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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 88 KB, 540x745, IMG_20160717_183850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7888811 No.7888811 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7888814

Good for the vegans.

>> No.7888822


>> No.7888825

nice quadderubs.

i too would like answers. is their cheese made out of soy or beans? lmao.

>> No.7888832
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They can't keep getting away with it.

>> No.7888835

This should be against the laws. If your mayonnaise doesn't have eggs you can't call it as such, so if your "cheese" has literally none of the things required for cheese then you can't call it that.

>> No.7888836

>cheese lover
>doesn't eat dairy
Someone needs to stop lying.

>> No.7888842


>> No.7888846

So what the fuck are they made of? Their website won't list ingredients or nutrition.

>> No.7888849

Based PDX, reverse trolling food snobs as always.

>> No.7888853


>> No.7888857

>Vtopian Artisan Cheeses is an exciting line of cultured cashew cheeses

>> No.7888867
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>Pureed cashews with shit added formed into a loaf

>> No.7888874

It's possible to like something but not eat it. This is called self control.

>> No.7888878
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It seems that most of you dumbfucks are still oblivious to this, but a lot of people are vegan because they believe it is morally evil to harm an animal for food, given that in our current age of affluence the average person can easily eat a diet that involves no animal products.

It's not that vegans hate dairy or meat, it's that it is literally wrong to harm an animal just because you like the taste of something. Livestock should be allowed to go extinct rather than sustained in the miserable existence we keep them in for something as replaceable as food.

>> No.7888882

This faggot isn't a hedonist. Enjoy your meager existence inconveniencing yourself for peasants.

>> No.7888883
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>It's kinder to let a species go extinct than to take care of them in exchange for milk and eggs

>> No.7888884

I agree with this guy, but I'm still going to keep eating meat because fuck it, I can barely take care of myself let alone animals I'll never develop affection for

>> No.7888886
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and plastic is the best kind of fruit since it has 0 calories. It is basically a super food. Pic related.

>> No.7888906

>implying we "take care of" dairy animals

Maybe you should watch a documentary about how the farming industry actually works. We do not have the time or space to allow cows to fuck around. They are kept in basically cow prisons their entire (short) lives.

>> No.7888909


You are kept in a human prison called a cubicle your whole life.

>> No.7888914

>tu quoque
>damage control

>> No.7888922
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>> No.7888961

plastic has plenty of calories, we just don't digest any of it and we die if we eat too much of it

>> No.7888971

they aren't calling it cheese
they are calling it vegan cheese, ie cheese substitute for people who don't want to consume animal products

of course, you'd still throw a hissy fit if they called it "animal product free" cheese

>> No.7888978


Yes I would. They sully the good name of cheese.

>> No.7888979

So we actually use calories by eating plastic when voiding our bowels upon death. It truly is a miracle food.

>> No.7888994

I'm not surprised you'd find that attractive considering your heavy diet of semen, the other white slime

>> No.7889018

have you even had vegan cheese?
of course not, what am I saying, you're an autist on 4chan who unironically says "sully the good name of cheese"
You're like twice as annoying as people say vegans are, that I get even over the internet

>> No.7889258


nut milks and cheeses are attested in european literature going back hundreds of years

>> No.7889409
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>It's possible to like something but not eat it. This is called self control.

Except when you're not eating something you like, because Facebook told you so.

This is called stupid.

>> No.7889425

>nut milks and cheeses are attested in european literature going back hundreds of years

As a special "look as what I made!" treat, not basing an entire diet around it.

>> No.7889462

Who bases an entire diet around cheese? I assume they eat it as an occasional treat with some crackers, unless if it happens to melt well on their veggie burgers.

>> No.7889475

my meat

>> No.7889491

wow this thread has an uncommon ammount of retardation from the non vegan side. is /b/ out in force today?

>> No.7889504

>It's not that vegans hate dairy or meat, it's that it is literally
self righteous

>> No.7889589

Dude cheese TASTED delicious and when im drunk and starving i might eat a slice of pizza but after five years all organic vegan some cashew cheese or whatever those guys make it from sounds delicious... And believe me it usually is. I just hope its affordable and melts.

>> No.7889592

Its true. But we go back to eating healthy after. Its like running a red light dosent make you a career criminal.

>> No.7889608

Na dude... Cholesterol and heart disease are more valid reasons. Well theres those and then theres udder puss and factory farms that are run like fucking animal prisons.

>most americans cant make it through a viewing of the movie earthlings so... Eat udder puss i guess... You wont enjoy the side effects.

>> No.7889638

milk containing pus is a myth

>> No.7889649

Google udder puss then ya fucking cunt.

>> No.7889662

Post pics while you're at it.
Bitch ass udder sucka.

>> No.7889684

>itt insecure manbabies triggered by vegan foods existing

>> No.7889709

i don't even drink milk

you're equating somatic cells with pus. do you really believe everything you read online

>> No.7889717

Did you really not go do your homework on this subject matter?

This is how i can tell you're a dumbass.

>> No.7889760

I'd like to try it. Never had stuff like that before.
I've done this before, and once when I wasn't that drunk because the food was going to go to waste (a guy had apparently ordered a pulled-pork sandwich and then left, and no one else wanted it). Though, I've never actually ordered food with meat in it on purpose, drunk or not.
Doesn't seem like a big deal. It seems silly to be so strict and black/white about veganism/vegetarianism. Just do your best if you think it's the right thing to do, and if you slip up sometimes who cares?

>> No.7889763

sounds boring. I'd at least expect a variety of nuts/seeds.

>> No.7889765


>> No.7889770

If its not organic cashew cheese... they really fucked up.

>> No.7889771

Then don't eat it you fucking pussy

>> No.7889774

>a guy had apparently ordered a pulled-pork sandwich and then left, and no one else wanted it
I wouldn't consider that wrong at all. I'm vegan because I don't want to support meat with my dollars -- eating leftovers harms noone. but then again I wouldn't hang out with people who ordered meat all the time.

>It seems silly to be so strict and black/white about veganism
non-veggies love to hold veggies to a perfect standard so they can "catch" them and justify making absolutely no change themselves.

>> No.7889777


You're on the wrong board, dum dum.

>> No.7889789

Happy animals taste the best.


>> No.7889794

My diet is essentially cheese, beer, and fiber gummies.

>> No.7889801

>being murdered
i'll make sure they wait until you're asleep, having a nice dream.

>> No.7889823

shit how did you figure me out, i haven't said anything demonstrably stupid yet you already have the dairy king stumped with your inhuman deductive skills.

>> No.7889937

Almond milk was a staple in the middle ages because dairy was restricted by fasting days.

>> No.7889956

I would eat her plastic definitely

>> No.7890022

no he was just in the wrong thread, so he made that post to help him get to where he needed to be.

Stellar trips by the way.

>> No.7890032
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>We do not have the time or space to allow cows to fuck around. They are kept in basically cow prisons their entire (short) lives
This is how bad livestock farms do, and is no indication for all livestock farms. I live nearby such farms, and they constantly have their cattle grazing away outside.

>> No.7890048
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Milk is for babies

Cheese is for rats

>> No.7890049


>sounds boring. i'd at least expect a variety of milks

this is what you sound like

>> No.7890054

>This is how bad livestock farms do
that is, most of them. the worse the practices, the less likely you'll see it on display.

anyway, it doesn't matter how well you "take care of" the animals if it's just for the purpose of slaughtering them. there's no harm in not being born in the first place, so that would be preferable. this sudden fear of farm animals going extinct is hilarious and desperate.

>> No.7890055


>there's no harm in not being born in the first place

uh, yes, there is, for the survival of a species.

>> No.7890067

That's an abstract concept that individual animals don't care about.

Also, we've fucked up the genetics of farm animals, what with the chickens that can't walk when they reach maturity. It's cruel to perpetuate a species that depends on us, because inevitably many will not be cared for well. I think the same thing about pets btw..

>> No.7890079

Rats are lactose intolerant, Ralph.

>> No.7890083


>That's an abstract concept that individual animals don't care about.

is that what the argument is about?

> It's cruel to perpetuate a species that depends on us

i don't see that that's inherent.

>> No.7890208

>You're like twice as annoying as people say vegans are
Literally only butthurt vegans say this. Kill yourself, you wreck.

>> No.7890217


>> No.7890229


Vegans are the most obnoxious people in the planet.
>Muh animal murder
>Muh healthy natural diet except for all the vitamins and B12 I have to take not to die of malnutrition
>Muh I've seen earthlings and so should you
>Muh I've seen a biased gory documentary about farms payed by sojasun once so all farms are like that

I'm hoping you guys get recognised as the sect you are soon

>> No.7890235
File: 50 KB, 499x361, d3009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself.

>> No.7890242

never lettin go of that b12 are ya bub. well, the moral vegans vs. the people who say it's the healthiest diet aren't necessarily the same. if veganism is missing nutrients, that probably makes it even more moral because you're hurting yourself to help others. but supplements are just fine for some things -- you take b12 supplements too btw, via the meat .

>> No.7890246

Why the fuck would you hurt yourself for fucking animals ? They're not our equals and they never will be. Vegans are the faggiest hipsters in the world. Being vegan is to eating what supporting BLM is to politics.

>> No.7890249

If I make cheese from human women's milk, is it vegan?

>> No.7890250

Somebody needs to nuke Portland already.

>> No.7890253

The best judge of character is how a man treats those who can't fight back against him.

>> No.7890258

considering she's tied up in your basement, no.

>> No.7890269

Sure thing buddy. Now go do your homework and put on your pjs so mum's boyfriend can read you a story

>> No.7890277

When will you vegan fucks learn that most people really don't care about animals. When PETA releases those videos of caged animals in bad conditions I really don't care unless they prove that the happy animals taste better. If it doesn't affect the taste cage em up and make them cheap. So far the only downside I see is because of the awful conditions of chickens in the US we have a minuscule but non-zero chance like in other countries of getting sick from raw eggs

>> No.7890287

Seconded. Fuck animals. I was raised near farms, most of them are cunts

>> No.7890387

>not going full hipster and opening a "vegan" cheese store , and creating an approximate simile of vegan cheese, made from dairy with nut flavouring


>> No.7890451

dog, I dont know if you are aware of this. but we are part of this thing called an ecosystem. All animals are dependant on others for some kind of survival role. Our domestic animals are treated like shit, no joke, but only a moron would think they are any more requiring of us to survive than any other animal. the only difference is we are actually smart enough to realize their dependancies as opposed to other animals who couldn't give a shit if something went extinct because they ate too much of it.

>> No.7890455

>most of them are cunts
retard detected.
get back to the city. you obviously didn't know anything about animals, and if your family raised them, they where all retards who anthropomorphasized them instead of understood how they think and behave. Typical human behavior, them dumb animals must be out to get you and are in no way just doing what they where programmed by nature to do. You're the kind of twat that would take a tire iron to a computer that got a virus instead of just learning how to not get viruses.

>> No.7890516

Nobody. Fucking. Cares.

>> No.7890540

the one on the left is pretty cute
>i hate store fronts

>> No.7890981
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I had artificial cheeses twice, in Germany. First time based on soy oil, last time on coconut. First tasted like a fucked up version of "processed cheese food product", the latter like slightly spongy plastic soaked in coconut oil and then fermented using some unspeakable plastic eating bacteria. On the plus side, fermenting coconut oil can kill you, so maybe this will murder some yuppies. Google coconut Tempeh.

>> No.7891003

Why not just run your own farm that treats the animals humanely? If the big issue is abuse and treatment then just fix the abuse that part, then you can keep eating proper cheese and eggs. Think of it as giving the animals a job. Also, vegan food is pretty expensive as it is, so you can still charge a lot to make up for whatever extra costs / limited production come with humane vegan real cheese and eggs or whatever.

>> No.7891033


Live your life, but don't be a preachy dick and don't force it onto others. That's really all there is to it.

>> No.7891047

I got some nut milk for ya *unzips sweatpants*

>> No.7891055

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say most vegans that are in it for ethical reasons are not interested in maintaining livestock if they even could. Gonna bet most are urban/suburbanites and thus legally can't anyways.

Unless you mean some vegans set up a totally humane business based on this, and then they exist, but it ain't vegan by definition. This is assuming they don't think it's still immoral to keep animals as "pets"

>> No.7891122

>Muh I've seen earthlings and so should you
>Muh I've seen a biased gory documentary about farms payed by sojasun once so all farms are like that

never done either mate, i used to butcher myself at home and enjoy about anything you can eat in general, i just stopped eventually because i am pretty soft and dislike the fact, that i was raised caring of animals, even befriending them and other, similar creatures go down my face or into my jacket etc. i also eat relatively balanced anyways it seems, going to get checked out by a docs twice a year and i seem to be doing great.

why can't you believe that there is people legitimately thinking it's not a 21st century thing to do while ignoring all the other retards? are you from the US and surrounded by people who take it to sjw tumblr transnigger levels?

>> No.7891130

Stop cheesegendering, shitlord.

>> No.7891225

>in Philly for a show
>dad and I are hungry and see a bunch of people go into a pizza shop
>pizza sounds good so we go in
>the cheese is some weird type we've never heard of
>order a slice of pep
>pep looks weird
>it's the worst pizza i've ever had

Turns out it was a vegan pizza place, the cheese was fake, the pep was fake, they had this mushroom pizza that looked decent but was sold out. Never eating vegan pizza again

>> No.7891244

>Never eating vegan pizza again

I wouldn't eat any of the faggy vegan "substitute" bullshit, like vegan "cheese", but I'd still kill the fuck out of a pizza with just tomato sauce and say, onion, garlic, bell pepper, black olives, and habenero's.

I don't see why vegans have to invent shit just to pretend they're eating like everyone else...

>> No.7891443

vegans and their autism have managed to forge some pretty interesting foods. they almost have created acceptable vegan beef.

>> No.7891518

Wanna make a change lads? Go buy meat and animal produce from the farms that actually treat them well and aren't inhumane facilities. If everyone started doing that, it would become actually viable for farmers to go down that route. The cop-out is pretty pathetic. It's like just closing your eyes instead of actively helping the problem.

>> No.7891520

fun tip: newer implants dont use silycone anymore like in the old days, its saline solution, and lip inyections are colagene, so no plastic

>> No.7891530

Oh did you go to Blackbird?
I'm not a vegan, but I've been there more than a few times, and, at least for me, the cheese (I think they use daiya or something) was an acquired taste. Wasn't a fan at first, but family kept going and I ended up liking it. Dunno if it was an expectation thing or what, but I'd go out of my way to get stuff there now if I was in Philly.
If it was them then it's kind of funny and too bad that you weren't able to get the mushroom pizza, because for whatever reason that's like their best kind (I think the cheese is somehow different). I ate there with a dude that was pretty skeptical of the whole thing, and he really liked it, though others were put off by the cheese on their non-mushroom pizzas.

>> No.7891546

I'm not that guy but i have tried that cheese. It doesnt taste like cheese. Its not bad and it works on its own but cant understand the semantics behind it.
Its not remotley like cheese. So why not label it as "cheese substitute"? The term "vegan cheese" just seems overdoing it, why would I want a product that imitates another product that myself and other people to avoid. Same as "vegan hot dogs" or "vegan eggs"
Its the equivalent as saying
>christian Alá, its the christian non oriental version of alá!

>> No.7891885

>Meme milk replacement

America is a cancer on the culinary world.

>> No.7891895

>Soy free vegan cheese

I have no image to express the emotions this sentence caused.

>> No.7891906

That shirt isn't accurate. The Earth isn't located in that part of the galaxy.

>> No.7891917

>They aren't calling it cheese
>They are calling it X cheese

Good god you're stupid.

>> No.7891962

Why are all the fat pigs you call "women" in Porkland scared of eating real cheese?

>> No.7891999

In Europe you can't call cheese things that aren't you know, cheese. But in America you consider American Congealed Milk Product, cheese and call it American Cheese so this explains OP.

>> No.7893198

>Congealed Milk Product
That's what cheese is though.

>> No.7893515

I've worked on farms. not all of them are like that man.
just don't buy name brand cuts and go to butchers and the like if that's your beef with beef.

>> No.7893562

why are you fucktard throwing an autistic fit ? it's not like america ever had anything worth calling cheese in the first place so whatever they sell it can't be worst than the slices of cubic smegma you're used to pour on everything

>> No.7893592

jesus who is this baby gravy witch

>> No.7893597

american cheese is cheese though

you're thinking of something else, which isn't called cheese in either place

stupid eurocunt

>> No.7893653

Ohohohox you dirty little liars you

>> No.7893662

Your secret is safe with me my vegan friend, hell I may go %vegan" too.
All began eat their veggies but they secretly crave my meat

>> No.7893694
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>you take b12 supplements too btw, via the meat

>> No.7893705

Not sure what the big deal is. There is plently of places to get meat and dairy. Why not just give this to vegans? Its not like they forcefully took over a butcher shop to put this up.

>> No.7893726

>that probably makes it even more moral because you're hurting yourself to help others

that's some pretty fucked up morals on par with fundamentalists whipping themselves to repent for their sins

>> No.7893744

found the vegan

>> No.7893765

>american cheese
No, it's not. It's processed cheese and over here that's not cheese, it's cheese product. Worthless burger. How little self-respect can you have as a nation to call that a cheese?

>> No.7893768

Oh just deny the billions and billions of organisms you kill and displace to run a farm.

kill one cow feed hundreds, kill billions to feed one. Your choice.

>> No.7893812


What about the billions of organisms that take up residence in that farm? You might "displace" some, but create habitat for just as many.

>> No.7893813

>America has no cheese

I've had some decent cheeses over here though. You just have to know where to look.

>> No.7893899
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One thing I don't quite get: Why do people care so much if that thing is called cheese or not?
My assumption would be that it's similar enough to what is conventionally called "cheese" in enough ways, like taste and appearance, so calling it cheese is not irrational. It differs in its ingredients, sure, but it's not like you have total consistency in ingredients throughout all things that have similar names.
Like, you can have schnitzel made of pork, chicken or wild boar, and I guess you're gonna call all these varieties schnitzel. You know, because they look the same, and are prepared in similar ways. They all taste differently, but it's still intuitively fair to call them schnitzel.
And you can have varieties of cheeses, and for every kind of cheese you're going to have different processing and ripening techniques, and they all taste completely different. There's just this general category of cheeses that you're intuitively going to accept.
So why is it that for some people it's an absolute bastardization of the concept "cheese" to say "This thing is not made from animal milk. It kinda looks like cheese, and it tries to taste like cheese. Let's call it cheese!".
Let's ignore for a minute that from my experience most vegan cheeses taste awful (there's probably a whole lot of non-vegan cheeses that taste abysmal as well). Why is it so wrong for you to call a vegan cheese cheese?

>> No.7893910
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>you take b12 supplements too btw, via the meat

>> No.7894185
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>> No.7894199

>It differs in its ingredients

IMHO, that in and out of itself is sufficient reason not to call it cheese.

>> No.7894446

>The food you eat everyday is a supplement

>> No.7894475

Oh fuck, run. The WIDF is coming

>> No.7894514

I don't actually know anyone that calls those cheese-product slices cheese, but I live in an area where we all grow our own food and hunt, so I guess it's different

>> No.7894520

> Implying I care about anything that isn't completely sentient
I've killed human beings, do you think a pig is anything I lose sleep over?

>> No.7894545

but when they call things cheddar, brie, camembert, there are actually laws about that. Cheese is pretty regulated, you can't call things what they aren't

do you not expect a variety of milks with your cheese?
you know people use milk from animals other than cows, right?

>> No.7894624

>Livestock should be allowed to go extinct
I assume you don't care about the enviroment, if you think it is moral to purposefully make a species go extinct

>> No.7894642

>should be allowed to
>purposefully make

are your etarded anon?

>> No.7894666


>> No.7894703

No, he's right. Even the 'cheese singles' shit you're referring to isn't legally allowed to be called cheese.

>> No.7894717

You're conflating American cheese with Kraft singles and similar products. No one will take you seriously when you have no idea what you're even talking about.

>> No.7895090


Like, go back to tumblr

>> No.7895115


It's called tofu

>> No.7895127

even if thats supposed to be our galaxy our was a horizontal warp to a collision with a galaxy long ago. also the length of the arms on the spiral are disproportionate to what we would usually observe near the nuclear cluster of a galaxy. also its a FUCKING T-SHIRT RETARD

>> No.7895497

Something a lot of people don't know is that American cheese used to be something closer to what we call Colby Jack now. It was the leftovers from the days slicing pushed into a loaf.

And kraft singles aren't labeled cheese, they're pasteurized cheese product. We're not lying to ourselves about using a byproduct. We know it's shit.

>> No.7897357

So is it any good. Anyone been there?

>> No.7897415


>vegan cheese

Why don't they just call them fag blocks?

>> No.7897488

Those are factory farms. Built for places like Walmart and HEB and shit like that. Those kind of places I want outlawed. The animals are needlessly tormented and the food comes out shitty, too.

>> No.7897689
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>> No.7897768

>Never eating vegan pizza again

a pretty good rule... any food that's base is meat and cheese never turns out to be an agreeable vegan dish.

>> No.7899778


>> No.7900034

>dude cheese
Commas, they matter. Unless you're a fag.

>> No.7900044

cheese is fermented milk

there is literally no way to make a vegan cheese unless you make milk in a lab or milk willing participants aka human women

>> No.7900089

>having a zipper on your sweatpants

Why? Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of comfy pants?

>> No.7900101

>tries resisting every black cock stuck in his face

Have you tried not being gay?

>> No.7900103

>tfw death is the only way out

>> No.7900107

>If I make cheese from human women's milk, is it vegan?

Yes, so is eating her raw flesh while she screams for mercy and raping her mutilated still pulsating body

>> No.7900112
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>Let livestock go extinct
>Because every country factory farms like US

>> No.7900115

Maybe you should try working on a farm and see how much a farmer loves his herd. Seriously, 99.9999% of farmers would do anything to give their herd a better life and would defend them to the death

>> No.7900237

87.56% of statistics are made up on the spot to fit relevant opinions

>> No.7900240

99.9999% of people agree with this.

>> No.7900337
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>> No.7901137

>but when they call things cheddar, brie, camembert, there are actually laws about that. Cheese is pretty regulated, you can't call things what they aren't
That's EU legislation to prevent American companies imitating regional European foods and undercutting the real ones. For example, if you have a trade deal with the EU, you can't call sparkling white wine "Champagne" unless it's from Champagne, France.

>> No.7901163
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Vegans are right though.

Eating meat for survival (or evolution, as the brain growth during the early ages was directly tied to the start of cooked meat consumption) isn't necessary anymore.

Knowing that, why aren't you finding an alternative that preserves animal and environmental life ?

Humanity keeps growing and growing. With all the shitskins spouting millions of childs left and right we won't be able to provide enough meat for the population, or if we do at the cost of terrible quality, terrible conditions for the animals, and potential infections and disease.

Honestly as soon as i get my knowledge of food and diet on point i go vegan without a look back.

>> No.7901168

fuck that
as cloning tech gets better we're gonna be able to grow our own meat in better and better qualities until it's eventually indistinguishable from the real deal
then the whole idea of veganism itself will be absurd, since we'll be able to create meat without killing anything.

>> No.7901175

True. I heard about cell cloning and "artificial" meat, it sounds fucking great but we're still extremely far to be able to mass clone and provide to the market in relevant numbers.

So in the meantime (because don't expect cloning to be relevant in less than 20-30 years) vegan is the way to go.

>> No.7901177
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>> No.7901184

>Knowing that, why aren't you finding an alternative that preserves animal and environmental life ?

Because there's no vegan replacement for many meat-based items used in cooking. Food sucks without meat-based stocks, etc.

Also, because I think it's beyond silly to arbitraryily remove an entire food group from one's diet. Many nutrients are best found in meat-based foods. Yes, there technically do exist vegan replacements but they simply aren't as bio-avilable.

As for animal rights issues:
I am completely opposed to factory farming. Instead, I buy meat from small family operations in which the animals lead a great life before having one bad day. That's better than what they would get in nature. I feel that the idea of eating "no meat" is silly, when instead we can eat meat that comes from ethical sources.

As for the environmental side of things, see above. Not to mention the fact that there are far far worse environmental problems that I would rather deal with first. One of them involves mining the rare earth minerals used to make the parts in your precious cell phone.

>> No.7901283

Self control for a stupid reason is still self control.

>> No.7901297

Well when that happens obviously you stop being vegan.
Unless you're one of those health-reasons people I guess.

>> No.7901312

I live across the bridge from Portland and I can say that place fucking sucks. I visit only when I absolutely have to. Fucking faggots with their beards and stupid fucking hipster glasses. I wish the worst for them.

>> No.7901409

No it's cashew milk, the protein dissolves in water, and the curdle it into cheese like is done with regular milk.

>> No.7902050

Yeah my veg brother gets drunk and eats meat. I don't bust his balls about it, I am just glad he gets to enjoy himself once in awhile.

>> No.7902141

Sure, put a little condescending attitude in there, that always helps.

>> No.7902157

What he meant is that animals are given B12 supplements which in turn is most of the B12 you're getting through your steak.