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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7824260 No.7824260 [Reply] [Original]

My parents got chickens about a month ago. Now we get more than a dozen huge fucking eggs every day. They are already making some money selling them, but they still have more than they know what fo do with. What are some of /ck/'s favorite egg recipes?

>> No.7824268

How many chickens did you morons get. 20?

>> No.7824273


>> No.7824277

He's about to become somebody's slave.

"Go get the eggs anon."
"But I just-"
"Go get the eggs before they get broke anon"

Enjoy your shit work.

>> No.7824280

>super easy to make
>can be any flavor
>can be a way to use up leftovers
>easily frozen and easily reheated
>good for breakfast, lunch, or dinner
>equally good eaten warm, or at room temperature

That's right, I'm talking about mother fucking Quiche.

>> No.7824293
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>> No.7824295

Why do retards like you get so many chickens. You realize they only lay for 3 years and they live to 8 years. You just going to keep over 15 chickens for 5 years laying no eggs? You really didn't think this through. Always get 4 chickens wait 3 years get another 4 wait 3 years get another 4. That's more than enough for a single family. If only you researched before you bought them now you doomed the lives of those chickens with your incompetence.

>> No.7824296

Frozen custard. Uses 8 yolks.

>> No.7824307

Eat at least 4-6 every morning per person, if you're working out / doing manual labor while doing this you'll get some nice results.

Egg salad, sunny side up, overeasy toast sandwiches, omelettes, or even plain old scrambled with cheddar, you can find a new thing to do with them every morning. I'm having two steak and egg sandwiches as we speak with some cheese and hot sauce.

>> No.7824326
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I love fish Souffle.

If you want to quickly throw something together a quiche from ready made pastry is hard to beat.

>> No.7824336


Why would you keep them around after they stop laying eggs?

>> No.7824354

your a psycho if you slaughter a chicken you've lived with for 3 years just because you don't want to keep them around without eggs

>> No.7824363

Or maybe the chickens aren't dogs and you got them for the eggs AND meat.

>> No.7824374

They're livestock, not pets. Your and idiot.

>> No.7824415

>quiche from ready made pastry
>ready made pastry
Dude. Quiche pastry is ten seconds in a food processor.
Use the knife. Add a stick of butter, a pinch of salt and twice as much flour by weight as you had butter. Press the button and let rest in the fridge while you prepare the fillings.

>> No.7824442

If you eat meat, you're a hypocrite and a coward.

>> No.7824446

>You just going to keep over 15 chickens for 5 years laying no eggs?
is there some reason you can't eat the chickens after they stop laying eggs?

>> No.7824451

Do chicken eggs taste better than store bought?

>> No.7824456

It does not take that much time or effort to collect eggs from a chicken coop, dude. It takes like, five minutes max assuming you're also feeding them and having to walk out a ways to it.

>> No.7824460


The eggs you buy in the store also came from chickens.

>> No.7824464

I meant fresh eggs you mong

>> No.7824509

Yes they are quite flavorful

>> No.7824530


>> No.7824537

Older chickens are tough and stringy. Usually when a hen gets older (or a rooster gets annoying) you make soup out of it.

I kept chickens for years, my new neighborhood outright states in the POA rules that chickens can't be kept. I had to give my girls away and it hurt. As others have said quiche and soufflé are good for using up eggs. You can also take them to farmers markets and trade them for produce, which spares you the expense of renting a booth. My favorite was pickled eggs though. super easy to make and givw you the nastiest farts ever. Is that your pic in OP? Looks like you have some araucanas? They were always may favorites.

>> No.7824549


>make soup out of it

That's the idea behind coq au vin, which is more of a braised stew rather than a soup. You cook it low and slow in order to break down the tough flesh.

>> No.7824582

I wouldn't use a laying hen for coq au vin, but that's just my preference. I have used meat breeds though, the trick is to limit their movement and feed the shit out of them for about two weeks before you slaughter them. We would always force feed them a mix of tequila and lime juice half an hour before slaughter to marinate them from the inside, I don't think it did anything but it was like giving the guy in front of the firing squad a last smoke.

>> No.7824596


Bake, bake, bake.

You should get some Ducks like I have. Their eggs are way better to bake with.

>> No.7824620

They would willingly drink that?

>> No.7824625

I'm gonna pass along an old school dish, but its one of my favorites

Creamed eggs.
Hard boil some eggs, cool, peel, and chop them up.
Make a simple white gravy. Butter and flour roux. Cook the roux for a few minutes on med-med low heat. And wisk in whole milk.
Stir often until it boils, season with salt and pepper. And add your chopped eggs. Serve over toast.
If its not thick enough you didn't make enough roux. And you will need to make a cornstarch slurry.

My version is, add cooked hot breakfast sausage and some cheddar when you add your eggs. And serve over buttermilk biscuits instead of toast.

This is my favorite breakfast dish.

Flan is great too! I use AB's recipe from good eats. It's pretty good!

I could eat over easy eggs daily.
I wish I had chickens! You lucky neet co/ck/ sucker

>> No.7824632


I believe coq au vin was originally a way to make use of old roosters.

I do like the idea of getting the bird drunk before killing it - that's about the extent of my compassion towards livestock. Makes you wonder if drowning it in Pinot noir would make any difference at the end.

>> No.7824633

Less versatile though, you can only really soft poach or soft boil duck eggs imho.

>> No.7824638


>chopped up hard boiled eggs stirred into a basic white gravy

Weird. Are you from the South or something?

>> No.7824641

No, you put it in a syringe and squirt it down their throat. I only raised meat chickens for a few years, and I was young and drank a lot. We thought it was funny and it did make them easier to handle.

>> No.7824652

No, oHIo

>> No.7824713

Yeah, it means rooster in wine. I rarely kept roosters as they annoy the hell out of me. When we started the whole tequila lime thing one of the local Tex-Mex chains had a tequila lime chicken special with a radio jingle that was both annoying and catchy (so I guess the perfect radio advertisement) and we would sing it as we shot the tequila down their throat and while we slaughtered and butchered them. I'd like to state again that we were heavily intoxicated at the time, it seemed hilarious at the time. In retrospect not so much.

>> No.7824731


I'm not the guy you're replying to, but I am from the south and eggs in gravy is unheard of here. In fact, if you brought up that "recipe" you would certainly be ridiculed, and perhaps even beaten physically.

>> No.7824738

Best suggestion. Quiche is god of the egg.

>> No.7824755

>your a psycho if you slaughter a chicken you've lived with for 3 years
No, you're perfectly sane and don't see every animal as a pet. There's nothing wrong with having a roast chicken dinner after they stop laying. Chickens can be nice as pets but if anon has a whole big coop of them and his family got them primarily for eggs it's not an act of outrageous murder to get rid of them instead of keeping them around for another 5 years feeding them for no reason and letting them get too old and stringy to be used for meat.

>> No.7824767


The funny thing is I'll snub my nose at sausage gravy and biscuits if its not made with good brown gravy. But a dark gravy might over power the hard boiled eggs.

I forgot to mention this is great with asparagus, most egg dishes are great with asparagus

>> No.7824771

> Cook bacon in a pan
> once bacon is done cook egg in same pan
> Start to toast a bagel
> cut up some potatoes like hash and throw them in
> Finish cooking said eggs and tatoes
> Put slice of cheese on both ends of bagel
> add hot sauce
> gg

>> No.7824775

Nigga you can't fully cook potatoes with an egg going.

>> No.7824777

what about bacon gravy?

>> No.7824779

>The funny thing is I'll snub my nose at sausage gravy and biscuits if its not made with good brown gravy
U wot. It's country gravy. Sausage gravy is the name of the dang thing why would you use BROWN gravy that sounds legit disgusting man. I think those 'creamed eggs' are rotting your brain and your taste buds.

>> No.7824784

if you cut them thin enough you can. I like my potatoes real crisp

>> No.7824788

Right. Don't add the eggs until your taters are about finished. I can't imagine that anon really cooks eggs then adds taters.

>> No.7824789
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bacon gravy is the best gravy

>> No.7824790

Do you also like your eggs overcooked as shit?

>> No.7824794

Well yeah over hard because if it's runny you'll have a mess on your hands

>> No.7824798

I was thinking that but that sounds like high risk/low reward without a magic chopping device. Too many tight cuts for a slimy asshole like a potato, bet you have at least a couple knicks.

>> No.7824799

I tried it in my creamed eggs instead of sausage and its not as good. I like bacon strips along with my version of the creamed eggs though. And I like bacon with my sausage gravy.
But I won't snub my nose at good brown bacon gravy

>> No.7824802


>get the egg cooking before you start cutting up the potato
>they'll be done at the same time

I'd suggest paying attention to how mommy does it next time so you have at least a clue of what you're doing when she kicks you out of the basement.

>> No.7824804

Understand the difference between livestock and pets, retard.
By your "logic" the poultry industry should overrun by millions of non-productive, useless chickens they should still feed and keep alive unless they want to be labeled as "psychos".
That is, unless you're a vegan; then there is no reasoning with you.

>> No.7824807

Fu/ck/ that, I grew up eating hillbilly breakfasts from WV family recipes. And brown gravy is where its at.

Creamed eggs is a old school poor mans dish, six eggs will feed 8 people

>> No.7824832

How in the fuck are you gonna get crispy taters with eggs in the pan?

>> No.7824850

Nothing beats proper country gravy with sausage and biscuits and a nice pile of home fries.

>> No.7824853

hard boil them and then pickle them

you haven't lived until you've had an egg mash sandwich from pickled eggs

>> No.7824870
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You made it onto my /ck/ hall of shame

>> No.7824876

yes also they are fresher. the bonus part of having chickens is they can help you cut down on food waste by giving them the scraps instead of throwing them away or composting. they even eat their own eggshells

>> No.7824892
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>he doesn't like runny yolks

>> No.7824899


>tfw drunk in the middle of the day, look at a screen shot, see a (you), and think, "i don't remember posting anything that would have warranted that response"

>> No.7824931

Get it together Mark

>> No.7824947

never kill a chicken in front of the other ones, they remember.

>> No.7825000

If blue/green eggs are so common, why do you never see them in supermarkets? Is brown somehow a cleaner color than baby blue?

>> No.7825022


I think when people buy their own chickens they look at the catalog and say, "shit, there's all these different varieties, let's just get an assortment", whereas most people in the store want nothing to do with the chickens, and consider anything beyond brown too exotic to be worth trying, as "normal" eggs are obviously white.

>> No.7825028

make some sort of pudding pie with meringue. the pudding uses the yolks and the meringue uses the whites.

>> No.7825030

The blue eggs are from araucanas, a breed of chicken. They don't do well in commercial operations.

>> No.7825042

What kind of scraps can you feed them?
I get the feeling that leftovers that are too greasy/salty wouldn't be good for them.

>> No.7825075

I give my extra eggs to the doggos, makes thier fur glossy

>> No.7825085

my grandmother gave them just about anything, mostly vegetable trimmings, stale bread, veg that was wilted, that sort of thing. They never got meat though because she was poor and if she was eating meat she was eating all of it

>> No.7825099

Mostly salads and fruit

>> No.7825563

Most plant and bread. Avocados kill them