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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7833608 No.7833608 [Reply] [Original]

How do I eat beans and rice every day or some other cheap as dirt shit without killing myself from malnutrition?

>> No.7833612

Take a multivitamin?

>> No.7833630

By adding fresh vegetables to it like any normal human would do?

>> No.7833643


Eat quinoa you dumb fuck

>> No.7833646

Quinoa is not cheap.

>> No.7833659

Then it's still your fault for being such a fucking Jew.

How do you not make the connection that eating low-nutrient food is bad for you?

You deserve malnutrition.

>> No.7833667

I said cheap as dirt for a reason

>> No.7833674

And lo and fucking behold, cheap food has no nutrients, no nutrients means malnourishment.

tl;dr you can't live solely on beans and rice

>> No.7833678

Yes you can.

>> No.7833683 [DELETED] 


He'd probably kill himself if he was forced to eat quinoa every day.

>> No.7833691

You can if you want to resemble an Auschwitz inmate

>> No.7833694

eat eggs with your rice and beans

>> No.7833697

Red beans and rice. Those cajuns know how to cook. I do it in a slow cooker in my dorm room.

>> No.7833700

Or you could just eat enough food.

>> No.7833701


hate to break it to you famalam but where do you think the 400lb mexicans are getting the weight

>> No.7833705

Obviously this. Green leafy things are cheap. Throw in a few fruits, too, so you don't miss out on too many vitamins.

>> No.7833709

What's the recipe you use like?

>> No.7833731

It's beans and Cajun seasoning. Anything else is optional (but obviously better.)

>> No.7833739

Just a jar of premixed blend from the spice aisle? Do you add sausage or whatever to it?

>> No.7833747
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I really don't want to go dig it up right now but red beans and rice is pretty hard to fuck up.

Get a rice cooker fuck what these pretentious faggots say its the best 30$ I ever spent. Make rice in it like an hour before the red beans are done.

The night before get some red beans and soak them overnight in water. When you get home from work or whatever pour the water out and throw them in a slow cooker. Line the slow cooker with pam or olive oil or just buy liners.

put it on low and throw in a ham hock or two (makes a big difference), Cut up some andouille sausage (kielbasa if you can't find it but andouille is the shit) and fry it in a pan with garlic and onion. Throw that on top. Take some celery and bell peppers (I like to sub jalapenos for the bells) and throw those in as well. Salt/pepper/parsley/cajun or creole seasoning and cover it all in water or chicken broth. Cook until beans are done then mash the beans up a bit and pull the ham hock out. Pull the meat up off the hock and shred it real good then throw it back in with the half mashed beans and cook for another hour and that is it.

If you need to thicken it make a dark roux which is just butter and flour and throw that in until it is nice and thick. You just drop it over rice. Look up how to make a roux on youtube.

Do it 3-4x with recipes online and you will figure out how you like it. How salty/spicy you want it.

Damn good eating and its like 3 bucks a serving at most if you go the whole mile with it. Pic is some I made a few weeks back in my dorm.

>> No.7833756

beans + corn = complete protein

>> No.7833766

>believing the incomplete protein meme

>> No.7833768

Who were the Aztec and Maya for $1 Alex? They mainly ate corn and beans, but it is the same principle: a starch and beans. This has been a staple across cultures for millennia. Maize was also normally hulled to make hominy, which is even better.

>> No.7833780

holy fuck you're stupid

>> No.7833787 [DELETED] 


It's not just hulling - it needs to be nixtimalized to prevent pellagra.

>> No.7833810

They're called staples for a reason. They provide the bulk of your energy. Nobody said they provided the bulk of your nutrition.

Mix up the beans, add potatoes, oats, milk and a bag of your favorite citrus fruits to that list, and yeah, you're about 99% there.

>> No.7833823

I left out the fact that it was hulled with a base like wood ash, but yes you are correct. As I understand it, to be hominy it has to be made in this way.

>> No.7833829

Supplement with vegetables, meat, and dairy when possible? This is being a metabolic being 101 here. How do you not know how to eat to survive?

>> No.7833839

The point here is to keep it cheap. Rice and beans together are a complete protein that can be bought in large quantities at low prices. From the unrealistic starting point of all 2000 daily calories from rice and beans, replacing those calories with calories from other more nutritious sources will most likely be more expensive. Obviously it is necessary to get all the vitamins and minerals the body needs (plus fat not found in rice and beans), so I'm trying to figure out the right balance between price and nutrition.

>> No.7833842

>(plus fat not found in rice and beans)
If you're not cooking with olive oil (which is understandable from a purely economic perspective) you can get some fats from things like avocados which are pretty cheap and go really well with most bean dishes.

>> No.7833843

It is possible to live off of nothing but potatoes and butter.

>> No.7833848

Yeah, I was thinking of things like eggs, avocados, and cheese.

>> No.7833852

The thing is, most people don't really need to make calculations like this. So many people get by eating very few greens, and they do pretty okay. Your body is good at telling you when you're malnourished if you pay attention. Eggs are cheap. Add eggs to your diet and you're doing pretty fucking well. Then just get some cheap greens. Pick up a block of cheese, it's a couple bucks. It's not fucking hard. Frozen vegetables are like $1 for a bag that you can get at least two decent meals out of.

>> No.7833853

Everything else I listed is cheap. Five pound bag of potatoes for a dollar or two, bulk oats, whatever lemon/oranges/etc are on sale, some kind of dairy (doesn't have to be fresh milk.) And eggs of course. Frozen vegetables are preferable, and regularly a dollar or less per pound. Peanut oil for cooking.

>> No.7833857

Not sure about cheese prices, but eggs and avocados are pretty cheap and they're good for you. Basically just get some color in there with the beans and rice.
>>7833852 is right, you'll know when you need some nutrients. Frozen vegetables are a good way to get vitamins cheaply and with ease.

>> No.7833878

>people this stupid exist

why would you want frozen, though? Fresh carrots, potatoes and peas are dirt cheap.

>> No.7833883

He's eating beans and rice almost exclusively. I don't imagine he wants to cut or cook anything too tough.
Also the frozen varieties of some vegetables are cheaper than the 'fresh' veggies at the supermarket. Bell peppers are usually a lot cheaper frozen. It's probably a different story if you have a local farmers' market.

>> No.7833884

They keep longer. Also it's easy to point at a bag of frozen vegetables priced at $1 and say, "Look dude, that's $1. You can afford $1 to survive."

Also, I keep frozen vegetables at all times, because you never know when they might come in handy. Frozen peas can pick up a dish right quick and require no planning whatsoever.

>> No.7833887

By eating other things with those beans and rice.

>> No.7833917

Put some effort into your shitposts.

>> No.7833930

As other shave said, add veggies. Or take a vitamin supplement.

I eat a lot of beans and rice too. I never thought it to be unnutritious. You have your protein and your carbs. Maybe you could add a hot dog to it sometimes. I like poaching a couple of eggs in the rice pot. It's very good.

Have you considered ramen? For ramen I also recommend you eat
it with poached eggs. Hot dogs are a great cheap meat source. If you boil them with the ramen it will make the borth much stronger and good.

>> No.7833953

Holy shit that sounds delicious. Totally going to cook it and try

>> No.7833958

Just switch to lentils and rice, problem solved.

>> No.7833964

I eat beans every single day, its hella cheap, but the way i mix thigns up is with load of frozen and fresh vegetables; okra, cilantro, peppers, squash, etc. the only problem i have is protien, and thast where an egg or some chicken comes into play.

>> No.7833978

It's not really a shit post.
Prices vary from place to place so it's hard to recommend things. There are people in this thread suggesting avacado and those are expensive where I am. Yet lobsters cheaper then beef for me.

>> No.7833986

Also, adding snow peas to either dish is an easy to add some vitamins and flavor.

>> No.7834005
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>not believing in science
westboro whitetrash confirmed

>> No.7834040

You're both wrong and need more biology classes

>> No.7834107

It really is great and pretty hard to fuck up. Ham hocks and andouille are what make it though, try not to skimp on those.

>> No.7834109
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>> No.7834119


>> No.7834532

How do you poach an egg in the rice cooker?

>> No.7834545

multivitamin + glass of skim milk.

rice is nasty, switch to bread.

>> No.7834553

The only "cheap as dirt" part that applies to quinoa is that it tastes like dirt

>> No.7834580

Nobody uses a roux in red beans. if you need one then you added to much liquid

Ask if your cooking for 3 hours you don't need to soak the beans overnight

>> No.7834608

Green leafy things have to be some of the most expensive food in the world

>> No.7834852

You won't die, but you may experience some adverse affects from insufficient vitamins and minerals. Throw in some cheap frozen veggies, and that problem is solved.

>> No.7834854

Seriously? I can go to Walmart right now and buy a huge bundle of collards, mustard greens, turnip greens, or whatever for under $2.

>> No.7834861

mustard greens and collard greens and escarole tend to be super cheap near me

Kale or spinach tho, is very expensive

You can sometimes get stuff like romaine or red leaf lettuce pretty cheap if the store had some left over that they just want to get rid of

>> No.7835096
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From too much sugary shit. It ain't the rice and beans, dude.

>> No.7835227
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Clearly an idiot, but in case you're not shitposting

The cheapest foods tend to be the healthiest, especially legumes, nuts, seeds and vegetables. Buy in season and get more nutrients and minerals for less money. Buy whole grains and spend less for more, etc.

Stop being retarded and start eating properly.

>> No.7835265

Collards are 33¢-99¢/lb in my area. Kale and spinach are both 99¢/lb. Dandelion and escarole are $1.29/lb. Mustard greens are never fucking sold whole, only in the prewashed, precut bags and are $1.99/lb. I've never seen turnip greens fresh, but they're $1.99/lb frozen.

Radish greens are difficult to price because I only see them sold as part of those tiny, daikon-like radishes used to make chonggakkimchi, but the radishes themselves with greens attached are 49¢/lb.
And while we're on the topic of Asian greens, yuchoi is 99¢/lb, yuchoi tips/choi sum are $1.99/lb, mustard cabbage is 69¢/lb, baby bok choi is $1.29/lb as is good, mature spinach.

The most expensive greens I see commonly are pea tips/shoots. They're $3.99/lb.

Greens are dirt cheap.

>> No.7835266

Broth and stock are your best friends in this regard.

>> No.7835269

desu Water Sanitation prob isn't a thing in Mexico, but it's not like I would know, I never left NY in my life

>> No.7835271

>You can't live on the most nutritious staple foods adopted by nearly every culture in the world

>> No.7835538


Humans can survive on only potato and milk

use this information to your money saving advantage

>> No.7835540

And oats. You've got to have oats, too.

>> No.7835615

>If you need to thicken it

>> No.7835651


>> No.7836229

I like your style, but I would suggest mixing up the meals a bit. Having the same food for every meal every day for a week is depressing. Vary the type of grain and veg and perhaps alternative between turkey and chicken so that every meal is slightly different. Takes a bit more work, but I think it must be worth it.

>> No.7836380

Buy dried beans in bulk
Buy rice in bulk
Buy oats in bulk
Buy frozen veg like green beans, broccoli, etc
Buy second choice (oxtail, heart, liver, etc) or sale meat (if meat is on sale buy more than you usually would and individually portion and freeze it)
Also get some eggs
Buy cheap fresh produce like cabbage, potato, onion, apple, etc
For canned food do tomatoes, and other long lasting ingredients instead of soups
Go scout out your local asian/mexican/indian market for some cheap bulk spices/rice/beans/etc

Drink water, or tea instead of milk or juice

Cut down on meat, and have one or two days a week where you don't eat any meat at all and sub in some other protein instead
Be creative with your weekly menu - reuse leftovers, use leftover ingredients from one meal to use in the next, etc
Turn leftover mashed potatoes into potato pancakes for example, or leftover chickpeas into curry or falafel

Keep an eye out for coupons and store sales, but make sure not to buy something only because it's on sale.
Stay away from processed foods as much as possible try to make your own food - it will almost always be cheaper.

>> No.7836385



>> No.7836389

Forgot to add, occasionally buy a whole chicken and use it for multiple meals. Buying it whole is cheaper than buying thighs, wings, breasts, etc separately.
Use the bones too, don't just throw them out. Use it to make stock, and use that stock to make homemade soup, spaghetti sauce, enchiladas, whatever you want.

>> No.7836614

What "some other protein" would be enough to replace meat in a meal while also being cheap enough to eat regularly?

>> No.7836692

Different things spread throughout the day:
Chickpeas, eggs, beans, oats, broccoli/other veg
As long as you are regularly getting enough B12 and protein throughout the week, one or two days without meat will help save money without negatively impacting diet.

>> No.7838475

Slow cooker recommendations please?

>> No.7838568
File: 26 KB, 220x266, 220px-Ribwort_600[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread about cheap eating
>73 posts
>not one single mention of hunting, fishing or foraging

See this little fucker right here? its a plantain. This plant or a plant very similar to this grows wild near you.

"This resilient little weed grows like crazy. It is known to be beneficial for respiratory conditions such a bronchitis and coughs. It is high in vitamins C, E and K as well as being high in plant protein and iron"

Learn to identify some common wild edibles around you and there is no reason you need to buy any food other than rice and beans.

>> No.7838606

cook the sausage before serving and mix it in. Just use some Tony's for the seasoning.

>> No.7838619

Discount chicken thighs, black pepper and apple cider vinegar make a pretty cheap and delicious bbq. Hell what I usually do is I buy the meat that has browned a little bit or has been marked down because it is about to go "bad" (by supermarket standards) and just chuck it in my slow cooker with broth and veggies. Yields large portions too so it lasts a while.

>> No.7838628

I mean the cooker itself.

>> No.7838639
File: 42 KB, 376x490, madmen77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a slow cooker and read this:


you'll eat well

>> No.7838667

And then there's this retard who thinks everybody has 16 hours a day to forage for about 1% of the food he could just buy if he had a fucking job.

>> No.7838723

In that case just grab any cheap one you can find, they all do the same thing. You typically want a 4-quart and up cooker. Anything smaller is just a glorified pot.

>> No.7838726

Not that dude.
But I've been working 5ish hours a week and I've found plenty of time to forage. I keep an eye out while I'm out amd about and go for em when I have time. Or I take a short weekend hiking trip to collect mushrooms. Plus things like dandelions and lambs quarters are fucking everywhere.

>> No.7838773

eat only potatos.

you will lose weight and still be pretty healthy.

>> No.7838776

well real men work more than 5 hours.

>> No.7839046

K forget about everything that has been said here in this thread.

Rice and beans is a very good start. Beans are very healthy and supermarket usually have like 6 different kinds and that's good for nutrition. Try lentils too.

Try adding small pieces of cucumber and or tomato to the rice, cheap and very very healthy.

With cheap peanut butter and some milk, salt and pepper you can make decent peanut sauce, Should take you a long way taste wise.

You can also add some corn if you like.

Buy some prawn crackers and you've got yourself a good tasting oriental meal.

I ate this for around 8 months every day never got sick of it

>> No.7839137
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Frozen Spinach is cheap. Last time i checked, it was 50-90% cheper than meat by weight.
Onion are literally cheap.
Brokkoli is somewhat cheap.
Peas are super cheap.
Cabbage is super cheap.
Lime and lemon is cheap as fuck.
Oranges are cheap since they started boating them around the world.

The only expensive stuff is pre cut salads, isberg and leafy water.

>> No.7839205

>the current year
>outing yourself as a deutschbag
How embarrassing.

>> No.7839257

Variety. Buy whatever the cheapest foods that are in season are. Things like sweet potato are dirt fucking cheap and nutritious, beans and lentils of course too. Greens when you can get them cheap, they're pretty much all good. Fermented food is good too and easy to make, shit like sauerkraut or if you're willing to do a faction more work kimchi, or just giardiniera or whatever.

Also meat, gotta have meat. Shit like pork butts or brisket are <$1/lb all the damn time, slice it up or toss in a crockpot or whatever the fuck you want it's meat its good doesn't require any particular type of cooking.

Make stews and soups and shit with whatever is cheap too.

Like it's fucking easy as hell.

>> No.7839259

1: Yes you can.
2: There are tons of dirt cheap, nutritious foods.

>> No.7839281

>second choice (oxtail, heart, liver, etc
These meats are all fucking delicious btw.

I could eat a fuck ton of fried liver. Chicken hearts are like meat popcorn. Oxtails and beef hearts make awesome soups and stews.

Guess I'm glad they're considered second choice, they're all good AF.

>> No.7839294

Oh and chicken gizzards, they're tough and chewy but in a good way. Fried gizzards with hot sauce are fucking great.

>> No.7839928

But aren't those weird meats harder to prepare? Especially if I only have access to a slow cooker

>> No.7839964

Liver is a nice treat, but I wouldn't make it a staple of my diet. Holy shit is organ meat bad for you.

>> No.7840209
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I drink lots of vodka. That cleans out my system, and even cleans my teeth (I haven’t brushed in years, and haven’t had a cavity since).

I also eat a liverwurst sandwich pretty much every day – to counterbalance the effects the vodka has on my liver. I make my sandwiches on seeded rye (because it’s the healthiest bread), with mayo (because eggs are the best protein; I use kewpie, because the msg makes it taste better), coarse mustard (good for the white blood cells), zucchini pickles (because they taste good), and a bunch of baby spinach (just for filler; it could honestly be left out).

I also eat a lot of canned fish (mostly sardines, but also the occasional fancy smoked oysters) on saltines. They give you all your essential amino acids, and provide a nice opportunity to try out various hot sauces, which are generally very low in calories, while high in flavor and immensely prodigious to healthiness.

Aside from that, I drink large amounts of water (anywhere between ice-cold to slightly chilled) every day, always through a straw, and sometimes with a lemon wedge.

To each their own, I say, but I’m just shy of 30 and am doing better than most of you.

>> No.7840232

How do you store it? Freeze it?

>> No.7840258

Your liver probably says otherwise and your breath probably smells awful but thanks for the self-righteous rant

>> No.7840713

mash a cup of the beans, mix with some of the liquid until a smooth paste, then mix that in with the rest of the beans for the last 1/2 hr or so of cooking.

>> No.7840727

Add an inch of water, crack eggs, turn it on.
Will probably require some experimentation depending on your particular rice cooker.
One of the more advanced multifunction models like a higher-end Aroma or a Zoji will have a simmer button that will take care of it.

>> No.7840744

7x 400 cals = 2800 cals
7x 1.27 = 9 bucks

>> No.7840779

thats not how that works. thats not how any of that works. You probably have terrible gingivitis in between your teeth and trench mouth.
Enjoy your bullshit fallacy world bro.

>> No.7840803
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>> No.7840807
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>> No.7840810
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>> No.7840811

honestly, i don't even know how people haven't seen this yet

>> No.7840813
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>> No.7840814
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>> No.7840819
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>> No.7840821
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>> No.7840824
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>> No.7840829
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>> No.7840853

This is one is the dumbest so far, the other ones are pretty good advice for the most part

>> No.7841080

>live in Tokyo
>Eggs are 2-3$ for 10
>5$ for 200g of chicke, which is the cheapest
>10kg of fucking rice is 30$

I literally just eat rice chicken and onions 3 times a day, ass mushrooms bean sprouts and leafy green on rotation

Fuck Tokyo man, jesus

>> No.7841370

Is organ meat bad for you? How so?

>> No.7841391

Seriously, half of the bullshit meal replacement drinks on https://www.blendrunner.com/ are cheaper than that, even including shipping.

>> No.7841393

Liver is over 9000 grams of cholesterol and will also give you vitamin A poisoning if you consume more than a small to moderate piece. Other organs are fine though
inb4 dietary cholesterol is irrelevant

>> No.7841426
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How I lasted through college


>Whole Chicken Carcass, a pack of 2 should run you like 11 bucks considering how mass produced chicken is these days
Fabricate those fuckers down. You will have 2 breasts, 2 legs, 2 thighs, the oyster meat, the wings, and then you also have wing tips and the Carcass for making stock from each chicken.

>Bag of onions
If you don't know what to do with an onion I have no hope for you

>Basic produce, whatever you like really

Do consider making your own noodles instead of having rice, just throwing that our there


This grocery list kept me through the brokest of times, considering its only like 20-30 bucks a week. Once you get in the swing of it, you will start having left over ingredients from the previous week, and you can afford to go get bulk of other ingredients to last you longer, which means more savings. The more work you are willing to put into producing the food, the cheaper it gets. That and a tad bit of creativity and you can be eating decently.

>If you're too much of a lazy, consider a multivitamin to account for a basic rice and bean diet

>> No.7841440

>sad faggots that dont know how to cook
>that depressing infographic of some fag who literally needs to make instructions of his sad rice beans and chicken
>literally the worst most depressing meal possible
>and hes made a month's worth of it
i almost feel sorry for fags like you, but really youre just lazy faggots you dont take the time or effort to actually learn and better yourselves so you deserve your fate

>> No.7841463

Typo. But we are on fourchan. So I could see how you might believe otherwise.

>> No.7841507

fuk off weeb

>> No.7841652


Also maybe some nice salmon a few times a week

>> No.7841745

If i'm not quite edgy enough for the cheapest torture-meats, is it best to just not buy any meat since any better meat costs several times more?

>> No.7841758 [DELETED] 
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Yes. Or, just a lot less meat. I go through about 2-3 pounds of meat per month, still more than some but a lot less than most people. Quality above all else.

/ck/ has a great deal of trouble differentiating conceptually between raw veganism and a balanced diet, because, to the average ne/ck/beard, even the lettuce in a hamburger is considered a bold dive into "healthy eating"

>> No.7841765

Add veg oil for fats?

All your nutrients brah

>> No.7841770


>no butter or oil to cook anything

you dun goofed


>the eggs are brown that means they are healthier

>> No.7841779 [DELETED] 

I store the fat drippings from meat to cook with. I only use butter occasionally, oil very rarely (other than extra virgin olive oil for flavor, after cooking). I've had the same tiny bottle of grapeseed oil for like 3 months now.
>being triggered by brown eggs
lol, wait til you see the light blue eggs they sell at my neighborhood farmers market, you'll shit yourself with rage

>> No.7841783


Oh, god. You're that fag who was insisting a couple weeks ago that eating meat every day is objectively unhealthy, aren't you?

>> No.7841787


>fat is bad
>the color of the eggshell matters

>> No.7841789 [DELETED] 

I've never said anything like that, are you the moron who thinks if you don't pick the lettuce out of your BLT while making loud gagging noises, it makes you a raw paleo vegan?

>> No.7841798 [DELETED] 

>animal fat isn't fat
Kind of like how a person who eats grass fed cows is a PETA, sure
>the color of the eggshell matters
Sure as hell seems to matter to you. Shouldn't you be having a panic attack over your local fast food joint putting avocado in their advertisements?

>> No.7841812


Yep, you are that same anon.

I casually made a comment about how there's nothing wrong with eating meat every day as long as you have a balanced diet, but also how people who insist that every meal needs a giant piece of meat as the centerpiece are just as annoying as militant vegans, and you spazzed out and started screaming, "GO SHOVE MORE FAST FOOD DOWN YOUR THROAT YOU FAST FOOD POSTER PICKY EATER WHO DOESN'T EAT VEGETABLES OR REAL FOOD I'M SO MUCH BETTER THAN EVERYONE BUT AM ENTIRELY DEVOID OF READING COMPREHENSION!!!"

Yeah, it's hard to forget that kind of autism.

>> No.7841820 [DELETED] 


You're pretty mad

You were arguing with several different people in that thread, I jumped in towards the end and you got really booty blasted I guess because you couldn't handle the idea that your awful, unhealthy diet was not the only viable alternative to raw paleo veganism.

>> No.7841867


>a bunch of people were arguing against you, not just me!
>oh, but you did somehow recognize that i'm that same person

Yeah, probably because that same food picture was posted at the very beginning of that other thread.

>> No.7841903 [DELETED] 

>being so mad you saged impotently
>still reliving a thread that happened months ago
>probably mutters to himself in the shower every morning thinking of things he'd say to me if he could have that thread again

You're still angry

Found the archive if you're this nostalgic;

As you can see you had already been arguing furiously with some people for hours before I even got to the thread

Maybe if you ate more vegetables and less third-rate shitmeat from MacDonalds, you'd be able to remember the details better

>> No.7841982

does this actually work for freezing well? I'd assume freezing that glass would make it very brittle.

>> No.7841986

>living in tokyo
you fucked up, move somewhere decent. tokyo is a place you visit.

>> No.7841989

>$4.23 for 4 lbs of ground turkey
>$2.45 for 1 lb of sliced turkey

Where the fuck does this guy live? Holy shit.

>> No.7842133

Top tier poverty salad for hot weather only (if you eat this and it's <30ºC outside everyone will laugh at you):
>canned tuna
>canned black eyed peas
>olive oil
>an empty stomach

>1. boil the black eyed peas with a pinch of salt for a few minutes
>2. mix them with the tuna and the chopped onions
>3. """"season"""" with olive oil and vinegar
>4. go look for a job so you can stop eating this shit

If you're feeling freaky or celebrating a special occasion you can add one boiled egg

>> No.7842244
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i just have to address this

this guy is a clueless idiot who has no idea what he's talking about, literally nothing he said is correct

organ meats are extremely good for you

>> No.7842320

who gives a shit. that low-tier meat is filled with antibiotics, hormones and fish meal. If you have at least a slight affinity for a healthy body and a tiny little bit of respect for animals, you wont eat / buy that shit.

>> No.7842362
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>loaf of bread for a dollar
>cottage cheese for a dollar
>peanut butter for a dollar
>12 eggs for a dollar

I want to live in this magical land.

>> No.7842366
File: 72 KB, 230x238, smiling chef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw americans pay actual real life money for that sponge cake they call bread
Literally can not make this shit up

>> No.7842372


>> No.7843458

Actually it's pretty cheap since it is dense, a little goes a long way in meals especially if you are adding it in as a filler or nutrient source.

>> No.7843473

add some basic veg like carrots ginger and what ever to make some kimchi and have a fuck-ton of good vitamins and flavor for your meals.

>> No.7843485
File: 1.67 MB, 2544x1696, IMG_1643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people live in cities dude
theres no fucking "wild edibles" unless you live in the woods

governments and people strive to destroy this type of stuff anyways because the fruit trees drop fruit all over the place and attract animals or whatever

its not real life what youre saying hunter gatherer is over unless you build it yourself on your 20 acres in hawaii

>> No.7843518

Yup and it's all about the flavor veg added into the mix too. makes it all tasty and adds texture.{cabbage ,carrots/celery/onions, summer squash/zucchini , dark greens , root veg - yams/beets/celery-root{yeah I know tubers hurr-durr starches} bam! mix that shit up, use a touch of research and have fun!

>> No.7843632

lmao you'd actually eat fucking fast food for significantly cheaper

>> No.7843679

>The cheapest foods tend to be the healthiest, especially legumes, nuts, seeds and vegetables.
Literally none of these are cheap in the UK. Well, maybe basic veg like carrots.

>> No.7844147

No, they're pretty easy. If you get some lamb neck just cook it in a roasting pan for a while, heart you can slice up and fry like any meat.
Just look up some recipes, they are pretty simple.
If anything it'll be easy with a slow cooker.

>> No.7844318

you can find eggs for a dollar at your trader joe's anon

>> No.7844478
File: 122 KB, 900x1363, FOOL_Exalibur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He missed nationality by at the least 3 countries

>> No.7844519

Fat is rich in calories and a lot of calories make you fat which is bad,

>> No.7844530

non-torture meat is the most expensive

>> No.7844531

Add some potatoes.

>> No.7844852

I used to kp in a Mexican restaurant when I was a student, mostly to get free food. Had beans and rice breakfast lunch and dinner for about 2 years. I'd steal chicken and ceviche from the cold store as well though.

>> No.7845042


>> No.7845055

How do I unfuck my water for cooking legumes? I cooked chickpeas once and they were dry and mealy. Now I read that it's due to water hardness and that you need to use baking soda. I found a patent for perfect chickpeas that calls for 0.375% baking soda, 2% salt and 0.15% sodium carbonate. Does the amount of baking soda and sodium carbonate vary with the hardness of the water?

>> No.7845258

Dude, you just have to add salt. You'll have to figure out now much. Because it varies water to water source.

>> No.7845275

Is your water hard or soft?

>> No.7845294

holy shit , are simmer buttons real?

>> No.7845299
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Has anyone seen the Its Always Sunny episode where charlie made the energy balls by making dough infused with crushed up vitamin supplements? Would that work?

>> No.7845317

Enjoy death.
Obviously you couldn't think your way through life.

>> No.7845331

In theory you could mix caffeine powder with just about anything

In practice you'd use too much and kill yourself

>> No.7845332
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>> No.7845350

It's around 3 mmol/l, that's the problem I think, it's very hard. I found a bunch of sources that say hard water equals hard legumes, regardless of how long you soak and cook. That's been my experience, hard grainy chickpeas that are way worse than canned.

The sources I found say soda though. Why salt? Supposedly salt helps too, but in a different way. Apparently soda reacts with some of the carbonates so they drop to the bottom of the pot and the water becomes soft. Also the slightly alkaline water helps soften the tough outer layers is what people claim.

>> No.7845427

>The sources I found say soda though. Why salt? Supposedly salt helps too, but in a different way. Apparently soda reacts with some of the carbonates so they drop to the bottom of the pot and the water becomes soft. Also the slightly alkaline water helps soften the tough outer layers is what people claim.
Never mind I is was wrong. I'm not sure where I got that idea.

>> No.7845458

>makes your breath smell like dog food

>> No.7845999

How are things in Nova Scotia? Would love to have your problems. I live inland. Lobster is about a once-a-year treat and most places around here overcook the shit out of it.

>> No.7846109

My lunch today cost under 79¢. It was stewed chickpeas with rice and a salad.
Chickpea stew was about 57¢ to cobble together. The rice was about 11¢. The salad and dressing were about another 11¢.
Healthful. Tasty. Cheap.

Chickpeas, 225g (1lb costs 99¢ and 225g cooks up four servings)
Butter, 1tbsp (1lb costs $2.49 and there are 32 tablespoons to the pound)
Garlic, 2 cloves (a sleeve of five heads costs 99¢ and each head averages about 20 cloves)
Ginger, a small piece (about 5¢ worth, though I'm guessing here; costs 99¢/lb)
Onion, quarter of an average-sized one (3lbs for 99¢, an average sized onion weighs about a half pound).
Stock cube, 1 (pack of 20 costs $1.49)
Green onion, 1 sprig (a bunch of 20 costs 99¢)
Mitmita/red berbere, 1tbsp (costs $6.99/lb and 1tbsp weighs 7g)

Cook chickpeas then set aside overnight in the fridge; yields around 21oz (about 1 quart of volume) of cooked chickpeas.
Add butter, garlic, ginger and onion to a pan and salt a bit.
When brown, add mitmita and 1 cup of cooked chickpeas.
Add water to cover.
Bring to the boil then allow to cook until reduced to desired thickness.
Season with stock cube.
Serve, topped with chopped green onion.

I'm not vegetarian, mind you, but eat mostly vegetarian meals because reasons. Practical upshots of that is that I've great health, all things considering, and it's really, really cheap.

>> No.7846695

I see chickpeas a lot in this thread. Are they in general better than beans for cheaply getting nutrients?

>> No.7846732

this is literally a homeless alkie diet.

>> No.7846827

wheres the salad portion?

>> No.7846872

They have more calories per weight, but as for nutrition they have some benefits over black beans, but black beans win in some areas as well so it balances out.
It is also for variety.
Eating black beans can get pretty boring quickly, but if you switch it up between lentils, chickpeas, and blackbeans (and some others if you so choose) it helps your diet not be so monotonous, while also being cheap.

>> No.7846883

do you need help putting your pants on in the morning?

>> No.7846925

You could look into making seitan, its cheaper than chicken and got roughly the same macros.

>> No.7846945

rude and unnecessary

>> No.7846987

Hey, I'm the guy who posted that break down. I was trying to sleep, but can't, so now I'm exercising my legs and posting to 4chan. Lucky you.

So lemme break down the salad bit, too.

Romaine is 99¢/lb. You can also use other, cheaper veg, if you find it. For example, I found broccoli crowns recently for 69¢/lb, so I had that for my salad with the chickpea stew. I found endive last week, four heads for $1. Ridiculous find, but I doubt you'll catch an offer like that regularly.

Sticking with romaine, though, 40g is a surprisingly large portion of salad, and that's about 8.5¢. Dressing is simple: 5g olive oil, 3g vinegar, 2g prepared mustard. Wash the lettuce, dry it, put it into a container, add the dressing ingredients and a bit of salt, lid it, shake to combine and there you go: salad.

3 litres of olive oil (not virgin/extra virgin) is sold for $12.99. Trust me: it is. Just look/ask around. That's around 2¢ worth. Vinegar and mustard are used in such small quantities that the cost is negligible. You can cheap out and use half olive and half soy, if you want. That'll lower the cost a bit. Or use all soy oil. I don't, but you can, if you want.

All together, it's about 11¢.

As for the rice, 20lbs is $8.99. You can also get 50lb sacks for $18.99 or the cheap-ass brand of rice Chinese take-out joints use, Lucky, for $24.99 per 100lb sack. This is all from Asian supermarkets, mind you.
I'm gonna assume you're not buying more than 20lbs in one go. That's about 45¢ per lb. 1lb cooks up into 4-6 servings of rice, depending on how much rice you eat with your meal, so 11¢ or so at most or as little as 7.5¢ per serving.

There you have it, friend-o.

>> No.7846992

Well I was considering using pinto beans mainly, considering they are (maybe?) cheapest and can be bought in gigantic size bags.

>> No.7846998

Go for it, anon.
As long as it's in your budget, and you can buy them in bulk than any bean will do pretty much (so long as it isn't significantly more expensive).