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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 35 KB, 450x450, 4633f6b7-bd4e-4386-9b62-354d1d88eebf_1.8594c7539970eb70e334f6dd06c82864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7849793 No.7849793 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of sick fuck eats Salt&Vinegar chips?

>> No.7849815

the bourgeoisie

>> No.7849825
File: 85 KB, 599x563, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally only eat salt and vinegar chips. All other chips sicken me just to think about. I hate chips in general, but salt and vinegar mmmf something about them just oOoOoO baby holy shit. I'm hard just thinking about them.

>> No.7849843

patricians, really.

>> No.7849852


I love them.

Although they can absolutely fuck up your mouth.

>> No.7849855

I like to suck on s/v chips

>> No.7849859

The packet is wrong colour for s&v, it should be red or redish purple. Blue is for original flavour.

S&V master race here

>> No.7849880

>mash up a can of sardines
>spoon on salt and vinegar chips


>> No.7849881

>Original flavour
Do you mean salt?

>> No.7849893

Lol does your mouth get cut from that sick cuz it hurts

>> No.7849894

They are hands down the best. OP, your homosex nigism is showing.

>> No.7849915

My wife. She will eat a whole bag of Zweifel S&V's and glare at me when I suggest she should have shared.

>> No.7849917

I like sour cream and onion. Barbecue is the fucking nastiest though.

The Korean BBQ pringles looked like they could be hit or miss.

>> No.7849943

Vines are elite with beer.

>> No.7849948

more like salt & vinigger

>> No.7849953
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Old Dutch S&V Master Race

>> No.7849958
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>> No.7849984

Fuck those douche flavored chips.

>> No.7849990

>Although they can absolutely fuck up your mouth.
Hate that feel but love the taste.

Gonna have to try this. Sardines are amazing.

>> No.7850007

I hear people all the time say that salt and vinegar is their favorite flavor. how can something be your "favorite" when it totally ravages the inside of your mouth, and the taste is just as offensive

Have I just met dozens of masochists?

>> No.7850008

I don't like salt and vinegar chips but I'd let you ravage the inside of my mouth

>> No.7850012


I enjoy the bitterness, and then the numbing raw feeling as your tongue runs along the chip, absorbing the glorious flavoring. It lasts but a moment and it has you reaching for another one to get that feeling back.

Chip heroin.

>> No.7850017

It's below even the bourgeoisie.

>> No.7850023
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>> No.7850253

I love that.
This tbqh famalam

When they dont have vinegar i just get normal yellow one or other bland shit they have and drench em in tabasco
Taste close enough

>> No.7850276

i live in Toronto and I've never seen these before

>> No.7850280

this is exactly it for me

>> No.7850283
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>S&V not in a purple packet

>> No.7850285

How do I get a fatass wifey like you? Or was she thin and you plumped her up

>> No.7850287
File: 210 KB, 334x483, lays-limon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best chip flavor desu

>> No.7850290


>> No.7850291


>> No.7850297

Word filters senpai

>> No.7850308
File: 721 KB, 1280x738, smh fam tbh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lays introduced in germany
>it's on sale
>buy huge ass bag of lays salt chips
>open at home
>the bag is literally 2/3 empty and the rest is just air
>look at the back of the bag
>125g in a what looks like a 300g bag
>wasn't cheap at all

Why the fuck is this allowed?

>> No.7850314

>Why the fuck is this allowed?
for the skekels, goy

>> No.7850318

Is this literally your first day here?

>> No.7850323
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>> No.7850331

Literally the only thing I missed when travelling through S/E asia, couldnt find them fucking anywhere

>> No.7850337
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despite the memeness these are awesome

>> No.7850341

The pain is part of the joy.

Do you hate spicy food too? Spicyness is actually just pain.

>> No.7850352

To protect the chips from getting crushed, anon. Don't you want to eat your chips as chips and not as crumble?

>> No.7850377

You could replace "salt and vinegar" with any of the dozen meme flavors that /ck/ loves to argue about.

But I love S&V, whisky, IPAs, and cilantro so maybe I'm a masochist.

>> No.7850409

Kono summer bakayarou, it's a word filter.

>> No.7850424

Salt and vinegar are the most popular flavour crisps in Britain. To most people they're the best flavour.

All the other flavours are just bland and dull compared.

>> No.7850426
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Best chips right here

I had to stop buying them because every time I did I wound up eating the whole bag and that's a lot of calories

>> No.7850444
File: 26 KB, 240x283, DSC_0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad for chip eaters in the States and UK if the only flavour they have that isn't bland is S&V

>> No.7850446
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>> No.7850450
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>> No.7850452

Oh don't worry. The US unfortunately has ketchup chips.

They're disgusting.

Salt and vinegar or hot sauce chips is my choice.

Most people don't like salt and vinegar at least where I live, and go for bbq flavor.

>> No.7850455
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>> No.7850458
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>> No.7850459
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>hot sauce

Come on man

>> No.7850478
File: 32 KB, 450x450, cape cod sea salt and vinegar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cape Cod makes 'em best in my opinion

>> No.7850556

If you don't like salt & vinegar chips you're a fucking Mongloid

>> No.7850679

I despise anything with ketchup except hotdogs but ketchup chips are bretty gud tbqh

>> No.7850682

Me. I eat them. They're delicious, senpai.

>> No.7850734

'i'm a four year old whose palate hasn't adjusted to the taste of vinegar yet'

seriously, they're bangin chips. maybe one of my fave flavors

>> No.7850758



S&V = Blue
Cheese & Onion = Green
Prawn Cocktail = Pink/red
Salted = Red
Smokey Bacon = brown
Roast chicken = yellow/gold

>> No.7850766
File: 903 KB, 1536x2048, Kettlechips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that if Salt and Vinegar isn't your favourite flavour that you are a fucking mong.
Master race chip reporting IN

>> No.7850802


>> No.7850807

Go away, stupid fag.

>> No.7850828

they're my favourite, it's a shame they don't sell them in my country

when my gf was going to Dublin for a bussiness trip I asked her to buy me a stack of S&V Walkers

recently I've found a pack of British S&V pringles in local hipster craft beer shop, they're pretty expensive but I think I'll buy some next time I'm there

>> No.7850829

Salt and vinegar are the best fucking chips flavour ever

>> No.7850831

>he thinks it's air in a bag of chips

it's nitrogen senpai

>> No.7850837

>He didn't look at what he was buying

>> No.7850838

oh a german complaining about foreign goods never seen that before

>> No.7850846


that doesn't really invalidate his point though. the bag looks like it would contain much more than it actually does.

Yep. 100%

>> No.7850850

Salt and Vinegar crisps are unparalleled in their taste. The tang of the vinegar reinforces the prim and refined hint of salt. That and they don't stink up the place like Cheese and Onion.

>> No.7850856

This kind.
In case you can't see it, I'm pointing to myself.

>> No.7850859
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you got me

>> No.7850872
File: 27 KB, 460x460, walkers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, what the fuck is going is going on here?

>> No.7850882

What do you mean? Didn't you know that Walkers is a British name for Lay's or what?

>> No.7850886

bitch please... this flavour is so common and rancid in SE asia, that these packs are left on the shelves for a year before it gets sold at discounted price.

>> No.7850888
File: 162 KB, 1140x570, Kettle-chips2-Ut9t66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ate these? Why do they taste so good?

>> No.7850890

>worst flavour

>> No.7850898

kettle is just okay... not the stellar kind of chips but just "meh"

>> No.7850915

They are pretty great.

You just have to eat them slower.

People itt complaining about "ruining my mouth" and shit are trying to shovel them into their mouths at the same rate and verocity as pigs eating fucking slop. Disgusting, really.

>> No.7850922
File: 136 KB, 540x802, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice trips. america is a huge, diverse place—in general, you're bound to find people and producers of all stripes.

say what you will, but it's hard to argue that americans are missing out on consumable goods.

btw, salt and vinegar is the best and basically you're a plen

>> No.7850929
File: 73 KB, 392x560, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S&V are top-tier, but you do realise that the appreciation of sour and bitter foods has to do with desensitization of our taste buds as we age. it's not something of which to be proud or ashamed, just a biological fact.

>> No.7850954

the only chips flavor that's not enjoyed by children and is an actual aquired taste

the only chips i'd consider patrician desu

>> No.7850960
File: 66 KB, 700x700, tyrvin-700x700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always had cheese and onion growing up. or ready salted. everything else was rank. then one night we were walking back home around sunrise and someone handed me this shit and i was pretty much instantly converted.

in any case fuck crisps, scampi fries or scratchings all the way. or salt and pepper if it's like a mingle and socialise part of a dinner party or something

>> No.7850970
File: 195 KB, 334x483, lays-sour-cream-onion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best flavour coming through desu

>> No.7851184

Can you make this kinds of chips at home?
I don't like having to buy bags of chips while i have tons of potatoes at home

>> No.7851232


Sure. Slice potatoes, deep fry them, then salt them. If you want to eat them right away you can just sprinkle some vinegar on them. If you want to keep them crisp for a long time then you would buy some vinegar powder and use that as a dry seasoning.

>> No.7851294

Don't i need to soak them first?

>> No.7851299

Lays classic are the only Lays worth eating. The rest are garbage.

>> No.7851303

I am well aware of the word filters thank you.
You're faggots for triggering them

>> No.7851361



>> No.7851380

Cape Cod chips are the true patrician's choice

>> No.7851384

Nope. The "soak" bit is just to prevent the potatoes from going brown before they get a chance to fry. You just put the potatoes into acidulated water since acetic and citric acid both stop the enzymatic process that turns cut potatoes brown.


I make lots of flavoured salts, so this is an easy answer for me.
Basically, yes, but you have to make "vinegar salt." It's actually a lot easier than you'd think.
Once that's made, use a meh-tier veg peeler, one that doesn't shave too thin, and use it to shave slices out of the potato.
Fry them in very hot oil. Just a few seconds should do you. If they look done in the oil, they're overcooked.
Then remove them, drain, and dust with vinegar salt.

To make vinegar salt, mix equal weights of kosher salt and vinegar. Malt vinegar is classic. Cane vinegar is good if you like a REALLY strong vinegar taste. Cider is great if that's all you got.
Now, for ever 100-120g of salt/vinegar mixture, add 1tbsp of cornstarch and mix very, very well. This will make a paste-like concoction.
Pour it onto a baking sheet and just leave it out for a day. Assuming you have no vermin infestation, it should be fine.
The next day, it will have turned into a crumbly sheet of vinegary goodness that can be scraped or processed into powder.
Vinegar salt!

Hope this helps.

>> No.7851417

Thank you.

>> No.7851435
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>> No.7851444
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>not making your own chips

>> No.7851606

>Prawn Cocktail
Where do you live?

>> No.7851610

These used to be my favorite chips, but Old Dutch changed their recipe a few years ago, now all of their non-kettle cooked chips are fucking trash.

>> No.7851662

great chips but way too fucking pricey

>> No.7851746

only pretentious tryhard hipster cucks eat salt and vinegar. same people who vote for sanders

>> No.7851758
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What kind of sick fuck changes the colour of the packet!

Cheese and onion literal dogshit tier.

>> No.7851770

seek help

>> No.7851815

>it's so common
>no one eats it
Do you understand why this makes no sense?

>> No.7851822

This is one of the classic English crisp flavours. Can't believe they tricked the septics into thinking it was something Special

>> No.7851823

>salt and vinegar

What is this, the 19 fucking 80s?

>> No.7851865

Me. The lay's ones aren't very good though.

>> No.7851880

Not that anon but it must be uk

>> No.7852846

I miss these. I rarely say this, but I wish there were more Mexicans around, seems like the only place to find them is in places with lots of Hispanics.

>> No.7852871
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>salt and vinegar chips thread
>not even mentioning the master race

>> No.7852872


Oh man, these are so fucking good.

>> No.7852929

Dill pickle chips are best chips.
All others are preferred by filthy fart suckers.

>> No.7852937

these are good

>> No.7852954

white people LOL

>> No.7852970

I tried Salt and Vinegar Pringles once.
They were actually pretty good.

Anyone try the Beer & Brats Lays?
I saw them at the store, but I was unsure

>> No.7852979

>What kind of sick fuck eats Salt&Vinegar chips?

What sort of sick fuck doesn't put salt & vinegar on their chips?

>> No.7853118
File: 3.65 MB, 4128x3096, IMG_20150730_132930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Thailand blue is sour cream and onion

>> No.7853125

>salt and vinegar mmmf
Don't google this.

>> No.7853127
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>> No.7853128

Farts are mostly methane, you retard.

>> No.7853176
File: 19 KB, 250x243, 1432983976913s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not officially. The Walkers Website officially denies that Salt and Vinegar packets used to be blue. It reads: "Contrary to popular belief, Walkers Cheese and Onion have always been in blue packets, and Salt and Vinegar have always been in green packets. We don't have a plan to change this, as it's signature to our brand."

>> No.7854002

Sounds like it from the flavours, but Walker's (Lays) cheese and onion have been blue for years here. (S&V are green)

>> No.7854029
File: 32 KB, 409x393, 1463433774908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>salt and vinegar mmmf something about them just oOoOoO baby holy shit.

>> No.7854119

>you can't like sour or spicy things if you don't like getting your mouth all fucked up

But my friend that's just not correct.

>> No.7854129
File: 16 KB, 255x204, 1465950792498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>salt and vinegar
>chile lime
>buffalo sauce

These are LITERALLY the only chip flavors that matter.

>> No.7854469
File: 56 KB, 334x483, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outta the way best kettle chip coming through.

>> No.7854475
File: 114 KB, 596x502, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much any of these, especially the Fritos and hot lays

>> No.7854526

You eat chips with fatty foods.

Vinegar cuts greasy fattiness.

Salt and vinegar chips are the only option when eating burgers or fried fish.

>> No.7854544

people that aren't so salty obviously

>> No.7854571

I've loved salt and vinegar chips since I was a toddler.

>> No.7856192
File: 31 KB, 600x783, 1404924065102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This unironically

>> No.7856195

motherfuck those are good.
anything OD really

>> No.7856199

>he doesn't like salt and vinegar
Shitskin detected

>> No.7856218

me, but only as the 'buns' for a rice sammy. they must be pringles

>> No.7856248

>salt and vinegar pringles
>cool ranch doritos
Anything else I should import?

>> No.7856398

I've never eaten a cheese and onion crisp in my life. That smell. Salt and vinegar is amazing.

>> No.7856763

>Buy the Lays Gyro flavor cause gyro meat is god's gift to man
>Forget that no chip under the Lays lable. An be salvaged

If you posted a Lays brand in this thread consider suicide.

>> No.7856767

*Lable can

>> No.7857037
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>not putting your own vinegar on ready salted crisps for that extra-strong taste

>> No.7858683
File: 31 KB, 273x300, chip_sticks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love S&V crisps/chips, but here's my ultimate crack-cocaine.

>> No.7858698
File: 33 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly these are some of the best you can find

>> No.7858714
File: 94 KB, 721x722, Nishimoto3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>salt and vinegar crisps in a crisp sandwich
>with a cheeky dash of ketchup and lashings of butter

>> No.7858833


Makes it too soggy. Take Salt and vinegar and reduce it down to a sludge, use it as dip.

>> No.7858837
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>> No.7858960


>> No.7858976

I've always been a fan of their New York Cheddar and Honey Dijon flavors

Relating to >>7849825, I also like their Salt and Vinegar variety...

>> No.7859294
File: 286 KB, 600x450, 1438002261955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you wanted to talk about potato chips you should have just said so.

>> No.7859314
File: 16 KB, 195x258, 2016-07-08-01-42-23-2029643274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Malt vinegar ftw

>> No.7859321
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>tfw you open a fresh tube of salt and vinegar pringles

>> No.7859337
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>> No.7859826


>> No.7859836

>salt and vinegar pringles

>> No.7859914

They fucking own. Will fuck up your mouth but taste amazing.

>> No.7859925
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Is USA malt vinegar overloaded with hops?

>> No.7859928
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>salt and vinegar


>> No.7860210

There's something addicting about them. Like a this-hurts-so-good-way.

>> No.7860229

i haven't seen em for a very long time

>> No.7860655


My fucking jam right here.

>> No.7860758
