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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 78 KB, 500x667, 500 cal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7835286 No.7835286 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone currently doing any specific diets?

I'm doing ~500 calorie a day, losing about 1.5 lb a day. (160lb->157.2 now). Trying to get to the elusive 140lb within a month or so. Should be easily achievable.

>> No.7835297
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I usually have an ice smoothie for breakfast. very delicious and almost no calories.

>> No.7835305

Water throughout the day + some quick sandwiches

>> No.7836299

Why not just change your eating habits instead of going on a temporary, drastic diet which you'll inevitably fail?
Unless you intend to keep this up forever, OP.

>> No.7836310


This, go to /fit/

Why ? :


>> No.7836334

why are people so resistant to exercise? one hour of intense exercise will at minimum give you a 1000 calorie deficit

>> No.7836349

I did a 600kcal/day diet, plus an hour or two of swimming a day. I went from 188lb to 125lb in three months.

>> No.7836354

>losing 1.5 lb a day

Umm... no. And I don't want to start an argument, because you're obviously very stupid.

>> No.7836358

do you understand the definition of intense? if you can keep it up for an hour it's not fucking intense

i can run 15km in about an hour, and even then that's not 1000 calories burned

>> No.7836373


You're insane if you think you're routinely burning 1000 calories during workouts. I did Muay Thai for years, those were crazy workouts and I was still only burning maybe 600 in an hour.

If you think exercise is a viable way to burn thousands of calories in a short period of time, you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.7836377

>500 calorie a day
How is that possible?

>> No.7836378

you aren't losing 1.5 pounds a day unless you're 400 pounds already, 3500kcal is 1 pound of fat, you're likely losing water from being in ketosis

>> No.7836415

then you aren't working hard enough, manny pacquiao for example eats 7000 calories a day to maintain his weight while training, the man doesn't even weigh 150 pounds. by his own admission he trains about 3 hours a day.

the basal metabolic rate for a man his height and weight is 1600, so subtract that from his 7000 calories and we have 5400, divide that again by 3 hours and hes burning 1800 an hour.

in conclusion, work harder you lazy fat asses

>> No.7836423

You only eat 500 calories, if done right 500 calories is a decent amount of food. It's not smart, but very possible.

>> No.7836425

Manny Paccquiao says a lot of things. Many of them are not true.

>> No.7836436
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>tfw OP is inevitably gonna break from eating so little and end up binging everyday and wondering why

>> No.7836459

that was an example, you can conclude the same results with any other athlete. when you actually exercise you not only can, but in fact have to eat thousands upon thousands of calories a day to maintain your weight.

lets take the well known legendary diet of michael phelps who has to eat 12,000 a day while training. He trains 3-6 hours a day, no matter how you break it down he's burning almost 2,000 an hour in training at a minimum, even up to almost 4,000 an hour

>> No.7836462

Science should just stop being assholes and make calories bigger. Like, chips make you fat because one little bag of chips that does t fill you up at all is like 300 calories. But if scientists made calories bigger, the chips would have only like 30 calories and you could eat all the chips you want.

Calories are only this way because some stupid scientists randomly decided to make them this big in like the Middle Ages. It's fucking stupid.

>> No.7836468

He's also an Olympic-level athlete. 99% of people cannot train like that. You're not a "lazy fatass" if you're not training like an Olympian. You know what would happen if you took a regular person and made them train like that? They would drop dead.

"Olympians do it so you should too" is a fucking retarded argument.

>> No.7836473

1.5 a day, 3lbs lost.
So after two days you decide to shitpost about it?

>> No.7836475

Currently on 1700 cals with test tren and clen at 180lbs 174cm.

Lost 8lbs in the past 2.5 weeks tho some of it is water. My mid section face and arms look tons better. I do lift and work actively though.

Not sure how you fags can do 500 cals. 1000 is my limit but my progress to 10%bf is going well enough that it aint needed.

>> No.7836488

I'm not asking you to train like an olympian, I'm asking you to train 1/3 as hard as an olympian and put some effort in for 1 hour a day. It's really not hard

at a minimum if you care about your health you should be exercising like that. Strict dieting is just an excuse for people to not actually put work in to anything, they just want to sit on the couch and passively lose weight. Know what? sitting on the couch passively is what made them fat in the first place.

>> No.7836496

do you mean we should use additives that are too large to be absorbed so we excrete them?

>> No.7836508

Training hard enough to burn more than 1k calories in an hour per day is too much to ask from someone who is not a conditioned athlete, yes.

I don't think you actually understand how hard it is to train like that. It takes years of work to be able to get your body to a point where you're even conditioned to be able to do that.

Someone who was fat and had a sedentary lifestyle would have to get in peak athlete condition to be able to do it, and by that point, they don't need to lose weight anyway, so the whole thing is pointless.

For your average person, the best way to lose weight and stay healthy is to eat a balanced, sensible diet, and make sure get at least a moderate amount of exercise.

>> No.7836515

No, like just change the number so 1 calorie equals less fat. They just randomly decided pretty much how much calories should be in everything anyway, like fat should be 10 calories per gram. They could just make fat be 1 calorie.

>> No.7836516

i hope you're not serious

>> No.7836520

I'm super serial.

>> No.7836544

Enjoy your crash

>> No.7836550

I am just so confused
It's like saying we should calculate acceleration due to gravity differently so we weigh less

>> No.7836554

I was in an aerobics class earlier today, 80% target heart rate, full of mostly women who aren't by any means conditioned athletes just getting a morning work out in.

being able to do that is the bare minimum of what a healthy person should be able to do, I did that shit and then went to work after.
if you aren't capable of making it through that forget about being unconditioned, you are just plain unhealthy

>> No.7836557

They could do that too! No more obesity, because everyone weigh less, so no fat uggos walking around anymore.

>> No.7836566

You and those women also aren't burning over 1000 calories an hour.

>> No.7836606

You're fucking retarded, people who can train like that are already in shape because that's how they can train like that they worked up to it. Telling a fatass to get up and train at an athletic level instantly is just gonna make them hate working out, training up to there is smart

>> No.7836616

>An aerobics class burns 1k calories in an hour
fucking delusional

>> No.7836667

you can say that, but meanwhile here I am eating around 4000 calories a day with no problems
had a whole mess of bananas and almond butter for breakfast
12 oz of OJ with some ginsing
took the class
chicken sandwich with goat cheese and a kale salad
did some work
3 chicken legs
2 turkey burgers
a couple strips of bacon with dried cranberries and some fresh cherries
heaping scoop of peanut butter
bowl of icecream
2 or 3 chocolate caramel cookies
just now finished a bowl of corn flakes
hit the gym then eat yo food nigga

I would challenge you to try and handle the intensity of this class, during said class I consumed 1.5 liters of water over the hour. Don't act like we weren't working in there. slinging around 15 pound weights, hundreds of squats when you factor in all the lunges and box jumps and shit, lost track of how many push ups and burpees were done.
the cool down was a mile run before we finished the class with abs

>> No.7836675

>losing 1.5 lb a day
water weight, fat, or muscle? you're not providing details about your energy expenditure.

>> No.7836732

This is the stupidest thread I've read all day...

OP femanon is a delusional idiot.
>hurr look at my fad crash diet
>I can burn 1000 calories in an hour at my zumba class!

Holy shit!

>> No.7836738

This is not possible unless you weigh like 700 pounds.


30 min of moderate walking on a treadmill is like 100 calories.


I did it for 3 weeks recently. 100cal Greek yogurt for breakfast, banana for lunch, 300 calorie can of soup for dinner. I was starving the whole time.

>> No.7836740

>15 pound weights

Literally paper.

>> No.7836787

Oh, I see. You're from /fit/. That explains the broscience and general lack of awareness.

Carry on, then.

>> No.7836833

I've been throwing numbers down bro, the dissent has entirely been NO NO NO NOT TRUE!!!!
clearly you don't work out. 15 might as well be 50, I doubt you could handle 8s when you have to lift them hundreds of times in various positions

>> No.7836847

>Starving yourself to lose 20 lbs. in a month.
Why are women so stupid?

>> No.7836872

30m on a treadmill going 3.1mph for 30m is about 200 cals (according to its calorie counter) and is ~1.5miles walked

>> No.7836910

Keto is the best "fad" diet in existence.

The longer you stick to it the more effective it gets, up to losing a pound or so a day and I'm eating as much meat, nuts and cream as I can stomach.

>> No.7836939

so one hour is 400,
now lets strap some weights to your body and make you sprint for the whole hour

somehow 1000 in an hour is impossible though

>> No.7836964

If you can run a dead sprint with weights attached to you for an entire hour you probably don't need to be on a diet in the first place retard

>> No.7837016

80% bro, this is basic exercising. You should be able to keep 80% up for the hour

>> No.7837024

Hello gout!

>> No.7837050
File: 247 KB, 760x572, 1465401188966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7837071

Training like a professional athlete is not "basic" exercise. You are retarded.

>> No.7837090

No, a good part of the dissent is "most people are not able to train on that level". We get it. You're a time traveller from ancient Sparta. Cool. Most people are not in a condition where they can train like that.

>> No.7837093


its swim suit season and I have started eating about 1600 calories a day and going for a 30 minute walk. the 1600 calories are being monitored for healthy quality calories as well.. so lots of oatmeal, raisin bran cereal, fruits and veg, beans and rice, only lean protein. attempting to cut saturated fats to 4g per day and limiting sodium.

my cholesterol and blood pressure are also not great and i am trying to fix all of this together with this diet.

i've done it before. on this diet i'll lose about 1 to 2 pounds per week. in two or three months i'll be down 10 to 15 pounds, which is all i need really.

>> No.7837105

>Most people are not in a condition where they can train like that.
they should be, and they would be if they didn't neglect their bodies

>> No.7837106

WTF is this bullshit.
Minimum calorie intake should be 1200kcal.

>> No.7837122

No, it doesn't work like that. You have to work to get to that point. Most people aren't interested enough in fitness to get to that level. Simply being at a healthy body weight and not having any health problems is enough for them.

They're not neglecting their bodies, /fit/fags are overclocking theirs.

>> No.7837130
File: 146 KB, 600x600, 182_online.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i'll also try to limit added sugar to less than 20g per day.

should have mentioned... in 6 months i'll cut my blood cholesterol in half and my blood pressure will drop back down to 118/75

cutting saturated fats and sugar and watching calories is an amazing way to get healthy.

>> No.7837184


>sprinting for an hour
>weights attached

fuck off back to your naruto boards retard.

Bad enough we see stupid shits like you watching dbz and naruto shitting up fit with your weighted clothes shit

>> No.7837201

I take 20lb weights with me when I run so I can get my curls and my miles out of the way at the same time.

>> No.7837213

You dun goofed son

>> No.7837224

it doesn't take a lot of work to get to that level if you haven't been neglecting your body. People who live in the jungle can do this shit because they don't sit around all day. it's the natural state

>> No.7837235

that's an article about vests I'm talking about weights

>> No.7837240

Most people don't live in the jungle. They work in offices that require them to sit around all day.

Are you really such a retard that you can't understand why it's not feasible for most people to train that way?

>> No.7837241

there is literally nothing wrong with weighted training clothing
>a fit person adding 40 extra pounds to their body for a few minutes while they train is dangerous
>a regular person walking around with 80 extra pounds on their body all day every day is completely ok!

>> No.7837245

So, at what point do you understand that you're no different from some dude who plays video games all day? His life is gaming, yours is fitness. You'll claim your hobby is superior, he'll claim his is.

It's all the same shit.

>> No.7837249

you are just coming across as lazy, if you can't spare 60 minutes a day to your own personal well being you deserve to be unhealthy. it's laziness and there is nothing more to it.

even the people that are OH IM SO OVER WORKED I DONT HAVE THE TIME!!! still have time to sit in front of the tv and shitpost on 4chan

the fact that 60 minutes of exercise seems like a grand undertaking to you is very telling. Sad!

>> No.7837252

exercising isn't any more of a hobby than brushing your teeth

>> No.7837261

60 minutes really doesn't do shit. I do a half hour walk each lunch, try to sneak off for 50 jumping jacks and 10 pushups every hour, and do weights after work.

Still am gaining weight, and feel a lot more exhausted when I used to do physical labor. Chairs will slowly murder us all.

>> No.7837262

So here's a question for you: why?

Why does your average person need a body like that? I'm not talking about a fat, lazy person (who you seem to think that everyone who isn't fit to an autistic level is), I'm talking about an average person. Average weight, no health problems, can move around just fine.

What is a person like that who lives in an urban setting and works a standard office job likely to be doing that would require an athlete's body and level of fitness?

>> No.7837270

how tall are you?

>> No.7837271

You're right.

Exercising to an extreme degree, however, is. It serves no practical purpose other than the enjoyment you get out of doing it, therefore it is a hobby.

>> No.7837275

Under 5'8, guaranteed.

>> No.7837281


>> No.7837289

I'm not asking for athletes, this was never about becoming fit. it's about how people lazily try to diet their fat away instead of exercising it away actively, something that is much easier because when you exercise you really don't even need to watch what you eat
of course you are exhausted, where is your actual aerobic training? walking isn't exercising, jumping jacks and that number of push ups are barely a warm up, and if you are just lifting weights all you are doing is making your muscles stronger without increasing the efficiency of how they operate.

consider the olden days, back in the wild times when a mans day was spent building shelters out of logs and rocks and shit, and crawling on the ground sifting through the dirt for potatoes and termites, climbing trees and chasing animals to eat their meats.

this is what your body needs to be doing, but if you live in a civilized part of the world you don't have to do these things. This means it's your responsibility to simulate the movements associated with them to keep your machine operating properly.

>> No.7837299

Yeah, but you are still watching what you eat. You're still eating turkey burgers and chicken and oatmeal. You're just eating more of it.

For most people, it's not about how much they eat, it's about WHAT they eat, and exercising a lot doesn't change that. You still have to heavily moderate your intake of unhealthy foods.

As for exercising being easier, well, that's just like, your, uh, opinion, man. As you can see from this thread, many would disagree with your statement.

My issue is not what you're saying, it's that you're claiming that your way is objectively better and everyone else is a lazy idiot. Everyone needs to do what works for them.

>> No.7837314

Dumbest thread I've seen in a while

>> No.7837318

Not as dumb as the calories in calories out posters.

>> No.7837323

That's how I thought it worked..

>> No.7837331

It is. Don't be fooled by the memes and broscience.

>> No.7837343

You can flat lose weight by it but losing weight should include being healthy too. If someone asks how to lose weight you dont want to tell them that surviving off 1000 calories of fast food works because while they'll technically lose weight it comes with tons of adverse effects.

>> No.7837681

Manny Pacquaio gets paid millions of dollars to do this for his job.

>> No.7838130
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>> No.7838140

no it's fucking not

>> No.7838164



>one hour of intense exercise will at minimum give you a 1000 calorie deficit

Lmao no, no it doesn't.


Long distance running is the worst form of exercise that exists. If you do it: Stop and switch HIIT or better yet start lifting.


>then you aren't working hard enough, manny pacquiao for example eats 7000 calories a day to maintain his weight while training, the man doesn't even weigh 150 pounds. by his own admission he trains about 3 hours a day.

He is obviously lying.

>> No.7838171

Exercise does not help as much with weight loss as people think.
Cardio is recommended with dietary changes because it speeds up the process.
Eating at a 500 cal deficit is enough.
If it doesn't work you didn't get the right calories in the first calculation.

>> No.7838333

You'd have to burn over 5000 calories a day to meet that goal, while eating 500. Did you mean 1.5 lb per week?

>> No.7838344

Nah, just eating between 1200-1500 calories a day.

The first few weeks were awful, as I had a near fucking insatiable appetite and wanted to eat garbage all the time. Probably because I was so used to stuffing my face all the time with garbage for so long. I seem to be completely fine now, and only eat every 6 hours or so. It's become very easy to eat well and not a lot. Drinking water and black coffee in between meals helps considerably.

>> No.7838679

>this is what your body needs to be doing, but if you live in a civilized part of the world you don't have to do these things. This means it's your responsibility to simulate the movements associated with them to keep your machine operating properly.
Yeah, I'll just do that while sitting at my desk all day. By the time work is over, I've hit the gym, gotten home, cooked some food, then did something around the house, it's already 8:30 or 9:00 and I have about two or three hours of free time before getting my 7 hours.

I wish I still had a job in manual labor...

>> No.7838863

You are mainly losing water weight OP, when you go back to eating normal you will get more fat because your body will try to hold onto the weight instead of metabolizing it

>> No.7838867

You are mainly losing water weight OP, when you go back to eating normal you will get more fat because your body will try to hold onto the weight instead of metabolizing it, eat damn it

>> No.7838926

buncha bitch ass niggas in this thread concerned about their weight
