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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7917073 No.7917073 [Reply] [Original]

>Girlfriend says she's cooking Tonkatsu for dinner tonight
>She cooks a pork schnitzel

Any other stories of dumb girlfriends?

>> No.7917080

My wife can't cook.
She comes from a 3rd world country where it's still normal for mama to stay at home, raise the kids, cook, clean, have dinner on the table for dad when he gets home.

her family can't even get their heads around the fact that men in first word countries know how to and can cook

If I don't come home after a long day at work and cook a meal for us then I will go hungry before I eat the slop she serves up

I still love her though
She loves my cooking and my cock too so whatevs

>> No.7917094

If you married me, I'd cook better and love your cock just the same

>> No.7917096


Yeah but he probably doesnt want a fat hairy manwife

>> No.7917108

But he has a third world wife...? Probably some Jungle asian, so hairy and ugly, and will tell him his dick really is big despite it being a 5inch nipper

>> No.7917109

Thanks bby
If I ever get divorced I'll pm you xx

>> No.7917114

N-no, i-its b-bigger than that, I p-promise

Anyway for me it is the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich.


>> No.7917120


>> No.7917147

You got a good deal, Japanese food is bland as fuck.
Schnitzel is based.

>> No.7917149


tonkatsu is like schnitzel but with more flavour.

>> No.7917153
File: 145 KB, 1024x683, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we have at least one thread without some weeaboo, gook loving prick posting?
You weebs are clinically retarded.

>> No.7917158


>> No.7917160

Is that picture in the OP a tonkatsu or a schnitzel?

>> No.7917164


it's like schnitzel but they add extra flavourings. it's like an objective fact. not even weeb

>> No.7917189

Allow this surprisingly sexual ahjumma to teach your girlfriend


>> No.7917191

no they don't

>> No.7917194


>> No.7917210


yeah they do, they usually marinate the meat and they have a strongly flavoured dipping sauce or curry ro whatever

>> No.7917211

>girlfriend cooks for him
>it isn't disgusting
>complains because it's not weeb feed

End yourself so that I may cuck you.

>> No.7917219

>they usually marinate the meat

No they do not how long have you lived in Japan I have NEVER seen that in a Tonkatsu

Sauce and curry is irrelevant you fucking dumb weeb cunt you can add that to anything

>> No.7917222


i have never lived in japan, but i have seen many recipes where they've marinated it.

>Sauce and curry is irrelevant you fucking dumb weeb cunt you can add that to anything

but it's standard to have that with tonkatsu.

as opposed to like, lemon

>> No.7917227

You know absolutely fucking nothing about Tonkatsu family, no offence. They NEVER marinate the meat. Maybe some fat Ameriblubber fuck like you would do it.

The second point is so dumb I have to conclude you are mentally insufficient. The Tonkatsu itself is not better than a schnitzel for the reasons you INITIALLY gave it. You har have sauce and curry on a schnitzel too you absolute cunt.

>> No.7917233

>schnitzel isn't commonly served with a sauce.
You weebs are fucking brain dead. Fuck off back to /a/ you stupid cunt.

>> No.7917235


when you eat tonkatsu, it usually has more flavour than schnitzel has. i don't think your defence of it is borne of anything but anti-weeb indignation.

>they NEVER marinate the meat

i've seen and tasted marinated tonkatsu.

>> No.7917239

Not in Japan you haven't

>> No.7917242

you can argue without resorting to insults

>> No.7917243
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Thick as fuck.

>> No.7917244


no, not in japan, but i've seen that they do it there. plus it's ironic that you're calling me a weeb but giving me the old 'have you even LIVED in japan' gambit

>> No.7917249

Well they don't.

Fuck off idiot

>> No.7917251
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Did I just smell a dirty weeb?

>> No.7917253
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>> No.7917279

Weeaboos ruin another thread

>> No.7917284

Go fuck yourself, redditor.

>> No.7917356

Confirmed for fat and American. Not adding in tonnes of unnecessary flavours and not melting cheese on everything doesn't make a food bland. Japanese and Italian cuisine are GOAT for a reason and its the premium that is placed on the key ingredient and cooking that makes it so.

There is very little discernible difference between a Tonkatsu and a Schnitzel apart from the breadcrumb and thickness of the meat (also veal vs pork i suppose though I doubt Americans would eat veal). I think Tonkatsu is usually better because of the crunch and thicker cut however if its ill prepared or uses poorer cuts of meat this is far more noticeable than a Schnitzel so i guess its the safer route. If I was a cheap place I think the Schnitzel would be usually better the problem is that I have found difficulty in getting a more "haute cuisine" version however it is very easy to find higher end Tonkatsu.

I've not heard so much of marinating a Tonkatsu usually they will be priced on the type of pork and the quality of pork with restaurants doing about 4-5 versions or so which will all have different flavours and tastes. I have seen an eaten different meats for Tonkatsu and also ones which were i guess stuffed ala Cordon Bleu which might be what you are referring to.

>> No.7917601


>> No.7917608


what is the point of these fucking posts? how can you be remotely happy with yourself posting this shit?

>> No.7917620

>tfw gf is a great cook
>tfw I don't cook at all
>tfw we're both agnostic centrist history majors but still end up falling into stereotypical gender roles, right down to likely getting married even though we're not religious and don't really care for involvement of the state in our relationship
Works for me lel

>> No.7917637
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>dumb girlfriend
Sounds like you're into cooking and she's trying to connect with you. Why don't you pick something with a few steps and make it together instead of being an arrogant ingrate behind her back on the internet?

>> No.7917638

Tonkatsu = pork
Torikatsu = chicken

You should probably learn something before criticizing.

>> No.7917643

Ummmm I know you fucking moron where did I mention chicken?

>> No.7917645

But anon, tonkatsu is just a thick schnitzel.

t. Austrian who spent time in Japan

>> No.7917646

That was actually the joke but people missed it I think.

>> No.7917650

I've never in my life have had a girlfriend who could cook. Like, at all.

Usually one will try to cook something pathetic and it's like "shh bby it's ok" and I never let them cook for me again, and just do it all myself.

Modern women are hopeless

>> No.7917651

So you knew it was going to be pork schnitzel?

>> No.7917657

The secret is to find one that is a big sister and had a single mother growing up.

>> No.7917662

You've never had good schnitzel then, i bet you are some flyover weeb who never even have left his state. You might want to venture outside your shithole and try food made in the country it's from.

>> No.7917669

>bonus little sister.

>> No.7917675

You're fucking autistic if you don't understand the joke jesus wet

>> No.7917681

After traveling japan a few times and enjoying Tonkatsu in numerous places, it varies region to region, chef to chef. I have had ones with panko one with normal crumb, paper thin and thick sized. it litter ally means pork cutlet, and yes katsu sauce is normally used but not implied, you are literally saying pork schnitzel

>> No.7917684

>dating the spawn of a single mother

>> No.7917686

No i don't understand the joke? Clearly. Explain?

>> No.7917692

The joke is that they're the same to anyone except a giga autist weeaboo

>> No.7917693

It works when you're also the spawn of a single mother :^)

>> No.7917699

Tonkotsu and pork schnitzel are the same thing.

>> No.7917703

In my case I got a bonus little brother who likes comics.
>tfw six year old kid who both calls The Dark Knight Returns skin in Arkham City "Fatman" and yet somehow also knows about TDKR

>> No.7917714

I don't understand why it's funny though? you making it out like they're not the same when they are, you sound stupid not funny?

>> No.7917721

>you making it out like they're not the same when they are

Yes, that is literally the joke.

>>sound stupid not funny
Welcome to 4chan. It's all stupid.

>> No.7917736

But why be mean to your GF?

>> No.7917740


>> No.7917747


There is no GF, anon. That's just fictional bullshit to set up the joke.

>> No.7917758


my current girlfriend is a conspicuously bad cook. her dad is a lecturer on proust and her family are into french shit. one day i came downstairs to see her swabbing some mouldy bread in milk and eggs. like, i'm talking full on penicillin-on-hovis here. bread was so fucking colonised with cultures it looked like the fucking crab nebula. i asked her what the fuck she was doing and she was like 'i'm making pain perdu - you're supposed to use old bread'

the girlfriend before that was also shit, i remember her making these disgusting agar jelly cocktails and omelette after omelette served as crispy brown shards in egg milk with tomato gunge. but the one before that was pretty fucking great.

>> No.7917778

>pain perdu
That literally translates to "lost bread".

>> No.7917791


i know. meaning stale.

>> No.7917906
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>ywn be a belly filling cock draining wife
>your cooking/baking skills and vagina are useless

>> No.7917938

I've only revently got into cooking. I'm 18 and still live at home, and I've found my entire family sucks at every dish except spaghetti. Everyone cooks the steak well done, they buy everything boxed, and are incapable of making more than simple recipes. My girlfriend can cook homestyle food well but shes enlisted so i can't even have that. My family won't let me cook dinners for everyone because i cook outside of what theyre used to. And I'm stuck here for another 2 years because of college.

>> No.7918846

Girlfriend enlisted? Why are you calling her your girlfriend still?

She is cheating or will be cheating getting sweaty with all those fit chads

>> No.7918953
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>gf enlisted

Are you fucking serious

>> No.7918966

Fucking this. Fuck you gf having entitled faggots. I would be happy as fuck just to have a gf.

>> No.7918988


It's tonkatsu

>> No.7919185


Where's she from, homie?

>> No.7919196


Maangchi is surprisingly sexual. So glad I'm not the only one.

>> No.7919694
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I decide to check this thread on a whim and am assaulted by a shitton of misplaced, idiotic anti-weeb posters on a 4chan board of all places. /ck/, what happened?

No, really, this board seems to get worse and worse by the week. I don't even know why i bother to come here anymore.

>> No.7919719

>gf says to come over, she's making 'za
>get there, can smell 'za cooking
>"So, what toppings on the 'za"
>"Eh, I only like cheese 'za"
>"WTF! Are you a fucking pleb? No Pineapple!? No Pepperoni!? No Jalapenos?!"
>"Anon, pls stop shouting. Ans what's a pleb?"

Just did a 360° and marched right outta there without even tasting the 'za. Got a Subway as I walked back home. She has sent a text saying sorry and asking if I'm OK but I think I'm finished with her after tonight's debacle.

>> No.7919729

Bitches be dumb, dog.

>> No.7919754

>I'm just pretending to be retarded.jpg
allow me to repeat;

fuck off retard.

>> No.7919760
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here you go twat monger

>> No.7919766
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>using bread that old.
first world problems.
you had a fucking gold mine there you fucking retard. that girl was willing to try to cook and eat moly ass crab nebula bread because she was told. She didn't bitch that it wasn't the burger, she didn't care that she wasn't sure if she'd like it, she was going in there and no mold was going to stop her. All she litterally needed was for you to not be a dweeb and help her clueless ass on the right course. Most people when they run into a situation like that and they can't cook? they fucking call dominos you idiot.

>> No.7919771



>> No.7919786

Literally obliterated.

>> No.7919818



>> No.7919821


>> No.7919831 [DELETED] 


>> No.7919899
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>Have an IRL 3dpd gf
>Not embracing based waifu theology

I pity you anon

>> No.7920016
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Don't try and b8 everyone you dumb cunt.
I've seen tonkatsu marinated with soy salt and also served with tonkatsu sauce.
also what is the equivilant in austria of a fucking katsu-don?

>> No.7920066

kebab over rice