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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7903340 No.7903340 [Reply] [Original]

Why do poor people buy shitty prefab foods?

Buying whole foods in bulk is way cheaper and healthier.

Whats up with that /ck/

>> No.7903357

Because having to cook is "work."

It's not so much poor people than it is stupid and lazy people.

>> No.7903364

where the fuck do I get the money to buy in bulk faggot? I've never had 10 dollars in my life.

>> No.7903367
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Some people don't have space for bulk buys. As far as prefab foods goes sometimes folks are too tired for cooking and you can't just repeatedly have sleep for a meal.

>> No.7903368

That image is so dumb but I love it.

>> No.7903372

Some people don't have the space to store bulk, the car to transport bulk, the proximity to bulk stores to reach bulk...plenty of reasons.

>> No.7903373


Big bags of lets say rice, do not cost that much.

By saving a bit of money by buying whole foods you can increase your food budget slowly.

>> No.7903375

most people have jobs and don't have 3 hours per evening after getting home, walking the dog, changing kids diapers, ect to practice cooking in their moms kitchen after getting enough balls to leave the basement for once.

>> No.7903377

>Big bags of lets say rice, do not cost that much.
yes they do, we don't all live in a third world country.

>> No.7903382

I'm doing well finding cheap rice in the greatest country on earth.

>> No.7903383


Go to a farmers market and buy the biggest bag of rice you can find, I guarantee you its cheap as fuck.

>> No.7903386
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I can't afford travelling to a farmers market.

>> No.7903392


The situation you are in right now is a sum of your choices.

Choose a different life.

>> No.7903397
File: 36 KB, 360x400, smuganime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a different life

>> No.7903410

do you live in a basement?
is the basement owned by one or both of your primary care givers?

>> No.7903415
File: 510 KB, 700x827, 1448625612411.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in an apartment.

>> No.7903419

who pays for the apartment

>> No.7903424

No one, it's an abandoned building.

>> No.7903429

do you live in the developing world?

>> No.7903434

No, I live in north korea.

>> No.7903436

I'll take that as a yes, you live in the developing world.



>> No.7903444

Poor people often come from shitty homes, so they never had their parents teach them cooking basics. And they don't have the time and ressources to learn now.

>> No.7903452

Poor people are poor because they are ignorant, often stupid, and generally make poor life decisions. How is this news to you?

>> No.7903457

Stupid people are poor
Stupid people buy prefabs

>> No.7903464

That's what leftovers are for.

>> No.7903468

What do you cook every might that takes 3 hours of constant attention? Do you try to cut all of your food with a butter knife amd heat everything in your childhood easy bake oven?

>> No.7903483
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post the firefox version pls i need it

>> No.7903485

It does take time. You gotta get all your stuff together, cook rice, prepare vegetables, stir fry some meats or whatever. Then those pots and pans soak a bit while you're eating. Then you've got dishes to wash and dry, counters to sanitize (plus the stove, possibly microwave). Then you have to wash up because cooking is always a bit splattery.

>> No.7903486

BS I can get a 5kg sack of indian or pakistani basmati rice for about $12AU, surely the states isn't much different

>> No.7903487

Go to your local indian, pakistani or se asian grocery store

>> No.7903493
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Most of those can be done at the same time. When I'm busy cooking takes about 20 minutes of my attention a day. Less if I make leftovers.

>> No.7903494

I'm not from the states, I told you, I don't live in a third world country.

>> No.7903497

Cook rice, steam veges, fry meat. Shouldn't take longer than half an hr. More like 20 mins.

>> No.7903500

I'm not from a third world country either, and I have access to bulk high quality cheap imported rice.

>> No.7903526

Stop responding to the Australians.

>> No.7903581

>buy all ingredients
>put it together myself
>takes time and effort
>tastes way worse than if I just bought it all in one pack pre-made

The path of least resistance will always win

>> No.7903588

Lazy, lack of education and the commong misconception that buying anything aside from premade and fastfood is more expensive.

>> No.7903608

>astes way worse than if I just bought it all in one pack pre-made

>> No.7903620

It's called learning. It's that thing you do when you don't want to pay somebody else to do the work. If you're all for shelling out money for something you could easily do yourself, by all means... But I'd rather save my money, spend a little extra time, and make my own food, presumably out of more healthy ingredients, for that matter.