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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7909122 No.7909122 [Reply] [Original]

Who /IBS/ here?

>> No.7909142

I feel you OP. I've had IBS since I was a kid. Currently shitting out ungodly terrors as I type.

>> No.7909154

ulcerative colitis here. I can actually eat whatever I want now that I'm on Remicade, it suppresses the symptoms entirely. but I might get lupus from it. OH WELL

>> No.7909164


I have a friend with MS who takes some fucking crazy medication to suppress the symptoms. One of the side effects is literally that he could just randomly die for no apparent reason.

>> No.7909166

Constipation type here. I just had my first attack in months, even though I take benefiber daily.

>> No.7909172

Don't know what the hell I ate, but I feel round four brewing up right now.

Gonna be a long night, anons.

>> No.7909173

Whenever I drink beer and malt liquor I shit bad. I've almost messed my pants a few times.

>> No.7909186

Not 100% on topic but we're talking about shit anyway.
What does it mean when your shit is gray?

>> No.7909195

I'd prefer a little constipation. 90% of the craps I take are forty minutes long. Starts out all right, but then the stool goes completely soft, breaks off, and I have to manually squeeze and shimmy the rest out until I'm dry.

>> No.7909196

grey shits often are a sign that your bile system is fucked up somehow like a gallstone maybe

>> No.7909200

get a fecal transplant

>> No.7909201

if you want to slow your roll a bit, try taking an iron supplement. or opiates

>> No.7909204
File: 127 KB, 659x697, 1469025216954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google gallstone

>> No.7909215

Needs a new name.

>ordering food at a restaurant
>patron says: "Can I get the steak without X ingredient, please? I have coeliac disease."
>chef: "That sounds serious. Better do as he asks."

>ordering food at a restaurant
>patron says: "Can I get the steak without X ingredient, please? I have irritable bowel syndrome."
>chef thinks: "Fuck you and your irritable bullshit. You get it how it comes!"

>> No.7909232



>> No.7909302

>can I get the steak without X ingredient please?
>can I get the steak without the beef please?

>> No.7909341

It's better than shitting your pants 24/7 in public.

>> No.7909344

get two boxes and lift your feet so to assume a squatting position over the toilet. works wonders.

>> No.7909369

I have IBS with constipation as well and I take macrogol and wheat bran, my shits come out flawless and consistent. I don't see why Benefiber would have any effect though, it is wheat dextrin which is fermentable and soluble and shouldn't have much of a laxative effect. Cereal bran has a strong laxative effect, it's also very cheap

Anybody know which bacteria strains to take against constipation? I only know that Methanobrevibacter brevii causes it and my lack of H2 exhalation confirms it for me too, but I can't find a doctor who will prescribe the right antibiotics because nobody here knows anything about IBS. I eat garlic/onion regularly but it's not doing much so far (garlic kills methanogens as well apparently).

>> No.7909377

just eat activia every morning, good to go.

>> No.7909382

>tfw doing liquid shits browsing 4chan on the toilet

>> No.7909400

I have both constipation and diarhea type; I'm on dicyclomine and psyllium husk fiber, which takes the edge off the symptoms, but nothing entirely eliminates them.

Does anyone else get dull, persistent pain in the lower left quadrant of their abdomen? I have it frequently, and diarhea attacks really exacerbate it badly. Kind of worried about what's wrong with my ass.

>> No.7909402

Or vitamin D.

>> No.7909826

Kiwi and kiwifruit juice helped somewhat, so did yoghurt sometimes (only certain types).

But what has really been life changing is metamucil. I tried a different brand and it wasn't anywhere near as good as the metamucil (not sure why, the textures of the stuff were different) but, anyway, someone recommended it on /fit/ and, shit...

>> No.7910233

Remicade is pretty good until you get a bad reaction or it just randomly stops working for no reason.
Humira is the real deal if you don't mind injecting yourself with citric acid once a week.