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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7829103 No.7829103 [Reply] [Original]

So /ck/ do you have any ways to cook this stuff?

Looking for some recipes, preferably something that goes beyond the usual brownies.

>> No.7829109

Chocolate is pretty versatile bro. Put a bit of dark chocolate in your chili or something

>> No.7829114

Just make cannabutter and add it to grilled cheese, tomato soup, ice cream, caramel, candies, what-the-fuck-ever.

Cannabutter's very versatile.

>> No.7829118

Yeah, start with killing yourself.

>> No.7829125

School's out I see.

>> No.7829132

DEA go away

>> No.7829133

>infuse oil
>use in all cold dishes

>> No.7829138

You couldn't tell from the OP?

>> No.7829149


See I was looking for something that was more using the raw matter. I don't have a problem processing it, but I just figured I could use it like I would any other herb, no pun intended.

>> No.7829152


>> No.7829153 [DELETED] 

Scrapple? Yeah, just tread it like spam (pan fry and make a sandwich out of it).

>> No.7829156

If you want to use it to get high you have to bake it, dipshit.

>> No.7829171

I know there are dishes that use it purely for seasoning if that's what you want. Don't know which, though

>> No.7829364

OP if you use a vape you can just sprinkle the ABV bud onto anything, since vaping bakes it but doesn't remove all the cannabinoids

>> No.7829385

Vaping is for faggots.

>> No.7829399


>> No.7829412 [DELETED] 


Amazing post. 10/10. Truly a great contribution to the board and an undeniably exquisite example of samefaggotry.

>> No.7829830

vaping is a lot easier on your lungs and you can taste the ganja much better. Plus a good portable vape is very discreet and conserves weed. desktop vape can also be used as an addition to a water pipe/bong which is neat, or can go with a bag.

>> No.7829840


>> No.7829852

I do use a vaporizer, actually. Only I can't make enough ABV to cook with. I've needed around 9 months worth of ABV to come close to something usable for a group of say 4.

Clearly you're confusing those VAYPE NAYSH queers with an actual vaporizer.

>> No.7829862


>> No.7830061

>to cook with
You can literally just put some ABV in a peanut butter sandwich and itll work.

Otherwise yea just make or buy cannabutter

>> No.7830092
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Medical patient here (nervous system disorder in the upper G.I. Tract)

No eating just weed will do nothing for you. I'll give you an easy recipe for small batches.

Cannabiniods are not very bioavaible in the GI tract, but saturated fats are, and it's super easy to emulsify them.

Also, I'm assuming you're looking to get high, and THC-a is not psychoactive, THC is but requires heat to decaboxilate properly.

>Coconut Oil (highest saturated fat content of oils)
>mug or shot glass

>Grind up buds, I typically use 1g of herb to 1tsp of oil
>spread out bud on plate
>Cover with 2 layers of foil
>Put in the oven at 245f for an hour and 15
>add bud and oil into shot glass or mug, or whatever you're using
>Turn temp down to 200-210f
>Cover with foil again
>Put in oven (at 200-210, because you probably forgot already) for an hour and a half to 2 hours.
>Strain out bud using seive
>Cool till solid, or add when hot to a dish when finishing

It tastes like weed, it's not discreet in taste, but this is effective and will work. I normally fill a surgical tube with one end closed off with the oil, while its in an ice bath, and when it's solid I push the log out and cut down to pill length, and just take as soft body pills. Or I'll inject it into a dish when it's finished, like I've injected it into meatballs before.

Avoid Heating oil again, or too much at all to maintain its activity.

>> No.7830120

Yes, that's why there's threads about substance abuse on our board. A bunch of teenage stoner fags who need illegal substance to enjoy life. It's sad.

>> No.7830126

How did the druggy losers find this board?

>> No.7830127
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Posts like this should be against the rules.

>> No.7830267

If you don't think that using an ingredient like cannabis in cooking is a good way to change up styles of preparing food, you can lick my nuts.

Try looking into using the cannabutter creatively, such as frying bacon and eggs into it, then pan frying bread into the bacon/cannabutter grease. Maybe some roasts could use cannaoil/cannabutter which would be ideal for slow-cooking.

I've used it in curry and chilli con carne. Also try infusing it with wine (drop about 1-3g chopped grass into a good red wine and let it sit for 2 weeks minimum) used on steaks and pasta.

Eating weed is patrician tier, no carcinogens and no vapefaggotry. This is officially the best way of removing social (and maybe) medical cancer.

>> No.7830280

Don't be afraid to use cannabis in non-sweet applications. I don't use the phrase often, but I think that baking cannabis into sweets has become a real meme. I even saw a high-end chef talking about how he likes to make dishes that hide the flavor of it.

I think that is bullshit. Yes, cannabis tastes green and a bit bitter, but if you can't incorporate a slight bit of bitterness into a dish, then you are a shit cook. Try it with grilled cheese, like some anon said, or put it in a broccoli and cheddar soup, as I like to do. Whatever you try, just know it will get you high, and enjoy it.

>> No.7830282

Get a load of this lil faggot

Who the fuck are you? Sounds like an American for sure. You think cannabis is illegal everywhere? Fucking mong. Go post some fast food

>> No.7832342

this method is stupid. put the weed in the oil first so your volatiles aren't just whisping away in the air.

>> No.7832377

Try not to cook with it very much if you make butter. For instance last time I made weed butter I made a buttercream icing to go on a regular cake I made. That way you're not cooking the weed twice, which essentially gives it a burned taste.

>> No.7832387

You can't make it taste good. If you could nobody would smoke it.

>> No.7832517


Coconut oil extractions are best.

Set up a double boiler, so that the water doesn't meet the bottom of the top compartment, and in the top compartment fill it with 1:1 water and softened coconut oil. Should be about medium heat, so that the bottom compartment is gently boiling.

Meanwhile, make a giant teabag out of cheesecloth and food-grade twine and put it in the water/oil mixture (or use a draw-string nut-milk bag with the string tied around a skewer left on top of the pot).

Let the tea bag thingie sit in the double boiler's top compartment, pushing it down/smushing it to get it fully saturated and so it doesn't just float and keep one side dry. Leave it there for 90 minutes, every 20-30 checking to see that the water isn't boiling too fast, and flipping the bag/stirring the mixture. Be careful not to fuck up the bag.

After 90 minutes it'll be very green, remove the bag, squeeze out remaining oil, then take the top compartment and stick it in the fridge for a while until the cocont oil is separated and totally solid on top. Use a knife to scrape the sides and remove the coconut oil. Re-melt the oil in the double boiler (should be a dry top compartment) and let it sit over medium-low heat for just a bit to make sure all moisture is evaporated (it should start bubbling a little bit as the water escapes, then stop when the water's gone).

Pour into a glass jar and keep it in a dark drawer in the fridge.

Use in pretty much anything, sweet or savory.

>> No.7832535


Alt; I've had decent results just mixing ABV with coconut oil - just enough oil to make a sort of sludge - and quickly putting it into gelcaps and downing it.

>> No.7833535

THC-a is also soluble in saturated fats, and doesn't vaporize at that temperature, and considering they're looking for a good Ole high, then that's not doing much for them, and though some will decarb, much less of it will.

Also the terpenes don't matter in the field of edibles.

Tbh the best way is to use extracts for edibles, as there is a lot less guess work. And considering most stoners trying to make edibles are careless they tend to not follow basic instructions.

>I will admit that doing a longer duration decarbing process with the herb starting in the oil can result in a solid decarbing and end product. It just usually takes longer, and people tend to stop it early for one reason or another

>> No.7834063

I have a fair amount of really shitty weed that barely gives you any kind of buzz when smoked. Would making cannabutter from it actually make it worth a damn, or no?

>> No.7835969

Yes, just cook it for a very long time, and use a lot of it. I bought an ounce of some really cheap stuff, and it did get me high, just not very well. So I converted it to butter and got blasted every time I cooked with it. Carboxylate it and cook in butter for 6 or more hours, using a lot of the weed relative to butter. Taste might not be great, but thats why you put it in things.

>> No.7837743

Firecrackers are really easy to make and only take about half hour. Just put some high fat peanut butter or nutella on a cracker and mix the weed into it. Then wrap in foil and bake it for about 25 minutes. Let it cool, then eat and be high as fuck in about 45 minutes.

>> No.7837749

HAHA get A load of this fucking loser. Doesn't he know what he's doing is slowly killing him?


>> No.7838068
File: 631 KB, 480x2381, cannabutter cookie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotchu senpai

>> No.7838105

I thought discussing anything that violates federal law was against the rules

>> No.7838107

Who said it was against federal law? There's other countries and four shitty U.S. states that have it legal.

>> No.7839691

>four shitty U.S. states
>federal law
>not understanding how your country works
do not do this

>> No.7839781

ITT a bunch of tight-asses who would benefit from a cookie or two. Someone mentioned social cancer earlier.....

>> No.7839801

why is it even wrong to talk about it here?
It is cooking..it seems like a legitimate topic.

>> No.7839835

>Implying I'm a 'Murican
Don't insult me plz

>> No.7839930

It's totally valid lol. There are all these fucking threads about fast food and Jack. We really can tolerate one thread that's asking how to cook with an ingredient that is psychoactive.

Anyone who disagrees is a Nixon drug-war triggered American

>> No.7840863

Easiest way is to make an oil infusion and add it to whatever you want.

I made a firecracker using bho mixed with peanut butter on a cracker double wrapped in foil at 250 - 300 for 20 mins or so. Was toasted.

Bho is the best and easiest and most potent to use i find, all you have to do is decarb then you can mix it with coconut oil and make cannacaps or just add the bho by itself to a batch of cookies or whatever, then any wax crumbs left over you get to dab while waiting for your edibles to cook. + bho does not give off hardly any odor other than when its all together in a little container, you cant smell it at all when its mixed into food recipies, bit more of a stealthy option based upon your living arrangments. :) have fun.

>> No.7840918

Doesn't get you high unless you decarb it. The THC chemical that gets you high needs to be converted to THC-A, which happens when you smoke it or when you put it in the oven at low temperature for 30 minutes.

Once it's "activated" you could eat it raw if you wanted, but it just tastes like toasted weed. Usually people simmer it in butter for half an hour then strain it out, and WA LA

>> No.7840939

>and conserves weed
this is how i know you're full of shit.

>> No.7842224