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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7857241 No.7857241 [Reply] [Original]

So it was raining outside today and i managed to collect around 400 (8-9kg) worth of Escargot/Burgundy snails (pic related, part of them).

I gave them some carrots and going to wait around 4-5 days for them to shit themselves.

What should i do with them after boiling?

>> No.7857251

Where do you live? I want to go pick snails for dinner.

>> No.7857252

add the shit to a dipping sauce for them

or just suck the snails out of their snails, put the shit in the shells and serve them on a platter.
easy peasy ;)

>> No.7857256


Eastern Yurup, in the countryside.
I went something like 50 meters from my house and they were everywhere.

Would frying them a little bit after boiling spoil the taste?

>> No.7857265

give them water and rinse the poop away daily
the night before give them some veggies again

>> No.7857267


Thanks Chef.

>> No.7857268

Snails are friends

>> No.7857270

why do you want them to shit themselves?

>> No.7857272

delicious friends

>> No.7857276
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we feed them cornmeal and old tortillas to purge them. takes about a week. Steam them on a tray so they cook in their own juice. mix the collected juices with clarified butter, sauteed shallot and garlic and a little white wine.

>> No.7857279

Nice vid but
>here kids you get 5 pence per snail
>I didn't pay a penny for them

>> No.7857283


In order to clear their digestive tract from anything icky


Cheers for the advice

>> No.7857313

Good to add some chopped flat-leaf parsley, as well.

>> No.7859612

Mate, you have real problems.

>> No.7859615

Remember to pull out the shit sack, OP.

>> No.7859708


>> No.7859833

I know I'm being irrational, but I cannot get myself to try snails.
I am totally disgusted by those fuckers, especially since one crawled over my face, while I was passed out drunk in the garden, at some BBQ a few years ago.
So tell me, are those slimey fuckers really worth it, to try to overcome my fears? There's shitloads of them out in the garden.

>> No.7859850

Snails are fucking disgusting creatures, you're all fucking disgusting.

>> No.7859852

definitely feed them grains of some kind, probably cornmeal is cheapest and easiest, and wash their merde whenever you're seeing it. then maybe you're being cheeky and feeding some herbs like thyme and parsley into that cornmeal for a week or two more.

once they done shitting and only cornmeal is coming out wash them again and dash them with salt, couvrir the tray with foil and poke a hole and leave it over night

next evening lunch or evening then you make mirepoix and simmer it with water and white wine is good

now putting in our little friends about 15 minutes and keeping the water clean, then clean the slime when they fini

probably you want to bake them with more wine, some light herb, garlic and butter. citron is ok too if you like it.

and that's it

>> No.7859859

>So tell me, are those slimey fuckers really worth it, to try to overcome my fears?

Not really, no. It's a lot of work for some mediocre eats.

>> No.7859869

Wtf just clean and boil them in water with some salt, oregano and garlic. Serve dem with toasted bread with butter, dats how we do it in portugal

>> No.7859994

Honestly? Have you had clams? They taste and feel exactly like that.

>> No.7860198

They're a good source of proteins. You eat clams and oysters don't you?

>> No.7860226
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Well cooked and prepared? They're wonderful! With some Garlic-Herb butter prepared they're extremely good.


I like the texture of snails a bit more than clams. Although they're both good.


>will eat a lobster or other bottom feeder poop eating animals
>sneers at snails

>> No.7860258

I live in california (bay area) and have thousands of these little fuckers

Can I eat California common garden snails or do these have to be a specific type of snail?

>> No.7860276


I've had them with diced bacon (not sliced) and chistorra and they were delicious. My roommate's uncle did them in the countryside and whenever she went there to visit she would bring a kilo of them.

Snails are great but you should learn how to get rid of the shit sack if you are the one cooking them.

>> No.7860755

speak english you poivron

>> No.7860766 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7861769
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I didn't know what a poivron was, so I googled it and spent the next 5 minutes laughing uncontrollably. Only on /ck/, man.

>> No.7862062

Are they really as chewy as clams? I quite like clams in a risotto.

>> No.7862074

You can eat any but you gotta purge them incase they eat poisons

>> No.7862110


it's the garlic butter that's so delicious. you'd be better off sauteeing some erasers in garlic butter. just as tasty and less fucking disgusting and parasitey.

>> No.7862135

>tfw I have an irrational fear of slugs and snails

Honestly, I hate being outside at night when its raining, because I walk with my head down and try to avoid any of these fuckers. Im always paranoid that one has attached to the back of my shoe or that there are somehow snail eggs in my cosy room.

I often have nightmares where I wake up in my room and am surrounded by massive and exotic slugs and snails.


>> No.7862848

i ride my mountian bike through gg park everyday to work always see bums collecting them to eat..so i guess theyre okay. theyre also growng weed in the bushes near the lawn bowling area if you need some.

>> No.7863503
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did someone mention being triggered by snails