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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7902266 No.7902266 [Reply] [Original]

How and why did American food go full pleb?

USA took a bunch of immigrants from Europe over the last few centuries and somehow blending these groups destroyed all their food culture in the process so we have burgers and dyed orange cheese. USA doesn't eat organ meat though Europeans do - why is that?

>> No.7902283

You made the mistake of believing the Euromeme. America improved on European cuisine in every possible way.

Compare Italian-American to "Italian" food. Italians don't have garlic bread, don't have chicken OR veal parmesan, think spaghetti and meatballs should be separate dishes, consider chicken alfredo haram, and put potatoes on their pizza but not chicken.

>> No.7902540

Mass production and the excessive use of salt and sugar?

>> No.7902595

most of the immigrants were anglo and germanic. shit + shit = shit.

>> No.7902606


>> No.7902610

Mix the preference for plain taste of Northern Europeans, a post WWII era in the US when we finding out how to cheaply mass produce food, and the mix of immigrants who adapted to their food to our taste and you'll get our food.

Though I do somewhat agree with >>7902283, a lot """"italian"""" food has been greatly improved. Imagine a world with out some 'go 'za

>> No.7902775
File: 1.02 MB, 2592x1936, img_3417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello anon

a question: Is that jello or is that aspic?

>> No.7902792

It was industrialized food production that destroyed the US food culture in most of the country, and that pretty much happened during the second half pof the 20th Century. Little of value was lost, but it took a toll on the population nonetheless.

>> No.7903139

youve obviously never been to italy

p.s go get your cholesterol levels checked - everything you mentioned is fried, full of butter or cheese

>> No.7903144


>USA doesn't eat organ meat

Talk about ignorance.

The US has the best food scene in the world and organ meat is literally a meme food right now. Get a passport and get your facts straight.

Also don't start a thread with a thumbnail like a pleb.

>> No.7903510

I just googled something like "1950s American jello" or something like that

>> No.7903516
File: 18 KB, 146x187, pleasure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god, even the prettiest aspic arrangements look like #wifeymaterial
how can people eat that garbage?

>> No.7903523

We actually do organ meat, we just hide it. Hotdogs, Sausages, and Scrapple are all made from organs and scrap meats. In rural or "fly over" (as /ck/ autistically calls them) regions whole animal and charcuterie exists. Brain Sandwiches can be had in the American South.

The reason America doesn't have a strong "peasant food" culture anymore is because most of the immigrants who came here were precisely that - fucking peasants. And when they got here, and founds the primo cuts of meat they couldn't have even dreamed of getting in the old country dirt cheap, they thought they had found the land of milk and honey itself. 'American' Italian food is itself an outgrowth of this affect - the sheer availability of meat products lead to a boom in excess. The older, more conservatives recipes came to be associated with more poverty stricken and deprived times, and fell out of favour. After that it was all industrialization.

>> No.7903549

You never seen a good aspic then.

>> No.7903552

>The US has the best food scene in the world


>> No.7903560


>there are actually people who've never left their village and think that this isn't true

>> No.7903571
File: 171 KB, 495x746, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a menu of an average New York restaurant in the 1800s. Industrialization of food plus immigration from Anglo - Germanic countries put the nail in the coffin

>> No.7903578

All you said about italians is true but I don't think how's that improving

>> No.7903653
File: 86 KB, 550x355, shopping-swscan04424-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Factory farming, convenience foods and status goods. Post-WW2 more and more people were moving out to the suburbs from crowded cities and were adopting new attitudes about food. These were the so-called "greatest" and "silent" generations who could clearly recall Depression and wartime wants. In this new, prosperous United States, why look towards the past?

Why buy organ meats when you can get the steak? You're not poor, are you? It doesn't matter that the steak doesn't taste all that great, it's the fact that you're eating it on a weeknight and not breaking the bank. Mom has a busy schedule of watching television, drinking cocktails, popping tranquilizers and gossiping with the neighbors in the kitchen while the kids are penned out in the yard. The supermarket enables her to pick up all her items in one place, already wrapped and prepared. No need to visit the butcher and the baker any more.

Of course that only described a subset of the population. It's not like the old ways ever completely disappeared and attitudes would start to change again with the next generation. You'd see similar phenomena in other countries, such as the UK thanks to post-war rationing with a renewed interest in proper cooking around the same time.

>> No.7903670

nothin wrong with potatoes on pizza

>> No.7903675

>USA doesn't eat organ meat

Sure we do. The average person eats them in hot dogs (and other sausages), chicken nuggets, etc.

Fried chicken livers, gizzards, etc, is a big thing in the south. Cajun and Creole food uses them too (dirty rice being a great example). Liver also gets used in pate.

>> No.7904968

I have lived in North Carolina my entire life and I've always ate livermush, which is about 45% pig liver if I recall correctly. I've even been to livermush festivals. Chicken livers are common menu items at many restaurants. Aside from that I don't really see people eating organs, but that is a far cry from not at all.

>> No.7904989


They've become trendy at high end gastro-pubs, but /ck/ meme posters are about 10 years behind on their meme foods. If you get your food culture info exclusively from /ck/ you'll most likely only see latinos and Asians complaining about the prices of what were once considered garbage cuts of meat getting expensive because of hipsters and yuppies. As much as I love/hate /ck/, it's out of touch as fuck with what's actually happening in the food world (new fast food items not withstanding).

>> No.7905004
File: 160 KB, 375x500, american.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get a passport and get your facts straight.
Oh the ironing

>> No.7905018

>mashed carrots


>> No.7905025


I'd honestly wager that more Americans have passports than do Europeans. Traveling in the EU is like driving across state lines in the US. Most Europeans don't even leave their village to go to college, and just say, "fuck it, I already live here, why not even look for a better university".

>> No.7905043

>I'd honestly wager that more Americans have passports than do Europeans.

Really weird that a lot of Americans don't have passports, I was talking to this American girl and jokingly suggested she come visit me and she said she'd need a passport for that, and it's not the first time an American has mentioned to me they don't have one

Don't know anyone here in the UK that doesn't have a passport desu

>> No.7905062


Where are Brits even traveling that they need a passport? That's what confuses me because of Schengen or whatnot.

>> No.7905090

Britain isn't part of schengen. You need to show a passport at all borders.

>> No.7906394

as an american, I can safely say that no american would EVER put food like this in a jello like substance unless it was as a joke, quit pushing your euro fag food.

>> No.7906499

It really does look like some 1950s suburban housewife bullshit, though. I can see someone pulling that out of their Avocado-colored fridge to serve to her husband and his co-workers while everyone smokes excessively.

>> No.7906509

not weird. we have oceans on both sides, are a huge country, and no reason to go north or south. travelling in europe is essentially like between states here. no passport needed.

>> No.7906516
File: 29 KB, 500x382, BLYU7HUCQAE5k8t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine a world without 'go 'za

>> No.7906526

your burgers are great desu. i mean mom and pop places , of course. no ghetto wendys or whatever chain restaurant with dumb teenage workers.

>> No.7906528

this stuff was THE SHIT inb the 60 here in germany, too.
Just a novel way of presenting and preserving food and people who jumped on the advertisment train.
Pretty much old school hipster food.
And also very disgusting. cooking books from this age are fucking hilarious.

>> No.7906530

underrated post.

>> No.7906532

Italians make the best ice cream in the world and their chocolate is among the best too, though I wouldn't confidently say it's better than Swiss chocolate.

As for regular food, America has certainly invented a lot of new "Italian" dishes. Pasta Alfredo as you say, I've never actually seen that in Europe before. I think it's a purely American thing.
This phenomenon isn't limited to Italian food. You guys over there have a lot of "Chinese" food that you wouldn't find anywhere outside America.

>> No.7906534

could be a menu from Paris in the same time

>> No.7906542


apply yourself

>> No.7906677

This duderino

>> No.7906787

>USA doesn't eat organ meat

>> No.7906812

1) Hot dogs are not made with organ meat by law, however there are hot-dog-like sausages that are but they cannot legally be called hot dogs.

2) Ohio and Indiana are not the south and those are the only two places where people don't look at you cockeyed for mentioning brain sandwiches.

3) The rest of your post is correct.

>> No.7906813

Hot dogs and Spam are not made from organs.

>> No.7906817

American is not a race. "American food" doesn't mean food invented by white Americans, it means all food created in America.

American food is better and more varied than any other place on earth, this included American Chinese and Mexican food, American Italian food, BBQ, and soul food.

>> No.7906819

No! Pasta alfredo is /totally/ an Italian dish!!! I had it in a restaurant in Rome where everyone spoke English and the menus were all in English and all the diners were English-speakers, so it must be Italian! Because Rome!!!

Don't tell Americans alfredo isn't Italian because even though they've never been to Italy, they're experts on what food we do and don'eat t and Wikipedia agrees with them so they must be right.