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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 31 KB, 500x333, red hot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7891232 No.7891232 [Reply] [Original]

Those of you who work in kitchens.

Does it not get hot as fuck on hot days, especially if it's a busy lunch hour or something?

>> No.7891236

its hot as fuck all the time

>> No.7891240

i always wondered why kitchens dont smell like BO 24/7 with all those people working in hot conditions

>> No.7891243

We have a killer AC system for the microwaves so it's actually not too bad. Obviously standing right infront of the grills and or fryers is warm as shit. The fans get turned off at night so it's baking doing the finish

>> No.7891251


>> No.7891255

they probably use deodorant unlike you anon

>> No.7891262

learning deodorant
As a Mexican, I can say this is rarely the case, especially among the class of people who work in kitchens.

>> No.7891279

Most do.

>> No.7891294

Yes, it's miserable behind the line. You sweat and get used to it.

>> No.7891469

It gets hot but there are alot hotter jobs out there. I would rather be behind the line then crawling in someones attic running ductwork during the summertime.

>> No.7891474

I work in a bakery and it is constantly 80° in their even though its usually ~60° outside. Shit is brutal, my body is never ready.

>> No.7891485

Yea, the AC on the line is fucking broken too. Standing in front of 6 eyes for 12 hours a day fucking sucks. I stink when I leave work everyday

>> No.7891513

It gets pretty hot, yo. My old restaurant was a Japanese place, and I don't know how true this is, but my boss insisted that AC was like taboo in Japanese cooking. Maybe that's just his excuse for the AC not working. It gets 105 here in the summer, and so on a shift I would sweat like a motherfucker (adds some extra salt to the food) and would drink about a gallon of water.

You do get used to it. There's a certain perverse pleasure for many, I think, in suffering in the kitchen. Ending a shift completely caked with dried sweat may be a gross feeling, but it's also one of accomplishment.

>> No.7891519


Every restaurant Iv'e ever worked in that ever had AC in the kitchen was broken, and that's apparently never a priority for management to spend money fixing.

>> No.7891837

Yeah, mid shift I usually look like I jumped in a swimming pool and I am crusty when I leave. I like the feeling I get after a successful 28 thousand dollar day.

>> No.7891872

I work in a bakery kitchen that can get terrible when all of our ovens are on. Sometimes it's the same temperature as outside on hot days.

>> No.7891884

I work in front of a double french top (if you dont know what that is, kill yourself) with a 5 foot salamander directly above that.

Temp outside has absolutely no relevance.

>> No.7891898

i.e. my glasses burn the front of my face after a while.

>> No.7891903

>28 thousand dollar day


>> No.7892208

What do you mean bullshit? Its a largely recognized fast casual chain. In season weekends are between 23 and 28, off season 18 to 22. Mothers day we did 33k.

>> No.7892286

Youre completely full of shit unless you guys are somehow averaging like $25 per person.

>> No.7892315

No I am not. That is just a high volume store. There are plenty of places that do numbers like that. Just your shitty run of the mill corporate steakhouse.

>> No.7892325

You're fucking stupid and clearly have never worked in a busy kitchen a day in your life. I worked at a hotel where 400 covers in a day was not uncommon and that's at a fifty dollar average for two courses and a glass of wine.
Hitting 20k gross income is not uncommon in the real world.

>> No.7892347

Yea what this guy said. It becomes less of a kitchen and more of a shitting assembly line lol. He wouldn't be able to hang.

>> No.7892370

Yeah man , I haven't worked in kitchens for a few years now because the assembly line wore me down. still a good team can pump out a truly stunning number of meals in a day.
A hundred for lunch and 300 for dinner is like a busy Thursday for a lot of large places

>> No.7892383


This. It's always hot. When I worked in a kitchen I would sweat, especially during rush. I'd end up sweating in the food. Not much I could do about it

>> No.7892430

Niggers, I work in a genuine fine dining kitchen where they limit the seating so that every dish can be done perfectly. None of that assembly line bullshit where no one is actually paying attention to any one plate. I cant help that Im above you ape ass low-skill labor motherfuckers. Neither of you could probably handle actual accountability for each plate you send out.

>> No.7892443


Get a job kiddo

>> No.7892446

>Fine dining kitchen
In actuality your mom's.

>> No.7892448

Im completely serious. If youve worked an assembly line because it was such high volume, you were in a low-skill labor position probably flanked by mexicans without a single ounce of accountability. Thats not something to be proud of. Everything that I send out is an item I had to order and prep myself. Mise and Place my friend.

>> No.7892450


>> No.7892457
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Is that why restaurants are always so damn cold? The A/C isn't balanced for the kitchen so the tables have to be 67F?

>> No.7892468
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And your point? I still work harder and faster than you and you wouldn't be able to hang more than fifteen minutes doing what I do. I have no want to work any haute establishment. Everything in its place indeed numbnuts.

>> No.7892470

You aren't fooling anyone. Your ignorance of high volume cooking and the mistaken belief that quantity belies quality is proof enough that you aren't a cook let alone one at a high end kitchen. if you do, feel free to prove it. further, I have never seen this sort of misplaced arrogance from people who have actually worked in high end kitchens.

>> No.7892471

oh wow i cropped that pic like 3 years ago in a /v/ thread

>> No.7892473

i don't get why everyone on here is complacent with misery

or dick measuring about how hard their job it

make it better instead of suffering

>> No.7892477
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>> No.7892480
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This is my lunch set up.

>> No.7892482

meant for

>> No.7892485
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These chickens were brined for 24 hours and then covered in a jerk-spice rub.

>> No.7892486
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and the log I had under it to give it those chickens a kiss of smoke.

But do go on and tell me about the shit-hole assembly line that you were just another cog in.

>> No.7892497

>further, I have never seen this sort of misplaced arrogance from people who have actually worked in high end kitchens.

Youre the one that was talking shit in the first place. Dont talk shit about being able to "hang" when youve never really had to cook.

>> No.7892498


Not those anons, but you do realize this kind of dining set up is the extreme minority, even in fine dining set ups? Very few restaurants are going to limit their seating based on the comfort of the kitchen. Furthermore, since you claimed doing 20k in a day was "bullshit" earlier, i'm wondering just how successful this kitchen you're working in actually is?

>> No.7892500

Is that a mdf cutting board? That's fucking disgusting.
Where I come from rotisserie chickens are not considered high end and your meez looks like shit.

>> No.7892507
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It still stands to reason that you wouldn't be able to handle the volume. I left behind that kind of cooking as I prefer to pump out 3 and 4 thousand dollar hours and let the day sail by. I enjoy the rush and the heat. I don't want "accountability", I just want to work my line shifts and sling food out real quick like. I am happy you are proud of your "high end" kitchen career and I am glad you enjoy it. Different strokes buttercup.

>> No.7892508

pretty valid points as well...

>> No.7892516

A. were in the south and are a contemporary southern restaurant.

B a ton of effort is put into some already expensive chickens. That half chicken is a 50 dollar plate.

Youre full retard if you think my mise looks like shit.

Also that board is like 100 dollars on its own. And we have like 30 of them. We use boos blocks as plates?


>I don't want "accountability", I just want to work my line shifts and sling food out real quick like

So go fucking work at mcdonalds. Like every other kitchen-rat beaner that thinks hes proven anything by pumping out shit just to get through the day. Ive worked those high-volume restaurants too, when I was 18 and realized that I didnt want to be a mindless dead-beat. Youre not special because you can move fast.

>> No.7892519

And again, you talked shit first.

>> No.7892527
File: 36 KB, 600x379, 1335325903033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you are slow and cant stand the heat in a high volume store ;) The point is you cannot do what I do and I have already done what you do currently. Don't get all butthurt about it sweetheart. lol

>> No.7892528

boos blocks as plates for some things****

>> No.7892530

are you actually proud of the fact that your restaurant is doing so little business you only need to cook 3 little hens at a time?

>> No.7892531

You are the one getting defensive and angry because you either don't believe that busy steakhouses and hotels turn over sufficient volume or that you are somehow better because you work at a higher rate place. Your ignorance of professional cooking is painful to read. I merely pointed out your ignorance and frankly your reaction proves your immaturity and insecurity regarding your job.
That I think you couldn't run with the big dogs is kinda irrelevant given your childish reaction.

>> No.7892538

The implication that what you do is even a little hard is laughable.

>> No.7892544

That was test day for that recipe. We ate the fuck out of those chickens for family meal.

>> No.7892548

Sure it was, babbynon.

Keep blindly defending your failing restaurant.

>> No.7892549

>big dogs

Thats the part that I think you dont understand how inflammatory it is. Like is texas roadhouse or some in-house hilton restaurant "big dogs" to you?

>> No.7892559

yes, it is way more than a little hard, it can be downright brutal. That's what makes it so fun. I still cant figure out why some people will wait over an hour and a half to eat our mass produced farted out steaks and lobsters. I guess the majority of the general populous really don't have any kind of pallet.

>> No.7892561

>failing restaurant

Weve been booked solid every weekend since the store opened? Our tiny ass dining room still does 150+ dinner covers on mondays and tuesdays? My 3 hour lunch shift today saw 80?

>> No.7892565


volume is easy, man.. that's literally step 1 for anybody who is trying to learn to cook. you learn how to deal with getting crushed and figure out how to multitask/work multiple tickets at once while putting out quality albeit easy food.

it takes me 6 hours just to prep my station for a 5 hour service; you'll understand once you progress past flipping burgers and making sandwiches or cooking chicken.


this guy is correct

>> No.7892566

I wonder, is it healthy to sweat that much? I'd imagine it keeps your metabolism up, having to process that much water.

>> No.7892567

Lol do you work at red lobster?

>> No.7892573

Not hard to book solid when you can't serve more than a few people at a time due to the tiny amount you cook.

Your views on restaurant profits are adamant proof that you're not successful.

>> No.7892581
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I already progressed past that and prefer it once again.
Not far off, Outback lol

>> No.7892583

Kill yourself stupid nigger, we're more successful than you'll ever be in your life.

>> No.7892588
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>> No.7892591

The fact that you think its hard is what tells me that you have no idea what youre talking about. Physically taxing maybe. My job is just as physically taxing plus I have to send out absolute perfection every time. To customers who are made of money and know when its not perfect and will TOTALLY send that shit back if its anything less than what they paid for.

That you think thats a tiny amount certainly considering the effort that goes into everything that gets sent out is proof of how much you dont know. How old are you?

>> No.7892601

>That you think thats a tiny amount certainly considering the effort that goes into everything that gets sent out is proof of how much you dont know. How old are you?

3 hens is 6 meals at the half you claimed you sell them as.

That's not a lot for a restaurant that does a sufficient amount of business.
Effort put in means nothing when you have nothing to send out.

>> No.7892602

lol yea fuck that, I am too old and jaded to deal with snobs sending shit back, aint nobody got time for that. Your job is nowhere as physically taxing as mine at all. That kinda gets me off though, I like being moist most of the day.

>> No.7892605

Did you miss the part where those were test chickens that went to family meal? Or did you just ignore that to fit your own logic?

We cook 20 birds on fridays and saturdays and run it as a special.

>> No.7892609

and each special is a half bird.

>> No.7892615
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Anyways, nice job there cucks. Im starting to nod from the boy I railed earlier, so Im gonna go and float around my pool and enjoy it. Fuck you all. :)

>> No.7892616

Nigger, in an hour today I had to get mise for 80 lbs of sausage (which the recipe isnt that complex but needed like 350 grams of picked sage). D-bone and break down the shoulders and get it ground and cased. Do you know how balls to the wall you have to be going to prep at that level?

>> No.7892620

Picture proof is picture proof.

Sorry your restaurant is failing, little prep cook, but getting butthurt about it online will do nothing to help.

>> No.7892623

So yes, youre just ignoring that and assuming that 3 birds totally gets us covered for dinner service.
>prep cook

Lel. Cooks at real restaurants prep all of their own shit because everything is made from ingredients rather than from opening a can.

>> No.7892629

Hey, it wasn't me that responded to comments about volume of food made with a picture of three birds, then desperately tried backtracking once someone noticed.

>> No.7892632

You asked for proof that I worked where I said I worked. I dont have any pictures of volume because my chef would fucking murder me if I rolled out my phone during volume.

>> No.7892635

Yep, of coooououuurse. Conveniently no proof other than your pathetic lineup there.

>You asked for proof

>> No.7892638

This anon doesn't keep track of post numbers and can't follow in context who says what.

Step up bitch nigga, literally nobody is backing you up.

>> No.7892639

Where do you work mr end all volume chef?

>> No.7892642


>> No.7892647

I can't get over how gross mdf cutting boards are.
Shit, even plastic is better.

>> No.7893070
File: 476 KB, 574x413, 1456752568018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the most pathetic threads I've ever read. 2 restaurant retards with egos bigger than their guts arguing over the dumbest fucking shit.


>> No.7893352

its fucking hot. I was near the freezer and still HOT

>> No.7893357


someone as spiteful as you must have a pretty shit life

>> No.7893364

its always hot. sometimes hotter but always hot.

Try working the deep frying station in the middle of july. I purposely fucked up shit in my apprentice time so id get clean the walk in refrigerators from scratch as punishment.
3 hours cleaning in a cool room is a lot better than frying shit in front of a basin of hot oil.

>> No.7893367

awful mise en place. naaasty cutting board. What kind of knifes are the ones wiht the black handle? they look proper shit.

>> No.7893505
File: 85 KB, 540x960, 1431072949497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't look that bad, He might work in a small hole in the wall.

>> No.7893513

t. someone who's never worked a day in their life.

It's not a "dick measuring contest," it's just that a hard day's work makes you feel accomplished. You feel like you really earned your pay.

>> No.7893531

Cooks have the biggest god damn ego complexes on the planet. They'll argue to the deats that they're the greatest hardest working human beings ever and they are the backbones of society
t. restaurant line cook

>> No.7893907

>Work as saucier in 2008
>Hottest summer of all times
>No AC in the kitchen
>Summer festival and restaurant is double booked in everything
>Crazy busy and measured 46 C in kitchen
>Drink ice drinks throughout shift but not enough
>Stop sweating for some reason
>Kinda dizzy
>Ok put pans away asap
>World turns black


>Wake up on floor
>Get ice drink and wet towels from other staff
>Chef is pitbull aggro mode and yelling
>Promply fired

Fucked work contract so I couldn't sue him for it. Luckily the boss have cancer now. Fuck him.

>> No.7893911

the smell of food typically overpowers it.

>> No.7893919

It's always hot...

>> No.7893924

>hard work
Yeah, nah, I love this shit. When you say make it better, do you mean get a comfy office job where I play with a stapler to cope with the existential angst?

>> No.7893927

you're the idiot who didn't drink enough water

>> No.7893937

All the water in the world won't stop you getting a heat stroke when working high tempo for 12 hours in 46 C

>> No.7893950

Its fucking horrible and i drop sweat over everything.

>> No.7894136

I wear a moisture wicking head wrap and I wring it out when I can. Not leaning directly over said work station while saturated helps as well.

>> No.7894152

I got only one problem with your meez bro. The tupperware scoop. Health code violation...

>> No.7894163

Fuck you, moron, I've done things like that too. Like you know, work. I don't think you'd be saying something like that if you worked a proper day in your life.

>> No.7894168

>Is that a mdf cutting board?

I doubt it. It's probably hard rubber, which is very common in commercial kitchens and has that same color.

MDF would be fucked the moment it got even the slightest bit wet

>> No.7894171

When I moved to Denver I watered out my electrolytes and had to go to the ER. I thought drinking water would be enough to fix altitude sickness and sunburn - nope. Here's the recipe they gave me:

1 quart water
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon sugar (I like brown)
1/4 cup orange juice

Pound this back next time you're in a hot place instead of water. It helps.

>> No.7894176


this nigga knows... or out on a road crew or tarring a roof

>> No.7894177

You must be incredibly unhealthy.

>> No.7894179


Because there's no handle?

>> No.7894181


i used to work in a meat market. Winters sucked, hands always numb, especially from making hamburger. But summers were pretty nice. You could always go stand in the cooler, hiding while everyone else is sweating their ass off.

>> No.7894182
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How was your time on the chain gang?

>> No.7894188

Yeah, I would prefer being a kitchen than being outside in 100+ degree weather. It's weird that I can handle being in a hot kitchen all day like nothing, but get me out in the actual sun and I start dying.

>> No.7894296

I drink two gallons of water a day when I'm cooking.

>> No.7894324

Cute b8 fatty

>> No.7894345


>> No.7894392

Literally no chefs ITT. I would have loved to show this thread to my old bosses just to see their reaction.

>> No.7894407


What does being a chef have to do with having line experience?

>> No.7894419

I work in a shitty little stationary food truck that makes burgers and I never really find it too hot, though it does have open windows and I live in victoria canada.

>> No.7894437

Those get deep fried? Plus I stopped doing it that way. Now I just break up the potatoes by hand to order.

>> No.7894452

yeah if something is deep fried it doesn't matter if it gets touched by your hand, this guy is jumping to conclusions

>> No.7894479
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My good knives I keep at home. The chefs knife is like a 80 dollar calphalon and the Nakiri is a 50 dollar mercer blade that's actually pretty nice. You must be high as fuck if you take your proper knives to service.
>hole in the wall
My kitchen was like a million dollars on its own to develop.

>> No.7894496

Yeah man those are our breakfast potatoes. Blanched in vinegar/salt water whole until soft and then broken up and deep fried. Tossed with sherry vinegar macerated fresnos some Cajun seasoning and then salt and parsley. For dinner they get served, or were anyway, with house made ramp-sour cream. Super on point.

>> No.7894670

>no chefs
What's your point? OP asks about people working in kitchens, not chefs you moron.

>> No.7894696
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>> No.7894707
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>> No.7894727

Nice welfare kitchen.

>> No.7894734

>Does it not get hot as fuck on hot days, especially if it's a busy lunch hour or something?
I saw a segment in some random traveling chef episode once (it was in some old austrian or german town in some dude's kitchen, but I don't remember much more than that). When discussing the usual questions about the restaurant history and the "biz" with the chef, the host was asking about how he maintains good help and stays open in the nonseason lower economic climate. This particular chef said that his kitchen remodel and huge investment in converting to an all inductive cooktop has been the key to his success. He said that his kitchen is 40C degrees cooler in full production than any other kitchen in the village.

>> No.7894741


Thats just the front range too. Theres the back prep/pastry area.

And then theres dry storage and the meat walk-in and freezer down stairs and our produce walk-in is same floor and banquet gets their own walk-in too.

>> No.7894758
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>> No.7894762
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>> No.7894770
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>> No.7895330

It's always hot as fuck

>> No.7895339

Try being a welder.
Kitchens ain't shit, and I had days with 90% humidity, all the burners going and broken ventilation.

>> No.7895349
File: 23 KB, 240x251, 1404964982355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretends he knows what he's talking about
>uses the word chef to describe people who work in kitchens

>> No.7895426

...I'm not proud to admit that I didn't realize the image was upside-down.

>> No.7895441

I stared at the first image for about 30 seconds before giving up

Had it not been for the other posts I would have assumed it was some dystopian future kitchen where people hover over the abyss and perhaps lower the souls of doomed babies into the inferno for cooking purposes before being sliced up on that whirring disc

>> No.7895631


The kitchen I work is smells like the grill for 98% of the time, and the fryer the other 2%

>> No.7895655


>says he doesn't work in an assembly line

Looks like an assembly line to me, friend

>> No.7895761

in what way?