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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7869185 No.7869185 [Reply] [Original]

>Having a girl over for dinner
>She's a vegan
>Know fuck all vegan recipies

Gonna go to the store to stock up, what do you guys suggest? Any reasonably tasty entry-level vegan meals?
She's only became a huge hippie in the past year or so, so I doubt she'll be a connoisseur of vegan food

>> No.7869194

I usually make a sort of crispy "pizza" with sautéed veggies on top and basil. Works fine as an appetizer (few slices) or as an entrée (personal pizza + your favourite salad).

Would that interest you?

>> No.7869202

veggie bean chili (basically pinto beans, water, tomato paste, spices like chili powder, curry powder, cayanne powder, black pepper, garlic powder, msg, and italian seasoning, and green peas, and add aspartame for sweetness) with toasted whole wheat bread.

That's my favorite meal. I eat it twice a day, every day. except some days, instead of beans, I use lentils.

>> No.7869208

Basic Italian shit is always an easy go-to. There are plenty of pastas (add in some white beans, or do a butternut squash ravioli), lasagna (there are a billion vegan recipes out there, and at the end of the day it's basically just lasagna), and like the other anon said, you can legitimately put anything you want on pizza, and the dough and sauce are already vegan.

>> No.7869212

That does sound interesting. Tell me more, anon.

Fuck, that sounds good. I usually have meat or dairy with just about every single meal but these sound fucking delicious.

>> No.7869214


>having a girl over for dinner, what do
>anon suggests making bachelor chow to wow her

>> No.7869215
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Vegan banh mi. Brand-new hippy vegans get all sloppy on the cooter for ethnic-sounding vegetarian crap. You could probably lay your dick in the bun and tell her it's tofu.

>> No.7869233

It's really simple actually.

You'll need pizza dough, be it homemade (extra points) or store bought. Make sure you buy a good one if you're getting your dough at a supermarket.
After that you'll want to sautée 2 red onions, 1 red bell pepper and a whole bunch of button mushrooms with good olive oil, about 3 tablespoons. Shove some salt, pepper and paprika in there and let the veggies caramelise.

Once they're soft and delicious, heat up your oven to full power, put some of the veggies on the dough but don't cover it all the way otherwise it will get soggy. If you're doing just a plain lactovegetarian pizza, sprinkle some parmesan shards. For vegan results, keep them out.

Once the dough is cooked and crispy, take it out, put some fresh basil leaves on top and a little drizzle of balsamic vinagre. Easy, cheap and nice.

>> No.7869240

>everyone in the thread picks up on the fact she's a neo-vegan who probably doesn't know fuck all about vegan food and is using this to help me get laid whilst having a reasonably delicious meal

I love you, /ck/.

I think I'll give that a go for tonight and if it's good I'll have it ready for tomorrow, my guy. Thanks!

>> No.7869251

No problem at all dude!
It's a highly customisable recipe, as long as you don't build it like a regular pizza (heavy tomato sauce, cheese).
It's all about light flavours and textures.
Pesto would also work nicely.

>> No.7869526


Buy some to-furkey, some gluten free wheat buns, some sweet potato fries. She'll be amazed by the reaults.

>> No.7869542
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>> No.7869623

That's what he's referring to, but don't do that, it's too cheap, easy, and obvious. Do something that takes a modicum of thought. At bare minimum, salads are an appetizer, not a main course. Decent salad to start, then some grilled veggies and some vegetarian soups and bread. There are plenty of vegetarian soups, just don't do any chicken, beef, pork, or seafood stocks. Or do and fucking lie about it, I don't care.

Indian and east-asian food is good for vegetarian/ vegan stuff, look up some of those. For people that know fuck-all about food, it seems exotic. Get at it, anon.

>> No.7869632

DON'T DO THE PASTA. She will know it's a cop out.

>> No.7869648

Tell her to stop being a fucking special snowflake and eat like a normal person.

>> No.7869679

Since nobody else said it, sushi.
Maybe grill some portabellamushroom or soy patties and make burgers.

>> No.7869685

>Tell her to stop being a fucking special snowflake and eat like a normal person.

So, fuck it all up then. Good advice.

>> No.7869686

I'm doing you a massive favor trust me.

>> No.7869690

Not OP, I'm just mocking your stupid advice. Women love it when you act like a jackass.

>> No.7869695

You don't have to listen to my advice desu. It seems to be working for me.

>> No.7869699

>You don't have to listen to my advice desu. It seems to be working for me.

I have really serious, virtually overwhelming doubts about that.

>> No.7869703

Lucky for me I couldn't care less. OP posted a question and I answered. There's this thing called a choice where you don't have to listen to everything everyone says.

>> No.7869707

Oreos. Oreos are vegan, just split a pack of oreos, and when she's thirsty then you pull the almond milk out of the fridge.

>> No.7869745

Good redirect. Back to OP's question, what about a simple stir-fry? Easy to make, quick to make, cheap to make. Maybe some finger-foods. Those are informal, and that plays in your favor. They're fun, light, and a little messy. Try those out.

>> No.7870012


>> No.7870027

You don't know how to fucking cook pasta or vegetables? Beans and rice?

Jesus christ

>> No.7870757

She wants to be vegan, I want to put my dick in her. It's all about compromise, anon.

I know how to cook simple meals without meat, nigger, but preparing a tasty and attractive meal which I'd serve to someone I'm gonna fuck is a whole different manner. Come on, mang.

>> No.7870828
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If it's cold where you are, maybe a lentil and vegetable shepherd's pie? Pretty comfy with a green salad.

Otherwise, maybe something familiar like buffalo "wings" with tofu (or burmese tofu/chickpea flour). With a potato salad maybe. Something grilled like zucchini.

A dessert would be great too, nothing too heavy. Mini cheesecakes (with raw cashews), or pretty much any baked thing. An apple crumble. I dunno.

>> No.7870849


>> No.7870863


>> No.7870899

Dump her

>> No.7870906

Most of the pasta you'll find at grocery stores doesn't actually have any egg in it.

>> No.7871099

>She wants to be vegan, I want to put my dick in her. It's all about compromise, anon.

and remember OP... vegans get their proteins elsewhere...

>> No.7871107

any Update op? is the Eagle landed?

>> No.7871414
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I essentially made >>7869233 only without the parmesan and instead got a bit of garlic butter on the side.
It turned out alright, although yeah the dough ended up a bit soggy.

Would have taken pics but she came early and we cooked "together." (She handed me things after I showed her where they all were.)

Followed up the vegan pizza with a sort of chilli I threw together with sweet potato and some white beans I had in the cupboard. It was okay, I couldn't remember the name of it so I called it Cannellini Él Implicando and said it was an old italian dish.

We fugged, but in all honesty I'm glad I learnt me some new stuff. That pizza thing was fuckin gorgeous >>7869194 my guy.

8/10 would cook again
6/10 would fuck again but wouldn't listen to how milk is rape again

>> No.7871420
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I'm glad things worked out well for you anon

>> No.7871456

>Cannellini Él Implicando

>> No.7871474

Quinoa with stir fried veggies and some beyond chicken

>> No.7871497

>dick as soft as tofu

>> No.7871538


kek I didn't know vegans like you existed.

>> No.7871582

>having a girl over for dinner
Spotted the beta faggot.

>> No.7871590

People are still posting in this thread?

How do you come to that logic? Going out is nice and all, but people like to see someone cooking for them in their own home.

>> No.7871593

>Brand-new hippy vegans get all sloppy on the cooter for ethnic-sounding vegetarian crap.
This is true. And you can find a shit ton of recipes in that vein at Thug Kitchen. Many are easy.

>> No.7871598

OP here, this thread has been bretty intredasting.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who notices that tumblr vegans are vegans out of fashion as opposed to actual moral a lot of the time, and can easily be fooled and even easier fucked by introducing an entry-level foreign sounding meal.

>> No.7871622

There is LITERALLY nothing wrong with MSG.

>> No.7871628


Sure there is. It's not harmful or anything, but It's not as tasty as other sources of glutamic acid.

>> No.7871635

I'll give you that one.

>> No.7871636

Why go through all the trouble? She's already agreed to come back to your place. Just put on a dvd or some music and do some shots. After that if the sex is good and if you actually like her, then cook her whatever the fuck you want.

Cooking up a fancy meal just to impress some veggie eating cunt makes you a faggot. She probably figured you for a bitch and gave you pity sex.

>> No.7871641

>do some shots
You have to be 18 years of age or older to post on this site

>> No.7871648

Kek was you going to impress her with your cocktail making skills or your $500 bottle of wine faggot?

>> No.7871649

Not the same guy but what does shots have to do with being under 18? You think people over the age of 18 don't take shots together? You should try and get out more.

>> No.7871665

There is nothing wrong with meat either.

>> No.7871773
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>why go through all the trouble
>"I don't understand maturing of social situations"

Nigger if you're over 20 and you tell some girl to come to your house where only you reside do "watch a dvd and do some shots" you're a giant faggot.
Why would she come over on a monday night just to drink with some faggot in his house? It's not a party, there's no reason to.

So when you ask someone "out" you go for dinner if they're a stranger, or if you already know them well enough you have them over.

Fucking christ, what age are you?

not him, but shots are still terrible. Doing shots in the house is what you do in uni when you pre-drink before going out to get smashed, you fucking faggot.

>you're a faggot for cooking for her

Like I said, I want to fuck her. She wants to be vegan. If both can be accomplished while eating something nice, that'd be ideal, hence why I made the thread.

>hahaha you're a beta for cooking
>hahaha she probably thinks you're an autist for cooking
>hahaha why not just get drunk and fuck?

I want to meet the people who believe this is how people act socially in their 20s. Fuck me, lads.

>> No.7871797

This. Doing shots is for college kids and alcoholics. It's not something civilized adults have done since the Mad Men era.

If a girl is coming over to your place for dinner there's little doubt she is interested in fucking you. But she probably would enjoy a nice meal first. She wants the experience of hanging with you, too. If that weren't the case she would have jumped you already.

>> No.7871806

>Cooking up a fancy meal just to impress some veggie eating cunt makes you a faggot.

>Doing something to get off your ass and get laid once in a while makes you a faggot.

You've never impressed a woman enough to invite her back to your house, have you? The Red Pill is gonna love you.

Until then, here's a pro-tip: You can boil a pot of water, and get some Barilla-not-a-fag-brand spaghetti cooking, and warm up some tomato sauce. Yummy, yummy, you'll be drowning in wet panties with that recipe. :)

>> No.7871837

>not taking shots out of a girls naval just before you passionately fuck her
You'll get there soon anon

>> No.7871841

That was a long fucking time ago for me - probably before you were born.

>> No.7871845

Unless youre in your late 40s i highly doubt that.

>> No.7871859

I'm 48, so my time doing that shit was the late 80's through the mid 90's.

>> No.7871866

One is linked to cancer and heart disease, the other isnt.

>> No.7871885

Yeah. When she agrees to come over, the "we're gonna fuck" is a done deal.
But that doesn't mean you can't fuck it up hard enough for her to decide to leave.

May as well make nice food and enjoy yourself before you do it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still in my early twenties and can go out and get absolutely fucking plastered, but the kind of night where you have someone over for dinner and the night where you take shots are extremely different.

>> No.7871898
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>I'm 48

>> No.7872282

maybe it will be surprise you.. but a lot of us are on 4chan since years
i am 46 too and someothers here are over 50 ( even on /b/ )

>> No.7872284

That's fucking depressing desu

>> No.7872292

How is it depressing? You will definitely be frequenting message and image boards into your old age, too.

>> No.7872379

What else should they be doing? It's more depressing when 20 somethings are glued to this website wasting away their youth desu senpai

>> No.7872440

Honestly 4chan even with all of its downsides and shitposting is one of the few places where you can post whatever you want without getting banned out of the echochamber.

>> No.7872447

I don't find it depressing at all. I was an early adopter of internet and internet culture. Which pretty much meant I was buying my sons posting privileges on the SA forums at the same time I bought them for myself. 4chan was the next logical step. And by the time /b/ went to hell in 2008 I was so used to checking into 4chan every day I needed a new home board. /ck/ was the obvious choice, because by then I'd been into cooking for almost 20 years.

It would be depressing if I didn't have all kinds of cool shit going on in my life. But I'm not here because I have nowhere else to be. I prefer the culture here. It's much more fun to argue anonymously about food with you shitheads than it is to learn the boring details of the boring lives of everyone I went to high school with on facebook. If I'm gonna kill some time I'm gonna do it in a way I enjoy, not however I "should" be doing it.

>> No.7872555

i use internet since 1997 and my first computer when 12 was a Sinclair Spectrum 48 ko Ram and i learned to program my own games in basic ... come on my level son...

>> No.7872577

PRINT-INPUT CYOA games in BASIC? God, I remember writing so many of those when I was like 12.

>> No.7872681
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>vegan food

>> No.7872870

hours and hours typing code and debugging ... just to move a few dots on screen in 8 bit color...

>> No.7872915
File: 396 KB, 540x540, Echoonenine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even get to SEE a computer until I was in my mid 20's

>> No.7873052

>Nigger if you're over 20 and you tell some girl to come to your house where only you reside do "watch a dvd and do some shots" you're a giant faggot.
Haha bitch I've asked women back to my place to watch a movie hundreds of time. If a woman wants to fuck you than you can say whatever the fuck you want. You need to not sound like a faggot in the 1st place though.

>Why would she come over on a monday night just to drink with some faggot in his house? It's not a party, there's no reason to.
Because she wants to fuck. How retarded are you?

>So when you ask someone "out" you go for dinner if they're a stranger, or if you already know them well enough you have them over.
You sound like a giant faggot. Did you read that in a book or something?

>Fucking christ, what age are you?
30. But what's that got to do with anything. Or are you 1 of these faggots who take pride in their age? You think being older makes you better faggot? That you age like wine or something?

>not him, but shots are still terrible. Doing shots in the house is what you do in uni when you pre-drink before going out to get smashed, you fucking faggot.
Please don't apply your retarded attitude on other people. If you don't like doing shots then drink whatever the fuck you want.

>Like I said, I want to fuck her. She wants to be vegan. If both can be accomplished while eating something nice, that'd be ideal, hence why I made the thread.
You are just a faggot going out of his way to impress some random cunt who won't return your call next week because she thinks you're a bitch and your cooking sucks.

>I want to meet the people who believe this is how people act socially in their 20s. Fuck me, lads.
I bet your just turned 21 last week.

>> No.7873054

retarded people think fish isn't meat
they try to claim they are vegetarian while they are consuming dead animals

>> No.7873094

I see being older has not make you wiser old man. Sex is not only better before eating when you would be tired and sleepy, food also tastes better after a good fuck as well.

As for shots being for kids, just because you're old doesn't mean you have to be boring. The point is to get drunk fast. Or do you want to sit there drinking a couple wine bottles while listening to her talk about being a vegan?

Wow another giant faggot on 4chan. Who would've thought.

>> No.7873126
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hang out with foreigners, they love their shots of whatever their national liquor is

this only happens at parties ("body shots woo!"), never did it when I was 1on1 with a girl at my place

this. I was on &totse when I was 12, I'm on 4chan at 26, I'm sure I'll be on a forum/image board when I'm old and boring. Hopefully there's other alternatives to 4chan but I'm happy enough with it as-is

also you guys arguing about women and sex and shit, if you were actually getting some you wouldn't care enough to argue

>> No.7873146

>also you guys arguing about women and sex and shit, if you were actually getting some you wouldn't care enough to argue
I'm just argumentative by nature.

>> No.7873153

Don't put your dick in crazy.

>> No.7873335

>Or do you want to sit there drinking a couple wine bottles while listening to her talk about being a vegan?
I'm old enough that I'd put up with that if I liked her, then bang her first thing in the morning because she'd stay over.

>> No.7873457

Then this is where you and I differ. I don't want to have to put up with and pamper to boring women who are good for nothing but a quick fuck and 9 times out of 10 I have no interest in seeing ever again.

Plus why would you have her over and not fuck her right there and then? Are you going to treat her to breakfast too?

>> No.7873607

>he doesn't get extra firm when cooking for a hot girl