a child.

(I grew up in Hawaii and love borscht to, but I'm really just a fan of beets and cold soups.)

>> No.7923333
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hard to come up with much. I know there are some, its just flying over my head right now. Beef or steak for one. I always found it chewy and less desirable than pork or chicken, but I never refused to eat it or anything. definately didn't like salmon as much as I do now. I didn't like tea or coffee but now I enjoy them. there where times when I didn't like cucumber pickles, but I realized shortly that it was just sweet cucumbers I didn't like.

I used to not like anchovies or spicyness, but around late grade school I started appreciating spicyness.

oysters, theres one, I definately hated them as a kid, man am I fast at being wrong.

black pepper grew on me as well. though I didn't turn my nose up at it, I never intentionally added it to my foods.

still not a fan of eggplant, I bet if I ate more of it I'd learn to like it.

I also used to not like pungant olives, but now I like all olives.

rhye is another good one I didn't like, and sourdough I wasn't crazy about though more than willing to eat.

blue cheese also comes to mind, as well as swiss. Never disliked sharp cheeses though, just fresher ones. Love em all now.

for the most part I unironically had a pretty wide palate even in my picky stages. Even the obvious tomato onion and lettuce never bothered me. least not more than the pickles.

you don't like the taste of yuri?

>> No.7923334

When I was a kid, mom would put like a heaping tablespoon of miracle whip on an avocado. It was disgusting. I think I was in my late teens and had one plain, omg!!! I went overseas to asia they had these huge avocados I would eat that as dinner.

>> No.7923356

Brussel sprouts was another thing my mom would destroy, she would fry them til they were black

Also chinese food, one time I guess there was nothing left but this canned chinese food, it had to be rancid or something, but my mom always made my brother and me eat everything or you couldn't leave the table. Of course I came up with the idea of burying it in the backyard. I didn't eat chinese food til I was in my middle 20's.

>> No.7923376

acquire: water
unacquire: carbonate drinks

i like water 100 times more than when i was a young boy
i can't stand carbonate drinks now even though i like it as a kid