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File: 1.56 MB, 1065x799, a-waiter-was-annoyed-after-his-20-tip-turned-out-to-be-a-bible-pamphlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7835836 No.7835836[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>go on a trip to america
>want to try american food
>go to a restaurant i heard about online, its supposed to be good
>go a bit over budget but im enjoying myself
>it was actually pretty good
>pay for my meal
>angry waitress stands next to the table
>is she trying to get me to leave? wow americans are rude
>well i get up and head to the door
>she stops me and informs me thati have yet to pay the full price of my meal
>i show her that in fact i paid for evrything
>she tells me in america you are supposed to pay a 20% tax to a woman each time you go out to have fun
>its ok because im allowed to pay more if i want to
is this really a thing in america? im debating going to the police

>> No.7835853
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>> No.7835862


Hahah wow man what a funny greentext story you're sure to start a really original argument about tipping and Europeans vs Americans great job

Kill yourself dipshit

>> No.7835875

I'm sure my landlord will appreciate that when it comes time to pay rent.

>> No.7835878

Props for not once using the word "tipping" so you can pretend the concept of it is new to you

>> No.7835882

>You didn't leave a tip sir...
>Sir, please stop ye-

>> No.7835887
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>> No.7835888

I laughed

>> No.7835893

It's clearly unconstitutional. Know your rights

>> No.7835894

Out of curiosity, is it required to tip in the US or just something you're accustomed to?

>> No.7835896

You don't have to tip, but if you don't, don't ever ever go back to that restaurant.

>> No.7835910
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>> No.7835918

at least you didn't get shot

>> No.7835939


Of fucking course it's not legally required. It's customary at restaurants with waitstaff though.

>> No.7835992

is it true that if you dont tip they snatch a picture of you and upload it online so other waitress can see it and harras you?

>> No.7836061

You also forgot to applaud when your food came and when they brought your bill.

It's never hard to spot the tourists.

>> No.7836086
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>hope to hear an interesting story
>it's le tipping meme again

>> No.7836685

It's a tor site. You'll never find it.

>> No.7836707

I don't know why USA doesn't just have mandatory fair minimum wages instead of turning wait staff into a bunch of buskers begging for tips.

>> No.7836710

the latter more than the former, but kind of both

Iirc it started out as for a job well done, but then restaurants decided to pay their servers less, so now it's a matter of "if you don't tip there's a chance they won't be able to pay the bills" as well as you look like a bad person if you don't tip. 15-20% is customary depending on where you go, but culture seems to have evolved where you tip each time but the percentage amount you leave is indicative of your satisfaction with the service.

Black people never tip.

>> No.7836716

It seems like this is what our country is moving towards, but who knows if/when it will happen.

Jews, the lot of us.

>> No.7836730

I'll take things that never happened for 100, Alex

>> No.7836810

>OP leaves and takes a train
>everyone on the train claps

>> No.7836815

their employers are legally obligated to pay them at least minimum wage if they don't get enough tips

>> No.7836820

Do people actually do this? In my experience employers will fire a server for verbally requesting gratuity.

>> No.7836835

This is correct. At upscale restaraunts the manager or supervisor on duty will investigate and ask the customer if something was wrong if they don't tip/tip too low, but the server themselves is not technically allowed to ask for a tip. It's a FUBAR system from top to bottom.

>> No.7836992

>educated and wealthy enough to travel to the United States
>has never heard of tipping at restaurants
Why does OP have to be a shitposting liar?
It's not required.
>hmm why should people prefer a voluntary gratuity cost over an across-the-board markup of prices?

>> No.7837110

Minimum wage is pretty shit in most states

>> No.7837153

Then maybe they should get a real job.

>> No.7837763
File: 1.72 MB, 315x365, 1463347518832.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these butthurt muricans

>> No.7837770

What? Are you seeing things?

>> No.7837810

It was actually considered in poor taste and a form of bribery before Prohibition.
>hoho! My good man here's a fiver if you pay extra good attention to me!
The attitude makes sense since the idea of a restaurant is to be served like a king for a little while
During Prohibition restaurant owners lost a significant amount of sales from alcohol and they encouraged it as a way to shift the cost of paying their employees onto the customer. It never went away and is engrained in American society.

>> No.7837890

Europeans don't have rights.

>> No.7837900

Because if you do that you won't retain any servers. Joe's Crab shack tried getting rid of tipping. In fact they paid their staff something like $12 or $13/hr. Still couldn't keep people for more than a month at a time and said they'd have to raise their prices 40 or 50% to pay servers enough to stay.

>> No.7837903

Not OP and not trying to troll..
When i wen't to the states for the first time it confused the fuck out of me as well..
You really shouldn't expect tourists to understand your customary 'you should be paying more but we won't tell you how much or why' because believe it or not people in other first world countries don't do it and it is weird to us.

>> No.7837911

We know. You cheap fucks don't even pay for your own national defense.

>> No.7837915

what's weird to me is paying refugees

>> No.7837922

Politics doesn't interest me, i don't think your military is involved in my region in any way regardless.

This makes no sense and again nothing to do with the strange practice of tipping.

>> No.7837930

>Math is hard!
15% or so on your bill isn't hard to figure out, man. Any travel guide aimed at Yuropoors will have all the information, or you can ask someone. If I'm expected to know to always bow to whatever bundle of mud and sticks you third-worlders worship, you can be expected to do a little math at the end of the meal.

>> No.7837931

>You don't have a base here
Yeah we do. That WE pay for. Not you.and if by some miracle we don't, we have one in your neighbors country (that they don't fucking pay for either) which still keeps you free loaders safe (Google Collective Security).

>> No.7837942

It is really cute watching you two trying to insult every region that you can in the hope that it relates to me.

Anyway in regards to tipping, i obviously know now that it is supposed to be somewhere between 10-20% but the whole concept of expecting everyone from other countries who seem to flood america would know that tipping is expected seems odd.

>> No.7837992

P-please give me a tip yuropoors, i cant afford to pay our waiters a liveable wage