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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7873869 No.7873869 [Reply] [Original]

well Im half past dickered and its about time to rustle up some grub, hows about you fellers join me!

this thread is for anyone to post a cook-along, bake-along, drink-along or OC food/drink pics, post your meals or what ever if you dont want to make or use another thread

last thread >>7782864

>> No.7873870

>and the eternal cat blog continues once again...

>> No.7873900

Good to see you king, how's it been?

>> No.7873912
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chillin m80, and workin, and being hot my AC broke earlier so this is gonna be a rip roarin drunk sweaty smelly cook along cuz its like 83F in here wew lad

heres some other stuff I got, gonna keepin it real i took the op pic the other night with my friend we made that chickin shit was cash ill post a pic or 2 later, tonight is about a surf n turf, and imma try to use up some leftover veg around the kitchen

>> No.7873935
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gonna make this one i got plans for the other two and I aint trying to make a huge ass meal, just an extremely hearty meal

>> No.7873941

Don't get any cat hair in whatever you're cooking

>> No.7873949

what the fuck are you cooking this time?

>> No.7873952
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lol, my friend was there and hes a serious OCD germaphobe and he was about to stroke out but thats how i role get over it ya heard

>dat meme salt game son

>> No.7873967

So tell us about the cat. What's its name?

>> No.7873993
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nice hillbilly fare ya got there. I just made me some of those some legs the other day over some mesquite coals

>> No.7873997

I dont really care what you're cooking I just want more pictures of your cat

>> No.7874006

>that fucking cat
>evri tiem
Truth be told I really like your threads anon

>> No.7874010

more regal kitten pls

>> No.7874015
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patti mayonaise

ya bro for like $3.50 its pretty dank

>cat is stroke

>> No.7874022
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so imo these collosal shrimp are the star, i love big shrimp and imma fry em i can sense people disagreeing before i even click the post button call the police

>> No.7874023

I don't particularly like cats but yours looks pretty chill

>> No.7874024


>> No.7874035

post more of your pussy

>> No.7874113
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straight murder

>> No.7874121


>> No.7874149
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kek, im making a questionable cut of steak with some giant fried shrimp, im going to whip up a quick tarter sauce, i have some sprouts and taters and am hopefully going to do some bastardized version of mexican elotes corn stuff, please do not make a habit out of screaming at me

>> No.7874157
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these were aging had to hack em up

>> No.7874158
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>> I had a seafood night too!

>> No.7874159
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>> No.7874163
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>> No.7874169


It was at this point that I realized that OP wasn't OP, but an eighty-foot-tall lizard from the paleolithic era! That damn loch-ness monster had tricked me again!!

>> No.7874180
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m8 i would rek that i could eat giant sea bugs all day every day, seriously looks so good

can i get tree fiddy

>> No.7874185



But in all seriousness OP, I look forward to your cat/food threads. You're the hero /ck/ needs.

>> No.7874273

I'll only approve if these threads if they contain the 3 necessary ingredients:


>> No.7874285
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m8s i turned the oven on its so hot in here i think im dying

>> No.7874905

you have to stay hydrated, i recommend a footbath aswell

>> No.7875738
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yeah man it was like 90f in my apt when i finished cooking this shit I was about to pass out couldnt finish posting, just got ac fixed

>> No.7875741
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>> No.7875748
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funny story I made these fries and then forgot to include them in the meal, dems the breaks

>> No.7875756
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quick tarter sauce

>> No.7875762
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evrything was pretty good, not super impressed with this cut of meat

the best was the corn probably, I grilled it, cut it off the cob and mixed it with a bit of butter, mayo, cayenne and some parm, like mexican elotes but I didnt have the right cheese but it was dank

>> No.7875782

looks awful. enjoy your shits in the morning

>> No.7875796

looks nice, but why did u cut the meat like that, its gonna get cold so fast lol

>> No.7875806
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>Frio 6.0

That shit will be the death of me. Too cheap.

>> No.7875811

my stomach is not as delicate as some co/ck/s apparently

lol it was like 90f in the apt I wasnt worried about it lol, I just wanted to cut a few pieces to see how bad i burnt it

ya it is a bit too cheap

>> No.7875823
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Made this the other day

>> No.7875831

Chicken with garlic basil white sauce and parmasean cheese all up in this shit. Got some sauteed broccoli in there too

>> No.7875833
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looks pretty good, no clue what it is but id eat it

heres the last pot of beans and cornbread i made from last thread, didnt get to post the plate before thread hit limit

>> No.7875835
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Alternate picture

>> No.7875851

It's reduced creme with salt, pepper, basil, and parmesan as the sauce on pan fried chicken marinated in olive oil, garlic, majoram, basil, thyme, salt and pepper on top of a bed of buttery angel hair.

>> No.7875852
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oh yeah id rek that, just my kinda portion size on that permabulk

these burgs are from a place called JAX, the burger was good but these supposed "awesome fries" were garbage ate like 4.

>> No.7876541
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heres the chicken from op pic, made it with my friend just heated up leftover beans and rice as a side

about to run by the store and grab a few little things for my dinner plans

>> No.7876551

Aww shit you got some honey saison like I recommended. By the way, have you tried anything from Bakfish? I am going there this Saturday.

>> No.7876565
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I just made chicken adobo
these are gonna be some bomb-ass leftovers
waiting for my rice to finish

>> No.7876617
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i feel like ive seen it before but not sure, just looked it up, gonna have to go to the brewery eventually its a bit of a drive for me tho, think we were gonna check out a new brewery this weekend called Under the Radar, they are open saturday and sunday

that looks good man im getting hungry damn

arbys the other day, would honestly eat these over fast food cheeseburgers any day not bad

>> No.7876665

Just looked them up and their tap room isn't even open until August 6th.

>> No.7876726

They started letting people in already


>> No.7876761

Interesting. Fuck. There are so many new places springing up fucking everywhere.

>> No.7876837


>> No.7876931

Looks it's the sad pathetic millennial again. Why hasn't OP killed himself yet?

>> No.7877179
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ya bro houstons really poppin off with the craft beer, im trying to take advantage, i think buffalo bayou brewery is my fav, the brewery isnt crazy fancy, its started raining while i was eating there both times, but the beer is great, good food trucks, you can smoke some stuff nobodies complainin

pic related is as big as i can manage hope thats ok

sick baby boomer burn bro

>just went to the store qt asian cashier thinks im a vegan
>dat 32oz solo cup

>> No.7877433


somehow lost balance and damn near knocked myself out crushing this garlic

>> No.7877435
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>the garlic

pardon me gonna chill a minute im bleeding

>> No.7877558
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marinade with garlic and pepper and lime onange and spices and oils and shit

>> No.7877561
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i put these sirloins in there and im going to put these in the fridge to marinate

>> No.7877953

Fucking damnit there's no Arby's in my country and this looks fucking delicious.
The white buns where you can actually taste the bread, the big chunk of meat in the middle, and not much else.

>> No.7878912

not super impressed with this cut of meat

Oh. My. God. I thought petite sirloin steaks were just an abomination of poorly-cut meat from our central processing facility, with isolated gristle and untrimmed fat. You mean to tell me this shit is nationwide? Hell, it even turns green prematurely like ours does! Fucking Garbage.

I know how to cut meat, yet I have to go to work every day and put this shit on our shelves. It's embarrassing and depressing.

>> No.7878919

that looks fucking delicious dude, shut your shithole.

>> No.7878932

>pic related is as big as i can manage hope thats kekd

>> No.7879174

No Label and Texian >>> Buffalo Bayou imo. Karbach is probably the worst besides tiny stuff that wasn't bad, just nothing there like 11 Below or "Literally just a bar" like 8th Wonder.

>> No.7879196

>janitors still haven't ended your miserable existence
lol welcome to /current year/ chinkredditchan where blogging and tripfagging for attention are okay

>> No.7880464
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>buy bag of sour gummi bears
>get a mangled sour gummi worm

what a time to be alive

>> No.7880516

The cooking stuff is good but your wriying is incredibly annoying.

>> No.7880534

fun fact, the only class i passed in college was english/literature

>> No.7880535


Why would you put an animal on your counter top? That's disgusting.

>> No.7880714


that cat is on a towel sir. counter top is safe.

>> No.7881926
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so i got work in a while, but its friday, so getting drunk and making some tacos call the police

starting with the salsa, making a tomatilla salsa, rick bayless recipe never made this before but tricky rick is a fucking real ass mofo so cant be bad

>> No.7882041
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im going by this recipe as best i can



>> No.7882072


mah niggaaa

>> No.7882077

Do you live in San Antonio?

>> No.7882090

This so much
I hate cats but the OP pic makes me want to get one

>> No.7882103
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yeah i rarely go there but i can dig it cuz of the simplicity, also horsey sauce

yeah i see them offered in shit restaraunts a lot and as burger meat, was just attempting to expand my meat knowledge my expectations were low


I focus mainly on houston brews, no label is damn good but they arent houston and they are a pretty big brewery at this point, i like buff bayou so much because they are very experimental and their experimental beers are usually great and potent, they had one called turtle murder that may be one of my fav beers ever

i get no complaints of the dead carcasses on my counter but bring in some fresh meat and everyone goes PETA on me

havent been to a store i like more, the super buckys off 290 is a close tie tho

houston, greenspoint area

if you ever got one find one that had a bit of a rough life already, rescue it they will love you forever

>> No.7883264
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>> No.7883266
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>> No.7883269
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took these out to warm up a bit, 36 hour marinade

>> No.7883272
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this is some of the best salsa ive made. bayless aint a chump either, i used less peppers than him and this is still spicy as hell

>> No.7883274
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btw im a grill

>> No.7883277
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i rarely catch that 10 minute window when avocados are perfect, today was a good day

>> No.7883280
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was a pretty good lunch these sirloins are def better marinated

>> No.7883281
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tonight im just reheating olive garden dont flip a shit ok

>> No.7883468

This dichotomy between the amount of attention, care and effort you put into your food and that fucking PBR is killing me.

You have the patience to marinade your meat, get that perfectly ripened avocado, and so on, but can't even be bothered to take that plastic shit off of the beer can. You're killing me, dude.

Nice food though.

>> No.7883641

Damn those look gud OP.
I need to make this some time, whenever I cook I end up making the same 4 things every time

>> No.7883646
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>> No.7883681
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>Drinking a beer that tastes like pine cones

>> No.7883683

Your beans look perfect.