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7880746 No.7880746 [Reply] [Original]

What foods will you never try no matter what? For me it's mussels. I see too many of them dead on the beach and they smell like shit

>> No.7880755
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>smells like feet

>> No.7880778

Any fungi. Anything that smells bad.

>> No.7880782
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it's a filler for shitty edible arrangements and the thought of consuming it makes me gag

>> No.7880785
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artichokes. there's something not right with these fuckers

>> No.7880797

I'm not brave enough to try liver, not from any animal ever.

I'm pretty much against offal in general.

>> No.7880802 [DELETED] 
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I refuse to put this shit in my mouth

>> No.7880810

Not 'try' as such, but after reading some blogposts and whatever by food safety people, I've been convinced to avoid sprouts.

A disproportionate number of food poisoning cases (of the "thousands sickened, eight dead, massive recalls" variety) have been linked to sprouts, due to the difficulty involved in washing them properly - tiny, curly surfaces - and being consumed raw.

>> No.7880813

It's great to know that you're out of the closet. How tight is your boipucci?

>> No.7880817

I refuse to eat any tendies that aren't prepared by Mommy

>> No.7880822

>BBQ chicken pizza
>Chili Mac
>Spam musubi
>Peanut butter and banana sandwich
>Carne asada fries

Some dishes just seem like such bad ideas I want nothing to do with them.

>> No.7880849

Chili mac is great, just like chili with cheddar cheese is great.

>> No.7880869


I'm not autistic so I have no excuse.

Mussels truly are amazing It's sad you'll never bite into a nice fat this hearing the waves in the distance.

>> No.7880883

Insects and most types of cheese. If it smells like death then it can fuck off.

>> No.7880896

It sounds like a terrible idea to me. You undercut whatever spiciness the chili might have had while wrecking the creaminess of the mac and cheese. How are these dishes better put together than they would be served as separate meals? I don't see it.

Really strikes me as just because you can doesn't mean you should. Like it was created by someone bored without much else in the house to eat beyond a can of chili and a blue box of mac and cheese.

I'll pass.

>> No.7880905

Green chili mac must be experienced to be believed.

>> No.7880908

So there's no real spiciness to undercut?

>> No.7880923

man the fuck up

>> No.7880929

spam and easy cheeze

>> No.7880936 [DELETED] 

'go 'za tbqh

>> No.7880989


Everything posted I love, The first two especially

>> No.7880994

Fugu fish. I love food, but not enough to risk a painful death.

>> No.7881013

Brussels sprouts are delicious

>> No.7881014


The risk is only if you "ask for it". Most fugu is served in specially licensed restaurants & the chefs are specially trained and licensed by the gov't as well. Nobody ever dies at places like that.

However, some people who want to push the envelope a bit will insist that the chefs leave in a little bit of the of the liver on purpose. Or they try to butcher the fish themselves. That's where things get risky. This is highly illegal as well, and unless you actually were a well-connected Japanese person would be impossible for you to encounter.

>> No.7881016

You should really try it boiled and with some mayo. Absolutely delicious.

>> No.7881020

>"it's sad you'll never bite into a fat this"
I honestly cannot figure out how you got to this sentence.

>> No.7881025

Live monkey brains.

This is pretty gruesome.

>> No.7881066

In what way does Carne asada fries sound bad?

>> No.7881084

It sounds like having some grease with your grease. When you have a carne asada taco the tortilla, lime, cilantro and onion balance out the grease of the meat, and it's delicious. But put carne asada on top of something already incredibly greasy like fries and what is there to balance out all that grease? Nothing.

Really, it sounds worse than poutine, which I have tried and didn't like much. A little bit of balance goes a long way. Even fucking McDonald's knows that. Look at their shitty cheeseburgers - at least there's a little bit of zip from the pickle, ketchup, mustard and onion to balance out the greasy meat and cheese. That's an incredibly poor quality product, but at least it shows some sense of balance. Where's the balance coming from in carne asada fries, especially if you put cheese on them (which just makes them greasier)?

It's sort of doing to Mexican food what Pizza Hut does to pizza.

>> No.7881119

Ketchup. Can't stand the smell.

>> No.7881148

Asparagus, nothing you can do to that food makes it worth having your crotch smell like rancid yogurt for the next 3 days.

>> No.7881289
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Rommegrot, or sour cream porridge. It is exactly what it sounds like and is served with melted butter.

>> No.7881303

It's just fried potatoes. Adding that to carne asada is delicious. Good fries should be very greasy

>> No.7881549

Holy crap I came on to ck to show off my chowder I made with the mussels I collected at my local lake

>> No.7881552

That's to bad they are cheap and can be pretty tasty

>> No.7881553

You're not missing much, don't worry.

>> No.7881580

I had oysters and mussels for lunch yesterday, the mussels were good but the oyster tasted exactly like how a busy pier smells.

>> No.7881604

>he never learned capsaicin is a lipid soluble compound
If anything, the dairy fat would assist the spiciness in permeating through the entire dish. There's a reason why ghee (animal/vegetable), yogurt and cream are used as bases in curries.

Your post reeks of ignorance.

>> No.7881608

Like I said, grease with your grease. Not my jam.

>> No.7881615

I regrettably had some oysters at a cheap chinese buffet. I always wanted to see how they taste but little did I know I could have just gargled sea water for free.

>> No.7881642

Shouldn't be*

>> No.7881683

My point is why put something greasy on top of something else greasy? It's overkill. Put the carne asada on a fucking tortilla where it belongs. Or in a torta. But seriously, how much fucking fat do you need that you'd put it over fries and top it with cheese?

It's the kind of stupid overkill that I want no part of.

>> No.7881851

Liver is incredible, your missing out

>> No.7881858

Honestly, just try a heart or gizzard next time you buy a whole bird. They're pretty tasty.

>> No.7882129

yeah fuck soggy fries

>> No.7882196


The problem isn't washing them, the problem is sprouting them. If there is a high e-coli load during the sprouting they get internally infected with Shiga toxin.

No amount of washing or even irradiation will help. They are poisonous, only boiling for a while would render them safe.

To make them somewhat safe the industry would need to do testing for toxins for each batch, also irradiate them to kill salmonella/listeria. Apparently too expensive.

>> No.7882248

>hating on spam musubi
the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.7882262
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But then, you're not missing much if you skip it.

As for myself, I'm going to take a pass on shark fin soup. But then I've had it once and, as with fugu, you will never be in a place where that is the best choice of grub.

And I guess any kind of primate is also off the list for me.

>> No.7882270


Aside from heart, liver is probably the least offensive offal meat. I'd recommend trying it in some kind of sausage form to get a sense of the flavor; I personally love it.

Tripe on the other hand... is definitely an acquired taste.

>> No.7882338

No hate, just not something I'd ever want to try. I've tried Spam. Not a fan.

>> No.7883241

add garlic butter or try them pickled. absolutely fucking devine
fucking raw tomatoes. idk what the fuck it is but i just hate the taste of them.

>> No.7883329

Literally nothing, unless it contains feces

>> No.7883336

Can someone explain the deal with fugu? Is it mind-blowingly good or something? Why would someone want the liver left in?

>> No.7883341
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>he doesn't eat tomatoes

>> No.7884122
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>> No.7884147

They are easily in the top 5 vegetables, you fucking pleb.

>> No.7884154

There's more to chili than just making it as spicy as you possibly can. Just because something isn't spicy that doesn't mean it doesn't have a lot of flavor.

>> No.7884164



serious business. although the only people who die tend to be people who catch them and try to cook them by themselves.

it's really bland anyway and has an unpleasant texture. I enjoy the meme value of hirezake though. I doubt you will find that outside of japan.

>> No.7884186

Stick to your hamburgers and coca-cola™'s murricans

>> No.7884198

Of course. But if you took the trouble to make a particularly good chili would you be eager to mix it with mac and cheese? Or vice versa? ChiliMac seems more like a way to make something new out of leftovers and/or lesser quality ingredients. I appreciate that kind of cleverness, but I don't need to eat it.

>> No.7884229

you're missing out fuccboi. these charred are fantastic.

Its a fantastic green, I wish I could eat it, but kidney stones.

These fuckers with garlic are mana from heaven.

>> No.7884247

seafood, largely due to the smell. used to be the same with eggs, but recently I tried some scrambled egg patty of some kind in a breakfast sandwich at a restaurant I was applying to work in, and it just tasted like a much blander avocado

>> No.7884263

My mom used to grow sprouts. They were delicious.

I buy sprouts from the grocery store. It's worth the risk for me.

>> No.7884393

It's not supposed to be muh authemtic spicy chili, it's just a great savory meal where the pasta is a vehicle for the chili flavor. Cheese goes well with chili so it's a natural combination.

>> No.7884396

It's a meme, apparently it's almost tasteless.

>> No.7884404

>Not liking the smell of feet

>> No.7884440

>Why would someone want the liver left in?

Because like with many drugs, the poison in fugu produces a pleasant sensation in low doses, but can kill you if you ingest too much. The people who poison themselves with fugu are either idiots who don't know what they are doing and poison themselves accidentally because they don't know how to prepare the fish correctly, or they are thrill-seekers trying to "get high".

>> No.7884458


>> No.7884490

>Cheese goes well with chili
I guess that's the piece I don't uinderstand. I don't see what's to be gained by adding cheese to a spicy beef dish. Or adding spicy beef to a cheesy pasta dish. They just don't seem like worlds that ever ought to collide.

I've tried a 3-Way at Skyline, which is a similar chili-pasta-cheese idea, and I thought it was absolutely disgusting, so I really doubt I'd like ChiliMac.