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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7839651 No.7839651 [Reply] [Original]

ITT : Shit you don't understand

>There is people who dislike Tomatoes, What in the fuck !

>> No.7839758

Fuck them
Fuck tomato seeds

>> No.7839811

Tomatoes are incredibly acidic.
They give a lot of people terrible heartburn.

>> No.7839827

People that treat bacon like some sort of ambrosia.

Like, it tastes very good and all, but really? Fuckers worship the damn thing like it`s gods's personal gift to mankind. IT'S NOT THAT GOOD FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!

>> No.7839842

They waste space in a sandwich/burger by making it wetter than necessary, cooling down the surrounding ingredients, and overall adding nothing in terms of a flavour boost. Useless, unless in salads, sauces, pasta, that sort of thing.

>> No.7839844

I'm with you. I've never been that into bacon, even as a kid, and all of a sudden one day everyone decided that bacon had to be in everything. Vexing.

>> No.7839846
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>eating bacon, ever

>> No.7839847


I've never liked tomatoes. Idk, just a personal thing.


This 100%. The whole "bacon is amazing" fad got old real quick and is just sickening now. Like with bacon toothpaste and bacon cupcakes. It's a meat damnit.

>> No.7839854

Why are you storing your tomatoes in a refrigerator? It kills the flavor, asshole.

>> No.7839864

They taste too acid-y.
That's just raw tomato though.
Also, sun-dried tomato is usually leather, but other than that tastes gr8.

>> No.7839865

>trick one of them into eating pancetta
>they go broke because they (think they) discovered a god among gods

>> No.7839870
File: 815 KB, 1000x1000, Giant-Tails_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe that lobster is the biggest meme food of all.

>Rubbery sea cockroaches
>Disgusting bottom-feeding filter feeders
>fucking around with shells
>LITERALLY tastes like nothing at all
>cook it in butter, it tastes like butter.
>People used to give lobsters as a day's wage to their slaves, until the slaves fucking revolted because they were sick of eating lobsters.
>Make retarded amounts of money now, by pretending that rubbery tasteless chunks of sea bug meat are some kind of delicacy.

>> No.7839874

How is it a meme? All you've said is why you don't like it.

>> No.7839887

Lobsters taste good you fucktard. The ones given to slaves were the kind people dont eat, that look hairy and taste like rubber. And they are NOT RUBBERY.

I have a feeling someone sold you a shitty lobster passing ti as a gourmet on for a "killer price" and you think all of them taste liek the one you had.

>> No.7839890

The meme is when people spread the idea that lobster isnt shit

>> No.7839895

If people already had thought it was shit, they wouldn't hear one person say the opposite and latch onto it. Not a meme, you're just butthurt.

>> No.7839902

Not as butthurt as the guy that took the time to disagree with an opinion made by a stranger on the internet.

Why does it make you so mad that somebody insulted your bae food? Are you afraid you have shit taste?

>> No.7839905

It's been a long time since I've seen someone switch this quickly into auto-troll mode, that really takes me back. Thanks for sharing your opinion, sorry nobody's buying your story.

>> No.7839911

>Thread made so people can talk about shit foods and their opinions on them
>post opinion on what he reggards as a shit food
>get called out as a mad fag
>"Why you arguing man it the internet u mad bro" le trolle face

Nice shitpost.

>> No.7839934
File: 85 KB, 639x336, Post Purchase Rationalization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Somebody says tomatoes are shit
okay that's totally reasonable...
>Somebody says that bacon is shit
I can see where you're coming from
>Somebody says that lobster is shit

>> No.7839944

You've even jumped into capslock, I might start to feel bad that you came to this thread just to get shut down so hard.

>> No.7839959

No one said tomatoes were shit. There were just statements of personal aversion. The other poster admitted that bacon tasted very good, but had a problem with the way they over act in their expression of love for it.

>> No.7841917

Idk about you but i fucking cant STAND it when people put fatass chunks of tomato in chili.

>> No.7842644

I like them i just don't eat them whole like old people

>> No.7842939

Clearly never tried McDonalds Atlantic McLobster, made with 100% real lobster meat.