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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 471 KB, 3000x2000, 12831_boston_baked_beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7839234 No.7839234 [Reply] [Original]

What are some cheap meals that can get me full /ck/?

>> No.7839243

Semen. You can get paid for doing it!

>> No.7839420
File: 236 KB, 463x659, KD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find that a box of Kraft Dinner keeps me full all day. I eat half at one time and the other half later in the day.

>> No.7839492

Good god man, never Boston baked beans. There are so many better bean dishes out there: Frijoles rancheros, navy beans, greens, and a smoked ham hock, Tuscan bean soup... Etc. A college staple was zatarans red beans and rice and smoked sausage and hot sauce. Ramen (with veg & egg, that's a meme around here) though I'd invest in the pantry items (soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, bouillon ("better than bouillon" is best), sesame oil & use wheat noodles, you can find more ramen stuff with little effort. Italian: go buy some frozen ravioli & tortellini & some sauce (Victoria is the bomb if you can find it your neck of the woods), gnocchi, fettuccine, spaghetti. Buy some anchovies, capers, garlic, spinach, shrooms,, green onions, sliced carrots, peas, etc., keep the veg. frozen. Sour cream, half and half, hard parmigiana. It'll cost you some up front, but you'll have endless cheap meals. Amortization friendo. Source: my pantry.

>> No.7839521

Fuck off, Trudeau.

>> No.7839532


Like all convenience foods, Kraft dinner isn't cheap. Learn to cook actual food if you're on a budget.

>> No.7839540

Drink a shitload of water a half hour before you eat a meal.

>> No.7839543


>> No.7839549


>there are so many bean dishes out there better than boston baked beans
>zatarans red beans and rice

>> No.7839555

Cook up 2 cups of rice
Add 2 cans of black beans
Add half a chopped onion

Super cheap

This is where your budget limitations come in

Salt, season and add any good meat like pulled pork or chicken or whatever. You can even add avacado.

>> No.7839572


Get a load of this culinary genius. Can you really, REALLY add avocado to rice and beans, though?

>> No.7839595
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If you want to argue that -as an instant food- that some beans out of a can are better than rice and beans out of a box better, have at it. I won't engage it. Boston baked beans are shit whether they come out of a can or are home made, the same can't be said for red beans and rice. If you want instant out of the can beans, you can't beat this:

>> No.7839618

>Boston baked beans are shit whether they come out of a can or are home made

So, really you just don't like baked beans.

>> No.7839621


Nobody said anything about canned beans, or was comparing homemade boston baked beans to homemade red beans and rice. OP posted a picture of homemade baked beans and then someone else said that Zatarans red beans and rice out of a box is better, which is true on exactly zero planets..

I tried those Ranch style beans after people started spamming them on /ck/ and they're nothing special.

>> No.7839628


There ya go kiddo

>> No.7839660

Is this the autism containment board?

>> No.7839668

It's where people go when they feel like they're not getting enough bites on their home board.

>> No.7839674

Yes, see also >>>/b/, >>>/pol/, >>>/mlp/,
Forgot eggs. There are over a hundred ways to make eggs.

>> No.7839680

Topic is cheap food numb nuts. OP posted East Coast dog food. Pay attention.

>> No.7839687


/pol/ is the autism accelerator, not containment

>> No.7839689


Beans out of a can/box aren't cheap...

>> No.7839692

a dozen eggs is 50 cents, they are probably the cheapest source of animal protein

>> No.7839694

>hating /pol/
The easiest way to spot a triggered lefty is that they will announce their disdain for pol whenever the opportunity arises. Get a fucking life please.

>> No.7839699

>I went to New England once and they touched my butthole

>> No.7839712

Stop thread jacking, go back to your quarantine zone. Alternatively you could provide something topical of value, or just co tiniest with your mental diarrhea and get ignored; you may get some bites, but if that's your goal, well... Enjoy the shade under your bridge. I'll be taking my goats the other way.

>> No.7839718

I'm not even into politics you fucking retard I just hate seeing the same fucking posts over and over again. That's why I said for you to get a fucking life idiot.

>> No.7839722

Then... Maybe ask a novel question, post a recipe, otherwise contriboot? Or you could just continue to sit in the corner and complain.

>> No.7839726

Not as cheap as making them yourself. Too right.

>> No.7839727

>haha if you point of my bullshit you're just shitposting haha :)))
This board is dogshit because of people like you. Fuck you asshole.

>> No.7839743

A recipe I use to make food for at least 3 days:

1 can of kindney beans
1 can of small black beans
1 can of maize
1 can of black Olives (without stone)
2 cans of sliced tomatoes
1 spanish onion
75 g of sliced Katen ham
1 tablespoon of sunflower oil

time: 30 - 45 min
cost: ~ 4-5 €
servings: 4-6

simply heat up the oil in a big enough pot
put in cubed onion and roast until they get glazed
add beans
add maize
add tomatoes
add ham
cook to reduce water percentage a little

also do not forget to rinse the beans, maize and olives before putting them into the pot

>> No.7839744

more expensive than human food actually

>> No.7839779

+1 anon! Ty!
Try some cumin, corriander & cayene if you've got it on hand & garlic & Mexican oregano (diff. from Greek, if you can find it in your neck of the woods, common in mine), chicken broth for the simmer. Look up cowboy caviar, it's a similar dish but served cold, and eaten with tortilla chips.

>> No.7839798

Says the guy who can't stop pumping his waifu pillow and has a degaussing contingency plan... The topic is cheap food. Care to contributor?

>> No.7839807

Looks like friendo got a time out. Sorry m8, somehow 'chins bolloxed up my shitpost. Not intended for you

>> No.7839876
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>inb4 happy merchant

The trick to healthy, simple eating is a well stocked larder, and curiousness; it doesn't take much money. Most of the world eats better than we do, with much less.

>> No.7839896
File: 107 KB, 610x458, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To reiterate...

>> No.7839903

Recipe: http://www.seriouseats.com/2013/05/sardines-in-spicy-tomato-sauce-from-the-adobo-road-cookbook.html

>> No.7839961

Then go back to your hole, or Reddit fuckwit.
There was no time out. I'm just a retard. Post intended for above.

>> No.7839979

Are you serious? 99 cents for a box, plus a quarter-cup of milk and half a stick of butter. You're looking at maybe $2 for a whole batch, and if you can split that into two meals, you're paying about $1 a meal.

Sure, you can cook cheaper than that, if you're willing to shop almost exclusively for rice, beans, bulk packages of chicken thighs, and certain cheap vegetables. But Kraft mac and cheese is certainly cheap.

>> No.7839998


>> No.7840001


>you can eat cheaper if you're willing buy real food and eat a balanced diet instead of stretching a tasteless box of fat and carbs into two meals

What did you think the alternative was, fast food? You probably shouldn't be giving cooking/nutrition advice.

>> No.7840752


If you're just looking to get full try wheatlets/cream of wheat. Or any oatmeal really.

>> No.7840757

>boil rice
>chop 2,5 tomatoes in chunks
>mix up 2 eggs

>scramble the eggs and set aside
>throw tomato in the pan with some oil
>low medium heat
>add sugar and salt
>add lid, on low heat simmer for 3 mins
>stir after the 3 and repeat this 2 times
>tomatoes have become pulp
>taste, if too sour add a little more sugar
>add egg and mix
>simmer for 1 min and throw over your rice

More expensive edition has spring onion added with the tomato.

>> No.7840758

That looks annoying as SHIT to eat.

Like, are you supposed to spend 10 minutes picking at the bones? Are you supposed to just grimace and crunch on them?

>> No.7840788

Please just call us Mapleniggers instead.

>> No.7840798

As much as I love xihongshichaojidan, it's not one of the cheapest meals. Tomatoes are definitely the most expensive part of it and you can get cheaper meals with more variety with a mixture of cheap root vegetables.

It's very easy to flake the meat off sardines.

>> No.7840815


Waddup china ?

Another version of that is a soup, where all you have to do is add 2 glass of water to the finished product, a bit of chicken stock.

Take about 5 table spoons of flour and a pinch of salt, add water little by little, using a spoon, mixing it in with your fingers, the objective is to form randomly shaped dough balls, add them in, slow boil for 10 min.

>> No.7840834

Fuck, I love lumpy soup. I can never translate the name properly so it sounds appetising though.

Also, I really like cold noodles with the same egg tomato sauce, maybe with some added black rice vinegar (or any vinegar). Italian thin noodles like angel hair work really well for this. Add a sesame oil cucumber salad as a side and you've got some great Summer food.

>> No.7841139


Noodles work best i think, chives for crunch.

If you want to skip the salad, there's a take of xihongshichaojidan with fried celery as well.
Nice fresh/crunchy flavors.

>> No.7842156
File: 27 KB, 300x300, sweaty fellow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw amerilards are confused by sardines
Is this what multiculturalism feels like?

>> No.7842167

Most of our sardines come in little cans, and they don't have any bones. It's pretty nice.

>> No.7842176

So you only eat canned sardines? What's wrong with fresh sardines?

>> No.7842179

A 2/3 cup of oatmeal with some fruit thrown in fills me up pretty well

>> No.7842186


Every American's grandma or great aunt eats sardines. They're rare to find fresh because they are mostly fished in a different part of the world, but calling people confused by fish is like saying Europeans are confused by kangaroo meat.

>> No.7842189

Sardines aren't very popular around here. I've never seen fresh. They look annoying to eat, so I'm not too bothered.

>> No.7842249

I don't know if they're easy to find everywhere or how much they cost in other parts of the world, but over here chicken gizzards are pretty much free and they taste great stewed with a spicy tomato sauce.

>> No.7842817
File: 16 KB, 257x196, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You into scrapping food?
This world is a disaster

>> No.7842829
File: 307 KB, 1600x900, pasta-bake-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pasta bake

Any pasta + any meat + any vegetables + cheese and bake in the oven

>> No.7843242

eggs are cheap af
$3.29 for 7.5 dozen at my costco I shit you not

drink iced tea with liquid splenda (sucralose)

>> No.7843246

>pre cooked
>annoying to eat

>> No.7843251

>fresh sardines
they're called bait dumbfuck

>> No.7843274

the bones are so small they're harmless

>> No.7843283
File: 175 KB, 1366x768, 1467482412770.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


alternatively you can download the USDA database, do some ezpz formulas with focus on what got the most (nutrient you wish to focus on)/calorie and lookup/remind prices afterwards.

>> No.7843388
File: 21 KB, 250x250, lentils and rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The easiest part is affording those basic staples, the hardest part for some poor-fags is running around making a nice meal thinking they need a whole pound of lentils or w/e for a basic meal. And yeah Despite it being a alphabet soup agency the usad has awright suggestions.

>> No.7843438


>> No.7843442

there's snails on that database bro

the shit people eat in alaska too, seals etc

>> No.7843447

everything else is so expensive, can you blame them? i saw some shit about like $15 for a gal of milk.

>> No.7843492

it's not pictured but there's incaparina in there, it's a supplement for kids with a ridiculous amount of zinc, decent amount of protein/carbs too (1/3 proportion, IIRC). I don't know if you can get it in the US, whether it's commercialized or not.

That picture is my lazy attempt at a vegan database, there's a lot of stuff deleted/hidden, a lot of stuff I don't eat still there too.

I don't know the prices of staples in the US/where you live, but If you just want to get by and mostly healthy you should eat beans/lentils as a base for breakfast, oats as a morning dish, and peanuts/peanut butter as a snack/lunch.

I don't mention soy because I know they're controversial, but you could experiment them, if they're cheap. There's edamame and fermented soybeans that should be a bet safe from any danger.
Just make sure to clear your mind from the prejudice over them before, otherwise it's wasted time, rather than an experiment.

I was looking for the prices of the beans and found this instead:

I still wish to find prices of beans and other seeds of the US on the internet, if you know where I can look at them, I'll be thankful.

>> No.7844273

I know they're harmless; I eat whole grilled fish on occasion, and I'll end up chomping on some bones occasionally. But they neither feel nor taste good.

>> No.7844301

I believe you are referring to anchovies, and not sardines. Sardines have bones, but have been smoked/cured so that the bones are soft and edible.

>> No.7844678

You don't eat snails? It's very common over here and France as well.

>> No.7844799

not my bread and butter.

it's funnier for the non-fancy name, more than anything.

>> No.7844881

i like making a huge pot of something and eating a little at a time: sopa de ajo, split pea soup any potato soup, and congee are things i make pretty regularly and all of them are ultra cheap

>> No.7844888

why don't you fuck off back to /r/food

people who are capable of hearing out others they disagree with without blowing a gasket are what make this site good so either shut up or leave