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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7913753 No.7913753 [Reply] [Original]

I can drink 8 beers on a friday night and feel ok but if I eat even a little bit of candy i feel really guilty and shameful. what's wrong with me?

>> No.7913756

My guess is you're consuming too much candy and not enough beer.

>> No.7913806
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I can easily eat half a tub of peanut butter in a sitting and I have biscuits with it and make peanut butter biscuit sandwiches and dip so many biscuits in it

>> No.7913852


how fucking fat are you?

that's probably 2k+ cals

>> No.7913858

Sometimes, when I'm really hungry or don't have anything in the refrigerator, I put condiments on slices of bread and eat that shit.
Ketchup and mustard, or barbeque sauce, nasty shit like that on white bread and just eat four or five of them.
Or ranch dressing and parmesan cheese on flour tortillas.

My mouth is watering right now, I'm fucking disgusting.

>> No.7913860
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Could be supressed memories of stealing from your grandma's candy jar when you were a kid. Or you became a victim of the 'sugar is bad' meme.

Alcohol makes you lose your inhibitions so maybe you don't feel so bad about the sugar in alcohol because the alcohol is fucking with your head. When I used to drink alcohol I would do things that make me feel guilty and shameful the next day and I regret what I did the night before.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.7913862
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I weigh 80kg

I exercise like a cunt though and my main meals are pretty healthy, I just can't get enough of peanut butter sometimes

>> No.7913863

You sound like a heavy set person.

>> No.7913865

Nothing wrong with that bro, I used to love eating the bits of bread with just the butter and barbecue sauce on it after finishing off the last bit of sausage or steak

Sometimes I'll just have a sandwich with warm butter and barbecue sauce, shit is fucking mint

>> No.7913866

top quality protein, mate. don't sweat it.

>> No.7913877


i'm taking the bait, but peanutbutter is a horrible source of protein when you consider the amount of calories it has.. it's like 160 cals/5-6 grams of protein for 2 tablespoons.

>> No.7913885

I made the mistake of eating peanut butter and jam sandwiches and then I weighed out the servings and I stopped as one sandwich was probably 700kcal

>> No.7913886

Peanut butter is mainly good fats bro

>> No.7913890
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brand for brand? buy a brand that's crushed peanuts and it's all good. magnesium is also crucial for muscle developement.

>i don't understand something so it must be bait
you'll get far in life with that logic.

>> No.7913891

People call eggs a good source of protein all the time, even though twice as many calories in eggs come from fat as from protein. So it's only reasonable to call peanuts a good source of protein too.

>> No.7913893

Peanut butter and jelly is overrated tbqh

Had it with strawberry jam for the first time in my life a few weeks back and it was just meh, exactly what I was expecting, just peanut butter and strawberry jam

>> No.7913894

yeah, i know. i once foolishly eliminated all fat from my diet and felt the consequences so i fat-loaded on peanuts because it's a really good, and cheap, source of fat.

good stuff!

>> No.7913899

>calories are bad.
Lazy, fat fuck detected.

>> No.7913903

And what's good is that people think peanut butter is as bad as something like nutella or chocolate spreads or some shit, but seriously, look at the nutrition here >>7913890 and if you look at the ingredients it's literally the same as a pack of nuts

>peanut butter ingredients:
>peanuts, salt

>bag of peanuts ingredients:
>peanuts, salt

>> No.7913904


look, i think peanutbutter is great and it's a super cheap source of protein/cals, but it all depends on the rest of your diet.. when you break down the macros, it's NOT a good source of protein. i can eat a scoop of whey for like 100 cals to get 24-30 grams of protein.

you can eat the equivalent weight in chicken breast and get 44 grams of protein for only like 250 cals.

do you get what i'm saying?


eggs are bomb af though and so cheap.. 7 g protons and 70 cals per egg, if you eat 6 eggs like anybody who's bulking or lifting should do you get 42 g protein for only 420 cals.

it still beats peanutbutter by a longshot.

>> No.7913907


i didn't say calories were bad; i said peanutbutter is an objectively not good source of protein (if getting protein is your goal).

see my post here >>7913904

>> No.7913908

That's a mean thing to say but I bet you didn't realize that since you don't have friends around to tell you about your lack of behavior.

>> No.7913915

Depends on your form of calorie burning technique (ie. your exercise). Endurance sports like cycling need more calories than a body builder or shotput thrower.

I cycle and have a hard time getting enough calories into my body because most calorie-dense foods taste disgusting to me.

Basically I'm just saying calories aren't bad for a lot of people. Just the people who aren't active and won't burn it off.
*ahem* >>7913885

>> No.7913920

>not just putting 1 tbsp of peanut butter with your shakes

Ain't gonna make it

>> No.7913924


right, but we were talking about peanutbutter being a good source of protein (which it isn't, considering the macros) it's a great source of cheap calories and fat, but if protein is what you're after, it's not efficient or economic.

that shit is expensive. just drink whole milk if you want the same macro profile except for a fraction of the price.

>> No.7913925

>i didn't say calories were bad
>peanutbutter is a horrible source of protein when you consider the amount of calories it has
>i didn't say calories were bad; >i said peanutbutter is an objectively not good source of protein
>[because calories are bad]
move the goalposts wherever you like but they're still goal posts

hurt yourself

>> No.7913930


still inefficient.. just use olive oil if you wanna add calories to your shakes. it's 140 cals per TABLESPOON and is already in liquid form.

>3 cups whole milk (450 cal, 21g protons)
>2 scoops whey protons (220 cal, 48 protons)
>1 cup powdered oats (300 cals, 10g protons)
>2 tbsp olive oil (280 cals)

1250 cals and 79g protein. you could live off like two of those and a multivitamin per day and still make gains.

>> No.7913934

>considering the macros
nobody mentioned macros but you

>that shit is expensive
peanuts are cheaper as fuck

>just drink whole milk
peanuts are cheaper than milk, and milk is high in saturated fat.

just stop.

>> No.7913938

I've definitely fallen for that meme. I can eat likw 30 strawberries but a roll of sweey tarts will leave me feeling guilty. Is natural sugar not as bad for you as the added stuff or is that also a meme?

>> No.7913942


my point is that if your goal is to get protein, then it's not a good source of it because it's so calorically dense.

if you eat more calories than you use each day, you get fat. a person who is athletic and active should get 1g protein per kg of bodyweight. where do you get the rest of your protein from if youve already spent 850 cals on a fucking cup of peanutbutter while also getting carbs in there and trying to not feel hungry for a good portion of the day?

if you can eat your cup of peanutbutter and then like one medium sized meal a day, then good for you. most people don't want to do that, though.

>> No.7913943

Just add eggs you mong

>> No.7913951

None really, maybe fast food because its not worth the cost.

Alcohol.t. My father was an alchy and my entire family is big into shitting on drinkers. Never enjoyed a drink, but still try to with friends. Always makes me have panic attacks that everyone hates me - cant buy it without thinking the clerk thinks Im a piece of shit.

>> No.7913952


a gallon of whole milk is like $2.50 for ~1600 calories and 112 grams of protein. peanutbutter is like $5-6 for a small jar. who said anything about saturated fats? we're just arguing about which one is a better source of protein.

when you say something is a "good" source of protein, you're mentioning macros. that's what separates good sources from bad ones.

>> No.7913954


>add four entire raw eggs to equal the calories from 2 tbsp of oil

dude, come on..

>> No.7913962

>implying 4 eggs isn't going to fill you up and more satiating and tasty than fucking rank ass olive oil

>> No.7913970


i assumed we were talking about bulking shakes.. you can slam the shake i mentioned in a few seconds; it's not meant to taste good, it's just an efficient meal replacement.

do you want to be shredded or not, anon? eating isn't about "tasting good" when you're tryna diet for either losing or gaining weight.

>> No.7913983

>bulking shakes
That's what we used to call fat girls twerking.

>> No.7913986

I can't have yogurt or kefir. It will vanish within 4-6 hours of it making it into y fridge. It doesn't matter how much I buy, it's going to vanish. At one point I bought 3 650 gram tubs of Key Lime Yogurt on a whim because it was on sale and I devoured through it in 20 minutes.

I mean, it was good, but Jesus Christ.

>inb4 fatass 5'11, 60 kg

>> No.7914015

I can get a small jar of natural peanut butter for under $2, while a gallon of milk is more expensive.

>> No.7914033

There is a farm just down the way that has a lot of milk cows. I sneak over there and get milk for free. It sucked one time when I mistook a bull for a cow. But it sure filled up the container.

>> No.7914051


where u at, tho?

peanutbutter is a solid $5 for a tiny 16 oz jar of the natty stuff

>> No.7914058

Five dollars for peanut butter? Damn. Glad I live in Michigan.

>> No.7914065

everyone in this thread must be fat as fuck

>> No.7914094


seattle here so everything is more expensive i guess.. milk is still under $3 a gallon and eggs are still $2.50/dozen.

>> No.7914164


>> No.7914225

you will get fatter off beer than you ever will off candy

>> No.7914886

>5.11 60kg
No fucking musle whatsoever huh?
Im 5.11 75 kg with abs

>> No.7914904

sorry but that is bullshit

>> No.7915356

If you get the kind that doesn't have added sugar, it's fewer sugar caloris aND more healthy fats. Also, calories are fuel for people that actually do shit.

>> No.7915714

If you give me pizza I will devour a fuck ton of it, despite being eating moderate sized meals any other time.

>> No.7915865

Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies.

>> No.7916222

>calories are fuel for people that actually do shit.

This guy gets it.

>> No.7916226

he's right. beer has lots of calories.

>> No.7916230

Yep a six-pack can have 1000+ calories.

>> No.7916244

Nothing. Candy sucks and isn't worth the calories. Beer is awesome. Your guilt is spot on.

>> No.7916293

>This guy gets it.
>gets it
It was just a fluke!

I remember reading somewhere that alcohol reduces your body's ability to break down fats so any fat that you consume with alcohol in your system is effectively doubled.
Plus, as alcohol reduces your inhibitions you are more likely to eat fatty junk food that you would ordinarily avoid if you had a level head, and then crave more fats when you wake up with a hangover.

I can't remember where I read that so I can't recall of it was opinion or fact but I'm inclined to believe it.
Ever seen a skinny alcoholic? Me neither.

>> No.7916645

Health industry makes money too.
A lot. A lot by making people feel guilty.

>> No.7916685

no way is a pbj 7000 calories, mate

>> No.7919013

He said 700kcal, meaning 700,000 calories. Either way, what he said was total BS.

>> No.7920540

Protip; "calories", in the context of food, is the same as kcal.

>> No.7920830
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I live on beer (slab every second day) and ciabatta I make myself until I decide to do some proper shopping and cook up a storm.

Still underweight as fuck, grossly pale.

Dead by 30 mark my words lads.