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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 4 KB, 181x278, chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7903947 No.7903947 [Reply] [Original]

So /ck/, what are some food related memories from childhood that still make you sad?
Ill start.
>I fucking hated my mothers cooking growing up
>Mainly because of the way she would cook a chicken.
>what she would do is
>1. Take a chicken.
>2. chop up some carrots, and maybe potatoes.
>3. Cook the chicken without any seasonings.
>4. Serve said chicken with a side of lukewarm canned peas.
>Every time she would make this I would be almost at the verge of tears because it was so bad.
>To this day she still makes chicken the same way, and its still horrible

>> No.7903954
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My mother used canned tomatoes in everything. otherwise it was all alright.
Also I went to a sort of boarding school where they forced me to eat food like a righthanded person despite being lefty, which was sorta shitty.
Pic unrelated.

>> No.7903965

I have a few of these actually

>Be really poor growing up, mainly because my parents were always trying to sue people
>There was a better part of 6 months where almost every dinner was 99 cent store hotdogs.
>Often with a glass of powdered milk.
>we had enough money to buy real milk, but we didn't, because then my mom would have to go without her half and half for her coffee, or wouldn't have enough money for wine
>she never finished her coffee
>or her wine
>The half and half would often go bad in the fridge, along with the wine.

>> No.7903969


I still have nightmares about it.

>> No.7903983

My grandmother made me a roasted chicken dinner a couple of weeks ago. It was basically a roasting pan with chicken, carrots, onions, cabbage, and broccoli thrown into the oven for an hour. Seasoned only with salt and pepper and it was pretty delicious. I have no idea where your mother went wrong.

My childhood was full of Hamburger Helper, tacos, and Buddig ham sandwiches. Holidays were big for me because they meant I got actual big dinners and real ham.

God help me I do love ground beef though and I blame my childhood for it.

>> No.7903998

are you me? we were poor due to my parents drug addiction and they spent all out good money on wine and cigarettes and more drugs and I knew we'd have more money if they stopped even when I was like 5

>> No.7903999

OP and >>7903965 here, I'm gonna namefag for this shit, because I have a lot of stories

>I loved cherry and grape tomatoes as a kid.
>We even had a cherry tomato bush, next to the blackberry bush (I also loved blackberrys).
>We also had a normal tomato plant.
>I didn't like the normal tomatoes from that plant.
>Because my mother would (and still does) blanch every tomato that she grows.
>her reasoning?
>"I don't like the skin, its taste it too sharp".
>I hated those awful things, she would often just give me a bowl of them and would get mad if I didn't finish them .
>I would often sneak into the back yard and eat the cherry tomatoes, and the blackberrys.
>My father ended up killing the cherry tomato bush, and the blackberry bush, when his hoard of rusty car parts ended up crushing both of them.
>I still cant eat blackberrys without becoming profoundly sad, remembering that I lost one of the only good things I had growing up due to my dads trash.

>> No.7904003
File: 168 KB, 500x300, Cooked-mince1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyday for 15 years

Nothing wrong with how she prepared it but holy fuck, some variety please

>> No.7904015

>dad would make oatmeal for breakfast, just like he saw in good eats
>fucking hated oatmeal, made me vomit, brown sugar and cinnamon made it worse somehow
>he knows I hate it, makes me eat in anyways one day
>"anon, this is a puke-free zone, now eat all your oatmeal"
>I just fucking can't, puke in the bowl, somehow consistency of oatmeal doesn't change
>he makes me eat it because I puked in a puke-free zone and he was mad I wasted his efforts

Not even trolling. I only eat oats if I make them now cause I know I need them for gainz, but it's still hard to finish a bowl. Can't enjoy cinnamon or brown sugar as much as other people either.

>> No.7904016

My mother became a good cook by the time I was really old enough to notice the difference between good and bad cooking. But looking back on it some of the things she made when I was very young (5-6 years old) were terrible. Here are two I remember:

Spam and Seashells: Fry cubed Spam with onions. Dump in jar of Ragu sauce. Pour into casserole doish containing overcooked seashell pasta. Top with green can Kraft cheese. Bake.

Canned Salmon Casserole - Soak six slices white bread in milk. Add can of salmon, two beaten eggs, salt, pepper and a little chopped onion and celery. Put into casserole dish, top with breadcrumbs and bake.

After a while both my father and brother asked her to stop making stuff like that, and she'd become a better cook anyways, so she stopped with the casserole recipes from trashy magazines and the labels of cans. As a kid I actually kinda liked this stuff, but I cringe now looking back on it.

>> No.7904018

>Hated milk
>Mom would always pour me a glass at dinner
>Drink it as fast as I could so I could get it out of the way and enjoy my food
>Mom thought I loved milk so she would pour me more
>Thought she was punishing me for something I did
Luckily my parents became vegan when I was 14 and I never had to drink milk again.

>> No.7904024

>my parents were always trying to sue people

>> No.7904026

Literally every single day?

>> No.7904029

My parents are divorced, and back when I was a kid I'd spend like every other weekend with my dad.

Every Saturday morning he would make pancakes for breakfast... But these were the shittiest pancakes I've ever had.

I think he used bisquik or some shit, the pancakes were always crumbly and kind of bitter, and fucking cold. Every time they would be so cold butter wouldn't melt or anything and they'd end up just soggy, crumbly, bitter, sugar free syrup soaked chunks of shit.

I almost threw up sometimes choking down that garbage.

Like seriously, how the fuck do you fuck up something as simple as pancakes that badly?

>> No.7904031

My parents would spend food money so much not food that I still resent them for it

My mom would buy
>coffee that only my mother drank, and she never finished a cup
>Wine that she would open, have half a glass, and then leave in the fridge for weeks at a time.
>Magic tricks and Merlin shit so she could try to impress her magic club, even though she almost never went.
>Stuff for her shitty dove that still hasn't died (Its like, 24).
>M&ms that she would hide and not share.
>Beer that she would have 3 sips of and then put back in the fridge.

dad would buy
>Tools and car parts at the swap meet, even though you couldn't walk through the yard because of all rusty trash
>The yard was actually stacked 5 feet high with scrap metal
>I got tetanus 6 times before I was 10.
>Cans of anchovies in chille sauce, that only he would eat
>Cars that didn't run.
>used clothes that didn't fit.
>Weird busted garbage from yard sales that he claimed was worth money, but he left it laying around and the rats ended up chewing on.
>expired food that only he could eat.

I was so poor that I though cup-o-noodle was fancy and would consider it fine dining.

>> No.7904041
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Mom's cooking has always been shit because she has no patience for anything

>"The recipe calls for me to bake at 350 for 30 minutes? I'll just turn it to 500 degrees and it'll only take 10!"
>She boils squash
>Throws things in the oven without seasoning
>Puts canned mushrooms right on my plate without heating them up
>Somehow made small biscuits weight a pound
>Crockpot's everything for a year straight as part of her Betty Crocker phase
>Follows only the 1974 Betty Crocker annual cookbook, despite owning 1972 to 1998
>She always got pissy when I called her out on it as a kid
>I just got a spanking and a timeout every time
>My father would always cook better than her. His quiche was perfection and he'd only make it once a year
>He wouldn't cook anything else because he had got it in his head he'd just ruin the food
>When mom divorced him she had me stay at his house
>For 6 years straight it was canned foods and frozen pizzas / chicken nuggets from Aldis

>They always had me drink 3 glasses of milk a day. One for each meal
>I was always gassy and short of breath at school with a lot of phlegm built up
>It took them until I already moved out and swore off dairy that they figured out I'm allergic to the stuff

My experience of eating awful food for 19 years made me want to become a chef and spare people from the same fate

>> No.7904043

>how the fuck do you fuck up something as simple as pancakes that badly?
Being depressed.

>> No.7904046

Would get a chippy once a month or so

>> No.7904056

>>my parents were always trying to sue people

his parents are nogs. maybe not in color, but in culture. they were lazy good for nothing pieces of shit who don't want to work and would rather try to scam someone to make money.

>> No.7904057

My parents saw nothing wrong with making the same four dishes over and over. They weren't all terrible, but you get sick of having the same thing every week, especially when a couple of those nights were leftovers. So my diet consisted of primarily:
-crunchy shell tacos with ground turkey and minimal salt/spice "because it's healthier that way."
-tuna noodle casserole i.e., canned tuna+cream of mushroom soup+egg noodles+frozen peas
-"stroganoff" which was also just cream of mushroom soup with ground beef or turkey and served over mashed potatoes for some reason. And of course the potatoes were made with almost no salt and margarine instead of butter "because it's healthier."
-"bbq chicken" this was actually the best of the four, baked chicken with this shitty Kraft brand bbq sauce slathered on it. Usually served with a baked potato but no butter allowed cause "healthy"

My only salvation was on Friday we usually went out to a local pizza joint.

>> No.7904062

>Being depressed.

or just don't fucking care, and did the least possible and cheapest to get through the weekend.

>> No.7904063

yeah I have no idea why parents feed their children shit so they can have their shitry "hobbies" fulfilled. desu I was obese at age 6 and there's really only them to blame. when I see other obese kids who are too young to even fully understand what healthy eating is I boil with rage. I want to save them from their equally obese parents. it should be considered child abuse I have no idea why it isn't.

>> No.7904065

man what the fuck

>> No.7904066

My father was/is a greedy asshole. If one of his bosses or coworkers made a small mistake he would try to sue the city of negligence and would try to get workers comp over his fingers getting tired using a screwdriver.
One of his lawsuits ended up costing us 38 thousand dollars in legal fees

>My dad had a really small, shitty vacant. lot near the harbor.
>It was stacked 8 feet high with scrap metal and rusted trash
>It was also in a ghetto so bad that people would get mugged at hatchet point during the day
>It was maybe 15' by 40'
>The city seized the land and some of the land nearby so that they could build a new metro-line
>The city compensated all the land owners pretty fairly.
>He got 15 thousand bucks in 2001
>He decided that the land was worth 36K, and he decided to sue the city, the construction company, the lawyers who helped the construction company, and the metro-line planners.
>He ended up loosing 38 thousand over the course of 6 years.
>We didn't have money for a babysitter most days, so I was stuck going to court with him almost every time.
>After court he would always go to carls jr and buy himself food, but not get me anything..

>> No.7904071

>it should be considered child abuse I have no idea why it isn't.

neglect at least. they're spoiled children themselves.

once you have children, all your own personal desires should go out the window if they conflict with taking care of the kids.

>> No.7904072

Going through a divorce ain't easy. He probably wanted to stay close with you, but he just had his life turned upside down, and the last thing he really gave a shit about was the quality of the fucking pancakes he was making for you. Especially if he never was really that into cooking in th first place.

>> No.7904074

:'( that reminds me of when my parents would come home with fast food and I'd expect there to be something for me but they used the same excuse every fucking time "you're a kid, u don't need this" and I would go another night hungry

>> No.7904075

>>After court he would always go to carls jr and buy himself food, but not get me anything..

you should go beat the shit out of him

>> No.7904079


"parents" like that should be shot. i'm sorry you went through that.

>> No.7904080

lol wtf?

nogs in spirit?

>> No.7904081

You must be truly special.

>> No.7904089
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damn son, you are truly a redpiled individual

you pierced the truth of nig nogs!
they pervert the hard work of honest americans!

>> No.7904090

>sliced eggplant
>sliced zuccini
>sliced squash
>sliced tomato
>sliced onion
>a pound of feta
>a bit of olive oil
>baked for an hour
>served over rice
>i got a plain chicken thigh or italian sausage sometimes

I love my moms cooking, this is my favorite dish she makes. Shes vegetarian btw

>> No.7904091

We just turned in one of the neighbors to the DHS for neglect. She's in her 30s, has about 7 kids, all from a different father. She supposedly works, at least she leaves the house every day. And instead of leaving food, she taught the kids to go door to door in the neighborhood to ask for food. I don't know how she thought she wouldn't get turned in.

>> No.7904094

I was 300 pounds by the time I was 12 and until I was 16, mainly because of taco bell and mcdonalds,

>I grew up near a taco bell and a mcdonalds
>My mom would rarely buy me food from there, and it was never the chicken nuggets (which I loved because it was chicken that wasn't terrible)
>It was only ever either the hamburger or cheeseburger happy meal, because they were 1.79 and 1.99 respectively,
>The chicken nugget meal was "Way too expensive" at 2.59
>She would always force me to get the 2% milk, even though it made me nauseous
>To avoid my mother cooking I would save as much change as I could find around the house and use it to go to mcdonalds to get a happy meal.
>As i got older I would use my change to go to taco bell and get soft tacos.
>I would walk there, by myself, and the age of 6 or 7.
>We lived in a really bad neighborhood and they let a small child walk 6 blocks by himself for tacos
>most of the time they wouldn't even notice I was gone.

>> No.7904104
File: 352 KB, 119x152, fuck this realm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck. I can't cope with this thread

>> No.7904126

Thank you for being the only happy post in a rage thread.

My mom makes this too, but without the rice. It's good. Did your mom add fresh basil?

>> No.7904131

Did it stick? What happened?

>> No.7904132

That's pretty much what I eat every day but without the cheese

>> No.7904135

What is it called?

>> No.7904138

I remember going to bed hungry because my dad was being an asshole and wouldn't let me eat.

>My mom was gone for a few days
>My dad was angry at me because my room was messy.
>My "Room" was part of a remodeled walk in closet.
>The other half of the closet was my moms office/ junk room, it was bigger than my room
>she still stored a shit load of her stuff in my room
>He said I wasn't allowed to eat until my room was clean.
>I wouldn't clean up her stuff that she left in my room.
>I ended up going 2 days without food, getting in trouble if I tried to eat something
>I managed to sneak some chopped up celery and a cup of water that I put beef bullion in because I could make "soup" without making noise.
>It was the first thing that I ever cooked that wasn't toasty cheese or a microwaved tinas burrito.
>It was terrible, I cried.
>I didn't eat a real meal until late the next night when my mom came home.
>She wasn't even mad at my , she though I was lying and I got no TV for 2 days

>> No.7904139

God at my heaviest I was 220 pounds, I couldn't imagine being 300. I'm glad it appears that you lost weight anon, as an adult I pretty much avoid every food I ate as a kid and that alone dropped me by 30 pounds. At least our kids are gonna make it, right??

>> No.7904154

ITT: we work together as a group sharing childhood stories to get over our internalized self hate caused by our terrible parents.
he can't starve u anymore anon

>> No.7904166

My wife has a fear of chicken because her mother would either:

>pass out drunk after putting chicken in oven without even lighting oven
>wake up hours later
>rip off all her clothes and run around the house wrecking shit
>afterwards force feed her children raw chicken


>pass out drunk after putting chicken in oven with the oven on full throttle
>chicken starts literally burning
>8 year old kid opens the oven to try out it with water
>oven/stove now ablaze
>wakes up mother
>mother outs it but not after lighting a couple towels on fire nearly burning down the house
>thank god for concrete walls
>to this day drunkenly calls up my wife from where ever the fuck she is blaming her for all the mothers own fuckups
>should have killed you
>should have aborted you

This is only what I know that is food related but there are hundred of other stories that have been confirmed by even distant third parties who witnessed the events on how she tried to whore out her daughter for alcohol and how she tried to kill the same daughter in a drunken rage multiple times.

Her brother is also a 33 year old man with the emotional integrity of a fucking 4 year old

>> No.7904171

CPS got called on my parents once.
>Social worker comes to the door saying that someone called CPS
>My parents tell her to fuck off and come back with a warrant
>CPS never comes back

I ended up breaking his finger after he tried to stab my girlfriend (Now fiancee) and broke my nose over her leaving a pot of spaghetti sauce on the stove.
The worst part is that her and I are probably going to end up moving back in with my folks because we cant handle being homeless anymore, its been almost 5 months of couchsurfing and sleeping in the car and I cant do that to her anymore.

>> No.7904172

The summer I spent at my aunt's house was a fucking trip
>":) What do you want for for dinner, anon? I'll make you anything you want. Our house is your house."
>Fuck yeah, I want some goddamn spaghetti
>";) Here you go, anon! Enjoy!"
>It's a pack of indomie noodles with tomato sauce on top plopped pathetically on a styrofoam plate
>This isn't what I wanted
>This isn't what I wanted at all
>Don't want to be rude, so shovel down noodle tomato slop like a little bitch
>"Glad you liked it, anon! Do you want this again tomorrow?"
>She makes this shit for the entire 2 weeks I'm there

>> No.7904173


But lefties and righties are to eat food the same way.

Fork in left, knife in right.

>> No.7904174

>making ladyfingers for the first time
>live in tropics with no ac, be worried about batter falling, ready to throw pan in the oven so i can wash my hands of this mess and just wait for results
>open oven door
>greeted with gas smell
>pilot was out
>all this bullshit just barely coming together and I didnt check the fucking pilot

i baked the fallen batter after re-heating the oven anyway and it yielded a weirdly fluffy but rubbery angelcake thing that I ate anyway. it wasnt the worst but so fucking far from what I intended. the initial failure was devastating though. I haven't tried again since.

>> No.7904175

mothers suicide when?

>> No.7904181


>> No.7904185

hey I know it isn't optimal but those tiny houses are cheap as fuck and if you live near a rural area you can buy a small lot of land cheap, it may take a while to save up but at least you could be out of your dad faster.

>> No.7904190

I remember my grandma one time got a wild hare up her ass and tried some recipe called 'Cowboy Spaghetti'

which was spaghetti boiled in beer and the sauce had beer in it. it was terrible. she is an otherwise decent cook. not great, but definitely capable or better than that.

other than that and a few other just bad instances or bad ideas from whoever was cooking in my family that day, my childhood was pretty good food wise. I was actually kind of a fat kid until about 9th grade.

>> No.7904201


>once you have children, all your own personal desires should go out the window if they conflict with taking care of the kids.

As a father I agree with this but with the consideration that you yourself need to have fun sometimes because it benefits your child.

Having a child that you actively care for and want the best for is fucking stressful and sometimes you need to blow off some steam or get some sort of personal downtime before you end up murdering the little spoilt brat.

Like I know my kid should go to bed at this time. But right now he is having fun and I am in drunken conversation with someone who is ready to sign a contract with me so that little nigger can stay up until 9 o'clock for all i fucking care.

>> No.7904202

I loved ground beef tacos as a kid. it was the shit.

>Now and then my mom would make tacos.
>Most of the time it would be her "Shredded beef"
>It consisted of unseasoned flank steak, burnt and dry, cut into strips and put in with just cheese on a dry corn tortilla.
>It was horrible and had the texture of chewing on cold gristle.
>I could never stomach more than one
>sometimes it would be really greasy ground beef, then it was OK and I would have 2 or 3.

>> No.7904212

>Mom is of Eastern European descent, known for their bland food
>Mom was also born without the sense of smell
>Doesn't use herbs or spices because they're purely decorative for her
>always cooked everything with just a bit of salt and some instant chicken soup powder.

>> No.7904279
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>Anorexic teenager
>mini fridge in bedroom
>stocked with strictly baby carrots and diet a&w
>live off of this for nearly 4 months

>become bulimic teenager
>binge on smores pop tarts daily
>Slam a whole box of those suckers in under ten minutes
>proceed to blow smores chunks
>upstairs bathroom in my moms house is still stained with puke 10 years later.

I still don't go near baby carrots or pop tarts. Brings back memories of a really awful time.

>> No.7904291

We're trying to save up to move to Oregon with some friends, but we cant save any money if all of our expenses are on prepared food (Homeless=no stove or fridge) if we end up moving back to my parents we can just have as much as possible. They are honestly probably gonna kick the bucket really soon (my dad is 74 and my mom is 69, I'm only 22).

>> No.7904298

are you a landwhale now?

>> No.7904301

my mom was a good cook and i learned how to cook young so it was generally a positive experience

the one thing she did was put milk in these hippy dippy tupperware? bottles for my school lunches because she thought juice boxes were sugary and wasteful (she's not wrong) i just poured the gross smelly warm milk out but to this day i hate milk and plastic containers

>> No.7904304

shit it's a weird shit with onions in it night. Our were going to the relatives, which I just wasn't raised on this stuff.

>> No.7904307

mine was diet coke and plain oatmeal

haha it's amazing what parents won't really notice

>> No.7904311

Nah, learned how to cook and eat right and got over most of the neurotic bullshit that came with all that. I cook for myself nearly every day. I also exercise on the regular. 5'11/170 feels good

>> No.7904325 [DELETED] 


but ham n cheese, hotdogs, kudos, microwave burgers.

>> No.7904338

My mother only packed me a lunch once

>I always had to pack my own lunch, otherwise I wouldn't get one
>most of the time it was a slice or two of ham or salami, with mustard on white bread.
>We almost never had jelly or jam, but we always had peanut butter.
>and it wasn't the cheap shit, it was Laura Scutters chunky. It was 6 buck a jar.
>My mother hated sharing the peanut butter, and would often hide it
>On the rare days that I got peanut butter, it would only be peanut butter
>no jelly
>just peanut butter on white bread.
> Ive only had PB&J once or twice, so I consider it as a fancy desert .
>but I've have PB and ham a lot more often.
>mostly when we didn't have mustard.

Also I apologize if the quality of my posts starts going down, Its my birthday and my buddy is letting me crash tonight and smoke weed today, so I'm already starting to feel stoned.

>> No.7904350

That's drug use, not just alcohol.

>> No.7904355


not even jelly for the peanut butter. You poor miserable son of a bitch.(unknown movie) lol

oh well cheers hope everything is nice now.

>> No.7904362

Keep 'em coming please
What are your favorite foods now?
Are there any foods you're averse to (besides blackberries) because of your upbringing?
What do you think of eating out at restaurants?

>> No.7904369

Oh, and where in life are you now? How old are you? When did you move out? Where are your parents now? Do you still keep in contact with them? What do you do for a living? Happy birthday, by the way :3

>> No.7904371

oh yeah, happy birthday, buddy ,guy ,pal

>> No.7904373
File: 147 KB, 304x297, 3676782e-81d5-4579-b3f2-491ed9845c26..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> lived with grandma
> she hated cooking but made decent stuff
> one day when I was 14 I walked out of my room and smelled something cooking
> see cilantro sautéing on stove
> hate cilantro, tastes awful to me
> she was gonna put it in spaghetti sauce (ragu)
> say I don't really like cilantro
> she gets pissed, throws cilantro and pan in garbage
> feel bad for like 2 weeks
> I would have eaten it

>> No.7904374

>8 years old
>mom cleans houses in the day and bartends at night
>have a younger sister, 5, have to watch her after school since mom is never home
>btw we have different dads who live in other states because mom is retarded and loose
>it's my birthday
>mom works all day and night
>come home from school
>sister is sick, so spend most of the night keeping an eye on her
>make a ham sandwich for dinner
>make a better crocker cake mix birthday cake for myself
>fuck it up for the most part because I'm 8

>> No.7904390 [DELETED] 

i remember making grilled cheese at 4 our younger-no supervision,ever. it was the 70s-80s.

>> No.7904392 [DELETED] 

I was in charge of the kerosene heater at 4 our 5 our so.

>> No.7904419

This thread explains a lot about /ck/.
I don't have a sad food story thankfully, but I still hate my parents. Strange.

I feel for you anons, hope thing are brighter now

>> No.7904423

Oh no, anon. Oh no.

I have a quadruple chocolate cake with your name on in if you live near Dallas.

Jesus fuck.

>> No.7904431

Haha, thanks man. My girlfriend is from Dallas, actually. We live in Seattle. She takes great care of me, birthdays or not. No more sad days for me.

>tfw southern women are such based cooks and ideal waifus

>> No.7904442

>move to america in 1990 to get med care for brother
>get off the plane, it's late, we're hungry, and dad buys us our first meal in the US
>it's mcdonald's
>a happy meal
>don't remember which, but i remember the toy
>"cool, americans give away toys with their food."
>eat the food
>be sick all over myself that night
>brother in hospital for a year
>visit often
>play NES with him in his room a lot
>july 1991
>other brother goes downstairs to buy something to eat because hospital food is bad
>it's mcdonald's
>didn't want it because of that memory from the year before
>sickbro eats my happy meal and i just have a cup soup from a vending machine
>notsickbro and i go home
>next morning, wake up
>everyone in the house is solemn
>"anon, sickbro died last night."

To this day, Happy Meals don't make me very happy. I know it's not McDo's fault that I got sick after the plane ride (likely, I caught something on the plane) and I know it didn't kill my brother, but I can't separate McDonald's from those two awful, awful memories.

And why the fuck would a children's hospital have a McDonald's in its lobby, anyway? That shit is far from healthy.

>> No.7904454


No it is just alcohol. I have witnessed the transition myself when my wife for whatever reason was trying to make good their relationship. She has some normally mild instabilities that alcohol multiplies to some super saiyan level of rage and hate.

She is is also in total denial of everything that ever happened which is why she continues with those ways.

>> No.7904485

>why the fuck would a children's hospital have a McDonald's in its lobby, anyway
Because McD's paid them a lot of money and they're probably critically underfunded?

>> No.7904488

>been feeling kind of sick lately but whatever its probably just a cold
>not gonna miss thanksgiving over it
>hype up family and say im gonna make white castle stuffing as a joke food just to try it out once
>at thanksgiving dinner
>everyone likes it, i love it
>suddenly sharp pain in back
>excuse myself, go to bathroom
>tons of blood and puss leaking out of my back
>remember i had a blister there, it must have popped or some shit
>jump in shower to clean blood and puss off
>vision starts fading
>black out
>wake up to mom knocking on bathroom door
>"anon is everything ok? we heard a crash"
>look around
>puke, blood and shit everywhere
>ripped shower curtain and rod out of wall
>"yeah everythings fine"
>attempt to clean up the blood, shit and puke
>while cleaning i look in the mirror
>massive gash on my left eyebrow, realize i hit the side of the bathtub when i blacked out and fell down
>leave bathroom and tell everyone what happened
>they freak out and force me to go to the hospital
>i had a 109 degree fever and a bad bacterial infection
>needed stitches for my eyebrow
>got xrays of my head, didnt get concussion
>had to stay at the hospital for 3 days
>on day 2 family brings me thanksgiving leftovers so i dont have to eat shitty hospital food
>theres no white castle stuffing
>ask why
>"oh we threw it out"

worst thanksgiving of my life i barely got to eat any of my stuffing

>> No.7904504

McD is ideal recovery food.

>> No.7904506
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Grey pork chop with white rice when my dad was getting divorced from my mom. Heavy drinking involved. Still don't like grey pork chops.

>> No.7904529

Take this shit home.

>> No.7904545

Fresh garlic and herbs de provence

Its called "the usual" hehe

>> No.7904551

Pork chop with tons of black pepper
Mashed potatoes with peas mixed in
Fried onion

As bad as it is, its still a guilty pleasure

>> No.7904594

That's fucking dystopian, I'm sorry.

>> No.7904596

Serves you right, subhuman scum.

>> No.7904612
File: 181 KB, 1551x1034, stuvade_makaroner[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Macaroni boiled in milk.
It's a staple food here in Sweden and I blame it for raising the population into weak leftist cuck scum.

>> No.7904619


this is soo stupid and sad.
How would this even happen

>> No.7904623


holy shit. Stay strong anon, and for gods fucking sake, don't move back in.

>> No.7904642


actually laughed. thanks anon

>> No.7904667

Oh geez.

>mom is a drug addict, barely any money for food and buys most of it at a discount grocery where you have to check the dates on everything
>she doesn't check the dates
>opened boxes of pasta full of bugs
>eating uncooked macaroni and bugs at 5 years old because she hasn't been home for two days, the power had been shut off, and I was tired of eating paper towels to feel full

The bitch of this was she lived with a professional chef for several years who taught her a lot, and she was an amazing cook those rare times we had money. She is mystified why I won't talk to her today.

>> No.7904668


i know they pulled the kids out of there. haven't heard what's going on now though. at least the kids are away from that whore.

>> No.7904672

>macaroni boiled in milk

That is literally the weakest, wimpiest sounding food I have ever heard of.

It's even more milquetoast than milk toast.

>> No.7904674

>>live in tropics with no ac

i don't know how you try baking anything

>> No.7904679

this was supposed to be a lighthearted thread, anon.

This is very sad. What drug was it?

>> No.7904681

Growing up, we had a local fried chicken meal once every month or so, so it was a treat for us kids. We were kinda poor because my mom could only work an evening job at a corner store, and my dad was always laid off from his job (too lazy to get another) so when we got Mary Browns it was like christmas.

We were always given minimal chicken and taters (seasoned potato wedges) and no coleslaw. My fat fucking slob lazy-ass father took the two centers and 80% of the taters, and all the coleslaw. One time, in my glee of seeing the Mary Brown's box I reached my hand into it and took a piece, and put it on my plate. My fucking dad shouted at me "OH YEAH, TAKE THE BIGGEST PIECE YOU GREEDY FUCK." I looked confused and looked down, and realized I took the center. He promptly took it from me, and my mom scolded me saying, "Your father gets both centers." all the while glowering at me. I always hated both of them for their selfishness.

Moved out at 16, graduated, got a good degree, now I have absolutely zero contact with either of them.

>> No.7904684

Sweet jesus.

>> No.7904694


well, now we know why swedes are fucked up

>> No.7904703


Prescription opiates.

>> No.7904707

When i was 16 i dropped acid with my friend, we had a bunch of fun walking around the neighborhood at 2am, until i ask him if he has any food back at his place, he says he has some jolly ranchers, which sounded like heaven for some reason. We get back, he hands me a basket full of them, i unwrap one and shove it in my mouth, and then i feel a tingling sensation on my gums, so i spit it out, and it's covered in ants. For a second i think it's just me tripping hard but then my mouth starts stinging really bad, fuckers bit my gums. The worst part is that i want candy so bad that i pick through the ant covered candy to find a few that hadn't been fucked with yet, and eat emx but i think i swallowed a few ants.

>> No.7904711
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I have no words to describe this thread.

Have this gif, because holy fuck

>> No.7904713

Grey means spoiling

>> No.7904714


there's this greasy fat fuck in town. i see him at the local grocery store once in a while. he has a mousy wife, with a whole bunch of kids of varying colors. not sure what's going on there. but i guess one of them is his, because he'll yell at the kids while they're wilding in the store grabbing stuff, yelling at them to put it back. but the one kid, he'll let him get whatever he wants. the woman just says nothing, looks like she's been beat down one too many times.

almost every time i happen to see him, he'll be cashing some sort of government check and paying for the groceries with food stamps.

>> No.7904726


i wish i had been around as an adult when you and the others in this thread were kids. i would have gladly beat the shit out of your parents for you and take you away from that.

>> No.7904755


same here. Hits harder than the 9/11 attacks

>> No.7904786

>Its called "the usual" hehe


>> No.7904797

I was expecting a bunch of posts bitching about stupid petty shit and instead I get actual terrible parents.

That sounds bad. I've never had/made actual tacos but I do love ground beef tacos.

My parents were and still are mostly just lazy. They're bare minimum kind of people in almost every aspect of their lives, including parenting.

>> No.7904823

you are retarded
kids are being abused now
go beat their parents

>> No.7904825
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My mother refused to let me eat anything other than fish fingers for 2 straight years from when I was 10 to when I was 12. This was because she read an article about fish helping puberty onset later, and she was very honest that she wanted me to either die or never hit puberty because she hated the idea of a child becoming an adult. When I got my first pubic hairs she gave me to an orphanage. I have never seen her since.

>> No.7904844

canned tomatoes are good though. they are canned when they are peakly ripened, often moreso than retail tomatoes unless it is tomato season

>> No.7904856

My parents weren't alcoholics, drug addicts or magicians , but they were cunts, poor cunts that hated each other.

Mum got lazy with food as her hateful relationship got worse so I would end up getting shit for dinner like fish fingers and fozen vegetables or meat pies and rubbish frozen food like that.

Dad thought he wa good at everything he did and would make these awful stews and soups with all these obscure medicinal herbs (he was an amateur naturopath) and when I wouldn't eat he would call me an idiot and say I didn't know what was good because I was stupid, awesome parenting skills.
I got a job at an Italian restaurant at 14 and cooked my own food until I moved out at 20 and don't talk to my family anymore.
Fuck this thread made me sad.

>> No.7904869

>ITT: Poor people are fucking horrible and should be shot. God fucking damn I'm mad just reading this shit

>> No.7904875


come on now, these storys just can't be real

>> No.7904881


same here. Still, I am not that astonished, because it is fucking America after all.

>> No.7904890

I demand more fucked up food stories!

>> No.7904902

I don't have any horror stories, because they both cook quite well but my mum always rushes things or overcooks them because she's doing 1000 things at the same time, which is why I can't get mad at her for ruining recipes.

Both my parents worked long hours, so sometimes my mum only had time to boil some small Farfalle and serve them with a bit of butter, parmesan and black pepper. My dad who is very health conscious used to always nag her for "feeding us butter for dinner" and one day she got fed up and asked him to do it instead, so he swapped butter for olive oil.

It tasted so bad that even he didn't want to eat it and agreed with going back to the old way of cooking it. The food itself isn't depressing, it's the fact that our poor old mum was too busy to make anything that needed more than 15 minutes to be prepared.

>> No.7904928

That is some very white trash cooking anon

Kinda want to try the first one though

>> No.7904960


>Mom goes away her cousin's childhood friend's grandma funeral or some shit.
>Dad has to cook for 3 days.
>Already have flashback of that one time he tried barbecue cooking.
>Orders "fancy" takeout the first day.
>Actually it's enough food for 3 days.
>Fancy take out is actually meh
>Dad keeps a few dishes stashed in the fridge.
>Third day, mom comes back that night.
>For lunch dad has discovered a zucchini quiche.
>Was delivered hot, in large parchment paper sheets, dad just put it right in the fridge.
>It's now a soggy mess, weird smell, i complain as dad just shove the sponge in the oven.
>Get yelled at because I'm obviously lying and i just don't want to eat veggies.
>Dad cuts a part for me and the rest is for him.
>It's still cold in the middle and the crust is stringy but the worst is that smell, there's something not right.
>Dad gets really pissed doesn't eat his part and hovers over me for 15 minutes as i eat my rancid part.
>The whole time i keep crying and complaining as he forces me to eat every bit of it.
>2 Min after i finished it I'm still bawling my eyes out, i have to wash the dishes now, dad still watches over me.
>With no warning sign i just puke.

>> No.7904971



>The quiche, and the 2 glasses of water i used to push it down.
>Dad is now gone past furry mode and straight up to Satan's stepmother on a bad period day and hasn't pooped in a week.
>Shoves me, i slip and fall on the vomit on the kitchen floor, clothes are messed up, i hurt my head, at this point i don't remember well what happened, somehow i had to help dad clean up, got a shower and new clothes and got sent back to school without food.
>When i came back down from my room to wait for my dad somehow his whole part is in the trash, uneaten.
>I'm pissed beyond belief, but i learned how to shut up years ago.
>On the way to school i get lectured about being picky, on the way back to school i get lectured again.
>I don't even dare to tell him i'm hungry.
>Mom ask about my red bump on my head when she sees me.
>Dad answers for me and says i fell, and urges us in the car.

I wish i was making this shit up.

Dad has huge confidence issues, probably still beat himself up for this, unfortunately we are not on talking terms as this wasn't the first time and isn't the last "episode".

>> No.7904974

>fork in left, knife in right
righty here, you just described my fucking nightmare

>> No.7904980

try making them overnight with yogurt for gainz

I use yogurt, honey (free energy and fights infections), a pinch of cinnamon and a few berries or nuts or granola for crunch and protein

>> No.7904982

>Dad always refused to eat anything that wasn't boiled to death or fried in lard
>Mum is a lousy cook because she's only ever had to cook for him
>Chips virtually every single day
>Cooked in rancid lard that was changed once a year
>Chips are like soggy bags of puss with crunchy black bits all over them from the grease
>Never strained properly so got dumped on a plate in a pool of lard
>Not allowed to get oven chips because "potatoes are cheaper"
>McCain oven chips at my Gran's tasted like gourmet cuisine

>> No.7904988

Look at all this copious child abuse. No wonder all of us are on fucking 4chan.

>> No.7905015


yeah, kinda sad but also not really suprising.

>> No.7905019

My last Christmas I was late because of work (they knew beforehand I would be late), fuckers left me nothing.

>> No.7905022

You little shit he cared for you if he bothered to make pancakes for you
my dad was and is still a terrible cook but the emotion that is in the food makes it good

>> No.7905031

lolwat? that's how normal people eat food, or haven't you noticed? how is "the standard way it's done" equal to a nightmare to you?

>> No.7905046

It's an american thing. You'll notice it on TV too.
One of my mates went out with a yank. Instead of holding her knife and fork properly 820and cutting up her food as she ate it she'd cut it all up with the fork in her right hand then put her knife down and just use the fork to eat.
Irritated the shit out of me.

>> No.7905050
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>be 2000
>be 9
>Grandparents 50th wedding anniversary
>Four generations: Silent Generation, Boomers, Gen X and Y
>Grandpa is recovering from a battle withe lung cancer. In remission
>their children decide a nice outing at a restaurant is in order
>One problem: They are cheap as fuck
>Rent out this shitty Chinese-Western smorgasbord place for the evening
>The food smells bad, the restaurant is dirty, barely any staff on hand, even spot plastic in the chicken chow mien and sweet and sour pork
>Grand kids all know something is wrong with the place. None of us voluntarily eat.
> Boomers get pissed off. call us ungrateful. Yell and scream at us in front of Grandma and Grandpa.
>Force the Gen Y kids to eat but the Xers stay defiant.
>Grandparents are depression era hardcore motherfuckers. Eat without complaint.
>Everyone who ate got food poisoning, grandma ends up in the hospital, grandpa nearly dies.

16 years on the boomer kids still laugh like it's a joke.

>> No.7905086
File: 94 KB, 500x667, 1422562172820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brother and i upstairs playing video games
>mom calls us down saying she made ribs
>head downstairs
>go into kitchen
>see ribs
>see pot of water
>she fucking boiled the ribs
>holy fuck she boiled the ribs
>next to the ribs theres a mcdonalds bbq sauce packet
>she literally boiled the ribs and slathered them in O N E (1) packet of mcdonalds bbq sauce
>do a 360 and go back upstairs to play more video games
My mom is the most butt fuck retarded cook I've ever seen. She ended up even making my grandmas food taste like shit by telling her to make modifications to make it "healthy". Outside of that she just generally is trash at fucking cooking.

>> No.7905106
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If you were 9 in the year 2000 you're a fucking millennial not generation y sorry

>> No.7905115
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>grandma taking care of md
>"Anon food is ready"
>oh boy foodie for tummie
>it's boiled noodles on a pan with meatballs and Vienna sausage
>it's crispy and very oily
>absolutely disgusted by the taste
>after I finish the plate I realize it was pretty good
>what has grandma done to me.avi
To this day I still make the same dish but of course better seasoning and pan time
Everytime I make it at friends they just show a face of disgust

>> No.7905136

sounds like american school lunches

>> No.7905144

Dude don't do it. At the least get a tent and camp out, or if you have ID get set up in a homeless shelter somewhere. They can help you find a temp agency to get you and your lady cash until you find a real job, which you can get if you use the homeless shelter's address as your own and explain your situation. Your parents sound pretty damn tenacious and I doubt they'll kick the bucket when you want them to.

>> No.7905174

That looks awful

>> No.7905180

That's fucked up dude

>> No.7905188


Oh cool. I figured Y and millennials were one and the same.

Fucking oldies get off my 4chan REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.7905189

Try not to take any of it personally anon it's not your fault. And I bet you're a fabulous chef

>> No.7905198

>be me at 13 on Thanksgiving
>parents are divorced and separated, older brother is irresponsible and lazy as fuck
>dads homeless and we have Thanksgiving at his friends house
>food is good as fuck
>go back to mums
>mum is fucked up and passed out on prescriptions
>see her Thanksgiving dinner
>dry ass turkey, which she wakes up every 10 seconds, slurring how bad it is
>canned cranberry sauce
>roasted carrots and broccoli which were slightly burnt and nasty as fuck
>have to help her eat and put her to bed
>have to clean whole kitchen and put food away at like 2 am

Thankful as fuck that my parents weren't abusive or neglectful. Pretty good cooks too. Mom is going through a detox right now and Dad's got an apartment.

Dude, whatever you do, don't go back with those fucks.

>> No.7905205

>Manly tear status

>> No.7905211

>eating paper towels to feel full
This is wrong. Wasn't calling some sort of child-services a possibility? I wonder if kids at that age are aware that people can help them.

>> No.7905238

>First gf and I birthdays are 18 days apart
>Hers is first. Take her to this nice resturant, kinda hipster. She enjoyed it I think
>"Your birthday is next. Gonna make it special!"
>We break up 2 weeks later
> 3 days before my birthday she calls. Still in love with her.
> "Hey Anon, I promised you a birthday. Still going to happen."
>Sweet maybe we can reconcile.
>Show up at the place. It's not nearly as expensive as where I took her, more of a burger joint only with a bigger selection.
>She's there, with her family, with my family, with her sisters boyfriend.
>It's awkward as fuck, no one talks. Just to order
>Proceed to have the worst birthday dinner ever. It's not bad food. It was good, but when it became clear there was not going to be a reconciliation, I loaded up on greasy burgers and fries
>left without saying anything and hooked up with my biology partner who she was jealous of.

>> No.7905273

>be a young polandball
>grandma is helping my parents take care of me while they work
>she's a great cook, makes all these traditional Polish dishes
>food is so fucking comfy, even though kinda unhealthy, but we all loved it
>pierogies stuffed with meat, or potatoes and quark, crepes with homemade strawberry jam, dumplings made of quark, she used to teach me how to cook some of these things
>love most of the things she makes
>some of the things are time consuming, so since she's retired, only she makes them
>makes 100 or 200 pierogies at a time, we eat some instantly, freeze some for whenever we feel like it
>she's particularily great at golabki, stuffed cabbage rolls
>makes them by dozens, with delicious tomato sauce
>family always "fights" over them, jokingly, since they're so good
>I'm all grown up, living in a different city, calling/visiting my grandma way too rarely
>grandma makes a bunch of golabki
>"Make sure to leave some for anon!"
>I come to my home town, pick up the golabki, take them to my town
>Eat most of them, freeze one with some leftover sauce for later
>2-3 weeks later grandma has a stroke
>she's in a really bad state, take care of her for a few months
>sometimes she's lucid, most of the time she's just staring, not being able to speak
>we're trying to teach her how to speak and walk again
>she gets a bit better
>I talk to her a lot, jokingly tell her she needs to get better to teach me how to make all these delicious dishes
>second stroke
>grandma is in a coma
>she never wakes up, dies a few weeks later
>I still have that one golabek in my freezer
>I can't make myself throw it out
>It's been there for 1,5 year now, I even changed an apartment once and moved it with me, I'm not even sure if it's still edible
>She never taught me how to make golabki, I'll never taste them again

I just still can't accept that she's gone and I'm bawling my eyes out whenever I think about her.

>> No.7905285
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Dear sweet Jesus.

This thread proves that a licensing system to breed is absolutely mandatory.

>> No.7905296

>boils squash
I get that. My mom never knew how to cook veggies. She still doesn't to my best knowledge.

>> No.7905319

Thanks for reminding me to get in touch with my grandma anon. You and I are lucky we had such great grandmas and we got to enjoy them. I think you should embark on a quest to learn how to make the best god-damn golabki in the world and every time you serve to talk about her to whoever you are having dinner with. She would like it.

>> No.7905323

Fuck man. Some of you guys had it rough. Only thing I could bitch about would probably be our taco nights. Fucking every Thursday through Sunday was got damn taco night. Ground beef with taco bell seasoning and all the taco fixings. It wasn't bad by any margin,but it got pretty boring after 15 years of that shit. My Dad was a pretty good cook, but when my parents divorced and my dad moved away, my mom became the cook. She always tried new stuff on the weekends, but usually resorted to hamburger helper or tuna helper on school nights. I still cringe to this day whenever I smell tuna/hamburger helper. Doesnt help that my roommate makes that shit every night.

>> No.7905328

There there, Anon. Let the pain run its course, and when it has you'll be just fine.

Then, get to work reviving her dishes as best you can. She will continue to live on in the hearts and stomachs of the ones she loved.

>> No.7905340

they're not, trust me. its not until they get to school that they meet people that can, but they get the message quick tgat if tgey seek help their parents will go poof and that's far scarier than abuse. hell, being abused is normal, its life.

>> No.7905353


I'm just waiting for the pain to pass, but it's taking so long.

Actually learning to make golabki might help, so I will try that. Who knows.

She died two or three months before Christmas, and she used to make a bunch of dishes for it. My family sort of split on making them. I made these little pierogies with mushrooms, my aunt made her famous cookies and got pretty close, my mum made beetroot soup. Everything was good, but...kinda off.

I'm so happy she taught me how to make russian pierogies her way. I feel the weirdest mixture of sad and happy when I'm eating them.

Thanks, anons. I'll do my best to recreate that golabki.

>> No.7905355

gen y and millenial are the same thing

>> No.7905360

mcdonalds sponsors some child hospitals. i had a baby brother with leukemia and for a while my family stayed at a "ronald mcdonald house" which is a place families of sick children can stay so they can be nearby while their kid is in the hospital if its far from where they live.

> tfw its weird to write about this because he died when i was 9 and he was 3 and my family hasnt spoken about him since he died. its like he never existed.
> its been 22 years

>> No.7905381

Of course it's not true, fucking Doctor Who is one the box to that in the top left.

>> No.7905385

I'd say Gen Y is 1980 - 1990. Hangovers from Gen X but elements of Millenials.
Millenials are 1990+.

>> No.7905387

That's why I'm a big supporter of campaigns like this


Our protection services need a drastic overhaul, you're right. If the future they face is as bad or worse than where they came from, where is the hope?

>> No.7905398

Anon I know it's a sad thing to think, but the taste will never be the same. That's what made them special I could never hope to replicate my grandmother's cooking either. But we can try and be happy that we got to enjoy so much of it. Being sad is natural in this scenario, but don't forget the upside. All you need to do is read through this thread and you will realise how lucky you were. I'm not religious but lighting a candle or visiting their grave makes me feel better and is a good chance to think about them.

>> No.7905402

wtf, why does no-one talk about. I swear, you Anglos are strange folk.

>> No.7905416


>> No.7905422

Reminder that none of these bitch sob stories actually happened.

>> No.7905432

my parents raised me vegetarian

this basically just made my life harder than necessary when going out to eat

also made me seem weird in school

>> No.7905444
File: 450 KB, 245x245, leosshattereddreams.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno man. since no one talks about him and i was so young when he died, i dont remember what day he died, or even know where he's buried. im pretty sure he died in august. but i dont even know his birthday. we used to have one picture of him in the living room, but we moved to an apartment 10 years ago and i don't know what happened to the picture, so i haven't seen a picture of him in 10 years either.

i think its just mostly because of my mother. my father would mention him briefly, but stopped after a while. my mother never does. me and my sister i guess followed her example, we haven't spoken of him between ourselves since he died either.

>tfw i still remember my mother calling us downstairs to tell us he was dead. my first thought was "yay mom made us pancakes!!" because she'd only call us to breakfast if she made pancakes.
> no pancakes. just my mother and father crying and telling us our little brother was gone

>> No.7905450


I know. But I still think that trying to make them like grandma used to will somehow help. I can feel it. So I still think it's a good idea.

I only went to her grave once. I can never force myself to do it. I think a part of me still doesn't want to admit that she's gone and I'll never see her again.

>> No.7905488

Of course, do your best to match hers. It will make you feel like you're living her life a little. Find out the things she liked to do and try them for yourself, explore her life a little. It will probably give you a whole new appreciation of her.

>I think a part of me still doesn't want to admit that she's gone and I'll never see her again.
I wonder if we ever get past that stage. I think the passing of time is the only thing that helps with this.

Do you have memorial services in your country? In some places people meet up and celebrate a loved one every year or every few years after their passing. In the Orthodox church it's:

Third day after death - funeral
Ninth day
Fortieth day
Three months
Six months
First anniversary of death
Third anniversary
Optional: Every year

In my experience they turn out into huge family parties with lots of good times and reminiscing.

>> No.7905494


>not adding the half and half to your powdered milk to up the calories


>> No.7905506

You're a good anon, anon

>> No.7905518

No, nothing like this. And I'm not religious, neither is most of my family.

My family sometimes talks about her in the sweetest way, we all miss her, so whenever something is not done in the garden or around the house someone will say "grandma would surely do this" or "she's kill us if she saw we didn't rake the leaves", we often talk about her around different holidays, since she was always a big part of that. But I rarely join these conversations, since every time I just tear up and my voice breaks. I don't really like crying in front of anyone, so I just don't say anything.

It's weird, because a few years earlier my grandfather passed. It was also sad for me, but he died quickly and unexpectedly, and I didn't have such a deep relation with him, not that many memories, so I came to terms with it relatively quickly. This is so much different.

>> No.7905521
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I need to stop reading this thread

>> No.7905534
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>mcshits literally gives some poor foreign child a freedom overdose

>> No.7905560

Except that's wrong. Millenial starts early 80's.

>> No.7905563

Fuck, I want a Southern waifu. They're pretty chill as fuck.

I'm from Seattle too, where can I get a Southern waifu?

>> No.7905584

I was born in 83 and I feel like a different species to people born in the 90's.

>> No.7905589

could never get either grandmother to write down their best recipes and have never been able to reproduce them.

>> No.7905591

yeah alright dude take your pathological ass out of my thread

>> No.7905601
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Friday night and you fellow Seattllites are posting on 4chan. LOL!

Anything fun to do alone in Seattle now?

>> No.7905606

What is this thread.

I came here to laugh, not cry senpai.

>> No.7905642

>family movie night
>freshly baked pizza right out of the oven
>family got into a stupid argument over whether to turn the lights off or not during the movie
>dad gets angry
>grabs the entire pizza & throws it against the wall
>clean up his mess while he pouts in his chair

>eating takeout chili
>sister is being annoying to me while I'm eating my chili
>tell her to quit it
>this encourages her
>dad gets angry at us for fighting like normal siblings
>grabs my chili and chucks it in the kitchen sink
>threatens to kick us both out
>I was like 9, and my sister was 7

>ordering McDonald's to go
>mom, sister, and I order inside; dad is waiting in the car with the dog
>bring food to the car
>notice that there's gum stuck to the dog's fur
>mom asks dad if he's been chewing gum in the car
>"yeah, why?"
>"there's gum stuck to the dog"
>gets mad at mom for blaming him
>throws McDonald's soft serve ice cream out the window
>that was not enough to quell his rage
>sister just happens to be coming in with an order of fries
>dad throws that out the window, too

>wireless router wasn't working
>dad is pissed off
>throws a watermelon at it

>mom isn't very good at expressing herself
>has a bit of a sweet tooth
>dad tells me to go out and buy a cake
>I literally buy a cake for mom, no real occasion
>mom is surprised, asks why I did it
>"Dad made me do it"
>mom & dad get into an argument
>mom is pissed at dad for making me drive to a grocery store at night just for a cake
>dad is pissed at mom because she won't appreciate "his" nice gesture
>mom insists that she was just expressing a desire to eat cake, not actually demanding it
>dad has the cake on one hand, arm raised like he's about to throw it
>I'm in my 20s when this happened, I'm stronger both physically and emotionally to prevent this bullshit
>grab the cake from my dad and tell him to calm the fuck down, it was a miscommunication, and what's done is done

>> No.7905644

>10th birthday
>dope head dad
>tell him to get his fingers out of my cake, i haven't even blow the candles yet
>he smacks the back of my head into the cake
>everyone just stares

>> No.7905649

Too bad

>> No.7905661

>>family got into a stupid argument over whether to turn the lights off or not during the movie

low lights or backlit TV

>> No.7905664
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I know this too well. I will never understand the dad short temper rage. I want to be a father one day, but I don't want to fall into this trap.

Probably why I have smoked so much pot, refused to drink and never strive to start a fight if alternatives are viable.

>> No.7905671

these posts explain everything

>> No.7905698

I'm sorry anon

>> No.7905705

>tfw grandma was already far too gone with alzheimers by the time I started to get to know her.

>> No.7905712

You are man. We don't get it, and I am jealous of you.

>> No.7905718

>In vacations
>Dad is always angry
>He is angry right now, I do t even know why
>All I wanted was to try fried icecream that I keep hearing about
>Dad takes us to the place, we havedimnerdinner and its for dessert
>Dad decides that my punishment is to never try fried icecream.
>By this point I get punished for climbing stairs wrong,honestly no idea what it was this time
>Mom buys me the icecream
>Dad throws a hissy fit
>Storms out and takes the car
>Finish my icecream and walk with mom looking for a taxi foreverer
>Come to hotel dad is screaming
>Gives me attitude L the way back home
And now he is changing everything towe fought a lot when you where 16 when it happened before we moved and we moved when I was 12 and if I say anything I'm a drama queen

>> No.7905725

>Seasoned only with salt and pepper and it was pretty delicious. I have no idea where your mother went wrong.
She probably forgot the salt and pepper.

>> No.7905729

Throws a watermelon? Not a hammer, not a hard object of any kind. A fucking watermelon. This would be funny if it weren't so sad

>> No.7905757

It was during summertime, which is typically peak season for watermelons. The wireless router is in the living room, and my dad likes watermelons. He just wanted to watch Netflix while eating some watermelon, but the router wasn't cooperating.

>tfw the router stopped working completely (no power) after he threw the watermelon at it

>> No.7905790
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>This thread.
I'm crying. Fuck.
I hope you all are ok now.

>> No.7905802

My parents made "Norwegian Tacos". They were typical flyover/midwest fare but honestly good as fuck
>fried corn tortilla
>can of corned beef hash, heated
>"shredded" velveeta "cheese"
>diced onions, cucumber, and tomatoes
>some form of lettuce, though I convinced them cabbage is superior
>condensed tomato soup as a sauce
No regrets

>> No.7905807
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throws a fucking watermelon at a router!?
Is you're dad autistic or some shit?

>> No.7905826

Your dad is awful bro

>> No.7905846

Nah, not at all.
Nah, not quite.
My dad's half American so, by American logic, 100% American which makes me, by similar logic, 100% American. Just wasn't born nor raised in the US, is all.
I mean... I don't feel American. I like it here, but I speak English with a non-American accent, so despite being born a US citizen, I'm always looked at as though I'm a foreigner.

>> No.7905899

You must live somewhere without a lot of diversity. I'm from Houston and there are so many different accents that nobody thinks anything about it too much. If you can communicate, who the fuck cares?

>> No.7905920


>> No.7905939

Believe it or not, there's a lot of diversity here. My block alone has a dozen different languages spoken. That's only 43 houses.
On my block, everyone's a foreigner!
I think it's because I'm white and there are few young, white immigrants in this area, so hearing a young white guy with a foreign accent throws people for a loop.

>> No.7905961

Go home suburban scum

>> No.7905973

All I had was my mom and she doesn't know how or want to cook and her excuse was always "I'm a simple person" which meant she was lazy about food and thought what was good for her was also good for me. Growing up my diet was fast food, frozen food, food from cans and food from boxes. I still eat frozen canned packaged stuff from time to time but as soon as I got older and was able to cook for myself I ate better.

>> No.7906002

my mother used to cook fried egg, butter, soy sauce, and rice mixed. We were poor but god that shit was great.

I've never been able to taste that stuff ever since she passed away.

>> No.7906027
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My grandparents died when I was so young that I have no memories of them, only photos.

Maternal grandmother was a somewhat physically handicapped mestizo widow with a heart of gold who managed to keep 6 hungry children fed, often by going hungry for days on end herself, by doing what odd jobs she could. I have a photo of me at her house when I was around 4, shirt off and with a pair of shorts on, with a piece of toast in one hand and yerba mate in the other, her grinning ear to ear in the background.

Maternal grandfather died when my mother was only 8. I don't know much about him, only that he was a full-blooded spaniard and worked like a motherfucker until the day he died.

My paternal grandfather was a man from Milan who worked at a meat packing / refrigeration plant. He supposedly cooked a ridiculously good barbecue, like, at a neighborhood-wide event they'd have him grill the meat. Died before I was born.

My paternal grandmother was a 6 foot tall German damsel who's cooking was so unbelievably good that my fucking mom's family still moans in desire whenever they remember the few times they ate her dishes. Tons of traditional german food. Parents say that if she were still alive, I'd be disgustingly obese. Have no memories and only one photo of us together.

I don't know what's better, knowing and then loosing them or having these nice photos.

Also, my mom's a savory chef, dad's a pâtissier but an even better savory cook than my mom. I was a really fat kid.

>> No.7906035

I swear to God, the mere passing thought of loosing my parents will usually drive me to tears. I'll be in bed, trying to fall asleep, and the thought that someday my parents will eventually die might pop into my head. If I can't get that thought to go away, I WILL start sobbing into my pillow like a little bitch. Right now even, I'm about to tear up a bit.

>> No.7906064

I know the feeling. I do the same exact shit. The thought that you can cherish a memory with them right now. But you know one day that won't be possible. You can't hear or feel or laugh with them, or hear them say they are proud of you. That you will never be able to repay them for the life they've given you.

You will never be finished loving them, but time forces you to. That's what gets me.

>> No.7906081

>buy himself food, but not get me anything..
my fucking mum did this to me between the ages of 12-16

come home from work with a family sized meal, locked herself in her room and devoured it herself while my dog and I eat sandwiches with nothing in them but cold ham (mum was negligent enough to not buy dog food as well as real food)

happened nearly everyday til I found a job and bought my own food and dog food

>> No.7906093

I needed something happy like this, thanks anon

>> No.7906107

jesus fucking christ that woman should fucking end herself

>> No.7906112
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>Be Korean
>Biological mother died at childbirth
>Dad and his mom/my grandma move to America to start new life
>Dad worked while my grandma took care of me
>Grandma was born in 1933. Old school, been through crazy shit
>Would literally spend the whole day cooking shit, happy as a fucking pea
>Be 10 and ask her why she's so happy just making food all day
>"When I was a child, I helped my mother cook for the family and my six siblings. I loved her food and our time together. There was no TV back then and I didn't know how to read, so cooking passed the time well."
>"Then when I turned 17, the war broke out. My two older brothers went to fight and died. My mother was old at that point and died of pneumonia while we escaped from Seoul."
>"The rest of my family made it to a refugee camp. We survived on US rations for years. Food is a blessing, anon."
>Changes my whole perspective on cooking and ask her to teach me like her mom
>"Oh boys shouldn't cook, anon. They should play and study and work. Cooking is a woman's duty."
>Beg her to at least teach me how to make my favorite dish, seolleongtang, an oxtail bone soup
>Shit takes like 6 hours to make, but she tells me everything to do and I burn it into my memory
>Be 12 and grandma passed away from pancreatic cancer
>Dad depressed, start eating take-out for dinner every night
>One Saturday, decide to spend the day making that oxtail soup for me and my dad
>Use allowance money and walked to grocery store for ingredients
>Shit literally takes 6 hours, but super-determined
>Dad comes home from work, crazy surprised and we eat dinner like normal again for once
>Dad starts tearing up
>"Tastes just like grandma's, anon"

After that he started getting his shit together slowly, he's remarried now and I'm an adult but I still make that soup for him on my grandma's birthday.

>> No.7906119

>It was during summertime, which is typically peak season for watermelons.

Good thing he didn't throw a fruit that was out of season

>He just wanted to watch Netflix while eating some watermelon

Why was he eating a whole watermelon? Was he cutting it up while watching Netflix?

>> No.7906123

you sound like a really good brother

>> No.7906125

It sounds great for bread.

>> No.7906132
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>> No.7906133

Yeah, the story is pretty off, but I think that the BBC would probably advertise on food packages just like other family shows. It's even pretty fitting, given the popular fish finger reference.

I like to get cans of diet coke with Marvel characters on them. It's the exact same product and price, but it makes me smile a little.

>> No.7906149

My dad's best friend used to be a chef and they lived together until my dad got married to my mum. So my dad learnt how to cook a lot of a good stuff really well from his friend.

Though when my parents got divorced I had to live in two homes, but my mum was terrible at cooking. She'd never use salt or brown things properly, everything always seemed horribly rushed.
Then she got married to my stepdad and he's the fussiest eater on the planet, any seasoning that wasn't salt he'd turn his nose up at. (he's the type of guy who likes his steak well done with ketchup and squirms at the juices that come out of a medium rare steak)
This meant that all food I'd eat at my mum's from then on would be bland shit. My stepdad can't stand the smell of some things like curry and mexican food.
There are times when my mum and I wanted a curry and my stepdad would have to leave the house to have his food at his mum's house.
Weird man.

>> No.7906159

That's some promising-looking fish. What herbs are in there?

I just have family in the Seattle area. I'll break free of Dallas's gravity well soon enough, but I'll miss our museums.

The Seattle area is pretty active on meetup.com, which is an easy way to get into a lot of fun events. I use it for book clubs and car/photography shows, mostly.

>> No.7906182
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>> No.7906184

>grow up dirt poor, be six(ish)
>always get great value giant bags of cereal, same kind every time
>advertisement on TV for Oreo cereal or something, little chocolate donuts I think
>I buy into the marketing hard, beg for it, mom denies me for weeks
>finally gives in
>next morning I get to eat it and it's great
>I want to appear grateful and say so
>she snaps at me, says something like "of course it's good, it's pure sugar!" from the other side of the kitchen
>I'm a little bitch and she's never talked like this to me before so I stop eating and start tearing up
>she notices after a couple of minutes and apologizes profusely, says it's okay and that it's okay to eat as a once in a while treat
>the rest of the bowl tastes like milky cardboard to me
>never ask for any cereal again
>to this day have a hard time making requests of people
In hindsight it really isn't that bad at all, and she was just trying to be a good mom, but it's probably the moment I realized that my parents weren't perfect and that I was a little shit.

>> No.7906251

I'm now imagining you and your dog both eating sandwiches together while sitting on the couch watching TV, like you were a cartoon duo or something.

>Charlie Brown & Snoopy
>Peabody & Sherman
>Shaggy & Scooby
>Peter Griffin & Brian
Oh god, the keks, they won't stop.

>> No.7906266

One time when I was eight or nine, I decided I could live without my dad, but not without my mum. Never told anyone.

Lo and behold, my dad decides the day after my senior prom is a great day for the hemp necktie.

I'm a bit of an alcoholic now.

>> No.7906305

>Never told anyone.
Is that including the internet, or no?

Man, it'd be hella fucked if right now is your first time telling anyone.

>> No.7906323

This would be the first time, actually. I don't recall telling anyone, and I sure as shit wouldn't tell my mum.

I miss his cooking. He went to boarding school and worked in the kitchens, so it was fairly generic, but good. Motherfucker made some excellent scrambled eggs.

>> No.7906330

This is al/ck/oholic, we're all drunks here

We're all anon, it helps quite a bit to bear your soul out to people who you'll never know, or worst case scenario, call you a niggerfaggot.

I have some depressing stories, but compared to some of the stuff here, it would feel like bragging. I think i'm gonna call my grandma tomorrow and bring over her favorite (pizza hut, pepperoni, extra grease)

>> No.7906342

The 3 other alcoholics I know are also fond of cooking, what is it about cooking and alcoholism that goes hand on hand

>> No.7906356

Ironically all four of my grandparents are still alive. Even got a couple great grand parents kicking around. I don't really talk to my dad's side anymore though.

Alcohol and cooking is like tits and ass: it's always better to have both.

>> No.7906365

The more food in your stomach, the more you can drink before passing out.

Alright, heres my depressing blog post:

From the time I was in kindergarten until about 12ish, my mom worked 12-16 hour days as a psychiatrist. Pretty sure this was residency but not sure. Anyway, mom would drive me to the bus stop, grandpap and grandma would pick me up after school, and cook for me.

Grandma is a 5'2 polish woman from the old country. I was a picky eater (still kinda am) so most of the time she'd cater her menu for me. To this day, my favorite food is grandmas all day chicken noodle soup.

I was raised by my mom, but i'd spend the summers with my dad. He was in the army, ex-green beret, high speed low drag, hardass yada yada

Anyway, I was a skinny little fuck as a kid. So were both my parents. My mom was 5'8 and 90 pounds before getting pregnant with me, my dad was 6'2 and 140 before joining the army and eating MREs.

So, my grandfather (at the farm with my dad) was a great chef, but I was a picky eater. My dad was a bad alcoholic when my parents divorced, but didn't really drink much, if ever. He only drank once in front of me.

I didn't want to eat the meatloaf (probably delicious), so he sent me into the living room to watch TV while everyone ate. His rationale was that i'd get hungry eventually, and come back to eat. He was wrong.

Eventually he felt guilty about sending a skinny kid to bed without his supper, so he looked through the cabinets for something to make. I settled on ramen noodles. Being the picky kid I was, and not knowing about cooking, he asked if I wanted the flavor packet in it. Being ignorant, I said no.

So, my dad and I were in the kitchen, at 10pm, him drinking beers, and me trying to suck down unflavored ramen noodles. Since they were slimy and had no flavor, I couldnt finish them. He goes into a tirade about how I had to eat more, how I had to try new things. I ended up eating plain ramen noodles flavored only with my tears.

>> No.7906411
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My wife has some stories like these from her mother who is a crazy cunt. I never thought weed should be a controlled substance until I met this woman. Total whack job.
Sharing a can of fruit salad for supper and get mad and scream at an 8 year old for eating too much of it.
I can't imagine doing shit like that. Stupid smoked our twat

>> No.7906413
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My mom has stage 4 cancer, and one more chemo option left before the doctors tell her they've done all they can. We're guessing 6 months, given how things look.

There are so many things you want to do, say, and ask, and so little time to do them. I really want to go over some of her unwritten recipes together, so I can make some of them for my dad when she's gone. Even now he isn't taking things well, and I can't imagine how bad it'll be after she dies. I hope making those dishes will help him as he tries to come to terms with it.

>> No.7906427

>plain ramen noodles flavoured only with my tears
that got me feeling

>> No.7906428

everyone says weed makes you more relaxed, and while it usually seems like that, my mother was the kind of hag to smoke a ton then immediately beat the shit out of me, only leaving after I was fucking bleeding and bruised

>> No.7906431

pretty much, the lil dude liked to just curl up with me while I read or watched tv

this is bringing back to most feeling of feels

>> No.7906467
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A feels thread in /ck/?? Why you guys...

>> No.7906481
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My theory is an asshole is an asshole no matter their drug of choice

>> No.7906507

Why didnt you just add the flavor packet after you realised they taste like shit without it?

>> No.7906510

You did good, Anon

>> No.7906519

Get those recipes from her anon. You'll look back on you two going over those recipes after she's gone and cherish the time and every bite of the delicious meals she handed down to you before leaving.

I lost my mom to cancer when I was 18 in 1994 and she was the best cook I've ever known. I didn't have anyone tell me to do that when I was 17 trying to deal with losing my mother and now all those delicious things she used to make for the family are lost forever.

Get those recipes.

>> No.7906533
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>grow up in the south west of France
>grandma was an amazing cook
>mom grows up with her
>grow up eating delicious meals from all over France, pastries, cakes, meats, fish, provencial etc..
>at some point we go live in Asia
>now she also cooks godlike cuisine from there

My grandma left my mother two leather booklets with her best recipe, true treasure..

I left home when I was 18 but I can honestly say she never cooked me a bad meal, damn I love my mom and grandma.

I miss my grandmother a lot, but I keep her legacy alive over the year by cooking her french recipe and getting blowjobs in return from my girlfriends

>sorry not depressing :p

>> No.7906558

This, even poor people here in mexico have better lives than all these trailer trash poor fucks. They have beans, bread and sometimes canned food given by the church, in election times many parties give out full pabtries to win voters

Im from the middle class and the saddes shit i can tell is the christmas and new year eve dinners i had since the death of me babushka, fucking depressing nights eating the same bland shit my dad thinks its delicious because its just different, fuck, i juat remembered that everytime my dad decides on what to eat its some bland sweet exotic shit, i fucking hate sweet shit

Also, having an office diet is depressing, when i used to do my proffesional practices i had to eat maruchan and 7eleven coffee to later go home and eat bland sweet stuff

>> No.7906569


>> No.7906586

oh man that made me so sad.
My mother died 7 weeks ago and there's lots of stuff she taught me and lots of stuff she didn't get around to teach me.

Like, I don't know how to make her delicious brown sauces.

>> No.7906588

That hits me right where i live

>> No.7906619
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>this thread

>> No.7906622

this must be bait or a rich fucktard typing on his golden keyboard...can't decide because of my tears...this thread brings up so much shit...will contribute

>> No.7906642
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Jesus christ this thread. It makes me appriciate my parents.

>> No.7906643

Your father should feel the most abject shame for being more of a child than you ever were.

>> No.7906652


At the time it was my normal. I didn't realize until much later that it was unusual. No land line phone and a school that didn't give a fuck anyways, so I couldn't get help even if I was aware. A lot of kids slip under the radar because people don't pay attention or misinterpret what's going on.

I was called into the office a few times just in middle school because of my odd clothing (torn up family hand me downs that were many sizes too large), but CPS was never called that I'm aware of. I stole a lot of food and never got caught. Maybe if I had been caught someone would have noticed what was up.

Guess I'll offer another story?

>in my early teens
>dad has custody of me during the summers
>his new family is doing well because he works his ass off, great government job
>nice new mcmansion, and all this great food
>eat and eat and eat, especially sweets
>no self control for sweets because I've never had them before in such quantities and they're some kind of fucking miracle to me
>they shop at sam's club, so giant flats of chocolate pudding
>never had pudding before, and instantly love it
>smuggle them into my room to eat them all, then hide the containers because ashamed
>dog finds them, stepmom finds them, get screamed at for hours about what an awful, selfish little shit I was
>forever assumed to be the problem child

I'm 27 and it's still sticking. This is also the incident that made me realize how truly abysmal my home life was.

>> No.7906653

try to feel lucky for all the good times, Anon...most of us don't have these beautiful memories.

>> No.7906676

>dem gook feels

>> No.7906680

American here. Also a lefty. I hold the fork in my left hand, the knife in my right. No switching hands or putting down either utensil. I've lived up and down both coasts my whole life in mid to large metropolitan areas. Middle class. Switching hands is becoming pretty uncommon. and has been since WWII (according to grandaprents' generation). It is almost considered quaint, and I only see it rarely in small towns. Obviously, it's impolite to tell someone how they're eating is "wrong". Anyway, not a thread about eating customs, just felt like giving you my perspective.

>> No.7906692
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Shit and I thought I grew up poor.

>> No.7906713

I grew up moderately poor, but... holy shit... I'm going to feel like a spoiled prick for posting this.

My Pop was this big SpecOps guy who wanted his two sons to grow up big and strong. So my parents fed us a lot. I almost died of disease three or four times, but the weight loss didn't matter, yay gigantic omellettes and sweet potatos and such.

Well when I was in heavier-hitting sports I often got angry at them for making me eat so much god damn food in the mornings, I'd get yelled at so I'd sit there with a book for a while eating every last scrap...

... my parents grew up in poverty...

... well I feel like shit now but I didn't go through jack shit, you people did. If I ever grow powerful, every kid eats well forever.

[spoiler]Pop would also make me chug energy drinks during hell training for a couple of weeks, he denied ever doing it, I did get strong but if he knew more chemistry I don't entirely doubt he would experiment on me and my dog with LSD and DMT and whatnot. Please never feed your kids energy drinks, go to /fit/ unless you want to kill your kids. Please also don't tell your kids they can't drink water until they've had all their gatorade, this also coming from my father whose call to fame is almost dying due to army-gatorade. I think I should thank my parents.

>> No.7906716

this whole thread got me in tears...stay strong, Anon...i hope you have a good and healthy life...big kiss on your overheated forehead. x

>> No.7906721

Fuck off you heartless bastard

>> No.7906723

>i had a 109 degree fever

No way.

>> No.7906731

>>pass out drunk after putting chicken in oven without even lighting oven
>>wake up hours later
>>rip off all her clothes and run around the house wrecking shit
>>afterwards force feed her children raw chicken

might be just my damaged psyche but I'm laughing instead of crying now

>> No.7906760

>that time mom OD'd
>that time my uncle tried to hang himself in the basement
>every couple of weeks, my grandmother and grandfather would fight eachother
>mom is a schizo, spends every other day making me and everyone else feel like shit
and to top it all off
>everything I ate was either shoe-leather burned meat or boiled canned food
w-well, at least my cousin was a good bro until he killed himself.

>> No.7906771

Knife in left, fork in right here.

>> No.7906773

>lived in a closet
Harry, is that you?

>> No.7906786

thats not really spoiled, your dad fed you more like an experiment or prize-winning athlete rather than like a growing child

You sound like a good guy for wanting to keep kids well fed

>> No.7906789

jesus dude, how's life treating you nowadays?

>> No.7906814
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I salute you sir

>> No.7906815

I wonder if that makes me a laboratory mouse.

... My brother is this weird cross between the biological and electrical disciplines. I imagine him grafting neon tree trunks on to his little ones' bone marrow so they can grow up with little woody scales on their arm. Ya know. Natural body armor. Fucking experimental human-wolverine-tree groot hybrids is what they'll be. I can't wait.

>> No.7906826


You feel like.you are mad now.

But there are hundreds more stories that will take hours to talk through. Then you are ready for murder


If you play it through your head like a cartoon it is pretty funny

>> No.7906827

Jesus, what a mix. I bet your hot :3 can i be your gf?

>> No.7906835

About 6 months ago my mother told me she tried to get an abortion and her doctor denied her. He told her he wouldn't let her do it.

That was 30 years ago.
Today, it would be criminal to take the level of action that he had to.

In this modern world, I wouldn't have had a chance.

>> No.7906845

What anime?

>> No.7906849

Man, I wanna give everyone in here a hug ;~;

>> No.7906851


>> No.7906852

>take the level of action that he had to.
What a moron. Imagine how many useless people he has added to the world and the issue of overpopulation. Broken welfare faggots that proper folk have to provide for.

>> No.7906875
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>grandma was a chronic mahjong gambler (as most older women are in Taiwan)
>mom had to grow up very poor. My aunt took care of the family cuz my grandma would gamble for hours and never come home
>my mom is super humble, but has a bunch of stories in which the focal point is that her family was living in poverty
>mom and dad work hard in Taiwan, get a student visa to America
>work even harder in America, get citizenship and high paying jobs as computer engineers
>I was born into a world of affluence and opulence
>house growing up in was huge. Had a designated grand piano room which nobody ever went in because none of us ever learned
>newest infinity in the drive way, we lived in the best school system in the best suburb of Chicago.
>my mom somehow never fucking got the message that she was now officially upper middle class, and that our family had a shit load of disposable income
>instead she continued to live her frugal jewy/chinky lifestyle, despite our wealth
>she'd do things like only put half the required butter into a recipe for sugar cookies "because it's expensive and healthier"
>I recall I had requested some steak done exactly how Gordon Ramsey made it on YouTube. My mom had decided that 1st, a cast iron pan was too expensive, so we'd be using the super small non stick she had kept since moving to America, 2nd no oil in the pan because "it's a waste and it's more healthy", and finally, the meat has to be gray or its not safe to eat
>mfw tears in my eyes as she complains that the steak she made was chewy and flavorless

I miss my mom everyday, but I honestly don't miss her cooking and her jew ways

>> No.7906880

My Fathers Wife, was a good cook, but that's about it.

>> No.7906882

Sorry to hear that anon, my little cousin stayed at the one in NYC in the early 2000's. As much as I hate fast food that place really helped my family out a lot throughout my cousins sickness.

>> No.7906885

I don't have a child yet, but my gf has a kid, and she says regularly that she'd like him to have brothers and sisters.
So maybe by next year.

I buy him special treats all the time.
Anything I think he might like.
I'll never let someone who depends on me go hungry or serve them shit.
I hate when people fall into the habit of giving their kids the same thing all the time.

>> No.7906893

bro idk how to break it to you, but if not today, than tomorrow, or a year from now: you will surely be cucked out of existence

>> No.7906905
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This is a phenomenal thread. Thank you Anons.

>> No.7906909
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Lost. Your a good man anon.

>> No.7906914

If a kid told me this I would immediately pull out a small pan, make the a separate portion but strongly encourage giving mine a taste.

A lot of people have some anger management shortcomings.
I literally stop myself from talking and do some slow-deep breathing while I get my head on right.

>> No.7906921

the future is a dark and scary place anon

but who knows what really lies beyond that fog

>> No.7906929

Aw man.....

>> No.7906941



Its a good anime if you like thriller

>> No.7906942

>all these whites ITT crying about child abuse

I'll tell you what, growing up in an Asian household is hell.

My dad once said he'd beat the shit out of me, then force me to live outside and eat dog shit, all because I was too afraid of him to show him a note I had to get my parents to sign.

I was scared as fuck. I told the student teacher at my elementary school word for word what my dad said, because I thought I was gonna die. I was 8 years old, thinking I could bear my soul to this student teacher because she was cool to me when she was teaching us.

When I told her, she just nervously chuckled it off saying "oh I'm sure he was just kidding". She got up and left after that. I never spoke to her again, nothing was reported.

My dad obviously never did anything as dramatic as that, but I grew up under constant fear. It wasn't of a drunkard who'd abuse the entire family, or a rapist after my butt. It was of a man who I was utterly afraid of disappointing, the one male role model a kid was supposed to have, my dad who often treated to beat the shit outta us.

>> No.7906967

My father is a 15+ year morphine addict.

>2006, visiting family here in the Midwest. I'm 15 at the time.
>Go to my grandma's for Thanksgiving
>She's a genuinely good cook, makes turkey and the works. Her specialty is lemon cookies.
>My father, after having his brain fried after so many years of drug abuse, decides that right before dinner would be the absolute perfect time to shoot a whole fucking syringe of morphine into his arm.
>Begins by eating very slowly without saying anything, while rest of us have animated dinner conversation
>Someone asks him a question, he doesn't respond
>Begins slowly nodding out into his food.
>People quiet down, begin to watch. I'm horrified, he's done this before but not in front of 12 family members.
>He faceplants into his food while the entire family is silently staring at him.
>Picks up his head, mumbles how he's fine, and then manages to put a spoon in his mouth.
>We all lay him out on the floor, they try to call 9/11 thinking he's "sick". I manage to persuade them not to, saying that he's "just tired" and if someone could drive him and I home after dinner.

Since then my father has cut off all relation to his own family. We don't talk to them anymore. He now lives alone getting high all day. He's 65.

>> No.7906971

>Both parents are chefs
>All meals homecooked and delicious
>Me and sis grow up on the food, eating the same amounts
>She's tall and slim, I'm short butterball
>My weight becomes an issue quick
>Every meal sis is rewarded for eating, while I get frowns.
>"Your sister is so skinny, are you eating all the food anon? Don't be so greedy"
>Grandma starts removing my plate at meals, and makes disgusted noises if I ask for it.
>Stop eating and becomes skeletor
>Can't cook or eat with family because they all remember butterball anon and gives looks.
>Try to make parent's signature dishes on my own, but can't eat them because flashback to butterball anon.
>Throw food out and just not eat.
>Every single time.
Rather die than eat and people seem to agree with it. I should probably an hero.

>> No.7906976

what happened at 40-50 that made him a morphin addict?
Where was your mom?

>> No.7906979

Getting beaten by a asian dad is no worse than getting beaten by a white dad. Kys you narcissistic faggot.

>> No.7906996

I will never do this to my family.
I like to smike, laugh, okay the bad down or turn it into a joke.
Talk everything back to a healthy place.
I do everything I can to help people in stress because I was such a nervous kid around the men in my family.
My older brother is getting better as he gets older, and I try to work with him.
He stopped drinking this year.
The old man has too, but he won't leave the house to visit with people, we have to go to him. I still try at least every other week.

>> No.7907010

At least you didn't have a food allergy.
Try having Asian parents and then the doctor telling them you're allergic to peanuts.
They try to mithridatise it out of you, forcing you into hospital every few months. It's fucking hell. Or if you're sick all over yourself at school, they come to pick you up, then beat you with a hair brush for being sick. Worse yet if your parents are from the Vietnamese countryside, because then they rub you with tiger balm and scrape you with a coin until you bleed to get the sickness out. That shit fucking burns. Whites just don't know.

>> No.7907035
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Be sure to remind him that you're his wife's son :^)

>> No.7907046

Thanks for wishing me dead because you assume everyone born to a mother that would have aborted them with the opprtunity will become worthless.
I should find out if that doctor is still alive and thank him.
Even for the most painful parts of my life.

>> No.7907059

What's a White Castle stuffing? Did you actually stuff the Turkey or serve it as a side?

>> No.7907062

I've known her for 15 years. I don't think she has the ability to lie.

>> No.7907066


>> No.7907067

You take that back! That was my favorite husmanskost after salmon and mashed potatoes!

Me and my wife still make it once per year when we're feeling nostalgic.

>> No.7907069

Admit it tho, you are pretty worthless :)

>> No.7907074

You're none too bright or perceptive, are you Anon?

>> No.7907077

still samefag

>> No.7907080

<<< r9k is that way

>> No.7907085
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>can't even link
good grief these summerfags

>> No.7907096

My mother literally just threw in frozen meals like lasagna and pre cooked wings and meatballs and kraft dinner and then complained about how much work cooking is and guilt tripped us into eating it

She is kind of a cunt

>> No.7907117

Tbh man, you are. That's okay, most humans are. We're very replaceable.
I'm glad you've found happiness in life, but there are tons of fucked up kids out there that would have been better off hooverized as a fetus.

>> No.7907122

On the ACT I was in the 99th percentile in all subjects except English composition.
I've never held a job where I was not the hardest working employee.
I served. (99asvab, 1st class pft for 6 years).
I've helped keep people out of evictions, helped them stay out of jail, helped one get sober, and I do my best to set a good example and mentor every kid I spend time with.
I've given away my second truck on 3 occassions and likely will give another to a kid I know who's about to turn 18 and has a kid on the way. If he's got it in him to take a job where I can get him making $20-25 an hour.

I do have depression, and in those times I withdrawal for 2 days to a week, unless someone asks for help I spend that time alone. I am on the autism spectrum, likely because of my mother's substance abuse, though it wasn't until the last few years when I made that connection. I didn't spend much of my childhood with her.
She's still a junkie.
And periodically I stop in to check on her, buy her the basic necessities, take her out for lunch, cook her dinner and wish her well.

I don't need anyone's help to make it as an adult, and I'd die before asking.

>> No.7907127

Between beef, chicken, and pork for me it'd be the least offensive when unseasoned.

Sometimes I'll cook unseasoned breasts and pull them so I can throw them in whatever later on. The bits I'd eat while I'm pulling it always taste fine to me. Tastes like chicken. I just like chicken. I didn't get it a lot as a kid because my parents said it was too expensive. I eat it a lot now because it's cheaper than ground beef. Mostly drumsticks because sometimes the jumbo packs go on sale for $2 or $3.

I guess I'm just happy to have it. Unseasoned chicken and vegetables is a big step up from the tv dinners and frozen pizza I ate all the way up till I graduated high school.

>> No.7907128

Thank you for the feels, I would offer you a beer if we could meet

>> No.7907130
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Please be pasta

>> No.7907132

He worked at a hospital and started taking the hardcore meds for no other reason than he felt like it. Became addicted and kept taking them.

Him and my mother divorced when I was 3. My earliest memories are of domestic violence. She now lives on government support somewhere far away with a list of mental disabilities.

>> No.7907137

Not Norwegian in the slightest. =)

>> No.7907141

>I served
See? Worthless.

>> No.7907142

Me mum used to teach cooking classes in higschool, so the only thing limiting the types of food we got was us bitching and refusing to eat certain stuff.

>> No.7907143

It's awful. Not in just a regular tastes bad way, but rather it is so fucking bland and boring to the point that you'd rather eat nigger semen, which is why this country is going down the drains.

>> No.7907145

No, it's autism and I'm sorry if you can't handle it.
I'm inclined to talk.
You could be more kind and ignore it as opposed to being unnecessarily insulting.
Just something to consider.

>> No.7907158
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>You could be more kind and ignore it as opposed to being unnecessarily insulting.
Just something to consider.
Oh fine. Have a kitty.

>> No.7907160

All that edge.

When you regurgitate other people's tired quips, do you feel a swell of pride?
Do you just know that you're the most clever boy in the room?
Do you picture this like a classroom, and surely all the other kids are laughing with you?

I bet evert word I use in my defense sounds sad and desperate through your filter, as opposed to the matter of fact way I would say them.
That has to be a great way to live.

>> No.7907165

I do like cats.
I'm not home enough to keep a furry friend though. It's kids sad.

>> No.7907180

>I bet evert word I use in my defense sounds sad and desperate through your filter, as opposed to the matter of fact way I would say them.
Kek. It's hard to intimidate people through text, isn't it, meathead?

>> No.7907198

What was it about what i said that came off as intimidating to you?

>> No.7907201

Sorry, that's not right.
What made you feel I had the intent to intimidate?

>> No.7907210
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>You will never be finished loving them, but time forces you to. That's what gets me.

Cmon man... ;_;

>> No.7907223

I eat leftie even though I'm right-handed.

>> No.7907228

I know, rite? It's kinda funny because mom's family wasn't at all trashy. Her mother was a very good cook. Yet I remember as a kid eating Sloppy Joe sandwiches that were buger meat fried with onions, then doused in BBQ sauce and served in burger buns.

All I can figure is that she picked up a couple trashy cookbooks along the way and didn't know any better than to try those kinds of recipes out on her kids.She did a lot better when she cooked her mother's recipes.

>> No.7907229

My mom died of the same dude. Get the recipes, spoil her rotten, and if she's okay with it BUY HER DANK WEED. My one regret is that I was too much of a goody-goody to get her some.

>> No.7907233

>Worse yet if your parents are from the Vietnamese countryside, because then they rub you with tiger balm and scrape you with a coin until you bleed to get the sickness out.
My parents still do this. I am instantly reminded of the smell.

>> No.7907236
File: 49 KB, 724x291, bizarro 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is horribly depressing.

But, at the same time, it's very nice to see everyone here sharing what must be their darkest stories and trying to genuinely console one another.

>> No.7907259


>> No.7907276

That's not your fucking fault

>> No.7907282

Pork and divorced dads is a global theme, Anon. A friend of mine had the same issue.

>> No.7907300

Okay now that's beyond wrong. Anyone would have done the same in your position.

>> No.7907308

Seconded dude rise to power please, oust Hillarump

>> No.7907337


>> No.7907345

The kind of people who say this are usually not the fucking pinnacle of evolution either. Nobody is; that's the nature of natural selection; living conditions change too rapidly and too chaotically for any one trait or creature to be in favor for too long. Dinosaurs were around for much longer than us, yet where are they?

>> No.7907349

>good ol plate of bacon and eggs
>and some ... rice in a tiny little bowl
>and some seaweed... in another bowl
>and some whole tomatoes and some green onion or lettuce or some shit
>and like maybe a little cake or some tofu in tiny pieces in yet another tiny bowl
>don't forget the soup with peas, sugar cubes and blueberries

Little girl, you've got it wrong, you won't have to do the dishes, don't cry!

>> No.7907369

Oh no dude can you get him into rehab?

>> No.7907377

No dude nooo! It's not your fault, none of it. People have no understanding and you need to eat enough to keep yourself healthy. Sometimes kids are fatter just because... baby fat. It really is a thing. You yourself mentioned you were eating the same amount as your sis. People may agree with you not eating now, but back in the 1500s they would have been horrified thanks to obesity being in fashion. People are crazy, don't listen to them. Food is fuel; eat when you're hungry, stop when you're truly full, and eat what makes you feel healthy afterwards. Much love anon that's got to be hell

>> No.7907381

Ignore the assholes. They may be saying that, but I'm sure they wouldn't be okay with it if someone said similar things to them.

>> No.7907388

You're never going to find worth outside yourself, but you always have it within. Every living thing in this universe has worth, which is why I get so angry when people decide to squander it.

>> No.7907400

These assholes are lost to reason and goodness. Don't waste your precious time on fools anon, pearls before swine.

>> No.7907411

>Saturday morning
>dad makes me cook scrambled eggs in microwave
>bowl gets attached to microwave plate
>pick up bowl not realizing the plate stuck to it
>plate breaks and dad yells accuses me of doing in on purpose and calls me a brat and smacks me
>run off and cry

>> No.7907427

How dirty was the bowl to get stuck to the plate?

>> No.7907468

It was an older cracked bowl
The plate was probably the dirty thing though, rarely cleaned it

>> No.7907521

Overpopulation is the direct cause of foreign aid to third world shitholes you fucking idiot. White people need to have babies and irresponsible whores like that anons mother are part of the problem

>> No.7907551
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>White people need to have babies

>> No.7907588

Enjoy raising your wifes son

>> No.7907667

This thread has to live!

>> No.7907686
File: 183 KB, 1260x1024, kot13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it does

>> No.7907715


there were many posts so far which mad me truly sad, but this one just makes me angry.

>> No.7907724

Okay I'll bite.
>I had a fantastic childhood, but my parents were immigrants and my dad didn't know how to cook well.
>He packed me school lunch in pyrex glassware and the contents leaked onto my homework no matter how I packed it in my bag. >And the contents were: Broccoli stewed in tomato sauce and maybe some rye bread dipped in eggs and half-cooked in olive oil.
>I was terrified to open it at the lunch table because of the fart smell and everybody always looked at me, saying, "Ugh, what is that?!"
>And it tasted every bit as bad as it smelled.
>I was always begging him not to cook me that but he called me spoiled and told me stories of his kibbutz, then the next day it was more of the same

>> No.7907738

Hemp necktie?

>> No.7907760


I wouldn't be so sure

>> No.7907761

>france will be majority muslim in your lifetime

There.. now it's depressing.

>> No.7907767

>Overpopulation is the direct cause of foreign aid to third world shitholes you fucking idiot
Hey guys, get a load of fucking Malthus over here

>> No.7907785

Not an argument


Thanks for sharing. Interesting theory however UN global population projections put the African population at 4.5 billion by 2100 so his regulation of population due to resource limitation theory isn't applicable in the foreseeable future.

>> No.7907787


exactly what I was thinking

>> No.7907828



>> No.7907924

Suicide by hanging.

My other favorite euphemisms include "severe twine allergy" and "rope poisoning."

>> No.7907971

Fahrenheit, not Celsius.

>> No.7907973

my mom made this thing for me after i saw her eating it a few times

i loved it so much and i guess she'd just try to satisfy me and now im fat

bowl of rice
+ a shitload of margarine
+ sesame oil
+ soy sauce

>> No.7907989

also to be fair

most of her food is p good
she helps run a restaurant with my dad, and she does a lot of the cooking

its just man i really liked that stuff til i realized how bad it was for me

>> No.7908007
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>> No.7908012

Most women are sociopaths. Sociopaths have a natural talent for lying, and are often hard to detect.

>> No.7908022

I could probably handle pork unseasoned, just as long as it was cooked right. It already has so much flavor in it.

>> No.7908035
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>throws a watermelon at it

>> No.7908043

Maybe anon's stepmom is an uppity cunt who is unable to comprehend the living situations of other people.

My (biological) mom is the same way. I'm pretty sure she's genuinely stupid, because she's always saying stupid things
>Why do so many poor people shop at Walmart? Why can't they shop somewhere else?
>Look at that woman! Look at all those tattoos and piercings! I can't believe she's allowed to be a mother!
>No, anon, you can't shop at Value Village. That place is for poor people.
>No, don't buy the store brand. They're substandard quality junk.
She also refuses to donate to local charities. She's okay with donating to global charities, because "at least they're helping kids in third-world countries." But local charities, that's a no-no, because "there's no excuse for being poor in a first-world country" and "it's your fault if you end up that way in such a great country."

>> No.7908054

I'm probably just ignorant, but I think 65 is too late for rehab.

If it were a younger person, like 20-30 years old, rehab makes sense, so they can get back on their feet and become contributing members of society. I'd rather fix a drug addict than let him be useless for the next few decades.

But 65 years old? Ehh, I'm not so sure anymore. Generally, 65 is the exact age where people stop becoming productive members of society.

>> No.7908073

Physical wounds heal.

>> No.7908253

If she genuinely believes that it's difficult to become poor in America, then yeah she's dumb as hell.

>> No.7908405

I know what kind of shit you're talking about. White here, but dad's a complete prick who doesn't seem to understand people. After my mother's brain hemorrhage (which forced him to quit university to care for her), he took over looking after the family. I was never a perfect person, nor my brother, but he acts like we're the reason everything is awful and I spent a solid 8 years living under his emotionally abusive thumb. Spent all my time in my room to avoid talking to him, ate in my room, only left to go to appointments or school (when I had it).

Constantly yelled at for forgetting to do things like "wash the counter "properly" every night" (aka pretend you have OCD and can't sleep without being able to safely lick every corner of the kitchen). I mean yeah, okay, I neglected some stuff, but there's no excuse for yelling at someone because they can't wash something the way you would. Especially not someone depressed over their inability to find a job or help the family.

Would you believe my dad routinely threatened to literally beat me to death when I did something he didn't like? He only ever touched me maybe 3 times, but I had no illusions that he wouldn't fucking do it.

The man is a psychopath, a criminal, and a shitty parent, and he'll blame anyone but himself for the consequences of his ineptitude.

I'm honestly glad he threw me out. I didn't have the balls to walk, but now that I'm out of there I actually feel free. Haven't even thought of killing myself in two months.

>> No.7908461

itt not having a 5 course meal made by a chef every night = "child abuse"

you guys are a bunch of pussies

>> No.7908468

Ouch my feelings

>> No.7908491

Fuckin' cool Groots, that's what!

>> No.7908699

my mom threw a lot of food at me and pots and pans

my dad too i guess

what a fucked up childhood

the worst thing is neither of them could cook. 11 - 14 most nights i wouldnt get to eat unless i cooked for myself or my big sis did. and we never had food. one time we didnt have food for like a week so we had to pour a bunch of containers out to get some pocket change then we all bought McDonalds. was ok i guess.

>> No.7909084

south bellevue/factoria here. where u at m8?

>> No.7909106

>sounds like american school lunches
this is the problem

>> No.7909112

dont ever throw it away anon

>> No.7909118
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>>wireless router wasn't working
>>dad is pissed off
>>throws a watermelon at it

>> No.7909125

When I was 8 or 9, in the summer time my dad would take my younger brother and me to different parks to pass the time. One day, we stayed way later than usual and he hadn't really though ahead much, and so he bought us a jumbo hot dog from a nearby vendor since he didn't have much cash on him. We took turns taking bites to tide us over on the drive home, it was almost gone and I was starving, and I knew that I wouldn't get a bite in if my dad took one, and my brother took one, so I shoved the last of it in my mouth.

My dad actually pulled over to yell at me and called me a disgusting, greedy pig. I still have trouble eating large portions or everything on my plate now, 20 years or so later. I also can't eat hot dogs.

>> No.7909311

I have a childhood friend who's mom was the same way. She'd smoke an ounce a day and do nothing but work, play Diablo, and drink a shitton of chocolate milk. She has a crippling painkiller addiction now...

>> No.7909329

My family was and still is so poor that i cannot afford fucking ramen on a daily basis, i have never tasted mac n cheese in my life and i have always wanted to, we eat at a soup kitched and im posting this from. Iibrary, things are looking up though cause i just got a job as a night watchman at a museum

What does mac n chees taste like anyway? Is it anything special?

>> No.7909332

My mom died of ovarian cancer 5 years ago. I remember when she was diagnosed all her friends from work made her premade meals so she didn't have to cook. We had to get a second freezer we got so much stuff. Dinner's were silent and awkward but the food was amazing, people making all their best dishes to give to my mom. To this day I take an odd amount of satisfaction in people cooking for me, probably because it reminds me of all of my moms friends. We ate like kings for months with all the food we got, it was so amazing. Good luck anon im not gonna lie to you it's gonna be hard as shit when she dies, and no matter how prepared you think you are for it it will hit you like a ton of bricks. Cooking dishes is a good way to cope, my dad still makes my mom's favorite casserole every easter and it seems to help him.