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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7896943 No.7896943 [Reply] [Original]

>flavouring your steak with anything more than salt and pepper

>> No.7896947

Super unique meat that totally can't be improved xD ps don't cook XD

>> No.7896952

Claiming to like medium rare steak the best is 9/10 times bourgeois virtue signalling and 1/10 sincere preference.

Your steak needs to be cooked longer.

>> No.7896961


Agreed. Medium is where its at. Anything less is just raw and horrible.

>> No.7896972

That's what's known as an opinion.
Well done, anon.
You may find as you progress through life other people have differing opinions to yourself.
It's called growing up and you shouldn't fear it, it's a perfectly natural biological and social function.

>> No.7896979
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>they don't like it rare
literally sub-humans.

>> No.7896982


If it ain't blue it ain't worth shit, you fucking plebs.

>> No.7896984
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>> No.7896993

>flavouring your steak with anything more than the trace iron residue from the weapons you killed and butchered it with

>> No.7897011

>your steak.

>> No.7897012

I don't know about those numbers, I genuinely like medium rare.
I can also understand that some people might like well done, though it's obviously stupid from my point of view.

Differences of opinion exist, anon.

>> No.7897017

I love flavoring my filet mignon with lobster béarnaise.

>> No.7897022

please don't ever reply to me again unless you're soliciting sex

>> No.7897026

You're insecure about not knowing how to cook.

>> No.7897028

>You're insecure
for real i have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.7897052

Did you see the full moon last night - how bright it was? You're the opposite of that.

>> No.7897074

>flavoring my ketchup with steak

>> No.7897079


>implying marinating/seasoning steak with different spices and herbs is bad

Kill yourself

>> No.7897080

No pan sauce? No sauteed onions and mushrooms? Herb butter? Cream and pepper sauce?

You think you're patrician, but you're pleb.

>also i've eaten at good steakhouses since i was a child
>still like my steak well done, less than well done has a gelatinous texture i don't like
>it makes me laugh how much time people waste trying to look down on others for liking well done steak, or anything other than salt and pepper
>you must be pretty bored

>> No.7897082

>Being a white guy that can only taste a couple flavors at a time so the food has to be extremely bland

>> No.7897089
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>virtue signalling a steak

nigga whaT?

>> No.7897091

do you not understand or think people don't do it?

he's saying a lot of people eat medium rare steak because it's socially acceptable and supposed to show that you have culture, not that they really like it. i know people who do this, but also know people who genuinely like it.

>> No.7897150

Maybe, just maybe, some people like their steaks cooked differently than you.

>> No.7898219

>not mixing red pepper flakes and a pinch of garlic powder into the rub

>> No.7898247

>Being a nigger who spouts racist bullshit and just dumps hot sauce on everything anyway because he doesn't know how to cook

>> No.7898664

Sometimes I go totally crazy and rub garlic on the steak before I fry it.

>> No.7898667

Sure some people just go for medium rare because MEMZ but I used to eat well done steak as a kid and holy shit when I moved to medium rare it was a godsend

>> No.7899628

>he doesn't brush his steak with garlic butter

>> No.7899636


I'm eating raw steak right now, faggot.

>> No.7899643

Why? You're going to burn the garlic and make it inedible, at the temperature it requires to properly sear a steak.

Garlic powder, maybe. But just crushed garlic? That shit is going to taste horrible when burned.

>> No.7899711

i flavour my steaks with salt pepper msg and butter

>> No.7899719




Pick one. Never been to a place that can cook a steak better than I can at home more than a few times. And even then the price was unjustifiable.

You don't go out to eat for fucking steak for Christ sakes. You go for complicated dishes that you wouldn't want to / couldn't make at home. Ordering a steak when you go out is like going to McDonald's for a salad. Sure order what you want but it doesn't mean you're not retarded.

>> No.7899766


>> No.7899768


>committing to one doneness because different cuts aren't suited to different cooking methods

>> No.7899793

1-2mins per side


light sprinkle of salt and fresh ground black pepper while it rests


>> No.7899805

>being this much of an assblasted pasty
Have intercourse.

>> No.7899888

Well damn this place is filled with some snobbish pricks (not all) but to the ones with your opinions inserted tightly in your anuses good luck when socioty falls apart

>> No.7899915


Nice trips apocalypse fag

>> No.7899920


Yep, certain types of cornflake are so much better soggy.

>> No.7899940

>being this mad
get shot by police you sub-human filth

>> No.7899941

>ordering steak from a place that specializes in steak with premium aged steak cooked on equipment specifically made for cooking steak is like ordering a salad from a fast food place
i disagree

>> No.7899942

what is socioty

>> No.7899946

>having special tools means it's better
tools without skills doesn't cook the steak better

>> No.7899954

sure, but the person who cooks thousands of steaks every day for hours might have a bit more experience than the typical home cook. even if the skills were the same, having better tools means the steak will be better.

>> No.7899961

experience isn't skill, sadly
there is also the simple fact that making the steak for yourself means you can cater to your own desires, while a steak house simply cannot do that for you unless you've formed some kind of personal bond with the cooks

>> No.7899962


better tools? like a grill that can get up to 600 degrees is rare?

>> No.7899985

>pretending to be a french king fro hundreds of years ago

I bet you buy 3 button suits and never fasten the top button, too

>> No.7899989
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>> No.7900001

I like mine medium rare but sometimes I mess it up and it comes out rare even after resting it and I make the first cut and see then throw it back on the grill and make it well done by accident. It gets too dry inside when it's well done and I give up and give it to my dog who is on a diet also so it's bad for him, too.

>> No.7900004


get a wireless digital thermometer, bake it at 275 until it hits around 125 internal. Then sear the living shit out of it on a grill heated to 600-700 degrees. put a pad of butter on top of the steak as you put it on the grill so it rolls off and starts a small fire in the grill. take it off as soon as both sides are charred to your preference. You'll have uniform medium well through all of the steak, literally pink to pink all the way up to the crust.

>> No.7900005


medium rare, rather.

>> No.7900012


>> No.7900014

Interesting. I will try it tonight just to see. Thanks

>> No.7900032


You might have to adjust your final oven temperature depending on your grill, basically you're shooting for a finished temp off the grill of 135 internal. It's all about tweaking your temps.

>> No.7900045

I'll be able to figure it out I think and get it close enough to right. I will post back with photos tonight if thread is still up whether disaster or great outcome

>> No.7900847

Does butter count as flavouring?

>> No.7901078

>implying being vague makes you look intelligent

>> No.7901377

>Fillet steak
Nice medium rare
Nice medium rare
Nice medium rare
Don't eat it

>> No.7901386

>this opinion is not the same as mine so it isn't sincere!

>> No.7901418

No one actually eats blue rare

>> No.7901422

I do sometimes.

>> No.7901427

How was it

>> No.7901433

I like it.

>> No.7901495

I like my steak perfectly medium
and by that i mean in cross section
1/4 top is brown
2/4 is pink
1/4 bottom is brown

cooked on high hear so the outside is seared and slightly crispy/crunchy on the edges.

>> No.7901641

is a cast iron skillet the best instrument to cook a steak? i dont want to buy one

>> No.7901646

>i dont want to buy one
What does that information matter to you then?

>> No.7901655

my bad. id buy one if the difference is really felt. right now im just using a poorfag non stick pan from target. steaks come out ok

>> No.7901656

a charcoal grill is

>> No.7901661

You can get a cast iron skillet for less than $20

>> No.7901670

oh for some reason i was under the impression they were expensive.
i want a nice colorful brown crust on it, not some black lines

>> No.7901674

>>flavouring your steak with anything more than salt and pepper

Try soy sauce.

Soy sauce steak > salt/pepper/butter steak

>> No.7901677

then learn to grill, genius

>> No.7901682

>You don't go out to eat for fucking steak for Christ sakes. You go for complicated dishes that you wouldn't want to / couldn't make at home
Don't most people go out for social reasons and wanting to be seen at a certain place?

>> No.7901706


>> No.7901716

>he doesn't eat ass

>> No.7901728

there are so many more tasty cuts of beef
for example
tail, cheek, tongue, flank, chuck, brisket

>> No.7901910

i made a strip steak today that was a little past it's best before and probably wouldn't last another day so i cooked it a little bit extra (medium-well) and topped it with pepper flakes and blue cheese

it was fucking comfy

>> No.7902072


Such a pleb. You are why they get away with charging 80 bucks for a sirloin. Dispicable.

>> No.7902104

>I've never paid more than 40 dollars for a meal

>> No.7902162


>"virtue signalling"

please stop going on /pol/ so much kids, it is literally rotting your brain, that phrase does not even make sense in that sentence, you meant "status signalling".

that phrase used to mean something but now it just gets incorrectly used in every single complaint about the world written by teenage boys desperately trying to "intelligence signal" and failing miserably.

also medium-rare just genuinely tastes better, if it further distances me from the moronic prole scum that's only an additional benefit.

>> No.7902172

salt, pepper, garlic.

>> No.7902178

I genuinely like medium rare, but I will eat a well done steak also it's just not my preference.

>> No.7902186

Anywhere from medium rare to just below medium well is good. OP's pic does look slightly undercooked though, since if you're going for tenderness, you want the fibers. A gooey, raw texture like that in the middle will be tough and chewy.

>> No.7902187

>flavoring your faggotry with anything less than caring about how other people eat

>> No.7902194

I think people go with medium rare because they've heard it's the best and they don't know what to go with. They try it, discover it's infinitely better than the well done they've had before and they stick with it. They might be following convention but it doesn't mean they don't sincerely enjoy it.

>> No.7902230

Not using Ketchup

Fucking plebs.

>> No.7902312

You're all wrong.



>> No.7903399

>complaining about the bourgeois

If you're gonna complain
Make sure you target the right group

>> No.7904053

Cast irons are cheap and last forever if you take care of them correctly.

>> No.7904581


You're a pleb if you have it above medium-rare

>> No.7904655
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>autism: the thread

>> No.7904686


Why? Justify pepper. Why pepper out of a thousand different spices? Because it comes in the shaky bottle next to the salt? Because Bugs Bunny used it to make a guard dog sneeze? And what kind of pepper? Tellicherry? Malabar? Pink, green, white, black? What grind size?

Pepper is literally a meme and we can't see it for what it is.

>> No.7904747

Hey there, I'm Michael Pollan and I've got Adam Perry Lang sitting here with me. I'm skyping in Nathan Myrhvold on this one too.

You are (almost) all fucking morons.

Medium rare is a reddit-tier meme on par with "Single Malt only :^)" and "Swag is for boys, class is for men". Different cuts need different doneness, different thicknesses need categorically different cooking methods. Hell, the age of a steak changes everything dramatically from the difference in water content.

Salt is good on pretty much everything. That's what it does, makes food taste better. Outside of that, there is no reason to treat a steak like some holy virgin sliver of bluefin cheek OR like a piece of cardboard for you to slather in spice and sauce. Be realistic. Imagine if people were this elitist about chicken!

That said, Steak is pretty much the opposite of entomophagy. It's the most first-world of first-world comforts, and requires a massive amount of land, wealth, cooperation, and logistics to happen. The fact that steaks are available to the people enough for them to have debates about how to cook them is proof of a successful society. And whether you are eating a 180-day dry aged rib eye at CarneVino in Las Vegas (APL's crowning achievement) or trying out Nathan's sous-vide, blast chill, and flash-fry technique on a grocery store fillet mignon, they can have their own special place in our diets.

>> No.7904874


>> No.7904876


>> No.7904913

Because it adds depth with its slight piquance without adding too much flavour. Also helps create a nice crust.

>> No.7906777

What about a red wine pan sauce?

>virtue signalling

WHY THE FUCK DO I SEE THIS POPPING UP EVERYWHERE? Seriously, has an article on this subject become famous recently or WHAT

>> No.7906788

It's a MGTOW thing, they're trying to redpill themselves away from these unnecessary cuckolded signs of being a normie

>> No.7906794

I wish I could be autistic enough to enjoy the mental shenaningans of these new internet subcultures. But as a concept this virtue signaling might make some kind of sense.

>> No.7906999

>eating raw meat
Hello neanderthals!

>> No.7907403

I do. Hardly any restaurants near me will do it though without me having to send it back half a dozen times when it repeatedly comes out medium because the cook doesn't think I know what I want.

>> No.7908704

underrated post