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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 642 KB, 1024x768, Eq_it-na_pizza-margherita_sep2005_sml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7850681 No.7850681[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>it's an americans think their pizza is better tan italian pizza episode again

>> No.7850730

>it's an autistic euro shitposting about Americans thread

>> No.7850738

a high velocity lead injection to the temple is recommended
if your are le trolling im sorry.

>> No.7850769

>being this salty that pizza is popular the world over and every country practically has their own way of making it now
>muh original vision

>> No.7850772

Angry burger defence force detected.
Admit it you fat fucks, Italian style pizza is GOAT.

>> No.7850783

it lacks cheese and toppings and is always burned and hard. I don't want to hear CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH when chewing my sloppy folded NY pizza and if I did I would throw a piece of cheese on a cracker but leave the salami off because italians don't like toppings.

>> No.7850784

>implying burger after a post proclaiming pizza a global food form
Enjoy your (You)
If you're gonna get butt mad about foods changing due to global influence then don't eat any Italian foods made with peppers or tomatoes (native to the Americas) or any sort of fusion like modern Vietnamese or Indian cuisine.

>> No.7850789

Because of this thread, when ww3 happens I'm gonna gas a few italians

>> No.7850796

Im rather upset because people love starting shit with Americans and their food choice.
Get another hobby.

>> No.7850797
File: 331 KB, 525x549, image_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a valid reason to not put toppings on pizza in a neat and orderly manner? do Italians just throw shit at the dough so it looks "il rustico!"?

imagine if someone made authentic pizza with evenly distributed toppings

>> No.7850798

The only gas Italians have to worry about when dealing with you is your intestinal gas, fatty

>> No.7850823


>imagine if someone made authentic pizza with evenly distributed toppings

it would be exactly as good as an authentic pizza with unevenly distributed toppings.

i just cannot wrap my head around the massive boner americans have for the idea of having every pizza slice be the exact same. are you all on the spectrum?

a pizza is made of bread. different balls of bread dough can have subtly different plasticity, gluten structure, weight, moisture content and so on. they are made quickly and by hand. they are going to turn out differently. the sauce is crushed by hand and the cheese is shredded by hand. the entire thing is assembled in a matter of seconds then slid into a wood oven, using friction/elasticity across the base of the pizza to pull it off the peel. everything about this process entails minor variation in the end result. most sane people find this adds to the charm of the experience. if pizza was $200 then you might be expected to scrutinise the differences between yours and mine, but with such a cheap and organic thing as a pizza the benefits of consistency are marginal. and what you get is unique, ephemeral. demanding that it be the same every time is like demanding that an antiques shop stocks ikea products.

>> No.7850833


>> No.7850842


Why do people refer to Neopolitan Pizza as "Italian pizza".

You guys know there's different types of pizza in Italy right? This is only one region.

>> No.7850847


>neapolitan or NY style pizza

where the fuck are you getting this shit from

>> No.7850852

lmao, its fucking pizza. its all preference
your opinion isnt fact my guy.

>> No.7850892

So you don't have a valid reason? no one said the pizza has to be perfect, at least outside of japan.

>> No.7850894


i think i just gave you a pretty good reason.

>> No.7850925

you just described the process of making neapolitan pizza. having worked in a pizza shop, it takes marginal effort to put toppings on a pizza evenly enough to make sure there's no gaping empty spots, many places are capable of doing this even when slammed busy. is it hard to understand that a lot of people do not like biting into empty spots or globs of cheese on a pizza? I don't see how it wouldn't improve a neapolitan pizza.

>> No.7850932


>you just described the process of making neapolitan pizza.

i described it with specific reference to the processes in which you sacrifice a small amount of visual neatness for the best handling of the ingredients.

>gaping empty spots

if there are actual whole slices where there's no cheese or whatever, maybe there's some minor complaint to be made, but you're exaggerating hugely. superficial irregularity does not make for a worse experience unless you've got a stick up your arse.

> is it hard to understand that a lot of people do not like biting into empty spots or globs of cheese on a pizza

by people, you mean you. the idea that it's a universally assented criticism is egocentric.

>> No.7850950

>and now we add the beautiful fresh basil
>one basil leaf, two basil leafs, three basil leafs...
>aw, fuck it, pizza it too hard, let's just throw the entire fucking stalk on

>> No.7850973

chuck e cheese

>> No.7850987
File: 502 KB, 834x582, Screenshot_20160705-112936~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best handling of the ingredients
What does that even mean? how would breaking the cheese into smaller pieces and scattering evenly not improve pic related?
>superficial irregularity
Lol ok, please tell me there are no gaping holes in pic related and most of the neapolitan pizzas in google img. there's nothing wrong with wanting even toppings, this applies to so many other foods as well.
a lot of people not liking something =/= universally assented. majority of the world puts toppings on evenly, even places in italy.

>> No.7851003


>how would breaking the cheese into smaller pieces and scattering evenly not improve pic related?

breaking the cheese into smaller pieces changes how the cheese melts and how it eats. grated cheese is the norm in america because having one, consistent layer seems to be the target. however on a neapolitan pizza, clearly, variation is expected.

>Lol ok, please tell me there are no gaping holes in pic related

there are no gaping holes in pic related. i can see one spot where the slice might have maybe a third less cheese than the other slices.

> there's nothing wrong with wanting even toppings,

never said there's anything wrong with wanting it. you're the one who's saying there's something wrong with not wanting it.

> majority of the world puts toppings on evenly, even places in italy.

'evenly' is obviously relative in this case. not many places care that much about every slice being exactly the same, only large commercial operations or small expensive ones care about that level of consistency. and once again let me remind you: a neapolitan pizza is a handmade, extremely fresh product. pursuing visual consistency when you're making a product like that is a mistake. you want the dough to have the right thickness and tension, the moisture level to be well controlled and the toppings to be *relatively* evenly dispersed simply from the point of view of the pizza cooking evenly. the visual geometry of the pizza is only a secondary consideration and it can't get in the way of the other aspects.

>> No.7851055


>real pizza is supposed to look like shit
>it's part of the charm

I got a headache reading that. And get your shift key fixed.

>> No.7851063


>hurr durr slight asymmetry = looking like shit

you're like an evil garden gnome in a pixar movie or some shit

>> No.7851074


It's like ordering a steak and having them throw all the salt and pepper on one corner. It's not charming or pleasant, and certainly doesn't add a nice variation to the experience of eating it, it's just stupid and lazy.

Not even the anon you were arguing with.

>> No.7851078

It's a 'people with passports upset me' shitpost

>> No.7851082


>It's like ordering a steak and having them throw all the salt and pepper on one corner.

no it isn't. that's seasoning, you dip. and none of the pizzas pictures have all the cheese on 'one corner'.

>It's not charming or pleasant

that's exactly what it is. you're being a total fucking tryhard pretending it has a considerable effect on the eating experience.

>> No.7851092


>that's seasoning, you dip. and none of the pizzas pictures have all the cheese on 'one corner'

So cheese is considered seasoning but the basil isn't?

>> No.7851094

Have you all ever stepped away from the keyboard and looked at what you are saying to each other? I mean seriously. It's pretty pathetic to even try to argue over something so petty. People like different foods. People come in all shapes and sizes. People don't have to like the same food or same drink just to get along. There is nothing wrong with OPs photo. There is nothing wrong with a Papa Johns pizza except the price at times with no specials. They are not meant to be the same or even an imitation of one another. Do you seriously think a Pizza Hut Stuffed Crust pepporoni pizza is suppose to be similar to a pizza 3000 miles away cooked way differently and with different ingredients? Even McDonalds can't have the same menu in two countries. Get real and grow up and deal with it or leave your basement once in a while. /butthurt off

>> No.7851098

>13 IPs

>> No.7851100


>such an enlightened middle school kid

>> No.7851105

Only rednecks and flyovers actually think this.

>> No.7851109


You've done nothing but make baseless pseudo-intelligent assumptions, use insults, and refer to scientific studies and statistics as "sophistry," it's logical to conclude that you likely didn't supersede the 50th percentile SAT score, and then perhaps you spent a few semesters wasting your parents' meager funds at a community "college" or state university, and now you're destined to spend your life never eclipsing a $30,000/year salary.

In contrast to your infantile assumptions and insults, these things are actually likely to be true based on the evidence you've presented in the thread: your emotional fragility, disdain for facts, projection, and anger. Despite all of these defects, little Timmy, I do hope you manage to persevere and forge some sort of healthy existence for yourself.

Nothing personnel, kid

>> No.7851112

>tfw OP (italian)
>made a troll thread expecting people shitposting and a lot of 'za pictures
>instead i got people autistically discussing the placement of cheese on a pizza
Good job /ck/, good job
I do think Italian pizza is better (in general) than american pizza, but i don't really care what type of pizza people on a Namibian water polo imageboard prefer. OP pic isn't representative of most italian pizzas because here, like in the us, there are various styles and variations.

>> No.7851113
File: 19 KB, 242x320, 1466170688652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this newfag

>> No.7851116

And btw, we don't hate toppings, although we usually stay lighter than american pizzas. Actually my favorite pizza is messicana (with beans onions and sausage)

>> No.7851126


>So cheese is considered seasoning

that is not what i said.

>> No.7851134


>i made a troll thread hoping for nothing but shitposting
>instead i was disappointed when people actually discussed the topic

Good job indeed, /ck/.

>> No.7851151

I prefer goza

>> No.7851164

>how it eats
breaking the cheese into smaller chunks (not grated) would make a marginal difference in how the cheese eats yet would leave no gaping holes (the ones you're conveniently oblivious of). There would be more balance and less globs of cheese that weaken the dough beneath it.
>not many places care about slices being exactly the same.
That's true, but not what I said, stop exaggerating my points. The majority do put toppings on evenly, not just corporate restaurants or expensive restaurants, pretty much any NY style pizza restaurant will.

This was never about visual consistency, it might be for the nips though.
>dough with even thickness and tension
sounds familiar
>moisture control
>evenly cooked pizza
hmm what could help achieve this?

Idk man, if you like your cheese in globs and your pizza with a "rustic charm" , that's fine, you do you. I just don't see any valid reasons from a culinary standpoint to not spread toppings out evenly.

>> No.7851169

I like to make my casseroles with noodles on one side and the sauce on the other side and never mix them. (I agree with your point) Consistency and evenness are needed.

>> No.7851174


>don't see any valid reasons from a culinary standpoint to not spread toppings out evenly

Italians are just anal about maintaining their illogical food traditions in the face of any possible reason to change. That's really all there is to it.

>> No.7851179

Should not every bite from anywhere besides the crust be the same?

>> No.7851187

>guys I KNOW what true pizza is
No one gives a shit, so what if americans make their pizza differently, it's their style of pizza and if they like it then there's no problem
>inb4 calling it cheese and sauce on bread
isn't that what pizza is? :^)

>> No.7851191


There's something to be said for a little variation, but OP basically posted a picture of a caprese salad on bread.

Imagine eating a caprese salad and only getting two bites of basil, and half the other bites are plain tomato with neither basil nor cheese. It's plain stupid.

>> No.7851193

Yes for most dishes in my opinion, especially with things like sandwiches and pizza. sauces on the side of rice make sense because you can control how much sauce to mix with the rice, like curry dishes.

>> No.7851194

what is funny is they say "it's this episode again" but yet they posted it. They started the thread. They created the episode. So yeah.

>> No.7851197

>its a italians think some 'chup on burnt cracker with some mold and cheese sticks is pizza

>> No.7851207

To be fair, Italians are resistant to change when it comes to their food because their traditions are pretty good. If you compare even run of the mill Italian food to most 20th Century American monstrosities Italian is much better. So they're not exactly wrong to resist the pressure to Americanize their cuisine.

>> No.7851208

>it's an americans think their pizza is better tan italian pizza episode again

Really? is this what goes on here? How about we all agree it's a matter of taste and move on to something more productive?

This is silly.

>> No.7851209


>> No.7851211

I know holy shit, everyone should just realize that it doesn't matter what style of pizza it is, as long as it's tasty, I got no problem

>> No.7851213


That's a /tv/ thing - i.e. OP comes from one of the biggest shitposting boards on the entire site.

>> No.7851214

gotta get them (You)s niqqa

>> No.7851219

>Why do people refer to Neopolitan Pizza as "Italian pizza".


And I don't know anyone that calls a Napolitan pizza "Italian"; same goes for a Sicilian...

>> No.7851224

I've been here and a few times to paranormal and that's it so thank you for letting me know. I was just like..huh? But I've been here for 11 years talking about stale pizza.

>> No.7851229

Duh. But it is the reason cultures with great food traditions like the French, Italians, Spanish and Turks tend to stick to tradition.

In the US the food roots were so shallow that things like breakfast cereal, chicken nuggets and stuffed crust pizza seemed like good ideas. That shit never could have happened in Italy.

>> No.7851233

>having worked in a pizza shop

Probably you were washing dishes and floors, because you don't sound like you were anywhere near the kitchen or the ovens.

At the shop I worked at toppings were added on request, and while we tried to keep them even, they were not perfect and there were spots that had less, in particular stuff like onions and mushrooms, that you basically grab and sprinkle on the pie.

>> No.7851234

actually i'm from /sp/, this
is alive and well on /sp/ too when referring to matches

>> No.7851235


>cultures with great food traditions like the French, Italians, Spanish and Turks

I like how you slipped in "Turks" at the end as though nobody would notice. Kinda makes it clear where you're from.

>> No.7851237

>ordering a steak and having them throw all the salt and pepper on one corner

You are most retarded... how are you comparing steak to pizza?

Have whatever pizza you like and stop being an ass.

>> No.7851241

i literally almost made a "europoors make pizzza thread".... why dont you show a good picture of pizza that you enjoy.

>> No.7851245

>So cheese is considered seasoning but the basil isn't?

Well... you are the first to mention "seasonings', but for you edification, if that's possible, in context both cheese and basil are ingredients.

>> No.7851246


>how are you comparing steak to pizza

It's a thing, that you eat in bites, that you put stuff on top of before cooking, because that stuff compliments and enhances the flavor, so you want that stuff in each bite.

You dense or something?

>> No.7851247

>where you're from
Is it that obvious I'm from New York?

>> No.7851250


>you are the first to mention "seasonings'

That was literally a direct quote...

>> No.7851251

>Nothing personnel, kid


And your use of quotation marks is abhorrent.

You sure use big words for a high school dropout.

>> No.7851261

>It's plain stupid

Nah, bro; what's stupid is comparing pizza to salad.

>> No.7851266


Explain why. Give literally a single reason.

>> No.7851274

>You dense or something?

I may be. If you weren't so pedantic you'd perhaps realize that:

1) Calling them things does not mean they are comparable.

2) You don't put "stuff" on before cooking a steak; you season it.

3) The "stuff" you refer to, in the case of a pizza, are the ingredients. It's farfetched at best to call the ingredients enhancements or compliments.

So... are you dense or something?

>> No.7851279


>it's farfetched at best to call the ingredients enhancements or compliments

They're called toppings, and even in Italy you can choose different combinations of toppings to compliment the pizza.

>> No.7851280

>Explain why. Give literally a single reason

Just one?

Well, you cook a pizza and you don't a salad.

Or, the pizza is set and the salad is not.

Should I go on?

>> No.7851283


>should I go on

Yes, because you've yet to give a relevant reason why the one can't be compared to the other.

>> No.7851289

>They're called toppings, and even in Italy you can choose different combinations of toppings to compliment the pizza.

You can call them whatever you want, but you are not addressing the original point. Also, they don't compliment the pizza; they are added for your enjoyment.

Lastly, you can choose from different pizzas, but you better not ask for a margherita with pepperoni...

>> No.7851291

>et to give a relevant reason why the one can't be compared to the other

Well, you didn't ask for a relevant reason, tho the ones I gave you are valid and essentially relevant.

If I chose to I could compare your mother to a whore... but I'm being redundant.

>> No.7851296

pepperoni a shit

>> No.7851302

theyre just different shit.

if you have tried both without being a faggot trying to validate his identity in anything he finds in his path, then you realize that it is pointless to compare them.

>> No.7851305


>you better not ask for a margherita with pepperoni...

Jesus christ, what kind of a shithole are you from where it's illegal to order a pizza with mozzarella, basil, and pepperoni?

>> No.7851315


>the ones I gave you are valid and essentially relevant

That's like saying you can't compare the character and personality of Timmy and Jimmy because one has brown hair and the other is blond.

>> No.7851318
File: 155 KB, 700x417, Uuni-Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i just cannot wrap my head around the massive boner americans have for the idea of having every pizza slice be the exact same. are you all on the spectrum?

Because pizza cuts, I presume. I find it more amusing when people freak out over burnt crust. It's simply bound to happen in wood burning oven unless you're autistic about your flour.

>> No.7851334

turks actually do have a great culinary traditions, but is largely ignored by the west or used interchangeably with the greek. shit, a lot of recipes on the balks are variations on turkish dishes.

>> No.7851335

>people freak out over burnt crust.
I'm always surprised by this. It's like they don't know the crust is supposed to be a little charred on the edge.

>> No.7851353

Not the guy you're replying too, but since you are so correct about so much, I thought you'd like to know...
A compliment is verbal praise as you spelled it. When things go together positively, they complement each other.

OP, or whomever, there are so many varieties of american pizza and so many varieties of "italian pizza" that it's a stupid moot argument. There are good chefs with good ovens and then there are cheap ingredient people. If anything you can compare the flours used, or deliciousness of the buffalo cheese or homemade sausage or lightly seasoned and fresh tomato sauce, or even the richness of the extra virgin olive oil. You can exclaim the deliciousness of coal fired, a ultra high heat for quick rising and well done toppings with no moisture and cracker edged crusts, or the rich buttery pastry that is chicago crust to hold an ample amount of cheese lovers goodness flavored by dripping pork fat heavy with fennel, or maybe you like less common toppings like anchovies, clams, potatoes, rosemary, thin zucchini such as at ai marmi in Rome, but also found at Sally's in New Haven. Maybe you like foraged mushrooms or zucchini blossoms, or maybe you want oil packed or salt packed hand pitted olives, roasted beets and goat cheese,

>> No.7851382

Youre all autists. Youre arguing over something that is ENTIRELY preference.

To top it off none of you are willing to entertain the others points further than to pick it apart.

>> No.7851388

>"Hurr yuropoor are elitist and stupid"
>"All pizza is good, food change over regions when it's exported"
>Proceed to make 2 million threads autistically complaining about Chicago pizza

>> No.7851400


>something that is ENTIRELY preference

Some people are arguing exactly that, while others are arguing that it must be done the traditional, authentic way. despite a hundred reasons being given why that's kind of stupid and doesn't make much sense culinarily.

>> No.7851409


>complaining about Chicago pizza

Those are a few meme kids trying to force a dumb meme out of boredom. The people posting those threads aren't complaining about Chicago pizza because they've literally never tried it and don't know how it's made.

>> No.7851430

>traditional, authentic
>that's kind of stupid and doesn't make much sense
Theere's your problem. You can like whatever you like. But discounting tradition is stupid. Tradition is the combined wisdom of generations passed down because the result is something really good. Anyone who is serious about food takes the time to understand tradition, regardless of whether they choose to abide by it.

If you enjoy dunking your BBQ chicken pizza in ranch dressing that's fine. Enjoy it. Just be aware that many people out there would balk at the idea of a pizza like that, because there is a tradition behind this food, and that ain't it.

>> No.7851436


Read the thread.

The entire issue is whether or not it makes more sense to evenly distribute your toppings or throw them on willy nilly like in the OP pic, where you only get three bites that have any basil, and one of them is an entire stalk.

>> No.7851437

people who are serious about food have no problem with trying out new things

take your conservatism and shove it, this is a free country

>> No.7851438


You are wildly out of your depth. I've taken the GRE, LSAT and real IQ tests, so I know exactly how smart I am.

Meanwhile, you probably think science and math are racist. Because your IQ is probably under 100, and you MUST do so for your emotional health.

Please, refrain from "giving advice" (LOL) to anyone.

>> No.7851439

>Tradition is the combined wisdom of generations passed down because the result is something really good

This is true. But it's only part of the story. Tradition is also limited by whatever ingredients and techniques were available in the area where that tradition started.

These days there are many more ingredients, techniques, and technology available that were not possible "traditionally".

>> No.7851440

But evenly distributing topping only works when you're dealing with low moisture mozzarella. You can't evenly distribute fresh, which is what's used in traditional pizza. And it doesn't matter, because serving size of a trad pizza is one pizza. Even distribution only matters when you're trying to serve it by the slice.

>> No.7851451


There's nothing wrong with the distribution of the cheese in the OP pic; it's the definition of even distribution. We were talking about the distribution of the basil, which is the one topping on the pizza.

>> No.7851457
File: 5 KB, 275x275, poo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7851459

>These days there are many more ingredients, techniques, and technology available that were not possible "traditionally".
Correct. But this is a double edged sword. For every inspired update on a classic there are countless examples of "just because you can doesn't mean you should".

That's why it's generally a good idea to understand what it was about traditional foods in the first place that made people pass them down through the generations in a specific way.

Basil need not be distributed evenly. It's there to brighten up a bite every now and then, not be an actual "topping".

>> No.7851470

>Correct. But this is a double edged sword

Oh, I agree with that 100%. And I agree with you that it makes sense to understand the traditional food before making alterations. I was just pointing out that it's dumb to cling to tradition as being the pinnacle of perfection because chances are that it can be improved upon.

>> No.7851475


>there to brighten up a bite every now and then

Do you realize how depressing that makes the pizza you're describing sound?

>most days we had gruel, but on sunday they wouldn't beat us, and on wednesday they gave us a basil leaf as a treat
>wednesday was always something to look forward to

>> No.7851479

>Do you realize how depressing that makes the pizza you're describing sound?

I'm not the guy you're replying to, but how on earth is that depressing? It sounds great to me. Who wants every bite to be exactly the same?

>> No.7851483

>chances are that it can be improved upon.
Agree completely. My point is that most people will not be able to improve on tradition, though. Most people will just fuck it up by getting creative, which is why people adhere to tradition in the first place. In most cases the traditional version of a dish is going to be better than your creative interpretation of it. Sometimes lightning will strike and someone comes up with something brilliant. But that's generally the exception, not the rule.

>> No.7851494


>most people will just fuck it up by getting creative, which is why people adhere to tradition in the first place

People adhere to tradition because they know fuck all about cooking other than what their mom taught them, which is how something becomes a tradition in the first place, even if their mom knew fuck all about cooking.

>> No.7851506

That's the brilliance of it. If you have a tradition with, say, 40 great seasonal dishes that were worked out generations ago you can learn them by rote and become a good cook. You don't need to "know" anything about cooking. That's what makes tradition so fucking valuable.

What happens when you don't know shit about food and you have no tradition to guide you? You're gonna make pizza so bad that dunking it in ranch dressing seems like a good idea.

>> No.7851516


>just evenly space out your toppings!
>no! tradition is good! why would i dip my pizza in ranch!

>> No.7851524

>calls basil a "topping"
Last time I checked it was a finishing herb. And how much fucking basil do you need on a pizza, anyways? Are you trying to distract from the creaminess of the fresh cheese?

>> No.7851530


99% of the time "pizza" refers to bread, tomato sauce, and cheese. Anything extra is called a "topping".

>> No.7851535

Are you really talking about "toppings" with regard to a Margherita pizza? The idea doesn't apply.

>> No.7851541


>muh minimalist artisan pizza gets to be in it's own category

Yeah the basil is a topping, dumbshit. It's put on top of the pizza.

>> No.7851545

This is absolutely hilarious. Pizza: the end of /ck/

I am a martyr who likes the same of each topping in every bite but I don't like heavy toppings. Light with the toppings, light with the cheese, light with the dough. Thin crust is where it's at

>> No.7851546

Now you're just coming off as ignorant. Margherita is its own category, with a very specific definition spelled out by the Italian fucking government.

You can pretend that's not the case all you like while eating your Papa John's, but it doesn't change a thing.

>> No.7851568


What about sandwiches, are there any "authentic" variations out there that don't have the fillings evenly placed?

>> No.7851578

I like cheese, mayo on all and the peppers only on one inch on the end and one inch some where near the center...not evenly spaced...said nobody ever.

>> No.7851583


>b-b-but it occasionally freshens up your plain bread when you only get a bite every now and then

>> No.7851585

Fatty detected.

>> No.7851590

That's clearly taking the discussion to the autistic extreme.

I would say that most sandwichhes have unven distribution of filling, simply because most fillings don't fit the shape of the bread. When you put a round veggie like slices of tomato or onion on a sandwhich then you end up with areas with more veggie (overlapping in the center) and areas with none (corners). It's also rare that the meat put inside a sandwich is the exact same size as the bread so you end up with some hanging outside, etc.

>> No.7851594

no I'm too skinny, what else do you call them??

>> No.7851601

Let's not forget pizza was originally scrap food.
You're getting triggered over people making your scrap food better.

>> No.7851604

true and obliged but at the same time do you want 1/3rd of a piece of sausage on one bite, a pepper on another, a piece of mushroom on another, or do you want all 3 at once which is why you ordered those 3 toppings? ( I don't know if those toppings go together or not, just for example)

>> No.7851608

plus their pastas are rip off from asia

>> No.7851609


I don't care if they're all together or not. Doesn't bother me one bit.

And for some toppings that are very strongly flavored (anchovy, really good fresh basil, hot peppers) I would rather them NOT be in every bite.

>> No.7851618

>And for some toppings that are very strongly flavored (anchovy, really good fresh basil, hot peppers) I would rather them NOT be in every bite.
This. Even basil distribution would result in the pizza tasting way to strongly of basil - it would obliterate the other flavors.

>> No.7851621

sometimes I just like using some of the juice from jarred peppers for flavor and sprinkling it around on the melted cheese

>> No.7851623


>round things don't fit in square holes
>it's impossible to get a little of everything in every bite so why even try

Go back and look at the OP pic.

>> No.7851636


>not wanting a little anchovy in every bite

The point is that you should have just a little bit of those strongly flavored ingredients in every bite rather than eating an entire mouthful in one random bite like in the OP image.

>> No.7851640

I'm pretty sure most people prefer cheese to be evenly distributed, which is why neapolitan pizza is not really as popular as other pizzas.

Having areas where there is just tomato sounds disgusting.

>> No.7851663

What is italian pizza anyway? it's just bread, tomato, and cheese just like any other pizza.

>> No.7851672


Basically, yes. But it has to look like the dough was made by someone's half blind grandpa and the toppings were put on by blindfolded kids playing pin the tail on the donkey at a birthday party. Otherwise it just looses all the charm.

>> No.7851678

Here are the specs:

>> No.7851688

/tv/ here. Heard this was the place to discuss some delicious 'za

>> No.7851725

still no 'go 'za... this kills the thread

>> No.7851745

loses. loses. loses. how hard is it? loses. two o's means to make less tight. I loosened the rope. You lose your keys. lose. loses. lost. loose. loosened. loosely. It's not hard.

>> No.7851756


>day drinking and not rereading everything you post

Still better than people who can't capitalize the beginning of a sentence or put a period at the end.

>> No.7851762
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American, multiple world pizza champions, Parma Italy.

>Americans think their pizza is better


>> No.7851773

Hey now...If I mess up a post on fortune, so be it. If I say the wrong thing to a cashier, life is over. Big differences.

>> No.7851831
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rate my napolitan style 'za

>> No.7851853

Is pizza the pinnacle of food? You can put everything as a topping, is cheap, fast to cook and easy to make.
Is there something that come even close to it?

>> No.7851856

if it is so easy to make lets see your home made pizza

>> No.7851864

It's not heard, you just need to know how work the dough.
Is that an hard thing to do?

>> No.7851939

>Go to an italian restaurant
>Order a pizza
>Always one moron who says "This isn't real pizza, pizza in italy is completely different"

Fuck. I literally don't care. If you can't enjoy your meal because someone you've never met in Italy is doing it differently then you must be a sad person.

>> No.7851943

>brags about italian pizza
>posts americanized pizza
Nigger, most pizza in Italy isn't round or crispy. That shit is rectangular and soggy, to be eaten with a knife and fork. I spent 2 years in Italy, eating like a fucking fiend.
And I'm not one of those Americunts that won't shut the fuck up about New York pizza. That shit is overrated. The best pizza I ever had was in Los Angeles, and it was made by an old Jewish woman from Germany.

>> No.7852554

Fuck dude careful your fedora might fall off.

>> No.7852581

Yeah let's go to italy and have italians judge which pizza is best. This is clearly cannot be contested.

>> No.7852707
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The American pictured has won 12 times to the moaning of Italian pizza snobs everywhere. It quivers my genitals.

>> No.7852749
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As someone who's neither Italian nor American yet has visited different regions in both countries multiple times and holds no bias, I can confirm that Italian pizza is better

Nothing personnel, kids

>> No.7852767

>You sure use big words for a high school dropout.
that's cold, did you steel that insult from someone?

>> No.7852775

my katana literally spun around all by itself as I read this. bravo

>> No.7852788


>Italian pizza is better

You can get "Italian pizza" that looks just like that in any city in the US...

>> No.7852794

Muh artisanal cheesy tomato bread

>> No.7853292

I haven't tried chicago 'pizza' but I preferred the pizza I've had in Rome over the Pizza I've had in New York..
NY style pizza was just a bit bland.. I tried a couple of different places around Manhattan so maybe i was just unlucky.

>> No.7853296

This post is the funniest thing in this thread!
I honestly hope that it wasn't a troll and there really is an autistic neckbeard getting this upset.

>> No.7853338


it's still italian in origin

>> No.7853349


>which is why neapolitan pizza is not really as popular as other pizzas.

apart from, you know, in naples

>Having areas where there is just tomato sounds disgusting.

if you're a fucking 6 year old maybe

grating the kind of moist, fresh mozzarella that goes on a traditional margherita is just retarded. neapolitan pizza is about good bread, good tomato and good cheese. it's not a stratified construction of individually unappealing crap like american pizza is.

>> No.7853355

>had to get a yeast infection from some italian whore so I could comeback to the new world and tout my pizza as "authentic italian"

>> No.7853362


it's a vaginal yeast joke

>> No.7853373

>calls american cheese pie pizza
>thinks he knows shit

>> No.7853536

>being elitist over peasant food

>> No.7853545

>entree vs appetizer

No sense comparing.

>> No.7853652

>that uneven cheese and herbs on the authentic pizza

This shit would trigger me so hard

No ones wants to eat the cuck pieces that have one circle of cheese and are 90% just sauce and bread

I won't deny its still better than chain mcpizza for the most part but still, uneven toppings is shit every slice should have a bit of everything on it. It's just lazy

>> No.7853677

>it's an americans don't care if italian pizza is better than there pizza episode again


>> No.7853683

implying pizza was originally made to be a delicacy with only the best of ingredients and not a poor peasant food made with left overs.

>> No.7853726

entrée, there's another word the americans butchered

>> No.7853728

>No ones wants to eat the cuck pieces that have one circle of cheese and are 90% just sauce and bread
it's a one person pizza, you tart

>> No.7853732


pizza was originally made before shitty industrialised replica ingredients came fully into existence. the 'hurr durr peasant food' meme needs to die.

>> No.7853763
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>> No.7853818
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>thinks peasants didn't eat before food became an industry

>> No.7853819

>there are people who eat their 'go 'za without 'chup

>> No.7853821

Missing the point bro.

Of course peasants ate. the point was they were eating better ingredients than industrialized factory produced slop.

>> No.7853822

Brazilian here.
Italian pizza is a piece of shit. American is fine with their crunchy borders and gimmicks

Brazilian pizza is literally the best.

>> No.7853826


holy shit you are an unintelligent person

>> No.7853827

You might want to fact check that a bit more.

>> No.7853840

>italian pizza

Biggest meme ever. Almost anywhere you go in the world they have better pizza.

>> No.7853843
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>> No.7853844

Which has exactly zero relevance. If that was indeed the point then the diagnosis of autism was correct.
>says autistic shit
>calls other people unintelligent

>> No.7853846


all i was saying was that the diminution of quality associated with industrialised production of things like tomatoes, cheese and bread wasn't so entrenched back then. something being 'peasant food' doesn't mean it's low quality when you have high quality ingredients in abundance.

>> No.7853849
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who /taiwanese pizza/ here?

>> No.7853851


you're unintelligent because you missed the point by a country mile. and because of your abuse of the word autism.

>> No.7853855


I guarantee, lad.
Nothing is quite like brazilian pizza. It is really, really good.

Hell, even Pizza Hut tastes better back in Brazil.

>> No.7853867

the entire fact that their pizza has no toppings shows how poor they were and could not afford any meat because before industrialization they had to raise their own animals to slaughter which they could feed themselves or feed their livestock..because they were peasants. There was no delicacy in what they had because they were dirt poor by definition and most were even lucky to have dirt in their pockets. I understand what you're saying about factories canning tomatoes and losing quality over fresh ingredients but it's not like peasants have a basement full of fresh ingredients to choose from. Now they do but they are just..not as fresh as fresh picked but it still tastes just fine.

>> No.7853887


>the entire fact that their pizza has no toppings shows how poor they were

do you seriously still not get the point?

peasant food means cheap food, not bad food.

when you think of food poor people eat in civilised countries it is often low quality and mass produced. the situation is not the same in the pre-industrial world. the food may well be low quality, but food quality is not directly tied to market value.

>> No.7853894

Ok I got it now. You mean they may be poor but they ate REAL food and not the mass produced boxed meals and foods of today, right?

>> No.7853914


i just mean that pizza is cheap because it comprises of staples - wheat, cow's milk, tomatoes. the quality of these ingredients before industrialisation, while more variable, could still be very high even though they were very cheap. cheap tomatoes these days are of a very low standard.

>> No.7853915

>but it's not like peasants have a basement full of fresh ingredients to choose from.

Actually, peasants had excellent quality food--they were just limited to what was in season and what was local. When you can't afford to buy food your only choice is to grow it, hunt it, or fish it yourself. And there's nothing fresher than tomatoes from your garden & cheese you made from your own cows. Also, poverty leads cultures to develop food preservation methods. You can bet that any italian peasant would have a larder full of food. When you had food you wasted nothing--you preserved what you couldn't eat now for later. Cured meats were invented for this very purpose: you might slaughter a pig every once in a while, but that meat has to last you a long time. No fridge, so you made cured hams, pancetta, salami, etc, to preserve the leftovers to get you through the winter.

>> No.7853927

>"peasants didn't eat mass-produced food before food was mass-produced"
>not an autistic "point"
Holy shit.

>> No.7853933


that wasn't the point, that was a premise of my point. you really, really need to take a critical thinking class.

>> No.7853938

Is this

>it's a something something something episode

thing a meme hot off the press from reddit?

>> No.7853940

"American" pizza has diverged away from "Italian" pizza, meaning they can no longer be logically compared.

>> No.7853942

That thing is even more gay than you are.

>> No.7853957


yes, it makes no logical sense to compare a flatbread topped with tomato and cheese with a flatbread topped with tomato and cheese

>> No.7853988

>the entire fact that their pizza has no toppings shows how poor they were and could not afford any meat
Boy does that miss the mark. If you look at Italian (and most Mediterranean) dishes you notice something - cheese is eaten as a protein INSTEAD of meat, and when meat is served cheese is generally not, unless the meal is a feast like a wedding or a holiday. Generally cheese and meat together in a dish is seen as overkill, with the exception of a little grated aged cheese over some pasta dishes.

But cheese and meat together is very fucking American. When the eggplant parm arrived here many Americans turned their noses up at it, because it was a meatless dish. Thus the chicken parm was born. It's also the mentality that gave us chicken Alfredo pasta - no one in Europe would do that. While Italians will sometimes put salumi on pizza, it was in America that pepperoni became the popular pizza topping.

But the idea that pizza ought to have many toppings (including several meat ones) came from the Midwest. It was pizza Hut who marketed the idea that a pizza should nave no fewer than four "toppings". This was how they managed to sell pizza to Southerners and Midwesterners who might otherwise be skeptical of an Italian dish that was commonly (gasp) vegetarian. For many in the 1970's and 80's Pizza Hut was their ifirst pizza experience, so the baseline Pizza Hut established (which had little to do with anything Italian) became their "normal" for pizza.

It had nothing to do with poverty and everything with a corporation adjusting the dish to appeal to redneck tastes.

>> No.7853996


>t's also the mentality that gave us chicken Alfredo pasta - no one in Europe would do that.

chicken in some kind of creamy, cheesey sauce is very common

>> No.7854006

You rarely see chicken and cheese together outside of America. Chicken Kiev and Cordon Bleu stand out as two of the very few exceptions to this you'd find in Southern Europe.In the north you find ham and cheese together, but rarely chicken and cheese. That's an American thing.

>> No.7854064


it's pretty common to add gruyere to poulet a la creme or whatever. chicken and cheese sandwiches are in fact popular in france

>> No.7854082

Not common, but they exist in France. But if you look at Italy and the Mediterranean you much more commonly see cheese eaten instead of meat. You make a cheese dish because you're not making a meat dish for that meal.

And I stand by my point that the idea pizza HAD to have at least four toppings (leaning heavily toward greasy meat) came from Pizza Hut. It was their strategy for selling pizza in parts of the country that didn't take a generally positive view of Eye-talian food. And it worked. But they style of pizza it popularized is some deeply redneck shit.

>> No.7854091


>everybody in the world outside of italy thinks that it's normal to put meat toppings on pizza
>everybody but italians are therefore deeply redneck

>> No.7854101

Bullshit. Italians put toppings on pizza. My point is that in redneck America the pizza became a delivery system for greasy meat toppings. That's uniquely American. No one else would have invented a Meat Lover's pizza. That's a special kind of overkill that really only came into being in 20th Century America.

>> No.7854189

>autism was only part of my point
Then let's complain about tacos not being authentic gyros.

This thread is stupid as fuck.

>> No.7854225

I don't care if it looks like OPs photo, any other photo in this thread, or any pizza from any where. My thoughts are I don't care where it's from, if it's freshly made or frozen or refrigerated, it's simply good. Any form. Any brand. It's easy and it's good and for the price it isn't bad whether it's $3 or $23. I don't care about authenticity. Granted some will make me be like "wow this is really great" and others "I've had better"

>> No.7854252


That's a very simple discussion though isn't it? Tacos aren't authentic gyros

>> No.7854260

Well seeing as this thread wont die. Might as well fling my feces against the wall and see if it sticks.

When you bake a cake do you not mix thoroughly mix the ingredients? Or do you let clods of dry flour stay intact in the mix to add to the artisinal charm?

>> No.7854269

>When you bake a cake do you not mix thoroughly mix the ingredients?

Depends on what you mean, exactly. The flour? Of course that has to be mixed uniformly (just like the flour in pizza dough). But if the cake contains things like pieces of fruit or chocolate, then no, I don't sperg out about them being perfectly distributed in the cake.

>> No.7854271

technically cake and brownie instructions on the boxes say that you mix it until mostly smooth but may still be clumps in it so while I get what you are saying with making it all even, cake batter usually has some clumps in it but they bake out somehow magically.

>> No.7854290

While I generally agree with you there are dramatic variations in style when it comes to pizza, and it only makes sense that some people might prefer one style over the others.

Some styles are way heavier than others, and the quality of ingredients varies widely, from fast food tier to high end. You can make the case that any style of pizza can be delicious, but depending on your preference you might find particular styles more appealing than others.

>> No.7854304

You just made me think about that bbq pizza stuff so I agree with you. I just can't eat that kind. Just like some people don't like white pizza or thin crust I suppose.

>> No.7854314

Technically doesnt work for "tradition"

>> No.7854315


Dumbest comparison I could possibly imagine

>> No.7854343

That's where the the "authenticity" thing, as stupid as it sounds becomes relevant. Someone who strongly prefers a pizza made in a wood oven with fresh mozzarella is not likely to be satisfied going to a place that specializes in BBQ chicken pizza. Yet that wood oven pizza would be a total let down to someone whose ideal is a stuffed crust meat lover's pizza.

We've hit the point where in spite of chains normalizing pizza to some degree there are still many different styles of pizza in America. (I could think of almost ten). Some are VERY different from others. If you have a preference for one over the others it's good to be clear about what you mean when you say "[pizza".

>> No.7854420
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Don't all pizza taste good though? I dunno what the point of arguing is. I've had lots of pizza and they're all delicious, even the cheapest ones.

>> No.7854454

I'm thinking about making some authentic nepalitan pizza. When putting the toppings on, how far away from the dough do I need to be in order to achieve maximum authenticity? will 10ft work?

>> No.7854479


Depends on how good you are with the slingshot.

>> No.7854498
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Lel he so mad.

>> No.7854509

I have an Italian aunt and she thinks CiCi's pizza is the best shit, like legit better than Italian pizza. It's hilarious, because I had some pizza when I was in Italy from the most rundown places and American pizza just isn't the same.

>> No.7854511

Hotdamn, I'd love to eat that.

>> No.7854660

Welcome to /ck/