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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7878208 No.7878208 [Reply] [Original]

Is there such a thing as a good store bought cookie?

>> No.7878211

I like the ones baked at Sams Club
It's a good alternative to me baking my own because i get lazy

>> No.7878224

If they are fresh baked then yes. If they are not then you can expect they are usually dried out. An exception to this I recall is archway's macaroons.

>> No.7878228

But keep in mind some bakery cookies are not any better than prepackaged. You are always taking a chance.

>> No.7878308

I like the ones at Kroger and Publix. It's honestly pretty hard to fuck up a cookie, but I know some stores do.

>> No.7880233

Costco has decent ones for a good price (around $7 for a box). Starbucks isn't too bad either if they've been made the same day.

If you really want good cookies though, try going to some of the local bakeries in your town. In my experience, those are your best bet for good quality short of making them yourself.

>> No.7880243

i second krogers cookies. everyday i come home and i have two chocolate chip cookies, so i rotate between brands, pre-made, dough, and scratch.

>> No.7880252

What would you say the best frozen dough is?

>> No.7880260

the cookie dough fundraiser brand kids come to sell you, but as for store bought theres really only nestle or pillsbury, theres some fringe brands like trader joes and other 'health' ones, trader joes is actually really good but i like nestle because their dough has this really good taste to it i cant describe that pillsbury lacks. the only downside is that most commercial brands overload them with too many chips.

>> No.7880263
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Packaged ones are more like biscuits I think, but I like most of them.

I've tried some from a few store bakeries too and they were good.

Pretty hard to fuck up a cookie. Usually I find they put too much sugar, but whatever.

>> No.7880268
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>> No.7880271

Why do you eat two cookies everyday? Sounds like a fat thing to me

>> No.7880273

not everyones a fuck up that had to move to florida. as we all know no one lives their willingly.

>> No.7880276
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Either in store made or Voortman.

>> No.7880277

I only consider farm to table cookies.

>> No.7880278

Publix has stores in more than just Florida dude.

>> No.7880279

5/6 of those are not cookies.

>> No.7880280
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>> No.7880287

sorry for being uneducated and making generalizations and assumptions about jeb country

>> No.7880290
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>This cookie walks up to you in the club and slaps your girlfriends ass
what do you do?

>> No.7880291
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Royal Dank

>> No.7880294

i love those desu. i freeze them and then eat them.

>> No.7880295 [DELETED] 

>jeb country
Every county voted for Trump except Dade which was swung in Rubio's favor by Miami.

>> No.7880301 [DELETED] 

are you voting for trump anon? you better be or else ill be disappointed.

>> No.7880302
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I know what I'm picking up tomorrow.

>> No.7880307

Of course I am, now get back to shitposting

>> No.7880316

butter cookies in the organic area aren't too bad.
Other than most all store cookies are pre-made or frozen dough - even the bakery fresh ones.

>> No.7880318

My vote goes to pillsbury over nestle. It has a better taste.

>> No.7880321

Dry, stale cookies can never be good. Their taste is okay though.

>> No.7880340
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>> No.7880357

They're meant to be crunchy.

>> No.7880367

Because dry cookies have longer shelf lives than moist cookies.

>> No.7880371

I heard of this creature who eats cookies, tales say he goes by the name of the cookie monster.

If you want the best cookies you go through him but they call him the cookie monster for a reason

>> No.7880372

I make those cookies. If you knew the shit that gets put in them you wouldn't like them

>> No.7880376

Most brands of ginger snaps are good.

>> No.7880468

Like what? Big blocks of industrial shortening? Or are you talking nasty shit like bodily fluids?

>> No.7880541

details please

>> No.7880611

Witch of the cookies do you want to know about? The recipe changes pretty drastically from cookie to cookie. You'd be suprised at how much random shit we find in the cookie dough. Chunks of wood, gloves, bandaids. All from the over seas suppliers we have.

>> No.7880614

Store made cookies.

>> No.7880627

Chik-fil-a chocolate chunk cookies are legit fucking amazing.

>> No.7880629

literally any oat and raisins /oat based biscuit is 10/10

>> No.7880652

you're fucking disgusting

>> No.7880675
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>> No.7881057

maybe just give a rundown of the worst ones?

>> No.7881080

I personally think that the seasonal cookies are the worst. The "red velvet" cookie that sams sells has a 60 pounds of liqued that is only labeled "red". And it's literally just red paste. Not even food coloring.

>> No.7881096

i love them too

>> No.7881118

They never seem sickly like chocolate or most other flavors, like ice cream

>> No.7881124

The only cookies I don't like are the pre-packaged that you find in the snack isle. White choc raspberry from subway is the best cookir ever made.

>> No.7881146

Stop & Shop M&M cookies are pretty good

>> No.7881401

food coloring gel is common in professional baking as it doesn't increase your hydration

>> No.7882149
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There is nothing I crave harder after jerking off.

>> No.7882168

They taste nice dipped in black tea.

>> No.7882207
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Outta the way faggots

>> No.7882216
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Jimmy johns cookies are decent, I can make better ones though. anyone ever have Otis spunkmayer cookies? they sold them fresh at my highschool a long time ago, never saw them again, pretty good t b h

>> No.7882311

There's a store in Quincy Illinois called underbrinks
