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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 543 KB, 851x636, whisky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7857691 No.7857691 [Reply] [Original]

>ladies drink wine
>guys drink beer
>gentlemen drink whisky

is he right?

>> No.7857697

*tips fedora*

>> No.7857703
File: 54 KB, 600x900, 1457906460745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>swag is for boys, class is for men

>> No.7857705


If you're going based only on the perception of men from 1920 - 1999. Nowadays you drink whatever because who cares it's a broken world out there

>> No.7857707

Gentlemen drink Scotch, plebs drink whiskey.

>> No.7857715

>being younger than 50
>drinking whiskey

>> No.7857721 [DELETED] 

Gentlemen can drink beer, wine, whiskey, and tiki cocktails for all it matters. The only thing to look down on is people who only drink their favorite macro lager and put their nose up at anything different.

>> No.7857737

That guy looks like a PUA

>> No.7857747

>how to drink
>drinking tips
>like a gentleman
>alpha m.

>> No.7857753

Or men from flyover USA where you get murdered for wearing glasses, the sign of a nu-male

>> No.7857762

>alpha m.
>instructional video for drinking whiskey
>drinking like a gentleman
>1.5 million subscribed.

The internet was a mistake.

>> No.7857808

Inb4 his favourite whiskey is some shit Jack Daniels for mixes.

>> No.7857811

Real men drink semen

>> No.7857812

I would never take advice from a man that wears more than zero ear rings.

>> No.7857826

Gentlemen don't wear earrings desu senpai

>> No.7857829

World used to be much easier place.
Man with and earring used to be either gay or a pirate.

>> No.7857830

>certain drinks classify you as a certain person
I think that as a society we've moved passed this. Drink what you want, live your life.

>> No.7857833

Unless its like a bacardi breezer, or you're a man under 50 drinking a glass of wine in a pub.

>> No.7857843 [DELETED] 


Men under 50 can't drink wine? The fuck are you on about?

>> No.7857850

I'm saying if you went out to a pub and ordered a glass of wine then you're a fucking faggot.

>> No.7857855 [DELETED] 


Sounds repressed.

>> No.7857857

I do this all the time and i'm 24

although i'm talking more gastropub

>> No.7857860

Or maybe you just like wine?

>> No.7857864
File: 309 KB, 426x404, 1466192172746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed fags

>> No.7857866

>you're not allowed to like this beverage
>it means you're gay
found the closeted anon

>> No.7857872 [DELETED] 


It sounds like you belong to one of those boys' clubs where you egg each other on to be complete assholes and chide one another when someone does something not considered assholish.

I'm sorry to be the one to tell you, but that's just about as gay as you can be, anon.

>> No.7857876

I bet he's the genuine article and has in no way a manufactured identity

>> No.7857878


>> No.7857879

what difference does that make?

>> No.7857888

If you attach your worth and gender identity to your choice of drink, you're a loser regardless.

>> No.7857893

Its common knowledge that all homosexuals are pedophiles and rapists.

>> No.7857900
File: 156 KB, 264x381, troll[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


a true gentleman wouldn't care what someone else was drinking or look down on them for their choice of beverage, and never drinking the hundreds of types of wine/beer that are out there just because you think it makes you classy is kind of childish

what makes wine a drink for women anyway? isn't most wine higher in alcohol?

>> No.7857913

this is pure ideology

>> No.7857918


There's no flags, but you must be a Brit.

Well done lad, for keeping the pubs for normal people.

Pints for the blokes, fruit based concoctions for the ladies.

This is the natural order of things.

>> No.7857920

I expected to see this guy on /fa/ rather then /ck/.

>> No.7857923

Wine has a higher alcohol content than most macrobrews but not higher than beer in general

>> No.7857930

Men drink whatever they feel like drinking without worrying about what other people think.

>> No.7857934

desu this guy taught me how to cut my sideburns and it helped loads

i like gin and tonic personally

>> No.7857939

This. As a lowlife who works at a liquor store, absolutely no one gives a fuck what you drink.

>> No.7857940 [DELETED] 


Wine is typically 11-12%. Obviously there are exceptions but that is very much the high end of beer abv.

>> No.7857944

You mean malt liquor.
No normal beer is over 15%

>> No.7857949

You think I care what you think? I've overcome more than you can possibly imagine and one homophobic little shit on 4chan isn't going to change that.

>> No.7857956

Alright mate, don't go on about it

>> No.7857974

>/ck/ has loads of fags
Not surprised to be honest

>> No.7857978


this bullshit needs to stop

>> No.7857980

>not being a faggot
What are you, gay?

>> No.7857983

And even more than that it has closeted fags that find worth in drinking "manly" and "straight" alcohol

>> No.7857985
File: 47 KB, 250x250, shiggy cersei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being surprised about the presence of faggots
>on a website which refers to everyone as a fag

>> No.7857990 [DELETED] 


Better than the brits who call everyone else fags because they live in a repressed alcohol culture where you're apparently not allowed to order what you want.

>> No.7857991

Yeah they're the guys that make pretentious tea threads, say you can't sharpen your own knives without a masters in material sciences from MIT, and shill the shit out of that fucking aero press bullshit.

>> No.7857996

We call you 'queers', 'benders', or 'poofters'.

>> No.7857997

I will, because you'll always reply.

>> No.7857998

As someone who drinks "manly" drinks (straight whiskey, beer, whatever), people need to get the fuck over themselves; it's only insecure manchildren who give a shit what others think of them.

Okay I'll give my friend shit for referring to his cider as "beer" but that's all. Cider's good anyway.

>> No.7857999

That's not true.

>> No.7858008

I drink whatever I damn well please.

>> No.7858029

I've watched some of his videos. I don't exactly know why but I cringed.
probably because he has the urge to go online and tell people that he's gentleman. and because he tags himself as an alpha male.
people need to understand, that you attract a specific type of women with that behaviour and tips he shows. the gold diggers.

>> No.7858040
File: 211 KB, 500x281, JwdxLob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always order the girliest drinks possible, deal w/ it, limpdick nu-males

>> No.7858048

English people have the cutest little words

>> No.7858051

how to be an attractive male adult
>focus on anything that is not how-to-get-laid (like your job or hobby)
>dress appropriately or better
>try out new stuff often
>in general, the correct answer is yes

>> No.7858061

What's a good whisky for beginners? I want to be a gentleman.

>> No.7858065

Gentlemen Jack. It had the word right in the name.

>> No.7858066


The Macallan.
Anything else is a load of fucking shite.

>> No.7858067 [DELETED] 

>ladies drink wine
>guys drink beer
>gentleman drink tyrones black hot cum

>> No.7858069

Only little boys and old racists give a shit about what other people think about the alcohol they drink

>> No.7858073
File: 114 KB, 580x512, DHR_Straight_glass2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one choice

>> No.7858079

>trying that hard to be attractive as a male
>Thinking you are manly when you know more about how to style your hair and what earrings to wear than how to change the oil and tyres of your car when you need to
>Being that self conscious about how much of a man you are when a real man wouldnt think twice about such pointless shit

>> No.7858084
File: 95 KB, 770x1024, dasdasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer to drink like a son of bitch

>> No.7858097

>Thinking you are manly when you know more about how to style your hair and what earrings to wear than how to change the oil and tyres of your car when you need to

I'd argue that the former is more important these days

>> No.7858104
File: 3.46 MB, 525x287, 1467092075065.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are those things on his cheek? Is he budding?

>> No.7858105


Enjoy not getting to work tomorrow because you need a mechanic to cuck you a full days work over something you can do yourself

>> No.7858114

I'd rather pay a mechanic to fix it and lose part of one day as opposed to having a bad hair day every day.

>> No.7858118

>Cider's good anyway.
I wish there was more dry cider though, and dry mead. It's like people think because it's made from apples or honey it has to be sweet like soda.

>> No.7858119

>tfw coworker had a mechanic shop collapse with her car inside and her insurance screwed her out of covering it

>> No.7858133

>what you drink defines who you are

"Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken."

>> No.7858139


Want to know what kind of man is going to make a better father? The one who gets on his knees and gets oil on his hands to make sure his kids get to school and he doesn't miss work, not the faggot trying to get his hair perfect in the bathroom mirror.

Good, wholesome women know this, they see in a man what he would be like as a father. Women who want a man for nothing but his money and his associated social status will let men like the OP picture guy buy them drink and spend his money for him.

I swear to god, I bet the guy in the OP pic would probably suck a cock to get laid.

>> No.7858150

Not right according to me. I'm not a gentleman, but I drink whisky almost exclusively since its all I buy a big bottle of. And I don't drink it like any gentleman - swig from the bottle, chased with topo chico. Rinse, repeat until blackout.

also LOL at that tryhard in the screenshot.

>> No.7858163 [DELETED] 


>what kind of man is going to make a better father? The one who gets on his knees and gets oil on his hands to make sure his kids get to school

Made me picture a Forrest Gump type scenario where a single father needed to pleasure the principle in order to get his kid into the good school.

>> No.7858180

You have extremely outdated ideas of what makes a man. You're probably from an older generation and you're hanging onto things like men traditionally being into cars and repairs. You probably still hold dear old gender roles - who does the cooking, the cleaning. Who earns the money. It's fine. I don't blame you for this. But you're saying things like 'good wholesome women' and 'women want x'. It's sad that you don't know how backwards you sound.

>> No.7858198

>topo chico
Fuck why is that Mexican shit so good

>> No.7858204

>It's sad that you don't know how backwards you sound

They don't sound backwards at all.

Implying that a woman of virtue should not be cherished is degeneracy, and that really is backwards.

>> No.7858214

>a woman of virtue should be cherished
That's some textbook benevolent sexism m8

>> No.7858218

Both of you should neck yourselves.

>> No.7858219


I'm 24 years old and I was raised by a single mother, but I am more "red pilled" than the delusional /pol/ lurkers.

I have learned to study effectively by writing my notes in different coloured inks and doing the extra textbook questions because my professor told me to, I know how to plate my silverware and what direction to spoon my soup, I cook myself three balanced meals a day and I make sure not to slip in "culturally sexist" remarks like "you throw like a girl!" when entertaining company.

But I still know that women find a man attractive because he is resourceful and able to produce a solution to the problems of day to day life. I know that women don't want to be told what they like, but they want a man to know it anyway. I know that many, many women have told me that I have a charm and quiet understanding that they don't find in anybody else, and I know that I'll never tell the next woman that I meet what the others have fondly said about me.

>> No.7858223
File: 162 KB, 494x388, 1443614559653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>homosexual hair style
>drinking alcohol to be "manly"
I guarantee this guy sucks dicks

>> No.7858227



>> No.7858231


>> No.7858233

You're both saying what women want and fuck you for saying there's such a thing as a 'woman with virtue'

Let me know when you're ready to join this century

>> No.7858239

>It's literally the current year!

The post.

>> No.7858249


are you me?

try this: go out drinking with your friends and make it so that everyone orders for someone else. then explain yourself when the waitress brings you a cosmopolitan with a miniature sun umbrella because "the customer insisted on it"

>> No.7858261

wouldn't sucking dicks be super manly?
Like you're a dude with another dude in your mouth, how much more manly can a guy be?

>> No.7858276


>Implying that a woman of virtue should not be cherished is degeneracy

this sounds like some really terrible cringe pasta

how much of a fucking autist do you have to be to talk like that?

listen up you closeted fag. there's only two things that make a man:

1) taking responsibility for all your actions
2) trying your best to do what YOU think is right, all of the time

repairing a car doesn't make you a man. flipping the burgers for your family BBQ doesn't make you a man. bringing home money doesn't make you a man.

matter of fact I know a shitload of gay mechanics that probably don't fit your poor stereotype of what constitutes a man.

>a woman of virtue should be cherished!

I can't get over it, fuck

go to bed, grandpa

>> No.7858277


Answer me this, do women blush when you talk to them?

Have you ever had a woman trust you, before you even told her what your decision was?

Have you ever felt good that you are a man, or have you ever let a woman feel like she is a woman?

I'm not angry at you but I get completely disenchanted with the direction the world is heading when I see somebody that can accuse myself of all people as sexist.

>> No.7858283


>But I still know that women find a man attractive because he is resourceful and able to produce a solution to the problems of day to day life.

isn't that kind of obious?

construct the opposite scenario for a second:

why would anyone, woman or not, love someone who is completely incapable of helping him/herself?


best post itt lmao

>> No.7858295

I drink all three. Does that make me a gentlemanly man-lady?

>> No.7858297


I had to state it that way because some people think that "knowing what women want" isn't resourceful but sexist.

>> No.7858309


>> No.7858336

this is some faggot cringe shit. i hate the tryhard culture erected around certain spirits and liquors, particularly wine and whiskey. it's absolutely pathetic as a substitute essence for what is missing in the first place- that is, the substance of masculinity, which is inverted in its rigidness by the fluidity of a drink, making it almost a homo-libidinal confession.

>> No.7858368

Why you guys mad at him? That was just a "catchphrase". He's a cool guy imo

>> No.7858397


>> No.7858409


I am probably the closest thing to a pirate that I know of and I think earnings on men is a little too tryhard

>> No.7858421

Sorry, but beer is fucking disgusting. I'll drink liquor, wine and ciders, but beer has no appeal at all. I feel like liking beer started off as a who can drink the most disgusting thing and just took off from there

>> No.7858428


pretty good bait bro

>> No.7858429

I drink the three of them because I'm a fucking wino.

What's all this sudden appeal about scotch or bourbon anyways? You cannot just order or suggest to take a bottle to a party because suddenly you are a smug piece of shit.

>> No.7858438

>Want to know what kind of man is going to make a better father
The one that spends time with his kids and takes an interest in their activities
stop pretending that a specific personality is what makes a good father, a good father is one who's there for their kids
the fact that you're going on about "good, wholesome women", who would probably just as soon start cheating on you the minute they find someone more manly simply because they have this retarded idea that only manly men make good fathers, means that you have no idea what it's like outside of your mom's basement

Nobody cares about being able to fix a car really really well, instead of teaching your kids how to fix a car, teach them how to drive safely and make money so they don't have to learn a peasant's trade

>> No.7858449

well it's a good thing history isn't based on your feelings

>> No.7858455

Not yet friend

>> No.7858456

Guys drink whatever the fuck they want

>> No.7858458


>The one that spends time with his kids and takes an interest in their activities
>stop pretending that a specific personality is what makes a good father, a good father is one who's there for their kids

Are you aware that you directly contradicted yourself?

>> No.7858462

Are you aware that you're an idiot?
Spending time with your family isn't a personality, it's an action, doofus
Because you're intellectually incompetent, here are personality traits that would make a good father
Caring, Attentive, Loving, Supportive, Patient, Forgiving

>> No.7858464

Women don't look for a good father, they want a good husband who fucks her bloody in the ass.

>> No.7858465

:( nightmare fuel

>> No.7858470

Women don't look for good husbands who fuck them in the ass, Women want rich husbands who let them do what they want and only want sex when they want it
It's like you've never met a female before

>> No.7858473
File: 213 KB, 603x582, 1463205710035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's all this sudden appeal about scotch or bourbon anyways?

Fedora toting man-children think if they drink whiskey, perhaps people will recognize them as "real men."

I had a friend who was like this, and long story short, after a few hours at the bar knocking back shots and beers, pissed himself and started crying. The bartender called the cops. I paid my tab and walked out. I haven't talked to him since.

>> No.7858490


No, you are very clearly the idiot here.

You responded to my post telling me that I am wrong to believe specific personalities make good fathers (this claim also makes no reference to my post, you just made up a fake point to argue), only go to on to quote personality traits that you think make a good father. You're directly contradicting yourself and I am pretty sure I'm responding to a troll right now.

>> No.7858494
File: 69 KB, 897x483, 1452214420729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps I just met a rich man's wife who was doing what she wanted.

>> No.7858497

>you are very clearly the idiot here
>You responded to my post telling me that I am wrong to believe specific personalities make good fathers
No, not personalities, a specific personality, singular, not plural
How are you this big of an idiot, like wow, stop posting any time

>> No.7858503
File: 146 KB, 800x533, eaglerare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hate these kinds of statements.

Anyone who refers to themselves or their peers as "gentlemen" for consuming a particular type of beverage are shallow and stupid.

On that note, I love me some Eagle Rare. Pic related.

>> No.7858506

no, everyone drinks beer and whiskey, old women drink wine, teenage girls drink clear liquor

>> No.7858518 [DELETED] 


I provided an example of a male whose concerns are for his family. I gave an example of a man who will do what he has to regardless of how he looks doing it, regardless of if people think it is "peasant work" (good job spitting down on people who work physically tiring jobs for a living). An example of a kind of man who is actually desireable (and in turn, what a woman should want if she wants stability and a family) compared to a guy who only thinks about how he looks in a mirror.

But your small brain was quick to jump to conclusions about how I am probably some sexist "mans man" who thinks drinking beer and working on trucks all day to come home to a steak and blowjob is living the life.

So yeah, you are a fucking idiot.

>> No.7858550

>I provided an example of a male whose concerns are for his family
Only in response to a reply chain where you disagreed upon the notion that someone who knew how to fix a car would be a better father than someone who knew how to fix his hair

Who is the better father?
A guy who gets on his knees and gets oil on his hands to make sure his kids get to school and he doesn't miss work
A guy who perfects his hair in the bathroom mirror and makes sure his kids get to school and he doesn't miss work
You're criticizing me for not accepting your example of contrast when your example of contrast was inherently flawed
In the example you gave, yes your example of the guy you preferred made sure his kids got to school and he got to work, but only because you're inherently biased towards that example, so you had to add specific details about that person that you just happened to leave out on the other
So I'm not wrong in insisting that a specific personality, or even a specific action that a person does outside of the context of his family, wouldn't mean a person is a good father

>But your small brain was quick to jump to conclusions about how I am probably some sexist "mans man"
This is just another example of you being an idiot
You're obviously taking some sort of offensive to my statements because I never called you a sexist, that's just something you inferred because you probably are one. I mean, if what I'm saying causes you to recall times you've been called a sexist, you're probably a huge sexist. And then you're going to turn around and say "You're calling me a sexist RIGHT NOW", which would also be stupid because I'm still not the one bringing sexism into the argument nor did I before this instance

But you are right about one thing
Because I gave you the time of day, because I deconstructed your petty beliefs, because I even responded, you made me act like I'm almost as big of an idiot as you

>> No.7858579

That's because you hang around women who bought into the whole feminist "modern wymen" shit.

It's like you've never met different females before.

>> No.7858582

>feminism is an organization with a monolithic official agenda that has specific tenets
Twitter generation detected

>> No.7858591

this video and guy is insufferable

>> No.7858651

Found the /pol/

Have fun always thinking all women are always out to get you.

>> No.7858657

Did you quote the wrong post or something?

>> No.7858762
File: 216 KB, 900x1200, bw4_elements_islay_whisky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this stuff if you can, it's great. Has 51.6% alc., so the taste is stronger than in most whiskys. And since it's a blend, it has a wide range of tastes.

On topic, though: This guy is an idiot and he doesn't look like a gentleman, he looks like a pimp.

>> No.7858780


>51.2% ABV

I felt the singe on my nostrils just reading that. I'm partial to bourbon (not because of patriotic or nationalist reasons), but I'd be willing to give that a shot. What's the usual price range?

>> No.7858782


Men drink everything.

>> No.7858787
File: 36 KB, 486x698, 1460355854297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off fag

>> No.7858801

no dumbass, you tried to state it that way so you could take a blase universal trait of humanity and claim you "know" what women want. Everyone knows that most people don't want to marry a fuck up.

>> No.7858806

A friend of mine bought the bottle in the pic, believe he paid about 80€ for it. So I'm guessing they're all ranging around that price point. Not cheap, but it was a special occasion and it really does taste great.

>> No.7858812
File: 191 KB, 1200x800, strong-1200x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying that is strong
>tfw this is a regular man's drink

>> No.7858840



That's a cleaner, not a drink

>> No.7858843


If I poured you a shot, would you die?

>> No.7858857

It's really weird how nothing matters anymore. It sounds all nice and tolerant and beautiful that you can just "do whatever you want", but the reality of the situation is we are degenerating our own species and making the average human weaker and dumber for each passing generation.

>> No.7858864



It used to be my drink for quite a few years until I got bored and now I change my drink of choice every 2 weeks. I am primarily a beer man now but it is not as cost effective.

750 ml is $10us.

>> No.7858872

Considering 151 is strong enough to numb my mouth because it kills my cells, I'm sure it would be painful.

>> No.7858875

Don't listen to these knobheads. You don't need anything extravagant to be able to enjoy a whiskey. JD works fine, Jameson is fucking top notch in my opinion. In general whiskey does the same job for you as long as you're not buying it at a pharmacy.

>> No.7858889

don't lie, every single cashier at every single store judges every single item you buy and determines how good or bad of a person you are from them

>> No.7858925

>caring what the cashier thinks
Thats when you know your life is shitty

>> No.7858930

It would be extremely painful...

>> No.7858940

this guy gives good clothing advice

>> No.7858941


In your mouth it isn't that bad unless you have a cut. Going down the throat it has a just about bearable warmth.

You run into issues if you breath out through your nose like with wasabi but not as bad.

Mixed in with a good rum punch with a healthy dusting of nutmeg it is a deadly creeper and you can get white girl drunk in 4 glasses depending on the blend.

It tastes pretty appetizing after a couple hours on a boat in a rough channel either neat with a water chaser (literally chaser) or with coconut water and ice depending how long you have been out

>> No.7858951

>taking the bait
That's when you know your life is truly shitty

>> No.7859198

>aged less than 2 years
Feels meh bro

>> No.7859204

80 Euro for a blend? Just get an Ardbeg.

>> No.7859339


>two fucking earrings on a man
>gaycunt haircut and shiny suit
>not even wearing a tie

>> No.7859344


poor people used to drink whiskey all the time though back when we still used the term "gentleman" as a class identifier

>> No.7859360

This thread is terrible

>> No.7859387

as a cashier, as long as you don't hold up my line with typical customer bs or come at me like a weirdo then i don't give a fuck.

>> No.7859396

>multiple earrings
>loop earrings
>the current meme haircut
>unbuttoned shirt
that guys the greasiest dude i have seen in a long time

>> No.7859410

I think he's kind of cute :/

>> No.7859422

wew lad

>> No.7859438

Drink what you like faggot

I like beer, so I get beer

If you want a kinky appletini get a kinky appletini

If you want whiskey on the rocks because that would make you look like some cool toughguy just end your life

>> No.7859441

>calls people fags
>posts h3h3

>> No.7859453

People have thought the exact same thing for hundreds of years, and yet we're still here.

>> No.7859455

No. Drinking expensive alcohol doesn't make you automatically cultured.

>> No.7859477

Because men are drinking wine?

>> No.7859508

Every human ever born spends their lives watching their golden years, and what they perceive as the peak of human culture, die.

Your youth was viewed the same way by your grandparents. You're nothing special. You're just a repetition of a trend as old as human history.
That's what you should be drinking to numb.

>> No.7859524
File: 35 KB, 350x447, soprano3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck would wine be unmanly?
It's one of the oldest drinks in human history, enjoyed in some form or another in more or less all cultures around the world.

>> No.7859560
File: 74 KB, 526x567, 1467575379975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you're allowed to be a member of the upper classes if you have brown eyes

>> No.7859563

If anyone honestly believes certain drinks are more "masculine" than they're equatable to fourteen year old autists with fedoras who rant about dressing "classy".

Personally, I don't drink at all. Not because underage but because I'm just sort of a stick-up-the-ass.

>> No.7859566

>vag is for boys
>ass is for men

>> No.7859629

Shut up fucking wino

>> No.7859652

If wine comes out of a glass bottle it is unmanly.

>> No.7859653
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Wine when times are good
whiskey when times are bad

>> No.7859658

I've drunk nothing but whiskey for almost four years now

I second this

>> No.7859663
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I find, for me, it's because a bottle of wine is enough to get me tipsy, a the most mildly drunk but still enjoy myself and have a good time
whereas whiskey is literally just "shit's fucking right now so just fuck my shit until i feel good"

>> No.7859686

do you live in a soap ?

>> No.7859698

>At a fancy beer place
>Women ask for the generic house red instead of the beer
Why are they even there?

>> No.7859720

Men dont take advice from fruity shrill voiced dwarves, if i want to taste dirt and assholes i'll just eat dirt and assholes.

>> No.7859742

sometimes i go to coffee shops and order tea :^)

>> No.7859744


Whisky/bourbon are definitely my go to drinks if I'm feeling self-destructive about something.

>> No.7860307

He's AlphaM, more of a fashion consultant. He gets into weird stuff no one wants to talk about like ass swamp. He's based.

>> No.7860386

I'm a guy and can't stand the potency of hard liquor. The strong ass smell and overly alcoholy taste is just putrid and unenjoyable. Wine is the drink for me. I guzzle it straight from the bottle too.

>> No.7860395
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I'm with this guy.

>> No.7860400

No ,he's dead.

>> No.7860414

You're a big guy

>> No.7860418

in way too late for fedora jokes

>> No.7860536
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>alcoholic's logic

>> No.7861000

So no one should ever use a mechanic?

>> No.7861007

4 u

>> No.7861010

>It's like you've never met different females before.
>women don't rich husbands and a lot of freedom
>there are women who prefer poor husbands and as little freedom as possible
you're kidding

>> No.7861018


No. You can drink whatever the fuck you want. I like red wine, stouts, scotch, gin, plenty of other things. I even like baileys and coffee sometimes. Who the fuck made the rules?

>> No.7861031


I feel like james bond here should be permabanned for encouraging such low quality shitposting, but I guess it's just summer.

>> No.7861041

It's like all women are completely and utterly the same!!! All women want fat rich husbands, not good ones ever!!! They don't want good marriages and a stable household!!

>> No.7861045

I drink water

>> No.7861051


>> No.7861054

gentlemen don't exist, anyone who says he is, is a faggot with a superiority complex

>> No.7861061

no, what you drink doesn't define who you are.

only shallow people judge others on something as trivial as a drink.

>> No.7861167


>who made the rules

Some insecure faggot.

After years of drinking 84.5% strong rum I ordered a mudslide at a bar and the most sexually aggressive and most blunt woman I know walks up to me and says

>anon that's a woman's drink you know
>but you're anon so I guess you could drink whatever the fuck you won't have

>> No.7861169


>drink whatever the fuck you want

Posting from phones is not ideal guys

>> No.7861233

I'm drinking wine right now and I'm a guy. But I bought it because for 40 bucks I can get 4 litres. It's best bang for buck to get rid of my shakes. I don't even get drunk anymore, I just try to feel normal.

Generic whit ewine is like piss though, I really wish I read the label properly this time. For the next few days I'm stucked with shitty boxed white wine!

Before you say "wow 40 bucks" I live in canada where taxes are ridiculous. cheap beer costs 12 dollars for 6. While wine is more than 24 dollars, it's more than twice as strong and goes down twice as fast.

>> No.7861301

If you're making any decision based on someone telling you it would be manly, you're a child.

>> No.7861340

Why not beer and whiskey at the same time?

>> No.7861359

boilermaker desu senpai

>> No.7861377

you're the man now dog

>> No.7861397

>only drink rum or tequila
>whiskey is too sweet in a weird way

If you want to become a "cultured" drinker here's a few tips.

>have money you're going to be drinking a lot of differant things
>find a good, locally owned liquor store and get to know the owner
>if you have money let the owner know and he can keep an eye out for stuff you might like and be more willing to throw some discounts especially if you but in bulk or a big spender

Ex. One time my guy found a case of Cantillon that a distributor couldn't offload. Bought it for half off the normal shelf price, sold it to me at 10% plus. We all went home happy

>> No.7861430

What category to I fall into if I drink from 10$ handles of shitty vodka and hate myself in the morning

>> No.7861431

Congratulations you're now an alcohol like the rest of us

>> No.7861477

>spend my nights getting drunk alone off of dirt cheap whiskey and shitposting on whatever board i'm not banned from

at least i'm a gentleman i guess

>> No.7861541
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thought so

>> No.7861553
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True alphas drink rum

>> No.7861559

That's Ryan Jaunzemis. He taught me how to pick up strippers at whole foods.

>> No.7861629


>> No.7861867

I think he meant since theres a greater volume in a serving of beer

>> No.7861885

Hah. In some Ronrigo right now. I've always liked Berreta 92. Maybe we could have a glass and you could take a look at my Fabrique Nationale.

>> No.7862099

taxes are ridiculous in straya too but you can still get a 4 litre cask for $9

>> No.7862276

what is Scotch even?

>> No.7862284
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So what are you if you drink all three at once?

>> No.7862285

Whiskey made by scots

>> No.7862289

You're obviously trolling or insane, because nobody I know deviates from their pre-assigned alcohol identity that we all follow in order to be a regular normal guy
t. Wisconsin

>> No.7862292

so, whisky?

>> No.7862298

beer tastes like shit

>> No.7862301

>drank so much wine las tnight that I blacked out
>wake up in a hospital on the other side of town
>ask to have a cigarette, they agree
>leave by cab
Fucking 30 dollar cab ride, shit. Bring me to the hospital by my house at least.

Btw I was there for alcohol withdrawals and psychiatric problems. I left before I even got withdrawals. I called the ambulance drunk.

The doctor was super nice though. I mostly left because I got lost and didn't want to ask a security guard where my room was.

>> No.7862306

I guess so, yeah

>> No.7862312

>take some GHB at a friend's house
>head home
>next thing I remember, two medics wake me up
>i was sleeping and screaming on the sidewalk
>they ask me where I live
>"50m that way"
>OK you're free to go
>head home
>puke in the gutter in front of my door
>next thing I remember, two cops wake me up
>i was sleeping and screaming in front of my front door
>instantly switch to be-polite-to-police mode
>they ask me how much I drank (stupid cops)
>"I don't know"
>ask me where I live
>"right here"
>OK open your door so we know for sure
>OK you're free to go, don't drink that much next time
>"thank you officer"

Never been so lucky in my life

>> No.7862347

>ladies drink wine
If he went to western Europe and said that he would have his shit kicked in.
Some wines are as strong as a whisky, ffs.

>> No.7862410

GHB is crazy stuff. So easy to black out

>> No.7862417

Kek I watched his haircut video too

>> No.7862420

I'm actually pretty sure that he is gay, so he probably would suck a cock to get laid.

>> No.7862424

hes a fag

he should be drinking some fag cocktail

>> No.7862426


>> No.7862444


>pierced ears

ahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha oh wow

>> No.7862445

OP drinks semen

>> No.7862470

>Nobody cares about being able to fix a car really really well, instead of teaching your kids how to fix a car, teach them how to drive safely and make money so they don't have to learn a peasant's trade

Woah there buddy.
I don't know how you 'make money' but as a mechanical engineer that works for an OEM specialising in engine performance, knowing how to 'fix a car really really well' is pretty fucking important.
But I guess knowing how to fold shirts, stack shelves, or answer a telephone is more on your level of 'money making'.

>> No.7862746


What? beer is a unisex drink. Are you trying to say in the US only men will drink beer?

>> No.7862799

Hedonists drink all pleasures life has to offer.

Who cares about what a random twat thinks?

>> No.7863654
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>/r9k/ blogposting

>> No.7863848

>gender identity

>implying you choose whether you're born with a penis or a vagina

>> No.7863860

Dry cider is godly and so under appreciated

>> No.7863861

>both ears pierced


>> No.7863871
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Appletini, please.

>> No.7863956

Whiskey is disgusting and the only ones who pretend to like it are tryhard virgins trying to pretend they aren't betas

>> No.7863962

red pill is a meme you fucking idiot. You're just a racist shithead.

>> No.7863968

you are a sexist, you are trying to make an universal desirable trait into something genderbased. You are a fucking idiot and will probably always be, please don't procreate.

>> No.7863970

and the funny thing is that in the Bible they are drinking wine constantly. Holy shit, I hate the whiskey meme so much

>> No.7863985

Official list of worst alcohols

1: Gin
2: Whiskey
3: Rum

>> No.7864061

Missing saki

>> No.7864071

>listing the only liquor I buy


>> No.7864088

i don't know why i listened to this whole thing

it was actually a jam

>> No.7864113



>> No.7864120

>ladies drink wine

the fuck?

wine is literally god-tier alcohol

>> No.7864126


>tfw the whole lesser Antilles constantly sings about drinking rum. Yet the first world looks at alcoholics like you are pedophiles.

Best come live with me folks.


>> No.7864139

Beer tastes like shit and all you fags with your tasting notes are lying to yourselves.

>> No.7865414
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Pretty good, some vanilla flavor, not too strong.

>> No.7865538

I like ginger beer

>> No.7865558

I don't think the "I only drink whisky" people are actually adults. The situations you drink in tend to dictate what's available and/or plausible. Only drinking one kind of alcohol is seriously crippling socially.

>> No.7865582

An absolute madman.

Drink something other than a lager or IPA next time.

>> No.7865586
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>Assuming my gender
Uhhh, cis hetero white male much?

>> No.7865625
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Whiskey is fucking nasty

>> No.7866503
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cider master race

>> No.7866660

gentlemen drink absinthe

>> No.7866667

Kill yourself

>> No.7866675
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I prefer gin and tonic.

It's refreshing on the rocks and a comfy drink.

>> No.7866679
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>> No.7866695

he's a tryhard compansating manlet
does it answer your question?

>> No.7866755
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>mfw I tried to drink straight gin at 16

>> No.7866760
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gin long drink is what you were actually supposed to drink, not just gin, tastes like lemonade btw

>> No.7866762

gentlemen mix their drinks, not drink raw ingredients.

na' mean?

>> No.7866765

Well 16 year old me couldn't into mixed drinks.

>> No.7866775

We use American time system here.

>> No.7866925

Depends on what I am eating.
Depends what I am in the mood for.
I drink all three plus plenty of other spirits and liquors.

>> No.7866939

>I am probably the closest thing to a pirate that I know of
pasty white beta cucks are about the furthest thing possible from pirates tbqh fahm

>> No.7867151

Here you drink beer and whisky if youre trash/lower class, and wine otherwise (a few beers sometimes also)

>> No.7867230

What did he mean by this?

>> No.7867234

>not guzzling whiskey, beer, and gin nightly

>> No.7867250

>this video

Fuck you, I'd recently stopped thinking about killing myself.

>> No.7867276

decided to watch that video finally, damn that guy is such a fag
and I even didnt expect it, from the thumbnail I thought he will be some kind of italian with assertive gesticulation and speech, extravagant and still alpha in certain way
but not, he is just pretentious faggit

>> No.7867299

but to the end of the video he seemed like an ok guy to me, not the asshole type

>> No.7867338
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real men do whatever the fuck they want.

if you're worried about what other people think about you or not being "manly" enough you're a fucking bitch.

>> No.7867731

>Steps for drinking whiskey
Step 1:Pour whiskey into glass
Step 2:Drink the whiskey

>> No.7867753
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Drinking or eating anything as some sort of social statement instead of appreciating the taste in general makes you a try hard, helmet wearing fuck.

>> No.7867760

>whiskey is too sweet in a weird way
This. The flavor of whiskey always seems to bring rotting mint to mind, for me.

It isn't the sweetness. I'm a dark rum guy. It's that the sweetness tastes kind of "off".

>> No.7867914
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Lol this is pretty much the list of best alcohol.

>> No.7868025

>Ladies drink wine
No thanks, I'd rather not drink 2 bottles of shitty tasting fruit to get a buzz

>> No.7868040

My nigguh

>> No.7868073

>you're not a man unless you drink X
its the ultimate pleb view, because you cant appreciate anything as well without appreciating everything