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7869102 No.7869102 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else make and use ghee?

Here's some I made from 1lbs of butter. Pics are all the same ghee under different light sources; the first being hot, the rest are room temp.

>> No.7869120 [DELETED] 

This is not authentic ghee, it is in fact clarified butter.


>> No.7869126

Isn't ghee just clarified butter that's been overcooked?

Doesn't seem like anything too impressive or otherwise special.

>> No.7869149
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How do you make your ghee?

>> No.7869158

i do, i prefer it for higher heat applications because of the nice flavor.

made some recently and accidentally let it get a bit brown. it tastes good on pancakes though.

>> No.7869164

I haven't made any in about five years, but I have in the past, yes. And why wouldn't I?

Making 400g of ghee costs about $2.49USD.
Buying 500g of ghee costs $16.99.

I don't use it often, so one 400g batch can last me a few years. I go through chicken grease faster than I do ghee.

Also, OP, it looks like you kinda burnt it a little. Try the water method next time.

>> No.7869167

Put as much as you can take in a tall glass of milk.

Pajit here, i use ghee for everything.

>> No.7869173

>Ghee is a class of clarified butter

The butter it self is what took forever to make (12-14 hours depending on the flavor you want). Once you make that. clarifying it takes about 15 mins or longer if you want it deeper in flavor and color.

I have a local farmer I trade my Vegetables for raw milk for making cheese, ghee, and related stuff. Take the raw milk, boil it to pasteurize it, let it cool to 110F, add the yogurt culture (you can use unsweetened unflavored plain yogurt for this) and let it culture for 12-14 hours at room temp. Then you put it in a container and shake the hell out of it until it has formed a lump of butter (1lbs of butter requires about 1 gallon of raw milk). After than you simmer it until it foams the second time. You can stop then or keep going to attain the level of caramelization you want. The longer you simmer it the stronger the flavor and odor.

The ghee I made has a semi-mild nutty flavor and has a strong caramel odor without any burnt notes.

I can't even buy ghee locally.

>> No.7869183

A ⊆ B =/> B ⊆ A

>> No.7869191


>> No.7869193
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>> No.7869206

Nice reply, guess you don't understand elementary set theory

>> No.7869225

The simile is retarded, thus you are an idiot. I'm upgrading that to "fucking idiot" now.

>> No.7869226

It's not a simile. You seem to think that just because ghee is clarified butter, clarified butter is ghee. You made clarified butter, not ghee.

>> No.7869227

Go back to kindergarten, you infant-tier thinker.

>> No.7869231

Did you even read >>7869173 it tells you exactly how ghee is made and is the method used to make it. Do you even know what a simile is, kid?

>> No.7869237


>> No.7869242

goys this needs to stop

>> No.7869243
File: 288 KB, 600x800, 100% Ground Kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how one word can easily get a troll to flip out.

>> No.7869244

>Do you even know what a simile is, kid?
It's clear to everyone that you don't. A similie is an analogue. The construct shown to you is descriptive, not analogue. Go back to school.
Also fuck off with your Ayruveda meme tier """activated""" ghee.

>> No.7869250

>A similie is an analogue

lol he doesn't know what a math simile is

>a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid

>> No.7869255

Apparently you don't know what an analogue is either.
>a person or thing seen as comparable to another.
"an interior analogue of the exterior world"
A similie is a type of analogue, as ghee is a type of clarified butter, just as all ghee is clarified butter, but not all clarified butter ghee, and all similies are analogues but not all analogues are similies. Meta enough for you?
But then again, we've already established that you don't understand basic set theory.
Or ghee. Which is set and sieved beurre noisette, basically.

>> No.7869262

I've never tried ghee but it doesn't have to be refrigerated so I'm interested. I camp/hike a lot and it would be nice to have for meals.

>> No.7869266
File: 1.88 MB, 360x240, judy_facepalm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>math simile
>he hasnt come into contact with the word similie outside elementary school math textbooks
>is hopefully twelve
>pic fucking related

>> No.7869273

Use coconut fat instead. It can also double as ointment for chafes and used to weatherproof jackets. Wouldn't want to do that with ghee. There is taste- and odourless coconut fat if you find that part offensive.

>> No.7869279

I'm familiar with coconut oil, what's coconut fat?

>> No.7869284


Same thing. All cooking oils are fats.

>> No.7869287
File: 319 KB, 2848x2136, Coconut-butter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its solid cousin.

>> No.7869312

>getting this BTFO when someone calls you out because you have no clue what real ghee is

That's hilarious, "kid".

>> No.7869336

I do make mine and eat a lot with basmati dal (that's all I eat twice a day).
I just heat butter up a bit so the water goes on the bottom, should I also boil it a bit after, for better flavour?

>> No.7869337 [DELETED] 

fuck off gay faggot

>> No.7869345

>>a figure of speech
So now >>7869183 is a "figure of speech"? Are you retarded?
>I have a local farmer
No you don't. You made that up to make you yoghurt "ghee" sound more authentic^W autistic.

>> No.7869354

>I just heat butter up a bit so the water goes on the bottom
That's clarified butter.
>should I also boil it a bit after, for better flavour?
The non-fat liquid should evaporate fully and the solids begin to brown. It will take on a strong nutty, toffee-like flavour and aroma.

>> No.7869454 [DELETED] 

I fingered yer maws ghee.

>> No.7869588 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 630x519, he diesn't know how to make ghee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No you don't.

I'm a farmer too. I can't help if you don't have much experience in the real world, kid. Just because you buy your ghee from the store doesn't mean everyone else does.

>sound more authentic

I'm not sure what you mean since that is how you make ghee, using raw milk and using those methods. If you mean I need to be native to India, using native Indian bovine breeds to be "authentic" then I'm just a deluded farmer making non-authentic ghee...I guess.

>> No.7869894

Red pill me on ghee

>> No.7870561

I make some. a couple pounds a month. Butter is from a friend who we buy milk from. Raw. I don't like the butter much (on toast, etc), but the ghee is good.
I don't do anything special. The best batches have been ones that I forgot about and went for a few hours.

>> No.7871574

I make a little if I'm cooking Indian. Got a small saucepan that's perfect for just dropping a pack in and forgetting while I slice up four thousand onions.

If I can be bothered I skim it roughly and save that to brush on naan bread.

>> No.7872302

It tastes like nutty shit and will give you the runs, oh and cancer.